Sick budgie? Help!?

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • Update: They're healthy! He was just molting at the time. Thank you~
    Also this cage was just temporarily for a few weeks but they're in a much larger cage now!

Комментарии • 258

  • @Vic64Y
    @Vic64Y 4 года назад +4

    *IMPORTANT WARNING FOR PET BIRD OWNERS:* The food that we normally give to the canaries (and other companion birds) consisting of a "complete, balanced and top-quality seeds mixture" bought in pet stores or malls, makes the owners trust that their pet is well fed, but it's not so: indeed the birds health is at serious risk.
    The owners of canaries, parrots, cockatoos, budgies, cockatiels, etc., WE MUST PAY ATTENTION TO DOMESTIC BIRD BREEDERS AND VETS and keep in mind that although we feed them with such a typical seeds mixture, our birds are very likely in danger of suffering an unexpected, painful and practically inevitable PREMATURE DEATH BY FATTY LIVER DISEASE. Canaries, for example, will surely die at 4 - 7 years of age of the more than 16 - 20 that they can live.
    It's sad that pet birds are fated to die early and painfully in so many cases. You have to warn people to avoid it!
    This deadly disease is very common in pet birds but owners usually don’t know or detect it in time. And we can’t imagine that *THE CAUSE IS IN THE FOOD ITSELF* that we provide to our birds, in which such *a typical mixture contains low-fat seeds such as canary seed together with other VERY fatty seeds such as niger, hemp or nabine and, in addition, the birds usually prefer to eat the fatty seeds* so that their REAL DIET is unbalanced by excessive fat, gradually causes the fatty infiltration of the liver and in a few years causes fatty liver hepatitis and PREMATURE DEATH to pet birds.
    *Also the fruits and specially the breeding paste and its pigments and THE SUNFLOWER SEEDS ATTACK THE LIVER* if they are taken too much or for too long.
    It's a cruel disease that progresses silently and, when its unexpected symptoms begin, they are easily confused with other ailments so the owners usually postpone the visit to the vet at a time already critical for the life of the bird (besides that not all vets are trained to recognize this elusive and misleading disease, even to administer lipotropic and regenerative liver protectors in curative doses, just in case it's that and not a supposed blow). It's a process of slow and asymptomatic progression, but when their visible symptoms begin (acute phase) the disease accelerates.
    *SYMPTOMS OF THE ACUTE PHASE OF FATTY LIVER DISEASE:* First, overgrowth of beak and nails, progressive sadness and/or pecking, hard belly (in many cases, with a dark spot with a half-moon shape on the belly, which seems a "tumor", to see it you have to wet your fingers to remove the down), falls from the sticks of the cage that seem for "errors of calculation" and then lameness (that make believe that they are by the previous falls, but both symptoms are due to that it hurts the liver), lack of flight and singing, the bird fluffs up his feathers or bends more or less slowly; Then, within a few weeks or a few days, heavy breathing with open beak, remaining lying on the floor of the cage near the food, sudden spasms from time to time (which make people believe that the bird is "epileptic" but it are twinges of pain of diseased liver), abundant greenish poop (caused by biliverdin which if it's not fasting, it means hepatic harm), then black and watery (from hepatic hemorrhages), then a strange purplish color of skin and beak, an excessive appetite and the final "improvement" of a few days (in the last phase, the already degenerated liver becomes deflated by what the bird seems to ameliorate), after which it suddenly dies among seizures (which may seem a "heart infarct" or a "stroke").
    For the first symptoms the liver has already degenerated to 80% and only an urgent (and accurate) vet action can save your bird and revert the liver situation. If you simply feed your bird with the loose seeds mixture (even if you give it fresh fruits, vegetables and let it exercise, for example by letting it out of the cage at home), right now your pet's liver is degenerating, and neither you nor your bird know. *Without liver protectors, it's almost certain that your bird will die early and in many cases you won’t be able to determine its real cause.*
    Hepatic lipidosis it's not only deadly by itself when the visible symptoms begin (sometimes even it does not warn at all until few moments before the death). Even before the acute phase it predisposes the bird to suffer infections, as it weakens the immune system. Obese pet birds have an higher risk of many other diseases, like arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Obesity in birds it's not so apparent but it's more dangerous than in other animals like mammals.
    So in addition to giving to the birds lipotropic and detox / regenerating hepatic protectors preventively and routinely, breeders usually make their own mixtures with low fat seeds.
    *PREVENTION AND/OR TREATMENT:* The time to act is NOW that your bird doesn’t show yet the visible symptoms. It's necessary to ACTIVELY PREVENT THE LIVER DEGENERATION. Fortunately it's easy to do it: *It's very advisable to substitute progressively (within some weeks, as per the instructions of the manufacturer) the mixture of loose seeds for some pellets compound food of seeds, fruits and vegetables (preferably those that already include liver protectors), because this prevents the bird from filtering and eating mostly the fatty seeds (but without insisting if the bird does not get accustomed to eating pellets because he could die for starvation within a few days).*
    *And, whatever the diet, it's CRUCIAL to add to the drinking water or to the food LIPOTROPIC LIVER PROTECTORS that include carnitine and / or choline, betaine, methionine, etc., (and it's very convenient to add DETOX / REGENERATING LIVER PROTECTORS with thistle milk, boldo, artichoke extract).*
    Liver protectors are not medicine but cheap food supplements manufactured by pet bird vet laboratories that remove the fat from the liver, clean it and favor its recovery. It's essential to add them to the pet birds diet to conserve their liver. It's something that breeders and vets know, but we the owners usually don't know.
    It are appearing in the market compound feed for pet birds that don’t include fatty seeds and that already include several liver protectors. *But the vast majority of owners still confidently feed their birds with the typical mixture of loose seeds with little fat and other very fatty seeds... And their birds continue dying for hepatic lipidosis in a large number of cases (likely, in most cases).* Now we know that, as fatty liver disease develops from the daily food itself, it’s most likely *THE FIRST CAUSE OF DEATH OF PET BIRDS, and more so as the bird ages.*
    Webs on FLD:
    Liver disease is a slow, on-going progressive disease where the liver tissue is replaced with fat. When the liver disease has progressed, the bird may suddenly appear ill. One of the sadder diseases many avian vets see is that of hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver disease. It's sad in a number of ways since often the birds are very ill, life-threateningly so, or possibly having died suddenly. Often the owners have been unaware of the dangers of feeding their beloved pet the seeds, peanuts, or other fatty foods the bird obviously loves to eat. These are truly cases of "loving your bird to death". Any bird can fall victim to fatty liver disease. Dietary deficiencies of lipotrophic factors such as choline, biotin, and methionine may decrease the transport of lipids from the liver.
    The clinical manifestations of hepatic diseases in ornamental birds are much more frequent than people could realize and in many cases they are not appreciated, progress in a silent way and when they are evident, vet action may arrive late.
    Most any avian symptomatology should be considered as if it was a pathology that could be serious, and not allow the disease to develop because then it will probably be too late. We must closely investigate the symptoms, take preventive measures that don’t harm (such as giving liver and intestinal protectors according to the leaflet) ask for advice from vets, breeders, etc. and procure the most appropriate treatment RAPIDLY, but without rushing in the treatment or with the doses in such small animals. If the days go by and the bird doesn’t improve, it's necessary to continue investigating and, if necessary, change the medication in an informed and contrasted manner. Doing nothing or stopping research usually ends up with the bird dead, but acting without being sure of what is done and in what dose, it likely ends the same way. It's necessary to obtain and confirm the sufficient vet experience and have the serenity to determine in each case whether it's convenient to hasten to do and / or administer what medicine and in what dose, or if it’s better not to do and let the situation evolve without medicating for the time being, or according to the medication that has already been administered.
    A limp in a bird is not always an injury caused by a blow, but the symptom of a disease of some organ (usually the liver or an intestinal disease) that needs to be discovered and treated ASAP. When in doubt, change diet to one with the lowest fat possible (only birdseed, or with other low-fat seeds such as millet, chia and vegetables) and administer lipotropic and regenerating liver protectors in curative doses immediately... although nothing could foresee a fatal outcome. There are also food supplements protectors of the intestinal mucosa and stimulants of the immune system. In doses according to the leaflets do not cause damage, it will surely save the life of your bird (if it's not too late), and will keep them with a basic wellness.

