Met my wife when she slid in under my arm (she's petite) and asked me to walk with her coz a guy was creeping her out with his awkward advances. I just happened to be the tallest guy in the vicinity at the time. She's still there. At my side, I mean. Sometimes I think that's what the rib story is about.
I've three main thoughts on hierarchy between men and women. The best analogy I've heard about what it means that the man leads and the woman follows is partner dancing, where we literally call the dance partners "leader" and "follower". While it isn't strictly always men leading and women following, that is the general pattern. Women tend to naturally enjoy following and the leads enjoy leading. But it isn't as if the man is bossing the woman around the dance floor. It's a partnership, and each partner adopts their favored role. They can't both be leaders, because then they'd just be fighting over control. They can't both be followers, because they'd just stand there waiting for the other person to start the dance. By voluntarily adopting lead and follow roles the dance partners mesh with each other in a coordinated whole. The lead is keeping track of his own balance, his partner's balance, and the partnership's balance. The follower is doing almost the same thing, except in response to the leader, not choosing her own dance to but enhancing the dance by being a responsive follower. The leader is keeping track of what the follower can and cannot do, what might push her off balance, while the follower is helping the lead by keeping her own balance, so that when the leader nudges things one way or the other, it's a very controlled interaction that is beautiful to see on the dance floor. With that in mind comes a second thought. Modern feminism overemphasizes agency and power dynamics and leadership. It tells women that they should be leading, because otherwise they aren't equal to men. The net result is that I've heard women say (back when Facebook was more open and people were naive about interacting there) that the most romantic thing a man can say is "I've got this." The person who brought this up was a "girlboss" in her own right, a business owner in charge of a moderately large business. I mentioned to her that in order to have that romantic interaction, you actually have to LET the guy step up and take care of things, even though you are fully capable of doing it yourself. She agreed, and said that she notices that tendency in herself and tries not to default to taking care of things herself. My last thought. A widow I know who is very strong willed and tends to be domineering spoke to me about her dead husband. She said that one thing she really liked about him is that he would say, "No," to her, when she would start taking on things that would be too much, or would in general be a bad idea for all sorts of reasons that wouldn't immediately occur to her. Even this very strong woman who tends to take control of the people around her felt the need to have someone she trusted say, "No." We don't teach these kinds of interactions these days. Everyone is taught to act like a man ... except men, ironically. The chaos we see in our relationships is the inevitable result of that misguided instruction.
Women have no problem "allowing" men to do the difficult work. Women are very good at manipulating men and making them do things they don't want to do. That isn't real submission. Submission is when a man asks you to do something, and you do it. Submission is when you fulfill your role as a wife and mother, and you are willing to set aside your own ambitions for the sake of the children. Very few women are willing to give up their careers in order to take care of the children. Very few women are able to obey their husbands or show them respect. Most women I know will talk bad about their husbands, or will try to emasculate them, or will put their own interests and ambitions over the good of the children. Women forget that men are the head of the family. The head think and makes the decisions for the body. The head controls every movement.
Just more nonsense to pretend that somehow being a 'partnering' is still following. What is it about the idea of submission that seems to get people into a frenzy? Women want to submit, pretending otherwise is ridiculous.
@@Adanu191 I agree with you. What I'm trying to do is find the language that can help bridge the gap. It's a journey and process and won't be perfect every time. Thanks for being here!
It may not be considered politically correct, but the Bible got it right. The Bible got alot of things right and I say that as someone who isnt a Christian.
Man, I grew up ready to go through life with a woman who's loyal by my side. I expected to go through thick and thin and to eventually share in success with her. I'm 35 years old and I'm done dating, done buying rings and I'm picking up on the darkness, the inability of women in my life to empathize. My sister, my mother, so in effect, women generally can treat a man with utter cruelty and for no other reason than they wanted something new or weren't sure how they felt about someone. I think hard rules, and the fear of consequences are what kept women from sharing how much they hate men. I literally can't go back to seeing women as these beautiful and loving creatures who must be protected and made happy....anymore. I only see the reality now. I've taken the Red Pill, and I value the truth so much, I know I would never want to get plugged back into the Matrix. "Me, me, me and my feelings"
I'm a man, but there is something about the way Anya thinks, structures her ideas, blends one concept into another that comes across to me as a clean, logical way of thinking and communicating. I find her talks (I've listened to three or four now) just fascinating.
