Why EVERYONE Plays Diver Champions | League of Legends

  • Опубликовано: 5 янв 2025

Комментарии • 265

  • @inbeing3464
    @inbeing3464 Год назад +315

    Divers have basically everything. Speed, damage, durability and cc. They are good at both dueling and teamfighting. The only thing they lack is a solid neutral game and reliable disengage. Its not really surprising that they are so popular when they have so many things that players find appealing whole having downsides that people tend to overlook.

    • @maximusmirabueno9808
      @maximusmirabueno9808 Год назад +7

      Wait, isn't jarvan really good in neutral? He is classified as a diver, but his q makes it really good poking tool

    • @lashedandscorned
      @lashedandscorned Год назад +22

      ​​@@maximusmirabueno9808 jarvan is good at everything
      good peel for your teammates too
      can play shield based tank if you run ingenious hunter with eclipse, fimbulwinter, and ionian boots
      phase rush or grasp for primary keystone (I usually go phase for jg and grasp for top)

    • @timercolen1586
      @timercolen1586 Год назад +16

      Also there downsides only really matter in organized play. You can't trust your teammates in solo queue and the enemy can't either. I don't know if the alistar will react to the diver and peel for me as an ADC. Will the lulu polymorph the irelia before she hits her combo on me. Also from a support angle will me pushing away the diver make my adc believe they can win and they double kill us.

    • @brytondodds4305
      @brytondodds4305 Год назад +4

      Cough, cough *Camille* Cough, cough.

    • @saintpres4ge533
      @saintpres4ge533 Год назад +1

      @@maximusmirabueno9808 The problem with that is that his e q is also his engage and disengage, so by using his q, during the cooldown the enemy can jump your team or you can't engage until it's back. Plus the range isn't that long so you'll get poked or hit by the adc if you go to q without engaging

  • @yau7
    @yau7 Год назад +518

    divers are fun

  • @jotasso21
    @jotasso21 Год назад +4

    There's a specific feeling of saying "WE BALLIN'RIGHT NOW" and entering at the middle of the chaos of enemy team knowing i'll probably be dead at the end but so their carries

  • @stephanusterbalnche9304
    @stephanusterbalnche9304 2 месяца назад +1

    When u mentioned that orn ult on±5:14 ,this is me when i hit the perfect 5 man Braum ult but team eating popcorn

  • @lecrono6781
    @lecrono6781 Год назад +6

    I blanked out jamming to castle crashers music within the first 30 seconds

  • @bigsmoke4592
    @bigsmoke4592 Год назад +90

    honestly i'm still struggling to really see the difference between skirmishers and fighters, especially divers. so many champions seem to blur the line

    • @seb3751
      @seb3751 Год назад +16

      Skirmishers are not as tanky/engage heavy, while divers aren't as good 1v1 and don't have as much dps (aside from their burst combo)... Think Yasuo vs Diana or Irelia vs J4
      Some champs do blur the line but that's mostly because of their build, think prowlers claw Renekton/Reksai before the recent prowlers nerf, or Pantheon/Vi/Lee Sin with Eclipse

    • @mal9369
      @mal9369 Год назад +19

      Well, the distinction is for the ease of discussion. Many Champs DO blur the line. But talking about the hypothetical archetype makes discussing strengths and weaknesses generally easier

    • @inbeing3464
      @inbeing3464 Год назад +5

      Its simple. Divers are more durable than skirmishers, and also have stronger cc, but in return their mobility is extremely situational and they have less damage. This makes them better at teamfighting than skirmishers.
      Skimishers have better mobility and damage, but lack durability and cc. This makes them better at small scale fights and 1v1s.
      That said, this does not mean that divers dont do much damage or that skirmishers dont have disruption. They still do, its just they are a lot more conditional than their counterparts

