I played a pirate warrior back in beta, it felt pretty broken playing a 3/2 weapon followed by a 5/3, and then a 2/4 frothing. But then the warlock was like nope, playing a 4 mana giant+2 0 mana soulfire on your stuff, followed by another 3 mana one and 2/3 give taunt on the next turn, and you cant do shit.
octopuff in kumquat That's not fair. That's like saying "I like the idea of recruit warrior" and they just make it the most busted deck in the game with no fun interaction. I still want fun pirates. But this isn't fun, nor really pirate interaction.
I remember people asking for this back in the day and just going "are you insane?" Then lo and behold, we got viable pirates, and if anything it was more toxic and unpleasant than I thought it'd be.
"It needs to just die at the end of the turn..." Come to think of it, that would actually be a great way to balance patches. That menas that it's still as good at recovering the board, but no as treatening when building a board. However given how this nerf would add a whole line of text to the card, we'd would probably have to sacrifice our deckslots so that the game doesn't become to complex.
April is 5 months away. if they wait till april then it will be too late. and rotating out just means patches continues to be in every wild deck. They will change it, not rotate it.
EclipseTragg patches wont be in every wild deck because in wild its like: everything is op so nothing is op. especially aggro decks have a harder time in wild
I think Reynad nails it when he says Patches is a relic of the past. Tempo decks are generally playing a lot of cards like Fire Fly, which is a totally fair card and its inclusion shows that the early game power curve is kept in check for the most part. But Patches just completely breaks that philosophy, and while I don't think we're going to see a card like it made again, the fact that it exists in its current form is a big problem.
I'm personally think that satelite priest not has a good curve this way because it's better to just hold the board for duskbreaker. Yeah i'm did both versions of that deck.
as you saw on that video,its not deck doctor and the video called NOT deck doctor,they know what they are making is a silly thing to put a patches and southsea cap,learn to read before write it
I also saw that video and even though they may have added Patches and SSC to a the satellite priest deck in jest, it probably still improved its win rate. I cannot stand that damn Patches card. I hated it when it was introduced (and pirate warrior along with it), and I refuse to craft Patches.
Its actually ridiculous. Even before the expansion the whole problem was patches , whoever draws keleseth was the first deciding factor , then if they can pull patches its over. Even priests were running keleseth pirates. Such a boring meta
I think just making it die at the end of the turn like everyone says, it makes it a decent board recovery tool or damage to face while still not gaining too much of a "free" lead on the board.
9:25 "I think that there's a pattern where the cards that decide how a metagame runs are basically the best early game things you can do..." Was about to mention Ultimate Infestation, realized that it's also an early game card.
Alex Roodman He really doesn't have a good point as to why that is bad. It is just the reality that the best decks, are going to be trying to get the strongest effects from their cards as early as possible. That isn't a bad thing at all.
The problem was never Ultimate Infestation... It was that early game ramp had no drawback when Spreading Plague just nullified all early game exchanges in one fell swoop.
Jake Verdnik that's mostly the fault of Hearhstone being an online game with a ranked system. When everyone was playing Yu-Gi-Oh and MTG nobody really cared enough to look up top-tier decks. It was also quite a lot harder to get the op cards if you didn't want to spend a shitton of money.
It's unfortunate but the average f2p player doesn't want to waste dust on an experimental deck since they may not have enough dust to craft a good one later. Blame blizzard for being stingy and giving f2p/low cost players a bad overall experience
Even if Reynad were to be 100% wrong, you can't deny this video is hilariously entertaining. I don't usually "like" videos, but when I do, it is because they trash talk patches.
If no new archetypes were introduced, Tempo hunter/rouge and token druid would be dominating. But Big mage, dragon and rez Priest, and some variants of Warlock (which also runs corridor) have gotten enough removal or taunts to negate these decks.
When Reynad complained about unstable portal, Blizzard decided every class should have its own portal(Karazhan). When Reynad complained about Barnes, Blizzard decided to make Barnes' ability into a mechanics(Recruit). So I predict next expansion we are gonna get a "patches" for every minion type.
Barnes is not the Prototype of Recruit. Patches is more like the Protoype of recruit. Patches is like a reversed type of recruit. But yeah the Karazhan Portals should summen Minions from a Fixed Pool of Minions. But hey Blizzard is just a small indie company, don't have High expectations
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan has been such a huge stain on the game for a year now. I have been counting down the days until it gets rotated out ever since it released.
Looking back a few months later, Reynad nailed it. Tempo decks with patches, corridor creeper, and bone mare are never seen. The nerf hammer came down hard.
Damn Reynad, looking good with them shades. Totally agree with your perspective on the meta, Patches needs to be removed from the game or nerfed into oblivion, whoever came up with the design of this card should be fired, or at least demoted.
Every expansion, most streamers give a super-safe review, but you give your actual thoughts. The funny thing is, you've been right pretty often even though you have made actual predictions. Respect.
Patches has been in at least one, usually more, of the Tier One decks every single day since the day he was released. Blizzard has been negligent in keeping cards like it in check.
Thanks for the video, though I DO miss the old card reviews you did - having someone with as much cross-card game knowledge as you talking about card design was always more interesting than other streamers pointing out that the 5mana 5/6 dragon that lets you discover a card from your opponents deck is good a good card, shocker.
Whenever I feel depressed, I come and watch one of Raynad's salty videos and instantly make myself feel better. Thanks Raynad! You've never let me down.
You're completely right, I've seen pirates in every class, including priest. Basically you can make 1 deck and copy it to other classes, the only thing changes is your hero power.
In my opinion, the best way to nerf Patches without making it completely unplayable is to remove Charge. Especially in a day and age where Patches often comes out as more than just a 1/1, I think Patches would still be reasonably strong just as a 1/1 that is drawn and summoned for free. It would still have Pirate and summoning synergies with things like Knife Juggler (2 mana card that wouldn't see play in Keleseth decks, I know), but now it can't immediately attack.
