If they were concerned about their child’s safety, then they wouldn’t have let him get on the bike in the first place. the parents were looking for any excuse to cut contact.
@ I didn’t know that there was an update and commented while other comments were read. Still, something about OP rubs me the wrong way and reminds me of my own father-in-law. He always had things his way and if I told him‘no‘ he often feigned ignorance and claimed I had allowed it.. Anyway, not my job to judge.
Story 1, That accident was not your fault, it was a hit and run, yes in a car he'd have been safer, but as someone that rode on the back of my dads bike, i see no reason for them to do this, you are justified in your actions, especially after their threat and promise of "Supervised visitation" lifes too short to grovel to gold diggers
I do wonder if the accident was entirely not OP's fault. Obviously, the other driver who ran is at fault, but the only description is that it was a rear end accident. There are many reasons that type of accident can be the fault of either driver, including a sliding scale with some fault on both drivers. Just some off the top of my head, lane changing without properly checking if it's clear (either driver at fault), hard braking (both drivers possibly at fault depending on why the braking happened and how close the second driver is), general negligence / not paying attention (second driver at fault if nothing else at play assuming). Without more details, OP could be hiding that they weren't riding in a safe manner leading up to the accident. It's just speculation on my part, but people often hide info that makes them look bad. Yes, the son, grandson, and DiL are in the wrong for the complete cutoff and still expecting inheritance. I also wonder if there was some lies told between the son and grandson. It could be either way, with the son telling grandson lies about OP's fault in the accident or the grandson telling lies to the son about the circumstances of the accident (like "OP was weaving between lanes" if OP wasn't).
Nah, it 100 thier fault for a rear end. What idiot would be break checking with a child and on motorcycle? The one in the back, the one who rear ends, is always supposed to be at a safe distance for whatever the vehicle in front may stop for. Again, no idiot would break check on a motorcycle. It's literally playing with death
@@ilive4anime. Not sure about there, but here a rear end accident is ALWAYS the fault of the rear driver regardless of how the incident occurred. They can tell the difference between a side swipe/ cut off maneuver and a simple rear ending accident.
@@crazylarryjr thus why I said it's my speculation, since details on the accident aren't there in what OP wrote. Regardless, the son going full no contact for a relatively minor thing seems excessive. That's why I think there's more to the story that OP doesn't want to share (if he was being unsafe) or doesn't know (the potential lying I in mentioned in the second paragraph). I'd fully understand the son insisting on no more motorcycle rides at this point, since that would be a reasonable result of this accident, but the full job contact is just too much for only this incident IMO.
Story 1: Better make sure his will is safe and that his DIL's father doesn't have access to it. I really can't put it past them to not try something when they blow an accident out of proportion, and then go all pikachu faced when they find there was consequences that deprived them of something great as a result.
How many children break a bone before age 18? 45-55%! It is a rite of passage, not a world-ending crisis. Your son and DIL are too dramatic and full of rage to bother with. Poor kid, born to such overly histrionic, performative assholes...
Story 1. Nta. They want nothing to do with him and if it was up to them they would treat him exactly the way they treated the Lego set. The only reason they're changing their tune now is because money is involved
Yep. They only want to be NC with OP and not his money. It also sounds like they need counseling because while the true culprit of the accident was arrested, they feel like they need to displace blame on to OP.
OP sounds like he is full of crap. He let his mask slip in the post . Op going " they had the nerve to run to their hurt child that is just in a crash, before checking on me". #1 He knew is was okay, while his grand child was hurt. #2 A PARENTS WILL ALWAYS CHOOSE TO GO TO THIER CHILD FIRST . #3 The time Op was going me, me ,and me. They were worrying about their child. T he Bs to put in the post. saying "ignoring him" by going to see their HURT CHILD BEFORE ASKING ABOUT HIM.
It's so bizarre that son and DIL would purposely - and it was no doubt done purposely, as I don't see how an 11 year old would go from loving and obviously enjoying time with his grandfather to declaring unending hate over an accident - manipulate their son (OP's grandson) to despise his grandfather due to a hit-and-run accident that, yes, caused some significant injury but was clearly not OP's fault and blame OP and OP only while doing an activity they's consented to. I can see emotions running high at the time, but not then devolving into an absolute hatred of OP. I had a doubt until OP mentioned it was an activity that the parents consented to, and after that there is rational reason why they should feel that way - or even blame OP at all. I'm baffled - and doubly so after son and DIL were surprised at OP's actions. Frankly, still allotting $50,000 for grandson's education was more grace than any of those three deserved.
The parents( op's son and dil) more than likely manipulated their son to say those things to his grandfather, especially if they had a good relationship beforehand. It's not totally the grandson's fault and Op probably knows that deep down. He definitely has a right to be hurt but the onus is on his son and Dil on this one.
St 1: NTA. I'll admit I understand the parents worrying about their child being in an accident, and yes you were driving so they needed someone to blame. But getting read ended wasn't ops fault. And the fact they went so vicious and smashed a gift was cruel.
And I hope OP showed the smashed present and threatening letter to his lawyer. I also really hope they find out who leaked the contents of OPs will. Honestly he’s too kind to even have money set aside for the grandson’s college after what he said to him.
Honestly? Parents sound like Gold Diggers and the son was probably told to say what he did to Grandma. Glad to see the consequences of their actions have hit them and now they can accept their loss since afterall they told Grandma they were going no Contact
Her mother btched about the wedding, and she demanded that she not wear a white dress, basically labeled OP a failure, but cried about being heartbroken that she's not invited. I absolutely hte people like OP's mother. So religiously and heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.
And I hope that OP will see her family bowing out of the wedding as a blessing. They won’t change. OP is better off without them. Their other copy and paste daughters can take care of them down the line.
They're NOT heavenly minded. Don't made the mistake of thinking that OP's family is anything other than judgmental hypocrites who have no understanding of the grace and love of God.
Son and dil sure do sound like gold diggers..... they threatened harm to op if he didn't respect THEIR no contact order then back pedal once they found out about the will...... messed up. It was a total accident. It was the OTHER drivers fault not op. They gave permission. What jerks. Feel kinda bad for the kid..... sounds like he and his grandpa were close before all this. Eta.... my very catholic parents actually did love and support me when i got pregnant at 19 out of wedlock. They never acted like ops parents did towards her...I knew they were disappointed but they supported me and even told me NOT to get married just because we were having a baby. THAT'S what loving and supportive parents actually do. Op should really consider very low contact with those judgemental, mean people
@Digitalfairy they very much are. 😊 they've stood by me (and my siblings) thru thick and thin. Really makes me sad that so many people claim to be Christian then treat others like trash. I thank heaven for them every day... Eta....I live the name digital fairy! It's great!!
Story 1 NTA "The accident was your fault" NO it absolutely wasnt!!! They were REAR ENDED! He DIDN'T crash his bike. He did everything right! He had them wear all the safety gear to be a passenger and made sure to prioritize his grandson over insurance or chasing the dude down.
I love the final comment in the final story. I am so tired of people pretending like your feelings shouldn't ever ever ever change about somebody and no matter what you should always stay friends with them even if it's actively hurting you.
It’s obvious where those first comments are coming from in the last story, let me give you a hint man hating idiots. So they’re just pretty much saying that OP should just man up and get over his feelings of rejection. Rejection hurts either way whether it’s kid or adult.
Yup. He's allowed to have his feelings. She's allowed to not feel about him the same way he feels about her. And he's allowed to feel sad about it. Maybe next year it will blow over maybe not. Either way nta
Agreed. All during the YTA comments I was shaking my head and saying, "Nope, nope, nope! OP needs time to work through his feelings and adjust to his new reality. His need supersedes Julie's desire to be included in OP's family's celebration."
@@Symphonia30 Exactly. I had a girl who I considered a best friend, but right after HS, ghosted me completely. I ran into her at a holiday fair almost 10 years later, and my mum was gushing to her and gave her my number. My mum however, never noticed that she didn't offer me HER number, FB, or any contact method. Mum then got pissy with me for not being happier, and I asked her why...why should I bother. Still doesnt get it.
S1: NTA. Son and DIL are hypocrites for blaming OP for accident when they’d allowed the ride. Also, the accident was in no way the OP’s fault. They were rear ended! The parents are feeling guilty for allowing the grandson to go for rides and are misplacing their anger on OP, and also messing up their kid’s relationship with OP by corrupting his brain. OP changing their will makes complete sense after their treatment of them. As far as the legal ramifications of the will getting out, I wish the OP the best luck.
It’s so interesting that the OP only mentioned that they approved of the motorbike ride in the update. Wonder if that is true or if it’s just the OP trying to justify themselves. Guess we will never know.
Husband and BIL story: What is with the commentors? The reason OP didn't talk about her husband is because she was giving the background on her relationship with BIL because that is what is in question, not the relationship with the husband. I think it's weird she is so close but it's not unheard of. People need to touch grass.
I was wondering the same. Also it could be projection from the husbands side. If he is out of town for longer periods, who says that he isn't looking for some fun on the side.
I used to spend time with my sister-in-law allt when my brother wasn't around. Heck, most of the time, he was the one who called me up and suggested it, when he had plans with his childhood friends etc. My SIL's mother was concerned, but no one else was. Guess it comes down to trust.
Bruh those commenters are way off base here. They're following each other down their own made up rabbit hole with this story lol also they sound like Nice Girl™️
Why is anyone remotely surprised by the comments? This isn’t a random section of the population’s opinion, it’s comments from people who frequent Reddit, where folks screw their in-laws all the time, it’s also where your wife is 10 times more likely to die in childbirth, and where every second story features a couple who died in a car accident leaving small offspring. These aren’t grass touchers: they are drama ‘hos.