    • @here1334
      @here1334 Год назад +4

      fighters are generally a bruiser archetype, basically think warwick, darius, olaf, etc. these champs have a lot of built in ways to mitigate damage as well as better defense stats etc and maintain that idea of giving as well as taking a beating. slayers are much squishier, their archetype is more like a rogue or something , they prefer to "evade" attacks through more esoteric means i.e. windwall, twilight shroud, gwens mist, fioras parry, etc. theyre more like melee marksmen (for skirmishers) and melee burst mages (for assassins), while fighters are either tank defenses without a tank's engage (juggernauts) or tank engage without a tank's defensive capability (divers).
      of course, there are some blurrings of the line with abilities i.e. tryndamere's ult making him into a diver almost or rengar being able to tank 3 health bars worth of damage but even moreso with abusable items, like sunderer fiora, prowlers renekton, jaksho yasuo/irelia/yone/everyone really, duskblade heca, and so on. these are probably the biggest things that made people confuse between the two classes imo. but still, u wouldnt call ezreal a bruiser champion just because blue build is meta again. like take yasuo without any items, for example, his only way to mitigate damage with no lifesteal is his passive shield and windwall, which is a very situational and conditional tool. vs. a darius, he will get shredded instnatly, while an irelia or wukong will be able to facetank it for a lot longer due to the sheer value of irelia's damage reduction, wukong's passive as well as the higher base defense stats. yeah fiora and tryndamere will probably be able to facetank for a similar amt of time due to their unique defensive abilities, but they are edge cases imo and they dont have other qualities that fighter champions possess.
      i also feel like one way to differentiate them is by threat range and how easy it is to exert that pressure. a camille or irelia or vi or hecarim can instantly close the gap of an entire screen and engage onto you with hard cc, while someone like yasuo or rengar, while they could maybe use their innate mobility to close the gap decently fast, u will still be able to kite them away or just run under tower as they would also need to prep up 3rd Q or empowered E respectively. gwen will ult you but that's just a slow and she only has a small dash, jarvan will eqr u and have u stuck in a tight place with him for like 4 seconds (idk the actual time). zed can waste his shadow and ult just to close the gap onto you but renekton will dash twice through a wave and bluetooth point and click stun you. meanwhile, juggernauts have a smaller threat range than both skirmishers and divers but have probably the easiest and most consistent way to enact that threat
      but it feels like with the passing of time, and this is nothing new, riot just loves to keep adding more and more juggernaut/diver (and even assassin) capabilities to skirmishers, like gwen's free defense steroid in the mist and yone's entire existence. they are making the terms "skirmisher" and "diver" feel more like archetypal benchmarks from which champions selectively take qualities, mix and match and have varying degrees of likeness to. but these archetypes are still clearly different and distinct on paper.

    • @bigsmoke4592
      @bigsmoke4592 Год назад +1

      ​@@here1334 that makes sense in some way but it also doesn't fully convince me that gwen, jax, master yi or yasuos defense is meaningfully different from garen irelia or mordekaiser.

  • @drfeelgood4
    @drfeelgood4 Год назад +6

    castle crashers music at the start so good

  • @adcyuumi
    @adcyuumi Год назад +10

    Of all archetypes, divers are the least reliant on teammates. You have enough power to 1v1 early but can also 1v5 in late game against a grouped enemy team. The lead you need to do so isn't small, but the potential is there.
    Other archetypes sacrifice some kind of potential - gap closing, AoE power, cooldown length, durability... something. In exchange they snowball more easily and 1v1 early more reliably, but they rely on their team to cover whatever weakness they have.

  • @numb7804
    @numb7804 Год назад +2

    I love the castle crashers music! Nice Video Vars!

  • @edwind_
    @edwind_ Год назад +4

    3:55 "Mantheon" 😂😂😂

  • @davidkiknavelidze2130
    @davidkiknavelidze2130 Год назад +22

    Orianna and Seraphine dancing and singing together while casting abilities looks so cute

    • @adelxiii6327
      @adelxiii6327 Год назад +2

      When ? Time please :3

    • @pikminologueraisin2139
      @pikminologueraisin2139 Год назад +1

      Seraphine = disgust, not "cute"

    • @FeiFongWang
      @FeiFongWang Год назад +4

      Remember until Skarner get's his rework, Seraphine is using the dead souls of an innocent race to power her voice.

