30 Life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from Authentic Sources - The First Migration

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • 30 Life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from Authentic Sources - The First Migration by Shaykh Uthman ibn Farooq
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Комментарии • 37

  • @rafayshakeel4812
    @rafayshakeel4812 2 года назад +19

    As-salam alaykum, Shaykh Uthman. I've a small request! Can you please make a series on end times? Your series on the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is awesome. My younger siblings sit down with me to watch the series on the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Please make a series on end times. The reason why I'm requesting this from you is because you love and care about authenticity.
    Trust me, this series will go viral, Insha'Allah. May Allah ﷻ bless you with happiness, health, knowledge, and longevity, Shaykh Uthman. Ameen!

    • @logiic8835
      @logiic8835 2 года назад +6

      He doesn't do videos to go viral ahamdulillah

    • @logiic8835
      @logiic8835 2 года назад

      @sam yemen you can see it. If he wanted to do it for views he would've sold out long ago.

    • @Anon-uv9mj
      @Anon-uv9mj Год назад

      What’s wrong with going viral by speaking the truth? That just means spreading the dawah



  • @TahmidJ
    @TahmidJ 2 года назад +3

    The white in ustads beard is breaking me down to tears.. May Allah give him the best

    • @NADworker
      @NADworker 2 года назад

      Its called ageing😀

    • @nanashi7779
      @nanashi7779 2 года назад

      It was narrated from ‘Amr ibn ‘Abasah that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “If one hair of a person turns white in Allah’s cause, it will be light for him on the Day of Resurrection.” Narrated by at-Tirmidhi (1635)

  • @abudujana13
    @abudujana13 2 года назад +1


  • @northernrebel1402
    @northernrebel1402 2 года назад +3

    Finally another episode of the Seerah! 😃

  • @aliahmed-rg8dr
    @aliahmed-rg8dr 2 года назад +3

    جزاكم الله خير🤲🕋❤️

  • @boji9798
    @boji9798 2 года назад +1

    جزاك الله خيرا شيخنا عثمان و حفظك الله

  • @dianabdurrohman7508
    @dianabdurrohman7508 2 года назад +1

    Jazakalaah khair from indronesia syaikh

  • @ibnOrfi
    @ibnOrfi Год назад

    Barakallahu feekum

  • @JB-1234
    @JB-1234 2 года назад +3

    [00:01] Khabbab RA's trial, what true Iman is like
    [07:35] Other Sahaba going through hardships
    [09:08] Muslims secret meeting house
    [11:45] The first migration ordained by Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى
    [13:47] Should people make Hijrah today from the West?
    [17:20] The very first group of Muslims to make Hijrah to Habasha
    [20:25] Kuffar fall into sajda upon hearing Surah Najm .. except Ummayah
    [25:03] Muslims return to Makkah hearing Quraysh prostrated to Allah
    [27:44] Why Kufar will never leave Islam alone
    [30:06] Second group of Muslims make Hijrah to Habasha
    [30:55] Quraysh send delegates to Habasha's King to give up Muslims
    [36:06] Quraysh lie to Najashi about Muslims. Muslims explain Islam to Najashi
    [45:58] Ja'far RA recites from Surah Maryam to Najashi
    [47:57] Najashi asks about the status Jesus PBUH in Islam
    [53:19] Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى will always help us as long as we remain firm on the Haqq

  • @disuqihijazi1524
    @disuqihijazi1524 2 года назад +1

    Jazaka allahu kahir, thank you, please keep them coming every week

  • @tanveerkagadagar2379
    @tanveerkagadagar2379 2 года назад +3

    Sheikh please make vedio on ibn taymiya

    • @AdhelAlSalafi
      @AdhelAlSalafi 2 года назад +2

      Check Ustad Abdur rahman hassan's lecture on Shaykh ul Islam.