Why do the parents think the accident was your fault? There is a guilty party, but it isnt you. Children don't know hate until they are taught to hate. Shame on your son for doing that to you. If he hates you he shouldn't receive a dime.
Wow, calling a woman "used goods" is disgusting. And yet a man in the same position is...what? There isn't a word as no one judges the men. Typical of zealots who don't know the meaning of being a Christian... judging others, throwing out names and turning their backs on family in need. SMH.
These days, it seems more and more that hate is a Christian value. I hope I think so only because the haters are so vocal and the good people aren't, but it's how it seems.
A key that opens many locks is an incredible key. A lock that opens for many keys is a bad lock. If you think hate is a Christian value, then you have never left Christendom. You have it so easy.
@@patriciahansen6032Hate is actually becoming more Racial. Weird how everyone fought for equality and now everything is about Race. Religious people have always been neurotic, even though they have Joseph & Magdalene, a Step Father & Prostitute
Women are not "goods", used or otherwise. Hymen status is no ones else's business to judge. Lose the haters (no love in their hearts) and give them zero access to your child.
It's a sad story and all, but my brain is stuck on one thing - don't LEGO sets already come in pieces? How do you smash it into pieces? That would require actually smashing the pieces themselves, which would actually take some doing when you think about it (those bricks are STURDY).
Yeah, if this story isn't just written via AI then I get the feeling it might be one of those "missing missing reasons" tales. Like, I can't see a child of a normal loving father going that over-the-top over a single accident, even *if* the broken arm had been OP's fault. The LEGO bit feels cartoonishly villainous, as does the way the grandson responded on the phone (what kind of grandson with an otherwise loving relationship goes straight to "fuck off" over a single incident?), which I could understand only if (a) OP isn't conveying the rocky parts of their relationship prior to this incident and is exaggerating the actual details, or (b) this was dreamt up by an algorithm.
@@jtmarshall yeah that's exactly what I was thinking of. That and the "not always right" photo of the customer complaint for returning a Lego set because the customer "didn't realize they came in pieces."
Well the advice to talk with the or another lawyer and get the will second readed if its in Op's interest is a good enough advice for Op. I mean, better safe than the son and dil got more than Op will gave them. And yes, wittnesses maybe talked to the son about the will, but Op can also get teh will revised by another lawyer. As i stated, better safe than the will is not in what he wants.
Witnesses do not read or know the details of someone's Will. They are only signing that in your presence they saw you sign, they signed your document and you appeared to be of sound body and mind and not being forced to sign. The lawyer, lawyer's assistant, or secretary are the ones who actually read and know the contents of the Will. Lawyer does appear shady by being difficult to reach. Perhaps it's time to change law firms.
@@claudettewalker8358 agree the witnesses were only there to see Op sign it and the fact the lawyer didn’t want to answer when Op first called him tells us he knew why he was calling
@@claudettewalker8358lawyer could have been on vacation or dealing with something else. He’s a lawyer and it sounds like he’s an estate lawyer. He was probably with another client or in court. I do agree that a secretary or clerk ma6 have yapped, tho.
If you filed the will with the county court as opposed to keeping it in a home safe or at your lawyer's office, then the information is available, somewhat, to the public.
Wow I assumed that the parents hadn't given permission for the motorbike ride and it was done behind their back (this really should have been made clear; it changes everything). In that case I could understand them being really pissed although they were still childish about it. But they knew and gave permission?! Wtf?! What is OP supposed to have done wrong? What disgusting people, especially getting their poor child involved by making him tell his grandpa to F-off on the phone. He must feel so guilty. Some people shouldn't be parents.
"My son son slapped across my face and I forgave him", WTF. I'm sorry, this was an accident and the son struck his father? Um no. The son would have been laying in the bed next to his son if my sons would have done that to me. Fuc no but continue...ok I'm finished. Op is NTA at all. Them sending back the Legos telling you to screw off would have done it for me as well. Now look at them groveling back saying, ok enough, you can have a somewhat relationship with you grandson if you just put us back in your will. This is called play stupid games and FAFO.
Were I the first OP, I’d make a complaint on the snoopy lawyer father of DIL. He had no business gossiping about privileged information he discovered in his branch of work. He should have kept it to himself. Lawyers shouldn’t be babbling people’s affairs in public.
Story 1: the lawyer may not have shared any info, if the FIL is also an attorney, he knows how to look up anything filed with the courts (this includes wills). The DIL may have asked her father to check on it and that’s how they found out so I wouldn’t automatically blame OP’s lawyer…
Story 4: NTA, you asked her out and she rejected you, now things are a little awkward, and they probably will be for a few weeks to months. You are aloud to process your feelings before things get back to normal.
Story 2: Jesus those commenters… sure, he MAY have a point that she’s too close, but the problem I’m having here is he went behind her back and told off his brother instead of having a frank discussion with his wife.
And perhaps FIL should walk OP down the aisle? I hope OP doesn’t take what copy and paste sister said because she’s incapable of independent thought. OPs parents never supported her decisions and if they stayed in the picture, they would favor the future grandkids while shunning her daughter.
Have OP’s parents forgotten that it says in the bible “ treat others how you want to be treated “ Also Jesus walked and talked to all walks of life including prostitutes( No I’m not calling OP a prostitute). It amazes me how many so called religious people are complete hypocrites
12:06 as someone who has seen several people get married just because they got pregnant only to end ip divorced or miserable... her mother and father are awful.
By the way the idea that white for a bride is because "they are a virgin" is wrong. The fashion arose as Queen Victoria wore a white dress. Not because she was a virgin but because only the very wealthy could afford white clothes. Everybody else up to then and even after just wore their best frock ie one of the two they owned. Due partly to economic progress and the rise of the middle classes, by the late 1800s, the white wedding gown became the expected choice for most brides.
It's stands that tradition changed again for some people where wearing white shows you are a virgin. Ultimately, it's up to you on what you wear. In some Asian countries, they wear red.
Husband/bil story. NTA. Wow, none of those commentors have probably never been close to an in-law. What is so wrong with OP seeing bil as a true brother? My sisters and I would do anything for each other's husbands if needed. People sure have nasty minds. Last story. NTA. OP is still a child and has a right to his feelings. They can still be friends, but he needs to heal.
I kind of had a feeling Reddit would turn it into something it wasn't. According to reddit, married women cannot be friends with the opposite sex, especially when the opposite sex is related to the husband. I definitely don't agree with Reddit and I think OP's husband is just insecure and I can't understand why he thinks a brotherly/sisterly relationship between his wife and brother is "icky". OP is NTA but her husband is for making it into something it clearly isn't.
Story 2: Unless you husband knows something more (like his brother having a crush on you), he is insane. It is normal to have a sibling like bond with BILs and SILs. Story 2 (comments) LOL, of course her post described her friendship with the BIL, more than her husband, she had to describe it so people could see it was normal sibling like stuff.
@@lorilancaster5917This is such a weird take. Just because you don't have a terrible relationship doesn't mean you have a close relationship. Those are two very different things.
@@maurer3d If BIL was a woman, no one would say this is an affair. If BIL was her actual brother, no one would say this was an affair. It's only an “affair” because unrelated men and women clearly can never be close without wanting to sleep with each other.
Considering they are the ones that gave permission for the rides and the accident was entirely not her fault, I don't see how anyone could understand the parents reaction. Please, I'm being honest, what's understandable about assaulting an injured elderly person (i dont think they ever confirmed if this was grandad or grandma, but son slapped them either way) cutting them off, and then threatening more physical harm?
1: NTA. The accident WAS NOT OP's fault. He was equally a victim in it, just one who didn't get hurt as much as the grandson, and in the grand scheme of things a broken arm is fairly minor compared to what could have happened. The Son and DIL then used the accident to alienate their son from OP, told OP they wanted nothing to do with him/did not want him in their lives anymore, only to act upset when he cuts them out of the will? They get to reap the consequences of their own actions. I'd also look into DIL's father gaining access/knowledge of OP's will and informing them about it as that sounds illegal. 2: NTA. The husband was highly insecure and took matters into his own hands ("warning" his brother off, likely with threats) when there's no evidence that anything beyond familial was occurring. If it had been one of OP's brother's who helped her out while she was sick, would the husband and Reddit be making claims of something more going on between them too? Husband has shown he holds 0 trust in OP, so how long until he starts making accusations towards friends, coworkers, or random people? 3: YTA. The truth hurts. OP rush into having intimacy with little thought regarding consequences, so her mom's comment about being "used goods" is true. Not every man is going to be interested in settling down with a woman who has kids prior to marriage and OP is extremely lucky he stuck around through it let alone wanted to marry her. 4: NTA. Feelings change over time and OP came to view their relationship has having the potential of becoming more, so he let her know of his feelings. Rejection hurts and OP needs the time to figure out if he'd be able to maintain a platonic friendship with Julie or not. That includes taking a step back from her and not spending as much time with her.
Last story: I'm so fucking tired of thinking I have a genuine friend, and then lose them because I'm just not interested in men. Or women. I just don't want to date right now, and it can be so isolating because if I'm not going to date, apparently I'm invaluable. I feel so bad for her.
Story 1. Get a private investigator & have them search for a relationship between your lawyer, their lawyer, your son & dil, secretaries, their families for a connection between these people. I absolutely want to know. It could also be someone you think is trustworthy & are confiding in. Good luck
If OP's husband does not trust her, the marriage is over. Without trust, there is no love. No matter how much OP says that she is in love with her husband. What about him with her? Or is he just upset that she has a friend?
Story 1: Okay, I get it that they were worried about their son, but the collision wasn't OP's fault. They were rear-ended and the driver of the car was held accountable. The boy's parents severely over-reacted. OP had every right to change his will. After all, they were more than clear that they wanted nothing to do with OP, so why should they inherit anything?. That said, the leaks of the details is a problem, and OP needs to track that down and put a stop to it.
