Hey Twitter What Is Happening? - SimplyPodLogical

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 321

  • @abbywolffe4114
    @abbywolffe4114 Год назад +745

    "Hey cheater what's up holo" caught me so off-guard that I choked on my tea

    • @anjaraj
      @anjaraj Год назад +8

      What it means? I mean who's a cheater?

    • @princessconsuela398
      @princessconsuela398 Год назад +15

      @@anjaraj they talked about it in the previous podcast

    • @FadedThreadsAndFeelingDead
      @FadedThreadsAndFeelingDead Год назад +4

      @@anjaraj youre just gonna have to go back & listen!

    • @anikawiggins4388
      @anikawiggins4388 Год назад

      go piss girl caught me off guard 💀💀💀

    • @savedmp3
      @savedmp3 Год назад +1

      @@princessconsuela398 can you at least share what episode

  • @klaw6137
    @klaw6137 Год назад +542

    8 years ago my cat got shut in my dresser drawer for an hour or two. I thought she would be traumatized. She's been obsessed with trying to get into drawers since 😹

    • @Emi8ly
      @Emi8ly Год назад +12

      Mine got himself trapped in a dresser for 15 hours. We thought he got out of the house 🙈

    • @hozepheena
      @hozepheena Год назад +27

      My brother's black cat hid herself inside a drawer of his closet to sleep, and my entire family spent an entire day searching for her; by the time they found her, she only looked at them and meowed lazily like 'what did I miss'.

    • @jasmine-ruff-puff9951
      @jasmine-ruff-puff9951 Год назад +12

      Cat trapped in a drawer: "finally some peace and quiet"

    • @denia1594
      @denia1594 Год назад

      Sounds like she had Stockholm Syndrome 😅

    • @fantastic_pudding
      @fantastic_pudding Год назад +11

      My cat likes to get into the cupboard under my desk and then slide out (by himself, at full force) with the drawer above it. Nearly gave me a heart attack the first time he did it.

  • @Conformist138
    @Conformist138 Год назад +518

    I want to meet the hypothetical person who watched this episode and didn't previously know who Elon Musk is.

    • @londonmellow
      @londonmellow Год назад +75

      must be nice not knowing him 😩😩😂

    • @lorenacruz4808
      @lorenacruz4808 Год назад +22

      Ive heard the name but didn’t actually know who he was 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @babeeruthh
      @babeeruthh Год назад +16

      My parents 😂

    • @ashleyrobinette2013
      @ashleyrobinette2013 Год назад +10

      Well my mom hasn’t watched this episode but, she doesn’t know who Elon is 😅

    • @mayajane4505
      @mayajane4505 Год назад +12

      same and can that person and I switch brains

  • @phothl
    @phothl Год назад +601

    I’m glad to know Menchie finally came out of the closet

  • @TigressWhite
    @TigressWhite Год назад +148

    Honestly, some of the people who would be most affected by Twitter's downfall are small artists (especially in industries like animation, comics, illustration, etc.). With Instagram trying to transform itself into Tiktok, it's really difficult for users who don't make video content to grow, so Twitter has become the main place where artists can post their work and network with people who aren't already following them. It's a huge place for those artists to connect with publishers and companies who may want to hire them. If Twitter fully crashes and burns, I worry what will happen to growing artists in these industries.

    • @watchmegirly
      @watchmegirly Год назад +12

      THIS!^ Twitter has such a huge artist community and it's really good for them to network and promote their art. Many people are going to loose followers unless they all know "where else to find them"

    • @KamiOkoy
      @KamiOkoy Год назад +7

      Yes, thank you! Small artists don't have anywhere else to go so this whole talk about "it wouldn't be that bad if Twitter burned down" doesn't sit right with me. A lot of artists and illustrators would lose their job if Twitter disappeared, this absolute mess is not as funny as it seems to some people.

    • @andaioana4962
      @andaioana4962 Год назад

      I suppose we're all moving to Tumblr

    • @pineddew
      @pineddew Год назад

      im an artist, and can i just say? theres many ways to make yiur content video form. tiktok has been doing it for ages, timelapses or videos of the screen while your drawing but cutting in bteween some parts.

    • @KamiOkoy
      @KamiOkoy Год назад +1

      @@andaioana4962 NSFW artists can't move to Tumblr sadly

  • @shenyanigans
    @shenyanigans Год назад +165

    i also think it's worth mentioning that algorithms already favor extremist content, and blaming people for systems that are built to mine profit from them isn't always helpful. we've seen several studies discuss this phenomenon: that it's not that people are becoming more unreasonable of their own volition, but rather people are becoming more unreasonable because they are being fed misinformation by computer systems that push them toward that content, because our brains favor patterns and upping the ante. saying "people engage with extremist content" posits that people always engage with extremism, when it's been shown that people engage with extremism when extremism is continuously shown to them over and over.

