Very good video, but the argument that native English speakers don't say "I envy you" in a positive sense is simply incorrect. I have heard it and used it this way many times.
I'd been in English boarding school for nearly 5 years and heard many British natives telling me "I envy you." many, many times! And actually, they use for positive meaning! "Jealous" is often heard from friends in US and Canada. Does anyone think there could be somekind of regional difference in the meaning of 'envy'??
It's possible that there are regional differences, but I'm American, and if you picked up this usage at an English boarding school, then it doesn't sound like there's any regional difference between England and America. I think the host is just wrong on this point.
@@kemekoist No there's no regional difference and your understanding is correct. I'm from California and we use "Envy" in a positive way same as the envy actually does mean ”羨ましい”. In the US we do use Jealous or "Jelly" instead of envy but only amongst friends because "jealous" is more the equivalent of ”嫉妬” and has a negative meaning. We most definitely do not use "Jealous" in a business situation etc.
kemekoist I agree. I've also learnt to use envy rather than jealous by a British teacher. Perhaps it depends on generation, but when I was young we learned in British English which I prefer. The creator of this video also posted something else that quite many native English speakers disagreed. He seems to only know American English and only very local one at that. As an English teacher should he not learn other styles of English, especially the original British English? Because what he is teaching is narrowing the minds of the students rather than opening them up to different possibilities. Each country, state, and province have different expression and he talks as if his style is the absolute standard when it's not. 日本人に対して、これはおかしい間違えていると、言いすぎに思える。もちろんビジネスだから、そう強く言う事で間違った英語を使っていると意識させて、顧客を呼び込みたいのかもしれない。だけど、歴史的背景から英語を話さなくてはいけなくなってしまった国はアジアや、アボリジニーの暮らす場所にもあって、それぞれ独自の使い方をしていて、それを間違っていると指摘、正す事は不可能に近い。彼はそう言ったことに配慮する必要もある。この場合の表現は多くの人が言う様に、間違いではありません。イギリス英語の表現です。私はカナダにいて、この表現を使いますが、一度も文句を言われたことはありませんし、英語の教授も使用しています。アメリカ英語では違和感があったとしても、アメリカ英語がオリジナルなわけでも、綺麗で正しい英語だとはかぎりませんよ。
mi mi 実際その通りな気はしますね。 ただイギリス人はそれを隠してどこかイギリス人であるプライドを持ち続けないといけないという概念に縛られて意固地になってるという印象は個人的にあります。 それもブレグジットに繋がってくる1つの隠れた要因な気がします。 日本人は外国に”右にならえ”しすぎ。 日本の良さを分かっていないのはそこに住む日本人だけ。
When I was in London, I learned that •”jealous” is used only when our feelings are connected to love.Such as, “She is always talking with other guys. I’m so jealous.” •We can use “envy” in conversations if it’s not connected to love. Such as, “Oh,you got a new iPhone. I envy you.”
i used to say "I envy you" during my stay in California but they corrected me and asked me to say "you lucky motherfucker /son of a whore /bitch asshole" or just a simple 'fuck you" instead to sound more normal........ never got around to get use to it. just made me talk less to people there unless i get drunk. lol
I've heard "I envy you" in a positive way before, and it sounds fine to me. I'm a native English speaker and this doesn't sound unnatural at all, at least to me.