I heard a marriage counselor of more than twenty years give three words of advice over the radio for new couples. Surely you can do this … PRAY TOGETHER DAILY. He said that when couples did this then their marriage troubles were minimal. So I challenge you to begin that HABIT now while you can hardly stand to be apart. This habit of praying together daily will serve the marriage more than anything else you can do. The marriage counselor said that when the wife hears the husband humbly call to God for help in their relationship and other matters, then she is likely to gladly follow his lead. She knows he is following God daily which makes her feel safe and aligned with God through her husband.
The way I heard the quote was; When God made woman he made her not from man's head to rule over him, nor from his feet to be trod upon by him, but from his side to walk beside him, from under his arm to be protected by him, from by his heart to be loved by him. Women! never submit to a man who doesn’t submit to God. My wife of 45 years is a former COO of a small corp with 150 employees. She doesn’t need me telling her what to do but she looks to me for wise counsel, support, and leadership. I am a former Army officer, biker club president and founder of a small company with 30 employees. She knows my boundaries and I know hers. We have similar values so we rarely disagree.
"Women! Never submit to a man who doesn't submit to God." This is not wise council. While it is true that a Christian woman should never marry an unbelieving man, wives are to submit to their husbands in general regardless of whether they are Christian or not.
Thats not a valid card. Not at all. He needs to be worthy of submission, and if youre commanding her to submit via biblical authority, you better submit to it yourself. The days of cherry picking need to end. @xbluesaintx
@@xbluesaintx A woman should submit to her husband regardless of whether he is a believer. But I think this comment refers to marrying unbelieving men, which is a no-no biblically speaking.
It specifically says in the Bible that a Christian wife must submit to her unbelieving husband, because that's how we win him over. The fact you didn't know only shows you don't read.
The bible is a holistic book and does not go against itself.If your interpretation of one passage contradicts another, then you're wrong. This is a common protestant problem. The follower doesn't get to define the criteria of how the leader should lead. This is leading from behind, which is a manipulative tactic. The patriarchy is the order that God set up, and you conform to it or break the 1st commandment. We sacrifice in or relationship with God and our relationships with each other.
New to your channel and seems like you talk about some interesting topics. From this video you seem to adore Louis Perry. May I suggest a video called "Tinder Exists, Women Most Affected" by badger live streams which comments on an article by Louis Perry? Just to provide different perspectives.
At first, I was interested in the video, but as it progressed, I began to notice that the meanings of certain words were changing to cater to women. By the end of the video, it seemed to emphasize that men should affirm women more, be nicer to them, and listen to them more. While I appreciate fresh perspectives from new sources, I still feel there are many overlooked points, some points using historic content misinterpreted. I believe that perhaps only a world crisis could truly shake things up and allow for a reset.
When we got married my wife and I discussed the family hierarchy. I lead my household, she follows. I look after the safety and financial security of the family as far as the outside world goes, she looks after the safety and wellbeing and nurturing of the kids and running of most aspects of our home. MGTOW is not the answer. MGTOW guys have valid complaints about how men are treated in society and by western women, but their answer of "go out and bang women but never get married" is a bad solution. We'll just have a whole lot of batchelors and no solid families developing to carry the torch of American culture forward.
What women deem as "mean" is a very weak analysis of the overall situation. Men may be bent due to being disrespected over the Feminist era, but our insights are gold and must emerge during times of crisis. Yes, there may be some grit in our voice, kind of like Bill Belichik...but that's because we want to win the human superbowl!
6:00 I knew it. I f-ing knew it. The moment you said "women's interest" I knew this video would be just another Perryan op. No, thank you. I'm aiming to marry an actual human being, not the drone of some psychopathic feminist hive.
I prefer an equal relationship, where the rights and interests of each partner is equally respected. Issues are resolved and discussed calmly, nobody tries to dominate the other. This won't work for everyone - some people have a very dominant nature, some a submissive nature. I have an equitable nature and am lucky my wife has a similarly equitable nature.
Thank you for this topic. As a male my job is to direct the components of family through the realm of time space and matter, It is also my job to yield to the nurturing guidance of women in matters that are not measurable which consist of our emotional well being, to mitigate emotional problems the wife or child may be encountering. This is critical for a peaceful and warm domicile where each family member has the tools to overcome adversity from outside forces of our environment and internal forces of discovering our voice. Being able to express our wants and needs. Men take care of needs where as women take the helm for wants. Needs always supersedes wants until circumstances allow for the application of wants to flourish.
Either men can be in strict control in a hypergamous society where most people are disenfranchised and women are severely oppressed or men can lead in a society with faith and values, that follows god
I don't think there is a natural hierarchy. But I am pretty sure that if there is a meritocratic hierarchy in place. The top will have mostly men, because well... men on average are considerably more competitive and more likely to strive for leadership, while women tend to be happier just following and being part of a group.
