Mac Miller - Inertia

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 11 тыс.

  • @ProbablyAGhost444
    @ProbablyAGhost444 4 года назад +4411

    “Never die im immortalized” Mac never died he just became his music

  • @mvnaturalfarming2334
    @mvnaturalfarming2334 4 года назад +6543

    The way he just puts out his smoke, yawns, then rips a freestyle like that so effortlessly. Unreal. Happy august 3rd

    • @Surge_FB
      @Surge_FB 4 года назад +104

      August 3rd 3rd 3rd 😁

    • @justslayin6676
      @justslayin6676 4 года назад +154

      the album released on august 3rd the same day as my first son it was a great experience having mac in my life through my preteens all the way until i had my first boy mac had an impact no one person could dream of having and the great thing is he made that impact on the masses not just me long live the most dope family

    • @wilsonwade777
      @wilsonwade777 4 года назад +11


    • @jmader4
      @jmader4 4 года назад +44

      Shroomy yawn

    • @Blaaaaah51
      @Blaaaaah51 4 года назад +9

      We miss you brother

  • @uhsi530
    @uhsi530 6 лет назад +4040

    I’m glad I got the chance to meet you twice... both pics are my screen saver and background. The fact you remembered me the second time because the first I got to go backstage because I left my GA at home but needed it to get my VIP pic so one of the guys said I could go back after the concert and the fact I got to talk to you for about 20 minutes made my life and that following year on the Divine feminine tour when I showed you the pic from the green room you smiled and said “yeah I remember you” and the security guard told me to keep moving but you said “nah chill it’s cool” showed you care about your fans. RIP a hero and life saver for many. Scratch Ralph on the head for me

    • @Richard-dx8me
      @Richard-dx8me 6 лет назад +104

      Been Trill that’s dope man

    • @luemn7691
      @luemn7691 6 лет назад +10

      Cool man

    • @viibesvk
      @viibesvk 6 лет назад +2

      Who’s Ralph ?

    • @jakekrause471
      @jakekrause471 6 лет назад +66

      i love that you got too experience that, I wish i would've met him. Cherish that memory bro. RIP one of the greatest

    • @uhsi530
      @uhsi530 6 лет назад +19

      OTF Viibes It’s his dog he lost a couple years ago.. He loved him so much

  • @R-YR29
    @R-YR29 2 года назад +1878

    Four years... still doesn't feel real
    I miss this man every day

    • @Laurynak
      @Laurynak 2 года назад


    • @kyjake0393
      @kyjake0393 2 года назад +12

      Legends never die ! Rip Mac aka Larry fisherman

    • @B.Wrecks
      @B.Wrecks 2 года назад +6

      Facts. We need a new Mac album right now more than ever

    • @R-YR29
      @R-YR29 2 года назад +5

      @@kyjake0393 nothing beats Delusional Thomas ft Mac Miller produced by Larry Fisherman

    • @R-YR29
      @R-YR29 2 года назад +3

      @@B.Wrecks I hope after they finish getting everying on DSPs they start releasing music again

  • @juanrobles2803
    @juanrobles2803 5 лет назад +5488

    Malcom was such a cool guy man, went to high school with dude, even though his family had money & he never struggled financially he never was one to brag or boast about it, he always wore the same beat up Nikes to class & never tried to portray an imagine of “being rich” Definitely one of the most humble people I’ve ever met. Rest in Paradise bro, Pittsburgh misses you

    • @Chase_01
      @Chase_01 5 лет назад +32

      Juan Robles 🙏🏻

    • @thomskooo
      @thomskooo 5 лет назад +28

      Juan Robles 🙏

    • @yvngsn0w
      @yvngsn0w 5 лет назад +20


    • @ruigoncalves5855
      @ruigoncalves5855 5 лет назад +15


    • @dmcruzz
      @dmcruzz 5 лет назад +89

      This was beautiful. Thank you for this 💛

  • @gamecop2191
    @gamecop2191 3 года назад +4023

    In a parallel Universe he’s alive and well 15 years ahead of us. The whole world recognizes him as one of the greatest of all time. He’s got hella kids too. Every time he’s caught out in public he’s smiling- visibly happy and healthy . Navigating with grace. The dark days behind him. Let’s go Mac

    • @marxxxmusic2423
      @marxxxmusic2423 3 года назад +148

      In some reality out there, this is true. Mac lives on forever thru his music

    • @al8565
      @al8565 3 года назад +78

      Always felt like this he is still alive somewhere smiling

    • @CharlieeBuckets
      @CharlieeBuckets 3 года назад +20

      Ina parallel we livinnnnn.

    • @bigdon6039
      @bigdon6039 3 года назад +2


    • @ZeldaBruh
      @ZeldaBruh 3 года назад +46

      This made me tear up.

  • @danspetz444
    @danspetz444 4 года назад +5403

    This man had a brain built for music

  • @daltonwalker734
    @daltonwalker734 Год назад +883

    “I never die I’m immortalized”
    Shit hits different

    • @blessedbygod123
      @blessedbygod123 Год назад +6

      Facts I keep finding shit he said/wrote that just truly amazing and great I didn’t give props for his lyricism I didn’t know

    • @Innertruth_official
      @Innertruth_official Год назад +10

      He poured his soul & heart in music. This means that he will live forever through his music. His legacy will live forever. I will tell my kids about Mac Miller and my grandchildren. And I hope they will love him and do the same.
      This man will live forever❤
      I also miss him, althoug I heard his song after his passing. And I miss this guy so much. I have cried several times when I saw his videoclips.
      Mac Miller, your name and music will forever be out there, to be discovered by many people and generations.
      Fuck 😭 the fucking ninjas 🥷 are cutting onions again.
      We miss you man

    • @dottiesunshine8339
      @dottiesunshine8339 11 месяцев назад

      brilliant way to word your thoughts about our fallen artist. I miss him very much. he was so new on the yt when I first found him in his song blue slide park. the day news was announced that he passed on, i had a good amount of friends in my dms telling me he was gone. he impacted so many & in the art he left behind, he will continue with impacting others.
      I am a little sad for those who hadn't heard his music before the news of his passing. fly free Macadelic 🕊 ​@StarsMeltingOnIce

    • @Hardhatmediaa
      @Hardhatmediaa 10 месяцев назад +2

      He’s here before our eyes .. he’s not dead

    • @Soleii_Sounds
      @Soleii_Sounds 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@Hardhatmediaa 👀 care to elaborate

  • @baswa3035
    @baswa3035 6 лет назад +4207

    Hey Mac, I miss ya.
    Everyone 🙂

    • @jakec9931
      @jakec9931 5 лет назад +7


    • @Rapidbeatsofficial
      @Rapidbeatsofficial 5 лет назад +2

      Yes sir

    • @hasundarwiche5589
      @hasundarwiche5589 5 лет назад +3

      Ya man :/

    • @MalphasMikaelson
      @MalphasMikaelson 5 лет назад +1

      Not me. I didn't know the dude, so what should I miss? It's weird if you miss people you don't know.

    • @rastabruhh4774
      @rastabruhh4774 5 лет назад +21

      Malphas Mikaelson we all bonded with his art, which is an extension of himself. So yea, we miss the fuck out of him.

  • @TheKanyeevil
    @TheKanyeevil 6 лет назад +1853

    “Never die, I’m immortalised” RIP such an underrated rapper, some serious talent has been lost!