    • @joranvanolphen9892
      @joranvanolphen9892 Год назад +5

      Honestly, i thing they would be a pretty terrifying bot duo. Orianna can shield seraph so she can heal. Ori can slow so seraph E can root (double cast = stun) both poke the hell out of you. Seraph goes liandra’s and ori has the flexibility to go echoes, shurelia’s or ludens. Both go tear so they will have a lot of mana.
      And an ori ult inot seraph ult could be devastating

  • @TylerrTazer
    @TylerrTazer Год назад +14

    I would love to see character specific rundowns less about builds and more how synergistic their kit is with themselves and how'd you'd tackle any balance issues if any at all. Sort of like perfectly balanced but Perfectly balancing

    • @MaverickMyth
      @MaverickMyth Год назад +3

      Great idea! This would be nice to see.

  • @X-35173
    @X-35173 Год назад +83

    I've always felt that "Fighter" should be
    And Assassins should be their own class. It's not like there isn't a precedent. Mages have 3 subs and Marksmen have none (neither do specialists but thats only cuz they're all so different)

    • @luckas221a
      @luckas221a Год назад +6

      Marksmen are divided, though. At the very least you got Caster Marksmen (Ezreal, Xayah, Samira, arguably Aphelios and Jhin) - marksmen whose primary damage source is abilities rather than autos. Vs regular marksmen. But I would also separate them between Rushdown Marksmen (like Draven, Vayne, Lucian and Tristana), and Utility Marksmen (Senna and Ashe, mostly, though varus with that huge slow, heal cut and CC on ulti could be a contender here, but also as a caster).

    • @cherno8336
      @cherno8336 Год назад +1

      ​@@luckas221a no... being an AA or a q doesn't change the play style only the button you press

    • @X-35173
      @X-35173 Год назад

      @@luckas221a rven though people do refer to these. The official class list does not sub divide Marksmen

    • @MissChambersxo
      @MissChambersxo Год назад +5

      Skirmishers are such a weird subclass. They’re kind of the 1v1 melee carry class generally but some feel more like fighters like Riven, and others feel more like assassins like Yone. Some are just more damage oriented bruisers like Fiora or Irelia, others are full on like glass cannon hypercarries like Yi or Yasuo.
      I honestly think a lot of Mages play way more like Assassins than some of the Skirmishers. A lot of Burst Mages like Zoe, Ahri or Syndra are way more about blowing up priority targets than someone like a Bel’Veth or Gwen is.
      But at the same time, Skirmishers tend to have way more mobility to get to their targets and escape fights than what you’d think a Fighter would have. So in that aspect, I think having them as Slayers, the class focused on getting to enemy champions and dispatching of them, makes more sense than Fighters. Especially since a lot of Skirmishers are really squishy but have situationally defensive abilities to make up for being DPS champs that have to get in melee range and to give them really good 1v1s, whereas assassins are the burst equivalent where they don’t have as good defensive options or DPS but exchange that for being able to blow people up in 1s. Both assassins and Skirmishers don’t really have that much in the way of CC and have 0 utility, nearly all of their power is in the ability to get to and kill other players and get away with it.
      But there’s a lot of blur.

    • @lssjvegeta7103
      @lssjvegeta7103 Год назад

      @@X-35173 *adcs

  • @StrangeTheEditor
    @StrangeTheEditor Год назад +1

    Many divers also have at least 1 thing in their kit that lets them do damage to turrets when your team has forgotten they exist. Xin's Q, Vi's W and E, Wukong's W-E the minion then Q the turret combo, Udyr's Q, Bel'Veth's passive, Lee-Sin's passive just to name a few. Perfect for shoving an empty lane or soloing an objective while there's a stalemate on the other side of the map.