A million years from now women will be talking about themselves and their interests and how it pertains to manipulation of men. The older I get I realize men and women shouldn’t be together continuously.
I am not a christian You all think God is what the bible claims Really You expect man to be Godly. And you expect God to be joy We were born Natural Beings before all this verbal overlay.
If he's this big scary guy to whom you're afraid to submit, why'd you marry him? If you're not married, why are you still there? Just say that you reject Christian ethical principles regarding marriage (just like the gays), and this becomes an easier discussion.
Adam was made from dust. Eve was made from part of something already created. Adam was the rough draft. Eve was the perfected finished product. There are many ways to look at the story. The truth is the two of them are very different and unequal in many ways. But they are equal in importance.
Rough draft? Are you kididng me? Adam was the pinnacle of mankind. If you were to see him in person, you would probably think he was a statue because he was so perfect in every way. Eve was made for Adam, with different qualities that would suit her role as HIS helper.
It's important that there is time to think about these topics, but even if there is time, it's also important it is accessible through these gateways. The understanding of the unifiers is the truth we depend on. The opposite is the web of lies which will tempt us to give up our lives sin to sin, until the time runs out.
I really like your videos Anya. You have a very nice way of presenting your views on relationships. You're viewership can only continue to grow.
Thank you so much!
Real man lead women follow
What is this REAL MAN for you ???? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Good men lead, smart women follow
Met my wife when she slid in under my arm (she's petite) and asked me to walk with her coz a guy was creeping her out with his awkward advances. I just happened to be the tallest guy in the vicinity at the time. She's still there. At my side, I mean. Sometimes I think that's what the rib story is about.
this is so heartwarming thank you for sharing!
I've three main thoughts on hierarchy between men and women.
The best analogy I've heard about what it means that the man leads and the woman follows is partner dancing, where we literally call the dance partners "leader" and "follower". While it isn't strictly always men leading and women following, that is the general pattern. Women tend to naturally enjoy following and the leads enjoy leading. But it isn't as if the man is bossing the woman around the dance floor. It's a partnership, and each partner adopts their favored role. They can't both be leaders, because then they'd just be fighting over control. They can't both be followers, because they'd just stand there waiting for the other person to start the dance. By voluntarily adopting lead and follow roles the dance partners mesh with each other in a coordinated whole. The lead is keeping track of his own balance, his partner's balance, and the partnership's balance. The follower is doing almost the same thing, except in response to the leader, not choosing her own dance to but enhancing the dance by being a responsive follower. The leader is keeping track of what the follower can and cannot do, what might push her off balance, while the follower is helping the lead by keeping her own balance, so that when the leader nudges things one way or the other, it's a very controlled interaction that is beautiful to see on the dance floor.
With that in mind comes a second thought. Modern feminism overemphasizes agency and power dynamics and leadership. It tells women that they should be leading, because otherwise they aren't equal to men. The net result is that I've heard women say (back when Facebook was more open and people were naive about interacting there) that the most romantic thing a man can say is "I've got this." The person who brought this up was a "girlboss" in her own right, a business owner in charge of a moderately large business. I mentioned to her that in order to have that romantic interaction, you actually have to LET the guy step up and take care of things, even though you are fully capable of doing it yourself. She agreed, and said that she notices that tendency in herself and tries not to default to taking care of things herself.
My last thought. A widow I know who is very strong willed and tends to be domineering spoke to me about her dead husband. She said that one thing she really liked about him is that he would say, "No," to her, when she would start taking on things that would be too much, or would in general be a bad idea for all sorts of reasons that wouldn't immediately occur to her. Even this very strong woman who tends to take control of the people around her felt the need to have someone she trusted say, "No."
We don't teach these kinds of interactions these days. Everyone is taught to act like a man ... except men, ironically. The chaos we see in our relationships is the inevitable result of that misguided instruction.
Women have no problem "allowing" men to do the difficult work. Women are very good at manipulating men and making them do things they don't want to do. That isn't real submission. Submission is when a man asks you to do something, and you do it. Submission is when you fulfill your role as a wife and mother, and you are willing to set aside your own ambitions for the sake of the children. Very few women are willing to give up their careers in order to take care of the children. Very few women are able to obey their husbands or show them respect. Most women I know will talk bad about their husbands, or will try to emasculate them, or will put their own interests and ambitions over the good of the children. Women forget that men are the head of the family. The head think and makes the decisions for the body. The head controls every movement.