    • @ninadacosta2903
      @ninadacosta2903 Год назад +5

      Well said!

    • @lizalove91
      @lizalove91 Год назад +2

      There is a perfect example of this on booktok when ONLY the super negative and divisive content blows up 😒

  • @asu-ha
    @asu-ha Год назад +176

    personally I also use twitter as a source of news or to follow certain atrists/people who's content I'm interested in. I just hope it won't also jump on the "tiktokification" bandwagon like instagram and youtube did where they literally ruined their own applications by turning them more and more into tiktok which isn't exactly my cup of tea.

  • @cronajj
    @cronajj Год назад +46

    My issue with Twitter blue is that it's a way to gatekeep visibility based on money. Now that twitter blue tweets are prioritized in the algorithm, smaller creators' tweets are being suppressed. I am an indie webcomic creator, and I have found it suddenly way more difficult to build my following since twitter blue has rolled out. And I don't have $8 a month to spare just so people can see my tweets. I'm moving to tiktok

  • @plinasoph
    @plinasoph Год назад +67

    the GoPiss Girl joke was really funny actually, i lol'ed :D

  • @sandhrajyothistomley8911
    @sandhrajyothistomley8911 Год назад +50

    Ben being so 'meme-culture-savvy' and Cristine being so utterly clueless about the references is my favorite part about the podcast. It's wholesome in a weird cute way😂❤️

  • @NaomiandBarriercool
    @NaomiandBarriercool Год назад +89

    The Eli Lilly issue is incredible to me! I have serious issue with drug companies profiteering in the way they are but for a single tweet to knock billions of dollars off a companies value is unbelievable.

    • @sterlingracing7135
      @sterlingracing7135 Год назад

      Pfizer is a huge problem

    • @S-R-H
      @S-R-H Год назад +4

      What rational stock trader would believe Eli Lily would make insulin free? I can't believe the stock would tank over that. It confirms my belief that the stock market is WAY more emotional than any premenstrual woman ever could be.

  • @doxiemomma2014
    @doxiemomma2014 Год назад +77

    Don’t feel bad about Menchie. When I was young, my mom folded back up the pull out bed/couch and stuffed the cushions back. Heard our cat meowing and took forever to realize she had jumped into the couch before the cushions got put back and she was stuffed into the couch for several hours😂

    • @belindarocky961
      @belindarocky961 Год назад +3

      Idk why this visual is so hilarious, but it is 😆😆

  • @sallyhermine
    @sallyhermine Год назад +32

    Ben being casually down with the go piss girl-meme is the greatest thing in history

  • @MacabreMole
    @MacabreMole Год назад +23

    I like the name Simply! It makes it so easy for anything else. Simply game logical, simply stream logical, and then also stuff like "simply behave in the comments below"

  • @arina_ascorbina
    @arina_ascorbina Год назад +72

    I know Twitter can be a complete shitshow sometimes, but for me it is often a source of valuable information. Exactly because it's so easy to retweet something, here in Russia Twitter is often used to spread information about protests, people who might need help, etc. Someone might tweet about an old lady being fined for anti-government speech, and money to help her will be raised within an hour or two.
    Plus it is one of the few platforms where you can say “fuck the war” somewhat anonymously. So I don't want Twitter to completely burn in a dumpster fire. Of course even here Twitter is not only that, it's also memes, cats and tons of stupid “hot takes” lol, but I still think social media is viewed a little bit differently in countries without a free speech.

    • @KittyKraftStudio
      @KittyKraftStudio Год назад +6

      Wow, that sounds so much more useful than US Twitter. Here it's mostly celebrity posts and hate speech.

    • @MissAlmostFine
      @MissAlmostFine Год назад

      @@KittyKraftStudio Actually Twitter in the US has been used for the exact reasons this OP stated. The Black Lives Matter movement was partially galvanized on Twitter and uprisings in Ferguson and Baltimore were documented there, along with other protests. A lot of the info regarding the shootings of unarmed Black ppl were taken from Twitter and reported on elsewhere and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    • @foxlike1006
      @foxlike1006 Год назад +4

      I guess the experience is different based on your interests and who you follow. It is a great tool for spreading information, however the same goes for misinformation. Especially now. But if you know trustworthy sources that’s great. For me feed is rarely useful, unless there is something widely discussed, which is still mostly subjective. I open it occasionally to find out public opinion on some news.
      It feels like some people use twitter as a platform to fight each other and dump negativity. My feed is mostly people arguing in replies on any topic really (from political views to pineapple on pizza) or some tough personal stories. Usually after 30 min of reading twitter I’m mentally destroyed for a day, maybe it’s just me and my reading habits.