    • @frankbettencourt7907
      @frankbettencourt7907 6 лет назад +1


    • @bebeblume
      @bebeblume 6 лет назад +14

      Not underrated the G.O.A.T

    • @shaquilley3d
      @shaquilley3d 6 лет назад +1

      ' R.i.p Mac Miller

    • @yb2048
      @yb2048 6 лет назад +1

      Hes so trash listen to 69 twice as good

    • @_blinkerfluid
      @_blinkerfluid 6 лет назад +13

      Such a talented witty dude. Had a way with keys, guitars and could sing along with the whole sway of the beat. Nothing will beat that to me when it came to what stood out to me

  • @FinesseIL
    @FinesseIL 5 лет назад +1199

    “I’ll never die I’m immortalized, here before your eyes” that hit hard

    • @koenarmstrong1376
      @koenarmstrong1376 5 лет назад +35

      He will never die, macs listening to us listen to him

    • @lotuslogistics5134
      @lotuslogistics5134 5 лет назад +5

      James Stanley damn right bro

    • @MrModifythis
      @MrModifythis 5 лет назад +4

      And he’s right... he will never die.... I miss you so much... please come back

    • @Toxodos
      @Toxodos 5 лет назад +12

      he did kinda die tho

    • @LuisGonzalez-mb8jw
      @LuisGonzalez-mb8jw 5 лет назад +4

      @@Toxodos he didn't mean literally lol his music always goes live on

  • @chloeferrell795
    @chloeferrell795 2 часа назад +1

    it’s sad yet beautiful that he knew what his end would be. he made sure he left us with the best music he could’ve ever made. and i think that’s a beautiful gift.

  • @estebanjulioricardomontoya6168
    @estebanjulioricardomontoya6168 6 лет назад +709

    I’ve never cried for an artist, but this video just reminded me why I look up to this poet. Rip Mac 💔 will all end up meeting at the finishing line

    • @_blinkerfluid
      @_blinkerfluid 6 лет назад +13

      Same here man. I was a young shit head bumping shit that was just hard to find underground wise at the time. Like 09? Shit has me struck. Condolences to every loved one 🙏

      @FAKIECROWS 6 лет назад +6

      watched his npr a little while ago tonight, i literally balled my eyes out for 20 minutes

    • @rickgomez9342
      @rickgomez9342 6 лет назад +9

      I had to take a minute and really try to understand . This dude was my age bro I fucked with his music ever since I understood the love of hip hop . I was into tupac , biggie old school shit . But at the time growing up in highschool with friends this is the type of music we would put on . Kinda makes me feel like I lost a close friend ...

    • @mrpureawesomeness123
      @mrpureawesomeness123 6 лет назад

      Same man...I was so upset

    • @AceTheAlien
      @AceTheAlien 6 лет назад +2

      Same.. it's like I lost a friend. Fuck, I wish someone would've talked him out of the heavy shit he was using..

  • @cglample4066
    @cglample4066 6 лет назад +486

    *_Swimming_* is out in less than 48 hours.. if the album is as nice as these couple tracks he's put out so far, shit is gonna be a Top 5 for the year.

  • @vapeshrimp5220
    @vapeshrimp5220 6 лет назад +422

    Wish this song was sooo much longer. Wish all of his discography was longer. I don't think I'm gonna stop missing this guy

    • @LateBloomerMedia
      @LateBloomerMedia 6 лет назад +3

      I swear that's why rappers be doing that nowadays to always leave you wanting more. Kinda like a drug

    • @edenhazard7597
      @edenhazard7597 5 лет назад +4

      He had like 10+ projects out, keep looking and youll keep finding nee shit

      @KRAFTPUNK 3 месяца назад

      Me too man, me too. 💔

  • @johnsonandrew2497
    @johnsonandrew2497 2 года назад +441

    The day this drops on Spotify and other streaming platforms is the day people will see he's a true lyricist. Mac never got the credit he deserved at all. He changed so many of our lives in a positive way. I wish he was here to see how happy he made us all, he really is one of my life mentors

    • @okalecks
      @okalecks 2 года назад +19

      the only thing i hope for is next year on august 1st is a spotify release of inertia, itll be 5 years old then

    • @sallyrose692
      @sallyrose692 2 года назад +10

      It's for the best he never went too mainstream, he would lose so much creative control and be pimped by the mainstream music overlords.

    • @a.michaels5656
      @a.michaels5656 2 года назад +9

      @@sallyrose692 his family fights tooth and nail to keep all his posthumous releases in line with his image. So I don't think we'll ever a cashgrab like with X's music happening. Not to mention the fans would riot.

    • @JenJenChronicallyChIll
      @JenJenChronicallyChIll Год назад +3

      This one may be my favorite. I find it so hard to choose though! 😉👍🏼😇🙏🏼🩵♾️Ⓜ️💎🕯

    • @jonathanlonsinger5118
      @jonathanlonsinger5118 Год назад +9

      you're doing yourself a disservice not using Soundcloud to listen to Mac, you might shit yourself when yuu find out how many songs you're missing out on

  • @CamCutbirth
    @CamCutbirth 4 года назад +2034

    Why don't more rappers do things like this, I mean honestly I need an example of another rapper that's done something like this. And not just a random freestyle, like this a calculated rap that he clearly prepared along the theme of Swimming and live recorded one take with his homies, like so casual and shit he just destroys it and drops it right before the album like it's nothing. Plus he shows his producing skills on the spot like seriously what the fuck was Mac on. Another level honestly

    • @federicoarienti5474
      @federicoarienti5474 4 года назад +105

      That is because he was special

    • @StregnthShows515
      @StregnthShows515 4 года назад +125

      Nobody because Mac was one of a kind, this dude was without a doubt born for music, all different genres and instruments.. it’s truly amazing.

    • @roxu5179
      @roxu5179 4 года назад +51

      I mean the only person I can think of is Juice wrld and then again Juice looked up to Mac...

    • @johnsontlk220
      @johnsontlk220 4 года назад +78

      He’s the GOAT. If he hadn’t died he easily could have cranked out enough records to top any other artist. He dropped 20 projects in his short career that were each crazy versatile. He was a true musician and no one else will ever have that kind of talent

    • @LJesse722
      @LJesse722 4 года назад +9

      I’m on my way!

  • @leecroshaw5597
    @leecroshaw5597 5 лет назад +615

    ".....always high, like I was born to fly. I'll never die I'm immortalized, here before your eyes." Damn.

    • @llaimix
      @llaimix 5 лет назад +2


    • @haydnhutchinson2760
      @haydnhutchinson2760 4 года назад


    • @CamCutbirth
      @CamCutbirth 4 года назад

      It’s crazy how good he was at putting bars ffsother , everytime I hear that like I think it’s “I was high like I’m born to fly, never die I’m immortalized” either way he’s spitting straight bars

  • @drewcowlthorp3801
    @drewcowlthorp3801 3 года назад +8111

    Imagine the quarantine music we would have gotten

    • @downfromthereeefters
      @downfromthereeefters 3 года назад +453

      Hurts every time to think what we’d have now and in decades from now if he never got that laced BS. He said whoever sell me drugs, don’t mix it with that BULLSHIT! They couldn’t fuckin listen and the world missed out big time. Sad so sad.

      @WHOLEPLANHOLY 3 года назад +112

      His been in this :( we was in quarantine the whole time

    • @albertofernandez4701
      @albertofernandez4701 3 года назад +37

      @@downfromthereeefters Word. I feel just as you do. I also feel a special kind of hate for the human scum that laced those pills w fentanyl...

    • @williamtura7003
      @williamtura7003 3 года назад +23

      for gods sake

    • @DustyGogoat
      @DustyGogoat 3 года назад +100

      Back in 2016, I would imagine seeing Mac in 2036 with my son. He’d be playing stadiums still, Billy Joel style.