A random game form yesterday: > I play zoo, my opponent plays priest > His turn 4: priest clears my board and plays 2 0-cost 5/5's > My turn 4: play my own 2 0-cost 5/5's That's 10/10 stats on turn 4, it's crazy
What surprises me is that Southsea captain was only in pirate warrior and not in any other patches deck in both Mean streets and Journey. Only in Frozen Throne it became a staple in almost every patches deck. Was southsea just overlooked or is keleseth what makes him that much stronger?
Actually I dont think that Patches is a problem. I think tribes in general is. When you build tribes deck, doesnt matter if its pirates, murlocs, dragons, whatever, your deck is full of minions that do some shit that probably a bit powerful for its manacost, but it has "conditions", that force you to play more of this shit. And whats gonna happen when you play this? Well, you have solid board on t5 at worse and you aiming to the opponents face. There was literally 0 decks that relies on tribes and do something else at the same time. Dragons, Pirates, Murlocs (maybe Anyfin was different), Demons, Beasts, Elementals, whatever. Unless those interactions changed somehow, Hearthstone will always be like that - you have like 4 strong cards, see the tribe those cards have, print it in search field, basicaly autofill the entire deck. The way of thinking while you deckbuilding such a deck is way to degenerate: "I will have 2 mana, this card costs 2 mana, playing this on t2 will be good". I guess otherwise Hearthstone will be too complex which is somehow a bad thing in developers eyes
I disagree. For instance the pirates. You typically use 3-7 and they are part of a deck that could exist without them. Those decks wouldn't nearly as unfair, but without patches that package is near useless in many cases. Or what Warlock is doing with demons rn. If i recall properly cubeloc runs the 5 mana 2/2 summon a demon and the weapon only runs 4 demons. It's actually usually a pretty garbage deck if you autofill with tribals. Like elementals. Those are garbage decks. The only exception i can think of rn is murloc-paladin. But even it's non-murloc variant right now is just kinda better.
Thank you for that video. I just build a priest deck with captain, patches and corridor creeper that won against keleseth rogue in the first game. You are totally right. Place those cards in a deck, fill it up with everything else that is broken or gives tempo and you can win everything.
When MSG came out, I played the pirate package with Miracle Rogue, got up to rank 10 easily for the first time ever. After they nerfed STB, I kept Patches in because it consistently gets me 1-3 chip damage in plus helps thin my deck in a deck highly reliant on draw RNG. The chances of drawing patches beforehand is really low, and even if you do you're still playing a stonetusk boar, which isn't exactly worthless.
I like the idea of having him die at the end of the turn but maybe add he only gets summoned out by 1 cost pirates and he only lives if he's the only pirate you control at the end of either players turn. That seems fair and gives it a Mutiny flavor to him.
I know I'm late to the game, but I can't agree more. I was wondering if I was the only one so I'm glad to see pros feel the same way. Hearthstone has really devolved into a mindless tempo-face game in a lot of ways. There's all these cool synergies to play with, but if you die on turn 5 or 6, what's the point of having big fun 10-mana combos?
Cubelock looks really unfair to me. I dont have a problem with huge finishers/combo/value for a control deck, but with the seppstone and pact, warlock now has too much healing and aoe to be smorced and it has a too strong combo/value plan against control decks.
Cubelock bar none is the best deck in the game, by a huge margin. It's only going to show more and more as we get deeper into the meta, but it's fair to say outside of maybe machine gun Priest no deck is as consistent as Cubelock. And IMO the only decks (not designed to beat Cubelock) that can even beat it are maybe Quest Mage, Machinegun Priest, and Armor Warrior. Aggro decks will only win against it if the Cubelock draws REALLY poorly, but that's hard to happen because of its crazy good consistency.
2:26 Or you can just download Flux for free which does all those things and now you won't need to wear glasses, spend money and it saves energy on your computer.
I don't always agree with Reynad, but he's definitely right about this. Patches has been fucking with the meta since the instant it was printed. And now, those of us who don't want to craft him because he'll rotate in a few months will have to continue to be annoyed by it until April. I'm enjoying most of this set, but I will definitely be glad when the words "I'm in charge nooowww" are no longer heard *every fucking game*.
My prediction - once Patches rotates out, Corridor Creeper will be removed from a few specific decks, but will still be a 5/5 for 0-2 mana. I don't disagree about Patches, but to say that Patches is the reason Corridor Creeper is overpowered is IMO an overstatement. Yes - if you get Creeper in your opening hand, both players getting Patches so that lots of cheap minions will die DOES make Creeper better than it would be without that...but it's going to be good in any aggressive environment...and the fact is that the ladder system encourages aggressive decks. And in any game, aggression only needs to hit a critical mass, so the game gravitates naturally towards that anyway. I do think, however, that there are plenty of cards that limit how well aggressive decks do, so the more aggression people are playing, the more you will start to see those decks as well...
The main problem isn't even patches, it's the fact that the devs don't recognize that the game since the beginning is only aggro (if you want to play meta) and every single expansion they do either nothing to nerf aggro OR ...buff aggro (hence the critical point of that when patches arrived...). Because ben brodes want to "play for fun" you'll only ever have "fun" and "trolly decks", if you want to actually WIN let Jesus take the wheel so you don't draw patches on turn 1, because no amount of strategy IQ will save you if you don't copy/paste the last flavor of aggro deck
I think the nerf of summoning patches from your hand instead of your deck when you play a pirate would be a fair nerf cuz it costs you an extra hand slot.
I think neutrals should be there mostly to enable class cards (like injured blademaster for shaman's ancestral healing) rather than just be good on their own. That's the real problem here. Let's make a deck. Fire fly x2, patches, keleseth, southsea captain x2, tar creeper x2, howlongcanthisgoon x2, scalebane x2, bonemare x2, corridor creeper x2. That's 16 cards that can make a viable deck in just about every class. And there are plenty more neutrals that you could run, like dire mole, 1 drop pirates, golakkas, cairne, etc. that I didn't even list. Honestly, you could probably make an entirely neutral minion based deck and have a 50%+ winrate on ladder.