  • @HellaVolta
    @HellaVolta Год назад +21

    Love that Menchie was chilling on the table the whole time

  • @CHIxExCHI
    @CHIxExCHI Год назад +2

    I had a small business on tiktok. Scam accounts pretending to be me would constantly message my followers saying they won a cheap version of my product. My followers would pay the scammers and get nothing. I had to close my business because I felt so guilty. It's not fair.

  • @heycarrieann
    @heycarrieann Год назад +3

    What's funny is that my BF used to be a truck driver. And he just graduated with his BA in computer science. So, he's a truck driver who learned to code.

  • @christinachang7934
    @christinachang7934 Год назад +15

    Totally agree with all of what y'all are saying, just thought I'd add another perspective of a different demographic of users on twitter.
    I follow a lot of smaller, non-industry artists on twitter. To them, twitter is the best way for them to get commissions or tell their followers when their online shop is back in stock. It's not perfect, but twitter's the best social media that's not video based for getting your art in front of some fresh eyes. that's including instagram, which has prioritized reels and videos over images.
    Plus, like you said, on twitter you can engage with your followers more directly. So even if you don't make money off of your art, it's fun to interact with other artists and non-artists about a fandom or just art in general. There's some sense of community there. Tumblr used to be pretty good for that, but it's really fallen off in the number of users over the years.
    I don't think twitter is quite down the drain yet, but all this volatility on the site is making a lot of them kiiinda nervous.

  • @emmyjulianne6850
    @emmyjulianne6850 Год назад +62

    I have a bad habit of leaving my fridge open while I pour creamer in my coffee and I have accidentally shut the door with my cat in the fridge. Luckily it was only for 5 seconds but it surely happens lol

    • @eyesofivy
      @eyesofivy Год назад +10

      My roommate had a cat who would bolt across the house and hop in the fridge any time it opened and yeah, sometimes you just don’t notice, he was always fine and is a very vocal cat so he’d meow immediately.

    • @chelseal654
      @chelseal654 Год назад +4

      I have a fridge with a freezer drawer at the bottom. My cats get shooed every time I open the freezer because they try to get behind the drawer.

    • @lestranged
      @lestranged Год назад +1

      My cat jumps into anything with an open door too (like kitchen cabinets) and I have this fear of someday opening the oven to take something out and she will jump in and burn herself. I mean I know she would jump out immediately, she would not get stuck in there, but it would still be traumatic.

    • @emmyjulianne6850
      @emmyjulianne6850 Год назад +1

      @@lestranged HOLY SHIT SO DO I!!!! 😂😂😂 that’s not irrational because I always leave the oven light on so that I can see in just to be sure lol. I have one particularly slinky little slithery kitty girl who worries me the most out of all four. I’m glad I’m not the only one

    • @lestranged
      @lestranged Год назад

      @@emmyjulianne6850 well if they ever do jump into a hot oven, they would only do it once! that would be a lesson they would remember. But I would cry if her little paws got burned. Thankfully she does not walk on the kitchen counters or the stovetop.

  • @brunerthebetter3625
    @brunerthebetter3625 Год назад +18

    "and you can be friends with Serena van der Woodsen" i am C R Y I N G

  • @sallypark9139
    @sallypark9139 Год назад +12

    it was really interesting to hear about twt for news/content purpose with "tech twitter" etc bc my experience has been far from that. for me it was for fandom purposes and like tweeting about the latest episode of hotd or retweeting fanarts

    • @erikperhs_
      @erikperhs_ Год назад +1

      Same! When I finish a series I go straight to twitter to tweet about it and engage in discussion

  • @jennabrilon1186
    @jennabrilon1186 Год назад +17

    “He could be bankrupt on Tuesday,” 😂 it seems like that’s what he’s trying to do! Lol

  • @hajarmdn4883
    @hajarmdn4883 Год назад +26

    Who cares about Twitter's checkmark when you can get 2 for a cent less on Tumblr.

  • @annairahcaelb
    @annairahcaelb Год назад +2

    I've locked my cat into our closet on accident before I went to work. My bf came home 8 hours later and found her cozy and sleepy just waking up and stretching. 10 years ago she would've freaked, but that day she experienced the optimal nap spot. I still fell guilty though

  • @torimcneece3911
    @torimcneece3911 Год назад +8

    a few years ago my brother accidentally shut my cat in the bathroom before he left the house for the night. in the morning I knew something was wrong because I had slept so well lmao. No howling or shit getting thrown off the dresser at 3-5 am. When I found him I sobbed and sobbed because it must’ve been so scary & also dangerous for that amount of time. The reality is that cats are cats and we can only do so much to protect them from themselves! Best to forgive yourself for accidents, your kitties will!

