Join Wren here: The first 100 people who sign up will have 10 extra trees planted in their name! 🌲 Check out the sources in the description to see all the cool climate projects and advocacy groups that Wren supports! 💚
As an East Asian, This guy can F-off with his Soy Conspiracy. Got a whole continent that eats soy-based products way before it became a western health fade and a part of your conspiracy narrative. If it's everywhere he should be scared of salt since it's in ALL FOODS!....
Hey Emma. 👋 Big fan, but I've only watched your stuff for a couple weeks. I'm another soldier in the battle against cringy misinformation. No platform, I just engage in comment feeds and educate others as I educate myself on all of these topics. I'm not familiar with the incel community, although I'm aware it exists. Being that you're aware of incel communities and evangelical extremists, I'd like to get your opinion on a working hypothesis that I can't break myself away from. This guy's video screams "Russian influencer". Like.. I'm pretty sure we're at war with Russia on the cyber front, and I'm convinced Q is some Russian offensive that's aimed at destabilization of the US as they try to take control of Ukraine. So when this guy says editor, my mind goes directly to "Russian handler". Maybe I'm crazy. I dunno. Is the incel community totally "pro Russia"? 🤔 Talk me down yo... I don't wanna just be some conspiracy theorist.
Recreational weight-lifter here. The basis of the soy myth is essentially poor understanding of male anatomy. When you are not very athletic and you start lifting, you are going to see a sudden one-off dramatic increase in your muscle mass. In the fitness community, this is colloquially known as "noob gains". Basically, your body is so atrophied that when you introduce the stress of intensive resistance exercise to it, it starts rapidly building new muscle because it thinks you need it to survive. However, if you are overweight, the muscle that is being built underneath the fatty tissue is going to make the fat seem more prominent. Your butt, your legs, your arms, and your chest are going to be bigger. In most parts of the body, the changes can be ignored (because those body-parts carry little to no social stigma for their size), but the chest area getting bigger can result in having so-called "man-boobs" (I hate this term). Your chest has bigger muscles, and it pushes your fat outwards, making it more noticeable than it was before you started exercising. If you continue your strength training, combined with healthy diet and sleep, the fat will go away and the skin will tighten over time by itself. However, many men panic when they see this happening to them, so they try to look for a culprit, and they blame soy. (In fact, you can easily find hundreds of fitness blogs referring to this phenomenon as gynaecomastia, which is a real medical condition but completely unrelated to this.) The reason they blame soy is because that was the major lifestyle change they had recently made in their diet. Soy is rich in protein, which is very helpful for muscle growth, and is cheaper than whey or meat. So, most men who start lifting also start eating huge amounts of soy. Fearing that soy is the problem, they change their diet again, opting for different sources of protein, and they see the fat in their chest go away (which would happen anyway, as I said earlier), so this confirms their suspicion. And then they go on the internet and spread their story to others. There are some secondary reasons as well. For example, intense exercise (and better diet) improves your hormonal balance, which means a new lifter will start noticing having different moods. If he was suffering from symptoms of depression (and most obese people do), he'll also see a burst of improvement in his emotions. However, suddenly being more emotional when they are used to the apathy and numbness of depression will make some men think that they are becoming more sensitive and less manly. And because the anxiety from developing a larger chest can make them hypervigilant, they may overreact to this change and blame it on the soy as well. Unfortunately, there is a concerning amount of unscientific myths like this one among lifters, often referred to as "bro science" in the fitness community. In my opinion, the best way to solve this problem is to deal with it at its source. In other words, we should fight against the stigma of fatty tissue in the chest and the general body-shaming towards men. So what if a guy has a large chest? It's just fat. It doesn't make him less of a man. It's nothing to be ashamed of. This is the type of thing the body-positivity movement should be advocating for, but, sadly, gyms are full of men suffering from body dysmorphic thoughts and almost all of them think it's normal.
Mice share some genes with humans, I think. That doesn't make them humans! Their lifespan and fertility cycles are way different, among a thousand other differences.
Rats in lab tests are fed impossible amounts of things to see if anything happens. Some things that don't cause cancer will in the lab, because the near-toxic amounts of the substance, over time, has impacts on other parts of health. Like Saccharin. Where a diet of high Saccharin causes bladder/kidney overwork, which causes bladder cancer as a side effect of massive amounts of a salt the body has to eliminate an an unsustainable rate. On "normal" amounts of Saccharin, no link has ever been found to cancer. We now have lifelong users dying of other things, and no increase in the rate of the cancer which killed the mice in the "famous" studies. The mice/rats studies are good for finding weak spots to look at. If Saccharin causes an increase in bladder cancer in mice fed insane amounts, this would tend to indicate it will not cause an increase in brain cancer. So if brain cancer goes up in Saccharin users, that's likely unrelated. So it's not just meaningless torture of animals, but it's learning about the edge cases, to work back from there to the normal cases, and knowing what to look for in cases where use is high, and might be approaching the edge case.
"a higher intake of soy bean was associated with _better_ cognitive function". Might explain why the guy bragging about avoiding soy altogether keeps contradicting himself and obliviously discrediting his own arguments.
My girlfriend is Japanese. So I'm around her family and friends a lot. Like every day. They eat TONS of tofu, edamame, soy sauce, nattō, etc.... The men all seem adequately virile, considering they all have multiple children.
Yeah I was about to say, if soy is this 'damaging' to the male physique and maleness at a core biological level, then why don't East and South Asian men look like they are all halfway into a MTF transition?
Thats because its all a grift. There are true believers who have bought into the grift. But there is no real substance to the manosphere. All the base material is debunked, out of date, and purposefully misconstrued as is neccessary to maintain a false view of reality. The manosphere is flat earth for gender issues.
@@dalesplitstone6276 That would depend on the country, in Australia all the variables would be listed and in brackets would say and either or like starch (gluten or corn) for example. The may contain is to cover them for accidental cross contamination in the factory.
this is probably obligation from law, like allergen thing. While same lines are used for multiple ingredients to process (mills, grinders, mixers), then it is possible cross contamination and so people deserve to be informed that there can be soy (residue) in nuts, or nuts/peanuts and so on in products which have nothing with these (for those who are intolerant to them) we have a joke on extra cheap food "warning, may contain meat" or "warning, may contain fruit or fruit extract" and so....
It is really sad when you can debunk someone in less then a second. While listening to this guy he claims "all sodas contain soy". I literally picked up the soda can next to me and you'll never guess what wasn't in the soda. SOY. FML
you know what is genuinely terrible for you though, is sugar. but that doesnt make a good conspiracy theory because sugar is the best and meat substitute tastes kinda lame. sugar will 100% cause tits.
Since I'm a trans man and a biological laboratory scientist, a bunch of cis guy friends have asked me about what are appropriate testosterone levels and should the get tested etc. I tell them the same thing any endocrinologist will tell you. There is no magic number that you want to reach when it comes to any hormone levels, much less testosterone. Everyone has varying biochemistry based on an insane number of factors. If nothing is going obviously wrong (like erectile dysfunction or the pectoral fat deposits despite a healthy lifestyle) then your T levels are probably where your body needs to them to be. No joke, one of my friends actually did get tested and brought me his test results and said he looked up that his result was a bit lower than average for a cis man of his age. I had to emphasize the word "average." It varies. And it varies within a person day-to-day as well as across different persons. Are you actually having any related issues? No? You're likely fine in this regard.
@@gotmilkbutt I do live in the US, and I've seen literally hundreds of men spend money on this. I'm head of testing at an independent laboratory so all of our tests are paid for by patients out-of-pocket (we don't process insurance). We also collect the samples, they're not just sent to us. And yeah, a lot of men pay money just to have their testosterone levels checked. A lot of times it's fine, it's part of a general men's health wellness panel and so it's one of a dozen things being looked at and what you're looking for then is if things are out of sync with each other. Like everything else is fine, but your PSA levels are really high and your testosterone is lower than normal. Okay, you might have something wrong with your prostate. Go to a doctor and look more into that. But some guys just pay for an isolated testosterone test. Which by itself doesn't tell you much. I try to explain this to patients when they order the test. I compare it to testing for the exact number of red blood cells in the body. Unless you get an outrageously extreme result, it's a meaningless number devoid of context.
@@austin.lutherI wonder how many of those tests are from dudes who are deeeep into the manosphere stuff. They’d probably be soooo mad they knew a trans man did the testing. And that’s okay with me. Haha
its funny how people don't understand that half of people are below average and the other half above. With some in the middle but that is fairly rare compared to the entire selection.
@@austin.luther Damn, that's weird! I don't know any cis people in the UK who worry about their testosterone. I know one person who had it tested because he'd had low energy and been depressed for about two years, and they found his level was very low and he's much happier now he has some T gel, but apart from that, I don't think anyone worries about it.
BTW, just remembered something... quote: "Excess alcohol intake causes alterations in your hormone system which can lead to not only the formation of male breasts but....". I wonder are they also avoiding beer?
Exactly beer also is very high in sugar. Which leads to belly fat in men, hence beer belly. But they gawk at "light beers" because apparently blood sugar levels are something the should only concern women for some reason, bro logic. Lol.
The funny thing is I grew up in a fairly conservative rural area where soy was a major cash crop. Before it got needlessly politicized in the recent past, it was seen as what it is, a source of plant protein made from beans.
Livestock eat soy, and if soy were somehow so effeminizing to men you'd think that there would be residual phytoestrogens in beef that would give us man-boobs (whereas the most likely culprit is that we spend more time working on our bench press than we do paying attention to our calorie budget). It's so strange what they politicize-- like the drinking of milk as a symbol of white pride and masculinity, when milk was originally for babies (so I guess it accidentally fits). I've come to realize the alt-right are about as scientifically literate as your average anti-vaxxer or flat-earther and I can understand why there is a growing push in those conspiracy movements to adopt alt-right ideologies.