What if you made patches trigger after multiple pirates instead of just one? It makes the impact less in the early game, rewards players for building more into a pirate theme (which was the whole original point, promoting pirate synergies), and it fits the flavor of patches better imo, because after you summon multiple pirates he comes in to usurp then.
Reynad I am sorry but you got just 1 thing wrong. Try aggropriest. It has patches corridor creeper boosted by potion if madness and the new 3 mana buff card. It is super strong outraces almost anything kills even control unless they draw all their early anti aggro, and it is extremely consisten. I didnt have too much time to test but i am around 25-30 wins and 3 losses so far... So tl, dr even anduin is better when playing pirates :)
I made a Rin warlock deck just for fun, and honestly I get really happy whenever I meet the aggro decks. I don't have the exact statistics, but it feels like I win 80% of the time against them. it wasn't like that at first though, but after adjusting it bit by bit as I played, I ended up with a deck that absolutely demolishes them. however... against other control decks it's more like a 50/50
patches op? how about those warlock decks that destroy any aggro deck. I am playing the tempo rogue deck which is already fairly aggressive but I have not won against a single warlock.
I hope a lot of cards gets moved to hall of fame and some wild cards are moved to classic set. I want blizzard to slow this game down. The best games I have are the longer ones or tempo trading back and forth.
Card games usually work like rubber bands though. If control isn't so good, everybody plays a strong reliable midrange deck (usually mocked as curvestone). The better control gets, the faster people are trying to kill you, up until the point when the rubber band snaps and combo decks reign supreme. Hearthstone have seen all three extremes and it really is to each their own in term of preference. If the game does get too slow though, you can expect Quest Mage to become the most hated deck on ladder.
At least against quest mage there is multiple counters to it such as eater of secrets and never trading minions but against agro decks it's just do you have an exact counter/board clear against their bored on turn 3? If not you lose
What? KFT was one of the slowest metas. After Waraxe nerf, and Pirate Warrior fell out of favor, the only aggro deck was Token Druid. The meta was essentially only Midrange and Control decks.
Change golokka crawler's battlecry to "Battlecry: Destroy all pirates on the board and gain 1/1 for each pirate destroyed" or "Battlecry: Destroy patches and South Sea captains (wherever they are) and gain 1/1 for each of them destroyed"
Great video and analysis, I'd just like to point out something that Reynad didn't realize explicate very well in the video. Corridor creeper is a problem, because patches exists *because* patches draws and plays a minion for free to die to reduce the cost of corridor creeper. So you have your standard aggro v. aggro matchup, but both players draw and play an additional minion for free, thus reducing the cost of any corridor creepers in anyone's hand by 2 more mana than they otherwise would/should. And the thing that makes his meta prediction more safe than it might be, is that the more patches decks are running around on ladder, the faster you can get out corridor creepers in an average game, thus making patches/creeper decks even better in the meta. The only real way he might end up being wrong that I can see, is if some deck like Dragon priest with its 2x duskbreakers and 2x netherspites (to discover duskbreaker) is actually a strong enough counter to aggro that it gets a high enough proliferation with a strong enough winrate to force control decks that beat dragon priest back into a significant place in the meta. At which point it's still possible that we get a relatively diverse meta, with a decent number of patches+creeper aggro decks, a decent number of dragon priests, and a decent number of random other decks like recruit warrior or big druid that beat up on the dragon priests. Even in that situation we still get a world where a large percentage of decks are variations of the same thing (patches+corridor creeper tempo/aggro decks) and another large percentage of decks are literally the same class/archetype (dragon priest). So it's probably going to get fairly stale quite quickly until they nerf something (hopefully patches).
Nope, it's perfectly playable. It thins your deck and you have a low cost charge minion in your hand that you can apply buffs to. This kind of change would suffer in aggro decks, but would be alright for mid-range.
i feel like that last suggestion has merit. Patches should die at the end of turn if summoned from your deck. that way if you draw hi its not complete garbage but in the case of the extreme upside of getting it from your deck he cant continue to snowball turn after turn if he survives the turn
How is this any different then before? Because of corridor creeper? If this was the most effective - every deck would have run patches b4 Kobolds and catacombs.
Agreed. I've been blaming Patches for ages now! Jokes aside, Patches decks are what the overwhelming majority of my losses are from (not just from sheer frequency of Patches, but rather win rates of deck with v without). I've often though Mr P should instead be drawn from any pirate play; thus he is a valuable synergy card in a zoo type deck, but not that special otherwise.
Really hope you read this Raynad. While it is true that Patches has created a lot of problems when it comes to the metagame since even its introduction a year ago it is only the surface of an underlining issue. Like you say. People when playing ladder at the end of the day play to win and for the better part of the last 2 years of hearthstone that has primarily been one of 2 ways. One, kill the opponent really fast so they don't do anything or two, set up a way to kill the opponent in one big burst. Other methods ,interestingly enough, have been not only rare but looked down upon or even nurfed. The true issue is that if you say make Patches unplayable for example, then people will just migrate to Tempo/Secret Mage. If that gets nurfed or people start tecking agenced it then people will move to Raza Priest. If that doesn't work or gets nurfed then we will finally move to Jade Druid and we know how fun that will be. At the core of it, it isn't just Patches but rather the entire set he came out of, Gadgetzan. Every deck you mentioned and I just mentioned with the exception of mage has key cards inside that set which have lead to one of the least interactive years of hearthstone. This coupled with the decisions made by Team 5 to limit strong healing capabilities has lead to a metagame where casting burn on the opponents face on curve isn't really punishable most of the time since you can count on that damage sticking. Making it matter less to hold burn and expending it at the right time. Strong neutral healing needs to return if blizzard intends for this level of aggressive deck to roam around. At the same time decks need a kind of answer to decks like Raza or Exodia Mage, after all Charge for whatever reason was nurfed after the Raging Wargen deck created an auto win so why is exodia mage ok? Saddly the best thing we can do is wait out this expansion and hope the set rotation helps out a value oriented deck(s) become viable with the next expansion. God knows we could use a change in that direction.