  • @TodaybyKay
    @TodaybyKay Год назад +1

    Accidentally locking your cat places is one of the most relatable cat parent things- i literally have to verify the location of my cat every time i close a door because if not without a doubt in 20 minutes or so i’ll hear little meows from the captive.
    I use to just check the room itself before closing the door, but that proved ineffective because my cat loves to find new and creative hiding spots everyday 😅

  • @TheRottenDoll_
    @TheRottenDoll_ Год назад +11

    As a graphic artist and writer and someone who’s a part of many fandoms twitter for me IS a place for content, for art and for things like fan fiction and such

    • @KanaG44
      @KanaG44 Год назад

      It's a similar situation for politics and cartography

    • @desertels5119
      @desertels5119 Год назад

      @@KanaG44 Interesting! I've never heard of map making on Twitter, what's the community like?

    • @KanaG44
      @KanaG44 Год назад

      @@desertels5119 don't know much about purely cartography twitter but the intersection of politics and mapmaking is quite interesting. Lots of talented people but also scandals like any other community.

  • @lizalove91
    @lizalove91 Год назад +12

    Twitter is the one I check when I need IMMEDIATE responses to something going on. It’s super helpful in emergencies.
    Also everyone is panicking that twitter is gonna go away like y’all relax it isn’t gonna go away!

    • @thenopedetective
      @thenopedetective Год назад

      Elon is literally trying to burn the business. It may not go away, but it will be quite different for potentially a long time if it survives.

  • @AliMeetsWorld
    @AliMeetsWorld Год назад +5

    My boyfriend and I dropped all platforms including Reddit and Facebook and Instagram etc - we only kept RUclips and Discord… and I can EASILY say it was one of the best decisions we ever did

  • @deannascorner8112
    @deannascorner8112 Год назад +2

    I was becoming so very unhealthily engrossed in twitter that I have edited my phone screen to move it away and haven’t opened it for a few days now

  • @KaisaKylakoski
    @KaisaKylakoski Год назад +13

    Super interesting. For me and many academics Twitter is a social media: place for networking, getting info about conferences, open positions and other opportunities. You had only two view points: news reader and content creator.

    • @yarnandleaves9378
      @yarnandleaves9378 Год назад +1

      Agree, interacting with other researchers was the only reason I had Twitter. It's where you hear about new papers, conferences, jobs. I got off Twitter a while ago (unrelated to Elon) and I really feel like I'm missing out on academic info. I wonder what other site could take that place (people are moving to Mastodon I guess, not sure how that will work out).

    • @erikperhs_
      @erikperhs_ Год назад

      Well you can't expect them to have every single view point. Some people even use it to watch porn lol

    • @erikperhs_
      @erikperhs_ Год назад

      For me, I like Twitter because information gets there way before it appears on the news. For example, we had our federal elections here in Brazil 2 weeks ago and there were several attempts of manipulating it. For example, our president used the Federal Highway Police to keep poorest areas from voting, and these areas happen to be the ones where his opponent usually wins. Thanks to twitter, we were able to talk about ir instantly and the authorities acted in record time.

  • @KatieMae525
    @KatieMae525 Год назад +15

    My cat, Maya, has been shut in the closet so many times and I ALWAYS feel bad but she exits the closet like she had a much needed nap and time away from her younger orange brother, Aztec. 😂 cats are so funny

  • @MacabreMole
    @MacabreMole Год назад +8

    The look on Cris' face at the 'hey, cheater' greeting lol

  • @mewrrorball
    @mewrrorball Год назад +1

    i live in a hot humid country, and one of our cats is a mainecoon with thiccc fur. he used to sneak into the fridge when we prepped meals for him. one time he was stuck in there for around 2 hours and no one noticed. he also wasn't very vocal at that time 🥲

  • @momomomo69
    @momomomo69 Год назад +2

    When I hear "creators monetizing their content" I think of RUclips. The problem is, Twitter is text based and people are less inclined to pay for it. It is also wayy easier to steal tweets than to steal a video on RUclips.

  • @RealToWonder
    @RealToWonder Год назад +4

    1. Re-tooling an existing icon to mean something else is ALWAYS a bad thing. It will ALWAYS confuse people.
    2. Elon clearly does not understand his users. The maximum amount people are willing to pay for a service and the maximum amount people are willing to pay to fuck shit up nearly always overlaps.

  • @vilmapaints1186
    @vilmapaints1186 Год назад +2

    I have a cat that looks exactly like Menchie, and she has been accidentally locked in closets, pantries, bathroom cabinets, and more recently, she spent the night in the garage 😂 but no worries,the garage was at an appropriate temperature, she wasn’t freezing or having a heat stroke. But she’s so nosy! Every time we open a door, she immediately wants to in.