1st story: %100 fair. They blame you for the accident which is sad and cut you off. And if they did not give permission fair I guess (not really). They cut contact and but still want your money…… 💰 funny.
Story 1: I’d find out how they learned about the new will. That is a legally confidential document. The person who found out is in deep legal crap. They could go to prison for it.
1) NTA, but I wonder if it was actually the grandson who wrote that message, maybe it was one of the parents. Tinfoil hat theory 2) hmm, hard to say but NAH. Maybe op and husband just don’t jive with each other, maybe it’s a little spat. Commenters are kinda being over analyzing on this one. 3) NTA, sis should follow her own advice. People make choices that others may not agree with.The “Parents” aren’t parents. 4) NAH, to YTA, I think op’s emotions are too volatile at the moment to really make a rational choice.
Story 2 - Jesus wept, with the way these commentors are acting, I'm sure they'd think I(f) was having an affair with my bestie(m)! Men and women are fully capable of having platonic friendships, YOU are the problem if you think that's untrue!
@@morlandoemtpyeah but what the op said didn’t even come close to an affair. It just seems like they’re close friends. Those commenters are wild especially bc the husband should have gone to the OP to address this. Not his brother.
@@sydneyosborn5861 I thought they acted more like siblings than friends, but yeah it doesn't seem like there is romantic feelings, she practically babied him just like an older sibling would to a younger sibling.
Second story. I think the commenters have never been friends with the opposite sex from them.. She found someone that she had a cool connection with and it was family. She laid out all the things that BIL did to show what all was happening with them just to paint a picture. This was not an emotional affair it was just a friendship. I wonder if this had been a SIL but she was a lesbian would husband still have an issue with it? I think he is projecting from his "business trips".
S1, wow, dead to them, threats, but still expected to be in the will? That's a crazy level of audacity and entitlement. Op is nta but as they said definitely needs a new lawyer bc something is very wrong that that info was leaked without his consent
Unless the child was taking on a ride without his parents knowledge or permission, i cannot even see how they are blaming OP for this even if they are upset. Id be blaming myself.
I'm upset with my son and dil because they had the audacity to check on their 11-year old, injured son before MEEE - OP. I don't think op has enough awareness to ask for or even CARE about permission. :I I have no idea why people are assuming op isn't a bad person after hearing THAT.
@panicwithcompulsion I think it's more about everything else that happened after that, from the slap, to the smashed up gift, to the vile phone call, to the disowning.
@@akl2k7 ESH is an option. OP is a narc, plain and simple. There's a reason he didn't say if he had permission, there's a reason everyone ELSE seems to be crazy and overreacting, and there's a reason the op could not even give the family one damn week of peace after a hospital visit before bombarding them with 'me me me' boundary stomping. OP lacks basic empathy and it shows in the post over and over. Pushing and pushing and pushing until you snap and look like the bad guy so they can play the victim is narc 101.
Really speaks volumes on their behavior in the first story when they are furious that they are cut off from their Op’s Will. They don’t speak to him again they are rude and disrespectful jerk and they still expect an inheritance? And yes I’m wondering that they found out about the change of well considering that is attorney client privileges. The second story regarding the brother-in-law is a clear example how much Reddit does not know crap about relationships. OP did not have a fair they were just being friendly and a husband just being a jealous idiot. From what I’m reading there is no emotional affair it was just strictly platonic.
I have a guy friend who is super good-looking. We grew up together, no way would I ever date him! And yet somehow 🙄 we are still great friends and get along!
Story1: NTA. I understand why the son and DIL were upset. The kid is only following their example. I'm very curious as to how DIL's father found out private info unless OP's lawyer blabbed it without permission. Seems like a breach of client confidentiality. If I were in OP's shoes I would probably be open to have a relationship with the grandson when he turns 18 and IF he isn't being hateful. I do feel bad for the kid. Also, as understandable as it was for son and DIL to be upset, OP was not responsible for the accident. The other driver was. I hope OP kept the letter with the threats and a photo of the broken legos. It can be included in case the son and DIL try to challenge the will. He can also document that the son physically assaulted him. I agree with the commenter about the legal support being compromised. Glad OP mentioned that he had safety gear on the kid AND permission to give him rides. That makes a big difference.
S1: OP should find out more about how they found out about it. In most US states, a will doesn't become public record until AFTER probate has been settled - i.e. after OP has died. So if DIL's father *did* somehow access it through non-public means and passed that info along to the son and DIL, it may be worth a call to the Bar Association in his state to see if it counts as an ethics violation. (Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, but the Google-fu is strong with this one).
The first OP also needs to check whether his son or dil has medical or financial power of attorney for him. If so he needs to change it with a new attorney and file copies with all nearby hospitals. I've read stories about a wealthy gp/gm falls ill and an untrustworthy sibling or child has used the opportunity to drain the bank accounts before the person recovers or passes.
If he can't trust his own brother and wife, he isn't mature enough for marriage. The wife tried talking it out with him LIKE ADULTS instead of hiding it or throwing a tantrum about it. She is literally being told that she isn't trustworthy with HIS OWN FAMILY.
It’s just amazing how people make poor decisions then when people aren’t enthusiastic about the poor choices they get upset about their reactions. Sigh.
Last story: NAH. I don't like how he disinvited her from the usual Thanksgiving tradition that they had going for years just because of this, but that's just me. A close friend like that is family, regardless. But on the other hand OP clearly needs to get through it, and apparently having her at Thanksgiving like usual would only make it harder. I also hope their friendship survives this, cuz it'd be a damn shame if it couldn't.
Story #1: I understand my son was probably upset, but his ass would have been laying in that hospital for putting his hands on me! Second, I'd be contacting my lawyer and a private investigation team to find out how they know about my will! Somewhere, someone down the line leaked private information. They also know that you're about to come into a settlement from the accident!! Your grandson will get his share and they will probably sue you. Now they have sent notes threatening you and is teaching your grandson to curse you out!! Did you change your locks? Does your son has a key? I hope you have a security cameras!
1) Unless OP took their child out on his motorbike, against the parents expressed withes, they can reasonably be upset over the injury, but blaming OP for the accident when they were rear-ended is ridiculous. All their behavior since is unreasonable. How they have disowned, insulted, and threatened OP, poisoned their child against his grandfather and yet expect to inherit ... absolutely unhinged. It's good OP changed his will as he did, but now he needs to change attorneys because how did anyone find out about this unless his attorney did not maintain legally mandated confidentiality. After update: I'm glad OP is looking into the breach of what should have been private information, and considering her had permission for his grandson to ride with him and had provided so much safety gear it is all the more crazy how his family reacted to this accident. I feel sorry for OP. 2) My first thought would be, is this projection, is he cheating and therefore thinks others do likewise, or is he picking up on BIL being too attentive and having designs on OP? It is too bad if OP's husband does not trust her, but she seems to be totally lacking in being able to understand how much her relationship with BIL is unseemly at best, and an emotional affair at worst. She goes to see BIL when she feels she is not getting enough attention from him, hugs him, but kicks her husband out. YTA. I do not have much hope for this marriage lasting. 3) It's a pity OP's parents are so critical and unloving. It's good the other side of the family are loving and supportive. Good for OP for uninviting her parents. NTA. It is time to go NC with the hateful, religious bigots. OP will be better off as will her fiance and child not having people like this in their lives. 4) I think it's nice to have included this long time good friend to Thanksgiving and shame on OP for being a bad friend to exclude her because she wasn't interested in being more than a friend. YTA.
how is it his fault when he was rear ended? anyways good that op's family in first post showed him their true colors,so he wouldn't have give them the estate, as they clearly didn't deserve it, gold diggers
FWIW, without knowing their finances I can't say for certain, but it seems like getting married for the tax breaks and medically related legal protections would have been the logical thing to do upon getting pregnant, deciding to stay together, and keeping the baby. Even if they just eloped and renewed their vows with a proper ceremony at a later date.
Foe that last one: gentle YTA/NTA. When you put yourself out there and get shot down by someone you've built a friendship with, it sucks. It's normal and healthy to put some distance there, process, and recalibrate. Doesn't mean you can't be friends, just need some time and space. That said, definitely should have had that conversation. "Hey, I really appreciate having you as a friend, and it's a little embarrassing that I caught one-sided feelings. I need a little time and space to process that and move on so I can be a good friend. I know that might be a little disappointing with the holidays coming up so I wanted to say it now."
Last story Imagine losing a years long friendship because they actually just wanted to get in your bed 🤢. I hope she realizes he was just a "nice guy" and quits speaking to him for her own sake.
Story one the accident was not your fault. I understand the parents were worried, but after threaten you harm, if you contact them thats bs. I would contact the board about her father, knowing other people’s clients he’s not supposed to know that and he’s not supposed to talk
Story 1: why are they only blaming you? Your grandson also wanted to have that ride, wtf. Looks like it wasn't even your fault either. If you had an accident with a car, would they even get angry about it since it's not your fault? You're right, they are gold diggers and just wanted your money, not a relationship with you.
S2 So instead of talking to his wife and voicing his concerns, he goes behind her back and makes her think her BIL hates her. Bruh why are the comments on this video so brain dead. I’m sorry people cannot fathom make-female friendships. I’m sorry y’all jump to affair instead of OP shares hobbies with someone who just so happens to have a penis.