  • @StarAtom
    @StarAtom 4 года назад +12

    I love budgies. I feel sad whenever I see a sick budgie. I want to hug them like this🤗🤗🤗

    • @BannerSound
      @BannerSound 2 года назад

      I shoot them with my kid's BB gun, healthy or sick...

  • @gwynethegomez7805
    @gwynethegomez7805  8 лет назад +105

    My budgie is perfectly healthy :). He was only molting and I gave him celery, banana, and carrots as well as other food.

    • @abbz4355
      @abbz4355 8 лет назад +1

      My budgie can't fly and he keeps on closing his eyes, then sits down and wait.....Help?

    • @lulleart6524
      @lulleart6524 8 лет назад

      how ages have your bird

    • @abbz4355
      @abbz4355 8 лет назад +1

      He died a few weeks ago in my hand....

    • @lulleart6524
      @lulleart6524 8 лет назад +1

      -2jz_RB26-JDM im sorry man, i have parrot too

    • @Nursecarter115
      @Nursecarter115 7 лет назад

      -2jz_RB26-JDM sorry bro

  • @rjenz41
    @rjenz41 6 лет назад +5

    My parakeet’s breathing was really rough sounding, so what I did was wrap it up in a cloth and run lukewarm water over it and then I held it for a few minutes, seem to have helped him, he is his old self, breathing normal and singing. Problem must have been in the nose. He’s happy and I’m happy.🤗

  • @iloveyounat__
    @iloveyounat__ 5 лет назад +5

    Hi I'm Natalie and I have four birdies apparently I just finished watching Alen axp sick bird symptoms so if your bird is fluffed up and bottom of the cage then you are right I had a sick budgie named charlie he is still alive BTW anyways he was on the bottom of the cage I gave him his vitamins and became better day by day so please give it its vitamins give it its daily exercise and fresh new food take out the old poop and pee out to make a fresh cage if you didn't ask for all this information you said help so I am I'm not an adult I'm only a 11 year old kid that knows how to take care of birds! Please take care and bless your bird with as much as help please follow and listen to my advice thank you!

  • @wolfgangtrubitz8862
    @wolfgangtrubitz8862 8 лет назад +4

    About this budgie Give him much love. About all budgies here I know that they are some parts of Your Hearts so
    be shure they live forever.