  • @lissandrafreljord7913
    @lissandrafreljord7913 Год назад +42

    Olaf is certainly not a diver, especially after the mini-rework. He is a juggernaut. He has less mobility than a Garen, Udyr, Volibear, Shyvana, Aatrox, Mundo, etc. He is also packed with back-loaded damage, meaning he likes to extend duels like most juggernauts. The only defining "diver" quality of his is his ultimate that lets him bypass CC, and get to the backline, but so can Sett, Shyvana, Volibear. He also has to run to the backline and constantly auto-attack a target to maintain his CC immunity.

    • @papaxota4725
      @papaxota4725 Год назад +9

      he straddles the line between both. But imo he leans more towards the juggernaut subclass

  • @saltyboi4897
    @saltyboi4897 Год назад +13

    Divers also bring powerfull ultimates that do large AOE and have big flashy animations. That makes them soo satisfying to play. With a team of all divers and you can do one of the most satisfying things in video games. A wombo combo

  • @thepaqua846
    @thepaqua846 Год назад

    I’m so glad you put music that’s in castle crashers in this video! I love castle crashers!

  • @librastellium185
    @librastellium185 Год назад

    Can we talk about the glorious editing done at starting at 5:30. Simply Magnificent

  • @brayanrodriguezn.3430
    @brayanrodriguezn.3430 Год назад +5

    1:04 We're going over divers, with how DIVERSe.

  • @codys7436
    @codys7436 Год назад +2

    *laughs in Zilean Supp who doesn’t die and slows you under turret*

  • @MaverickMyth
    @MaverickMyth Год назад

    I'd love to see a video, or a series, about your thoughts on some off meta builds.

  • @punklingyt
    @punklingyt Год назад +5

    "If you play a team of tanks you have no damage" -*laughs in Jak'Sho*

    • @ignacioperez5479
      @ignacioperez5479 Год назад +1

      and if you play a team of tanks with no damage, why play one to begin with?

    • @marixsunnyotp3142
      @marixsunnyotp3142 Год назад +1

      Heartsteel and defensive stats scalings:

  • @bite12344
    @bite12344 Год назад +2

    The edits have become so much better, wow, idk if you got more editors or take more time on the video, but it looks amazing.

    • @PyroAquaVentusDragon
      @PyroAquaVentusDragon Год назад

      His channel really is becoming ever so enjoyable to watch. I am going to try and pretend that the word assassin on screen in the beginning wasn't spelled wrong and shown for an uncomfortable amount of time. Can't be an assassin ripping people's butt cheeks a part without two asses.

  • @milkinaglass4361
    @milkinaglass4361 Год назад

    Very much enjoyed the editing in this video

  • @X-35173
    @X-35173 Год назад +19

    I thought my second favourite champion was a specialist, but upon looking it up was surprised to find out they were a diver.

    • @infiniteearth6996
      @infiniteearth6996 Год назад +3

      whos that ?

    • @firek4306
      @firek4306 Год назад +1

      Yeah, who is that?

    • @yoisakikanade_
      @yoisakikanade_ Год назад +1

      i assume thats skarner? seems like the most likely diver that to be confused with a specialist haha

    • @X-35173
      @X-35173 Год назад +2

      @@yoisakikanade_ wrong bug

    • @confusedbees
      @confusedbees Год назад


  • @alex2005z
    @alex2005z Год назад +1

    Why are divers played a lot? Bc "go in and fight until you die" is a very broad definition which leads to a lot of potential in how to make the champions, which leads to some really fun champions and to a lot of champions belonging to this role.

  • @AFrenchToast
    @AFrenchToast Год назад

    The editing in this vid was so good

  • @shadowbytheway1686
    @shadowbytheway1686 Год назад

    the edits were great with this one i like it

  • @DiscountSupport
    @DiscountSupport Год назад

    As an aram player, Divers are the most consistent way to have an impact (maybe other than hard poke). It doesn't matter what the team needs, seeing a J4 on my team is a good thing. He could go Duskblade prowlers syreldas if we need burst, gore cleaver dd if we need someone to slug it out with a juggernaut, or jaksho gargoyles warmogs if we just need some hard frontline engage

  • @crow_zxc
    @crow_zxc Год назад

    that castle crashers ost.. nice video!