@@timmah7874 Yeah, it makes zero sense, which perhaps should be expected from conspiracy theories, but also makes them all the harder to successfully combat.
I find this conspiracy to be particularly funny when you take into account that such a thing as trans women exist who take fairly large doses of near enough pure Oestrogen on a daily basis only to see noticeable changes after 6-12 months. On the other hand, you have clowns like this who fear even a small dosage of Phyto-Oestrogens of which have been severely diluted by everything else that would go into the make up of a soy product. You could ask these people such a simple question as 'Why does pure Oestrogen take so long to take a physical effect on trans women while Phyto-Oestrogens will have a huge impact over one cup of milk?', of course you'd never get an answer - and without an answer to such a conundrum, the entire conspiracy falls apart.
"pure Oestrogen" i THAT how you spell it in the UK? is that why Emma says, EEstrogen instead of ESStrogen? pretty sure scientifically either is correct, but i concede i'm not gonna go double check right now. in which case y'all can drop the O. tho in general, i'm not advocating ppl just drop the O. the O can be quite.... a good thing some times.
When I was younger, I would have absolutely listened to this guy and took him seriously. Namely because I was a raging homophobe desperate to quell my true sexual orientation by acting hyper masculine. But as I grew up and became an emotionally stable adult, I stopped taking this particular brand of toxic influencer seriously. The attributes my insecure teenage self sought after in so called "manliness" were simply things like confidence, happiness, a feeling of belonging and usefulness to my fellow human beings. You don't need specific physical characteristics to get any of those things. You just have show a little love and kindness🤗❤
You are lucky. You dont have to deal with strong independent women with hundreds of simps worshiping them. Gays are happy men. They love everybody. Lesbian feminists on the other hand... they are Donbass region, insurgents, the nuclear bomb
I am concerned about the effects on emotional and intellectual development from massive exposure to internet trolls. This requires study. But we must provisionally assume they are the devil.
It depends what you do with them. I'll bet if there were no trolls, Emma would get bored because there would be no BS to debunk :p Seriously, the real message here is, do some research and verify claims. Then again, it can sometimes be hard to avoid confirmation bias.
@@abelsietecuatro9249 Not the soy, but the farmers who plant it and burn the forest. The worst part is the farmers also have a part in the cow creation in irregular areas. CO2 and Methane at same time.
@@abelsietecuatro9249 Quick Google check of what cleared rainforest gets used for: "Beef production is responsible for 41% of deforestation; palm oil and soybeans account for another 18%; and logging for paper and wood across the tropics, another 13%." So yeah - soy as an alternative to beef remains vastly friendlier to forests.
A lot of young men seem to go through an "edgy" phase. It doesn't seem to be as common with women, but when I was a young teen I would watch people like Crowder, Jones, incel kind of content. Crowder wasn't around then, but I remember watching things reminiscent of him. Basically what people call "red pill" today. I grew out of it around 16. Most people do grow out of it, especially when they start dating and trying to define themselves rather than follow some random guy online women hate and most other men hate. There are some who don't grow out of it or who join on later in life, but I like to think kids today are able to be less susceptible to trolls. Its the radicalized parents we really have to worry about. They raise their kids with their radical beliefs and ideas. They indoctrinate them.
If you suffer from hypothyroidism, you must avoid foods classified as "goitrogenic", because they further slow down the thyroid gland. Soy is one of such foods. However, it's only an issue for people with hypothyroidism, and no one else.
Interestingly, the study cited specifically said most with thyroid dysfunction have no need to avoid soy. Meanwhile this clown is saying people with healthy thyroid function are in sOy DaNgEr
@@kylezo I heard! It was an interesting study. Then again, the whole "avoid goitrogenic food" is a recommendation to follow as much as possible, not a must; no one is going to suffer bc they eat soy or any other food.
When I said to my brother I wanted to start drinking soy milk instead of cow milk, he told me about the estrogen thing. I literally only did one google search and I the 4 top sources all said that it wasn’t true. One of them was Harvard. Let’s say I’m not listening to my brother again when he tells me something that ridiculous.
As a Doctor of Biochemistry and also a quite intense powerbuilder I'm well aware about this bro-science bullshit. While it is true that in women the phyto oestrogens in soy can have an effect (mainly in menopausal women and it is beneficial) it has no effect in men what so ever. That is because it doesn't attach to the oestrogen receptor site, at all and also because these phyto oestrogens in the finished products (including protein powders and soy milk) are basically nonexistent. Now, in men and women sex hormones are regulated by the presence of oestrogen. Part of the produced testosterone in men aromatises into oestrogen and that is what limits testosterone production. If you increase the level of phyto oestrogens less aromitisation occurs while the phyto oestrogen still cannot latch to the receptor site. In the end this means an elevated level of testosterone. It's not much, in fact it's negligible but that's the only effect it has. When this first came up on the bodybuilding community I assembled a number of studies (this was in the 80's) on the matter and every single study that made claims that it would lead to feminisation came from three people whose entire funding came from NPMF (the National Milk Producers Federation). This has since become a "truth" to some people, mainly incels and alternative fact far right morons (who mainly are incels in the first place because... what woman would fuck one of them?) I once asked for sources to show that it had an actual impact on testosterone production or that it could in any way (even weakly) latch to the receptor site and for that I was banned from every single bodybuilding forum where I posed the question. It was a "truth" to them and "truths" among that cult cannot be questioned.
You were debunking bro-science back in the 80's? Wow, we're talking about a legend here! And yes, the bodybuilding community is notorious for taking a single study and running with it for miles without actually comparing it to other studies or using common sense. It is almost hilarious in a sad way how many bodybuilders will literally take active chemical hormones via pill or injection that have vastly more impact on hormones and tissue growth but worry about soy milk. And I wouldn't doubt that the negative studies came from the dairy industry, just like how the anti-fat fads were fueled by the sugar industry.
I was not aware of the NMPF thing. Would you mind giving some more info, like the names of those individuals or the titles of their papers? I tried looking into it myself, but couldn't find any connection between NMPF and the soy myth. Thanks in advance!
@@timmah7874 We are in agreement but I think you mean "synthetic hormones" rather than "chemical hormones" because... well all matter in the universe is made up of chemicals. Sugar is fine, in moderation, so are saturated fats, in moderation. The key word is moderation. Overdo ANYTHING and it becomes a problem.
I might be missing something, but the phytoestrogens in soy have been shown to bind to estrogen receptors, and I haven't seen anything showing a complete lack of binding. I'd link a study, but the thing under dispute is fundamental enough that I'm not sure I'm understanding the claim.
@@mayimhr8761 The claim is as stated and please read the entire post. You'll find studies that show it binds but those are ALL from three people, ALL employed by the dairy industry and it's ALL from the 80-90's. This is why you "know" that soy exerts a feminising effect on males. It's all just bullshit. If you find a study, check who funded it.
The only soy conspiracy that matters is the one where I get new soy sauce. I ran out today and don't want to go to the store. Seriously, someone please bring me soy sauce?
its all the red meat -Corrodes the brain.* That said, it's been weeks since I've had a steak... maybe I'll treat myself tonight **citation needed. This claim was made with no basis in reality. Basically, this is a joke
@@wing0zero this hit me deep. Im dieting right now and eating carrots as a filler. So few calories in carrots...only 35 Calories in 3 Ounces! Its Terrifying!
"Supposedly strong men afraid of vegetables " didn't you know? tomatoes can kill you. they are deadly missiles. just ask the former president of the United States.
"Unexplained transient decrease in body weight gain" = for a time the rats didn't get larger as quickly as expected and we don't know why. This is not the same as 'getting fat'. Dude's got it wrong, plain and simple. The next bullet point "Increase in food consumption without weight gain" confirms this.
It could be that the rats got picky and ate less because they didn't like the change in diet. But if the researchers didn't specifically consider that or other reasons then, yeah, "We don't know." is the correct thing to say.
@@markstyles1246 As a rat owner, I can attest to their pickiness. They don't like change to their diets, and certainly won't try new things right away.
A thing to be wary of is that a lot of hateful channels get by on having a trolling aesthetic. A lot of early gamergate stuff did that. "Oh, I just love trolling the feminists. Blue hair SJWs be soying, bro!" It gives those who agree with the content a form of plausible deniability, and that plausible deniability pulls keep people around who don't directly agree with the content, but think it's okay to say it.
I agree, and if I remember right it was just an insult. They drank soy because they were milquetoast. they weren't milquetoast because of the soy. I thought gamergate was stupid and detached from reality to begin with. this newer conspiracy on the other hand is completely bonkers.
Do you mean those people who love to call themselves moderate and then are like, but it's okay to question everything, right, and we don't really know what soy does on the long term to a human body? And then you're like, yeah, we do know, actually, and you're just being stupid and disingenuous when you make everything sound suspicious and then act like you're "just asking questions". And while feigning ignorance they _are_ very ignorant of the dog whistles they're repeating. I love the human mind for it's quirks, but it's a lot less fun when people aren't aware of the harm they do when they're encouraging people to perpetuate bigotry related conspiracy theories by example. It's good to ask questions, but then people should at least try and listen and find some answers instead of just repeating the questions or coming up with new buts and ifs. When they don't, you know you can't trust them with any real life decision. Stupidity is not a right. Integrity is a real virtue.
@@stylis666 The soy thing alone blows my mind. Like I don’t even have to google a thing. I can just think, hmm, Asians eat a lot of soy and have for a very long time. They’re ok. Checks out. There isn’t a single critical thought in these crazy peoples heads.