Really thoughtful and lovely share, thank you for adding color and context :)
Just more nonsense to pretend that somehow being a 'partnering' is still following.
What is it about the idea of submission that seems to get people into a frenzy? Women want to submit, pretending otherwise is ridiculous.
@@Adanu191 If women wanted to submit, you wouldn't have so many failed marriages
@@Adanu191 I agree with you. What I'm trying to do is find the language that can help bridge the gap. It's a journey and process and won't be perfect every time. Thanks for being here!
It may not be considered politically correct, but the Bible got it right. The Bible got alot of things right and I say that as someone who isnt a Christian.
Beautifully said, I'm really coming around to this in a big way.
Man, I grew up ready to go through life with a woman who's loyal by my side. I expected to go through thick and thin and to eventually share in success with her. I'm 35 years old and I'm done dating, done buying rings and I'm picking up on the darkness, the inability of women in my life to empathize.
My sister, my mother, so in effect, women generally can treat a man with utter cruelty and for no other reason than they wanted something new or weren't sure how they felt about someone.
I think hard rules, and the fear of consequences are what kept women from sharing how much they hate men.
I literally can't go back to seeing women as these beautiful and loving creatures who must be protected and made happy....anymore.
I only see the reality now. I've taken the Red Pill, and I value the truth so much, I know I would never want to get plugged back into the Matrix.
"Me, me, me and my feelings"
I'm a man, but there is something about the way Anya thinks, structures her ideas, blends one concept into another that comes across to me as a clean, logical way of thinking and communicating. I find her talks (I've listened to three or four now) just fascinating.
I heard a marriage counselor of more than twenty years give three words of advice over the radio for new couples.
Surely you can do this … PRAY TOGETHER DAILY.
He said that when couples did this then their marriage troubles were minimal. So I challenge you to begin that HABIT now while you can hardly stand to be apart. This habit of praying together daily will serve the marriage more than anything else you can do.
The marriage counselor said that when the wife hears the husband humbly call to God for help in their relationship and other matters, then she is likely to gladly follow his lead. She knows he is following God daily which makes her feel safe and aligned with God through her husband.
The way I heard the quote was;
When God made woman he made her not from man's head to rule over him, nor from his feet to be trod upon by him, but from his side to walk beside him, from under his arm to be protected by him, from by his heart to be loved by him.
Women! never submit to a man who doesn’t submit to God.
My wife of 45 years is a former COO of a small corp with 150 employees. She doesn’t need me telling her what to do but she looks to me for wise counsel, support, and leadership. I am a former Army officer, biker club president and founder of a small company with 30 employees.
She knows my boundaries and I know hers. We have similar values so we rarely disagree.
"Women! Never submit to a man who doesn't submit to God."
This is not wise council.
While it is true that a Christian woman should never marry an unbelieving man, wives are to submit to their husbands in general regardless of whether they are Christian or not.
Lovely share, thank you
Thats not a valid card. Not at all. He needs to be worthy of submission, and if youre commanding her to submit via biblical authority, you better submit to it yourself. The days of cherry picking need to end. @xbluesaintx
@@xbluesaintx A woman should submit to her husband regardless of whether he is a believer. But I think this comment refers to marrying unbelieving men, which is a no-no biblically speaking.
It specifically says in the Bible that a Christian wife must submit to her unbelieving husband, because that's how we win him over. The fact you didn't know only shows you don't read.
Based 🙌 I love the nuance + not being afraid to say the truth
The bible is a holistic book and does not go against itself.If your interpretation of one passage contradicts another, then you're wrong. This is a common protestant problem. The follower doesn't get to define the criteria of how the leader should lead. This is leading from behind, which is a manipulative tactic. The patriarchy is the order that God set up, and you conform to it or break the 1st commandment. We sacrifice in or relationship with God and our relationships with each other.
I just want to thank you for your insights. You’re bridging the gap in communication between the sexes and I feel like that’s what’s needed right now
truly appreciate you thank you!
New to your channel and seems like you talk about some interesting topics. From this video you seem to adore Louis Perry. May I suggest a video called "Tinder Exists, Women Most Affected" by badger live streams which comments on an article by Louis Perry?
Just to provide different perspectives.
thank you for the reco - really appreciate it. will check it out!
At first, I was interested in the video, but as it progressed, I began to notice that the meanings of certain words were changing to cater to women. By the end of the video, it seemed to emphasize that men should affirm women more, be nicer to them, and listen to them more. While I appreciate fresh perspectives from new sources, I still feel there are many overlooked points, some points using historic content misinterpreted. I believe that perhaps only a world crisis could truly shake things up and allow for a reset.