  • @Kjernekar
    @Kjernekar Год назад +3

    Before wathcing the vid:
    Because they are all in, and therefore require less time psent thinking. It's do or die.
    Most people can't handle having to balance map awareness, micro spacing, resource management and mind games all at once, so they go full dive and blame the rest for dying 1v4.
    Tlrdr: most people suck.

  • @ooshoowo
    @ooshoowo Год назад

    yes yes yess more class videos please i just love theseeee

  • @Io-ik4yv
    @Io-ik4yv Год назад +1

    i mean if you have a champion that is tanky,deals alot of dmg, has good mobility which low key deletes the range advantage, plus you can have mutiples of them with minimum to no weakness at all. its an easy pitch to sale. Its equivalent having 5 supermans on your team vs 5 enemy batman.

  • @MrDorska
    @MrDorska Год назад

    The SAO abridged meme...
    Dam this series doesn't receive enough love...

  • @LWYS_at_100
    @LWYS_at_100 Год назад

    I love your class series, vanguards would be a fun next one.

  • @Jablonski007
    @Jablonski007 Год назад

    The SAO abridged reference has made my day

  • @brianlamptey4823
    @brianlamptey4823 Год назад

    3:57 Mantheon? He hides behind a shield after a point and click dash stun.

  • @balgain8613
    @balgain8613 Год назад

    The War Machine OST from Castle Crashers is fiting music for divers

  • @thunderultra
    @thunderultra Год назад

    Did you just call him Metheon?
    I had a good chuckle over that one. I'm coming after you.

  • @0ok267
    @0ok267 Год назад +1

    Fuck yeah, castle crasher music

  • @speckkuchen2387
    @speckkuchen2387 Год назад +1

    dive in the tower like a like

  • @valchothegreat8411
    @valchothegreat8411 Год назад

    this video is edited really well

  • @terepypipes5570
    @terepypipes5570 Год назад

    Damn castle crashers is nostalgic, good choice in music

  • @alex2005z
    @alex2005z Год назад +1

    "It doesnt matter if ziggs can jump away from 1 person, but the other 4 can still jump on him"
    But jumping away creates distance from everyone... as long as they are all coming from the same side. A team of 5 divers has a huge problem: it requires good coordination and flanks. Yeah good luck with coordinating in soloQ

  • @Tsuyu__MCLeVraiPRIVE
    @Tsuyu__MCLeVraiPRIVE Год назад +1

    no wonder why i say and will keep saying that Fighter are broken in general ; Tankiness , Dmg (armor shredding , brute , % max health) and mobility ; so fucking funny to play against a champ with all the tool to win at almost any moment of the game , u either lose lane to a fighter or win as a fighter ; tank into tank , mage into mage , and so on for the matchup with no "all the tool u need"

  • @MetaMusal6
    @MetaMusal6 Год назад

    Great song choice 😊

  • @GameGuinAzul
    @GameGuinAzul Год назад

    Even though divers are vastly more popular than any other class. I’d say that in the end it’s generally a good thing for league. These character who are always a solid pick allows for comfort in learning the games more difficult mechanics and also learning them will never be a waste because even though picks like Diana and hec are either non existent or pick or ban, they’re still good in their non existent periods. And still other classes aren’t completely walled off, mages and marksmen have always been relatively prevalent, engage and enchanter supports always flip flop but they aren’t worsened due to divers being popular. In general even though divers are prevalent and get better the more you have, they never dominate the rift the same way Zeri, Yuumi, and other champs have.

  • @feris3410
    @feris3410 Год назад

    You saying that divers got a lot of changes over the years made me realize how true that is for the first time. For example: J4 for YEARS his entire job was to jump in, blow someone up/lock them down, maybe get a fat ult, and then die. It was always the idea that, even when building tank, you were a diver. You would go in, and you would die for it, but maybe your team can clean up after if you did your job well enough. But now, well I probably don't need to tell you how the average player would react to a j4 going 1 for 1 every single fight.

