Hermès is free to do what they want as long as it's lawful just as the consumers are free to make their own decisions about what to buy. I do find it a bit ridiculous that Hermès needs to dangle a carrot in front of prospective buyers to presumably weed out the "riff raff" that can't afford their items. I hope Chanel isn't trying to do the same by raising prices so high their bags become unattainable. These places are supposed to be selling goods and a pleasant service experience to people who want to buy things from them. No need to be so snooty about it! Makes me not ever want a Hermès bag!
completely agree that as long as its lawful, Hermes can do their marketing how they want in store. But yes, the snooty part is where i cannot put my money down to purchase something in there, its a huge turn off for many x
Hermès is free to do what they want as long as it's lawful just as the consumers are free to make their own decisions about what to buy. I do find it a bit ridiculous that Hermès needs to dangle a carrot in front of prospective buyers to presumably weed out the "riff raff" that can't afford their items. I hope Chanel isn't trying to do the same by raising prices so high their bags become unattainable. These places are supposed to be selling goods and a pleasant service experience to people who want to buy things from them. No need to be so snooty about it! Makes me not ever want a Hermès bag!
completely agree that as long as its lawful, Hermes can do their marketing how they want in store. But yes, the snooty part is where i cannot put my money down to purchase something in there, its a huge turn off for many x