In our tank we've got one male betta, about 8-12 cherry shrimp (hard to count, they hide), 3 mystery snails, one nerite snail, and 5 glowlight tetras. Perhaps we've just got a SUPER SWEET Betta, but he doesn't bother anyone. He spends his days investigating and building bubble nests. The glowlights try to eat his food, the snails try to crawl on him if he's napping in his grass, and the shrimp like hanging out with him on his hammocks. None of that bothers him at all. We were afraid to put anything in with him because of bettas' reputations, so we started the tank with the cherry shrimp. After a week, we put in our Betta. He didn't seem to care about the shrimp at all. So we thought we'd add some mystery snails. We watched their tentacles *very* carefully (we heard Bettas might confuse tentacles for worms). Nope. He never thought their body parts were food. Lastly, because he was the only one "swimming" around the water column, we added the glowlight tetras. HE LOVED them. At first he tried to shoal with them, but they'd run away. Now they swim together all the time. The tetras don't shoal too much anymore, but we can always find one or two hanging out with the betta. Our method was to make one small change at a time. Wait a few weeks. Then add another friend. Because the betta is the biggest guy in the tank, he's never felt scared, or aggressive, or unhappy. He just builds his bubble nests and hangs out with his friends.
Some bettas just mind their own business and have a mellow personality, my giant betta doesn’t have a problem with pretty much everything that doesn’t bother him
I had a really neat Betta named Feathers who lived in mom's 30 Gal with 10-ish guppies (and some other random fish idr) and we never saw any nipping to any of other fish. He also outlived them all, but that fish lived forever, survived two moves, a week in a wine glass after an earthquake, (the only vessel we had on hand to quickly scoop him up in after his tank broke) a 2 gallon bowl, and three separate tanks. Now that I'm an adult, I'm starting my first tank on my own, and looking into a 5-gal tank-mate for a potential betta and realizing Feathers was just unusually chill and hardy af. It might be harder to find a tankmate than I thought, if I end up with one who isn't so chill.
I've had white cloud minnows in with both my male Bettas that I've had so far. They do fine, but I think they prefer non-heated water. They just seems to dart around more in cooler water. I also had a bristlenose pleco that did great with my first Betta, but then started sucking on my second one.
@@danielvanderlinden9533 uhh im not too sure myself with a 10 gallon but I'm willing to bet 6-11 which is a fair few but yknow waste could be an issue. Neons are also more fragile than hardy
@@danielvanderlinden9533 I would probably do maybe 8 neon tetras. In my 10g, I have 10 white clouds and a mystery snail with a betta. I have a 20g with about 7 neon tetras, 5 glowlight tetras, and 6 Cory's with a betta. I also have a 20g hexagon with 4 rasboras, 4 glowlight tetras, 6 neon tetras and mystery snails. One of my two 5g betta tank has a narite snail. The rest of m 3 other betta tanks are by themselves.
Wondering if anyone can give me tips I wanna do a 10 gallon tank with 1 betta, 5 rummynose tetra, 3 Pygmy Corydoras, 2 Mystery Snail, and some shrimp maybe like 8-10 of them and have some live plants would this be a good amount of fish or too many for a 10 gallon and would this Community work??
i have four banded kuhli loaches and i love them so much!!! i also used to think they looked strange, till one day i bought 3 of them on a whim, and instantly fell in love. they were shy at first but now they’re super comfortable! they are out exploring all the time, i always see them all huddling together, safe and sound in the darkest corner :) they even have a network of tunnels in the sand underneath the decor!! such cool lil creatures!
We keep our bettas in our community tank. Snails, khuli loaches, Corydoras, and a tetra (super fast crazy thing). That's a 35 gal bow front. With a air stone and lots of plants!
Thanks for this! Looking forward to getting a Betta and some shrimp once my cube cycles. I have a couple of Khuli Loaches and I love them. Unfortunately I lost 3 before I realised they could get into my sump
Yes!! Another snail lover! 🐌💜🤣 I keep ramshorns on purpose, and pond snails by accident, but I love them all the same! I have definitely noticed the benefits of keeping them in w my bettas or in my tanks in general 😊
@@sethjones9480 Wikipedia cites a Chinese source as attributing its near extinction to "pollution and tourism." Pollution I understand. I'm not sure how tourism would have anything to do with fish extinction. Anyway, continuing with Wikipedia, "It was believed to be extinct for over 20 years in 1980, but an apparently native population of this fish was discovered on Hainan Island, well away from the White Cloud Mountain. White Clouds sold in the aquarium trade are either farmed or captive bred.