  • @lockemindatrunk.
    @lockemindatrunk. Год назад +164

    I've been a God way before a synagogue
    Liquor drops used to hit the spot like a cinderblock
    This is not what you wanted, but this is what you got
    You live with what you got
    Elixir that I'm mixin' like I'm in the kitchen whippin' rock
    I'm in the spot like the middle of a prison box
    And you ain't nothin' to the planet but a little dot
    Suddenly hit the water like the line that's on a fishin' rod
    Simple thoughts got me itchin' like the chicken pox
    Knitted socks, with fingers tryna scratch a lotto ticket off
    When I made it, I was gettin' all the bitches off
    See, I was faded, now I'm countin' up the minutes lost
    I throw 'em back like opponents hit a homer
    My mind, it holds explosion like a pose that's on a poster
    I'm out the holster with it
    I overdid it like the way the roller coaster spinnin'
    Homie, that's inertia
    I'm the moon to the sun, how I birth ya
    Turn ya, back to ya old ways, reverse ya
    Curse ya, witchcraft
    You get nothin' but a whole lot of nothin'
    With your mothafuckin' bitch ass
    You simple as a whistle, never pick a side
    Shit, you always in the middle, never down to ride
    I was high like I'm born to fly
    Never die, I'm immortalized, here before ya eyes
    Lord of the flyest, I is your highness
    And no diamond when the shine ultraviolet
    You on your bullshit, I'm on assignment
    And I be on it like a stylus on a PalmPilot
    I'm God's finest work, this way beyond timeless
    Copped the new presidential Rollie, keep the watch silent
    'Cause everybody tickin' me off
    I got the world with her legs open, lickin' the box, shit
    She home wet, sweatin' me for phone sex
    Don't stress, daddy'll be home soon
    And assume I'm down low with the post moves
    I come through and hit the hole like Jones-Drew, yeah
    My old chick is old news
    But add fuel to fire, what I won't do
    So, I just kick it with the homies like I'm supposed to
    And we go back like gold hoops
    Well, this the cold feelin', bone chillin', borderline dope dealin'
    I'm goin' up with no ceilin', shit
    Out of body, got my soul swimmin'
    And no different, good head keep my toes twitchin'
    You know Larry been fishin' since he in the womb
    This the scoop up the Big Dipper, you the little spoon
    Went from invisible and minuscule
    To invincible, dancin' with the Benes moves
    I made a million and it killed me
    My second million got me mothafuckin' filthy
    You ain't nothin' 'til you die and come back to life iller
    They haven't made a mo'fucker realer, Mr. Miller

    • @donkaputjaza
      @donkaputjaza Год назад +5

      If you don't know the lyrics then you ain't a real

    • @Annayou456
      @Annayou456 Год назад +1

      Why does it bleep out where the lyrics say “my old chick” What’s he actually saying or if that’s it.. why is it bleeped?

    • @miguelonon
      @miguelonon Год назад

      ​cause he and Ariana had recently broken up, so "add fuel to the fire, what I won't do"@@Annayou456

    • @macnuggininc.
      @macnuggininc. Год назад +5

      He said Arianna old news, but add fuel to the fire what I won't do 👌
      Watch his mouth when he spit that bar.

    • @brettfeinbaum
      @brettfeinbaum Год назад

      @@Annayou456 always wondered thi but cant find an answer. I think hes just bleeping it out because "we dont say her name"? idk

  • @MarcVinyls
    @MarcVinyls 6 лет назад +265

    Legendary as always!

  • @cglample4066
    @cglample4066 6 лет назад +398

    Mac is _Most Dope_ ... i love this style - no flexing, no thots, just Mr Miller in a studio with a mic. i would love to see a couple more visuals like this

  • @davidwillis4223
    @davidwillis4223 5 лет назад +499

    Jayzus. That was ill.
    Mac was like 4 different artists in one body.
    Swimming is a masterpiece, and I so often find myself wondering what we're missing out on because he's gone.

    • @vernathanvids
      @vernathanvids 4 года назад +6

      at least we got a pretty good glimpse of it with circles i guess

    • @umorhassan801
      @umorhassan801 4 года назад +1

      just think of it, swimming was a part of a trilogy. and ontop of that he was also sitting on some maclib too. i just hope he finally rests well

    • @linoramos9337
      @linoramos9337 4 года назад +1

      A LOt! PROOF FROM THIS FREAKING VIDEO. AL THAT EQUIPMENT. AND HE AINT GET TO FINISH CIRCLES. think about what else he might have added to what already are, heavy lyrics.

  • @TheBlackMambaa248
    @TheBlackMambaa248 6 месяцев назад +33

    "Lord of the flyest, I is your highness, and no diamond when it shine, ultraviolet"
    Almost 6 years later and this is still one of the coldest bars I've ever heard

    • @MercLife100
      @MercLife100 6 месяцев назад

      Yup! I come back every year

  • @longsocks1996
    @longsocks1996 2 года назад +340

    Everytime I listen to this track the bars make more sense. You really have to live life to understand this man’s music.

    • @gagekelly1051
      @gagekelly1051 2 года назад +4

      Feel that

    • @mellyzaurora1277
      @mellyzaurora1277 2 года назад +4

      Yes I can agree

    • @justinpearo9975
      @justinpearo9975 Год назад +5

      The more and more I live, the more I figure his music out. Shit be hitting me everyday

    • @TheBlackMambaa248
      @TheBlackMambaa248 Год назад +4

      “I throw em’ back like opponents hit a homer, my mind it holds explosion like a pose that’s on a poster”
      This alone is one of the craziest bars I’ve ever heard

    • @tedofuentes6525
      @tedofuentes6525 Год назад +3

      2:13 Simple thoughts got me itchin' like the chicken pox, knitted socks with fingers Tryna scratch a lotto ticket off.
      I regularly think about this bar. The imagery is actually incredible

  • @GoodxJ
    @GoodxJ 5 лет назад +551

    'Circles' on the way,
    'Swimming' still in rotation for me!!!
    2020 & beyond... #mostdope

  • @chef7423
    @chef7423 5 лет назад +21592

    my biggest regret in life was never seeing him live

    • @rahene1391
      @rahene1391 5 лет назад +167

      Damn I saw him live

    • @thatfreshyprince
      @thatfreshyprince 5 лет назад +546

      I had tickets to finally fullfill that dream on the same month he passed. I was so close.

    • @taylordout93
      @taylordout93 5 лет назад +34

      Chef he’s amazing

    • @MrDirtySweed
      @MrDirtySweed 5 лет назад +34

      Saw him at coachella ❤

    • @joshuad1716
      @joshuad1716 5 лет назад +74

      Had tickets to the swimming tour, San Diego :/

  • @minutezx4930
    @minutezx4930 2 года назад +1608

    It's so annoying. We ALMOST had Mac in his Prime. He was about to be the best he's ever been. Forever immortalized either way.

    • @delusional-ibra
      @delusional-ibra 2 года назад +78

      It doesn't feel real right? imagine the masterpiece he's gonna put out right now 😓

    • @daviddavidson2834
      @daviddavidson2834 2 года назад +109

      just imagine...god damn prodigy, like one in a million, once a generation, shit not fair man fuck fentanyl seriously, rest easy king..

    • @woaken
      @woaken 2 года назад +28

      He was killed. Sacrificed. RIP Mac 😢

    • @Me-vz9gw
      @Me-vz9gw Год назад +27

      @@woaken i hope i didnt take your words wrong

    • @Jangel3995
      @Jangel3995 Год назад +12

      He burned his soul for us, was it not enough?

  • @autumnsky846
    @autumnsky846 4 года назад +472

    he felt the music in his soul. You can see it literally FLOW through him.

    • @jakedake4515
      @jakedake4515 3 года назад +11

      dawg I think he was j high

    • @autumnsky846
      @autumnsky846 3 года назад +21

      @@jakedake4515 that too lol. But he was something else. He played every instrument, made all of his own music.
      Some people just feel music differently.