He did discuss it with OP but got the same answers she gave us. I do think he should’ve spoken with the two of them together instead of vilifying his brother
@@ruthsaunders9507 maybe that's the way you've been raised. In my family it's common to have genuine male-female friendships. I met my step brother (5 years younger) when he was like 17, I've never thought of him as anything other than a brother. I've had many male co-workers where the relationship is great, but purely platonic. In this situation, if this were her blood brother the way she's acting would be very normal, but cos they have no blood they can't be close? Weird way to think of it, no doubt in her mind it would be incest, I don't know about the brother, maybe her husband knows something he hasn't shared with her.
S2- either reddit is being brain dead and projecting again or XO picked the worst takes to get engagement. Op is nta and that husband needs couples therapy to work out why he's so insecure over his brother watching over his wife. Yuck
Question: Did the grandsons parents know in advance that their child would be taken for a motorbike ride? If not then their reaction, though extreme, was understandable. Grandpa may be old but is he a responsible carer? However, the parents are very clearly gold diggers who are teaching their child very bad life lessons. IMO.
Op you are with the bil way too much. Id divorce op when I found out my brother was at my house with my wife the whole time I was gone. The affair isn't far off.
I mean you should never take a child on a motorboke without their parents approval first. That being said if this my my father id forgive him and firbid and further motorbiking. But I wouldnt cut him out of my life for an accident.
And while he should’ve spoken with them collectively about his concern, it was not necessary for him to have been kicked out of his home. He wasn’t a threat but was just tired of his grievances being ignored.
It’s very interesting to me because it seems normalized when a woman kicks out a man that its ok and “she’s doing what’s best for her” but I’ve heard stories where when the man kicks out the woman he’s considered abusive and controlling. It never makes sense.
@@alexismyers6053 so you’re saying that because a spouse gets their feelings hurt they should be able to kick out the other spouse of the house that they’re paying for?
1 - NTA, as long as there isn't context missing. I understand your son being upset about the accident but that was a huge overreaction, provided there was no prior boundary stomping of them saying "no grandson can't go out on your bike" and you ignored it. Their reply was so vicious that I'm wondering if there isn't some kind of prior history? But either way, look into getting a new lawyer, and you're NTA for writing them out of the will when you no longer have a relationship with them. The accident wasn't your fault. It was just that, an accident.
first story is fishy. was op's eyes bad? license revoked? been in other accidents frequently? was their relationship ok before this? something's left out.
3:40 will "information was leaked?" In some jurisdictions you can file a copy of the will with the government? So the leak may have occurred from there rather than in OP's lawyer's office.
Just love ppl who are so focused on RELIGION that they would find fault with JESUS! After all Mary was pregnant before her wedding and the baby wasn’t for her fiancé. It was for GOD! Mary was clearly ruined having a baby before marriage or even Sx! Your parents wouldn’t think of forgiving Mary even if she was the mother of JESUS! GOD FORGIVES- your religious parents don’t. Clearly they are above him!
all of these posts of 'my kid went nc, I changed my will, now they're crying' posts are rage bait. pro tip: if the post is coming from r/aitah with the 'h' at the end its creative writing meant to make you mad
Story 1, I want to say NTA, but something’s off with the Grandson being so hostile. What exactly are they doing to him to make him so hateful? If they got rear ended, then that’s not OP’s fault, so why is the Grandson so hateful? I think ether the parents are abusing the grandson and threatening him if he doesn’t obey their every instruction, or the OP is lying about the specifics of the accident. Ether way, the OP shouldn’t just be washing their hands of the situation and taking the words of a child so damn harshly. They should be involving CPS about the safety of the grandson, or they should know exactly what they did and stfu about their hurt feelings for their recklessness. (The former idea being if they’re innocent, the later being if Op is at fault.)
@ Except leaving him with abusive parents IS cutting him out. Money really means nothing, OP shouldn’t be leaving anything until the truth of the situation comes out (and if the grandson isn’t innocent/was abused to be in that position, then the grandson shouldn’t be getting *any* money ether.) Edit: realized I forgot it’s grandson and not nephew. Almost makes a bit worse though imo. OP shouldn’t be so comfortable about the idea of leaving his grandson with abusive parents. If something’s going on, *he needs to get involved.*
People always use their will to get revenge. I get them being upset about the accident. I don't get them crying because they are no longer part of the will. How did anyone know about the will? You have witnesses for a will? I didn't know that was a thing. It isn't in my country. Who were the witnesses? I would assume they work at the lawyers unless you invited people to be there. Either way, it needs to be investigated.
Religious mother: NTA. Matthew 7: Judge not, lest ye be judged seems apt here. The sister saying that OP owes the mother, has neglected that however wonderful OP's upbringing was, it has been marred by the recent sanctimony. Dr Crippen saved many lives, but he killed his wife and was caught thanks to the telegraphic system, and that's why he's still remembered.
I tried that “judge not” stuff on my religiously phobic father. He said he isn’t judgmental he just rads the Bible and knows what is and is not sin… despite the Bible literally saying mortal humans cannot judge sin as they themselves are inherently sinful. The mother would likely be competing against my Bible humper father for Olympic gold in mental gymnastics know how this brand of “Christians” are.
When my daughter went off to university, I said, "If you are adult enough to get pregnant and have a child... then you are adult enough to support yourself and your baby. There will be absolutely no support from me. The Bank of Dad will be closed. I am responsible for is birthday gifts and Christmas gifts for your child."
The wife is deliberately deluding herself if she can't see why her husband is upset with his little brother constantly being underfoot in his marriage, making his wife laugh, catering to her, calling her every other day, moving in with her for a week (how sick was she? Completely bedridden? If so, she should have had him or a female relative there), this is not normal. She wouldn't be thrilled if her little sister was pulling this with her husband. So why should he be fine with her flaunting this kind of behavior? Oh, i love him like a brother, uh huh, and that's the excuse all cheaters start with. The you don't have to worry about him or her, we're just really close. Too close. I bet little bro has sniffed around his gfs in the past too which is why he's upset.
Paula, you and Lori both need to go touch grass. This is what SIBLINGS with a close bond do for each other. I’m sorry if you don’t know what that’s like. Maybe if you were a more likable person and not a biddy with mindset of a cave man, you would have such close relationships!
The story about the wedding and child. I love how these people are so religious but do nothing but judge people. Reread the bible and stop cherry picking sections that suit you.
when you disown someone it should not be a surprise you don't inherit from them
And they shouldn’t see family as future paydays. Wonder if they expect a huge inheritance from FIL and are counting those days as well?
Dude, I totally get them being concerned for their child's safty, but that's just unfair. They were rear ended, you can't control getting rear ended.
If they were concerned about their child’s safety, then they wouldn’t have let him get on the bike in the first place. the parents were looking for any excuse to cut contact.
But did the parents agree to their son riding the motorcycle with grandpa?
@@sandyberger-r9j Yes. Didn't you listen to the story before commenting?
@ I didn’t know that there was an update and commented while other comments were read. Still, something about OP rubs me the wrong way and reminds me of my own father-in-law. He always had things his way and if I told him‘no‘ he often feigned ignorance and claimed I had allowed it.. Anyway, not my job to judge.
@@stonefox2546sure is convenient that the update fixes all these concerns… sounds little fishy!
Story 1, That accident was not your fault, it was a hit and run, yes in a car he'd have been safer, but as someone that rode on the back of my dads bike, i see no reason for them to do this, you are justified in your actions, especially after their threat and promise of "Supervised visitation" lifes too short to grovel to gold diggers
I do wonder if the accident was entirely not OP's fault. Obviously, the other driver who ran is at fault, but the only description is that it was a rear end accident. There are many reasons that type of accident can be the fault of either driver, including a sliding scale with some fault on both drivers. Just some off the top of my head, lane changing without properly checking if it's clear (either driver at fault), hard braking (both drivers possibly at fault depending on why the braking happened and how close the second driver is), general negligence / not paying attention (second driver at fault if nothing else at play assuming). Without more details, OP could be hiding that they weren't riding in a safe manner leading up to the accident. It's just speculation on my part, but people often hide info that makes them look bad.
Yes, the son, grandson, and DiL are in the wrong for the complete cutoff and still expecting inheritance. I also wonder if there was some lies told between the son and grandson. It could be either way, with the son telling grandson lies about OP's fault in the accident or the grandson telling lies to the son about the circumstances of the accident (like "OP was weaving between lanes" if OP wasn't).
Nah, it 100 thier fault for a rear end. What idiot would be break checking with a child and on motorcycle? The one in the back, the one who rear ends, is always supposed to be at a safe distance for whatever the vehicle in front may stop for. Again, no idiot would break check on a motorcycle. It's literally playing with death
@@patrickdix772, None of that is mentioned, he only said they (motorcycle) was rear ended and the car ran away
@@ilive4anime. Not sure about there, but here a rear end accident is ALWAYS the fault of the rear driver regardless of how the incident occurred. They can tell the difference between a side swipe/ cut off maneuver and a simple rear ending accident.
@@crazylarryjr thus why I said it's my speculation, since details on the accident aren't there in what OP wrote. Regardless, the son going full no contact for a relatively minor thing seems excessive. That's why I think there's more to the story that OP doesn't want to share (if he was being unsafe) or doesn't know (the potential lying I in mentioned in the second paragraph). I'd fully understand the son insisting on no more motorcycle rides at this point, since that would be a reasonable result of this accident, but the full job contact is just too much for only this incident IMO.
Story 1: Better make sure his will is safe and that his DIL's father doesn't have access to it. I really can't put it past them to not try something when they blow an accident out of proportion, and then go all pikachu faced when they find there was consequences that deprived them of something great as a result.
How many children break a bone before age 18? 45-55%! It is a rite of passage, not a world-ending crisis. Your son and DIL are too dramatic and full of rage to bother with. Poor kid, born to such overly histrionic, performative assholes...