@@Tia-sw2dm No not really keep the white clouds in a school, and white clouds are cold water minnows. Another suggestions is Mosquito Rasbora, but it really depends on the temperament of your betta.
I’ve kept African Dwarf Frogs with Betta fish and it’s been well. Every once in a while the Betta will chase the frogs when they swim to the surface but they’ve been great together.
I feed my fish plenty before lights out, and then drop in 1 pellet per side of tank for algae eater and snail, and the fish fatties will find them and eat them. How do i get food to my cleaners?
I’m waiting for my glo fish to die naturally but he’s in there with a beta and they get along fine and 3 neons. My question is how long do glo fish live? I’ve had him for 3 years.
I have two soon to be 35 gallon nano beta tanks, and each one has two Auto cichlids, catfish and a handful of snails and now Amano shrimp because they’re bigger and they don’t seem to hunt them. But the third one I am putting together now I’m going to start with pygmy Cory catfish and then add the beta once they’re established and see what happens.
Can i put one betta and one ram in a 12g tank? I've read that it woulf be fine due to the betta staying at the top and the ram staying at the bottom- so they just stay away from eachother and it works Just wanna check to see incase
I'm getting a 55 gallon and I cant wait I already have 2 male bettas but I cant wait to upgrade them both they are in a shared ten gallon with a divider I'm a little nervous to start putting other fish with my bettas though
I have one of those bettas that hates anything and attacks anything I put in the tank. Then I put a mystery snail in with it and they are best mates. The mystery snail is now larger than the betta and the betta swims in to check what it's up to and I've never seen it attack the snail in the six months they've been together. Highly recommend snails; 3 betta tanks and all have 1 or 2 snails.
@@rickjones1176 lol does it feel lucky or overrun? If youre happy about it then good for you, but i have a 10 gallon with 1 betta and 1 nerite thats planted and im super new to this so that would be a nightmare
Great video. My Plaket didn't get along with my Rasboras and eventually returned them to the pet shop. I have two tanks a 58Lites and a 28Litre. The 58 has a Betta Plaket with 2 Nerites and 2 Khulis -rarely see the khulis even at night -not seen them for 3 days? I wonder if both are dead? The 28 has a Betta with 1 Nerite and 2 kuhlis. The Khulis are new. it also has alot of very small pest snails. Considered buying Assassin snails to get rid of them but would have to move the Nerite to the 58. The betta in the 28 really gets stressed by his reflection and keeps moving backwards and forwards repeating the same movements. Both Bettas are very active which makes them more difficult to keep with other fish. Not sure if the 28L Betta is a Plaket - shortish tails and fins but longer than my 58L Betta. I might add the Bettas pay more attention to the snails than they do to the Kuhlis.
Hi, this is off topic but my fish tank water has been cloudy for a bout a week. It's not clearing up. I tested water and all levels are fine. I only have 3 tiny fish and only feed every other day. What do I have to do to clear up the water?
Ed C Hi, not sure if you still wanted a response, but this sounds like a bacteria bloom. It’s not really harmful, and usually happens after introducing new stock to the tank. If it hasn’t already gone away, just keep up with your water changes and it’ll clear up soon (If it doesn’t clear up soon, you’ll want to do some more research because bacteria blooms shouldnt last that long)
I wondering if anyone will answer my question so I have a 20 gallon tall tank i already have one male betta in their i was thinking of adding some molly, hardlpuin rasbora and corydoras but I don't know the right amount to put in the tank
Generally, its every one inch of fish per gallon. I'm a little over this rule since I have a fish that have different behaviors and a lot of plants and a good pi3v3 of driftwood in there. The betta chills in the plants, the Cory's find a place to lay low, the dwarf frog can be anywhere, the danios are usually playing thr in current, the tetras are schooling in their part of the tank ,shrimp are doing their thing and the siamese algae 3aters mknd their own business. A clam and a snail. All that in a 10 gallon. It seems ov34stocked on paper, but it actually works out very well . No one is stressed and minds their own business. The biggest thing is to have a lot of places to hide . Second would depends on the type of fish. Some occupy the bottom, some like to hide in plants, some like to occupy the water column.