    • @phenomanII
      @phenomanII 2 года назад +8

      @@autumnsky846 The first time I watched this I also thought he was on sth. But after paying more attention, I realised I pull same the faces whenever I hear the whine of two metal components grinding against eachother or a fan blade striking a cable. Even with a blindfold on, I could find the source of the noise and fix it. What he hears are the pieces of a beat that don't quite mesh together. And he adjusts it until it is just right.

    • @Qwapy1
      @Qwapy1 2 года назад +1

      @@phenomanII nicely written bro

  • @beetoyah
    @beetoyah 6 лет назад +645

    Okay okay BUT YALLLL this man just put his cig out and literally yawned before he came in and just obliterated this beat.. always was a real one. ☝️

    • @franklinemerson1696
      @franklinemerson1696 5 лет назад +14

      Nick Marshall hell yeah Mac is the goat 🐐 always and forever 🕊

    • @notanotherfuckingnikki
      @notanotherfuckingnikki 5 лет назад +22

      The best to ever do it

    • @jaykay4288
      @jaykay4288 5 лет назад +11

      That there is an American Spirit boy. Strong cigs. Gotta be a real man to smoke those

    • @douglasroussey852
      @douglasroussey852 5 лет назад +3

      @@jaykay4288 yep extra formaldehyde

    • @OwenhildebrandOin
      @OwenhildebrandOin 5 лет назад +2

      Lmaooo fr man this man is casual

  • @nick0vtime
    @nick0vtime 6 лет назад +1071

    "I'll never die, I'm immortalized, here before your eyes"

    • @captawesome11
      @captawesome11 6 лет назад +70

      " you aint nothin till you die, come back to life iller"

    • @richardlosonczi9482
      @richardlosonczi9482 6 лет назад +53

      They havent made a motherucker realer MR Miller!

    • @CL-xp4ee
      @CL-xp4ee 6 лет назад +29

      Damn Mac! See you on the other side bro! Your vibes will forever be blasting through my speakers until then!

    • @Checkthisout510
      @Checkthisout510 6 лет назад +9

      Its like god sent us a messege

    • @dlay6027
      @dlay6027 6 лет назад

      zach lewis elaborate lol

  • @kohzor
    @kohzor Год назад +33

    5 years ago today this man dropped one of the most effortless freestyles of all time, and one of the Best albums of the 2010s. Man’s a legend. Gone but never forgotten. Rest in paradise Mac, 92 til Infinity.

  • @incognito_donut
    @incognito_donut 5 лет назад +755

    Still hurts me 8 months later... A true artist was lost!

  • @nicholasperkins6054
    @nicholasperkins6054 6 лет назад +44

    Playing keyboards in the beginining to show you he is not a rapper but a musician, one of the most creative minds in our music history and preparing to bless us with future albums saved by the library of congress. Cannot believe there won't be more.

    • @latinassassingaming708
      @latinassassingaming708 5 лет назад

      Man it's so unreal I still cant believe it been bumping his music hard af till this day

  • @LyricalGenes
    @LyricalGenes 6 лет назад +419

    *Mac forever* ☝️

  • @danielstyke
    @danielstyke 11 месяцев назад +75

    He would’ve been 32 today. Long Live Mac Miller 🕊️🕊️

    • @JuanAppleseed-ge6tb
      @JuanAppleseed-ge6tb 5 месяцев назад

      Shit that is rough. I turned 33 a couple months ago.
      Bro could have retired and been living happy on a beach all these years 😔

    • @BlessYou-t7w
      @BlessYou-t7w 4 месяца назад

      Am today would’ve been his 6 year anniversary for this video🙏🏾❤️

  • @DoctorSess
    @DoctorSess 2 года назад +140

    I’m an old head and won’t pretend that I followed all his work but I always liked what I heard and respected this kid. We lost a truly unique talent with this one. May he be at peace.

    • @R-YR29
      @R-YR29 2 года назад +2

      If you ever get the chance, dive into his solo songs he put out on soundcloud/RUclips between 2013/15 or so. they're an interesting area of his most people don't hear

    • @cordeliakates6044
      @cordeliakates6044 2 года назад

      Dr Sess you said just how I felt in my post! I too am old and just got too emotional and could not even type with no typos. I appreciate your post! I will always listen to Mac and Thundercat and Anderson.Paak!

    • @216Numbskull
      @216Numbskull Год назад

      ​@@cordeliakates6044 "Today you are You, that's truer than true. There's no one alive who is Youer than YOU!" Wise words by the real Doc Seuss. Blah,ha,ha!!! 🤘🤪🤘 PEACE

    • @mostdopev
      @mostdopev Год назад

      hell yeah

  • @alexiswoodal6171
    @alexiswoodal6171 3 года назад +150

    Mac was more than he could have ever imagined. Miss this dude so much

    • @downfromthereeefters
      @downfromthereeefters 3 года назад +10

      “I’m more than what I think of myself
      … I really have to be”

  • @estebana7736
    @estebana7736 3 года назад +386

    It's August 3rd again... He will live forever in his music

    • @TheGreatSpl00ge
      @TheGreatSpl00ge 3 года назад

      Was gunna like this comment but it already had 69 likes... nice.

  • @santund
    @santund 2 года назад +21

    I deeply wish that wherever he may be, he feels the amount of grace and pure joy that we feel towards him.

  • @dr.dinescu2051
    @dr.dinescu2051 5 лет назад +194

    This is how I want to immerse myself in music. Just being able to sit down and make hella chill vibes like Mac

    • @euphoricvigil4595
      @euphoricvigil4595 5 лет назад +5

      Shit's almost impossible unless you do it 24/7.

    • @lakryth8741
      @lakryth8741 4 года назад +5

      I’ve started now and it isn’t easy. I don’t make a lot of money and my equipment is spare. One day I hope to be here. And Mac was five years younger than me. You can always chase your dreams.

  • @highalpacas2556
    @highalpacas2556 3 года назад +68

    I don't know why I never came across him back in the day when he was alive. I think his music comes to you when your ready and then it becomes all you listen to. Its been a month now I been listening to him since I discovered him . Thank you Mac Miller for putting so much music out there for us to hear and absorb into our souls, its much needed

    • @Rhyanrun
      @Rhyanrun 2 года назад +3

      It’s been years, but this is still so true. He is one of two or three artists, who I CONSTANTLY LISTEN TO

  • @bradenliner7189
    @bradenliner7189 6 лет назад +438

    I've been a God way before a synagogue
    Liquor drops used to hit the spot like a cinderblock
    This is not what you wanted, but this is what you got
    You live with what you got
    Elixir that I’m mixing like I’m in the kitchen whipping rock
    I’m in the spot like the middle of a prison box
    And you ain’t nothing to the planet but a little dot
    Suddenly hit the water like the line that’s on a fishing rod
    Simple thoughts got me itching like the chicken pox
    Knitted socks, with fingers tryna scratch a lotto ticket off
    When I made it I was getting all the bitches off
    See I was faded, now I’m counting up the minutes lost
    I throw 'em back like opponents hit a homer
    My mind, it holds explosion like a pose that's on a poster
    I’m out the holster with it
    I overdid it like the way the rollercoaster spinning
    Homie, that’s inertia
    I’m the moon to the sun how I birthed ya
    Turn ya, back to ya old ways, reverse ya
    Curse ya, witchcraft
    You get nothing but a whole lot of nothing
    With your mothafuckin' bitch ass
    You simple as a whistle, never pick a side
    Shit, you always in the middle, never down to ride
    I was high like I'm born to fly
    I never die, I’m immortalized
    Here before ya eyes
    Lord of the flyest, I is your highness
    And no diamond when it shine ultraviolet
    You on your bullshit, I’m on assignment
    And I be on it like a stylus on a PalmPilot
    I’m God’s finest work, this way beyond timeless
    Copped the new presidential Rollie, keep the watch silent
    'Cause everybody ticking me off
    I got the world with her legs open, licking the box, shit
    She home wet, sweatin' me for phone sex
    Don’t stress, daddy'll be home soon
    And assume I’m down low with the post moves
    I come through and hit the hole like Jones Drew, yeah
    My old chick is old news
    But add fuel to fire, what I won’t do
    So, I just kick it with the homies like I’m supposed to
    And we go back like old hoops
    Well, this the cold feeling
    Bone chillin', borderline dope dealing
    I’m going up with no ceiling, shit
    Out of body, got my soul swimming
    And no different, good head keep my toes twitching
    You know Larry been fishing since he in the womb
    This the scoop up the Big Dipper, you the little spoon
    Went from invisible to minuscule
    To invincible, dancing with the business moves
    I made a million and it killed me
    My second million got me mothafucking filthy
    You ain’t nothing till you die and come back to life iller
    They haven’t made a mothafucker realer, Mr. Miller, yeah