@@miruki24 この動画で言っていることはドンピシャです。私はテレビを見ないのでjealousのことをJellyと俗語で使われていることは知りませんでしたが、Internet 検索でも「 What does Jello mean in slang? JELLO means "Jealous" So now you know - JELLO means "Jealous" - don't thank us. YW! What does JELLO mean? JELLO is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the JELLO definition is given.」となっていました。私もこれから使ってみようかと思います (でも理解できるのは若い人かな?)。
I'm in the back mountain C because of your new camera. " envy " は「妬む」という意味なんでしょうが " jealous " も「嫉妬する」なので意味は同じですね。 多分ここでの使い方としては「相手に向かうか」、「自分に向かうか」なんじゃないかと思います。 " I jealous you " だと恐らく " I envy you " と変わらないでしょう。 なので、" I'm jealous. So jealous. I'm so jealous. " という言い方や、コメントで見付けた " I'm jealous of a person who has a boyfriend. " のような「自分が嫉妬している状態である」または単に " jealous " でどこにも方向が向かわないような表現になるのでしょう。 「羨ましい」と言う言葉自体に日本語では表と裏があります。そして" jealous " にしても " envy "にしても裏のイメージのほうだと思います。軽く「い~なぁ」と言うニュアンスで使っているであろう「羨ましい」のイメージよりはもっとぐつぐつじめじめした感じに思えます。なのでこういう表現を日本語のノリで英語では考えないほうがいいのではないかと私は思います。使うなら「羨ましい」は自分の願望に対しての隠語的表現だと思いますから英語にするときはもっとダイレクトな表現のほうがよいのでは? " I bought a car yesterday. " " That's good, I also want to buy a car. " でいいんじゃないの? 最近は「羨ましい」を軽い意味で使うことが多いようですが、一昔前は「羨ましい」と思うこと自体が良いとされていませんでした。そう思うこと自体が「浅ましい」と思われていたからです。「自分にないものをねだる」と言うことが「羨ましい」ですからね。決して相手が持ってるものに対する誉め言葉ではないです。なので日本語でも相手によっては軽い「羨ましい」をあまり連発しないほうがいいんじゃないかなぁ・・・冗談を言いあえる相手には構わないでしょうけどね。
When I went to America for the first time, I always used “I envy you” in a conversation. I didn’t have any problems because i said that in person, and I guess they didn’t feel any negative meanings from me. Then I realized native English speakers often say “I’m jealous” not “I envy you.” I just thought I’m jealous is common, but I didn’t know that I envy you can have negative meanings. I’m glad I didn’t use I envy you in text massages! It was a great video. Thanks!
So I went into this community thread discussing about envy vs. jealous. Even for American people these definitions are not fully understood. That’s why there is a discussion like this. Although there seems a clear distinction between envy and jealous, and it is rather common to use jealous, it doesn’t appear incorrect to use envy instead of jealous, or vice versa.
これは流行の問題かもしれませんと思います。私のまわりの[アメリカ人]多くは、”Ugh, I am SO envious!!!” or “OMG, I SO envy you!!!” in addition to (or, at times, rather than) “I am jealous,” let alone “jellie...” 言います。どっちも本当はネガティブナ感情ですけど、私は友達同士では普通に遠慮なく言うと思います。
IU-Connect 英会話 Thanks so much for your reply! I should have noted in my original post (and I usually do when posting in Japanese) that I am American-and I spent much of my teenage years in Japan. I thoroughly enjoy watching your videos, by the way, because I can relate to many of the tendencies you identify. On this issue, I want you to know I do understand what you’re saying in some ways, in that, for instance, I can’t really picture older people using the word, “envy,” for some reason. That’s why I said 流行かもしれない。But my friends and colleagues do, and it may very well be a regional New York thing...although I did go to college in your neck of the woods in New England. Now, as your response made me think, I Googled for “I so envy you” (in quotes), and there seem to be a fair number of hits-as in gazillions...and they, as far as I can tell, have no obvious links to Japan... Just a point of information, and this isn’t intended to question your expertise as a linguist/language teacher at all. I will be looking forward to seeing your future clips!
An Encouragement of Learning 学問のすすめ By Yukichi Fukuzawa (10,000 yen-bill portrait person) 福澤諭吉(1万円札の肖像画の人) Chapter 13 第13編 Discussion on Envy, Doing Harm to People 怨望の人間に害あるを論ず Although there seem to be many kinds of vices in human beings, nothing is more harmful than envy when connecting with others. およそ人間に不徳の筒条多しといえども、その交際に害あるものは怨望えんぼうより大なるはなし。
My textbook said that " gelous" had a nagative meanings , so should use " envy " , when i felt that i wanted to do too. That's why i usually use " i envy you " . But now , thanks to you , i know how to express this feelings. Thank you so much.
BTW, I wonder if you have used or heard anybody using "be green" to express「羨ましい」 these days in the US , as it was used often by Shakespeare, or in some songs of The Beatles.