  • @alex2005z
    @alex2005z Год назад

    7:40 if Im a 5 item vayne and I see an alone illaoi thats free dmg. Maybe a kill if she is alone enough. Even if she hits e you can use your e to send her away and not allow her to hit the soul

  • @johnburnham3343
    @johnburnham3343 Год назад

    About half way though I noticed the music is castle crashes and I lost focus of the video due to nostalgia

  • @calebowen2006
    @calebowen2006 Год назад

    This every man for himself mentality is why i had to swap to a champ like Hecarim and Vi. I loved having the durability of a tank when i was a voli main but even if i reached the mid to late game super fed the lack of gap close options outside of run at them with q meant adc's could just kite me out unless i had my flash to gap close. Now i just build a tankier fighter build where i can still frontline engage while having yhr gap close to eliminate backline carries

  • @origamibrick3421
    @origamibrick3421 Год назад +1

    I always thought champs like Renekton, Wukong, Irelia and such shouldn't be in the same subclass as J4, Hecarim, and Camille. I like your classification between Battle divers vs Engage divers.

  • @newmeta1237
    @newmeta1237 5 месяцев назад

    you forgot the diver that can also poke you, assasinate you, has invis on a dash and insane single target dmg. Kai’sa

  • @FranciscoJG
    @FranciscoJG Год назад +1

    Wasn't Olaf a Juggernaut though?

  • @gabrielmorenoevora3668
    @gabrielmorenoevora3668 Год назад

    remember heca not only gets resistances from w but also omnivamp from your and ally damage lmao

  • @Moxie2017
    @Moxie2017 Год назад +3

    THE QUEEN IS BACK!!!!!!!!!

  • @skayles4716
    @skayles4716 Год назад +3

    Wouldn't Diana be more of an engage diver with her long range Q-E engage, high burst and AoE CC ult ?

  • @mingi6894
    @mingi6894 Год назад

    just now realised background music is from castle crashers:D

  • @devilkingaming4619
    @devilkingaming4619 Год назад

    Mantheon is the peak of satisfying game play.

  • @caiwitt5456
    @caiwitt5456 Год назад

    love the castle crashers music :)

  • @Infinite8blue
    @Infinite8blue Год назад

    I have countless penta kills but he most memorable was when i was playing Diana, all 5 enemy was leaving their base from mid lane, i came out the jungle from bottom side red into mid. i flash q ult and got a instant penta kill. I nuked the entire team with my spell rotation they did even had time to react. i did even expect to kill all five my goal was to kill their carry even if i die to give me team the advantage

  • @keeganmccall2604
    @keeganmccall2604 Год назад

    Not the castle crashers theme in the background

  • @seiko494
    @seiko494 Год назад

    diving into the enemy fountain

  • @socks1342
    @socks1342 Год назад

    This video explains why my wukong with my friend’s xin works so well. We just click on them and they die.

  • @what_purpose1431
    @what_purpose1431 Год назад +1

    Can Zac be next in this series, Vars? The Everyone/Noone plays series.

  • @EvilEmperorZ
    @EvilEmperorZ Год назад +2

    I am really surprised you did not include Kled in this conversation about Divers, particularly Battle Diver. Not sure if your list was complete or examples.

    • @ooshoowo
      @ooshoowo Год назад +1

      kled's a skirmisher

    • @StrangeJoe
      @StrangeJoe Год назад

      ​@@ooshoowoNope OP is a Kled main he got exposed here

  • @itsyourguyskye
    @itsyourguyskye Год назад +3

    jarvan ult jumpscare:

    • @SaiKisaragi
      @SaiKisaragi Год назад


    • @firek4306
      @firek4306 Год назад

      DEMACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *one shots you*

  • @ashtonshephard3852
    @ashtonshephard3852 Год назад +2

    Because making ADCs miserable is fun I'd imagine

  • @CyrusL
    @CyrusL Год назад


  • @benlithgow9149
    @benlithgow9149 Год назад

    is it just me or is that the castle crashers theme song playing in the background