    • @finessecompeletion5581
      @finessecompeletion5581 5 лет назад +9

      MeshMark Gaming He better than x

    • @bryanlettow4389
      @bryanlettow4389 5 лет назад

      Is it simple thoughts or thots? Lol I guess I'm dirty minded.

    • @kylekamins4826
      @kylekamins4826 5 лет назад +1

      Spike Kakeru anyone that says otherwise needs to read these lyrics over and over until they understand, and the best part is that these aren’t his best lines, it’s only a taste of his genius.

    • @SpookyDookie720
      @SpookyDookie720 5 лет назад +3

      who tf compares artist no one likes that shit

    • @XIIIXans
      @XIIIXans 5 лет назад +4

      Spike Kakeru literally no need to compare let them both peacefully rest.

  • @max_6763
    @max_6763 3 месяца назад +8

    RIP Mac, its been 6 years, come here back every couple months... most dope forever

  • @guck297
    @guck297 3 года назад +115

    I still remember the day this came out. The hype, the chills, the excitement for everything we'd waited to see from him. Still speechless at how much Mac's 2018 releases changed my life even before he passed. RIP Mac you'll always be the greatest🤍

    • @guck297
      @guck297 Год назад

      Love you Mac

  • @jerrywinkler6250
    @jerrywinkler6250 2 года назад +740

    I had a hard time listening to mac for awhile after he elevated on us, but I just needed to get sober I guess. Now that the needles are gone for over a year I can't stop again. I always felt like he was literally just rapping to me. I am sure other addicts feel that too. Sometimes when I spend all day in my head, it Is nice to know someone else is too. I always hated being high and underneath the ceiling too. I love you mac.

    • @amijenayelilley1502
      @amijenayelilley1502 2 года назад +15

      Congratulations. Happy for you and I know Mac would be too. I hope I can get there myself. I guess I've been having a hard time for quite a long time now. But I love to listen to Mac Miller. Makes me wonder wat he knew that I don't ...
      From my living hell, I wish you well.hope to one day get out from under this hellacious witchcraft spell...I sorta have memories that I started tripping..but I don't remember when I must have fell...

    • @giavanna9394
      @giavanna9394 2 года назад +4

      💙I felt this

    • @ZachLeCroy
      @ZachLeCroy 2 года назад +6

      Same here bro. I always felt me and Mac went through the same shit at the same time. His music spoke to me. I was able to get sober too luckily but it still hits different listening to Mac. Cheers

    • @ronanterry2529
      @ronanterry2529 2 года назад +4

      Addiction is the hardest shit dealing with it and watching your friends and family deal with it is hard it's conflicting and mentally taxing I've had to deal with 2 seizures and an overdose it changed my mentality having to go from partying to having to cup a life in your hands and just try and keep it going while at the same time being on the same shit

    • @riffybeats
      @riffybeats 2 года назад +2

      Eminem's saved me multiple times too

  • @kikolong751
    @kikolong751 5 лет назад +45

    Smokin a cigar, Drinkin bush , my girl gets mad when I play you. Every time it puts me in a trance. NEVER have I felt music like yours. You’re poetic, scared , REAL.

    • @tommyb261
      @tommyb261 5 лет назад +23

      You need a new girl

    • @colt1108
      @colt1108 4 года назад +12

      If my girl gets mad when I turn on Mac. Shes gettin the dick one last time and she out the door on EVERYTHING.

  • @mrshaneobuenosnodgrass3328
    @mrshaneobuenosnodgrass3328 Год назад +19

    Mac is one of the only artist that have so many amazing songs that werent even on an album. Now I know what he meant when he said " my throw aways will trash ya.."

  • @vincevertigo3205
    @vincevertigo3205 3 года назад +69

    'You are nothing 'till you die and come back to life iller' ... I think we can all agree Mac was one of the greatest. Like he wanted to be

    • @JimmyConway15
      @JimmyConway15 Год назад

      They haven’t made a motherfucker realer, Mr Miller Yeah 🌝

  • @tmillz120
    @tmillz120 6 лет назад +177

    Crazy how much I miss mac everyday

    • @jamiescanlon7065
      @jamiescanlon7065 6 лет назад +2

      t millz right bro. I never met the dude but I connected w him so much. From a lot of shit he rapped about. It sucks man. Almost 3 months later and I think about the kid every mother fuckin day

    • @victoriaappiagei1482
      @victoriaappiagei1482 5 лет назад

      Mac Miller RlP dope Awesome legend rapper classic album mxtape classic

  • @agyepongboateng9552
    @agyepongboateng9552 6 лет назад +295

    RIP Mac Miller. I'm in shock. Condolences to his family.

  • @gabtesscie
    @gabtesscie 26 дней назад +5


  • @SperrySpringer
    @SperrySpringer 6 лет назад +3032

    hope the album is good. watching movies withe the sound off is underrated classic lowkey

    • @hustlehumbly6169
      @hustlehumbly6169 6 лет назад +71

      Sperry Springer album was my entire freshman year :’(

    • @alexrohner1984
      @alexrohner1984 6 лет назад +42

      same. heart and soul of the summer before freshman year.

    • @hustlehumbly6169
      @hustlehumbly6169 6 лет назад +12

      Alex Rohner good times

    • @yikeyyoss
      @yikeyyoss 6 лет назад +98


    • @ReeOrLeon
      @ReeOrLeon 6 лет назад +49

      The beats on that album were crazy. Spaced out and experimental.

  • @kaizylle
    @kaizylle 6 лет назад +209

    We lost two legends on September 7th, Tupac Shakur in 1996 and Mac Miller 2018, #LongLiveLegends

    • @Universelorge
      @Universelorge 6 лет назад +22

      Tupac died on Spetember 13th

    • @kaizylle
      @kaizylle 6 лет назад +36

      Jorge Lopez he got shot on september 7th and *was unconscious* leading up to his demise on the 13th. i know the nigga was pronouced dead on the 13th damn *MISS ME WITH BSSSS* RIP tho

    • @juliusjujusurratt9568
      @juliusjujusurratt9568 6 лет назад +4

      #word I said tha same shit to my cuzin

    • @nownowpippo
      @nownowpippo 6 лет назад +4

      Kaizylle Music im starting to think it was all planned for him

    • @joshuawoods4039
      @joshuawoods4039 6 лет назад +2

      VJPoü Video same it’s weird too because all his music talks about it

  • @frankiereyes6193
    @frankiereyes6193 6 лет назад +2788

    Dude was talented...he was special just needed help.
    I'm 4 months sober now

    • @beefarlee
      @beefarlee 6 лет назад +64

      Frankie Reyes hell yeah bro. I’m trying myself. Keep ya head up

    • @TheDirtymikenation
      @TheDirtymikenation 5 лет назад +49

      keep going fellas I'm 1.5month in now from drinking, watching mac song self care helped me stop

    • @andrep.g.490
      @andrep.g.490 5 лет назад +12

      Hell yeah my dude, don't forget him and don't why ur doing this...