  • @dinusha6
    @dinusha6 5 лет назад +1

    my budgie also being sick and had watery poop. I saw a blog about watery poop cause if their diet is not enough. Once budgie get sick seeds are might not going through their crop. So I started to give every morning one veg, leaves along with banana every day chopping it to small pieces. At first they didn't eat so I put little bit seeds on top so that they will think that's seed and they will eat. So first make them fine diet so that your budgie can regain energy.

  • @achicagoan5480
    @achicagoan5480 8 лет назад +62

    My budgie (the one on my profile picture) was exactly like that. He died yesterday. My life goal is to be able to revive a budgie

  • @IcyThePheonix
    @IcyThePheonix 5 лет назад +4

    Poor little thing but he is adorable

  • @senti3035
    @senti3035 3 года назад +1

    Now thats what i call a PUFF BALL...

  • @LadyDynamitez
    @LadyDynamitez 8 лет назад +23

    You NEED to feed them veggies and fruits. Seeds aren't enough and are fatty. You need to teach them to eat veggies, I know it'll be hard but you must for the sake of their health. Heres a really good bird-related blog that knows a lot about birds and has good advice how to get them to eat veggies, what to feed them and everything else possible:

  • @maryr8077
    @maryr8077 9 лет назад +1

    Mary: My budgie was not acting the same off and on for a few weeks. I brought him for the first time to the an Avian vet, he clipped his nails and shorted his beak a bit, said his heart was good and everything else was good. However, he found two fatty tumors on the chest area, and said he was to fat. This shocked me because my bird flies out of his cage everyday and plays on a play station I put together of all the things he likes to play with, and he throws balls on the floor and runs across the floor all day after them. Anyway he only ate seeds at the time and the vet said they can be fating. I then started to change his diet with some pellets, he seemed better after the visit and perked up. After two weeks he became very quiet again, his droppings were constantly changing from loose to hard, I just thought it was from the diet change, I called the vet again because he had a small incident flying down to the floor and then it seemed like he was off and didn't respond to me. This lasted maybe five mins. slowly he seemed better, but not as chripy as usual. Vet didn't say to bring him in, said we don't want to trauma him any further, so I listened. But weeks after as I look back now, he was sleeping and resting more than he ever did I just thought because he was over weight he needed to take it easy and it has been a hot summer. I kept trying harder to keep him cool in the house knowing this, we don't have air conditioning and one day he was over heated. We always keep his water clean, clean cage everyday, best of food as we know it, he would only eat very little veg./fruit so far. My little bird still did most of his playing and loving us, but I notice he started sleeping too much and not playing much, I called the Vet it was the day before Labor Day and the Avian vet was away, so I made the apt. for Wed. he would be back, but the night before Labor day my little bird was shutting down and I didn't know how to help him, I stayed up with him as long as I could but that Labor day morning around 5:30/6:00 he passed. Our hearts broke that we couldn't help him. We miss him so much. Does anyone know how we could have saved him??

  • @Richuoisity
    @Richuoisity 8 лет назад +49

    U need to make an appointment with the vet! Do not wait for strangers to tell you what to do!

    • @achicagoan5480
      @achicagoan5480 8 лет назад +11

      Some people don't have the money to get an appointment with the vet even if they really loved their animals

    • @Richuoisity
      @Richuoisity 8 лет назад +1

      AlexPlayz I understand that but at least get some help!!

    • @motherdovegreenriver6593
      @motherdovegreenriver6593 8 лет назад +2

      everybody I work at a bird Hospital in Villa Park if your bird happens to be sick take him to me at Villa Park it's a bird sanctuary

    • @motherdovegreenriver6593
      @motherdovegreenriver6593 8 лет назад

      actually you can call it either way bird refuge or bird sanctuary

    • @club4ghz
      @club4ghz 7 лет назад +1

      Yo the vet want like $200 fuck this i can have 10 new budgies for that

  • @piaakasyapa
    @piaakasyapa 5 лет назад +1

    Whenever the budgie fluff it doesnot mean it is sick..but if it is lethargic and poop like this then it is has cold or infection in stomach.give every budgie jaggery with water in little amount first to boost.and clean its cage properly,change water 3 times a day if possible.

    • @piaakasyapa
      @piaakasyapa 5 лет назад

      In winter budgies get sick most of the time.give them proper sun light and lukewarm that 6 mnth child can drink like water in cage not too cold.

    • @piaakasyapa
      @piaakasyapa 5 лет назад

      I gave my budgie (cumin seed+warm water+pinch of black salt) when she sneeze and vomit in winter. 2 times in 3 days only with injection(without needle) little amount in every 6 hr gap.and one time water nd turmeric paste in washed injection(widout needle).

    • @piaakasyapa
      @piaakasyapa 5 лет назад

      Separate cage was there for her and proper warm place 28 to 30° weather.