  • @VoidedMirror
    @VoidedMirror Год назад +4

    Twitter is both endlessly entertaining and depressing. I get a lot of up to the minute news from Twitter, but every once in a while, I'll see a really toxic topic trending and it puts me in a doom spiral.

  • @BoopsTroops
    @BoopsTroops Год назад +13

    My fiancée and I have a cat as well and she once locked herself in the kitchen cupboards and we realized shortly after where the soft mews were coming from. We both felt so bad after like "how did you manage this?!"😅

  • @dragqueenjp
    @dragqueenjp Год назад +2

    There’s a whole community of Twitter users who have survived the last three plus years through community care asks and grassroots fundraising. Once Twitter closes, these people will find themselves without a safety net, for what it’s worth is something our local governments should be providing in the first place, and that’s really disappointing.

  • @leahwaughtal4000
    @leahwaughtal4000 Год назад +2

    The take that Twitter is bad for humanity is such a drastically different experience from my life. Twitter in my city is essential to mutual aid efforts and direct emergency fundraising and activism. We get people food with rescued food, we get people life saving funds, all through using Twitter as a connection tool. I think for most folks it is news, knowledge and connection in the most immediate way. In my opinion the perspective that Twitter is a cesspool is really only shared among creators and the elite. For most us we either don’t think about it that deeply, or it’s a tool.

  • @corrgall
    @corrgall Год назад +4

    My cat got stuck under the floorboards for a few hours! We were replacing sections of damaged wood flooring and a few hours after completing the job I heard faint meows. Que about 30 minutes of walking every room, opening every door, walking the perimeter of the house a few times until it finally dawned on me that she could be under the floor!
    We had to cut a new hole into the floor to get her out 😂🙈
    Cats are gonna cat.

  • @ashleyquam
    @ashleyquam Год назад +1

    Super relevant topic, news announced today that twitter buildings were closed from so many resignations and ad companies leaving, they were speculating if twitter would still be around 😮

  • @thebigkapowski
    @thebigkapowski Год назад +24

    You actually used the picture of Menchie... and I'm loving it! Haha
    Also, cats are ninjas. I actively have to watch for both of mine so i don't lock them in a room.

  • @Alie24JayGaming
    @Alie24JayGaming Год назад +5

    So for someone who is studying computer engineering, something that me and my peers are worried about is over saturation (so the field is expanding now, but eventually there will be a lot of people with these degrees and experience that there won’t be enough jobs for everyone even if they are good at their job).

  • @noak.5024
    @noak.5024 Год назад +4

    Literally havent used Twitter once, yet I'm gonna watch the entire podcast :)

  • @SketchyTigers
    @SketchyTigers Год назад +4

    About creators on twitter, I and many other artists use it as the primary platform to share our content, though many have links to other sites like kofi, patreon, etc.

  • @lisahoeppner6440
    @lisahoeppner6440 Год назад +3

    It's so great seeing how much you love and support menchies coming out of the closet! True parents love their children no matter what!

  • @MyTherapistsNails
    @MyTherapistsNails Год назад +4

    👀👀 That new collection box in the corner. I laughed too hard at the Menchie in the closet story. 🤣🤣

  • @husband2bears704
    @husband2bears704 Год назад +5

    When they were talking at the end about how Twitter should be shut down, even if people lose their jobs, I am very frustrated that they never once mentioned disabled people. The disability community on Twitter has been very concerned about losing the community they have built because, especially with the pandemic, many of them really on Twitter as their main source of community solidarity. I feel like the "shut down Twitter" take at the end was privileged and tone deaf.

  • @dulceortiz3456
    @dulceortiz3456 Год назад +1

    cristine please elaborate on the coding class thing !!! i’m a current sociology student but i’d like to know the benefits of taking a coding class

  • @betteonme_
    @betteonme_ Год назад +3

    I think it might be worth considering that a large number of freelance artists get a lot of work via twitter. Sure, if Twitter fell tomorrow there are so many people that would be just fine without it, but there are a lot of people that depend on the platform to make a living. To disregard that entirely as an executive is cruel, among other things.

  • @gisellereyna7327
    @gisellereyna7327 Год назад

    I’m glad you guys did it. I stay out of Twitter and all of this was so confusing so I’m happy you guys broke it down.

  • @alexalexiou7410
    @alexalexiou7410 Год назад +3

    Just wanted to say that the thumbnail is GLORIOUS! We love the Mench

  • @rachelchurch4523
    @rachelchurch4523 Год назад +7

    Just piping in on his letter to advertisers on making an open, welcoming platform for all: one of the first things he did was fire the entire Digital Accessibility team. That's a huge statement on his feelings for inclusivity (or lack there off).

    • @erikperhs_
      @erikperhs_ Год назад +1

      Didn't he also fire a huge part of the security team? I wonder how advertisers feel about a less safe platform.