    • @LechLive
      @LechLive 5 лет назад +29

      Thats good man. I dont know what its like to be in your shoes but trust me you are doing the right thing. My sister is an addict and I dont know what to do to help other than hope and pray she realizes before its too late..

    • @cutebabeok
      @cutebabeok 5 лет назад +8

      hope you can keep the strength most of us can't.

  • @metoologico
    @metoologico Год назад +3

    Mac is the GOAT hahaha puts out his cigarette, yawns and then spits some of the coldest shit ever!
    Love you bro :D

  • @timothyflat
    @timothyflat 6 лет назад +70

    Damn Mac you're a genius on the keys. Still one of my biggest idols, thank you so much.
    Bless up

  • @ashtonlucas10
    @ashtonlucas10 4 года назад +47

    He made this and posted it knowing most of us would come back to this all the time to smoke and feel like we’re just chilling in his studio with him. Close your eyes and I promise you’ll feel like he’s sitting right next to you. Most Dope forever 💛

  • @kelvinms5579
    @kelvinms5579 6 лет назад +164

    "lord of the flies, high as your highness" this man was not just a talented feker he was an educated book worm of a genius an actual GOAT

    • @elk7046
      @elk7046 6 лет назад +3

      Why dont u explain your interpretation of that line?? Beacuse tbh its trash

    • @kelvinms5579
      @kelvinms5579 6 лет назад +22

      I guess you've never read the book "Lord of the Flies" you would have then understood what he just did. Lord of the Flies is a popular book commonly used to teach literature and the art of writing, its that kinda book only certain kind'a people would take off the bookshelf to read and he happened to be one of them. Easy Mac actually read books while while he listened to samples he could use.

    • @Spectre01
      @Spectre01 6 лет назад

      EL ESMOKE309 lmao i dont see you as an established rapper from nothing...

    • @elk7046
      @elk7046 6 лет назад +1

      @@Spectre01 not every1 wants to be a RAPPER. Lol idiot. I also aint an established junkie either and dont poison my body with man made drugs.

    • @iambroken5265
      @iambroken5265 6 лет назад +7

      With all due respect....his wordplay and flow is simply great! Just sit back and listen to most of his tracks. Don't just hear the music....LISTEN to it. This kid was really good...what a loss

  • @Louisl-l2g
    @Louisl-l2g Месяц назад +1

    I love the beginning when he's playing on the piano as he's playing once the beat start we hear the part Mac was playing on the piano from earlier ❤

  • @perrywang7385
    @perrywang7385 5 лет назад +39

    I love how he yawned and killed the scene. So effortlessly good.

  • @cglample4066
    @cglample4066 6 лет назад +1038

    RIP Easy Mac with the Cheesy Raps... Swim on, brother.

  • @kohzor
    @kohzor 5 лет назад +119

    This sounds different after the 1 year mark.. even though I've bumped and listened to it countless times throughout the year.
    Mac you sir are a genius, I wish I could articulate how though. Legend

  • @tommygreenthumbs
    @tommygreenthumbs 8 месяцев назад +1

    I watch this at least once a week. Man was a musical genius and I know I'm not the only one who misses his music in their life. Rest easy Mac.

  • @lephtovermeet
    @lephtovermeet 3 года назад +255

    This shit just breaks my heart as much as any Mac video. He was working Jon Brian on a trilogy project. First was meant to be a hybrid (swimming), second was mean to be a singing album (circles), and third was meant to be a return to rap (untitled). This feels exactly like it was meant to be third album. Fug. Heart breaking

    • @twistedhalomusic4497
      @twistedhalomusic4497 3 года назад +18

      I got a feeling the 3rd would’ve been called “Infinity”
      Rip Mac 92-♾

    • @bnicolette14
      @bnicolette14 3 года назад +14

      @@twistedhalomusic4497 waaaaaait! Because when Jon brion first said it was a three part project, I thought he was full of shit because what could be added to "Swimming in Circles"? I let it go for months and just a few days ago I was thinking about it again and was like the only thing that would make sense would be "Swimming in Circles Forever" & I was like that's so lame, he wouldn't dare lol. But infinity is the same as forever and makes so much sense. Idk why I didn't think of it before considering 92 til Infinity has been the theme of his afterlife. "Swimming in Cirlces til Infinity" definitely makes sense, although lots of artists' teams, family, & fans say "DOB-Infinity" once they pass.
      Idk, I think there is still a possibility that Jon Brion is bs-ing, but this is possible, too.

    • @sawyerbarney4194
      @sawyerbarney4194 3 года назад +4

      the fact that we just missed his "back to K.I.D.S" album pisses me off.

    • @rudymerriweather5907
      @rudymerriweather5907 3 года назад +4

      @@sawyerbarney4194 i mean knowing Mac he may have already been close to finish honestly 😭👍🏾

    • @landaster5436
      @landaster5436 3 года назад +4

      @@twistedhalomusic4497 As soon as I saw the comment i thought the same thing, I STG Swimming in Circles Till Infinity. Glad I'm not the only mac head with this thought process.

  • @imcoleyourenot8391
    @imcoleyourenot8391 6 лет назад +260

    Mac Miller’s words flown out of his mouth like fucking liquid man. He was so underrated... His career was just starting to take off too. This man would’ve had the music industry in the palm of his fucking hands.

    • @boyifyouboomeimaboobooonyall
      @boyifyouboomeimaboobooonyall 6 лет назад +12

      cole tipton he blew up in 2011 thooo and he stayed relevant all these years, amazing. Such a shame that hes gone

    • @downfromthereeefters
      @downfromthereeefters 6 лет назад +7

      Lol about to take off? What

    • @imcoleyourenot8391
      @imcoleyourenot8391 6 лет назад +21

      Nah he was getting better. Turning into a true musician.

    • @imcoleyourenot8391
      @imcoleyourenot8391 6 лет назад +2

      killabees1 you’re right. He blew up, and decided to take his music in the more experimental/lyricism route, away from mainstream major label. RIP

    • @itz_akuma
      @itz_akuma 6 лет назад

      Lmao. your favorite rappers favorite rapper. Thats all that matters.

  • @jonathanj5728
    @jonathanj5728 6 лет назад +55

    "Imma live forever cause a Legend Never Dies" - Mac Miller " America"

  • @django8912
    @django8912 4 месяца назад +4

    3:24 - Mac bleeps “My Old Bitch is Old News” outta respect for Ariana, without removing the bars. He’s a man of class.

    • @zmzmppi-g6t
      @zmzmppi-g6t 4 месяца назад

      i miss Mac Miller too bro But I found somebody who courld give me that type of vibes that Mac gave you can search SIXMYFACE maybe he could be your medicine too

  • @Straynjuh
    @Straynjuh 6 лет назад +518

    I've never cried to any ones passing before. This shit destroyed me. R.I.P. The Kid Mac Miller

    • @traww9537
      @traww9537 6 лет назад +1

      David Viles uh so you’ve never cared about a relative dying?

    • @GoodxJ
      @GoodxJ 6 лет назад +5

      same, I was balling like a little baby when I heard the news. Long Live Malcolm, it just don't feel right with him not here on Earth with us man!

    • @DillHurley7
      @DillHurley7 6 лет назад

      @@traww9537 my grandma died but I didn't cry. Are you gonna yell at me about it. Cuz I already feel shitty enough.