  • @OPM6906
    @OPM6906 2 года назад +3

    Dear admin team, please consider clipping segments relevant to certain topics like how kuft can't allow Islam alone, to allow more people to view Insha Allah. Barakallah feekum

    • @ziadahmed1080
      @ziadahmed1080 2 года назад

      You can do screen recording on phone and clip it إن شاء الله

  • @amirelgomati
    @amirelgomati 2 года назад

    Alhamdulillha very beneficial Sheikh, may Allah bless you and your family, Ameen

  • @JB-1234
    @JB-1234 2 года назад +1

    [20:25] Kuffar fall into sajda upon hearing Surah Najm .. except Ummayah
    When the Quraysh realized that people had left, they sent spies out after them but at that time did not know where they had went. But an incident happened where Rasulullah ﷺ was reciting Surah Najm to the Quraysh as Quran in itself is a da'wah. When he ﷺ got to the ayah فَٱسْجُدُوا۟ لِلَّهِ وَٱعْبُدُوا۟ ۩ : So prostrate to Allah and worship Him (53:62)", not only did Rasulullah ﷺ and the sahaba went into sujood but so did the mushrikeen of Quryash. This is true per authentic narrations. This is because of the power of the Quran. Today we underestimate the power of the Quran. Quran is Kalamullah, it is the words of Allah. Imagine the Kalamullah being recited by the best of the creation. The Quraysh would listen to the Quran and get affected by it. They would hide and listen to the Quran and then when get caught would blame each other. This is because they in their hearts knew this to be the truth. So all of them went into prostration except for Ummayah. He was staunch, a very harsh kafir. Ibn Mas'ud narrates a Hadith and says, "I saw all the Quraysh going into sujood but Ummayah. He had his kibr (pride), he took some dirt and put it on his forehead just to join the rest of them but even Ummayah had to humble himself, and I saw him die as a kafir." There's a very important point here. Sometimes someone will be an enemy of Islam but they will be sincere in their beliefs, they may not know the truth, they may have some biases, they may take it to be something strange and they may be enemies to Islam but if their heart is open to the truth, many a times you will find them as Muslims in the end. Take Omar Ibn Khattab RA for example. How long was he an enemy of Islam, and how great a personality was he for Islam at the end when Allah guided him to the truth, because he still had that sincerity. But some people like Abu Jahal, Abu Lahab, Ummayah, they had that harshness where they weren't open to the truth. Even here he feels it, but out of his stubbornness he doesn't prostrate.
    [25:03] Muslims return to Makkah hearing Quraysh prostrated to Allah
    When this incident happened, Quraysh started blaming each other and made rumors that he ﷺ had praised their idols. The rumors got back to Habasha. And when the Muslims heard that they had made sujood to Allah, they thought that may be Allah had guided them and they had become Muslim. So those people came back from Habasha. Who would want to live in a foreign land when they can go back to where their house is, their family is. But when you leave something for Allah, Allah gives you better than that. When Rasulullah ﷺ left Makkah to make hijrah to Medina, Allah gave him both Makkah and Medina in return after the victory. So when they came close to Makkah, they realized that the Quraysh had not changed. Some of them went back to Habasha and some snuck into Makkah quietly. Some of them came back to Makkah under the aman (protection) of the people they had alliances with. Giving Aman or giving protection is a part of the Shariah as well. We will see later on that the sahaba also gave Aman to the mushrikeen. Giving Aman means that you take the responsibility of the safety of somebody.
    [27:44] Why Kufar will never leave Islam alone
    With the Sahaba returning, Quraysh now realized that these sahaba were living in Habasha, a place where they could practice their religion. They couldn't live with that. That's the thing with kufar. Kufar can't let Islam be. Till today, when you have a group of Muslims doing something positive, Kufar can't let them be. They will find some way to destabilize the country, to mess with the economy, to cause some issues. Why? Because they know that if they let Islam thrive, then the people they're oppressing under their kuffar system will realize the truth of Islam. Why is it that I M F and other organizations will not let Islamic banking be at a bigger scale? Because they know that when people realize that they can get a loan without an interest, that without all this oppression, why would anyone go to a regular bank? Anytime you have a Muslim government striving to do good and thriving, you will see people from the outside trying to end it. Look at Fir'un for example who wouldn't let Bani Israel leave. He couldn't just let them be and chased them just like the Quraysh.