  • @haetokki4784
    @haetokki4784 Год назад +4

    actually lost my shit at ben saying go piss girl he's so funny

  • @nannybannany
    @nannybannany Год назад +1

    My in-laws had one of their cats jump in the car while they were unloading groceries. They didn't realize he had jumped in there and he was locked in there overnight (like 5pm to 7am). Not only was there poop in there but the car was realtively new (less than a year old) and there were scratch marks ALL over the car's upholstery from him trying to get out. He's fine but they felt sooo bad.

  • @KittyKraftStudio
    @KittyKraftStudio Год назад +2

    That Ben Shapiro joke account is still out there and it's amazing.

  • @No1PlutoSupporter
    @No1PlutoSupporter Год назад +2

    i really do like twitter because its text based w a bit of everything else that other social media offers but its more controlled and the amount of people i interact w is a lot more manageable and contained and i dont get overwhelmed by variety. i see what i want to see
    i use it to engage w fandom and i really dont know where else ill go if it ends up in flames. like i already have a set mindset about my fandom's community on other platforms and twitter is the most "me" i would seriously be limited in content/resources

    • @abbys9934
      @abbys9934 Год назад +2

      I feel the same way! I'm also mostly on twitter for fandom stuff and so far I haven't seen any good alternatives. Plus (and addressing the point about Twitter being overwhelmingly negative) it has a fantastic system to curate your feed. Muted words and phrases, blocking and muting users... I've never been able to curate my experience on a social media platform as thoroughly as I have been able to on twitter. I only see what I want to see and it's wonderful.

    • @No1PlutoSupporter
      @No1PlutoSupporter Год назад

      @@abbys9934 yes! i definitely was gonna include that in my comment but i deleted that part thinking it wasnt important lol. i completely agree. im drama free on twitter

  • @skip0992
    @skip0992 Год назад +2

    My dog doesn't bark or whine or anything. He followed my wife in the closet one day & was accidentally locked in there for an hour. He now refuses to go near the closet...

  • @hpdftba
    @hpdftba Год назад +1

    I’m so glad you used that picture of Menchie

  • @lizalove91
    @lizalove91 Год назад +1

    Can you talk next week about the crap show that was ticket master and TS tickets today 😢 I logged in at 9:30am, waited in queue until 3 pm, spent an hour getting error codes when I tried to add ANY ticket into my cart, got kicked back out into queue then the presale was sold out. Tix were supposed to start at $49 (and I saw SOME) but Ticketmaster immediately started price gouging. It was awful. I’m gonna try capital one tmw and hope for the best. TS and Ticketmaster should issue a statement. It’s not her fault but looks bad on her and she’s celebrating her Grammy nom today instead of reading the room. I’ve been a fan forever and I’m so upset. I even had a “boost.” Such crap

  • @FrailSerenity
    @FrailSerenity Год назад

    My husband and I frantically thought our cat was lost for almost an entire day. We had noticed our front door had blown open in the middle of the night (it didn't always close properly) and then we couldn't find one of our cats. We were scouring the neighborhood, I was crying thinking of never seeing her again. Let me also say, this cat was a basically silent cat, the only time she ever meowed was when she was sitting on the bathroom counter asking us to turn the water on so she could lick the water off the sink.
    Fast forward, it's evening, I'm in the bedroom by myself getting dressed and I hear the faintest of meows. I follow it, it's coming from the dresser. I open the bottom drawer and there she is! No idea how or when she got in there, it's my husband's pants drawer and there isn't even much room in there. We're forever thankful it wasn't used as a litter box, and that she wasn't lost.
    Cats be weird.

  • @aminated7027
    @aminated7027 Год назад

    Twitter is also home to a lot of fandom communities for music, anime, video games, books etc. I've known some of my twitter mutuals for YEARS, we've seen each other tweet about our personal lives and struggles in our little corner of Twitter. I'd hate to lose that circle of online friends.

  • @Nao-fo8sc
    @Nao-fo8sc Год назад +2

    I'm mostly on Twitter for art / fanart and I saw a ton of people who are worried about losing their income because their main following is on there.

  • @nathalielopez7989
    @nathalielopez7989 Год назад +3

    I want to know what restaurant has oats so good it’s worth going out to eat for lol

  • @KKuper86
    @KKuper86 Год назад +1

    When my cat was a kitten, she followed me out the door without me knowing. She got stuck between the door and the storm door and had to sit there for 10 hours. I was in hysterics when I got home and saw.

    • @peacechickification
      @peacechickification Год назад

      The real question is: positive or negative hysterics?
      I’d personally feel bad but I also can totally see me laughing my ass off walking up and seeing this kitten up between two doors

    • @KKuper86
      @KKuper86 Год назад +1

      @@peacechickification Definitely negative hysterics. On the plus side, she is now 10 years old and not once has she tried to go out the door!