Story 1. Nta. They want nothing to do with him and if it was up to them they would treat him exactly the way they treated the Lego set.
The only reason they're changing their tune now is because money is involved
Yep. They only want to be NC with OP and not his money. It also sounds like they need counseling because while the true culprit of the accident was arrested, they feel like they need to displace blame on to OP.
They really need counseling because while the true culprit of the accident was arrested, they feel like they should displace their anger on OP
OP sounds like he is full of crap. He let his mask slip in the post . Op going " they had the nerve to run to their hurt child that is just in a crash, before checking on me". #1 He knew is was okay, while his grand child was hurt. #2 A PARENTS WILL ALWAYS CHOOSE TO GO TO THIER CHILD FIRST . #3 The time Op was going me, me ,and me. They were worrying about their child. T he Bs to put in the post. saying "ignoring him" by going to see their HURT CHILD BEFORE ASKING ABOUT HIM.
@@k70freemanYou must be the son then.
@@OllieRamone Definitely is, lol
It's so bizarre that son and DIL would purposely - and it was no doubt done purposely, as I don't see how an 11 year old would go from loving and obviously enjoying time with his grandfather to declaring unending hate over an accident - manipulate their son (OP's grandson) to despise his grandfather due to a hit-and-run accident that, yes, caused some significant injury but was clearly not OP's fault and blame OP and OP only while doing an activity they's consented to. I can see emotions running high at the time, but not then devolving into an absolute hatred of OP. I had a doubt until OP mentioned it was an activity that the parents consented to, and after that there is rational reason why they should feel that way - or even blame OP at all. I'm baffled - and doubly so after son and DIL were surprised at OP's actions. Frankly, still allotting $50,000 for grandson's education was more grace than any of those three deserved.
The parents( op's son and dil) more than likely manipulated their son to say those things to his grandfather, especially if they had a good relationship beforehand. It's not totally the grandson's fault and Op probably knows that deep down. He definitely has a right to be hurt but the onus is on his son and Dil on this one.
St 1: NTA. I'll admit I understand the parents worrying about their child being in an accident, and yes you were driving so they needed someone to blame. But getting read ended wasn't ops fault. And the fact they went so vicious and smashed a gift was cruel.
And I hope OP showed the smashed present and threatening letter to his lawyer. I also really hope they find out who leaked the contents of OPs will. Honestly he’s too kind to even have money set aside for the grandson’s college after what he said to him.
Honestly? Parents sound like Gold Diggers and the son was probably told to say what he did to Grandma.
Glad to see the consequences of their actions have hit them and now they can accept their loss since afterall they told Grandma they were going no Contact
@@memeking7273 Grandpa
@@memeking7273I'm sure that ever since the accident he's been convinced that OP is an irresponsible monster.
@@memeking7273grandpa. OP is a guy
Her mother btched about the wedding, and she demanded that she not wear a white dress, basically labeled OP a failure, but cried about being heartbroken that she's not invited.
I absolutely hte people like OP's mother. So religiously and heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.
And I hope that OP will see her family bowing out of the wedding as a blessing. They won’t change. OP is better off without them. Their other copy and paste daughters can take care of them down the line.
Pro Life until you have a baby the embarrasses them. That family is crazy.
The super pious ones are especially quick to judge, & criticize. They are pretty awful parents, and would be lucky to see that grandchild again.
They're NOT heavenly minded. Don't made the mistake of thinking that OP's family is anything other than judgmental hypocrites who have no understanding of the grace and love of God.
Fantastic statement
Son and dil sure do sound like gold diggers..... they threatened harm to op if he didn't respect THEIR no contact order then back pedal once they found out about the will...... messed up.
It was a total accident. It was the OTHER drivers fault not op. They gave permission. What jerks.
Feel kinda bad for the kid..... sounds like he and his grandpa were close before all this.
Eta.... my very catholic parents actually did love and support me when i got pregnant at 19 out of wedlock. They never acted like ops parents did towards her...I knew they were disappointed but they supported me and even told me NOT to get married just because we were having a baby. THAT'S what loving and supportive parents actually do. Op should really consider very low contact with those judgemental, mean people
Your folks sound like keepers hon.
@Digitalfairy they very much are. 😊 they've stood by me (and my siblings) thru thick and thin. Really makes me sad that so many people claim to be Christian then treat others like trash.
I thank heaven for them every day...
Eta....I live the name digital fairy! It's great!!
Story 1 NTA
"The accident was your fault" NO it absolutely wasnt!!! They were REAR ENDED! He DIDN'T crash his bike. He did everything right! He had them wear all the safety gear to be a passenger and made sure to prioritize his grandson over insurance or chasing the dude down.
I love the final comment in the final story. I am so tired of people pretending like your feelings shouldn't ever ever ever change about somebody and no matter what you should always stay friends with them even if it's actively hurting you.
Transference. Guarantee you they're all in these kinds of relationships and are desperately trying to convince themselves that it's okay.
It’s obvious where those first comments are coming from in the last story, let me give you a hint man hating idiots. So they’re just pretty much saying that OP should just man up and get over his feelings of rejection. Rejection hurts either way whether it’s kid or adult.
Yup. He's allowed to have his feelings. She's allowed to not feel about him the same way he feels about her. And he's allowed to feel sad about it. Maybe next year it will blow over maybe not. Either way nta
Agreed. All during the YTA comments I was shaking my head and saying, "Nope, nope, nope! OP needs time to work through his feelings and adjust to his new reality. His need supersedes Julie's desire to be included in OP's family's celebration."
@@Symphonia30 Exactly. I had a girl who I considered a best friend, but right after HS, ghosted me completely. I ran into her at a holiday fair almost 10 years later, and my mum was gushing to her and gave her my number. My mum however, never noticed that she didn't offer me HER number, FB, or any contact method. Mum then got pissy with me for not being happier, and I asked her why...why should I bother. Still doesnt get it.
Last story: the same way the friend doesn't have to reciprocate OPs feelings, OP doesn't owe the person friendship. It's that simple
No but it's the fact he remained friends with expectations of there being more and abandoning her when it didn't go his way.
S1: NTA. Son and DIL are hypocrites for blaming OP for accident when they’d allowed the ride. Also, the accident was in no way the OP’s fault. They were rear ended! The parents are feeling guilty for allowing the grandson to go for rides and are misplacing their anger on OP, and also messing up their kid’s relationship with OP by corrupting his brain. OP changing their will makes complete sense after their treatment of them. As far as the legal ramifications of the will getting out, I wish the OP the best luck.
It’s so interesting that the OP only mentioned that they approved of the motorbike ride in the update. Wonder if that is true or if it’s just the OP trying to justify themselves. Guess we will never know.
Husband and BIL story: What is with the commentors? The reason OP didn't talk about her husband is because she was giving the background on her relationship with BIL because that is what is in question, not the relationship with the husband. I think it's weird she is so close but it's not unheard of. People need to touch grass.
I was wondering the same. Also it could be projection from the husbands side. If he is out of town for longer periods, who says that he isn't looking for some fun on the side.
I used to spend time with my sister-in-law allt when my brother wasn't around. Heck, most of the time, he was the one who called me up and suggested it, when he had plans with his childhood friends etc. My SIL's mother was concerned, but no one else was. Guess it comes down to trust.
My SIL is one of my closests siblings and no, nothing sexual!
Bruh those commenters are way off base here. They're following each other down their own made up rabbit hole with this story lol also they sound like Nice Girl™️
Why is anyone remotely surprised by the comments? This isn’t a random section of the population’s opinion, it’s comments from people who frequent Reddit, where folks screw their in-laws all the time, it’s also where your wife is 10 times more likely to die in childbirth, and where every second story features a couple who died in a car accident leaving small offspring. These aren’t grass touchers: they are drama ‘hos.
Why do the parents think the accident was your fault? There is a guilty party, but it isnt you. Children don't know hate until they are taught to hate. Shame on your son for doing that to you. If he hates you he shouldn't receive a dime.
I’m thinking it’s because they can’t lash out against the real culprit even through they were arrested. However that is a them problem
Probably because OP isn't being honest. This was probably the last straw in a long line of issues.
@Mewse1203 if there not being honest why they upset they got cut out the will u don't go no contact and expect people to leave u shit
@@Mewse1203tf are you talking about?
@@alexismyers6053 I'm talking about OP being an unreliable narrator...
That’s very kind of you to make such a huge contribution to charity.
Wow, calling a woman "used goods" is disgusting. And yet a man in the same position is...what? There isn't a word as no one judges the men.
Typical of zealots who don't know the meaning of being a Christian... judging others, throwing out names and turning their backs on family in need. SMH.
These days, it seems more and more that hate is a Christian value. I hope I think so only because the haters are so vocal and the good people aren't, but it's how it seems.
And when the sister called OP, I started hearing the flying monkeys theme from the Wizard of Oz in my head. Doo doot da doot da doo.
A key that opens many locks is an incredible key. A lock that opens for many keys is a bad lock.
If you think hate is a Christian value, then you have never left Christendom. You have it so easy.
@@patriciahansen6032Hate is actually becoming more Racial. Weird how everyone fought for equality and now everything is about Race. Religious people have always been neurotic, even though they have Joseph & Magdalene, a Step Father & Prostitute
Women are not "goods", used or otherwise.
Hymen status is no ones else's business to judge.
Lose the haters (no love in their hearts) and give them zero access to your child.
It's a sad story and all, but my brain is stuck on one thing - don't LEGO sets already come in pieces? How do you smash it into pieces? That would require actually smashing the pieces themselves, which would actually take some doing when you think about it (those bricks are STURDY).
