How To DESTROY With Genji in Competitive! | CARPE - Overwatch Grandmaster Tips - Season 5 Top 500

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025

Комментарии • 59

  • @mesmith2526
    @mesmith2526 7 лет назад +46

    Forgot to mention he doesn't solo push from the back line until his teammates are grouped up and engaging also. One of the biggest tips.

  • @AngryAlfonse
    @AngryAlfonse 7 лет назад +1

    There is a reason he melees after every shuriken throw. The melee interrupts the shuriken animation and the two cooldowns are independent, so right click + melee basically doubles your DPS, and left click + melee adds 30 damage to every shuriken throw, assuming all 4 hits connect (although this is less of an addition, it doesn't matter much because if you are close range you should ALWAYS be right clicking unless you are attacking someone with a big hitbox which can guarantee you headshots. Not only is the right click cooldown shorter, but your chances of connecting are much higher, allowing for faster ult charge).

  • @Jake-um4gg
    @Jake-um4gg 7 лет назад +1

    The bigger mousemat is because muscle memory when using your whole arm to aim is much stronger than just using your wrist. It's awkward to learn but it makes it much easier in the long run.

  • @keaton-xoxoxo8687
    @keaton-xoxoxo8687 7 лет назад

    Good job my dude this really helps!

  • @-proudone5372
    @-proudone5372 7 лет назад +21

    Melee isn't 40 damage

    • @tr1stan706
      @tr1stan706 7 лет назад

      WinnFX - ピーター yeah it’s 20 I think

    • @batatat
      @batatat 7 лет назад

      ^ also Torb's hammer does 75

  • @doug2555
    @doug2555 7 лет назад

    Me and my friend were skyping during a competitive match on Dorado, when ever we were on attack one of us went Genji and the other went Tracer. We just communicated who to target and where to go and we got easy kills on the back line. The fun thing is we're both really good at both Genji and Tracer so we just swap around whenever. We ended up steam rolling the enemy because we just communicated. Double flankers are extremely disruptive and can carry games if they communicate.

  • @thatwildperson7952
    @thatwildperson7952 7 лет назад

    Melee is usually for resetting your animation so its quicker and to get that tiny bit of damage.

  • @11123fps
    @11123fps 7 лет назад

    im stuck between diamond and master so yeah a ranking up guide could be useful

  • @tryitkid451
    @tryitkid451 6 лет назад

    A Good genji knows to use deflect as a way to get quick ult charge so you can get dragon blade before someone like zenyatta🔥

  • @twobit7074
    @twobit7074 7 лет назад

    I recently got genji gold gun this helps alot

    • @xeri4697
      @xeri4697 7 лет назад

      Russell Alan i agree

  • @smiiithy_8728
    @smiiithy_8728 7 лет назад

    U deserve 2 mill subs, keep up

  • @devoyn.
    @devoyn. 7 лет назад +12

    How to pronounce CARPE's name

    • @batatat
      @batatat 7 лет назад

      The Winter Widow this

  • @gettingtoastedatq
    @gettingtoastedatq 7 лет назад

    This is carpe btw

  • @latelotus
    @latelotus 7 лет назад +3

    Zen guide next pls

  • @javier9188
    @javier9188 7 лет назад

    This man is playing with Danteh???

  • @charlesyancho7678
    @charlesyancho7678 7 лет назад

    A lot of genji use twice that dpi

    • @crayon7646
      @crayon7646 7 лет назад

      Charles Yancho its just that carpe is more comfortable playing with his whole arm and he isn't a genji main. My brother uses 1600 dpi with 2.7 ingame sens and hes in 3200s right now with genji. He uses that sens with every heroes.

  • @Xfighter951
    @Xfighter951 7 лет назад +3

    wasn't this already uploaded

  • @Xfighter951
    @Xfighter951 7 лет назад

    tracer guide plz

  • @lfdfdfd4567
    @lfdfdfd4567 7 лет назад

    whats the mouse matt?

  • @makanakaohelaulii2736
    @makanakaohelaulii2736 7 лет назад

    Pls tell me is his screen tearing

  • @giulienwitting6403
    @giulienwitting6403 7 лет назад +2

    How much damage a meele does?

  • @caspersgost3064
    @caspersgost3064 7 лет назад

    i have padzilla, its definetly not too small its 5ft and covers my whole desk, its technically a deskpad, but is it too big? xd, like idk what sens i should use with a mousepad like what i have

  • @michaelc7418
    @michaelc7418 7 лет назад

    I personally feel that Pharah + Genji is the best dps combo for a dive, you can do vertical dives or horizontal dives.