It's been a year, but I'll offer an answer. Three mollies, six to twelve rasboras, and six corys. See what happens. Some baby mollies might survive to adulthood, so your molly population might grow. Live plants will help oxygenate the water and give your betta and mollies places to get away when they want to be on their own for a while. But your mollies will nibble on your plants if they don't have adequate vegetable matter in their diet. Now, what did you decide to do, and how did it work out?
It depends on the tetra species, but yeah sure. Eight to ten neons should work just fine. Six to eight black neons or glowlights or rummynose tetras. Six to eight cardinals, but they like the temperature a few degrees higher, and the betta might not like that. There are some tetras that are nippy and some that get too big. No serpaes. No black skirts. No head-and-tail lights.
I keep 2 male and 2 female platys with my male betta in a very well planted 5 gal aquarium. I do a 50 percent water change every week, and they have all been doing very well for about 6 months now.
Nice! There's really something to be said for planted tanks! I have one female koi betta, a dalmatian molly and a red tail platy in an 8.6 gallon planted tank and they are so ridiculous together. Sometimes they swim all together. I do more than 50% water change every week. The tank I bought is one of those tacky neon glo fish tanks I got on sale but it actually works perfectly with the colouring of the fish. I call them my dorks cause they're so ridiculous looking 😂
My plakat betta hated my rasboras....he killed three before I could get them removed. Something about them set him off bigtime. Now, he is fine with my neons and embers, Cory's, panda garras. The only thing I could think is that the rasboras were aggressive eaters and it ticked him off.
I have a 10 gal with my half moon betta baby and I can’t wait to get him friends 🙃. I’ve put a couple of shrimp in his tank to see how aggressive he his and they are perfectly fine together 😁
All these guys for sure need a 20 gallon. A betta should be alike in a 10 gallon. I tired ember tetras with my betta in a 10 gallon and they were nipping his fin. My long finned betta are an ammono shrimp and that guy was huge.
Like you said, sometimes they will work with other fish and sometimes they won't. Bettas have different personalities. I do have many Bettas in different rainbow tanks, they do just fine. But that will not always be the case. And you do have to watch that the Betta gets some food. I am sure if the rainbows were full grown it would be a different story for the Betta. I have noticed in the past that more often than not, the Bettas will go after longer finned fish. I have one tank with a Betta that also has Rasboras, glass cats and corydoras. They get along great.
I have 2. One male, another à female. The male Dumbo is so cute and fun and like a pet dog, but ate my blue shrimps in his tank... While the female Betta easily gets along with like 20+ shrimps of all sorts in her tank.. But she isn't that interested in me, unlike the male one
My male beta is just a bad guy. I got him a snail to help control the algae in the tank, and the beta just wouldn’t leave him alone. He continuously knocked him off the side of the glass. He is just a bully. We had to relocate the snail to my other peaceful tank.
Great video but just a suggestion... focus more on the tank because my eyes go automatically to your tank and i think its the same case for other people.
Neon and cardinal tetras make horrible tank mates! Harlequin raspboras are one of the best tankmates for bettas. Very hardy fish and not prone to diseases like the tetras. Not only are they from the same region as the bettas, but they are not sneaky like those tetras! Always sneaking in for a fin or tail nip. Mystery and nerite snails are good for bettas. They won't be bullied by them. Panda corys are good but don't recommend those larger corys.
I legit have a 15 gallon tank with a feature plakat betta, harlequins, panda corys and nerites. They all made sense to me to put together and live very well together.
Yeah, nah mate. Good content but why do (so many of) you Americans misspronounce Betta? Silly really, but it drives me mad! It's not a case of 'tomato tomato' it's just wrong. Just cultural differences I guess, like horseback riding, instead of horse riding or Tuna fish instead of just Tuna. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed your video, and it's better than calling them 'Siamese Fighting Fish'. Anyway greetings from Australia, lots of stuff in common!
Great video! I too find that larger finned bettas tend to accommodate more types of fish in their tank! Great video!