  • @lemonsnap8
    @lemonsnap8 Год назад +1

    Everyone can oneshot everyone unless you're a tank
    *casually gets oneshot by full tank malphite/rammus/ornn*

    • @marixsunnyotp3142
      @marixsunnyotp3142 Год назад

      Meanwhile certain enchanters barely dealing burst damage with 500+ ap

  • @connorkenway8771
    @connorkenway8771 Год назад

    Banger vid 🧙🏾‍♂️

  • @theloupgarou
    @theloupgarou Год назад

    I see no mention of rengar. Hes classed as a diver for some reason but if you look at it all these champs dont have to trade 80% of their damage for that survivability the others have. Think they should reconsider the tag. Hes got an all in ultimate sure but the passive is situational mobility that helps you stick to a target not reposition.

  • @DarkinWithin
    @DarkinWithin Год назад

    My champ embodies all of this in every way, Kayn the slayer juggernaut XD

  • @jairartis
    @jairartis Год назад

    Divers are jacks of all trades, damage, defense, mobility, versatility, and even utility. They don’t excel at anything but are good in any comp.

  • @andrewtang8565
    @andrewtang8565 Год назад

    is that the castle crashers music in the background?

  • @sandwidge2655
    @sandwidge2655 Год назад

    is that the castle crashers theme in background?

  • @General__Grievous
    @General__Grievous Год назад

    because every now and then we want to say fuck it and jump straight to enemies backline

  • @marcelcristea995
    @marcelcristea995 Год назад

    Diver = another adc nightmare
    Nice video vars :)))

  • @andreasmoen1796
    @andreasmoen1796 Год назад

    Castle Crashers music going hard!

  • @unofficialskins624
    @unofficialskins624 Год назад +1

    The problem is that most divers are really bad duellists. Diana, Jarvan, reksai, aside from Warwick, most divers suck in 1v1s. Even Camille loses to most juggernauts and skirmishes in duels

  • @kunibertrandolf1886
    @kunibertrandolf1886 Год назад

    Castle crashers music in the background, WHAT YEAR IS IT??

  • @WatchSchoolDays
    @WatchSchoolDays Год назад

    Why overthink about if you want to pick diver skirmisher slayer tank assassin or engage when you can pick Ornn or K'sante and be all of the above and then some

  • @demonderpz7937
    @demonderpz7937 Год назад

    Is shyvanna a diver or skirmisher when built with tri-force? When ap I know she’s a burst mage

  • @hutternen
    @hutternen Год назад

    Before watching: the gameplan is easy to grasp

  • @alexisdipoalo9443
    @alexisdipoalo9443 Год назад

    shame i can't seem to play or find anyone to teach me any of these champions even know i want to play camelia so badly as i enjoy her playstyle and its the closest thing to my normal champion pool

  • @mildlymaliciousbanana2700
    @mildlymaliciousbanana2700 Год назад

    Why isn’t zac a diver? I understand he can be built as a tank and has more tanky elements, but I feel like, especially with his passive and damage, coupled with his E, and his multiple knockups for defense make him a diver no? Cause while he won’t be able to one shot a Darius, he can do the same as someone else in a little more time.

  • @antinate5353
    @antinate5353 Год назад +2

    Yo can you make a Shen vid?

  • @tundaenix3586
    @tundaenix3586 Год назад

    dianna short cover? maybe our dianna but man u didn't see enemy dianna before

  • @einjharrelraca
    @einjharrelraca Год назад +2

    this class is just blatantly riots favorite class, rivaled only by assassins. These two classes have just flat out, the best items in the game, you cant even say mages have the best item in the game anymore, being zhonya's, because riot handed assassins a zhonya's hourglass with a 10s cooldown and no self stun effect.
    And kit wise, well...... just to put into perspective how much riot favors divers as a class. tristana is a pretty average adc, and if you look at her kit liberally she has, a range extension passive, an as steroid q, a dash on her w, a bunch on her e, and a form of cc on her ult, and that is about tristana's entire kit............ you know what else has all of these things built into it............ Camille, all in a single ability...... that she maxes SECOND. This divers kit is so god damn strong, that she has tristana's ENTIRE KIT in one ability, and her other ability is so fucking strong, that she would rather have that over an adcs entire kit.