Thanks for the insight Reynad, very accurate. Some would say we just need to improve anti aggro cards but that would lead to a similar end result. Gameplay being too similar. Patches shouldn't have been printed
You know what the best decks in wild are? Shaman with the standard pirate package + tunnel trogg totem golem, Razapriest and Aggro Paladin with a Pirate Package.
what about voidlord? its a 9 mana creature with 9 hp, wich spawns 9 more hp when it dies. and with some of the new warlock cards its too ex to cheat one out on turn 5 / 6, and every warlock deck runs it lately. I run an elemental mage fun fun, but I cant win anymore because I'm being flooded by demon warlock
I still remember when they had barely any pirate cards and we could only dream of a deck that had pirate synergy.. becareful what you wish for 😞
I played a pirate warrior back in beta, it felt pretty broken playing a 3/2 weapon followed by a 5/3, and then a 2/4 frothing.
But then the warlock was like nope, playing a 4 mana giant+2 0 mana soulfire on your stuff, followed by another 3 mana one and 2/3 give taunt on the next turn, and you cant do shit.
octopuff in kumquat That's not fair. That's like saying "I like the idea of recruit warrior" and they just make it the most busted deck in the game with no fun interaction.
I still want fun pirates. But this isn't fun, nor really pirate interaction.
I remember people asking for this back in the day and just going "are you insane?" Then lo and behold, we got viable pirates, and if anything it was more toxic and unpleasant than I thought it'd be.
"It needs to just die at the end of the turn..." Come to think of it, that would actually be a great way to balance patches. That menas that it's still as good at recovering the board, but no as treatening when building a board. However given how this nerf would add a whole line of text to the card, we'd would probably have to sacrifice our deckslots so that the game doesn't become to complex.
Krunschy patches rotates out in April. Way too late to change it now
April is 5 months away. if they wait till april then it will be too late. and rotating out just means patches continues to be in every wild deck. They will change it, not rotate it.
EclipseTragg patches wont be in every wild deck because in wild its like: everything is op so nothing is op. especially aggro decks have a harder time in wild
That would be fantastic. coupled with sonya
EclipseTragg bit he's been in every deck for 2 years now and they haven't done shit
Reynad do more tinder gameplay dude
Doomz he has fallen behind on the tinder meta. He would be destroyed.
Doomz the tinder meta is no more. Welcome the new meta, FAN FICTON
Tinder was banned from twitch I believe
because of the Noodle!
That's the IRL content he was talking about. 😏
I think Reynad nails it when he says Patches is a relic of the past. Tempo decks are generally playing a lot of cards like Fire Fly, which is a totally fair card and its inclusion shows that the early game power curve is kept in check for the most part. But Patches just completely breaks that philosophy, and while I don't think we're going to see a card like it made again, the fact that it exists in its current form is a big problem.
Click yeah don't think he said otherwise .
Patches is probably one the best designed cards Blizzard has ever printed. Certainly, in Gadgetzan at least.
dafuq? if a card is almost required in every deck, that's terrible card design.
ptsd flash backs of piloted shredder...dr boom, and sludgeblecher
Sludge Belcher was always a balanced card, it was a solid pick that showed up in many decks but never felt unfair or oppressive.
It's funny because Omnislash just released a video were Firebat and Zalae just made a priest deck better by adding Southsea captains and Patches
I'm personally think that satelite priest not has a good curve this way because it's better to just hold the board for duskbreaker. Yeah i'm did both versions of that deck.
as you saw on that video,its not deck doctor and the video called NOT deck doctor,they know what they are making is a silly thing to put a patches and southsea cap,learn to read before write it
Lol saw that...I was blown away...
I also saw that video and even though they may have added Patches and SSC to a the satellite priest deck in jest, it probably still improved its win rate. I cannot stand that damn Patches card. I hated it when it was introduced (and pirate warrior along with it), and I refuse to craft Patches.
I refused to craft it also for months (I HATED pirate warriors in MSG) but I finally crafted that little fucker in KFT
Video starts at 3:23
TxColter Thank you :*
Doing God's work
holy shit it's actually you, loved your old videos dude :)
Bless you
TxColter ty
Its actually ridiculous. Even before the expansion the whole problem was patches , whoever draws keleseth was the first deciding factor , then if they can pull patches its over.
Even priests were running keleseth pirates. Such a boring meta
I have a question: how do you think they could nerf patches?
Definitely not a weeb change him to: 1 Mana 1/1 charge after you play a pirate summon this from your hand
Murloc Leader thats not a nerf. Thats gutting the card.
I think just making it die at the end of the turn like everyone says, it makes it a decent board recovery tool or damage to face while still not gaining too much of a "free" lead on the board.
LeagueofMeta but then the Card is nerfed to the ground and Nobody would play it
Look at the deck names for the OP decks....
It speaks the truth.....
Reynad has twig a huge dong. LuL
This is your best video in awhile, the comedy mixed with the information / truth is entertaining.
9:25 "I think that there's a pattern where the cards that decide how a metagame runs are basically the best early game things you can do..."
Was about to mention Ultimate Infestation, realized that it's also an early game card.
Alex Roodman He really doesn't have a good point as to why that is bad. It is just the reality that the best decks, are going to be trying to get the strongest effects from their cards as early as possible.
That isn't a bad thing at all.
The problem was never Ultimate Infestation... It was that early game ramp had no drawback when Spreading Plague just nullified all early game exchanges in one fell swoop.
It was fun while it lasted, now its the time for people to copy this decks and suck every bit of fun out from Hearthstone again
i was so happy when wild was announced i was like fuck yeah! only fun decks! now in wild only the best decks are played...