    • @JB-1234
      @JB-1234 2 года назад

      [30:06] Second group of Muslims make Hijrah to Habasha
      So now the Quraysh decided to try and do something to stop Muslims from living in Habasha. At this time as Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, and Ibn Qayyim has authenticated in Zaad al-Ma'aad, he said a second group of Muslims made Hijrah and this group had 83 men and 18 or 19 women. Quraysh at this time would try to stop Muslims from leaving but Sahaba would take different routes, meet up in the mountains and then go.
      [30:55] Quraysh send delegates to Habasha's King to give up Muslims
      These sahaba along with the first group are now living in Habasha, being productive members of the community, worshipping Allah and are living their lives. But the Quraysh decide to send two people, Amr Ibn As (who wasn't a Muslim at this time) and Abdullah Ibn Abi Rabih with gifts and a plan to go to the Christian King of Habasha who is known to be a just man and try to get him to give up these Muslims, bring them back, torture them and kill them. This is how politics works today too. So Quraysh chose these two eloquent speakers and sent gifts with them. One of the things they took was a lot of hide, because people of Habasha had an inclination to the leather goods. Interestingly, they did not go to the King first but met with the military and political leadership. They met with the corrupt priests and gave them gifts and bribes and then asked them to accompany them to Najashi. But they needed to come up with false accusations first because if Najashi knew the truth that these are good people who pray and fast etc, Najashi would not help them. So now they needed to come up with false accusations.
      [36:06] Quraysh lie to Najashi about Muslims. Muslims explain Islam to Najashi
      The first thing they made up was that these people have come up with a new religion, made up a new culture and left the religion of their fathers. People around Najashi were bribed, paid off who told Najashi that they should just kick these people out, they are not from us, why should we stick our neck out for them. Najashi responded to this by saying, "Which land do you think we live in? We just don't hand people out like this. We need to know both sides of the story." Here they called the Muslims. According to the majority of the ulema Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib, the son of Abi Talib and the brother of Ali Ibn Talib, was the the one chosen to speak on behalf of the Muslims. He knew that Najashi was a fair man. He told him, "Oh King, we used to be a people, a people of ignorance, we used to worship statues, we used to eat the dead meat, we used to do sinful actions,..." If we notice, we are living in the same jahiliyya today. Worshipping idols, eating non halal meat, going towards zina- adultery, casual sex, homosexuality whatever, no bounds. And we see that this is the ignorance, this is not education, this is not modern, this is not developing. People are running back to what Allah took us out from and guided us. Today Muslims are running towards it. Anyway, here Ja'far RA spoke about these ills, and he then spoke about Rasulullah ﷺ. He said, "He is a man that was known to us." This is from the hikmah of Allah, they knew him to be a truthful person, an honest person, to keep the family relations, they knew him to be sadiq an ameen. "We knew him and he brought to us nothing but good, he brought to us what: to be honest, be just, not to fornicate, not to steal, not to oppress, not to take the rights of the women and the orphan and the weak, and those without tribal backing, not to bury our daughters." He mentioned many of the beautiful things that the Shariah brings. And this is how it should be, you should speak the truth but with hikmah.