  • @andreamasato8356
    @andreamasato8356 Год назад

    where is the used music from?
    it sounds familiar

  • @betterthanmyself
    @betterthanmyself Год назад

    castle crashers bangers, nice

  • @dwshredder4870
    @dwshredder4870 Год назад +2

    In short - they are The most Versatile Class .

  • @gustavohunter7483
    @gustavohunter7483 Год назад +1

    This game got to the ridiculous point wwhere a diver building 1 damage item and then full tank can do more damage than a ap carry or ADC.

    • @lowweather8401
      @lowweather8401 Год назад

      Divine surrender....
      Nasus Vi MONKEY trundle j4 ... I know some of them are not divers but man
      Old divine is strong asf

  • @ZKazeLP
    @ZKazeLP Год назад

    Castle crashers music thooo

  • @jacobcook407
    @jacobcook407 Год назад

    Would rengar count as a assassin/ diver hybrid his gameplay is similar to a diver in certain aspects

  • @awinkingowl7608
    @awinkingowl7608 Год назад +4

    I slightly disagree with the statement on "you cant really have too many divers". I find that theyre very reliant on leads (this is coming from a support standpoint). Aside from olaf theyre all still quite vulnerable to cc and the more divers there are the less of a frontline the enemy team has because their team is on top of myself or my adc, meaning aoe cc or teamfight abilities are all the more potent(We love renata ult). In diving in headfirst they are in the rell situation where they need full confidence they kill, but with any peel ability they are completely exposed. Then their neutral game is godawful. What im trying to say is with divers you hinge everything on being able to kill that target.

    • @dominikkowalczyk3845
      @dominikkowalczyk3845 Год назад +3

      The thing is that:
      1. Usually you don't have enough cc/peel to stop multiple divers
      2, They are played in roles which are very volatile one way or another(in top a small lead/bad champion select turns into a fed diver in enemy team, and in the jungle you should be a part of multiple plays happening on the map, pick up a kill or two from successful ganks/picks/counterjungling a jungler weaker in the early game). It is not very difficult to get fed on a diver, given the circumstances.
      3, Divers don't even have to get fed to do their job semi-competently, they can still land that amazing wukong cyclone or hecarim ultimate, and win the game for their team that way, they just lose some agency when it comes to how much they can get done by themselves, they can also act as seconfary peel(rene w, lee sin r, warwick r/e).
      If they get a lead, the game becomes: "Do we have a way to deal with x Y/N?" If they don't get the lead they can still play with their team and act as engage and/or peel. They get to do so much within one class it is astounding

  • @aki5876
    @aki5876 Год назад +1

    It's just having mobility is fun

  • @wedgeofcheese9482
    @wedgeofcheese9482 Год назад

    Does anyone know the name of the music he uses

    • @obscure_genesis
      @obscure_genesis Год назад

      It's Mudholes, from Castle Crashers. The music that plays throughout the barbarian war section of the game.

    • @bullettime1116
      @bullettime1116 Год назад

      ​@@obscure_genesis a classic

  • @yoboiaizen7731
    @yoboiaizen7731 Год назад

    For how the champion works now i wouls say that Nocturne is more of a diver rather than an assassin now

    • @lok4890
      @lok4890 Год назад +1

      Always has been. Matter of fact, back when they did class reworks, nocturne was left out of the Assassin rework, because they considered him a diver.

    • @yoboiaizen7731
      @yoboiaizen7731 Год назад

      @@lok4890 as it should be tho, the only "assassin" like thing in his kit is his R every spells are closer to a diver/skirmisher

    • @lok4890
      @lok4890 Год назад

      @@yoboiaizen7731 exactly, yeah.