That's how I feel everytime a new expansion arrives, have fun at the start trying out new cards, but then all I see is netdecks that ruin it for me.
Jake Verdnik that's mostly the fault of Hearhstone being an online game with a ranked system. When everyone was playing Yu-Gi-Oh and MTG nobody really cared enough to look up top-tier decks. It was also quite a lot harder to get the op cards if you didn't want to spend a shitton of money.
try this
# Class: Hunter
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (2) Explosive Trap
# 1x (2) Freezing Trap
# 1x (2) Wandering Monster
# 1x (3) Eaglehorn Bow
# 1x (3) Stitched Tracker
# 2x (3) Tar Creeper
# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
# 1x (4) Flanking Strike
# 1x (4) The Darkness
# 2x (5) Lesser Emerald Spellstone
# 2x (5) Tundra Rhino
# 1x (6) Deathstalker Rexxar
# 2x (6) Savannah Highmane
# 1x (6) Seeping Oozeling
# 1x (7) Crushing Walls
# 2x (7) Silver Vanguard
# 1x (7) Swamp King Dred
# 1x (8) Kathrena Winterwisp
# 2x (8) Primordial Drake
# 1x (8) The Lich King
# 1x (8) Violet Wurm
# 1x (9) Master Oakheart
# 1x (10) Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
It's unfortunate but the average f2p player doesn't want to waste dust on an experimental deck since they may not have enough dust to craft a good one later. Blame blizzard for being stingy and giving f2p/low cost players a bad overall experience
Patches is the necessary evil. Someone needs to be in charge.
Who's gonna save us from control when Patches gets ---- PATCHED out?
stonetusk boar is in charge
and get eaten by golakka :D
Even if Reynad were to be 100% wrong, you can't deny this video is hilariously entertaining. I don't usually "like" videos, but when I do, it is because they trash talk patches.
If no new archetypes were introduced, Tempo hunter/rouge and token druid would be dominating. But Big mage, dragon and rez Priest, and some variants of Warlock (which also runs corridor) have gotten enough removal or taunts to negate these decks.
Damn that's a nice view
Edit: Also the background outside the window is nice too
11:28 Best new deck: "Patches + other shit"
all those patches, southsea capt.,cobalt dragon, bonemare meta is annoying.
Антон Некрасов even during ungoro it was. When they make the game more 50-55% winrate control decks, I guess it would be better
When Reynad complained about unstable portal, Blizzard decided every class should have its own portal(Karazhan). When Reynad complained about Barnes, Blizzard decided to make Barnes' ability into a mechanics(Recruit). So I predict next expansion we are gonna get a "patches" for every minion type.
hatches the beast, matches the elemental, batches the murloc, ratchets the mech, scratches the demon and thatches the totem
Barnes is not the Prototype of Recruit. Patches is more like the Protoype of recruit. Patches is like a reversed type of recruit. But yeah the Karazhan Portals should summen Minions from a Fixed Pool of Minions. But hey Blizzard is just a small indie company, don't have High expectations
well as long its like 9 mana 7/8 summon this minion when you summon 2 or more dragons that cost 4 or higher i’ll be fine
(i hope...)
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan has been such a huge stain on the game for a year now. I have been counting down the days until it gets rotated out ever since it released.
Gadgetzan was my favorite meta.
Caleb Harris as a wild only player I await the day that Patches gets nerfed to death or is made a Warrior class card.
Looking back a few months later, Reynad nailed it. Tempo decks with patches, corridor creeper, and bone mare are never seen. The nerf hammer came down hard.
What view? All I could see was his forehead EleGiggle
Tldr; craft Patches and win games
This video ages so well
I am so looking forward to the rotation next year, no more patches aggro stuff.
Damn Reynad, looking good with them shades. Totally agree with your perspective on the meta, Patches needs to be removed from the game or nerfed into oblivion, whoever came up with the design of this card should be fired, or at least demoted.
Every expansion, most streamers give a super-safe review, but you give your actual thoughts. The funny thing is, you've been right pretty often even though you have made actual predictions. Respect.
Patches is a shit card. Cant wait until april
Fabrizio Fresa what do you mean
Dude Just listen the talking forehead. On april It will rotate out of standard
craft on the first day and always had fun with it , best card in game , lol loser have suffer 4 more month
Patches is one of my favorite cards :)
Flame Fusion yeah, me too. I love seeing him come out of that cannon on turn 1. Good use of 1600 dust (:
You were wrong, patches is now a staple in priest lmao
Damn, your set reviews are my favorite hearthstone content
Last Nite She Said agree
Really liked the flavorful deck names noodle
Patches has been in at least one, usually more, of the Tier One decks every single day since the day he was released. Blizzard has been negligent in keeping cards like it in check.
CassiusBenard1 And? So has Leeroy.
Flame Fusion that's why Leeroy got nerfed...
Thanks for the video, though I DO miss the old card reviews you did - having someone with as much cross-card game knowledge as you talking about card design was always more interesting than other streamers pointing out that the 5mana 5/6 dragon that lets you discover a card from your opponents deck is good a good card, shocker.
i don't think many people noticed how busted molten blade became. warrior now has access to ALL legendary weapons.
Even though some would prefer deck reviews, I would much prefer more meta reviews like this. Much more interesting in my opinion.
# of card reviews: 99999999999
# of deck reviews: 3
# of meta reviews: 0
Whenever I feel depressed, I come and watch one of Raynad's salty videos and instantly make myself feel better. Thanks Raynad! You've never let me down.