Chaps like this make me a little sad to be a man. Even looking at it in a non scientific way, surely societies where soy consumption is high, say in some Asian cultures we don't see an increase in female/male breast tissue or lack of fecundity... if we did places like japan would be full of large breasted humans with a dying population. He's just a sad man who's cherry picking snippets from a few select papers.
As for how often men go to the doctors to ask about hormone levels in the USA it’s actually pretty frequent. There are literal advertisements for hormone therapy for men (not HRT for trans men but specifically targeting cis men) that push the idea that you need high levels of testosterone to be healthy :(
“May contain soy” is because everything is made in the same factory, and food factories(non-meat) are cleaned once every two months. When i worked at a food factories producing bread we produced 10k loaves of bread/hr for white/brown. Lines were never cleaned between changing products(white/brown/Italian/sour dough/12 grain)
Family member allergic to soy here. Most processed foods contain soy - almost all bread, frozen food, stews, soups, condiments etc. The 'may contain' is not an issue for us, nor is soy lecithin . Soybean oil, vegetable oil (almost always has soybean oil), soy flour, soy protein, are all on the no no list.
Picking on red pills and toxic masculinity is one of my favorite pastimes. It always confused me that they all call me a soy-boy when I mention that their comment is sexist or otherwise inaccurate; and based wholly on a false narrative of what it means to be a man. Now I know why they say it and I'm laughing my ass off! 😂😂😂
YES! Sorry, perhaps a bit too enthusiastic. Excellent idea, would absolutely buy, and SO MUCH YES! Umm… I may need some sleep. Still one hundred percent behind the idea. Leaving quietly now.
13:41 "Overall, there are some indications that ingesting chlorophyll, alone or in combination with other endocrine disruptors, may alter human photosynthesis, photogenesis reaction, lightwave capacitation and fertility." Yeah, sure, why not.
I actually took oestrogen for a year when I first moved from the Caribbean to the USA. I grew up bi, and my tiny community was strongly gendered, so I assumed I was trans 🏳️⚧️. I didn’t block T because I like masculine traits and wasn’t super certain transitioning. I decided not to continue transitioning here once I realized Americans can be both bi and male at once. But the point is, I took oestrogen for a year yet today have no negative effects from it, besides finding it very easy to talk to platonic female friends because of practice. And I guess I still have super sensative nipples. That part is a good outcome. That alone is worth guzzling soy 👍
The amount of ignorance at display is borderline horrifying. *"May Contain traces of Soy"* is basically put on EVERYTHING produced on the same line as products with soy because it's an *allergen,* and thus may be a hazard if consumed by some individuals.
I'd never even heard of this conspiracy theory before this video and I'm surprised that they haven't tried to tie the controversy about GM soya beans into this. The presentation of Captain Chad's video was very cringe inducing to me as well. the sponsorship segment with Jasper was very adorable.
H. Bomber Guy has a solid video on this as well during the first "Soy Boi" wave of nonsense. I remember hearing this when I was in undergrad and then learning that it's all based on a 1940s study in sheep eating red clover...I mean c'mon
I'm a trans man on Testosterone. I specifically asked my endocrinologist about diet, especially food containing estrogen. She said I can eat whatever I want, it will not affect my second puberty one bit. Now, obviously, as my body transitions to a metabolism similar to that of a cis man the risk of cardiovascular diseases rises to similar levels as well, which means fat and sugar intake should be monitored just like they should be on any person of any gender. But I can basically eat eggs or soy all day and it will not affect my voice getting deeper or the growth of peach fuzz in my face. I'd think that a doctor specialising in the human hormonal glands and their secretions, as well as someone who is having his hormone levels artificially increased by means of injections knows more about this than some random dude on the internet.
I LOVE talking to "Im a real man because I _____". I live in a southern US state, so that usually is "work 80 hrs", "own a truck", or "wear camo and/or go muddin". Always hilarious.
All these meat-eating-obsessive testosterone maniacs ought to be more worried about the persistent oestrogen analogues in farmed beef than about the phytooestrogens in soy.
It's like some of the flat earthers I chat with that try to send me articles that they think prove their point and when you really read the whole thing, much like Chad's, it debunks what they say it says lol Great video
Last year I decided to finally lose some weight (shameless plug,I'm down 40lb, about 18 kilos for you Emma 😉) and one thing that repeatedly came up was increase your protein intake while keeping your total calories low. I'm a vegetarian so protein while still very easy to get, usually includes some form of soy. I had heaed soy in large quantities can be problematic for men because of the high estrogen content. Luckily I've heard of Google and 10 mins later I was thoroughly convinced there is no evidence to support this claim at a level that should worry any man. Fast forward one year, I have more muscle mass than ever but I've lost a bunch a weight. I don't lift I just run daily and play other sports periodically. I eat 3 eggs for breakfast every morning with a soy sausage, then an additional 80g of protein throughout the rest of the day, 40 of which is soy. I don't have breasts. I'm still hairy and I'm reasonably sure I'm still a man. I know this is anecdotal for anyone reading it, but my diet is based on others peer reviewed research. Not some random person saying they don't like something. Go soy!
Congrats on reaching your goals! These supposed scary effects of soy are obviously fake for almost any vegetarian. Me and my bf have been eating something soy-based (tofu, fake-meat, joghurt, milk) pretty much everyday for a few years. He lost some tummy fat, besides that no changes occured.
22:39 um, unless he's specifically referring to prepubescent boys, that's not how vocal cords work 😂 once they lengthen, there's no going back. so once your voice gets deeper, it can't go higher again, even if you increase your estrogen levels otherwise trans feminine people who want a higher voice would be able to achieve that through hormone replacement therapy alone, without the help of voice therapy (which not everyone needs, or has access to)
OMG! Reading your comment is the first time I ever learned that I’ve always been wrong about how I thought vocal “cords” is spelled. As a musician for most of my life, I have always pictured the words in my head as “vocal chords”, as in “chords” you might play on your piano. I’ve never actually made the logical connection that vocal *cords* are actual cord-like elements inside my throat that vibrate to produce sounds. I saw your comment on lovely Emma’s video ❤, and I actually googled “vocal cords” after, discovering that I’ve been spelling the word “chords” in my head incorrectly my whole life.🤷♂️ Cheers and thank you! Peace from New Mexico USA ✌️
Once again, I'm pulling out this card. If Phyto-estrogens increase estrogen and decrease testosterone all at the same time, they why do transwomen need to take both estrogen pills/shots _and_ also T-blockers? Why aren't they out here eating a shit ton of soy products? They're way cheaper and you don't need a prescription for them, and yet transwomen are struggling to get and maintain access to their HRT meds. Its almost like modifying your hormonal balance is actually a pretty difficult process. I've even heard that people on HRT need to be very careful to always take their meds at the same time every day or they won't be effective (or at least not _as_ effective). They're being silly, is my point. Ignorant, silly, and possibly a bit transphobic depending on their motivation.
Hi! Just wanted to comment as someone on TRT, at least from the perspective of a cis dude with broken testicles - I don't have to inject my replacement dose at the same time every day. It can help with things like level stability which may effect things like sex drive, acne or mood but in general, if I am even a day late it won't reverse any of the masculinising effects that testosterone has on my body (or my bloodwork - which I have checked pretty regularly). Otherwise, top comment!
@@FrazahhPon interesting, thanks for the perspective! What I heard might have specifically been about transwomen, as it was a conversation between transwomen where I learned that. Regardless, thank you 😄
@@SilverDragonJay Hi, trans woman here. Timing your dosages on a strict schedule does make a difference when it comes to taking daily estradiol pills, because the metabolizing of the medication is on a shorter time frame (~8-12 hours) and for it to be most effective you want it to always be present in your system. For intramuscular injections, however, which are typically on a weekly or biweekly schedule, you have more leeway since your body metabolizes it more slowly over a longer period of time and it tapers off much less dramatically.
I have Type 1 Diabetes and have dropped my A1C significantly by modifying my diet to low carb vegan. That wasn't intentional, it just turned out to be low carb as I switched to foods that didn't spike my glucose levels. My blood sugar readings are now very close to what a non-diabetic has. Without soy, I'd have to eat animals to achieve this, and suffer from the proven health detriments from eating lots of meat and other animal products, including insulin resistance, which can cause Type 2 Diabetes or worsen any type. And my "man boobs," which presumably should have gotten bigger with increased "estrogen," have actually gotten smaller. Anecdotes aside, the large-scale studies clearly show soy is beneficial to health and does not significantly increase estrogen levels. And studies have also shown that increased meat consumption might be linked to decreased testosterone levels in men (despite his claims). And, due to the cholesterol and saturated fat content of animal products, they have been shown to increase the risks of erectile dysfunction (which I assume he wouldn't think is manly).
Growing a beard isn’t from testosterone it’s from dihydrotestosterone, that is made from alpha five reductase of which converts testosterone to DHT, (as opposed to aromatase which converts testosterone to estradiol). At perfectly good test levels I couldn’t and can’t grow a beard.
18:44 For some people, the ability to grow a beard is also an indicator of manliness. If you're able to grow a full, luscious beard, you're more of a man. (Screw Asians and other people genetically predisposed to not growing a beard, I guess. Not like racism is unheard of in those incel and redpill circles.) If I could, I'd donate mine to a trans man in need immediately, as I find shaving just bothersome.
As a man, I wish I had much LESS testosterone. The rate at which I am balding is frightening. I've been a vegetarian for 14 years and have eaten soy all the time. Still balding because freaking testosterone. Here's my anecdote.