  • @Vic64Y
    @Vic64Y 4 года назад +2

    *IMPORTANT WARNING FOR PET BIRD OWNERS:* The food that we normally give to the canaries (and other companion birds) consisting of a "complete, balanced and top-quality seeds mixture" bought in pet stores or malls, makes the owners trust that their pet is well fed, but it's not so: indeed the birds health is at serious risk.
    WE MUST PAY ATTENTION TO DOMESTIC BIRD BREEDERS AND VETS and keep in mind that although we feed them with such a typical seeds mixture, our birds are very likely in danger of suffering a painful and unexpected PREMATURE DEATH BY FATTY LIVER DISEASE. Canaries, for example, will surely die at 4 - 7 years of age of the more than 15 that they can live.
    This is because *the typical mixture contains low-fat seeds such as canary seed together with other VERY fatty seeds such as niger, hemp or nabine and, in addition, the birds usually prefer to eat the fatty seeds* so that their REAL DIET is unbalanced by excessive fat, gradually causes the fatty infiltration of the liver and in a few years causes fatty liver hepatitis and PREMATURE DEATH to pet birds.
    *Also the fruits and specially the breeding paste and its pigments and THE SUNFLOWER SEEDS ATTACK THE LIVER* if they are taken too much or for too long.
    FLD IS THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF ILLNESS AND PREMATURE DEATH ON PET BIRDS; It's sad that pet birds are fated to die early and painfully in so many cases. You have to warn people to avoid it!
    It's a cruel disease that progresses silently and, when its unexpected symptoms begin, they are easily confused with other ailments so the owners usually postpone the visit to the vet at a time already critical for the life of the bird (besides that not all vets are trained to recognize this elusive and misleading disease, even to administer lipotropic and regenerative liver protectors in curative doses, just in case it's that and not a supposed blow). It's a process of slow and asymptomatic progression, but when its visible symptoms begin (acute phase) the disease accelerates.
    *SYMPTOMS OF THE ACUTE PHASE OF FATTY LIVER DISEASE:* First, overgrowth of beak and nails since months before, progressive sadness and/or pecking, hard belly (in many cases, with a dark spot with a half-moon shape on the belly, which seems a "tumor", to see it you have to wet your fingers to remove the down), falls from the sticks of the cage that seem for "errors of calculation" and then lameness (that make believe that they are by the previous falls, but both symptoms are due to that it hurts the liver), lack of flight and singing, the bird fluffs up his feathers or bends more or less slowly; Then, within a few weeks or a few days, heavy breathing with open beak, remaining lying on the floor of the cage near the food, sudden spasms from time to time (which make people believe that the bird is "epileptic" but it are twinges of pain of diseased liver), abundant greenish poop (caused by biliverdin which if it's not fasting, it means hepatic harm), then black and watery (from hepatic hemorrhages), then a strange purplish color of skin and beak, an excessive appetite and the final "improvement" of a few days (in the last phase, the already degenerated liver becomes deflated by what the bird seems to ameliorate), after which it suddenly dies among seizures (which may seem a "heart infarct" or a "stroke").
    For the first symptoms the liver has already degenerated to 80% and only an urgent (and accurate) vet action can save your bird and revert the liver situation.
    So in addition to giving to the birds lipotropic and detox / regenerating hepatic protectors preventively and routinely, breeders usually make their own mixtures with low fat seeds.
    *PREVENTION AND/OR TREATMENT:* The time to act is NOW that your bird doesn’t show yet the visible symptoms. It's necessary to ACTIVELY PREVENT THE LIVER DEGENERATION. Fortunately it's easy to do it: *It's very advisable to substitute progressively (within some weeks, as per the instructions of the manufacturer) the mixture of loose seeds for some pellets compound food of seeds, fruits and vegetables (preferably those that already include liver protectors), because this prevents the bird from filtering and eating mostly the fatty seeds (but without insisting if the bird does not get accustomed to eating pellets because he could die for starvation within a few days).*
    *And, whatever the diet, it's CRUCIAL to add to the drinking water or to the food LIPOTROPIC LIVER PROTECTORS that include: CARNITINE AND /OR CHOLINE, BETAINE, METHIONINE, etc. It's very convenient to add DETOX / REGENERATING LIVER PROTECTORS with THISTLE MILK, BOLDO, ARTICHOKE EXTRACT.*
    Liver protectors are not medicine but cheap food supplements manufactured by pet bird vet laboratories that remove the fat from the liver, clean it and favor its recovery. It's essential to add them to the pet birds diet to conserve their liver.
    It are appearing in the market compound feed for pet birds that don’t include fatty seeds and that already include several liver protectors.
    Webs on FLD:
    Liver disease is a slow, on-going progressive disease where the liver tissue is replaced with fat. When the liver disease has progressed, the bird may suddenly appear ill.
    One of the sadder diseases many avian vets see is that of hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver disease. It's sad in a number of ways since often the birds are very ill, life-threateningly so, or possibly having died suddenly. Often the owners have been unaware of the dangers of feeding their beloved pet the seeds, peanuts, or other fatty foods the bird obviously loves to eat. These are truly cases of "loving your bird to death". Any bird can fall victim to fatty liver disease.
    Dietary deficiencies of lipotrophic factors such as choline, biotin, and methionine may decrease the transport of lipids from the liver.
    Most any avian symptomatology should be considered as if it was a pathology that could be serious, and not allow the disease to develop because then it will probably be too late.
    A limp in a bird is not always an injury caused by a blow, but the symptom of a disease of some organ (usually the liver or an intestinal disease) that needs to be discovered and treated ASAP. When in doubt, change diet to one with the lowest fat possible (only birdseed, or with other low-fat seeds such as millet, chia and vegetables) and administer lipotropic and regenerating liver protectors in curative doses immediately... although nothing could foresee a fatal outcome. There are also food supplements protectors of the intestinal mucosa and stimulants of the immune system. In doses according to the leaflets do not cause damage, it will surely save the life of your bird (if it's not too late), and will keep them with a basic wellness.