So Americans commonly use ‘jealous’ whereas British (and possibly the rest of the world) tend to use ‘envy’ in the same I right?? I’ve been reading comments below saying British and Singaporean use ‘envy’ like Japanese do. Can someone please clarify?
I use "lucky you! "with smile instead of envy you or jelly. By the way,I think Japanese use "rumor" for "UWASA".However I know " rumor" sounds like bad means. So I use "fine reputation" for "Uwasa" when I mean good image "Uwasa". Why don`t you explain about "rumor"on this channel? I have been enjoying and learning on this channel.Thank you very much. chao!
Oh what? I use 'I envy you' and related phrases fairly often and interchangeably with 'jealous'? For example, I said to my friend the other day: "you only have one test today? Ahhh damn. I envy you, I have three!". It depends on the tone but I don't think it's always bitter/serious, the former I said with resigned humour and it's not uncommon where I live. Also, I've never heard 'jelly' used like that before in my life, so I guess it's regional?
In order to dialogue with you more effectively, please let me know the following things. 1: where are you from 2: where did you spend most of your life until 25 3: are you currently in japan, and if yes how long. I’m tired of people saying “What, I use this phrase all the time!” Most native speakers aren’t even aware of what they say.
@@iuconnecttokyo 1. My family is Finnish and North American and I'm a native English speaker. 2. England, mainly metropolitan areas. 3. No. Fair enough, and I agree, though the point I was trying to make is that even though envy has negative connotations, it's not always seen as odd to say things like 'I envy you', and in some places it's just as common as using 'jealous'. As I said, it's probably a regional difference. This video just struck me as odd due to my personal background, apologies if I came across wrong
@@iuconnecttokyo Yeah, I personally hear it a lot but it might not be a wholly British English thing, could also be my age group. Either way, it's my personal experience.
I think you just need to make friends who speak only English. it helps a lot. use some apps with which you can speak English.having conversations is much better than learning language from textbooks
If you want to learn English through RUclips, I highly recommend tuning into "Bilingirl" I'm American and I can vouch that her lessons are easy to understand and I can tell that she does her research.
It’s a very good video however we usually say that way as I envy you, actually. Not only me so maybe this is wrong information he gave you. I’m no offense but I hope my comment will help your study of English. Also he didn’t mention which words guys say it instead of envy or jealous.
Oops , I might have said the phrase “I envy you” to some people in the US..😅 Now I know it is very important to learn the words from native speakers and get the real feelings of the words coz they are difficult to comprehend by just looking up in dictionaries.
アメリカで "I envy you" って、みんなめっちゃ使ってます。まあ、フォーマルな場で目上の人とかにはもっと "That's excellent!" とか "I'm so happy for you!" "Good for you" てな言い方が、強いて言えば好ましいかもしれません。 「いいなぁ。うらやましいな、畜生〜。」という発言を聞いて、「え、仏教でいう三悪道の一つである畜生という言葉を使うとは、よほどあさましい精神状態に違いない」とは、決して思いませんよね!
Kosei Micallef I find his comment in reference to men vs. women a bit awkward... On the one hand, I do understand it because I can’t picture my father saying “I am jealous” while I can easily see my mother saying it. On the other hand, I think this perception is really based on the traditional gender role expectations, and I don’t think young people today would care very much if a guy says he is jealous or envious. It made me nervous when he insinuated that using the word, “jealous,” would make men effeminate-or less than men. I find that sexist.
I cracked up(LOL), and really love this video! 👍👍👍 i've never seen funny teacher like you. And now I'm in jelly of your students who taking your class directory.It might be closer to say jealousy.🤣
Very good video, but the argument that native English speakers don't say "I envy you" in a positive sense is simply incorrect. I have heard it and used it this way many times.
I'd been in English boarding school for nearly 5 years and heard many British natives telling me "I envy you." many, many times! And actually, they use for positive meaning! "Jealous" is often heard from friends in US and Canada. Does anyone think there could be somekind of regional difference in the meaning of 'envy'??