Love your response. Just a few things: 1. All plant foods contain *all* essential amino acids. The only "food" with an incomplete amino acid profile is gelatine. Amino acids appear in different ratios, but they are all there. And if you don't just always eat one food but foods with different profiles they just balance each other out, even when consumed over the day. So in the end it doesn't matter what kind of amino acid profile soy has. 2. He mentioned that you might read "may contain soy" on a food item. That's just there to inform people who are allergic to soy that there might be traces of it in the product. It's not an ingredient or anything, the product might just have come in contact with soy at some point. To think that this would have an effect on your hormones is beyond absurd. 3. I don't know where he lives but in my supermarket there's not soy in everything. I mean he even mentioned soda...What kind of soda has soy in it? 🤣 4. Beer contains a phytoestrogen that is 50 times more potent than the one in soy. I mean, I don't know about him but I guess his audience are not the types that think beer drinking makes you unmanly.
The moment he mentioned the estrogen stuff, I was like...okay, this guy needs to check with his local microbiologist or really anyone with an understanding of plant biology. lol
The only problem I have with soy is that I'm allergic to pulses and soy protein, so I have to stay away from it. Has nothing to do with photo-estrogen. I do wish people who are trying to prove something would actually read the studies they qoute 🤦🏻♀️ Thank you for another good video Emma
I created this particular screen name, soyburglar, after going vegan for the first time, as a result of my conversion from atheism to Buddhism (which isn’t much different, to be honest, as the only differences are in one’s practices and state of mind, and not determined by the influence of some outside force such as God/Satan, good/evil, etc), which took place in 1997. At the time, and especially in the south (US) where I live, it was quite rare to meet people eating a purely vegan diet. Several years later, post-9/11 and once I had developed more of an online presence, my screen name sort of began to work against me to put a massive target on my head. Despite the mention of soy purely as something I enjoyed as a dietary supplement, it had now become something, the meaning of which, held great political significance to those on the Right. Which is just damn strange, man, to be honest.
I know I should be listening, but all I can see is your incredible look. The hair, the makeup, the shirt... I love it! Oh and tell Jasper he's absolutely adorable!
When my mother was 62, I asked her when I would feel like an adult. She replied, "I'll let you know when I do." I'm 69 now and still don't know the answer.
Emma, you have so much "BOOM!" in your videos, I can't believe you're not a cannon on a 1700's Man-O-War. "Life is too short to deny yourself the pleasure of eating crisps." Again, ka-BOOM!
This kind of crap is perfectly analysed and completely debunked in the classic books of Dr Ben Goldacre, Bad Science, and Bad Pharma. Recommended reading, Emma ✌️
I'm not exactly fond of soy myself, outside of soy sauce, but at least I don't go around claiming that soy grows humongous honkers on men. Gods, even his accent is fake!
32:25 🤣Priceless! Your timing was impeccable in the video. Right when the argument was just reaching up with swollen eyes and blooded nose, you drop a flying elbow to it. Love it.
One of the things Ive seen lately is a frightening change in reading comphrension. It has gone from "I dont know what this word means so I going to use it wrong to explain this concept" To "I dont know what this concept actually means so Im going to use this word wrong."
I'm a vegetarian and I do most of the cooking in our house because I love it. As a result, my husband eats quite a bit of soy. He's very fit because he doesn't eat much junk food and he loves exercise. I can promise, the only one with "bitch tits" in our house is me 🤣
You mentioned that East-Asian cultures consume a lot more soy. It makes me think that this distrust of soy is kinda racist, because essentially the West have started to use it more and these soy skeptics have started thinking, "oh no, what's this weird foreign stuff?" The same thing has happened with MSG, which is a kind of salt and everyone in the West was panicking about it because it was a common East-Asian ingredient. It's also worth pointing out that the soy bean comes from a plant and when people get scared of soy in their chicken nuggets, they're literally scared because there is some plant material in their meat-based product. It's like a child complaining that there is some broccoli on their plate.
My only criticism is this: how could you do a video about a dude who references studies that go against his own message in front of poor Mordin Solus back there?
A couple of years ago I decided to stop eating all of my food intolerances (cause digestive issues and these days looks similar to a low FODMAP diet - was diagnosed before it was a thing) so one of the things I cut out was dairy. One of my support workers is really into health and wellness and checked with me if I knew what was being said about soy (yes I am AFAB) and I said that I had heard of it and I said yes but was taking it with a grain of salt as if it was the case then all of Asia would have cancer issues. I don't know if that hadn't occurred to her but she seemed to appreciate that I was aware of that and had taken into consideration.
The beard thing (and often mustache) is part of the whole "masculine look" and goes with the "eating meat, beeing big and muscular" and the whole toxic masculinity panoply ^^". It's also often a sign of recognition or belonging for their whole manly man community and regarded as virile (and often goes together with being on the far right of the political spectrum, surprise, surprise). Also I do have a super strict diet AND watch every packages ALL the time: not everything have soy in it, FAR from that and when he says "may contain traces of soy to some extent etc", that doesn't count at all: it just means that it's done in a factory using other things and they are legally binded to say it, but the "traces" are often "none" and you should only count soy as an "official ingredient". I can say with confidence that a looooooot of products have sunflower oil in them.... like a fuckton (I'm allergic), because it's the cheapest, odorless/tasteless and most convenient for transformed food (can withstand high temperatures without becoming toxic). So yeah, sunflower oil everywhere, but soy in very few products (not that it matters, as you explained, but we can debunk that too and he got me cross ^^"). Alsooooo bis, the immense majority of soy is produced for animals to eat, and these animals are killed to be eaten. So, by his own logic, eating his dear and sacred meat, he is eating something that had a MASSIVE soy intake their whole life (and we use a lot of soy as a byproduct of feeding the animals we kill too, so might as well eat the soy directly, not the animal, if you want less of it in products ^^").
" he is eating something that had a MASSIVE soy intake their whole life " i know he is stupid and so using a stupid argument might be more effective with himthan using a correct one. but. consuming large amounts of soy might change the animals' hormone levels, but that would have a negligible effect in terms of soy or hormones in the parts you actually wind up eating. mmm, in the same way that drinking lots of beer won't make your muscles wine basted.
@@vforwombat9915 I knew writing this that someone would maybe object that ^^" ugh. Yes, I do know that, but he has a fake moral panic about soy being in everything, even traces of it or influence on the oestrogen levels in mices so... He would probably be concerned about the hormones levels or the changes in the animal too (using his own "logic" there, you object it doesn't make sense... yes it's the point). And drinking lot of beer won't make your flesh "wine basted" but will affect your body nonetheless, like your fat tissues, their density etc. Ofc the animal will eliminate a lot of it by itself, but that point was also mainly a stepping stone towards the "we cultivate it for animals and use the by-products also for that, which explains its presence in some other products, we should eat the soy not the animals".
So he thinks that plants having a hormone equivalent is the same as the animal hormone that our bodies actually make...I hope he doesn't try to get a blood transfusion with tree sap.
19:15 actually, it's been shown that with increased levels of estrogen (actual estrogen, not fitoestrogen), most men's testosterone actually goes UP, which is linked to men who drink more milk having things like hair loss and increased muscle mass.
Great video. Thanks. I stopped using vegeteable oil in my cooking few months back, some of wich happens to be soy oil. But thats just becasue vegetable oil is supposed to have so many industrial processes during its refinement that its really messy for our body. Most of them, olive oil its supposed to be less procesed. So i use that and butter. Other that that i really dont mind soy.
i am from peru i have eaten pure soy for a lot of days(it has a lot of proteins and costs like nothing), honestly this channel is for like normal people, get in the facts and the science, like the other channels, soy just makes you ill if you consume too much and maybe gives you tits or something, or any troll can discuse the stuff with me? i will be glad.
Imagine being so insecure about your masculinity you need to concern yourself with trace amounts of plants, but can’t see the irony in always making the point that you love eating the meat.
This video has no relation to incels. Constantly referencing them comes across as cringey and childish. Equivalent to calling people a "virgin" as an insult. Which is what the term has become at this point.
Facts. Leftist (I’m myself liberal atheist) want less people on the planet but soy emfamil is what’s being inferred, not soy sauce which seems to be the culprit. I digress. Let each research accordingly. Goat milk is best for digestion. I’m open to dialogue.
Nah, incel doesn’t just mean the person themself is involuntarily celibate, this chadroid has a wife and presumably they boink. Incel also means a certain worldview when it comes to the sexual marketplace and what behaviours make men attractive or manly (somehow the same thing, since men are defined by women’s perception of them, or similar bs). This is more equivalent to seeing someone being cringey stubborn and unattractive, and not calling out their virginity per se but calling them a Catholic. Source: Was raised Catholic.
the note on phytoestrogen as I understand it is incorrect as well. As far as I know phytoestrogen is a plant "equivalent" to animal estrogen, equivalent here meaning its molecules that make up the building blocks of phyto are arranged in a similar enough way that it can fall into the same identifiable category as estrogen. In this regard which is it superficially similar on the molecular level to animal estrogen, this doesn't take into account the building blocks of the estrogen itself. Phytoestrogen is molecularly made up of different building blocks which as a result means it fundamentally cannot interface with our body in the same way regular estrogen does. I think I have that correct, though I am very tired and half-remembering stuff off the top of my head.
I lost interest, But i did learn that eating to much soy and worshiping the devil will turn you into a mouse. That would explain by love cheese and running around in the dark. Must hide quick my cat just enter the room squeak squeak.
Join Wren here: The first 100 people who sign up will have 10 extra trees planted in their name! 🌲
Check out the sources in the description to see all the cool climate projects and advocacy groups that Wren supports! 💚
As an East Asian, This guy can F-off with his Soy Conspiracy. Got a whole continent that eats soy-based products way before it became a western health fade and a part of your conspiracy narrative. If it's everywhere he should be scared of salt since it's in ALL FOODS!....