Yeah, if this story isn't just written via AI then I get the feeling it might be one of those "missing missing reasons" tales. Like, I can't see a child of a normal loving father going that over-the-top over a single accident, even *if* the broken arm had been OP's fault. The LEGO bit feels cartoonishly villainous, as does the way the grandson responded on the phone (what kind of grandson with an otherwise loving relationship goes straight to "fuck off" over a single incident?), which I could understand only if (a) OP isn't conveying the rocky parts of their relationship prior to this incident and is exaggerating the actual details, or (b) this was dreamt up by an algorithm.
Smashing Legos peices is almost impossible... I watched a RUclips video of a block of Lego pieces withstanding 100,000 pounds on a hydraulic press..
@@jtmarshall yeah that's exactly what I was thinking of. That and the "not always right" photo of the customer complaint for returning a Lego set because the customer "didn't realize they came in pieces."
Also story 1: If you're reading this, PLEASE don't get your legal advice from Reddit. The lawyer was right, it was probably one of the witnesses.
Well the advice to talk with the or another lawyer and get the will second readed if its in Op's interest is a good enough advice for Op. I mean, better safe than the son and dil got more than Op will gave them. And yes, wittnesses maybe talked to the son about the will, but Op can also get teh will revised by another lawyer. As i stated, better safe than the will is not in what he wants.
Witnesses do not read or know the details of someone's Will. They are only signing that in your presence they saw you sign, they signed your document and you appeared to be of sound body and mind and not being forced to sign. The lawyer, lawyer's assistant, or secretary are the ones who actually read and know the contents of the Will. Lawyer does appear shady by being difficult to reach. Perhaps it's time to change law firms.
@@claudettewalker8358 agree the witnesses were only there to see Op sign it and the fact the lawyer didn’t want to answer when Op first called him tells us he knew why he was calling
@@claudettewalker8358lawyer could have been on vacation or dealing with something else. He’s a lawyer and it sounds like he’s an estate lawyer. He was probably with another client or in court. I do agree that a secretary or clerk ma6 have yapped, tho.
If you filed the will with the county court as opposed to keeping it in a home safe or at your lawyer's office, then the information is available, somewhat, to the public.
And making it easily accessible to the lawyer FIL. They must’ve been lurking in the shadows.
depends on the country
In the US, this is only correct AFTER the person dies
Wow I assumed that the parents hadn't given permission for the motorbike ride and it was done behind their back (this really should have been made clear; it changes everything). In that case I could understand them being really pissed although they were still childish about it. But they knew and gave permission?! Wtf?! What is OP supposed to have done wrong? What disgusting people, especially getting their poor child involved by making him tell his grandpa to F-off on the phone. He must feel so guilty. Some people shouldn't be parents.
"My son son slapped across my face and I forgave him", WTF. I'm sorry, this was an accident and the son struck his father? Um no. The son would have been laying in the bed next to his son if my sons would have done that to me. Fuc no but continue...ok I'm finished. Op is NTA at all. Them sending back the Legos telling you to screw off would have done it for me as well. Now look at them groveling back saying, ok enough, you can have a somewhat relationship with you grandson if you just put us back in your will. This is called play stupid games and FAFO.
And the LEGO was smashed. LEGO isn’t freaking cheap!
Were I the first OP, I’d make a complaint on the snoopy lawyer father of DIL. He had no business gossiping about privileged information he discovered in his branch of work. He should have kept it to himself. Lawyers shouldn’t be babbling people’s affairs in public.
Story 1: the lawyer may not have shared any info, if the FIL is also an attorney, he knows how to look up anything filed with the courts (this includes wills). The DIL may have asked her father to check on it and that’s how they found out so I wouldn’t automatically blame OP’s lawyer…
There is NO reason anyone else should know about the details about the will!
Story 4: NTA, you asked her out and she rejected you, now things are a little awkward, and they probably will be for a few weeks to months. You are aloud to process your feelings before things get back to normal.
He's also allowed to completely done with her... why do people always act like that's never an option?
Story 2: Jesus those commenters… sure, he MAY have a point that she’s too close, but the problem I’m having here is he went behind her back and told off his brother instead of having a frank discussion with his wife.
By OP’s reaction, I don’t blame him.
Small wedding just got smaller and more intimate.
And perhaps FIL should walk OP down the aisle? I hope OP doesn’t take what copy and paste sister said because she’s incapable of independent thought. OPs parents never supported her decisions and if they stayed in the picture, they would favor the future grandkids while shunning her daughter.
Have OP’s parents forgotten that it says in the bible “ treat others how you want to be treated “ Also Jesus walked and talked to all walks of life including prostitutes( No I’m not calling OP a prostitute). It amazes me how many so called religious people are complete hypocrites
12:06 as someone who has seen several people get married just because they got pregnant only to end ip divorced or miserable... her mother and father are awful.
By the way the idea that white for a bride is because "they are a virgin" is wrong. The fashion arose as Queen Victoria wore a white dress. Not because she was a virgin but because only the very wealthy could afford white clothes. Everybody else up to then and even after just wore their best frock ie one of the two they owned. Due partly to economic progress and the rise of the middle classes, by the late 1800s, the white wedding gown became the expected choice for most brides.
most wedding dresses were blue i believe as a honoring to the virgin mary
It's stands that tradition changed again for some people where wearing white shows you are a virgin. Ultimately, it's up to you on what you wear. In some Asian countries, they wear red.
In some states you can file your will with the courts before death, but those records become public information.
Husband/bil story. NTA. Wow, none of those commentors have probably never been close to an in-law. What is so wrong with OP seeing bil as a true brother? My sisters and I would do anything for each other's husbands if needed. People sure have nasty minds.
Last story. NTA. OP is still a child and has a right to his feelings. They can still be friends, but he needs to heal.
I kind of had a feeling Reddit would turn it into something it wasn't. According to reddit, married women cannot be friends with the opposite sex, especially when the opposite sex is related to the husband. I definitely don't agree with Reddit and I think OP's husband is just insecure and I can't understand why he thinks a brotherly/sisterly relationship between his wife and brother is "icky". OP is NTA but her husband is for making it into something it clearly isn't.
Story 2: Unless you husband knows something more (like his brother having a crush on you), he is insane. It is normal to have a sibling like bond with BILs and SILs.
Story 2 (comments) LOL, of course her post described her friendship with the BIL, more than her husband, she had to describe it so people could see it was normal sibling like stuff.
However OP stated she was closer to him than her actual brothers so how is that normal? She didn’t say that her brothers were terrible
@@lorilancaster5917 So people can't be closer to friends than their siblings? Pretty sure that's completely normal
Right?? It sounds less like an affair and more like BiL is her bestie!
@@lorilancaster5917This is such a weird take. Just because you don't have a terrible relationship doesn't mean you have a close relationship. Those are two very different things.
@@maurer3d If BIL was a woman, no one would say this is an affair.
If BIL was her actual brother, no one would say this was an affair.
It's only an “affair” because unrelated men and women clearly can never be close without wanting to sleep with each other.
Story 1: I understand the parents' reaction to the accident but they're trash for thinking they're owed an inheritance.
Considering they are the ones that gave permission for the rides and the accident was entirely not her fault, I don't see how anyone could understand the parents reaction.
Please, I'm being honest, what's understandable about assaulting an injured elderly person (i dont think they ever confirmed if this was grandad or grandma, but son slapped them either way) cutting them off, and then threatening more physical harm?
@@demonheart13 Did they give permission? I couldn't find anything about it in the video?
he needs to leave his son a dollar
Depends where one lives
Actually he may not have to. He can write a statement in the will acknowledging them and tell them why they aren’t getting anything.
1: NTA. The accident WAS NOT OP's fault. He was equally a victim in it, just one who didn't get hurt as much as the grandson, and in the grand scheme of things a broken arm is fairly minor compared to what could have happened. The Son and DIL then used the accident to alienate their son from OP, told OP they wanted nothing to do with him/did not want him in their lives anymore, only to act upset when he cuts them out of the will? They get to reap the consequences of their own actions. I'd also look into DIL's father gaining access/knowledge of OP's will and informing them about it as that sounds illegal.
2: NTA. The husband was highly insecure and took matters into his own hands ("warning" his brother off, likely with threats) when there's no evidence that anything beyond familial was occurring. If it had been one of OP's brother's who helped her out while she was sick, would the husband and Reddit be making claims of something more going on between them too? Husband has shown he holds 0 trust in OP, so how long until he starts making accusations towards friends, coworkers, or random people?
3: YTA. The truth hurts. OP rush into having intimacy with little thought regarding consequences, so her mom's comment about being "used goods" is true. Not every man is going to be interested in settling down with a woman who has kids prior to marriage and OP is extremely lucky he stuck around through it let alone wanted to marry her.
4: NTA. Feelings change over time and OP came to view their relationship has having the potential of becoming more, so he let her know of his feelings. Rejection hurts and OP needs the time to figure out if he'd be able to maintain a platonic friendship with Julie or not. That includes taking a step back from her and not spending as much time with her.
Last story: I'm so fucking tired of thinking I have a genuine friend, and then lose them because I'm just not interested in men. Or women. I just don't want to date right now, and it can be so isolating because if I'm not going to date, apparently I'm invaluable. I feel so bad for her.
Story 1. Get a private investigator & have them search for a relationship between your lawyer, their lawyer, your son & dil, secretaries, their families for a connection between these people. I absolutely want to know. It could also be someone you think is trustworthy & are confiding in. Good luck
If OP's husband does not trust her, the marriage is over. Without trust, there is no love. No matter how much OP says that she is in love with her husband. What about him with her? Or is he just upset that she has a friend?
Would you trust your wife who insists on hanging out with a man one on one without you?
@@nater1328I would. Because women can have male friends. It’s not the revolutionary an idea.