  • @abyss1197
    @abyss1197 7 лет назад +6

    Tracer guide next pls

    • @indivrnt
      @indivrnt 7 лет назад

      AAbib 14011 hi my name is ke-

  • @kyrazen
    @kyrazen 7 лет назад

    from the moment he said "in a 1v1 winston counters genji" i stopped the vid

  • @latelotus
    @latelotus 7 лет назад +14

    Id like to see pro play on other characters. Am I the only one a little worn out by Genji? There are so many other great characters in this game and I feel like he, tracer and 76 get too much attention. What about Sombra, Lucio, Zarya, Zen?
    The three 'stars' of the game bore me.

    • @seanbryant3185
      @seanbryant3185 7 лет назад +3

      A-a-ron TheYoung it's because they just flat out kill shit, and get things done if you play them right. A lot of people want to win, and the best way to win is to just kill the enemy at the end of the day.

    • @latelotus
      @latelotus 7 лет назад

      bladewolf VII Gotta disagree strongly with you there. I would say asside from 76 ALL of the heroes are much more complex than your giving them credit for. And lol there are very few quality guides on playing Lucio as a shot caller. As a Lucio main Ive had to learn how to be a good quarterback mostly on my own. But its not just Lucio. What about Sombra. Her pick rate is rising and shes just as technically demanding as Gengi. None of these heroes are simple at a high level of play, and theyre being neglected by the whole community.

    • @latelotus
      @latelotus 7 лет назад

      bladewolf VII Yeah thats no truer than with any other hero, seeing as theres no such thing as a carry and this is a team based shooter. Fitzyhere and Cody show how effective she is solo. Sombra's not bad or overly dependant, we just suck at playing her. Those streamers prove it. Cody climbed on Sombra alone. Players who are attracted to her need to know how to play her. We'll be needing her against Doomfist very soon.
      Now you can say what you want about any individual hero all you want, but the fact of the matter is, we've got more than 20, and no matter now complex or simplistic their kits are, theres depth to how we play them all.
      If you want we can go with the meta and I can STILL argue that many of the meta heroes are being neglected. What about Winston, whos the only viable prime tank at the moment. What about Zen, whos discord should direct team focus.

    • @tucker8322
      @tucker8322 7 лет назад

      I completely agree, gengji sounds godly on paper but when you play him it's like wow not what I expected. Not everyone can play him and there is no reason to make a guide on how to play him. Why not make a guide on a character that can be played and learned and used effectively for decent people such as diamond and mid plat. I'm not saying a good gengji isn't a bad thing but they are just rare and you don't find them in plat more like top 500 or gm.

    • @sirpoon6585
      @sirpoon6585 7 лет назад

      A-a-ron TheYoung am I the only one who doesn't move their entire arm when aiming

  • @Constantinople-qx3bk
    @Constantinople-qx3bk 7 лет назад

    Melee does 30 not 40

  • @olav_
    @olav_ 7 лет назад

    melee is 30... pls...

  • @tcole603
    @tcole603 7 лет назад

    Lol, his name is from Latin... it's just car-pay

  • @derekphung893
    @derekphung893 7 лет назад


  • @firstflame7859
    @firstflame7859 7 лет назад

    Being a good Genji nowadays is just a joke. Everybody wants to be pro Genjis and there are so many Genjis that they just seem like total tryhards trying to mimic shadder, shadowburn, agilities, snipzy or arikadou

    • @Yrewir
      @Yrewir 7 лет назад

      That's why i main junkrat and my inspiration is pvptwitch and jimbenator

  • @okitasouji5248
    @okitasouji5248 7 лет назад

    haksal game ply bro

  • @thebestslothd11
    @thebestslothd11 7 лет назад +1


  • @HideThePercs
    @HideThePercs 7 лет назад +1

    Genji doesn't need a guide. You are using a character who has abilities with no counter play.

    • @ed-vn4fo
      @ed-vn4fo 7 лет назад +7

      The Infamous Devotion yeah because winston zarya mei stand no chance aganist him

    • @ShadicGD
      @ShadicGD 7 лет назад +5

      Sombra Main You are actually the stupidest person ever.
      Genji is the hardest character to get good at, why wouldn't there be guides?
      I also have a question for you:
      Why are there Sombra guides? You are using a character who has abilities that counter Genji.

    • @dickhead6139
      @dickhead6139 7 лет назад


    • @Shadalpha
      @Shadalpha 7 лет назад

      Shadic nice name lmaoo

    • @ShadicGD
      @ShadicGD 7 лет назад

      Shadix Been using this name since 2009 bud.