Well, the best priest deck atm runs patches, southsea and corridor
at least he was wrong about warlock
except never mind because the spiteful priest with pirates actually had a higher wr than razakus so it cancels out
try this
# Class: Hunter
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (2) Explosive Trap
# 1x (2) Freezing Trap
# 1x (2) Wandering Monster
# 1x (3) Eaglehorn Bow
# 1x (3) Stitched Tracker
# 2x (3) Tar Creeper
# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
# 1x (4) Flanking Strike
# 1x (4) The Darkness
# 2x (5) Lesser Emerald Spellstone
# 2x (5) Tundra Rhino
# 1x (6) Deathstalker Rexxar
# 2x (6) Savannah Highmane
# 1x (6) Seeping Oozeling
# 1x (7) Crushing Walls
# 2x (7) Silver Vanguard
# 1x (7) Swamp King Dred
# 1x (8) Kathrena Winterwisp
# 2x (8) Primordial Drake
# 1x (8) The Lich King
# 1x (8) Violet Wurm
# 1x (9) Master Oakheart
# 1x (10) Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Reynad: Patches is good in probably every class except Priest
Me: opens a random video by Thijs, the first opponent plays Pirate Priest
I agree, I even had to craft patches and southea deckhands because their so good
you chosed the dark side
You mean Southsea Captains? Because if you didnt have Deckhand yet, I dont understand how you are playing Hearthstone lol
I crafted just 2 hungry crabs...
Lecter *golakka crawler
I crafted SOMTHING, I guess
You're completely right, I've seen pirates in every class, including priest. Basically you can make 1 deck and copy it to other classes, the only thing changes is your hero power.
Didn't realize pirates were such a problem. I still remember hoping pirates get a buff so I could play them for once.
In my opinion, the best way to nerf Patches without making it completely unplayable is to remove Charge. Especially in a day and age where Patches often comes out as more than just a 1/1, I think Patches would still be reasonably strong just as a 1/1 that is drawn and summoned for free. It would still have Pirate and summoning synergies with things like Knife Juggler (2 mana card that wouldn't see play in Keleseth decks, I know), but now it can't immediately attack.
InfiniteJexulus I think they should make it charge in randomly into a target
InfiniteJexulus But if they remove charge, can he really be in charge now?
Creamy D. Memes If they remove charge then he'll be in now
that would be kinda the same as alleycat though
iroy Hanouwer no, he will still be better because you thin out your deck.
The second you put those sponsored glasses on you looked EXACTLY like Ben Brode in his light blue flannel shirt. LuL
A random game form yesterday:
> I play zoo, my opponent plays priest
> His turn 4: priest clears my board and plays 2 0-cost 5/5's
> My turn 4: play my own 2 0-cost 5/5's
That's 10/10 stats on turn 4, it's crazy
What surprises me is that Southsea captain was only in pirate warrior and not in any other patches deck in both Mean streets and Journey. Only in Frozen Throne it became a staple in almost every patches deck. Was southsea just overlooked or is keleseth what makes him that much stronger?
Dude you're the best, for real. This is mountains of insight beyond what anyone else is giving right now.
Consider this, Patches is returned to your hand at the end of the turn if summoned from the deck?
Actually I dont think that Patches is a problem. I think tribes in general is. When you build tribes deck, doesnt matter if its pirates, murlocs, dragons, whatever, your deck is full of minions that do some shit that probably a bit powerful for its manacost, but it has "conditions", that force you to play more of this shit. And whats gonna happen when you play this? Well, you have solid board on t5 at worse and you aiming to the opponents face. There was literally 0 decks that relies on tribes and do something else at the same time. Dragons, Pirates, Murlocs (maybe Anyfin was different), Demons, Beasts, Elementals, whatever. Unless those interactions changed somehow, Hearthstone will always be like that - you have like 4 strong cards, see the tribe those cards have, print it in search field, basicaly autofill the entire deck. The way of thinking while you deckbuilding such a deck is way to degenerate: "I will have 2 mana, this card costs 2 mana, playing this on t2 will be good". I guess otherwise Hearthstone will be too complex which is somehow a bad thing in developers eyes
if in need of less complexity: remove deckslots so players won't get confused
I disagree. For instance the pirates. You typically use 3-7 and they are part of a deck that could exist without them. Those decks wouldn't nearly as unfair, but without patches that package is near useless in many cases. Or what Warlock is doing with demons rn. If i recall properly cubeloc runs the 5 mana 2/2 summon a demon and the weapon only runs 4 demons. It's actually usually a pretty garbage deck if you autofill with tribals. Like elementals. Those are garbage decks. The only exception i can think of rn is murloc-paladin. But even it's non-murloc variant right now is just kinda better.
Arrrr im in charge now!
Thank you for that video. I just build a priest deck with captain, patches and corridor creeper that won against keleseth rogue in the first game. You are totally right. Place those cards in a deck, fill it up with everything else that is broken or gives tempo and you can win everything.
This was a really level headed, reasoned response. I assume it will go ignored but you're fighting the good fight!
When MSG came out, I played the pirate package with Miracle Rogue, got up to rank 10 easily for the first time ever. After they nerfed STB, I kept Patches in because it consistently gets me 1-3 chip damage in plus helps thin my deck in a deck highly reliant on draw RNG. The chances of drawing patches beforehand is really low, and even if you do you're still playing a stonetusk boar, which isn't exactly worthless.
i love how the one exception to the patches decks "priest" is nowadays running patches, keleseth and corridor creeper too..
Hello comment section , i stopped playing heartstone when jade took place , do you think this is a good moment to come back to the game?
I like the idea of having him die at the end of the turn but maybe add he only gets summoned out by 1 cost pirates and he only lives if he's the only pirate you control at the end of either players turn. That seems fair and gives it a Mutiny flavor to him.
How to deal with Patches? Make a 1 mana 1/1 taunt that summons from your deck whenever your opponent plays a pirate :D
I know I'm late to the game, but I can't agree more. I was wondering if I was the only one so I'm glad to see pros feel the same way. Hearthstone has really devolved into a mindless tempo-face game in a lot of ways. There's all these cool synergies to play with, but if you die on turn 5 or 6, what's the point of having big fun 10-mana combos?
I voted for forsen
Never gets old
Cubelock looks really unfair to me. I dont have a problem with huge finishers/combo/value for a control deck, but with the seppstone and pact, warlock now has too much healing and aoe to be smorced and it has a too strong combo/value plan against control decks.