  • @lellebi93
    @lellebi93 Год назад +2

    Don't feel sorry guys, our cat did the same some years ago. Our closet is small too, it's not a walking one and she slipped in and slept for some hours in it. She was also almost mad at me for waking her up and letting her out of the closet.

  • @flonny1340
    @flonny1340 Год назад +4

    I deleted Twitter like 2 years ago, I think, cause no matter the space your in, it feels like it only catters to negativity

  • @hannahlouise5578
    @hannahlouise5578 Год назад +3

    I have a stan account on twitter and its such a different experience to how other people use twitter, I find it so interesting how diffrent fandoms are able to create spaces for them. but it's also concerning the amount of toxicity between the subsets of fan groups. there are so many problems with the way fandoms interact on twitter

  • @dylps6011
    @dylps6011 Год назад +3

    the menchie in the thumbnail is fantastic content

  • @littlemissladybird13
    @littlemissladybird13 Год назад +2

    Watching while I wait in a queue for Taylor tickets haha! Great way to pass the time

  • @Taemaria
    @Taemaria Год назад

    Thank you so much for talking about this. I really enjoyed this episode, especially the part on how all these changes will affect brands and users. I appreciated that you mentioned that brands feel responsibility when spam accounts impersonate them and fool their followers. However I think that we, the users, also have responsibility in identifying if something is fake or not. We saw it with the pandemic and with all the scams online. We need to be more digital, media and information literate. My point is that we all share responsibility and should try to learn from it. I agree that the platform should guarantee for a safe space and same for the brand, but we, the consumers, also have to be wary and not rely on their safety mechanisms to determine if something is real or not. We need to be more critical and start verifying what we consume. Saludos desde Panamá 🇵🇦

  • @zeran1994
    @zeran1994 Год назад +1

    Unironically twitter was horrible for my mental health. Being slammed with news that you can't turn off about shit going on in the world 24/7 and doing things like doom scrolling. I am actually happier having deleted my twitter. At this point the only social media I use is discord and youtube.

  • @LLivLLaffLLuv
    @LLivLLaffLLuv Год назад

    Only time I ever use Twitter is when a website is down. It’s the most efficient way for me to find out if the problem is me or the site, and how long it’s gonna take to fix. (Looking at you, Ticketmaster)

  • @justletmesleep_
    @justletmesleep_ Год назад

    The thing about verification is so wild, considering just a few years ago we were saying 'dont tell personal details to the people on the internet' and now we're linking our phone numbers etc. I use twitter mainly for Fandom, and I keep it as far from my actual life as possible. If they require user verification I'd probably leave because I don't want to do that ever

  • @leahbelieva
    @leahbelieva Год назад +4

    I hear you on the Shapiro imposter being amazing but idk, some anonymous shit poster TANKING Eli Lilly by announcing insulin is free was God’s work😂 best $8 ever spent imo.

  • @yamiles.4763
    @yamiles.4763 Год назад +1

    Poor Menchie! My 2 year old cat rushes into our closets whenever we open them. Sometimes she sneaks in without us realizing it & has gotten stuck until we hear her meow in the closet a few minutes later.

  • @alona270
    @alona270 Год назад +3

    Beyyyn wearing 44 hats for each of his teams all at once 😂

  • @Emily63219
    @Emily63219 Год назад +1

    revenue sharing and paying content creators sounds utterly antithetical to free speech - basically paying people whose speech is popular and therefore elevating and rewarding those povs over others

  • @zsofiastrbka2030
    @zsofiastrbka2030 Год назад +4

    Peep the new collection box in the background😍

  • @jinkiisms
    @jinkiisms Год назад +2

    I think i saw someone do the math, and at the time of purchase, each account was "worth" over $150. There's absolutely no way Elon makes any money back off this.
    I'm going to be bummed when twitter eventually fully craters, i've curated a very specific TL and i have a lot of friends i keep track of there

  • @FadedThreadsAndFeelingDead
    @FadedThreadsAndFeelingDead Год назад +1

    I genuinely laughed at HEY CHEATER!

  • @coopxer
    @coopxer Год назад

    I was late to the podcast this week and "xoxo go piss girl" just knocked the wind out of me LMAO BEN

  • @christina2
    @christina2 Год назад +2

    i learned to block promoted tweets that would show up between every 3-4 tweets and it would drive me insane. Also I use twitter almost in the same way Ben does. I use it for a source of news, and to share art that I do. Following content creators (youtubers) is something that is also helpful where I can maybe see exclusive content they share or to be apart of any surveys/content they are doing. Think like YIAY or GMM surveys.
    Shit posting on twitter is something that i still kinda see and i think it might be an artifact from tumblr just posting whatever you want with almost a 0 concequence aspect. Tumblr going downhill has caused those artists/shit posters/porn bots to move over and i think that the changes to twitter almost make the broken tumblr almost usable again.