@@alexismyers6053 🚩🚩🚩 neither is divorce and infidelity babygirl. But I expect you knew that one, babygirl 🤣
Story 1: Okay, I get it that they were worried about their son, but the collision wasn't OP's fault. They were rear-ended and the driver of the car was held accountable. The boy's parents severely over-reacted. OP had every right to change his will. After all, they were more than clear that they wanted nothing to do with OP, so why should they inherit anything?. That said, the leaks of the details is a problem, and OP needs to track that down and put a stop to it.
1st story: %100 fair. They blame you for the accident which is sad and cut you off. And if they did not give permission fair I guess (not really). They cut contact and but still want your money…… 💰 funny.
Story 1: I’d find out how they learned about the new will. That is a legally confidential document. The person who found out is in deep legal crap. They could go to prison for it.
I'm surprised they didn't sue him immediately after the accident. The grandson was coached to hate the grandfather. Breaking a Lego set is despicable.
1) NTA, but I wonder if it was actually the grandson who wrote that message, maybe it was one of the parents. Tinfoil hat theory
2) hmm, hard to say but NAH. Maybe op and husband just don’t jive with each other, maybe it’s a little spat. Commenters are kinda being over analyzing on this one.
3) NTA, sis should follow her own advice. People make choices that others may not agree with.The “Parents” aren’t parents.
4) NAH, to YTA, I think op’s emotions are too volatile at the moment to really make a rational choice.
If the way OP worded it was how the letter was worded, then I can see and 12 year old writing it like that.
Story 2 - Jesus wept, with the way these commentors are acting, I'm sure they'd think I(f) was having an affair with my bestie(m)! Men and women are fully capable of having platonic friendships, YOU are the problem if you think that's untrue!
Ya but more cases than not they can’t.
@@morlandoemtpyeah but what the op said didn’t even come close to an affair. It just seems like they’re close friends. Those commenters are wild especially bc the husband should have gone to the OP to address this. Not his brother.
But but but, the podcast bros say women and men can't ever be friends!!!
@@sydneyosborn5861 studies have shown 50%+ of married women have a back up man, who is a friend or ex bf they still talk to.
@@sydneyosborn5861 I thought they acted more like siblings than friends, but yeah it doesn't seem like there is romantic feelings, she practically babied him just like an older sibling would to a younger sibling.
Story 1: It was an accident, which OP wasn’t responsible for. His son and his wife behaved badly. Also, get another lawyer🙁
And have different witnesses just to be safe
Second story. I think the commenters have never been friends with the opposite sex from them.. She found someone that she had a cool connection with and it was family. She laid out all the things that BIL did to show what all was happening with them just to paint a picture. This was not an emotional affair it was just a friendship.
I wonder if this had been a SIL but she was a lesbian would husband still have an issue with it? I think he is projecting from his "business trips".
S1, wow, dead to them, threats, but still expected to be in the will? That's a crazy level of audacity and entitlement. Op is nta but as they said definitely needs a new lawyer bc something is very wrong that that info was leaked without his consent
Unless the child was taking on a ride without his parents knowledge or permission, i cannot even see how they are blaming OP for this even if they are upset. Id be blaming myself.
I'm upset with my son and dil because they had the audacity to check on their 11-year old, injured son before MEEE - OP.
I don't think op has enough awareness to ask for or even CARE about permission. :I I have no idea why people are assuming op isn't a bad person after hearing THAT.
@panicwithcompulsion I think it's more about everything else that happened after that, from the slap, to the smashed up gift, to the vile phone call, to the disowning.
@@akl2k7 ESH is an option. OP is a narc, plain and simple. There's a reason he didn't say if he had permission, there's a reason everyone ELSE seems to be crazy and overreacting, and there's a reason the op could not even give the family one damn week of peace after a hospital visit before bombarding them with 'me me me' boundary stomping. OP lacks basic empathy and it shows in the post over and over. Pushing and pushing and pushing until you snap and look like the bad guy so they can play the victim is narc 101.
@@panicwithcompulsionhe did say he had permission in the edit, so suck a lemon.
Really speaks volumes on their behavior in the first story when they are furious that they are cut off from their Op’s Will. They don’t speak to him again they are rude and disrespectful jerk and they still expect an inheritance? And yes I’m wondering that they found out about the change of well considering that is attorney client privileges.
The second story regarding the brother-in-law is a clear example how much Reddit does not know crap about relationships. OP did not have a fair they were just being friendly and a husband just being a jealous idiot. From what I’m reading there is no emotional affair it was just strictly platonic.
"What we had was more more than a relationship"
Good enough to provide and be a support, but not good looking enough to date lol
I have a guy friend who is super good-looking. We grew up together, no way would I ever date him! And yet somehow 🙄 we are still great friends and get along!
Story1: NTA. I understand why the son and DIL were upset. The kid is only following their example. I'm very curious as to how DIL's father found out private info unless OP's lawyer blabbed it without permission. Seems like a breach of client confidentiality. If I were in OP's shoes I would probably be open to have a relationship with the grandson when he turns 18 and IF he isn't being hateful. I do feel bad for the kid. Also, as understandable as it was for son and DIL to be upset, OP was not responsible for the accident. The other driver was. I hope OP kept the letter with the threats and a photo of the broken legos. It can be included in case the son and DIL try to challenge the will. He can also document that the son physically assaulted him. I agree with the commenter about the legal support being compromised. Glad OP mentioned that he had safety gear on the kid AND permission to give him rides. That makes a big difference.
If my husband had an emotional affair with my hubby, I would be disgusted.
S1: OP should find out more about how they found out about it. In most US states, a will doesn't become public record until AFTER probate has been settled - i.e. after OP has died. So if DIL's father *did* somehow access it through non-public means and passed that info along to the son and DIL, it may be worth a call to the Bar Association in his state to see if it counts as an ethics violation. (Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, but the Google-fu is strong with this one).
The first OP also needs to check whether his son or dil has medical or financial power of attorney for him. If so he needs to change it with a new attorney and file copies with all nearby hospitals. I've read stories about a wealthy gp/gm falls ill and an untrustworthy sibling or child has used the opportunity to drain the bank accounts before the person recovers or passes.
Story 4: As usual, there is no hate like Christian love.
The story about birth before marriage. Her folks are not acting like good Christians. A Christian forgives and let's it go and does not judge.
The parents need a serious reality check. Life happens, moreso when "Christian" households are involved.
Are the commenters on the second story, like, okay?
If he can't trust his own brother and wife, he isn't mature enough for marriage. The wife tried talking it out with him LIKE ADULTS instead of hiding it or throwing a tantrum about it. She is literally being told that she isn't trustworthy with HIS OWN FAMILY.
Family often cheats with family.
@@mitchellsoto5141not really the case
@@mitchellsoto5141 or he is cheating during his trips, it's pretty common that a cheater will accuse a non-cheater
@@mitchellsoto5141but none of what OP described was romantic. It was sibling platonic love.
It’s just amazing how people make poor decisions then when people aren’t enthusiastic about the poor choices they get upset about their reactions. Sigh.
Last story: NAH. I don't like how he disinvited her from the usual Thanksgiving tradition that they had going for years just because of this, but that's just me. A close friend like that is family, regardless. But on the other hand OP clearly needs to get through it, and apparently having her at Thanksgiving like usual would only make it harder. I also hope their friendship survives this, cuz it'd be a damn shame if it couldn't.
Story #1: I understand my son was probably upset, but his ass would have been laying in that hospital for putting his hands on me! Second, I'd be contacting my lawyer and a private investigation team to find out how they know about my will! Somewhere, someone down the line leaked private information. They also know that you're about to come into a settlement from the accident!! Your grandson will get his share and they will probably sue you. Now they have sent notes threatening you and is teaching your grandson to curse you out!! Did you change your locks? Does your son has a key? I hope you have a security cameras!
Calm down tough guy😂😂
1) Unless OP took their child out on his motorbike, against the parents expressed withes, they can reasonably be upset over the injury, but blaming OP for the accident when they were rear-ended is ridiculous. All their behavior since is unreasonable. How they have disowned, insulted, and threatened OP, poisoned their child against his grandfather and yet expect to inherit ... absolutely unhinged. It's good OP changed his will as he did, but now he needs to change attorneys because how did anyone find out about this unless his attorney did not maintain legally mandated confidentiality.
After update: I'm glad OP is looking into the breach of what should have been private information, and considering her had permission for his grandson to ride with him and had provided so much safety gear it is all the more crazy how his family reacted to this accident. I feel sorry for OP.
2) My first thought would be, is this projection, is he cheating and therefore thinks others do likewise, or is he picking up on BIL being too attentive and having designs on OP? It is too bad if OP's husband does not trust her, but she seems to be totally lacking in being able to understand how much her relationship with BIL is unseemly at best, and an emotional affair at worst. She goes to see BIL when she feels she is not getting enough attention from him, hugs him, but kicks her husband out. YTA. I do not have much hope for this marriage lasting.
3) It's a pity OP's parents are so critical and unloving. It's good the other side of the family are loving and supportive. Good for OP for uninviting her parents. NTA. It is time to go NC with the hateful, religious bigots. OP will be better off as will her fiance and child not having people like this in their lives.
4) I think it's nice to have included this long time good friend to Thanksgiving and shame on OP for being a bad friend to exclude her because she wasn't interested in being more than a friend. YTA.
Last story: NAH, I was leaning toward YTA, but if you need a few months to heal, that’s understandable.