In our tank we've got one male betta, about 8-12 cherry shrimp (hard to count, they hide), 3 mystery snails, one nerite snail, and 5 glowlight tetras. Perhaps we've just got a SUPER SWEET Betta, but he doesn't bother anyone. He spends his days investigating and building bubble nests. The glowlights try to eat his food, the snails try to crawl on him if he's napping in his grass, and the shrimp like hanging out with him on his hammocks. None of that bothers him at all. We were afraid to put anything in with him because of bettas' reputations, so we started the tank with the cherry shrimp. After a week, we put in our Betta. He didn't seem to care about the shrimp at all. So we thought we'd add some mystery snails. We watched their tentacles *very* carefully (we heard Bettas might confuse tentacles for worms). Nope. He never thought their body parts were food. Lastly, because he was the only one "swimming" around the water column, we added the glowlight tetras. HE LOVED them. At first he tried to shoal with them, but they'd run away. Now they swim together all the time. The tetras don't shoal too much anymore, but we can always find one or two hanging out with the betta. Our method was to make one small change at a time. Wait a few weeks. Then add another friend. Because the betta is the biggest guy in the tank, he's never felt scared, or aggressive, or unhappy. He just builds his bubble nests and hangs out with his friends.
Some bettas just mind their own business and have a mellow personality, my giant betta doesn’t have a problem with pretty much everything that doesn’t bother him
My Betta killed all my cherry shrimp
@@xmcca7l366 without dense hiding places they will all be hunted
I had a really neat Betta named Feathers who lived in mom's 30 Gal with 10-ish guppies (and some other random fish idr) and we never saw any nipping to any of other fish. He also outlived them all, but that fish lived forever, survived two moves, a week in a wine glass after an earthquake, (the only vessel we had on hand to quickly scoop him up in after his tank broke) a 2 gallon bowl, and three separate tanks. Now that I'm an adult, I'm starting my first tank on my own, and looking into a 5-gal tank-mate for a potential betta and realizing Feathers was just unusually chill and hardy af. It might be harder to find a tankmate than I thought, if I end up with one who isn't so chill.
@@Miyori999 feathers was one of a kind
I've had white cloud minnows in with both my male Bettas that I've had so far. They do fine, but I think they prefer non-heated water. They just seems to dart around more in cooler water. I also had a bristlenose pleco that did great with my first Betta, but then started sucking on my second one.
I have neon tetras, glowlight tetras, albino corys, mystery snails and rasboras
Does the tetras nip at the betta
@@jordanrogers3893 not at all
Hey man I have a a 12 gallon tank. How many Neon tetras can I add.
@@danielvanderlinden9533 uhh im not too sure myself with a 10 gallon but I'm willing to bet 6-11 which is a fair few but yknow waste could be an issue. Neons are also more fragile than hardy
@@danielvanderlinden9533 I would probably do maybe 8 neon tetras. In my 10g, I have 10 white clouds and a mystery snail with a betta. I have a 20g with about 7 neon tetras, 5 glowlight tetras, and 6 Cory's with a betta. I also have a 20g hexagon with 4 rasboras, 4 glowlight tetras, 6 neon tetras and mystery snails. One of my two 5g betta tank has a narite snail. The rest of m 3 other betta tanks are by themselves.
What carpeting plant is I the cover
Wondering if anyone can give me tips I wanna do a 10 gallon tank with 1 betta, 5 rummynose tetra, 3 Pygmy Corydoras, 2 Mystery Snail, and some shrimp maybe like 8-10 of them and have some live plants would this be a good amount of fish or too many for a 10 gallon and would this Community work??
i have four banded kuhli loaches and i love them so much!!! i also used to think they looked strange, till one day i bought 3 of them on a whim, and instantly fell in love. they were shy at first but now they’re super comfortable! they are out exploring all the time, i always see them all huddling together, safe and sound in the darkest corner :) they even have a network of tunnels in the sand underneath the decor!! such cool lil creatures!
We keep our bettas in our community tank. Snails, khuli loaches, Corydoras, and a tetra (super fast crazy thing). That's a 35 gal bow front. With a air stone and lots of plants!
