James Webb Telescope Spotted China's SHOCKING NEW Magnetic Moon Launcher

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
  • Mysterious spring, lunar water source. Our closest neighbor in space, the Moon, has always been a mystery, and recently Chinese scientists have made surprising discoveries that begin to answer some of the biggest questions about the moon. Just two years ago, China launched a robotic spacecraft into the vast, dark area of ​​the Moon that we can see from Earth. This region is called "Oceanus Procellarum" or "Ocean of Storms". The spacecraft, called Chang'e 5, landed near a large mountain on the Moon called Mount Lammer. The most satisfying thing? For the first time in nearly 50 years, a spacecraft collected samples from the Moon and sent them back to Earth. The last time this happened was in 1976, during the Soviet invasion.
    Many scientists believe that all the water on the Moon disappeared due to the heat when the Moon was formed approximately 4 billion years ago. But it turned out not to be so. There is actually a lot of water frozen into ice on the moon. This ice is usually found at the poles of the moon, which are always dark. NASA plans to send astronauts to this region as access to these waters will be beneficial for future expeditions. Let's uncover this amazing phenomenon. Chang'e 5 doesn't just see water, More than 60 ounces of lunar soil and rock samples were returned, rich in rare minerals such as Chang'e Feite and helium-3. But things don't end there. Chang'e-5 used onboard instruments to take measurements before returning to Earth, indicating that water may be present on the moon's surface. The question then becomes: Where does this water come from?
    While some scientists believe that it may have been brought to the Moon by a star, others believe that there may be invisible water on the Moon. The answer to this big question may be found in lunar samples collected from the northwestern side of the moon by China's Chang'e 5 spacecraft, according to reports from Chinese and European probes. This model contains small glass beads of different colors, like small pearls. So how did they get there? Perhaps they were created from the heat of meteorites hitting the moon. The most satisfying thing? These little glasses have water lines! Yes, you heard right, there is water on the moon. Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have shown that there are approximately 2,000 kilograms of water in the crystals per ton of lunar soil. The surprising thing is that these glass beads can be found anywhere on the moon, from the equator to the poles, because the moon has been hit by meteors throughout its life. While scientists believe that the water on the Moon is mostly in the form of hydroxyl groups, it is also found in molecular form. They estimate that up to 270 billion tonnes of water could be trapped in the glass beads. In 2010, NASA estimated that there was approximately 600 million tons of ice in the Moon's Arctic Crater, but this new discovery shows that the Moon's Arctic Crater has a larger lake. The best part? This water can provide a whole new dimension of life that we never expected.

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