Exactly, rejection hurts either way whether kid or adult but mostly kids
Story 2: why would you ever be alone with your BIL?
how is it his fault when he was rear ended? anyways good that op's family in first post showed him their true colors,so he wouldn't have give them the estate, as they clearly didn't deserve it, gold diggers
You shouldn't of left the grandson at all. Change the will again and leave the grandson nothing at all
FWIW, without knowing their finances I can't say for certain, but it seems like getting married for the tax breaks and medically related legal protections would have been the logical thing to do upon getting pregnant, deciding to stay together, and keeping the baby. Even if they just eloped and renewed their vows with a proper ceremony at a later date.
Story 1: NTA at all
Foe that last one: gentle YTA/NTA. When you put yourself out there and get shot down by someone you've built a friendship with, it sucks. It's normal and healthy to put some distance there, process, and recalibrate. Doesn't mean you can't be friends, just need some time and space. That said, definitely should have had that conversation. "Hey, I really appreciate having you as a friend, and it's a little embarrassing that I caught one-sided feelings. I need a little time and space to process that and move on so I can be a good friend. I know that might be a little disappointing with the holidays coming up so I wanted to say it now."
So she can friendzone him... no thank you. And before you start with dumb attempts to shame me, I'm not even straight... let alone an incel.
Last story
Imagine losing a years long friendship because they actually just wanted to get in your bed 🤢. I hope she realizes he was just a "nice guy" and quits speaking to him for her own sake.
anyone else think story 2 is AI generated? Something about the way it's written doesn't feel natural.
Last Story: NTA
OP has/had feelings towards her and needs distance
and she needs to understand that or else she is TA
Story one the accident was not your fault. I understand the parents were worried, but after threaten you harm, if you contact them thats bs. I would contact the board about her father, knowing other people’s clients he’s not supposed to know that and he’s not supposed to talk
Story 1: why are they only blaming you? Your grandson also wanted to have that ride, wtf. Looks like it wasn't even your fault either. If you had an accident with a car, would they even get angry about it since it's not your fault? You're right, they are gold diggers and just wanted your money, not a relationship with you.
The Lego set was in pieces when it was sent
S2 So instead of talking to his wife and voicing his concerns, he goes behind her back and makes her think her BIL hates her. Bruh why are the comments on this video so brain dead. I’m sorry people cannot fathom make-female friendships. I’m sorry y’all jump to affair instead of OP shares hobbies with someone who just so happens to have a penis.
He did discuss it with OP but got the same answers she gave us. I do think he should’ve spoken with the two of them together instead of vilifying his brother
Just the way she told the story shows that she's way way to cozy with BIL. No one would be comfortable with that.
@@ruthsaunders9507 maybe that's the way you've been raised. In my family it's common to have genuine male-female friendships. I met my step brother (5 years younger) when he was like 17, I've never thought of him as anything other than a brother. I've had many male co-workers where the relationship is great, but purely platonic. In this situation, if this were her blood brother the way she's acting would be very normal, but cos they have no blood they can't be close? Weird way to think of it, no doubt in her mind it would be incest, I don't know about the brother, maybe her husband knows something he hasn't shared with her.
@@ruthsaunders9507she definitely did didn't she.
I bet these people also start hearing "Sweet Home Alabama" if OP hangs out alone with her brothers. 🙄
Story 1: NTA but come on. The parents are clearly putting words in the kids mouth.
S2- either reddit is being brain dead and projecting again or XO picked the worst takes to get engagement. Op is nta and that husband needs couples therapy to work out why he's so insecure over his brother watching over his wife. Yuck
Question: Did the grandsons parents know in advance that their child would be taken for a motorbike ride? If not then their reaction, though extreme, was understandable. Grandpa may be old but is he a responsible carer? However, the parents are very clearly gold diggers who are teaching their child very bad life lessons. IMO.
They did. He said so in the update.
@@alexismyers6053 Thank you.
Op you are with the bil way too much. Id divorce op when I found out my brother was at my house with my wife the whole time I was gone. The affair isn't far off.
Nta on the last story. Hes allowed to have his feelings.
In the US witnesses are just there to bear witness to the signing of the document, not the contents.
I mean you should never take a child on a motorboke without their parents approval first. That being said if this my my father id forgive him and firbid and further motorbiking. But I wouldnt cut him out of my life for an accident.
What is it with people kicking their spouse, mostly wives kicking out husbands, out of their own damn home? Jesus.
And while he should’ve spoken with them collectively about his concern, it was not necessary for him to have been kicked out of his home. He wasn’t a threat but was just tired of his grievances being ignored.
It’s very interesting to me because it seems normalized when a woman kicks out a man that its ok and “she’s doing what’s best for her” but I’ve heard stories where when the man kicks out the woman he’s considered abusive and controlling. It never makes sense.
Why should the one causing a disruption in the marriage get to stay while the innocent victim has to be uncomfortable and out of their own home?
@@alexismyers6053 so you’re saying that because a spouse gets their feelings hurt they should be able to kick out the other spouse of the house that they’re paying for?
1 - NTA, as long as there isn't context missing. I understand your son being upset about the accident but that was a huge overreaction, provided there was no prior boundary stomping of them saying "no grandson can't go out on your bike" and you ignored it. Their reply was so vicious that I'm wondering if there isn't some kind of prior history? But either way, look into getting a new lawyer, and you're NTA for writing them out of the will when you no longer have a relationship with them. The accident wasn't your fault. It was just that, an accident.
first story is fishy. was op's eyes bad? license revoked? been in other accidents frequently? was their relationship ok before this? something's left out.
3:40 will "information was leaked?" In some jurisdictions you can file a copy of the will with the government? So the leak may have occurred from there rather than in OP's lawyer's office.
But 5he lawyer seemed surprised by it, too, so I don’t think it was that.
Just love ppl who are so focused on RELIGION that they would find fault with JESUS! After all Mary was pregnant before her wedding and the baby wasn’t for her fiancé. It was for GOD! Mary was clearly ruined having a baby before marriage or even Sx! Your parents wouldn’t think of forgiving Mary even if she was the mother of JESUS!
GOD FORGIVES- your religious parents don’t. Clearly they are above him!
At least they THINK they're above Jesus
3rd lol. Love ur videos
all of these posts of 'my kid went nc, I changed my will, now they're crying' posts are rage bait. pro tip: if the post is coming from r/aitah with the 'h' at the end its creative writing meant to make you mad
Story 1, I want to say NTA, but something’s off with the Grandson being so hostile. What exactly are they doing to him to make him so hateful? If they got rear ended, then that’s not OP’s fault, so why is the Grandson so hateful?
I think ether the parents are abusing the grandson and threatening him if he doesn’t obey their every instruction, or the OP is lying about the specifics of the accident.
Ether way, the OP shouldn’t just be washing their hands of the situation and taking the words of a child so damn harshly. They should be involving CPS about the safety of the grandson, or they should know exactly what they did and stfu about their hurt feelings for their recklessness. (The former idea being if they’re innocent, the later being if Op is at fault.)
OP isn’t just cutting the grandson out. He’s getting $50K in a college fund for when he’s 21.
@ Except leaving him with abusive parents IS cutting him out.
Money really means nothing, OP shouldn’t be leaving anything until the truth of the situation comes out (and if the grandson isn’t innocent/was abused to be in that position, then the grandson shouldn’t be getting *any* money ether.)
Edit: realized I forgot it’s grandson and not nephew. Almost makes a bit worse though imo. OP shouldn’t be so comfortable about the idea of leaving his grandson with abusive parents. If something’s going on, *he needs to get involved.*
People always use their will to get revenge.
I get them being upset about the accident. I don't get them crying because they are no longer part of the will. How did anyone know about the will? You have witnesses for a will? I didn't know that was a thing. It isn't in my country. Who were the witnesses? I would assume they work at the lawyers unless you invited people to be there. Either way, it needs to be investigated.
Religious mother: NTA. Matthew 7: Judge not, lest ye be judged seems apt here. The sister saying that OP owes the mother, has neglected that however wonderful OP's upbringing was, it has been marred by the recent sanctimony. Dr Crippen saved many lives, but he killed his wife and was caught thanks to the telegraphic system, and that's why he's still remembered.
I tried that “judge not” stuff on my religiously phobic father. He said he isn’t judgmental he just rads the Bible and knows what is and is not sin… despite the Bible literally saying mortal humans cannot judge sin as they themselves are inherently sinful. The mother would likely be competing against my Bible humper father for Olympic gold in mental gymnastics know how this brand of “Christians” are.
When my daughter went off to university, I said, "If you are adult enough to get pregnant and have a child... then you are adult enough to support yourself and your baby. There will be absolutely no support from me. The Bank of Dad will be closed. I am responsible for is birthday gifts and Christmas gifts for your child."
The wife is deliberately deluding herself if she can't see why her husband is upset with his little brother constantly being underfoot in his marriage, making his wife laugh, catering to her, calling her every other day, moving in with her for a week (how sick was she? Completely bedridden? If so, she should have had him or a female relative there), this is not normal. She wouldn't be thrilled if her little sister was pulling this with her husband. So why should he be fine with her flaunting this kind of behavior? Oh, i love him like a brother, uh huh, and that's the excuse all cheaters start with. The you don't have to worry about him or her, we're just really close. Too close. I bet little bro has sniffed around his gfs in the past too which is why he's upset.
Paula, you and Lori both need to go touch grass. This is what SIBLINGS with a close bond do for each other. I’m sorry if you don’t know what that’s like. Maybe if you were a more likable person and not a biddy with mindset of a cave man, you would have such close relationships!
BIL story: Lady, your marriage is FAR from perfect. How can you miss this HUGE red flag? YTA
There is no red flag but the husband is a pathetic grouch
It’s because she’s the one who planted the flag
The story about the wedding and child. I love how these people are so religious but do nothing but judge people. Reread the bible and stop cherry picking sections that suit you.
They will probably ignore the daughter when op is married and the second child is a boy
Story 3: NTA and go no contact with your sister