Thanks for this! Looking forward to getting a Betta and some shrimp once my cube cycles. I have a couple of Khuli Loaches and I love them. Unfortunately I lost 3 before I realised they could get into my sump
Thank you so much for this video - really useful to know, always looking for what I could keep in a betta fish aquascape! Much appreciated
These 😅 comments actually helpful ... Because i am setting 5 gallon fish tank and i am confuse what to put with male betta
Yes!! Another snail lover! 🐌💜🤣 I keep ramshorns on purpose, and pond snails by accident, but I love them all the same! I have definitely noticed the benefits of keeping them in w my bettas or in my tanks in general 😊
I haven't kept a beta fish for a long time, but your video gave me some great ideas on how I could. Thank you
I have a beta with 4 guppy’s and a pleco in a 20 gallon I bought them all together they all shared a tank in the store
I'm glad you mentioned the white clouds. They're nearly extinct in the wild, so hobbyists might save this species from extinction.
I have 7 white clouds with my female betta their a great tank mate
Anyone know why they are almost extinct? I'm curious.
@@sethjones9480 Wikipedia cites a Chinese source as attributing its near extinction to "pollution and tourism." Pollution I understand. I'm not sure how tourism would have anything to do with fish extinction. Anyway, continuing with Wikipedia, "It was believed to be extinct for over 20 years in 1980, but an apparently native population of this fish was discovered on Hainan Island, well away from the White Cloud Mountain.
White Clouds sold in the aquarium trade are either farmed or captive bred.
Whiteclouds are underrated. I lost my whole lot summer tubbing. Bullfrogs moved in. Not a one left. Sometimes we learn the hard way.
Can a male Betta with a white cloud fish go in a 30 litre tank?
@@Tia-sw2dm No not really keep the white clouds in a school, and white clouds are cold water minnows. Another suggestions is Mosquito Rasbora, but it really depends on the temperament of your betta.
I’ve kept African Dwarf Frogs with Betta fish and it’s been well. Every once in a while the Betta will chase the frogs when they swim to the surface but they’ve been great together.
Excellent video, been checking videos like this as I am looking for new tank mates for my Siamese Fighter!
I feed my fish plenty before lights out, and then drop in 1 pellet per side of tank for algae eater and snail, and the fish fatties will find them and eat them. How do i get food to my cleaners?
I’m waiting for my glo fish to die naturally but he’s in there with a beta and they get along fine and 3 neons. My question is how long do glo fish live? I’ve had him for 3 years.
dwarf chain loaches! AMAZING tank mates
thanks for posting!
I got 2 Dalmatians mollys 5 cardinal tetras. 2 neon fish and 1 lemon pleco with my betta. They all been getting along
For how long and what is your tank water limit 10 gallon?
I have two soon to be 35 gallon nano beta tanks, and each one has two Auto cichlids, catfish and a handful of snails and now Amano shrimp because they’re bigger and they don’t seem to hunt them. But the third one I am putting together now I’m going to start with pygmy Cory catfish and then add the beta once they’re established and see what happens.
I have one female betta in a 31 gallon and i have no idea what else to put , she's very hyperactive so i think she'd be agressive
Any updates?
Can u put likr more then 1 type of tank mate in??
I have a female betta in a 10gal with 8 fancy guppies, 5 zebra danio, 3 ottocinclus and 2 snails. Everyone is happy.
I'm going to add 10 ember tetra's in my 14 gallon tank i love the fact they highly likely wont nip betta fins
Can i put one betta and one ram in a 12g tank?
I've read that it woulf be fine due to the betta staying at the top and the ram staying at the bottom- so they just stay away from eachother and it works
Just wanna check to see incase
Ram can be quite territorial so I dont think so
My betta did great with a goby, otto cats, snails, and shrimp. He used to live with frogs too before the other tank mates listed.
I'm getting a 55 gallon and I cant wait I already have 2 male bettas but I cant wait to upgrade them both they are in a shared ten gallon with a divider I'm a little nervous to start putting other fish with my bettas though
Don’t betta and white clouds have completely different water temperatures tho?
My blue marble Plakat lives with a powder blue gourami, 1molly, 1 glow fish & 4 panda corys in a planted 20 gallon & everyone is happy 😃
Thanks for the tips!
I have one of those bettas that hates anything and attacks anything I put in the tank. Then I put a mystery snail in with it and they are best mates. The mystery snail is now larger than the betta and the betta swims in to check what it's up to and I've never seen it attack the snail in the six months they've been together. Highly recommend snails; 3 betta tanks and all have 1 or 2 snails.
great video
Hi i have guppies, Cory cats and mystery snail with my betta
When I was 9 I had a planter 5. Gallon with 1 male beta and a 2 guppies and it worked out great
i put three Nerite snails in a 75 gallon fresh water, i now have 50
how? Nerite snails are nearly incapable of having kin in freshwater?