It's possible that there are regional differences, but I'm American, and if you picked up this usage at an English boarding school, then it doesn't sound like there's any regional difference between England and America. I think the host is just wrong on this point.
@@kemekoist No there's no regional difference and your understanding is correct. I'm from California and we use "Envy" in a positive way same as the envy actually does mean ”羨ましい”. In the US we do use Jealous or "Jelly" instead of envy but only amongst friends because "jealous" is more the equivalent of ”嫉妬” and has a negative meaning. We most definitely do not use "Jealous" in a business situation etc.
I completely agree with you. I've seen anoother video by this host because a friend recommended, and I found it very misleading.
kemekoist I agree. I've also learnt to use envy rather than jealous by a British teacher. Perhaps it depends on generation, but when I was young we learned in British English which I prefer. The creator of this video also posted something else that quite many native English speakers disagreed. He seems to only know American English and only very local one at that. As an English teacher should he not learn other styles of English, especially the original British English? Because what he is teaching is narrowing the minds of the students rather than opening them up to different possibilities. Each country, state, and province have different expression and he talks as if his style is the absolute standard when it's not.
アメリカ人です。I envy youは違和感あるほどでは全くなく、よく耳にします。古い元々の意味合いとしては確かにネガティブなものだったのでしょうけれど、だんだんとカジュアルに使われるようになってきたということでしょう。羨むという日本語自体もそうですよね。
I'm totally agree with you!
Tommy D
あえて言いませんでしたが、彼の色んな動画を見てると、Tommy Dさんが後半に書いてたことと全く同じことを思ってて気分が悪かったですね。
mi mi
When I was in London, I learned that
•”jealous” is used only when our feelings are connected to love.Such as, “She is always talking with other guys. I’m so jealous.”
•We can use “envy” in conversations if it’s not connected to love. Such as, “Oh,you got a new iPhone. I envy you.”
Yuto Si I strongly agree.
thank you!
鋼の錬金術師で、エンヴィっていう敵が 嫉妬の権化?的な立場やったから、envyが羨ましいというより、嫉妬に近いって分かりやすかった
3:46 転げ回るくらい笑っちゃったw
Great video!
I also used “ envy you “ without know negative meaning. Thank you posting this video.
i used to say "I envy you" during my stay in California but they corrected me and asked me to say "you lucky motherfucker /son of a whore /bitch asshole" or just a simple 'fuck you" instead to sound more normal........
never got around to get use to it. just made me talk less to people there unless i get drunk. lol
めっちゃ分かりやすい 知りたかったことが全部的確に話されててこんなにスッキリ!解決したのが嬉しい
I just saw Tyrion using "I envy you" to Bran on Game of Thrones as a good meaning.
I was gonna say the same thing.
I've heard "I envy you" in a positive way before, and it sounds fine to me. I'm a native English speaker and this doesn't sound unnatural at all, at least to me.
Where are you from?
IU-Connect 英会話: Northeastern US
のんちゃん でもこの人けっこう間違ってますよ。笑
全て鵜呑みにするわけではなく、色々な情報を比較するのが一番ですね^ ^
nekokawaiiinu 私はアメリカ人で、日本で子供のころ長年育ちましたけれど、この先生のビデオ面白いです。この先生は、間違っていると言うよりは、私は多分小さなことを大きなことにしている気がします。あと「・・・という傾向が時々ある」ていう事でも、「・・・です!」ってはっきり言っちゃうから、アメリカ人の人が突っ込まるのかも知れない。日本語で例えれば、私はよく「おまえ私はって主語いいすぎ」って言われます。それと言うのも日本語では「私は」を抜くのが普通な事が多いから私はは不自然。でも、だからと言って日本語を勉強している人に「日本語ネーティブは私はって言わない!」みたいなセンセーショナルな議題みたいな?
nondescriptnyc 結局、全てが大げさに言ってるって事なんですね。
この動画で言っていることはドンピシャです。私はテレビを見ないのでjealousのことをJellyと俗語で使われていることは知りませんでしたが、Internet 検索でも「
What does Jello mean in slang?