    • @JB-1234
      @JB-1234 2 года назад

      [45:58] Ja'far RA recites from Surah Maryam to Najashi
      Najashi asked him if he had anything from this message and to recite to him something from. Ja'far RA recited Surah Maryam from the Quran. This is again the hikmah, because he knew that they were Christians. Najashi started to cry until his beard became wet, and many of the priest started to cry from the effect of the Quran. Najashi rejected all of the gifts and said, "I will not let these people go." In some of the narrations, he said that even if they were to give him a mountain of gold, he would not give them back. He said that, "What you have read and what we believe is from the same source." He realized that the same Allah that inspired Isa Ibn Marriam (Jesus, son of Mary PBUT) to call the people towards Allah, is the same Allah that inspired the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to call towards Allah. Najashi told the sahaba to stay in the land at peace, and "if anybody harms you they will answer to me, I will make sure that you all are protected."
      [47:57] Najashi asks about the status Jesus PBUH in Islam
      Abdullah Ibn Abi Rabih was ready to go back but Amr Ibn As was a harsher man. He went to Najashi and told the king that these Muslims curse Isa Ibn Marriam. So sahaba are now brought back. Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib is asked by Najashi, what do you say of Isa Ibn Marriam? He said, "We believe in Jesus as a slave and messenger of Allah. We believe that the virgin Mary was a virgin, and it was a miraculous birth, and she was a pious woman, and this was a sign from Allah. We believe that he was a true Prophet born to a virgin as a miracle. But we do not believe that he's God or son of God, we believe that he's a prophet and he spoke to the truth." Najashi here took a stick and said that, "By God, Isa Ibn Marriam is not different from what you have said even like this stick." Many of his priests became upset because many of them at this time were trying to teach that either he's God himself or the son of God. So now Najashi allows the Muslims again to live in his land. He returned the gifts to Quraysh and they went back to Makkah as failures.
      [53:19] Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى will always help us as long as we remain firm on the Haqq
      Kuffar will always try to stop the Haqq, they will always try to stop the light of guidance from growing. But if people are upon the the Haqq and are firm and sincere, Allah will not allow the kuffar to stop the Haqq. The sahaba had ikhlas, sincerity, and they stood on the truth, so Allah did not allow the tricks of the Quraysh to interfere with them. Secondly, the more the kuffar try to stop the truth, the more the truth will grow. If they had let the sahaba practice Islam in Makkah, then maybe it would've just stayed there, but when they tried to stop Islam in Makkah, it went to Habasha, it ended up that the king of Habasha becomes a Muslim. Their plot to stop Islam spread Islam, their plot to stop Islam took Islam to Medina. When they brought the Arab tribes against Islam but they saw the victory of Islam, the tribes entered Islam. So what does that tell you? Every time these plots come, Islam will still spread. It is upon us to keep upon ikhlas, upon sincerity, and upon the Quran and the Sunnah. May Allah give us istaqama upon the truth.

    @Al-NABIL-ISLAM. 2 года назад

    This dress is better

  • @kingrehanyt9826
    @kingrehanyt9826 2 года назад +1

    Eid e ghadeer Mubarak to all My Muslim's brothers and sisters 💐💐

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
    @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад +4