@@captainmcfilthy8569 nearly, i got lucky
@@rickjones1176 lol does it feel lucky or overrun? If youre happy about it then good for you, but i have a 10 gallon with 1 betta and 1 nerite thats planted and im super new to this so that would be a nightmare
@@captainmcfilthy8569 it’s a good cleaning crew, moved some to other tanks
I have pest snails in my tank and my betta kills they lol
I have a king betta with white cloud minnows (3 years old) and guppies which he leaves alone. It’s a 20 gallon but he’s a gentile giant.
Great video. My Plaket didn't get along with my Rasboras and eventually returned them to the pet shop. I have two tanks a 58Lites and a 28Litre. The 58 has a Betta Plaket with 2 Nerites and 2 Khulis -rarely see the khulis even at night -not seen them for 3 days? I wonder if both are dead? The 28 has a Betta with 1 Nerite and 2 kuhlis. The Khulis are new. it also has alot of very small pest snails. Considered buying Assassin snails to get rid of them but would have to move the Nerite to the 58. The betta in the 28 really gets stressed by his reflection and keeps moving backwards and forwards repeating the same movements. Both Bettas are very active which makes them more difficult to keep with other fish. Not sure if the 28L Betta is a Plaket - shortish tails and fins but longer than my 58L Betta. I might add the Bettas pay more attention to the snails than they do to the Kuhlis.
I’ve got mollies, guppies and tetras in a 20 gallon…no issues so far
Hi, this is off topic but my fish tank water has been cloudy for a bout a week. It's not clearing up. I tested water and all levels are fine. I only have 3 tiny fish and only feed every other day. What do I have to do to clear up the water?
Ed C
Hi, not sure if you still wanted a response, but this sounds like a bacteria bloom. It’s not really harmful, and usually happens after introducing new stock to the tank. If it hasn’t already gone away, just keep up with your water changes and it’ll clear up soon (If it doesn’t clear up soon, you’ll want to do some more research because bacteria blooms shouldnt last that long)
I have a male betta with corydoras paleatus+tetra glowlight+ottocinclus. They live peacefull. No attacks between them.
Aquarium capacity?
I wondering if anyone will answer my question so I have a 20 gallon tall tank i already have one male betta in their i was thinking of adding some molly, hardlpuin rasbora and corydoras but I don't know the right amount to put in the tank
Generally, its every one inch of fish per gallon. I'm a little over this rule since I have a fish that have different behaviors and a lot of plants and a good pi3v3 of driftwood in there. The betta chills in the plants, the Cory's find a place to lay low, the dwarf frog can be anywhere, the danios are usually playing thr in current, the tetras are schooling in their part of the tank ,shrimp are doing their thing and the siamese algae 3aters mknd their own business. A clam and a snail. All that in a 10 gallon. It seems ov34stocked on paper, but it actually works out very well . No one is stressed and minds their own business. The biggest thing is to have a lot of places to hide . Second would depends on the type of fish. Some occupy the bottom, some like to hide in plants, some like to occupy the water column.
It's been a year, but I'll offer an answer. Three mollies, six to twelve rasboras, and six corys. See what happens. Some baby mollies might survive to adulthood, so your molly population might grow. Live plants will help oxygenate the water and give your betta and mollies places to get away when they want to be on their own for a while. But your mollies will nibble on your plants if they don't have adequate vegetable matter in their diet.
Now, what did you decide to do, and how did it work out?
Good 👍🏻
What about tetra with a koi beta in a 10
I'm wondering the same
It depends on the tetra species, but yeah sure. Eight to ten neons should work just fine. Six to eight black neons or glowlights or rummynose tetras. Six to eight cardinals, but they like the temperature a few degrees higher, and the betta might not like that. There are some tetras that are nippy and some that get too big. No serpaes. No black skirts. No head-and-tail lights.
I keep 2 male and 2 female platys with my male betta in a very well planted 5 gal aquarium. I do a 50 percent water change every week, and they have all been doing very well for about 6 months now.