Cubelock bar none is the best deck in the game, by a huge margin. It's only going to show more and more as we get deeper into the meta, but it's fair to say outside of maybe machine gun Priest no deck is as consistent as Cubelock. And IMO the only decks (not designed to beat Cubelock) that can even beat it are maybe Quest Mage, Machinegun Priest, and Armor Warrior. Aggro decks will only win against it if the Cubelock draws REALLY poorly, but that's hard to happen because of its crazy good consistency.
You were 100% right, Reynad. Blizzard is nerfing the exact cards you called out and then some. Well done, Sir.
Reynad is just annoyingly pretty
at least every class has a neutral anti aggro card with colakka crawler LUL
Reynad, what would you think if Patches reshuffled into your deck at end of turn?
2:26 Or you can just download Flux for free which does all those things and now you won't need to wear glasses, spend money and it saves energy on your computer.
I'm guessing the rogue, druid, or zoo deck (Although it could be a different zoo list with less discard focus) will be the top of the top.
I don't always agree with Reynad, but he's definitely right about this. Patches has been fucking with the meta since the instant it was printed. And now, those of us who don't want to craft him because he'll rotate in a few months will have to continue to be annoyed by it until April. I'm enjoying most of this set, but I will definitely be glad when the words "I'm in charge nooowww" are no longer heard *every fucking game*.
Even if it needs a nerf, they won't nerf this because Patches rotates soon.
april 2018 is soon for you ? OH BOY, you are delusional
2018 is days away, what kind of skewed time perception do you have
My prediction - once Patches rotates out, Corridor Creeper will be removed from a few specific decks, but will still be a 5/5 for 0-2 mana. I don't disagree about Patches, but to say that Patches is the reason Corridor Creeper is overpowered is IMO an overstatement. Yes - if you get Creeper in your opening hand, both players getting Patches so that lots of cheap minions will die DOES make Creeper better than it would be without that...but it's going to be good in any aggressive environment...and the fact is that the ladder system encourages aggressive decks. And in any game, aggression only needs to hit a critical mass, so the game gravitates naturally towards that anyway.
I do think, however, that there are plenty of cards that limit how well aggressive decks do, so the more aggression people are playing, the more you will start to see those decks as well...
The main problem isn't even patches, it's the fact that the devs don't recognize that the game since the beginning is only aggro (if you want to play meta) and every single expansion they do either nothing to nerf aggro OR ...buff aggro (hence the critical point of that when patches arrived...). Because ben brodes want to "play for fun" you'll only ever have "fun" and "trolly decks", if you want to actually WIN let Jesus take the wheel so you don't draw patches on turn 1, because no amount of strategy IQ will save you if you don't copy/paste the last flavor of aggro deck
I think the nerf of summoning patches from your hand instead of your deck when you play a pirate would be a fair nerf cuz it costs you an extra hand slot.
Looking forward to seeing people showing up to tournaments with 4 of the same deck that just have a different class.
Nice backround, did i miss sth? Wasnt here 4 a long time
I think neutrals should be there mostly to enable class cards (like injured blademaster for shaman's ancestral healing) rather than just be good on their own. That's the real problem here.
Let's make a deck.
Fire fly x2, patches, keleseth, southsea captain x2, tar creeper x2, howlongcanthisgoon x2, scalebane x2, bonemare x2, corridor creeper x2. That's 16 cards that can make a viable deck in just about every class. And there are plenty more neutrals that you could run, like dire mole, 1 drop pirates, golakkas, cairne, etc. that I didn't even list. Honestly, you could probably make an entirely neutral minion based deck and have a 50%+ winrate on ladder.
What if you made patches trigger after multiple pirates instead of just one? It makes the impact less in the early game, rewards players for building more into a pirate theme (which was the whole original point, promoting pirate synergies), and it fits the flavor of patches better imo, because after you summon multiple pirates he comes in to usurp then.
First 5 minutes, promote himself and sponsors. Next 10 minutes, complain about a card that's been in the game for a year. Glad I watched.
When I saw the video title, I grabbed a notepad.
EDIT: Take this either way, but you look like a kid version of Mark Rosewater.
Reynad I am sorry but you got just 1 thing wrong. Try aggropriest. It has patches corridor creeper boosted by potion if madness and the new 3 mana buff card. It is super strong outraces almost anything kills even control unless they draw all their early anti aggro, and it is extremely consisten. I didnt have too much time to test but i am around 25-30 wins and 3 losses so far... So tl, dr even anduin is better when playing pirates :)
I made a Rin warlock deck just for fun, and honestly I get really happy whenever I meet the aggro decks. I don't have the exact statistics, but it feels like I win 80% of the time against them. it wasn't like that at first though, but after adjusting it bit by bit as I played, I ended up with a deck that absolutely demolishes them. however... against other control decks it's more like a 50/50
patches op? how about those warlock decks that destroy any aggro deck. I am playing the tempo rogue deck which is already fairly aggressive but I have not won against a single warlock.
bohang zhang good, aggro is a shit archatype that's been on the top for the past year now.
Would patches be fixed if yu took charge away from the card?
What if they changed the txt on patches to pull it after you play a second pirate?
None of these seem to be leading on metastats. Is that site not very reflective of actual meta?
but doesn't old gods, kara and gadetz roll out of standard end of the year?
I hope a lot of cards gets moved to hall of fame and some wild cards are moved to classic set. I want blizzard to slow this game down. The best games I have are the longer ones or tempo trading back and forth.
Card games usually work like rubber bands though. If control isn't so good, everybody plays a strong reliable midrange deck (usually mocked as curvestone). The better control gets, the faster people are trying to kill you, up until the point when the rubber band snaps and combo decks reign supreme.
Hearthstone have seen all three extremes and it really is to each their own in term of preference. If the game does get too slow though, you can expect Quest Mage to become the most hated deck on ladder.