Hey Emma. 👋 Big fan, but I've only watched your stuff for a couple weeks. I'm another soldier in the battle against cringy misinformation. No platform, I just engage in comment feeds and educate others as I educate myself on all of these topics. I'm not familiar with the incel community, although I'm aware it exists. Being that you're aware of incel communities and evangelical extremists, I'd like to get your opinion on a working hypothesis that I can't break myself away from. This guy's video screams "Russian influencer". Like.. I'm pretty sure we're at war with Russia on the cyber front, and I'm convinced Q is some Russian offensive that's aimed at destabilization of the US as they try to take control of Ukraine.
So when this guy says editor, my mind goes directly to "Russian handler".
Maybe I'm crazy. I dunno.
Is the incel community totally "pro Russia"? 🤔
Talk me down yo... I don't wanna just be some conspiracy theorist.
I do love the shade of your lipstick this week. What colour/make is it Emma?
its official.. im jealous of all your shirts.. 🤷♀
if soy was enough to reduce your T and increase your E2 that much, I wouldn't be paying so much for HRT.
I was thinking along the same lines 🤣
Yup. can confirm. I was young and desperate once and consumed a lot of soy only to be let down. *sad trans noises :(
I know, right???
HRT by tofu?
He’s right on one point. I went to my pantry, and all 4 soy sauces I have contain soy.
It's a conspiracy!
throw out it's destroying the planet.
The phrase ‘I became aware of soy roughly a year ago’ is unreasonably funny to me
I knee about soy since that time I saw Millhouse on the Simpsons drink it lololol
This is the best part of the video
"It has come to my attention that there is a product on the market commonly referred to as soy,"
I literally lol'd aka laughed out loud 🥲😅😂😍🥰👀🥺😱
I can only assume that he is years behind on everything and that's why he uses decade old meme humour too
Recreational weight-lifter here. The basis of the soy myth is essentially poor understanding of male anatomy.
When you are not very athletic and you start lifting, you are going to see a sudden one-off dramatic increase in your muscle mass. In the fitness community, this is colloquially known as "noob gains". Basically, your body is so atrophied that when you introduce the stress of intensive resistance exercise to it, it starts rapidly building new muscle because it thinks you need it to survive. However, if you are overweight, the muscle that is being built underneath the fatty tissue is going to make the fat seem more prominent. Your butt, your legs, your arms, and your chest are going to be bigger. In most parts of the body, the changes can be ignored (because those body-parts carry little to no social stigma for their size), but the chest area getting bigger can result in having so-called "man-boobs" (I hate this term). Your chest has bigger muscles, and it pushes your fat outwards, making it more noticeable than it was before you started exercising. If you continue your strength training, combined with healthy diet and sleep, the fat will go away and the skin will tighten over time by itself.
However, many men panic when they see this happening to them, so they try to look for a culprit, and they blame soy. (In fact, you can easily find hundreds of fitness blogs referring to this phenomenon as gynaecomastia, which is a real medical condition but completely unrelated to this.) The reason they blame soy is because that was the major lifestyle change they had recently made in their diet. Soy is rich in protein, which is very helpful for muscle growth, and is cheaper than whey or meat. So, most men who start lifting also start eating huge amounts of soy. Fearing that soy is the problem, they change their diet again, opting for different sources of protein, and they see the fat in their chest go away (which would happen anyway, as I said earlier), so this confirms their suspicion. And then they go on the internet and spread their story to others.
There are some secondary reasons as well. For example, intense exercise (and better diet) improves your hormonal balance, which means a new lifter will start noticing having different moods. If he was suffering from symptoms of depression (and most obese people do), he'll also see a burst of improvement in his emotions. However, suddenly being more emotional when they are used to the apathy and numbness of depression will make some men think that they are becoming more sensitive and less manly. And because the anxiety from developing a larger chest can make them hypervigilant, they may overreact to this change and blame it on the soy as well.
Unfortunately, there is a concerning amount of unscientific myths like this one among lifters, often referred to as "bro science" in the fitness community.
In my opinion, the best way to solve this problem is to deal with it at its source. In other words, we should fight against the stigma of fatty tissue in the chest and the general body-shaming towards men. So what if a guy has a large chest? It's just fat. It doesn't make him less of a man. It's nothing to be ashamed of. This is the type of thing the body-positivity movement should be advocating for, but, sadly, gyms are full of men suffering from body dysmorphic thoughts and almost all of them think it's normal.
How about a medical reason for the use of Soy ?
Dairy Allergy ...
Nice, this is helpful to know! thanks for the info
David Hasselhoff said "The male ego is a disease," and your post (IN A GOOD WAY) really confirms this.
Masculinity is SO FUCKING FRAGILE...
I can't love this post enough. Well said.
This explaination is really interesting and refreshing, so thank you.
"Humans aren't rats". It's amazing the kind of stuff I learn from this channel.
Moles, hedgehogs and bats are more closely related to bears and whales than to rats and mice.
i'd tend to disagree with her on that one.
then again, i live fairly close to Washington DC
We not only are no rats, we neither are pregnant mice.
Mice share some genes with humans, I think. That doesn't make them humans! Their lifespan and fertility cycles are way different, among a thousand other differences.
Rats in lab tests are fed impossible amounts of things to see if anything happens. Some things that don't cause cancer will in the lab, because the near-toxic amounts of the substance, over time, has impacts on other parts of health.
Like Saccharin. Where a diet of high Saccharin causes bladder/kidney overwork, which causes bladder cancer as a side effect of massive amounts of a salt the body has to eliminate an an unsustainable rate.
On "normal" amounts of Saccharin, no link has ever been found to cancer. We now have lifelong users dying of other things, and no increase in the rate of the cancer which killed the mice in the "famous" studies.
The mice/rats studies are good for finding weak spots to look at. If Saccharin causes an increase in bladder cancer in mice fed insane amounts, this would tend to indicate it will not cause an increase in brain cancer. So if brain cancer goes up in Saccharin users, that's likely unrelated.
So it's not just meaningless torture of animals, but it's learning about the edge cases, to work back from there to the normal cases, and knowing what to look for in cases where use is high, and might be approaching the edge case.
"a higher intake of soy bean was associated with _better_ cognitive function". Might explain why the guy bragging about avoiding soy altogether keeps contradicting himself and obliviously discrediting his own arguments.
Or the prions in the meat.
@@isaacm1929 Prions are fatal. This guy probably has brain worms from consuming undercooked pork.
My girlfriend is Japanese. So I'm around her family and friends a lot. Like every day. They eat TONS of tofu, edamame, soy sauce, nattō, etc.... The men all seem adequately virile, considering they all have multiple children.
Ah but you forget!
America is the only country! The others are lies created by the Leftist Feminist Communist illuminati!
(Sarcasm mode disengaged)
Which is especially funny because these alpha males often love to romanticise Japan
Yeah I was about to say, if soy is this 'damaging' to the male physique and maleness at a core biological level, then why don't East and South Asian men look like they are all halfway into a MTF transition?
Soy is an aphrodisiac confirmed.
@@tomokolovecraft3792 Love your moniker...
Honestly, in the manosphere it can be hard to differentiate between trolls and grifters.
Thats because its all a grift. There are true believers who have bought into the grift.
But there is no real substance to the manosphere. All the base material is debunked, out of date, and purposefully misconstrued as is neccessary to maintain a false view of reality.
The manosphere is flat earth for gender issues.
Trolls, grifters and twats.
And it makes it harder to differentiate it from real mens self help
Yes, many feminists invade the manosphere. They say "Im a traditional woman" but we all know they are strong independent women
@@RichWoods23 and simps
“May contain soy” is a note re: possible cross contamination, not major ingredient.
Not always. In some foods ingredients, most often oils, are swapped in and out depending on availability.
For the most part its there for people with soy allergies so they can be aware. And so the company cant be sued.
@@dalesplitstone6276 That would depend on the country, in Australia all the variables would be listed and in brackets would say and either or like starch (gluten or corn) for example. The may contain is to cover them for accidental cross contamination in the factory.
@@mr.loveandkindness3014 I agree
this is probably obligation from law, like allergen thing. While same lines are used for multiple ingredients to process (mills, grinders, mixers), then it is possible cross contamination and so people deserve to be informed that there can be soy (residue) in nuts, or nuts/peanuts and so on in products which have nothing with these (for those who are intolerant to them)
we have a joke on extra cheap food "warning, may contain meat" or "warning, may contain fruit or fruit extract" and so....
It is really sad when you can debunk someone in less then a second. While listening to this guy he claims "all sodas contain soy". I literally picked up the soda can next to me and you'll never guess what wasn't in the soda. SOY. FML
He wants to put a paranoia/conspiracy fear into people. That way he'll have followers who will listen and believe anything he says.
you know what is genuinely terrible for you though, is sugar. but that doesnt make a good conspiracy theory because sugar is the best and meat substitute tastes kinda lame. sugar will 100% cause tits.
Soda doesn't contain soy
This guy is out of his mind
You think Soda is good for you? Time for your monthly clot shot libtard.
Yeah, I have a soy allergy and could've played a drinking game where I took a sip of my soda every time he lied about soy
"Life is too short to deny yourself the pleasure of crisps." Amen Emma, preach.
I would love for my trans friends (MTF) to just consume more soy and call it a day. that would be so great for them.
Me too! I need all the soy in my diet so i can get bigger boobs
This is my thought as well. Like damn if they knew it was this easy they wouldn’t have to give themselves shots of e
I would chug soy sauce by the bottle if it were that easy
@@xarfram ain't that the truth.
Same with green tea containing some testosterone. I've been drinking green tea all my adult life and still need T shots, lmao.
Since I'm a trans man and a biological laboratory scientist, a bunch of cis guy friends have asked me about what are appropriate testosterone levels and should the get tested etc.