    • @traww9537
      @traww9537 6 лет назад

      Dylan Moore no ones talking to you weirdo

    • @HaikesXO
      @HaikesXO 6 лет назад

      David Viles the greatest of our generation to me . It’s sad how he doesn’t get recognized

  • @schu18tte1
    @schu18tte1 5 лет назад +60

    He was just hitting his stride as one of the greatest in the game

  • @coreyflanagan8921
    @coreyflanagan8921 5 лет назад +1387

    This song feels 30 minutes long when you're baked. So good

    • @gamecop2191
      @gamecop2191 5 лет назад +22

      Corey Flanagan bro so accurate wow lmao. Love you rip MAC

    • @gamecop2191
      @gamecop2191 5 лет назад +21

      It’s like you watching an episode of a show or something .

    • @bongwaterboy8179
      @bongwaterboy8179 5 лет назад +3

      Game Cop true we don’t get to see a lot of recent Mac

    • @sonicdoesfrontflips
      @sonicdoesfrontflips 5 лет назад

      ​@@bongwaterboy8179 Yes and he was supposed to shoot a music video w his homie on the day he passed

    • @kwakujyamfi
      @kwakujyamfi 5 лет назад +7

      no cap bro I'm clapped doe and I heard everything he said this nigga slapped pro

  • @fredmurs5670
    @fredmurs5670 2 года назад +8

    ''Never die I'm immortalised, Here before your eyes''
    One of the realest everliving through his art

  • @uninspired_nickname4503
    @uninspired_nickname4503 3 года назад +336

    I am the only one who does not look for all his music?
    because when there is one in my recommendations I feel like he comes back to earth for 5min..
    can’t believe I’m gonna run out of his 'new' music one day

    • @andr3.c
      @andr3.c 3 года назад +24

      Been listenin to mac since i was like 12 and I'm still finding new songs by him. You heard g wagon or joyride? Still being impressed to this day

    • @pillywitdaWiss
      @pillywitdaWiss 3 года назад +8

      I don’t think you will. If you look you will find he made so much music dude just search and spend time with everything you find and you won’t run out but he has more unreleased music than anyone I’ve ever listened to out and around to find

    • @andr3.c
      @andr3.c 3 года назад +1

      @Broseph nahhh dawg he's recorded hundreds if not thousands of tracks. A quick google search will set you right g

    • @yimlim8357
      @yimlim8357 3 года назад +11

      I listened to a bunch of unreleased stuff after he passed, but it’s true I let them find me these days. The slow trickle is better than a flood.

    • @justinw7756
      @justinw7756 3 года назад

      This made me incredibly sad. Much love 🤘🏼

  • @LJsworld2
    @LJsworld2 5 лет назад +277

    You were in my dream the other morning. Felt so damn real. Come back to Earth Mac.

    • @over7532
      @over7532 5 лет назад +25

      LJ weird, I've heard of so many examples of people dreaming of him hyper vividly, if all the spiritual shit is real maybe hes floating around trying to comfort people that miss him

    • @maxi04
      @maxi04 5 лет назад +11

      @@over7532 duuuude for real. i genuinely believe that the spiritual world is real. i missed mac soooo damn much after his death, i was destroyed emotionally for at least a month, had to cry the whole damn time :( nothing in my life ever hurt that much. and then i had a dream about him. he hugged me tightly and right that moment i woke up. i also never had a dream that felt so real. after that i wasn’t that sad anymore. felt like he wanted to tell me that he’s doing good and that i should continue living my life and not be sad anymore. it was beautiful, really. since that day i pretty much got over his death. still sad from time to time when i listen to his deepest tracks or watch interviews of him, he was just such an amazing, deep, emotional and sweet person. im doing better now though and that dream really meant a lot to me :)

    • @over7532
      @over7532 5 лет назад +6

      @@maxi04 My dude, I never thought that a comment I made would resonate so deeply with someone. Thank you for reaching out and letting me know that you've experienced something that is perhaps spiritual. I myself am kind of a cynical prick, because I think our species is trash, on the flipside of that cynicism I think each individual member of the species is beautiful. I don't know, maybe I sound like a retard but I'd very much like to hear your insights (whether I agree with them or not) regarding loss & the afterlife.

    • @maxi04
      @maxi04 5 лет назад +3

      Duggy Fresh hey thanks for responding :) i didn’t know that there were other people experiencing the same stuff as me and your comment really made me think. and i totally get you in regards to your view of the world :D until about a year ago i was veeery cynical and sarcastic and thought just like you that mankind is a bunch of shit lol. but since i discovered spirituality and got really deep into it, my perspective changed a lot. at first i didn’t really believe in all that stuff but more and more i just somehow knew deep within me that it is true and that the physical reality is just a tiny little bit of all that is. the government is trying to keep us in a low vibration through the news and denying existence of the spiritual and so on and by doing this they pretty much inspired most
      of society to even make fun of people who believe in this stuff and call them delusional or hippies or whatever lol. they do all this to control us by planting fear in our minds and strengthening the belief that we have to work hard in order to live a good life and that we would be best off just obeying to all that they say so that we would be „safe“ in this „dangerous“ world that they make it seem to be. it’s sad but don’t get caught up in the anger about this, it will just make your life miserable. acknowledge it but don’t get mad about it otherwise you‘ll
      keep yourself in the vibration of anger and mistrust in people which is no happy place to be. if you haven’t heard of it, look up the law of attraction. that stuff is crazy. just recently got into it and was skeptical at first but now i already manifested some things that „normal“ people would call miracles and i’m positive of its existence. it can really help you live your dream life if you apply it in the right way. without having to work hard or anything. takes some time to really become a master of it but it‘s sooo worth it. anyways, sorry i got a bit off topic lol. regarding the afterlife i can‘t really say anthing bout that since i simply don’t know. but i am absolutely certain that life doesn’t end when the physical body dies. however i can‘t really say what exactly will happen, i believe nobody who‘s alive can. i don’t really know what you mean by my thoughts about loss. i think it’s just a part of life and in the end just makes us stronger. still sad over mac‘s death but looking back, the getting over it just made me stronger. also i’m kinda glad his soul was finally able to go back to wherever souls go to after the death of the body :) although i don’t know what that place is, i know that it is more beautiful than anything our human mind could EVER imagine. he was struggling a lot with depression, addiction and all that stuff but still always tried to remain positive on the outside to make other people happy. he was such a wonderful human being. so in also kinda happy that he is finally free and happy now. i think people shouldn‘t be sad if someone close to them dies, even though i can’t say that i’m
      good at that either haha. they are definitely at a better place after that. the mourning is just egoistic thinking really, because we don‘t have the positive energy of them in our life anymore. but we shouldn’t see death as something to be sad about :) ok dude i’m
      done, this was probably the longest comment i ever made on youtube lol

    • @jessicahernandez1637
      @jessicahernandez1637 5 лет назад +9

      Yo I’ve also had two dreams about him that felt so real, and in both dreams I just randomly bumped into him and he hugged me really tight, didn’t say a word to me and just hugged me like he knew me.

  • @TheBrucebruce27
    @TheBrucebruce27 2 года назад +119

    there will never be a realer Mr. Miller. RIP Mac, you would have been 30

  • @aidan1125
    @aidan1125 Год назад +5

    Authentic and pure with thought provoking rhymes. Rest in Peace, Fellow Dreamer.