  • @KoKoTAdamzzz
    @KoKoTAdamzzz 7 лет назад

    im glad your budgie is okay mine is having some bad times i hope he will be ok.

  • @horsesforlife1482
    @horsesforlife1482 6 лет назад +13

    My bird is like that now omg help me

    • @aliahmedvk
      @aliahmedvk 4 года назад +2

      Bring it ti da vet!!

  • @luiabrego6183
    @luiabrego6183 Год назад

    Budgies Are Very Cute

  • @hitsongs2887
    @hitsongs2887 6 лет назад +1

    Give them teramycine .teramycine is birds calcium tablet,which give them lots of energy fighting for illnesses or sichness.

  • @delsvids4441
    @delsvids4441 3 года назад

    My budgie is sick too but she’s felling better now her sickness is her feathers start to fall of some of her fear their wings tale but I think she’s getting better, I hope so.....

    • @WallSTGhost
      @WallSTGhost 3 года назад +1

      Mine is too her feathers are really crazy looking and she’s sleepy maybe it’s the weather changing got a heater to keep her warm she looks cold.

  • @taylorgould1389
    @taylorgould1389 7 лет назад

    My budgie was like that he couldn't move and he kept vomiting. What I did was get and ice cube and put it on a spoon wait for it to melt fully, then I made him drink every drop of it. He felt better and hour later. I recommend using this technique.

  •  6 лет назад

    My budgie is dead yesterday .. she was very weak, exactly like this green budgie, If only I knew .. I wouldn't have let my budgie home alone hoping that we will get better tomorrow .. Now I'm so sad, he left a big hole in my life, I won't forget my budgie Alice. If I have to tell something to you, everybody who has a budgie, Just go to the vet if there is something wrong with your budgie, I was just kid I didn't have money to go and my parents doesn't wanted to spend money for me .. Life is more important to money, I prefer to lose over a million to give to my budgie a second life.

  • @dannyhatoum2506
    @dannyhatoum2506 6 лет назад +7

    The bird must drink apple Cider vinegar to recover

  • @Unwatered_Plant
    @Unwatered_Plant 3 года назад

    there aren't any aviary vets where I live. They're all closed for covid, my bird (lime) is sick. I don't want him to suffer, Lemon (my other bird) is a total brat to him, she always pecks at him. Pulls off his feathers and steals and destroys his toys (don't worry, they're in different cages. Lime deserves better, lemon just wants to be alone also.) I have 2 dogs who are jack russell terrier brothers and chew on everything and jump SUPER high, they're bird dogs so the birds are in another room. I want them to be happy, but I feel like they aren't getting enough attention because lemon won't hop on my finger like she used to, now she bites me. I feel so bad because I lost her trust. Lime has never really stepped onto my finger. I feel like a bad owner. They deserve better, but no one I know wants them but I don't want to give them away. 😥 Like is fluffed up and making the tired noises 24/7

  • @ravenwildone9444
    @ravenwildone9444 8 лет назад +1

    My budgie was like that to but died that night I miss her a lot 😔

  • @UzbekAlibek
    @UzbekAlibek 8 лет назад +1

    PLEASE RESPOND- My Male budgie is very sick and puffed up staring at the food now he's sleeping please help I don't have the money/time to take him to vet please help!!

    • @xxxgot666xxx
      @xxxgot666xxx 8 лет назад

      +Alibek Khasanov so why u took him if u don't have money to bring him to the vet? it is not a toy which u need sometimes to feed... it is alive animal,which sometimes need to be aforded to bring to the vet if something strange.

  • @reynasalomon2345
    @reynasalomon2345 8 лет назад +8

    mine was sick like that and died that same day i miss her so much :-( :-( :-(

    • @motherdovegreenriver6593
      @motherdovegreenriver6593 8 лет назад

      I'm sorry for your loss for baby

    • @lulleart6524
      @lulleart6524 8 лет назад +1

      I'm soo sory for your loss, I have parrot and he healty but some times he poop blood I don't know what to do

    • @yellowalone5658
      @yellowalone5658 7 лет назад +5

      LulleART He's pooping blood idiot he's not healthy don't go around saying your parrot is healthy he isn't people are gonna think it's okay if their bird poops blood it's not okay

    • @blackscreen2522
      @blackscreen2522 5 лет назад +1

      LulleART Fr!!! That parrot better be OK right now.

  • @yestv3968
    @yestv3968 6 лет назад +1

    yes but if your buddies keep it up and keep doing that they will die :( a lot of buddies died in my family I miss pineapple and crystal they were baby's

  • @ivanwesteurope
    @ivanwesteurope 5 лет назад +1

    he seemed to be fluffy and sick. Thanks to God he was ok.... is he ok now? He looked like to have a problem with pooping.

  • @jaimegloria5374
    @jaimegloria5374 5 лет назад

    Parakeet was sick for feel days had a cold I gave her NyQuil mixed with water and she’s great I gave her a boy friend hope some day she has a family life is too short

  • @robloxfun5421
    @robloxfun5421 4 года назад +1

    Give this poor thing budgie vitamin medicine

  • @budgiebirdie9920
    @budgiebirdie9920 9 лет назад +7

    Take it to the vet! My bird got poisoned and I had his outside in her cure cage and with alot of water and he was fine few days later.

  • @TheRoshan89
    @TheRoshan89 6 лет назад +4

    You need to buy them a bigger and nicer cage and give them pellets instead of that cheap seed mix!