    We will only use reliable hadith, some ppl just want entertainment, sirah is a lesson. so we should at least use hasan or maqbul, we should use it to grow on truth.
    Here in usa we can give dawa openly, some places in europe you can't open a table to do dawa.
    Kabab at Tamimi became Muslim, he was kidnapped, um ammar used to punish him, drag him by his neck on desert and put hot coals on him.
    Sahabas sacrificed so we could be Muslim.
    Kabab when he saw Qayraish oppress others he said this is darkness and light will come, he considered his time of torture a time of light as he knew Allah.
    Mussab ibn Umayr became Muslim and family tied him.
    ibn Hajr is his risaba said sumayra was a slave of Umar passed to Abu Jahl. When she lost her sight, they said it was due to idols, she said no this is from Allah, and she got it back!
    Arkham was a sahabi by a house behind safa.
    10 :00 -
    Many would accept Islam is Arkham and then keep it quiet.
    Those who had tribal backing had it partly easier.
    Abu Bakr would pray and ppl would say pray in your home.
    Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him couldn't do first hijrah, it was in 5th year after prophethood as said by ibn Abdul Wahab, it was to habasha.
    This hijrah wasn't from disbelievers to land of Islam but to a place to make it easy to practice your faith.
    It might be easy to visit a place and not live in a place.
    Uthman and Ruqayya did hijrah.
    Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said since Ibrahim this is the first household to do hijrah.
    Zubayr ibn Awwam, Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, Abdullah ibn Msad, Abu Salamah & Umm Salamah, Abu Hudaifah with wife Sahla bin Saheeb all did hijrah as well.
    Uthman ibn Mathuum
    Amr ibn Rabiya with wife Layla went as a couple.
    20 :00 -
    Abi Zabrah, Hatim, Suhail, were the 12 men and 4 nisa to first do hijrah after the Nubuwa.
    Qayraish later looked for them. The Quran itself is dawa.
    Prophet peace and blessings be upon him recited Surah Najm and even the pagans did sujud.
    Qayraish would secretly want to listen to Quran, they would catch each other and get mad.
    Only Umayya didn't do sujud.
    ibn Masud said I saw all do sujud except Umayya, but put some dirt on his forehead to humble himself. ibn Masud said he died as a non Muslim.
    Some people may be an enemy but be sincere and end up on Tawhid. Umar ot Abu Sufyan!
    Some ppl like Abu Lahab, Abu Jahl, Ummaya aren't open and Allah doesn't need anybody.
    These rumors that Qayraish pagans made sujud to the Quran reaches Habasha and then they decide to return thinking they became Muslim. Some midway realized it false, some went back to habasha, some snuk into MEcca. They took Amana or responsibility of safety!
    Some sahaba had deals with pagans at that time and if they had honor they would keep it.
    The pagans saaw the Muslim live in Habasha and were upset, and the disbelievers have to be jealous!
    Many nations now oppress Muslims for that reason.
    Firaun chased Bani Israeil who wanted to be alone.
    30 :00 -
    ibn Qayyim in Zaadul Maad etc. said 83 men and 19 nisa went to Habasha.
    Pagans would try to meet them half way!
    Then Qayraish tried to give gifts to king of Habasha to return the Muslims
    Amr ibn Aas, Abdullah ibn Abu rabi before Islam, came up with a plan... first to send diplomats. They took alot of hide leather for economy reasons.
    they didn't go to the king first,... truth is we like to blame one person but the entire enviornment means something!
    They met with preists & armies then wanted to go to Najashi...
    they came with slander they have a new religion.
    Today we call to Quran and Sunnah and they say why are you doing a new religion...
    they mix culture to replace the religion and then when returning to the original religion they think its new.
    A masjid said we will do zakat fitr in food, and then a man said where did you get this bida...
    Today Rafya dayn is forgetten in many lands but its the original sunnah...
    Whwn you tell ppl not to pray to graves and level them, ppl say you are Wahabi when you are a Sunni. Who broke nose of sphyx? Sahabas.
    So the Habasha court says let;s give up these people.
    Najashi says we need to know both sides of the story and don't judge.
    Najashi due to his good qualities became Muslims.
    40 :00 -
    Islam teaches listen to both sides.
    Jafer bin Abi Talib was questioned by Najashi. HE said before we used to pray to nature and be immoral.
    NOw there are people going backwards, sufis & shias make dua to pictures and graves.
    ppl want Islam to go backwards!
    Then Jafer said Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him was a known person of good.
    He taught us not to be idolators, oppress, bury our families...
    He spoke with hikma... some ppl don' have it.
    Jafer recited Surah Maryam and the Najashi & preists cried until their beard got wet.
    He said take back your gifts, I can't remove these ppl. He said what you have been given and what I have been given is the same source!
    Amr bin Aas was harsh and said let's not leave, so then he said he curses anbiya.
    when we call to the sunnah the sufis say they reject the imams, they lie like the pagans
    50 :00 -
    Just like we follow the sunnah and not pray to Jesus.
    SO same lies is used today.
    Najashi called back Sahaba to ask about Jesus...
    today the shia pagans sell out, they say merry christmas.
    Jafer said we believe Jesus is a special prophet born of a virgin, and we don't see him as a deity.
    Najashi said to his own preists, this is the truth even if you don't like it. the Muslims can stay.
    So the non Muslims will always try to push corrupt. - lazy Muslims don't get it.
    pagan tricks didn't interfere the Sincere Sahabas who spread Islam.
    When agan pushed out Muslims from MEcca and from Medina Mecca was liberated the entire peninsula joined Islam!

  • @stickyyummy1377
    @stickyyummy1377 2 года назад

    Salam wa aleykum, is there a podcast version of this series ya ikhwan? Thanks in advance!