  • @JL-rp5cr
    @JL-rp5cr 6 лет назад +72

    There will never be another Mac Miller I’m truly heart broken :(

  • @clarkave6022
    @clarkave6022 6 лет назад +606


  • @glitchh-137
    @glitchh-137 6 лет назад +372

    It's a great day when we get some new music from Mac 🔥🙏🏼

  • @juancfj
    @juancfj 2 года назад +4

    The world's not the same without you. We have loved and miss you every single day throughout these 4 years Malcolm. Your music lives on 🕊️❤️

  • @gangsterridemusic
    @gangsterridemusic 6 лет назад +682

    Mac is Back 😀

  • @rolitshindane5742
    @rolitshindane5742 6 лет назад +275

    The break up really put bro in God mode

    • @kashonaries534
      @kashonaries534 6 лет назад +40

      Roli Tshindane been in God mode

    • @Povilas7
      @Povilas7 6 лет назад +12

      Divine feminine was out of this world. This after the breakup Mac took this shit to another level

    • @catiepriest2690
      @catiepriest2690 6 лет назад

      Roli Tshindane TRUTH

    • @RPGyourLIFE
      @RPGyourLIFE 6 лет назад +18

      Brooo.. TRUTH! i was seriously expecting a deep depression that would cause him to lose it.. but he dug deeper than deep and brought us this. Shits funny cuz when i was heartbroken over a wack ass bitch i couldnt focus on anything. This man gets dropped by arianna grande and becomes his greatest version yet

    • @bings2110
      @bings2110 6 лет назад +2

      All his best shit comes out after his breakups.

  • @nickmerritt9102
    @nickmerritt9102 4 года назад +18

    I still remember the joy from listening to this for the first time, waiting for swimming to drop, and the date at the end being exactly what I needed to see. I think that moment and just wanting to return to it is what keeps bringing me back here.

  • @tucegs522
    @tucegs522 Год назад +2

    “never die i’m immortalized” damn right. the art this man put out is far beyond what anyone else is doing or has done, the real gon keep bumping you forever. mac lives on through his art, and makes a hell of an impact on a hell of a lot of people. rest up to a pure soul 🤞

  • @GoonChief
    @GoonChief 5 лет назад +142

    yo mac, droppin in to say i miss you. happy memorial day. hasnt been the same since u left us.. i guess we'll take it day by day, year by year..

    • @makeupeater7196
      @makeupeater7196 5 лет назад +2

      i couldnt agree more i grew up listening to mac he is was right around my age so as i matured mentally and grew up he did to and you could actually hear the change happening listening to his albums in order but now music hurts me that he isnt here on earth with us his songs have and always will help me get thru so much darkness he helped me become comfortable being by myself what a beautiful thing to be able to do for people that were normally unable to be alone with there
      own thoughts and feelings hating themselves so much they had comstantly be surrounded around faces so there demons wouldnt eat them up if there all alone i wish i could have thanked him for making such beautiful deep music for people who needed it so badly he really helped me by sharing his thoughts
      feelings and
      life in his music and because of that he made me realize i was not alone and i stopped running from myself and i finally embraced my true original crazy broken self and it set me free and you know what the best part is im not the only one he did the same thing for me to sooo many other people and thats true art like thats so powerfull amd amazing that he could touch so many people even tho they have neber met eachother he was an amazing soul he will always be my hero and my favriote artist of all time RIP (mac miller)= (malcome)= (hero)=(legand)❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏 -sincerly savvy (your fan forever)❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @ZayLaVi
    @ZayLaVi 6 лет назад +125

    THIS made me have so much more respect for his pen game.

    • @capo9619
      @capo9619 6 лет назад

      Zack Vivas Well he just passed..

    • @ZayLaVi
      @ZayLaVi 6 лет назад +12

      I’m aware. That’s what made me come back and watch this again.

    • @anthonytruman
      @anthonytruman 6 лет назад +2

      @@ZayLaVi other songs that show his pen game: "Day One: A Song About Nothing"
      "Just Some Raps, Nothing To See Here."
      "Extra Extra ft Rapsody"

    • @junioro.1422
      @junioro.1422 6 лет назад +2

      "elixir that I'm mixing like I'm in the kitchen whippin rock" cmon Bruh

    • @imcoleyourenot8391
      @imcoleyourenot8391 6 лет назад

      Dead Cat ill as fuck... he was only just beginning his penmanship

  • @John-mf6ky
    @John-mf6ky 6 лет назад +74

    This makes me sad that I started to sleep on Mac the older I got.. I'll never forget the times listening to KIDS in highschool tho..
    Damn RIP

    • @CYWNightmare
      @CYWNightmare 5 лет назад +1

      I was the opposite in the being I be sleeping after watching movies I literally downloaded his albums the day the dropped until swimming

  • @MilkSTEAK89
    @MilkSTEAK89 Год назад +10

    I listen to this every morning city life is hell but he gives me the strength. All it takes is one step inertia takes care of the rest ❤

  • @pauls.6019
    @pauls.6019 3 года назад +49

    To this day this goes harder than 9/10 songs out there. So many bars, so much flow, so much realness
    Rip to a true legend inside and out

  • @Welyn
    @Welyn 6 лет назад +827

    extremely dope - keep it up fam

  • @kdenskitchen9187
    @kdenskitchen9187 5 лет назад +23

    wow dude. this video hits so much harder knowing he STAYED in the booth after swimming. nothing but love from the burgh as always

    • @riletaylor
      @riletaylor 5 лет назад +3

      He stayed in there after everything. That was his life

  • @lockemindatrunk.
    @lockemindatrunk. Год назад +12

    i watch this just about every day bruh this song is good asf

  • @connordefalco942
    @connordefalco942 4 года назад +14

    This man was not a rapper, he is an ARTIST. There will never be another Malcolm McCormick. RIP Brother

  • @davidkulangiyev8835
    @davidkulangiyev8835 4 года назад +457

    this is honestly the hardest freestyle ever made. Insane that this was his last video he ever put out.

    • @aaronposter1052
      @aaronposter1052 3 года назад +24

      Hardest freestyle ever made, effortlessly.

    • @steezycheezeyfries5930
      @steezycheezeyfries5930 3 года назад +10

      Why do you people think is a freestyle? Jesus christ grow up freestyles dont go this smooth . This a song. Even the freestyles on away and flex are written . Grow up

    • @eli4875
      @eli4875 3 года назад +47

      @@steezycheezeyfries5930 what u gotta be so aggressive for bruh

    • @steezycheezeyfries5930
      @steezycheezeyfries5930 3 года назад +6

      @@eli4875 because people eat up bull shit and never question the taste

    • @carinafleming
      @carinafleming 3 года назад +17

      @@steezycheezeyfries5930 chill spazz

  • @N0va
    @N0va 4 года назад +26

    How's he make this look so effortless? Mac was on another level.

  • @LeafMobbMusic
    @LeafMobbMusic 2 года назад +1

    Mac was the definition of just flowing how you truly wana, without trying to make it "sound good" or worrying about opinions or anything. I'll always love that about his music. Rest in Paradise🖤

  • @sickeda
    @sickeda 4 года назад +72

    Mac is the definition of an OG.
    REMemeber music you’ll be fine.

  • @juliogallardo23
    @juliogallardo23 3 года назад +152

    Happy 3 years to this masterpiece 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @littlelovinglexi
    @littlelovinglexi 6 лет назад +608

    rip to the man who was only at the beginning of his greatness

    • @BLVNC0999
      @BLVNC0999 6 лет назад +20

      I believe he reached it

    • @ChrisSlash
      @ChrisSlash 6 лет назад +4

      He been great

    • @lewis6590
      @lewis6590 6 лет назад +15

      He had so much more to give. Fucking sucks man. Rest in peace Mac.

    • @kurtiswebster8829
      @kurtiswebster8829 6 лет назад +11

      He just kept getting better... I was really excited for what was to come. RIP Mac.

    • @IVDestroyerzzVIJc
      @IVDestroyerzzVIJc 6 лет назад +3

      Alexis Kadonoff just cause you barely found about him you saying this shit lol

  • @gamecopshow
    @gamecopshow Месяц назад +2

    Mac Miller - proving to us all that death is only an illusion.....See yall at the finish line.
    ps this young man had to have thought to himself " wow, I really am the best rapper alive at this moment" when he ran this back