  • @kr9068
    @kr9068 8 лет назад +1

    Give THEM vitamins and HealthY food like bananas and fruits also recommand vegetables cuz when my budgie was sick i gave her those then about 2 Days she Got Healthy again☺️👍🏻

  • @luiabrego6183
    @luiabrego6183 Год назад

    It's Sad How They Are More Prone To Diseases

  • @julielloyd4194
    @julielloyd4194 5 лет назад

    awwww theyre so cute

  • @delicado1355
    @delicado1355 6 лет назад

    My birbs like that because he’s lazy lol. Aaaand constantly molts but just embrace the floof

  • @recon_M
    @recon_M 6 лет назад +4

    My budgie is doing the same please help🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @Lauren-ff9rz
    @Lauren-ff9rz 6 лет назад

    I'm So glad I came across this video because my sister's bird is doing the exact same thing and i was worried he may be sick there is Still a chance he may be but for now I have a clue of what's going on

  • @sharky9965
    @sharky9965 5 лет назад +1

    Green ones sick, blue is fine

  • @ivanwesteurope
    @ivanwesteurope 3 года назад

    I would say some liver problem, maybe chlamydophilia. was he recovered?

  • @amybui6039
    @amybui6039 6 лет назад +1

    rip budgie

  • @tenleyk8255
    @tenleyk8255 6 лет назад

    My bird died a few months ago. She was almost always puffed up. She spent most of her time on the bottom of the cage. One morning, I woke up and she was laying dead in the corner of the cage. We think she was egg binding.

  • @adrianomoretti7667
    @adrianomoretti7667 Месяц назад

    È successo anche a me .. pupù così!! Mangia troppa verdura, dissenteria 😢😢❤❤

  • @ehrynd7630
    @ehrynd7630 8 лет назад

    Wow, that looks exactly what my old budgie used to look like. It died the same way...

    • @ehrynd7630
      @ehrynd7630 8 лет назад

      I mean he did that then died a few weeks later,then my other budgie flew out the door..

    • @ehrynd7630
      @ehrynd7630 8 лет назад

      +King Bob Sponge Not all types of birds live up to those. A budgie or a small parrot with generally live to 5-10 years. My budgie was 6 years old when it died. Some birds only live up to be 5 years old such as finches.

    • @ehrynd7630
      @ehrynd7630 8 лет назад

      +King Bob Sponge I guess mine died of old age. 6 years is typically when most budgies die for me and for people I know. How old are your budgies? They are probably just getting ready to molt or the temperature is too cold, so they fluff their feathers like that. If the temperature was too cold it might die.

    • @ehrynd7630
      @ehrynd7630 8 лет назад +1

      +King Bob Sponge I meant in your house. If the temperature is too cold in the room you're putting it in, it will fluff it's feathers like that. Humans do not live up to be 5-15. Well. some humans do, but the lifespan of a human is typically 60-80. A small budgie cannot live that long. It can only live up to 5-10 years. Sometimes a little higher but not as high as 20. Only other parrots can live that long, such as Macaws, Cockatoos, African Greys, etc... I hope your parakeet is feeling better.

    • @सुदीप-घ1च
      @सुदीप-घ1च 7 лет назад

      my male budgie is same like this...plz tell wt should I to do....plz help

  • @taylorn1624
    @taylorn1624 6 лет назад

    It is normal for a parakeet to be fluffed up but what's not normal is it nodding its head up and down like that that's a sign that is throwing up . did you find out if it was a respiratory system infection?

  • @Tree1111
    @Tree1111 4 года назад

    Everyone say they are fat they r not fat. Proof: my budgie is sick and puffs its feather up to keep itself warm but. You should bring it to the vet

  • @LumineDooz
    @LumineDooz 5 лет назад +1

    my budgies feathers always puffed up

  • @amyaddicott3406
    @amyaddicott3406 5 лет назад

    The green one with the blue tail feathers looks identical to mine and mine is sick as well

  • @animebird3407
    @animebird3407 7 лет назад

    Put it in a warm small cageand cover ithe inside with cloth to carm it down then leave it there untill it recovers or bring it to a vet!

  • @MsQuinn-cv1pi
    @MsQuinn-cv1pi 7 лет назад

    I thought my budgie was sick too! Only molting though. :)

  • @junggiebeom5261
    @junggiebeom5261 4 года назад +1

    My budgie is doing that now and I can’t him to the vet 😭😭😭 what am I suppose to do now 😩

  • @saltypepper5696
    @saltypepper5696 8 лет назад

    very fluffy

  • @hihi-mr6gb
    @hihi-mr6gb 6 лет назад

    My budgie does this all the time, she’s been very sneezy since summer started and my room is rather cold. She also fluffs up when preparing to nap. Or she might be molting

  • @OPGAMING-vx6vl
    @OPGAMING-vx6vl 6 лет назад

    my budgie is sneezing continuesly

  • @melicephas3292
    @melicephas3292 6 лет назад

    My budgie has puffed up feathers, not eating much, haven't seen him drink water, but he's sleeping a lot, when he's awake his eyes are still half way open, his tail is not bobbing? Any thoughts of what's wrong with my bird?, I have 2 boys but they are separated for now..

  • @loonytoongt1245
    @loonytoongt1245 8 лет назад

    Well if its cold. outside or in the house they do that to provide warmth.