JELLO means "Jealous" So now you know - JELLO means "Jealous" - don't thank us. YW! What does JELLO mean? JELLO is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the JELLO definition is given.」となっていました。私もこれから使ってみようかと思います (でも理解できるのは若い人かな?)。
I don't see anything wrong with using I envy you, it's actually proper English compared to I'm jealous.
The thing is, proper english is considered weird nowadays, you gotta use more slangs
Jun Jin Such matters are just in the USA, but not the other English spoken countries.
Oh, you were talking to your friend. According to your video, you only have one friend in the globe. Good to know
Ikr 😂
I'm in the back mountain C because of your new camera.
" envy " は「妬む」という意味なんでしょうが " jealous " も「嫉妬する」なので意味は同じですね。
" I jealous you " だと恐らく " I envy you " と変わらないでしょう。
なので、" I'm jealous. So jealous. I'm so jealous. " という言い方や、コメントで見付けた " I'm jealous of a person who has a boyfriend. " のような「自分が嫉妬している状態である」または単に " jealous " でどこにも方向が向かわないような表現になるのでしょう。
「羨ましい」と言う言葉自体に日本語では表と裏があります。そして" jealous " にしても " envy "にしても裏のイメージのほうだと思います。軽く「い~なぁ」と言うニュアンスで使っているであろう「羨ましい」のイメージよりはもっとぐつぐつじめじめした感じに思えます。なのでこういう表現を日本語のノリで英語では考えないほうがいいのではないかと私は思います。使うなら「羨ましい」は自分の願望に対しての隠語的表現だと思いますから英語にするときはもっとダイレクトな表現のほうがよいのでは?
" I bought a car yesterday. "
" That's good, I also want to buy a car. "
在米です。自分の経験では "envy" も "jealous" も両方聞いた覚えがありますね。国によって違うというのは十分あり得ると思います。ですがどちらかと言うと(少なくとも米国内では)状況による使い分けなのではと思います。「羨ましい」の使用範囲が "envy" と "jealous" の使用範囲にまたがっているので、日本語主体で考えてしまうとどちらの英単語を使うべきかの判断が曖昧になってしまうのでは?
@@kemekoist さん、この先生はアメリカ英語を教えているのでこの説明ですよね^^
何度かアーサーさんの動画を拝見したことがあるのですがこの回は特に面白くて思わず笑ってしまいましたw 楽しく英語が勉強でる動画を作れるなんて、I’m so jealous!
昔々、NHKラジオの続基礎英語という番組で、講師はマーシャクラッカワーさんだったんだけど、羨ましいという意味でI envy you.と言ってたよ。素直に羨ましいという文脈だったと思います。
私も10年ほど前のNHK英会話で羨ましい=I envy youと覚えましたww
When I went to America for the first time, I always used “I envy you” in a conversation. I didn’t have any problems because i said that in person, and I guess they didn’t feel any negative meanings from me. Then I realized native English speakers often say “I’m jealous” not “I envy you.” I just thought I’m jealous is common, but I didn’t know that I envy you can have negative meanings.
I’m glad I didn’t use I envy you in text massages!
It was a great video. Thanks!
ストレートに nice とか good と言って褒めればいいんですよね。
おがちゃ ur 右
Great video! thank you!
Lucky youとか使うといいかもですね。うわぁーいいなぁー運がいい!って感じ。
I won the lottery yesterday. Aaah lucky youみたいな感じ
So I went into this community thread discussing about envy vs. jealous. Even for American people these definitions are not fully understood. That’s why there is a discussion like this.
Although there seems a clear distinction between envy and jealous, and it is rather common to use jealous, it doesn’t appear incorrect to use envy instead of jealous, or vice versa.
英国や英連邦の英語ではenvy を普通に使いますよ。(特に女性)
Clara Shinoda 自分もyou get to work from home? I envy you!ってネイティブに言われたことあるなそーいえば
@@kemekoist この動画主の田舎者っぷりは半端ないです。とんだお笑い草とはまさにこのことです。
昔、頭の中で「ジェラシーはやきもちっぽい印象だから、うらやましいは辞書通りに'envy'なのかな」と解釈し、’I'm envy’と伝えたことがありました。形容詞ですらないのに(苦笑)。今回学んだ’I’m jelly'をアメリカンとお話した際に使ってみたところ、「いい言葉~!スラングね~😆!」と想像以上に喜んでくれました🤣ありがとうございました😊
Thanks for sharing!