  • @hil1014
    @hil1014 2 года назад +3

    فيه للفديو ترجمه؟

  • @sunnasalafpost1386
    @sunnasalafpost1386 2 года назад

    Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan was asked (mp3):
    أنوي أن أكتب عن بعض الجماعات الضالة، والتحذير منها، لكن هذه الجماعة لم تخرج من الملة، وقد مدحها البعض من العلماء وأخشى أن يدعو علي، فما توجيهكم لي علما بأن هذه الجماعة منحرفة؟
    I intend to write about some of the astray groups and warn from them however, this group has not exited from the religion and one of the scholars has praised it, and I fear that he may supplicate against me. So what is your advice with the knowledge that this group is deviated?
    The Shaykh's answer:
    الواجب عليك بيان الحق، الواجب عليك بيان الحق، إذا كنت متأكدًا من الأخطاء التي عندهم، والضلالات التي عندهم، متأكد مائة بالمائة، وعندك مقدرة وعندك علم تستطيع البيان يجب عليك هذا. (وَإِذْ أَخَذَ اللَّهُ مِيثَاقَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ لَتُبَيِّنُنَّهُ لِلنَّاسِ وَلَا تَكْتُمُونَهُ) (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَكْتُمُونَ مَا أَنْزَلْنَا مِنَ الْبَيِّنَاتِ وَالْهُدَى) ما يجوز كتمان العلم، إذا كان عندك علم ومتيقن من ضلالات بعض الطوائف فبينها للناس من أجل أن يحذروها وهذا من النصيحة. قال -صلى الله عليه وسلم- "الدِّينُ النَّصِيحَةُ. قُلْنَا: لِمَنْ؟ قَالَ لِلَّهِ، وَلِكِتَابِهِ، وَلِرَسُولِهِ، وَلِأَئِمَّةِ الْمُسْلِمِينَ وَعَامَّتِهِمْ" . رَوَاهُ مُسْلِمٌ [رقم: 55]. ولا تخش الناس، عليك أن تخش الله -سبحانه وتعالى- وبيّن الحق وترد الباطل، ولا تخش الناس . نعم. اهـ
    It is obligatory upon you to explain the truth, it is obligatory upon you to explain the truth. If you are sure about the errors that are with them and the misguidance(s) that are with them, sure one-hundred percent and you have the ability, you have knowledge by which you are able to clarify, then this is obligatory upon you, "And when Allaah took the covenant from those who were given the Book that you will explain, clarify it to the people and not conceal it" [and] "Verily, those who conceal what we have revealed of clear evidences and guidance", it is not permissible to conceal knowledge. If you have knowledge with you and you are certain about the misguidance(s) of certain factions, then explain them to the people so that they may beware of them, and this is from sincere advice. He (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said, "The religion comprises sincerity of purpose" and we (the Companions) said, "To whom?" and he said, "To Allaah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and the common folk" (reported by Muslim, no. 55). Do not fear the people, upon you is to fear Allaah, the Sublime and Exalted, and explain to the people, refute falsehoood, and do not fear the people. Yes.
    We can add here for further clarification the statement of Shaykh Rabee bin Hadee (Fataawa Ash-Shaykh Rabee' 1/246):
    ...Al-Jarh Wa At-Tadeel will remain until the day of judgement. The people want to benefit from this particular scholar and you inform them that this person is a noble scholar and upon the Sunnah so you praise him, and this scholar is Raafidee, this one is a Soofee who believes in Wahdatul Wujood (This is referring to the false belief that all in existence is a single reality and that everything we see is only aspects of the essence of Allah), this one is a secularist, this one is a communist who conceals his reality with Islam. This one is this and this one is that. It is obligatory upon you to clarify this; this is an obligation. This is a form of Jihaad and it will not cease and it is not specific to narrators.
    Also the Salaf wrote [books] refuting the people of innovation as we have stated and they did not declare Al-Jarh Wa At-Ta'deel to be specific to the narrators alone. He is an innovator and is not from the people of hadeeth, [he is] Mu'tazilee, [he is] Jahmee, [he is] Murjee and so and so forth. He has no connection to any narrations but he is an innovator therefore they criticized him (Al-Jarh). So how can these people claim that the door of Al-Jarh is closed?
    In another place the Shaykh said (Fataawa Ash-Shaykh Rabee' 1/249):
    ...The methodology of Al-Jarh Wa At-Ta'deel will not cease until the day of judgement as long as innovations are present.
    Refer also to this article with another fatwa of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan on this subject: Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan: The True and Real Fitnah is Leaving Alone the People of Falsehood and Evil and Remaining Silent About Them ..

  • @someguy-pb9rz
    @someguy-pb9rz 2 года назад