  • @anikawiggins4388
    @anikawiggins4388 Год назад +1

    i was about to drink water then he said xoxo go piss girl and i LOST it 😂😂😂😂

  • @panthergirl1256
    @panthergirl1256 Год назад +9

    My primary worry about Twitter going under or Elon continuing on this road is that it sounds like Twitter is used as a way for marginalized people to get the word out about what's happening to them (e.g. protesters against authoritarian regimes like in Iran). I laughed at first with all of this insanity and trolling but I'm hoping now that it Elon actually learns from all of this and it works out somehow

  • @aditiraman3412
    @aditiraman3412 Год назад +1

    xoxo go piss girl killed me wtf 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @1Joh411
    @1Joh411 Год назад +4

    Last year, my cat took an hour-long time-out in a kitchen cupboard. She was furious, especially because it was the cupboard where I keep her food, so she could smell it all the time but couldn't reach it because she was on a different shelf.

  • @IncandescentLightbulb00
    @IncandescentLightbulb00 Год назад

    The verification issue is one of the simplest yet most complicated parts of all social media. How do you verify your identity yet remain anonymous to protect yourself? It seems to be a catch 22 situation. However, it is solvable. Those things need to be built into the code of the platform, and verification needs to be peer-to-peer. Twitter will either become a protocol or it will become irrelevant in the same way Facebook already is.
    One thing that people should not underestimate is how much you can buff the numbers you share with advertisers when you have bots on your platform. Bots are better and better at avoiding detection and you can absolutely use them to show how much traffic you can bring to advertisers. Like Crisitine mentioned, Meta had to do a lot to truly start verifying people but that also made it way more difficult for accounts to gain traction. There is a reason that IG is still full of bots and they don't care. Additionally removing bots would also be detrimental to many advertisers who are using bots for automation. Anyway, I could talk about this all day but it's a very large and complicated topic and I need to work 🙃

  • @Ray_Vun
    @Ray_Vun Год назад +1

    the difference for twitter blue and verified would be so simple to fix if elon had more than 2 brain cells. just change it so twitter blue is the blue icon without the checkmark, verified is just the checkmark and people who have both twitter blue and are verified have the checkmark in the blue icon

  • @jenny_rice
    @jenny_rice Год назад

    Great episode. And I see those new bottles of polish behind you!! 👀

  • @KatieMae525
    @KatieMae525 Год назад +3

    I do not use twitter. I got rid of it a couple years ago just because it seemed like everything on it was overwhelmingly negative, and I didn’t really want or need that negativity in my life. I didn’t use it for anything in particular when I did have an account, so it was a relatively easy social media to let go of for me.

  • @totesmgoat
    @totesmgoat Год назад

    It's so interesting because I never would have thought of Twitter as a news source. For me it's kind of like Facebook but for online friends/colleagues.

    • @totesmgoat
      @totesmgoat Год назад +1

      And I just got to report a spam account claiming I won a giveaway from simply podlogical while listening to Ben and Simply talk about the issues of spam accounts doing this exact thing 🤦‍♀️

  • @xandralopez7476
    @xandralopez7476 Год назад

    I agree with Cristine. The verified tag shouldn’t be used as a “twitter blue” indicator. It just doesn’t make sense. I didn’t know that they implemented that whole thing so when I saw a “verified” fan account on my timeline yesterday, I got VERY confused. This is such a mess 🤦‍♀️

  • @janettorres1412
    @janettorres1412 Год назад

    Im here late tonight because finals are stressing me. Always nice to listen to you guys!

  • @sideboob6401
    @sideboob6401 Год назад

    As someone who has had a twitter for over a decade, I can say it USED to be a social media platform, we would tweet to our friends funny memes, retweet funny memes, tweet your own posts about what ur doing and people would comment a tweet back, there is a thing called twitter jail and it’s when you reach a maximum amount of tweets you can tweet per day and we would reach it easily 😂 we’d have to tweet through our friends’ account that we were in twitter jail so people would know why you stopped tweeting, twitter was a really social platform before they updated it to where you couldn’t even see your friends tweets anymore and it was just top ranking tweets, kinda how ig is now, but yeah it died after that but it USED to be soooo funny on there

  • @Jinxsan
    @Jinxsan Год назад +22

    The only reason that I have for looking forward to tuesdays 🥲🫶🏽

  • @brendavaleriat
    @brendavaleriat Год назад

    I use Twitter to follow fan pages for my favorite shows and to keep up with celebrities I like.