これは流行の問題かもしれませんと思います。私のまわりの[アメリカ人]多くは、”Ugh, I am SO envious!!!” or “OMG, I SO envy you!!!” in addition to (or, at times, rather than) “I am jealous,” let alone “jellie...” 言います。どっちも本当はネガティブナ感情ですけど、私は友達同士では普通に遠慮なく言うと思います。
I’ve never heard American people in America say I envy you the way you said it. Are the people you’re taking about Americans in japan?
IU-Connect 英会話 Thanks so much for your reply! I should have noted in my original post (and I usually do when posting in Japanese) that I am American-and I spent much of my teenage years in Japan. I thoroughly enjoy watching your videos, by the way, because I can relate to many of the tendencies you identify. On this issue, I want you to know I do understand what you’re saying in some ways, in that, for instance, I can’t really picture older people using the word, “envy,” for some reason. That’s why I said 流行かもしれない。But my friends and colleagues do, and it may very well be a regional New York thing...although I did go to college in your neck of the woods in New England. Now, as your response made me think, I Googled for “I so envy you” (in quotes), and there seem to be a fair number of hits-as in gazillions...and they, as far as I can tell, have no obvious links to Japan... Just a point of information, and this isn’t intended to question your expertise as a linguist/language teacher at all. I will be looking forward to seeing your future clips!
I'm your new subscriber sir 🤩🇮🇳
I guess you are around 28😎🇱🇷
Always exception to the rule, and "I envy u" does appear in natives' talks, relying on contexts.
日本人がI envy you.が好きなのは多分DuoにI envy her.が載ってるからですよね笑
envy と jealousy で、envy がより悪いイメージとおっしゃっていますが、これは特定の宗教(宗派)に基づいた感じ方ということはありませんか?
Envy = 自分に持ってないものを相手が持っているときに使います。
Jealous = 自分でも持っているものを相手と比べるときに使います。
Kenji Macfarlane アホすぎる…
I envy you.使ってました!けれどアメリカに来てから聞いたことなくてSounds perfect.と言い換えてました。
Thank you!
I wish I were thin like her. I envy her.
RIN 全く同じこと思いました(笑)
An Encouragement of Learning
By Yukichi Fukuzawa (10,000 yen-bill portrait person)
Chapter 13
Discussion on Envy, Doing Harm to People
Although there seem to be many kinds of vices in human beings, nothing is more harmful than envy when connecting with others.
I envy you 聞きすぎて逆に覚えた
please explain about "you are naive". this is a bigger issue than mansion, etc.
“Urayamashii” is half “Wish I was you.” and half “I’m happy for you.” But I agree. Natives often use “jealous” where the Japanese use “urayamashii”.
辞書には I envy youは特に不快感は無く 素直な羨ましい気持ちの表現とあって 逆にjealousが憎しみや憤慨などネガティブな意味も含むとありましたがどうなんでしょう…
Kota 日本語も同様に現場で使われる言葉は日々変化します。外国人が"ヤバイ"や"渋い"の意味を辞書で引いたら間違えてしまうのと同様ですね。
@@roymcgrath1 変わっても本来の意味は無くならないですよね… ほんとにアメリカ人はenvyをネガティブに感じてるのか…
My textbook said that " gelous" had a nagative meanings , so should use " envy " , when i felt that i wanted to do too. That's why i usually use " i envy you " . But now , thanks to you , i know how to express this feelings. Thank you so much.
私も、普通にI envy you!! 使ってました。
男性はどうしたらいい? 😅😅低い声で、Oh Jealous!!で、いいのかな?
I’m jealous. やSo jealous.と言われた際には
BTW, I wonder if you have used or heard anybody using "be green" to express「羨ましい」 these days in the US , as it was used often by Shakespeare, or in some songs of The Beatles.