I tell them the same thing any endocrinologist will tell you. There is no magic number that you want to reach when it comes to any hormone levels, much less testosterone. Everyone has varying biochemistry based on an insane number of factors. If nothing is going obviously wrong (like erectile dysfunction or the pectoral fat deposits despite a healthy lifestyle) then your T levels are probably where your body needs to them to be.
No joke, one of my friends actually did get tested and brought me his test results and said he looked up that his result was a bit lower than average for a cis man of his age. I had to emphasize the word "average." It varies. And it varies within a person day-to-day as well as across different persons. Are you actually having any related issues? No? You're likely fine in this regard.
Lol I can't imagine caring enough to spend money on it. Oh wait you might not live in the US in that case nvm.
@@gotmilkbutt I do live in the US, and I've seen literally hundreds of men spend money on this. I'm head of testing at an independent laboratory so all of our tests are paid for by patients out-of-pocket (we don't process insurance). We also collect the samples, they're not just sent to us. And yeah, a lot of men pay money just to have their testosterone levels checked.
A lot of times it's fine, it's part of a general men's health wellness panel and so it's one of a dozen things being looked at and what you're looking for then is if things are out of sync with each other. Like everything else is fine, but your PSA levels are really high and your testosterone is lower than normal. Okay, you might have something wrong with your prostate. Go to a doctor and look more into that.
But some guys just pay for an isolated testosterone test. Which by itself doesn't tell you much. I try to explain this to patients when they order the test. I compare it to testing for the exact number of red blood cells in the body. Unless you get an outrageously extreme result, it's a meaningless number devoid of context.
@@austin.lutherI wonder how many of those tests are from dudes who are deeeep into the manosphere stuff. They’d probably be soooo mad they knew a trans man did the testing. And that’s okay with me. Haha
its funny how people don't understand that half of people are below average and the other half above. With some in the middle but that is fairly rare compared to the entire selection.
@@austin.luther Damn, that's weird! I don't know any cis people in the UK who worry about their testosterone. I know one person who had it tested because he'd had low energy and been depressed for about two years, and they found his level was very low and he's much happier now he has some T gel, but apart from that, I don't think anyone worries about it.
BTW, just remembered something... quote: "Excess alcohol intake causes alterations in your hormone system which can lead to not only the formation of male breasts but....". I wonder are they also avoiding beer?
Exactly beer also is very high in sugar. Which leads to belly fat in men, hence beer belly. But they gawk at "light beers" because apparently blood sugar levels are something the should only concern women for some reason, bro logic. Lol.
The funny thing is I grew up in a fairly conservative rural area where soy was a major cash crop. Before it got needlessly politicized in the recent past, it was seen as what it is, a source of plant protein made from beans.
Livestock eat soy, and if soy were somehow so effeminizing to men you'd think that there would be residual phytoestrogens in beef that would give us man-boobs (whereas the most likely culprit is that we spend more time working on our bench press than we do paying attention to our calorie budget).
It's so strange what they politicize-- like the drinking of milk as a symbol of white pride and masculinity, when milk was originally for babies (so I guess it accidentally fits). I've come to realize the alt-right are about as scientifically literate as your average anti-vaxxer or flat-earther and I can understand why there is a growing push in those conspiracy movements to adopt alt-right ideologies.
@@timmah7874 Yeah, it makes zero sense, which perhaps should be expected from conspiracy theories, but also makes them all the harder to successfully combat.
I find this conspiracy to be particularly funny when you take into account that such a thing as trans women exist who take fairly large doses of near enough pure Oestrogen on a daily basis only to see noticeable changes after 6-12 months.
On the other hand, you have clowns like this who fear even a small dosage of Phyto-Oestrogens of which have been severely diluted by everything else that would go into the make up of a soy product.
You could ask these people such a simple question as 'Why does pure Oestrogen take so long to take a physical effect on trans women while Phyto-Oestrogens will have a huge impact over one cup of milk?', of course you'd never get an answer - and without an answer to such a conundrum, the entire conspiracy falls apart.
"pure Oestrogen"
i THAT how you spell it in the UK?
is that why Emma says, EEstrogen instead of ESStrogen?
pretty sure scientifically either is correct, but i concede i'm not gonna go double check right now.
in which case y'all can drop the O.
tho in general, i'm not advocating ppl just drop the O.
the O can be quite.... a good thing some times.
@@vforwombat9915 "Big O - Showtime!"
gods, I hope someone gets this reference
@@Itri_Vega Maybe Dorothy could have become a real girl if Rodger fed her more soy.
@@Itri_Vega Looks like no one did get the ref. I've no idea either 🙂
When I was younger, I would have absolutely listened to this guy and took him seriously. Namely because I was a raging homophobe desperate to quell my true sexual orientation by acting hyper masculine. But as I grew up and became an emotionally stable adult, I stopped taking this particular brand of toxic influencer seriously.
The attributes my insecure teenage self sought after in so called "manliness" were simply things like confidence, happiness, a feeling of belonging and usefulness to my fellow human beings. You don't need specific physical characteristics to get any of those things. You just have show a little love and kindness🤗❤
You are lucky. You dont have to deal with strong independent women with hundreds of simps worshiping them. Gays are happy men. They love everybody. Lesbian feminists on the other hand... they are Donbass region, insurgents, the nuclear bomb
I'm manly.
I'm dirty. Smelly. Crude. Vulgar.
This is man.
Glad you matured and learned differently. The world could use a lot less insecure & fearful people :)
@@jacktadash I'm manly.
I'm fatherly. I'm protective. I'm gracious.
We are not the same.
“We’re going to look at the cognitive impairment thing now” - Emma
I thought you were already listening to him.
I am concerned about the effects on emotional and intellectual development from massive exposure to internet trolls. This requires study. But we must provisionally assume they are the devil.
It depends what you do with them. I'll bet if there were no trolls, Emma would get bored because there would be no BS to debunk :p Seriously, the real message here is, do some research and verify claims. Then again, it can sometimes be hard to avoid confirmation bias.
Soy destroy the rainforest. It's killing the Amazons
@@abelsietecuatro9249 Not the soy, but the farmers who plant it and burn the forest.
The worst part is the farmers also have a part in the cow creation in irregular areas.
CO2 and Methane at same time.
@@abelsietecuatro9249 Quick Google check of what cleared rainforest gets used for: "Beef production is responsible for 41% of deforestation; palm oil and soybeans account for another 18%; and logging for paper and wood across the tropics, another 13%." So yeah - soy as an alternative to beef remains vastly friendlier to forests.
A lot of young men seem to go through an "edgy" phase. It doesn't seem to be as common with women, but when I was a young teen I would watch people like Crowder, Jones, incel kind of content. Crowder wasn't around then, but I remember watching things reminiscent of him. Basically what people call "red pill" today. I grew out of it around 16. Most people do grow out of it, especially when they start dating and trying to define themselves rather than follow some random guy online women hate and most other men hate. There are some who don't grow out of it or who join on later in life, but I like to think kids today are able to be less susceptible to trolls. Its the radicalized parents we really have to worry about. They raise their kids with their radical beliefs and ideas. They indoctrinate them.
Not only is soy a source of high quality protein, but a relatively inexpensive and imperishable source.
Awesome shirt, Emma!
If you suffer from hypothyroidism, you must avoid foods classified as "goitrogenic", because they further slow down the thyroid gland. Soy is one of such foods. However, it's only an issue for people with hypothyroidism, and no one else.
Interestingly, the study cited specifically said most with thyroid dysfunction have no need to avoid soy. Meanwhile this clown is saying people with healthy thyroid function are in sOy DaNgEr
@@kylezo I heard! It was an interesting study. Then again, the whole "avoid goitrogenic food" is a recommendation to follow as much as possible, not a must; no one is going to suffer bc they eat soy or any other food.
When I said to my brother I wanted to start drinking soy milk instead of cow milk, he told me about the estrogen thing. I literally only did one google search and I the 4 top sources all said that it wasn’t true. One of them was Harvard. Let’s say I’m not listening to my brother again when he tells me something that ridiculous.
The primary source for soy contains estrogen has to do with a single study of sheep eating a specific type of clover, back in the 1940s.
As a Doctor of Biochemistry and also a quite intense powerbuilder I'm well aware about this bro-science bullshit.
While it is true that in women the phyto oestrogens in soy can have an effect (mainly in menopausal women and it is beneficial) it has no effect in men what so ever.
That is because it doesn't attach to the oestrogen receptor site, at all and also because these phyto oestrogens in the finished products (including protein powders and soy milk) are basically nonexistent.
Now, in men and women sex hormones are regulated by the presence of oestrogen. Part of the produced testosterone in men aromatises into oestrogen and that is what limits testosterone production. If you increase the level of phyto oestrogens less aromitisation occurs while the phyto oestrogen still cannot latch to the receptor site. In the end this means an elevated level of testosterone.
It's not much, in fact it's negligible but that's the only effect it has.
When this first came up on the bodybuilding community I assembled a number of studies (this was in the 80's) on the matter and every single study that made claims that it would lead to feminisation came from three people whose entire funding came from NPMF (the National Milk Producers Federation).
This has since become a "truth" to some people, mainly incels and alternative fact far right morons (who mainly are incels in the first place because... what woman would fuck one of them?)
I once asked for sources to show that it had an actual impact on testosterone production or that it could in any way (even weakly) latch to the receptor site and for that I was banned from every single bodybuilding forum where I posed the question. It was a "truth" to them and "truths" among that cult cannot be questioned.
You were debunking bro-science back in the 80's? Wow, we're talking about a legend here! And yes, the bodybuilding community is notorious for taking a single study and running with it for miles without actually comparing it to other studies or using common sense.
It is almost hilarious in a sad way how many bodybuilders will literally take active chemical hormones via pill or injection that have vastly more impact on hormones and tissue growth but worry about soy milk. And I wouldn't doubt that the negative studies came from the dairy industry, just like how the anti-fat fads were fueled by the sugar industry.