  • @sillybird1416
    @sillybird1416 2 года назад

    Ooh I was worried he might die hope he’s doing good ( the two burds

  • @pookathetherian8036
    @pookathetherian8036 7 лет назад

    My budgie did that when I came home and he was hungry for a day

  • @Jazz__shh
    @Jazz__shh 4 года назад

    I can't call the vet and I can't even go out its lock down what should I do?😢😢😢😢😢😭😭

  • @SoPoroLOL
    @SoPoroLOL 6 лет назад

    Give us an update, do you still have the budgies, are they still alive?

  • @viorel-alexandrusargu3014
    @viorel-alexandrusargu3014 7 лет назад +3

    mine was doing the same and died in a short time :(

  • @ivanwesteurope
    @ivanwesteurope 6 лет назад

    This green budgie on this photo was not jost molting... Is he ok now?

  • @polysengupta1075
    @polysengupta1075 7 лет назад

    Thank god my one is nor sick

  • @fategaming4323
    @fategaming4323 8 лет назад

    My blue and white budgie died the same way and used to sit in the corner on the bottom of the cage ):

  • @hitsongs2887
    @hitsongs2887 6 лет назад

    Meri bird ko thanda lag gya tha maine doctor se puchha to vo bataye the ki calcium ball rkha kariye cage m,jo ki unko calcium provide kare shi se.

  • @dawidoffq5125
    @dawidoffq5125 6 лет назад

    From banana has soft chair ...

  • @DragonProtector
    @DragonProtector 7 лет назад

    looks like he got something stuck in his throat

  • @bruhitznoone1455
    @bruhitznoone1455 9 лет назад +4

    My bird had the same thing but fell off it's stick and fell to the bottom of the cage , it sleeped at the bottom of the cage and then it died .😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @bruhitznoone1455
      @bruhitznoone1455 9 лет назад +1

      + Peter Beadle that is so sad you should never trust your dad.

    • @bruhitznoone1455
      @bruhitznoone1455 9 лет назад

      I'm so sorry Milky Water

    • @bruhitznoone1455
      @bruhitznoone1455 9 лет назад


    • @bruhitznoone1455
      @bruhitznoone1455 9 лет назад

      I don't get it????!

    • @Richuoisity
      @Richuoisity 8 лет назад +1

      Once you see your budgie looking sick or not too active, you must see a vet! Poor budgie :( R.I.P

  • @kashefafatima7198
    @kashefafatima7198 6 лет назад

    How much time did he take to heal

  • @notapplicable7028
    @notapplicable7028 5 лет назад

    If my budgies poop black with white is that okay ? Or is it a sign that it’s sick 😷
    My boy budgie he isn’t as light green as the one in the video. His belly area is more of a gray color.
    I’ve had them for a week now

  • @lulleart6524
    @lulleart6524 8 лет назад

    Call the vet and consecrate him as much time as he will take it a little cheer. I hope that will not die prematurely. The vet will most likely give you the medicine you're giving a parrot. Do it as soon as you would pagaj died. I hope you will get well, greeting :)

  • @ashleygrace3132
    @ashleygrace3132 7 лет назад +3

    Hi hi can you guys help my budgie looks like this but my father said he's fine I'm just scared because I don't know if he is sick or it's just cold please help!

    • @hawie
      @hawie 7 лет назад +2

      he is indeed cold, thet fluff up to warm themselves.

    • @isaiah97303
      @isaiah97303 6 лет назад

      Endergirl 220604 some of them look like that even if there not sick

    • @birbistheword9973
      @birbistheword9973 6 лет назад

      Try to identify other symptoms before taking it to the vet. A typical vet trip is very expensive.

  • @levi3732
    @levi3732 9 лет назад

    is this a baby or a girl. or a boy. first if it a baby take it to the vet, if its a girl itcould be possible shes having a egg.or sick or infection, if its a boy, take it the vet,

    • @levi3732
      @levi3732 8 лет назад


    • @matt5240
      @matt5240 8 лет назад

      It's a boy.....You don't know how to tell genders don't you.Look at his beak.Its Blue.Its a boy

  • @flamejugni8594
    @flamejugni8594 7 лет назад

    My male bugie is the same like this my male bugie is healty but my female bugie is not really healthy

  • @jammyring9475
    @jammyring9475 6 лет назад +2

    Hey my budgie is sick to i think he is going to die😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  • @सुदीप-घ1च
    @सुदीप-घ1च 7 лет назад +1

    my male budgie is doing same think...plz tell wt should I to do

    • @paulvanderpot2664
      @paulvanderpot2664 7 лет назад +1

      Sudeep Pandey I’m geussing your bird is all good now but just Incase it is still sick just take it to the vet, because mine was fluffed up all day and just tried to sleep but when I took mine to the vet after a couple hours he was fine again

    • @mel-8338
      @mel-8338 5 лет назад

      your budgie is just molting and is perfectly healthy

  • @superrainbowfamily5973
    @superrainbowfamily5973 4 года назад

    There is a video of how to make your birds healthy again name of RUclips is Alen AxP

  • @farahkaiser2459
    @farahkaiser2459 8 лет назад

    My budgie is sick to and I don't know what to do

  • @sabrinali7932
    @sabrinali7932 10 лет назад

    Ur budgie is not sick dont worry

    • @goldenhacker7964
      @goldenhacker7964 8 лет назад

      +Sabrin Ali He is not...But If you give him more apples he might poop much longer... And that will take him to death.......