Nice! There's really something to be said for planted tanks! I have one female koi betta, a dalmatian molly and a red tail platy in an 8.6 gallon planted tank and they are so ridiculous together. Sometimes they swim all together. I do more than 50% water change every week. The tank I bought is one of those tacky neon glo fish tanks I got on sale but it actually works perfectly with the colouring of the fish. I call them my dorks cause they're so ridiculous looking 😂
Pretty cool choices
Ember tetras works great 6-9 of them in a 10 gallon tank. I believe there were too many for him and he never even chased any.
its interesting how different fish keepers spell Coolie Loache. Ive seen it spelt Cooley Loache, Coolie Loache, and my favorite Kuhil Loache
My plakat betta hated my rasboras....he killed three before I could get them removed. Something about them set him off bigtime. Now, he is fine with my neons and embers, Cory's, panda garras. The only thing I could think is that the rasboras were aggressive eaters and it ticked him off.
I have 2 sward fish with my betta they are happy and having fun
I have a 10 gal with my half moon betta baby and I can’t wait to get him friends 🙃. I’ve put a couple of shrimp in his tank to see how aggressive he his and they are perfectly fine together 😁
Good info tanks.
I have my female betta with platies in a 20 gallon
I have a betta sorority , pygmy corys, oticinclus and nerite snails.My bettas ate myy shrimp. Beheaded.
I keep snails but I hould like to have some corydoras
What I keep with my Betta fish is 10 neon tetras and 5 mystery snails and 1 otocinclus 🖤🐠🐠
You should get more otos if you have the space and money... they prefer to be in schools of at least 5
My tank is 20 gallons. How many should I get?
I have 3 in 10gal and they are happy
All these guys for sure need a 20 gallon. A betta should be alike in a 10 gallon. I tired ember tetras with my betta in a 10 gallon and they were nipping his fin. My long finned betta are an ammono shrimp and that guy was huge.
I love snails. I want to start selling them
Like you said, sometimes they will work with other fish and sometimes they won't. Bettas have different personalities. I do have many Bettas in different rainbow tanks, they do just fine. But that will not always be the case. And you do have to watch that the Betta gets some food. I am sure if the rainbows were full grown it would be a different story for the Betta. I have noticed in the past that more often than not, the Bettas will go after longer finned fish. I have one tank with a Betta that also has Rasboras, glass cats and corydoras. They get along great.
Love me some pygmy corydoras and kuhli loaches. I'm so basic.
I have 2. One male, another à female. The male Dumbo is so cute and fun and like a pet dog, but ate my blue shrimps in his tank... While the female Betta easily gets along with like 20+ shrimps of all sorts in her tank.. But she isn't that interested in me, unlike the male one
I like my tiny bladder snails.
I have juvenile platys in with my female betta, the males try to mate with my betta! Lmao
My male beta is just a bad guy. I got him a snail to help control the algae in the tank, and the beta just wouldn’t leave him alone. He continuously knocked him off the side of the glass. He is just a bully. We had to relocate the snail to my other peaceful tank.
i prefer 10 gallon for a betta
Great video but just a suggestion... focus more on the tank because my eyes go automatically to your tank and i think its the same case for other people.
Neon and cardinal tetras make horrible tank mates! Harlequin raspboras are one of the best tankmates for bettas. Very hardy fish and not prone to diseases like the tetras. Not only are they from the same region as the bettas, but they are not sneaky like those tetras! Always sneaking in for a fin or tail nip. Mystery and nerite snails are good for bettas. They won't be bullied by them. Panda corys are good but don't recommend those larger corys.
I legit have a 15 gallon tank with a feature plakat betta, harlequins, panda corys and nerites. They all made sense to me to put together and live very well together.
My tiny betta in her 5 gallon 🥰
Kuhli is actif at night,betta sleep at night,so a lot of stress for the betta!
Not a good comination for a betta
FYI - it's pronounced "bet-tah". Love the vids as always. Big fan!
Gak bisa basa inggris
Yeah, nah mate. Good content but why do (so many of) you Americans misspronounce Betta? Silly really, but it drives me mad! It's not a case of 'tomato tomato' it's just wrong. Just cultural differences I guess, like horseback riding, instead of horse riding or Tuna fish instead of just Tuna. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed your video, and it's better than calling them 'Siamese Fighting Fish'. Anyway greetings from Australia, lots of stuff in common!
We don't even call them Bettas in Australia there fighting fish here lol
@@awesomeface12345 💀💀💀💀