I was not aware of the NMPF thing. Would you mind giving some more info, like the names of those individuals or the titles of their papers? I tried looking into it myself, but couldn't find any connection between NMPF and the soy myth. Thanks in advance!
@@timmah7874 We are in agreement but I think you mean "synthetic hormones" rather than "chemical hormones" because... well all matter in the universe is made up of chemicals.
Sugar is fine, in moderation, so are saturated fats, in moderation. The key word is moderation. Overdo ANYTHING and it becomes a problem.
I might be missing something, but the phytoestrogens in soy have been shown to bind to estrogen receptors, and I haven't seen anything showing a complete lack of binding.
I'd link a study, but the thing under dispute is fundamental enough that I'm not sure I'm understanding the claim.
@@mayimhr8761 The claim is as stated and please read the entire post. You'll find studies that show it binds but those are ALL from three people, ALL employed by the dairy industry and it's ALL from the 80-90's.
This is why you "know" that soy exerts a feminising effect on males.
It's all just bullshit.
If you find a study, check who funded it.
The only soy conspiracy that matters is the one where I get new soy sauce.
I ran out today and don't want to go to the store.
Seriously, someone please bring me soy sauce?
before asking someone to deliver soy sauce, you really gotta give an address! Good luck with Uber Eats
I need an update. Did you get soy sauce?
Supposedly strong men afraid of vegetables smh, this is why we need a better education and healthcare around the world.
its all the red meat -Corrodes the brain.* That said, it's been weeks since I've had a steak... maybe I'll treat myself tonight
**citation needed. This claim was made with no basis in reality. Basically, this is a joke
They are terrified, if I get in to any trouble with "strong men" I whip out a carrot 🥕 that I always carry in my back pocket, they run for the hills.
@@wing0zero this hit me deep. Im dieting right now and eating carrots as a filler. So few calories in carrots...only 35 Calories in 3 Ounces! Its Terrifying!
"Supposedly strong men afraid of vegetables "
didn't you know?
tomatoes can kill you.
they are deadly missiles.
just ask the former president of the United States.
What aren't alpha bros afraid of? Hugs, affection, basic hygiene, bedframes, cleaning, women, trans people, cats....
"Unexplained transient decrease in body weight gain" = for a time the rats didn't get larger as quickly as expected and we don't know why.
This is not the same as 'getting fat'. Dude's got it wrong, plain and simple. The next bullet point "Increase in food consumption without weight gain" confirms this.
It could be that the rats got picky and ate less because they didn't like the change in diet. But if the researchers didn't specifically consider that or other reasons then, yeah, "We don't know." is the correct thing to say.
@@markstyles1246 "increase in food consumption without increase in weight" would kind of counteract the idea they ate less food.
@@markstyles1246 As a rat owner, I can attest to their pickiness. They don't like change to their diets, and certainly won't try new things right away.
A thing to be wary of is that a lot of hateful channels get by on having a trolling aesthetic. A lot of early gamergate stuff did that. "Oh, I just love trolling the feminists. Blue hair SJWs be soying, bro!" It gives those who agree with the content a form of plausible deniability, and that plausible deniability pulls keep people around who don't directly agree with the content, but think it's okay to say it.
I agree, and if I remember right it was just an insult. They drank soy because they were milquetoast. they weren't milquetoast because of the soy. I thought gamergate was stupid and detached from reality to begin with. this newer conspiracy on the other hand is completely bonkers.
It’s called we do a little trolling.
Do you mean those people who love to call themselves moderate and then are like, but it's okay to question everything, right, and we don't really know what soy does on the long term to a human body?
And then you're like, yeah, we do know, actually, and you're just being stupid and disingenuous when you make everything sound suspicious and then act like you're "just asking questions". And while feigning ignorance they _are_ very ignorant of the dog whistles they're repeating.
I love the human mind for it's quirks, but it's a lot less fun when people aren't aware of the harm they do when they're encouraging people to perpetuate bigotry related conspiracy theories by example. It's good to ask questions, but then people should at least try and listen and find some answers instead of just repeating the questions or coming up with new buts and ifs. When they don't, you know you can't trust them with any real life decision. Stupidity is not a right. Integrity is a real virtue.
@@darnmarr Thanks!
@@stylis666 The soy thing alone blows my mind. Like I don’t even have to google a thing. I can just think, hmm, Asians eat a lot of soy and have for a very long time. They’re ok. Checks out. There isn’t a single critical thought in these crazy peoples heads.
Chaps like this make me a little sad to be a man. Even looking at it in a non scientific way, surely societies where soy consumption is high, say in some Asian cultures we don't see an increase in female/male breast tissue or lack of fecundity... if we did places like japan would be full of large breasted humans with a dying population.
He's just a sad man who's cherry picking snippets from a few select papers.
As for how often men go to the doctors to ask about hormone levels in the USA it’s actually pretty frequent. There are literal advertisements for hormone therapy for men (not HRT for trans men but specifically targeting cis men) that push the idea that you need high levels of testosterone to be healthy :(
“May contain soy” is because everything is made in the same factory, and food factories(non-meat) are cleaned once every two months. When i worked at a food factories producing bread we produced 10k loaves of bread/hr for white/brown. Lines were never cleaned between changing products(white/brown/Italian/sour dough/12 grain)
Aren’t people supposed to clean them for alleged purposes?
@@Hecateofcrossroads No that's why the disclaimer is "may contain"
Family member allergic to soy here. Most processed foods contain soy - almost all bread, frozen food, stews, soups, condiments etc. The 'may contain' is not an issue for us, nor is soy lecithin . Soybean oil, vegetable oil (almost always has soybean oil), soy flour, soy protein, are all on the no no list.
If I had heard all this stuff that soy apparently does back when I was a teen, I would've rushed out and stocked up on it
I like YOUR glasses :p My biggest gripe is when people use Theory while meaning Hypotheses.. or worse "Uneducated conjecture"
I remember when Hbomberguy annihilated Paul Joseph Watson over the whole soy fiasco years ago, can't believe it's still going
"And now every day I eat five dozen eggs so I'm roughly the size of a BAAAAARGE!"
"I really thought the soy conspiracy died out" - I like your optimism. I though the same about flat earth
Reminds me of "Real Men Don't Eat Quiche" when the great threat to manhood was omelet pie.
Picking on red pills and toxic masculinity is one of my favorite pastimes. It always confused me that they all call me a soy-boy when I mention that their comment is sexist or otherwise inaccurate; and based wholly on a false narrative of what it means to be a man. Now I know why they say it and I'm laughing my ass off! 😂😂😂
Emma, we need an "It's Gongle time" merch line right now.
Sorry, perhaps a bit too enthusiastic. Excellent idea, would absolutely buy, and SO MUCH YES!
Umm… I may need some sleep. Still one hundred percent behind the idea. Leaving quietly now.
They're also one of those "take all the products in your fridge and put everything in clear plastic containers to look *organized*". Ugh
annoying,lol 🤣
If eating soy will prevent me from becoming this guy, I’m going to up my intake. Thanks Chad! Lol
13:41 "Overall, there are some indications that ingesting chlorophyll, alone or in combination with other endocrine disruptors, may alter human photosynthesis, photogenesis reaction, lightwave capacitation and fertility." Yeah, sure, why not.
I actually took oestrogen for a year when I first moved from the Caribbean to the USA. I grew up bi, and my tiny community was strongly gendered, so I assumed I was trans 🏳️⚧️. I didn’t block T because I like masculine traits and wasn’t super certain transitioning. I decided not to continue transitioning here once I realized Americans can be both bi and male at once.
But the point is, I took oestrogen for a year yet today have no negative effects from it, besides finding it very easy to talk to platonic female friends because of practice. And I guess I still have super sensative nipples. That part is a good outcome. That alone is worth guzzling soy 👍
That was indeed, a cringe-fest. I worry for the people who take him seriously.
The amount of ignorance at display is borderline horrifying. *"May Contain traces of Soy"* is basically put on EVERYTHING produced on the same line as products with soy because it's an *allergen,* and thus may be a hazard if consumed by some individuals.
I'd never even heard of this conspiracy theory before this video and I'm surprised that they haven't tried to tie the controversy about GM soya beans into this. The presentation of Captain Chad's video was very cringe inducing to me as well. the sponsorship segment with Jasper was very adorable.
H. Bomber Guy has a solid video on this as well during the first "Soy Boi" wave of nonsense. I remember hearing this when I was in undergrad and then learning that it's all based on a 1940s study in sheep eating red clover...I mean c'mon
I'm a trans man on Testosterone. I specifically asked my endocrinologist about diet, especially food containing estrogen. She said I can eat whatever I want, it will not affect my second puberty one bit. Now, obviously, as my body transitions to a metabolism similar to that of a cis man the risk of cardiovascular diseases rises to similar levels as well, which means fat and sugar intake should be monitored just like they should be on any person of any gender. But I can basically eat eggs or soy all day and it will not affect my voice getting deeper or the growth of peach fuzz in my face. I'd think that a doctor specialising in the human hormonal glands and their secretions, as well as someone who is having his hormone levels artificially increased by means of injections knows more about this than some random dude on the internet.
I LOVE talking to "Im a real man because I _____". I live in a southern US state, so that usually is "work 80 hrs", "own a truck", or "wear camo and/or go muddin". Always hilarious.
All these meat-eating-obsessive testosterone maniacs ought to be more worried about the persistent oestrogen analogues in farmed beef than about the phytooestrogens in soy.
It's like some of the flat earthers I chat with that try to send me articles that they think prove their point and when you really read the whole thing, much like Chad's, it debunks what they say it says lol Great video
I had some liquid soy. It was saucy, and now so am I. FEAR IT!