  • @MrRavikumarhrk
    @MrRavikumarhrk 6 лет назад

    My parrot also suffering the same as like this video pls help me what I want to give medicine to my parrot

  • @new2kera197
    @new2kera197 6 лет назад

    What was wrong with yours did you find. Out

  • @theonlione4091
    @theonlione4091 8 лет назад +2

    and y now theat thears one good Sind theat your bugies ayes are fully open theats good

  • @yspinelli76
    @yspinelli76 8 лет назад +4

    instead of taping him make an Appt at the vet like seriously would you record your friend doing that and post it on youtube

  • @Gannieful
    @Gannieful 5 лет назад

    I always observe my 2 budgies boy and girl but today I noticed my budgies tail looked black that's the boy I'm kinda scared but he's playing with his toys flying around what do I do?

  • @adityasawant5611
    @adityasawant5611 9 лет назад

    buy terramycin (250 mg) capsules from chemist n mix this 1 capsule in water n feed this budgie with the injection (injection without needle) if hez seriously sick....or else mix this 1 capsule in the water that ur every pet drinks....he''ll b all right

    • @engrrozer9276
      @engrrozer9276 8 лет назад

      +Aditya Sawant is this capsules is ok for baby birds ??
      and if we don't inject him then what should we do ??
      this capsules is ok for healthy birds or just for sick birds ??

    • @adityasawant5611
      @adityasawant5611 8 лет назад

      +Sohail Butt just mix that 1 capsule with their water n stir the mixture n give it to ur baby birds via injection (w/o needle) if the bird is very sick...u hv to feed the birds with this capsule mixture once in a week for 2-3 months for healthy birds as well...when u buy birds n keep them in ur home..there's possibility that some r already diseased..n they take time to adjust to the new it's better if u mix the capsule in their regular drinking water for 2-3 months..aftr that u don't need to give the capsule mixture..if u find any bird sick then only feed him..

  • @saltypepper5696
    @saltypepper5696 8 лет назад

    chubby budgie

  • @UzbekAlibek
    @UzbekAlibek 8 лет назад

    Is your bird better?

  • @magpiecore
    @magpiecore 8 лет назад

    i think they're cold or tired?

  • @zohaib9471
    @zohaib9471 7 лет назад

    if the budgie foot is dry and his nail has been broken so??

  • @zaynalam4056
    @zaynalam4056 8 лет назад +1

    Please respond- My female budgie is eating well. She is little bit fluffed up and isn't active as like as before

    • @goldenhacker7964
      @goldenhacker7964 8 лет назад

      +Thunder Alam If she is flufy that means 2 signs : 1. She is enjoying the fun .2. She is getting a little bit old... And for the active, My budgies are not too...

    • @zaynalam4056
      @zaynalam4056 8 лет назад

      +Golden Hacker But why she is not breeding? She is adult.

    • @goldenhacker7964
      @goldenhacker7964 8 лет назад

      Hmm...maybe you need to take her to the vet i'am not a proffesional... But is she tamed?

    • @zaynalam4056
      @zaynalam4056 8 лет назад

      +Golden Hacker Nope. She mated with her partner. But still she isn't laying.

    • @goldenhacker7964
      @goldenhacker7964 8 лет назад

      it's better to take her to the Vet

  • @bethanyk8020
    @bethanyk8020 6 лет назад

    My budgie is doing this and I'm really worried

  • @theonlione4091
    @theonlione4091 8 лет назад +9

    my bugie just died when y was whaching this vidio y whanted to give it vegitebles būt died!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 omg im onli 10

    • @izzy6737
      @izzy6737 7 лет назад +3

      the onli one and cant type 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @Lucailey
      @Lucailey 6 лет назад +3

      I am sorry your bird died. I am also sorry for the "adults" who thought it was funny to make fun of you. It was good that you were trying to research what you could do to help your bird. I know your comment was made a year ago but they had no right to make fun of you - especially when you were already up set. For that I am sorry.

    • @UmbraNumberOne
      @UmbraNumberOne 6 лет назад +1

      Sorry for your loss. Hope you recover from losing your birb soon!
      English pls

    • @help3001
      @help3001 6 лет назад +2

      Abdul J maybe their ten but can't speak English well because they might not be from America..

  • @bobcoc7228
    @bobcoc7228 6 лет назад

    what to do then

  • @nrhasan2543
    @nrhasan2543 6 лет назад

    My budgie is not moving and can't sit he's continuously falling what can I do

  • @MegaEltopo
    @MegaEltopo 7 лет назад

    my budgie don't get sick when I got my boy bird and this video looks like it threw up

  • @sarahschliep3411
    @sarahschliep3411 7 лет назад

    If he sits in the corner allot then take home to the vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @jalynnslaybaugh1282
    @jalynnslaybaugh1282 9 лет назад

    I know a
    Lot about animals the bidgie is not sick and it's a boy because if it's blue cere aka the flesh on the nostril boy is blue girl is pink or brown cere I have a boy budgie

  • @VintageDiscoveries
    @VintageDiscoveries 8 лет назад +1

    Yeah that happened to my bird chocolate pudding and he died😭😭😭😭😭🐦

  • @minecchsjsjwbsus5465
    @minecchsjsjwbsus5465 5 лет назад

    My die can walk fell same way as you