これは本当にためになった!ありがとうございます.私も良くネイティブに,I envy you を言っていました!!
ところで日本人からみて最も難しい英単語の一つが、enjoy だと思う。
So Americans commonly use ‘jealous’ whereas British (and possibly the rest of the world) tend to use ‘envy’ in the same I right?? I’ve been reading comments below saying British and Singaporean use ‘envy’ like Japanese do. Can someone please clarify?
I use "lucky you! "with smile instead of envy you or jelly. By the way,I think Japanese use "rumor" for "UWASA".However I know " rumor" sounds like bad means. So I use "fine reputation" for "Uwasa" when I mean good image "Uwasa". Why don`t you explain about "rumor"on this channel? I have been enjoying and learning on this channel.Thank you very much. chao!
これは個人的にも同感(会話で、I'm jealousのほうをよく聞いた事がある)。主にイギリス、カナダ人と話した感想。
Oh what? I use 'I envy you' and related phrases fairly often and interchangeably with 'jealous'? For example, I said to my friend the other day: "you only have one test today? Ahhh damn. I envy you, I have three!". It depends on the tone but I don't think it's always bitter/serious, the former I said with resigned humour and it's not uncommon where I live. Also, I've never heard 'jelly' used like that before in my life, so I guess it's regional?
In order to dialogue with you more effectively, please let me know the following things.
1: where are you from
2: where did you spend most of your life until 25
3: are you currently in japan, and if yes how long.
I’m tired of people saying
“What, I use this phrase all the time!”
Most native speakers aren’t even aware of what they say.
@@iuconnecttokyo 1. My family is Finnish and North American and I'm a native English speaker.
2. England, mainly metropolitan areas.
3. No.
Fair enough, and I agree, though the point I was trying to make is that even though envy has negative connotations, it's not always seen as odd to say things like 'I envy you', and in some places it's just as common as using 'jealous'. As I said, it's probably a regional difference. This video just struck me as odd due to my personal background, apologies if I came across wrong
ah, maybe because its english, not american. but ive never heard british friends say i envy you
@@iuconnecttokyo Yeah, I personally hear it a lot but it might not be a wholly British English thing, could also be my age group. Either way, it's my personal experience.
How about I wish I were you❓
I'm a high school student.
I'm not good at listing test.😢
What should I study?
Please tell me🙏
ドッピーマン現象 読む練習すれば良い
I think you just need to make friends who speak only English. it helps a lot. use some apps with which you can speak English.having conversations is much better than learning language from textbooks
If you want to learn English through RUclips, I highly recommend tuning into "Bilingirl"
I'm American and I can vouch that her lessons are easy to understand and I can tell that she does her research.
在米です。確かにアメリカ人男性がこの表現を使うところは想像し難いですね。男性だったら良い事には一緒に喜ぶ表現が浮かびます。"Congratulations", "good job", "cool" なんてところでしょうか。
Tos Uchino ありがとうございます!参考にします😊
在米の方ということで気になったことを質問したいのですが、今の日本の学校で教えている英語の授業は間違っているなぁと感じる部分はありますか?(質問の意味がわからなかったら回答していただかなくても構いませんm(_ _)m)
@@KumazoMORINO 様
そうですね、改善点は多々あると思いますが、自分が一番強く思うのは「英語の理屈」みたいなのをきちんと説明して教えていないと言う事でしょうか。持論ですが、一つの言語にはその言語を構成する一貫した「理屈」みたいなのがあると思います。例えば依頼の表現で、"Will you ~ ?" と "Would you ~ ?" では前者より後者の方が丁寧な言い方だと習います。でも何故そうなのかという英語なりの「理屈」は教えてくれないので、ただそういうものと覚えるしかありませんよね。でも「理屈」なしにまる暗記すると、表現の本当の意味が分からないので、応用が効かず、気持ちも伝わらず、誤解したり、誤解を招く表現になったりします。
Tos Uchino なるほど…確かにその通りですね
これ俺もそう思ってたんだけどゲームで知り合ったNY在住のアメリカ人に最初仕事の話になって、彼は銀行マンだって言ってて(かなりの高収入)、自分は質素に生きてく分には困らないくらいあるからセミリタイアしてるよって言ったら"I envy you"って言われたのよく覚えてるんだけどやっぱりネガティブなのかな。会話自体はそんな感じじゃなかったんだけどな
I’m happy to hear that!!