At least against quest mage there is multiple counters to it such as eater of secrets and never trading minions but against agro decks it's just do you have an exact counter/board clear against their bored on turn 3? If not you lose
What? KFT was one of the slowest metas. After Waraxe nerf, and Pirate Warrior fell out of favor, the only aggro deck was Token Druid.
The meta was essentially only Midrange and Control decks.
Flame Fusion tempo rouge and zoolock were some of the best decks in kft. Both aggro.
Lequinow just play paladin. Eye for an eye those mages
Is it some hidden message in Braille in the top left corner?
Change golokka crawler's battlecry to "Battlecry: Destroy all pirates on the board and gain 1/1 for each pirate destroyed" or "Battlecry: Destroy patches and South Sea captains (wherever they are) and gain 1/1 for each of them destroyed"
I'm from the future.
Pirate Priest is tearing it up in the meta now.
Great video and analysis, I'd just like to point out something that Reynad didn't realize explicate very well in the video. Corridor creeper is a problem, because patches exists *because* patches draws and plays a minion for free to die to reduce the cost of corridor creeper. So you have your standard aggro v. aggro matchup, but both players draw and play an additional minion for free, thus reducing the cost of any corridor creepers in anyone's hand by 2 more mana than they otherwise would/should.
And the thing that makes his meta prediction more safe than it might be, is that the more patches decks are running around on ladder, the faster you can get out corridor creepers in an average game, thus making patches/creeper decks even better in the meta.
The only real way he might end up being wrong that I can see, is if some deck like Dragon priest with its 2x duskbreakers and 2x netherspites (to discover duskbreaker) is actually a strong enough counter to aggro that it gets a high enough proliferation with a strong enough winrate to force control decks that beat dragon priest back into a significant place in the meta. At which point it's still possible that we get a relatively diverse meta, with a decent number of patches+creeper aggro decks, a decent number of dragon priests, and a decent number of random other decks like recruit warrior or big druid that beat up on the dragon priests.
Even in that situation we still get a world where a large percentage of decks are variations of the same thing (patches+corridor creeper tempo/aggro decks) and another large percentage of decks are literally the same class/archetype (dragon priest). So it's probably going to get fairly stale quite quickly until they nerf something (hopefully patches).
Patches should be when you play a pirate, pull it from your deck and add it to your hand. That will fix it.
You mean make it totally unplayable.
Nope, it's perfectly playable. It thins your deck and you have a low cost charge minion in your hand that you can apply buffs to. This kind of change would suffer in aggro decks, but would be alright for mid-range.
Nah then you just have a slightly easier to find Stonetusk Boar. If you want to find a bad one drop just play boar with The Curator
i feel like that last suggestion has merit. Patches should die at the end of turn if summoned from your deck. that way if you draw hi its not complete garbage but in the case of the extreme upside of getting it from your deck he cant continue to snowball turn after turn if he survives the turn
As always, informative with fresh insight on the related topic. This felt like a real discussion.
I love how he said patches priest is not optimal and that is the deck i've played so much of lately. It might actually be the best priest too.
How is this any different then before? Because of corridor creeper? If this was the most effective - every deck would have run patches b4 Kobolds and catacombs.
Agreed. I've been blaming Patches for ages now! Jokes aside, Patches decks are what the overwhelming majority of my losses are from (not just from sheer frequency of Patches, but rather win rates of deck with v without). I've often though Mr P should instead be drawn from any pirate play; thus he is a valuable synergy card in a zoo type deck, but not that special otherwise.
Really hope you read this Raynad.
While it is true that Patches has created a lot of problems when it comes to the metagame since even its introduction a year ago it is only the surface of an underlining issue. Like you say. People when playing ladder at the end of the day play to win and for the better part of the last 2 years of hearthstone that has primarily been one of 2 ways. One, kill the opponent really fast so they don't do anything or two, set up a way to kill the opponent in one big burst. Other methods ,interestingly enough, have been not only rare but looked down upon or even nurfed. The true issue is that if you say make Patches unplayable for example, then people will just migrate to Tempo/Secret Mage. If that gets nurfed or people start tecking agenced it then people will move to Raza Priest. If that doesn't work or gets nurfed then we will finally move to Jade Druid and we know how fun that will be. At the core of it, it isn't just Patches but rather the entire set he came out of, Gadgetzan. Every deck you mentioned and I just mentioned with the exception of mage has key cards inside that set which have lead to one of the least interactive years of hearthstone. This coupled with the decisions made by Team 5 to limit strong healing capabilities has lead to a metagame where casting burn on the opponents face on curve isn't really punishable most of the time since you can count on that damage sticking. Making it matter less to hold burn and expending it at the right time. Strong neutral healing needs to return if blizzard intends for this level of aggressive deck to roam around. At the same time decks need a kind of answer to decks like Raza or Exodia Mage, after all Charge for whatever reason was nurfed after the Raging Wargen deck created an auto win so why is exodia mage ok?
Saddly the best thing we can do is wait out this expansion and hope the set rotation helps out a value oriented deck(s) become viable with the next expansion. God knows we could use a change in that direction.
Thanks for the insight Reynad, very accurate. Some would say we just need to improve anti aggro cards but that would lead to a similar end result. Gameplay being too similar. Patches shouldn't have been printed
Murloc Paladin is an exception because of that Vilefin - Rockpool opener. Same thing.
That was great. You should do more of these types of videos
You know what the best decks in wild are?
Shaman with the standard pirate package + tunnel trogg totem golem, Razapriest and Aggro Paladin with a Pirate Package.
what about voidlord?
its a 9 mana creature with 9 hp, wich spawns 9 more hp when it dies.
and with some of the new warlock cards its too ex to cheat one out on turn 5 / 6, and every warlock deck runs it lately.
I run an elemental mage fun fun, but I cant win anymore because I'm being flooded by demon warlock
Great video Reynad. I'll sub to your channel because I find the videos you make outside of gameplay are always really on point.