When we got married my wife and I discussed the family hierarchy. I lead my household, she follows. I look after the safety and financial security of the family as far as the outside world goes, she looks after the safety and wellbeing and nurturing of the kids and running of most aspects of our home. MGTOW is not the answer. MGTOW guys have valid complaints about how men are treated in society and by western women, but their answer of "go out and bang women but never get married" is a bad solution. We'll just have a whole lot of batchelors and no solid families developing to carry the torch of American culture forward.
Guiding women is like herding cats.
What women deem as "mean" is a very weak analysis of the overall situation. Men may be bent due to being disrespected over the Feminist era, but our insights are gold and must emerge during times of crisis. Yes, there may be some grit in our voice, kind of like Bill Belichik...but that's because we want to win the human superbowl!
6:00 I knew it. I f-ing knew it. The moment you said "women's interest" I knew this video would be just another Perryan op. No, thank you. I'm aiming to marry an actual human being, not the drone of some psychopathic feminist hive.
I prefer an equal relationship, where the rights and interests of each partner is equally respected. Issues are resolved and discussed calmly, nobody tries to dominate the other. This won't work for everyone - some people have a very dominant nature, some a submissive nature. I have an equitable nature and am lucky my wife has a similarly equitable nature.
Thank you for this topic. As a male my job is to direct the components of family through the realm of time space and matter, It is also my job to yield to the nurturing guidance of women in matters that are not measurable which consist of our emotional well being, to mitigate emotional problems the wife or child may be encountering. This is critical for a peaceful and warm domicile where each family member has the tools to overcome adversity from outside forces of our environment and internal forces of discovering our voice. Being able to express our wants and needs. Men take care of needs where as women take the helm for wants. Needs always supersedes wants until circumstances allow for the application of wants to flourish.
Either men can be in strict control in a hypergamous society where most people are disenfranchised and women are severely oppressed or men can lead in a society with faith and values, that follows god
I don't think there is a natural hierarchy. But I am pretty sure that if there is a meritocratic hierarchy in place. The top will have mostly men, because well... men on average are considerably more competitive and more likely to strive for leadership, while women tend to be happier just following and being part of a group.
5:27 that's the dumbest analogy that somehow still finds audience with modern western women.
A million years from now women will be talking about themselves and their interests and how it pertains to manipulation of men.
The older I get I realize men and women shouldn’t be together continuously.
I am not a christian
You all think God is what the bible claims
You expect man to be Godly. And you expect God to be joy
We were born Natural Beings before all this verbal overlay.
If he's this big scary guy to whom you're afraid to submit, why'd you marry him? If you're not married, why are you still there?
Just say that you reject Christian ethical principles regarding marriage (just like the gays), and this becomes an easier discussion.
She was literally his side piece 😂😂😂
Man and women are split in 2 of one body
That’s from pagan Greek philosophy.
Hare Krishna! Vedic Culture is reawakening all, getting us back on the right track ❤
Adam was made from dust. Eve was made from part of something already created. Adam was the rough draft. Eve was the perfected finished product.
There are many ways to look at the story. The truth is the two of them are very different and unequal in many ways. But they are equal in importance.
Rough draft? Are you kididng me? Adam was the pinnacle of mankind. If you were to see him in person, you would probably think he was a statue because he was so perfect in every way. Eve was made for Adam, with different qualities that would suit her role as HIS helper.
@ They both ate from the tree and caused the fall. Also, you obviously only read my first paragraph. Read it again.
@@eric_lindenShe is not in any way “perfected” or better than Adam. She was made for Adam as his counterpart.
God specifically says in Genesis 3:17 that Adam's original sin was... listening to his wife. @@eric_linden
It's important that there is time to think about these topics, but even if there is time, it's also important it is accessible through these gateways. The understanding of the unifiers is the truth we depend on. The opposite is the web of lies which will tempt us to give up our lives sin to sin, until the time runs out.
@@SteedWillTravel prey and obey, and the salad will incur the taste of salad dressing, and you might even find pineapple bits in it
I just realized I wrote this 4 in the morning lol. Gimme some slack, man. Let's think together, build the narritive.
What am I doing here anyways? What a waste of time. When I finally thought I found someone to share some ideas with, people like you show up.
@ oh c’mon. I’m truly sorry if I upset you. I was simply making a comment. My apologies to you.
Definitely my bad. I guess it came out wrong which was not my intention. I’m gonna delete the comment