I'm jealous of your new camera.
たしかに、わたしがアメリカ人にenvy youって使ったら それネガティブな意味だよ って言われました!ずっと気になってたのでやってもらえてよかったです!ありがとうございます!
I’m glad to hear it :)
It’s a very good video however we usually say that way as I envy you, actually.
Not only me so maybe this is wrong information he gave you.
I’m no offense but I hope my comment will help your study of English.
Also he didn’t mention which words guys say it instead of envy or jealous.
Yeah. I actually asked native English teacher I know about that, then he said i can use it in the way so I was confused.
FYI, he's Canadian.
Oops , I might have said the phrase “I envy you” to some people in the US..😅
Now I know it is very important to learn the words from native speakers and get the real feelings of the words coz they are difficult to comprehend by just looking up in dictionaries.
How did you learn Japanese? So good. Where are you from? Your English is so easy to listen.
アメリカで "I envy you" って、みんなめっちゃ使ってます。まあ、フォーマルな場で目上の人とかにはもっと "That's excellent!" とか "I'm so happy for you!" "Good for you" てな言い方が、強いて言えば好ましいかもしれません。
dumchin World Englishes!!
けんぴ 芋 私もそれ思います。
けんぴ 芋 いわゆるWorld Englishes をどこまで許容するか、という議論だと思います。私は国際的なワークショップなどに参加したことがありますが、そういう場では、ノンネイティブは比較的シンプルな表現を使おうとする一方で、ネイティブは普段通りにしゃべるので、ネイティブの英語が一番分かりにくい、なんてこともたまにありました。
@@dumchin それわかります!
Then what do guys say when they are jealous??
Sounds good!とかSounds great!とかが自然で近いニュアンスじゃないかな。
よく「羨ましい」はSounds good!とかSounds nice!って言うことの方が多いけれども、これは英語を話す人からすればどう響くんでしょう?
Thank you for useful video. You speak fluent Japanese. "I envy you" in a positive sense.
How about Lucky you?
羨ましいって本人を目の前にして言うとき,すごいね,とか,よかったねー,に近い気がします。その場合,oh, great とか,I am proud of youとかで表現するのはいかがでしょうか?
So what kind of word should men use when we say “羨ましい”?
i wanna be like that.
he anser it at the beging of this video.
Kosei Micallef I find his comment in reference to men vs. women a bit awkward... On the one hand, I do understand it because I can’t picture my father saying “I am jealous” while I can easily see my mother saying it. On the other hand, I think this perception is really based on the traditional gender role expectations, and I don’t think young people today would care very much if a guy says he is jealous or envious. It made me nervous when he insinuated that using the word, “jealous,” would make men effeminate-or less than men. I find that sexist.
I cracked up(LOL), and really love this video! 👍👍👍
i've never seen funny teacher like you. And now I'm in jelly of your students who taking your class directory.It might be closer to say jealousy.🤣
Haha thanks! My class is very unique. You can find more info at
0:02 「~と言うのですが」の部分そろそろ癖になってきたww聞いていると気持ちいい
😂 日本人がよく使う、「うらやましい」” I envy you. “ が、英語を母国語にした人たちからすると、違和感を覚えるという説明、ありがとうございます。
同じく日本人がよく使う、「ガンバレ!」という意味の「ファイト!" fight! " と、スポーツなどで1位が期待されていた人が2位になってしまった時にいう「くやしい」というコメントは、英語に翻訳する時に、「くやしい」から「残念な」に言い換えたほうがいいのに、直訳して “ vexing “ 「くやしい、癪にさわる、腹がたつ」と通訳の人が言っているのを聞いたことがあります。
Subscribed. You're funny!
thanks! let me know what kind of videos you want to watch
You are so lucky はどうですか?
たしかにgossip girlでも
みたいな時ってI'm jealous!!って