The Future: Emma at 100 years...
" Life is too short to deny yourself crisps!"
Last year I decided to finally lose some weight (shameless plug,I'm down 40lb, about 18 kilos for you Emma 😉) and one thing that repeatedly came up was increase your protein intake while keeping your total calories low. I'm a vegetarian so protein while still very easy to get, usually includes some form of soy.
I had heaed soy in large quantities can be problematic for men because of the high estrogen content. Luckily I've heard of Google and 10 mins later I was thoroughly convinced there is no evidence to support this claim at a level that should worry any man.
Fast forward one year, I have more muscle mass than ever but I've lost a bunch a weight. I don't lift I just run daily and play other sports periodically. I eat 3 eggs for breakfast every morning with a soy sausage, then an additional 80g of protein throughout the rest of the day, 40 of which is soy.
I don't have breasts. I'm still hairy and I'm reasonably sure I'm still a man.
I know this is anecdotal for anyone reading it, but my diet is based on others peer reviewed research. Not some random person saying they don't like something.
Go soy!
I tried a similar diet.
That's how I found out I have a nickel allergy :(
@@rainbowkrampus That sucks. Nickel gets added to tons of stuff, and is in a large amount of foods naturally. 😕
Fat contains an enzyme that transforms testosterone to estrogen, so losing 40 lbs. may well have increased your testosterone levels.
Congrats on reaching your goals! These supposed scary effects of soy are obviously fake for almost any vegetarian. Me and my bf have been eating something soy-based (tofu, fake-meat, joghurt, milk) pretty much everyday for a few years. He lost some tummy fat, besides that no changes occured.
22:39 um, unless he's specifically referring to prepubescent boys, that's not how vocal cords work 😂
once they lengthen, there's no going back. so once your voice gets deeper, it can't go higher again, even if you increase your estrogen levels
otherwise trans feminine people who want a higher voice would be able to achieve that through hormone replacement therapy alone, without the help of voice therapy (which not everyone needs, or has access to)
OMG! Reading your comment is the first time I ever learned that I’ve always been wrong about how I thought vocal “cords” is spelled. As a musician for most of my life, I have always pictured the words in my head as “vocal chords”, as in “chords” you might play on your piano. I’ve never actually made the logical connection that vocal *cords* are actual cord-like elements inside my throat that vibrate to produce sounds. I saw your comment on lovely Emma’s video ❤, and I actually googled “vocal cords” after, discovering that I’ve been spelling the word “chords” in my head incorrectly my whole life.🤷♂️
Cheers and thank you! Peace from New Mexico USA ✌️
Once again, I'm pulling out this card.
If Phyto-estrogens increase estrogen and decrease testosterone all at the same time, they why do transwomen need to take both estrogen pills/shots _and_ also T-blockers? Why aren't they out here eating a shit ton of soy products? They're way cheaper and you don't need a prescription for them, and yet transwomen are struggling to get and maintain access to their HRT meds.
Its almost like modifying your hormonal balance is actually a pretty difficult process. I've even heard that people on HRT need to be very careful to always take their meds at the same time every day or they won't be effective (or at least not _as_ effective). They're being silly, is my point. Ignorant, silly, and possibly a bit transphobic depending on their motivation.
Hi! Just wanted to comment as someone on TRT, at least from the perspective of a cis dude with broken testicles - I don't have to inject my replacement dose at the same time every day. It can help with things like level stability which may effect things like sex drive, acne or mood but in general, if I am even a day late it won't reverse any of the masculinising effects that testosterone has on my body (or my bloodwork - which I have checked pretty regularly).
Otherwise, top comment!
@@FrazahhPon interesting, thanks for the perspective! What I heard might have specifically been about transwomen, as it was a conversation between transwomen where I learned that. Regardless, thank you 😄
@@SilverDragonJay Hi, trans woman here. Timing your dosages on a strict schedule does make a difference when it comes to taking daily estradiol pills, because the metabolizing of the medication is on a shorter time frame (~8-12 hours) and for it to be most effective you want it to always be present in your system.
For intramuscular injections, however, which are typically on a weekly or biweekly schedule, you have more leeway since your body metabolizes it more slowly over a longer period of time and it tapers off much less dramatically.
@@SoSoKayla Thank you for chiming in here! The HPTA axis is a wonderfully complex topic and it's fun to know things :3
@@SoSoKayla thank you for clarifying!
So... if I eat more soy, maybe it'll make my beard grow less and I won't need to shave as much? Because I hate shaving, it's such a pain in the ass.
I have Type 1 Diabetes and have dropped my A1C significantly by modifying my diet to low carb vegan. That wasn't intentional, it just turned out to be low carb as I switched to foods that didn't spike my glucose levels. My blood sugar readings are now very close to what a non-diabetic has. Without soy, I'd have to eat animals to achieve this, and suffer from the proven health detriments from eating lots of meat and other animal products, including insulin resistance, which can cause Type 2 Diabetes or worsen any type. And my "man boobs," which presumably should have gotten bigger with increased "estrogen," have actually gotten smaller.
Anecdotes aside, the large-scale studies clearly show soy is beneficial to health and does not significantly increase estrogen levels. And studies have also shown that increased meat consumption might be linked to decreased testosterone levels in men (despite his claims). And, due to the cholesterol and saturated fat content of animal products, they have been shown to increase the risks of erectile dysfunction (which I assume he wouldn't think is manly).
I have to be strict about my diet due to allergies, but to just randomly avoid a food/food byproduct is privileged.
Growing a beard isn’t from testosterone it’s from dihydrotestosterone, that is made from alpha five reductase of which converts testosterone to DHT, (as opposed to aromatase which converts testosterone to estradiol).
At perfectly good test levels I couldn’t and can’t grow a beard.
There's a lot of people who don't have boobs and really REALLY want to. If soy was magical boob food, the world would know.
Always love your videos emma you someone i really look up to always an interesting video love you so much you are a very intelligent woman
This guy is if "chronically online" was a person
18:44 For some people, the ability to grow a beard is also an indicator of manliness. If you're able to grow a full, luscious beard, you're more of a man. (Screw Asians and other people genetically predisposed to not growing a beard, I guess. Not like racism is unheard of in those incel and redpill circles.)
If I could, I'd donate mine to a trans man in need immediately, as I find shaving just bothersome.
Well, there's your problem: people posting BS put in fancy links knowing most people won't click them.
As a man, I wish I had much LESS testosterone. The rate at which I am balding is frightening. I've been a vegetarian for 14 years and have eaten soy all the time. Still balding because freaking testosterone. Here's my anecdote.
Love your response. Just a few things:
1. All plant foods contain *all* essential amino acids. The only "food" with an incomplete amino acid profile is gelatine. Amino acids appear in different ratios, but they are all there. And if you don't just always eat one food but foods with different profiles they just balance each other out, even when consumed over the day. So in the end it doesn't matter what kind of amino acid profile soy has.
2. He mentioned that you might read "may contain soy" on a food item. That's just there to inform people who are allergic to soy that there might be traces of it in the product. It's not an ingredient or anything, the product might just have come in contact with soy at some point. To think that this would have an effect on your hormones is beyond absurd.
3. I don't know where he lives but in my supermarket there's not soy in everything. I mean he even mentioned soda...What kind of soda has soy in it? 🤣
4. Beer contains a phytoestrogen that is 50 times more potent than the one in soy. I mean, I don't know about him but I guess his audience are not the types that think beer drinking makes you unmanly.
The moment he mentioned the estrogen stuff, I was like...okay, this guy needs to check with his local microbiologist or really anyone with an understanding of plant biology. lol
The only problem I have with soy is that I'm allergic to pulses and soy protein, so I have to stay away from it. Has nothing to do with photo-estrogen.
I do wish people who are trying to prove something would actually read the studies they qoute 🤦🏻♀️
Thank you for another good video Emma
I didn't know estrogen was in eggs. You learn something new every day.
Well, it makes sense when you remember what an egg is...
@@blara2401 very true.
I just wanted to say that I super appreciate that your videos have subtitles. Thank you.
I created this particular screen name, soyburglar, after going vegan for the first time, as a result of my conversion from atheism to Buddhism (which isn’t much different, to be honest, as the only differences are in one’s practices and state of mind, and not determined by the influence of some outside force such as God/Satan, good/evil, etc), which took place in 1997. At the time, and especially in the south (US) where I live, it was quite rare to meet people eating a purely vegan diet.
Several years later, post-9/11 and once I had developed more of an online presence, my screen name sort of began to work against me to put a massive target on my head. Despite the mention of soy purely as something I enjoyed as a dietary supplement, it had now become something, the meaning of which, held great political significance to those on the Right. Which is just damn strange, man, to be honest.
I really hate that everything has soy in it. I'm allergic :/
I know I should be listening, but all I can see is your incredible look. The hair, the makeup, the shirt... I love it!
Oh and tell Jasper he's absolutely adorable!
You're not old, Emma.
I'm middle aged and I'm trying to not feel decrepit 👵🏻
Thank you for great content
When my mother was 62, I asked her when I would feel like an adult. She replied, "I'll let you know when I do." I'm 69 now and still don't know the answer.
Emma, you have so much "BOOM!" in your videos, I can't believe you're not a cannon on a 1700's Man-O-War.
"Life is too short to deny yourself the pleasure of eating crisps."
Again, ka-BOOM!
Chad: "We need to talk about soy".
No we don't.
The End
Hey Emma, you are so cool and I love your content :)
Excellent video Emma
Aaaannnnd WHOA flipping awesome lipstick!!!
This kind of crap is perfectly analysed and completely debunked in the classic books of Dr Ben Goldacre, Bad Science, and Bad Pharma.
Recommended reading, Emma ✌️
Once again, a world-class performance from Jasper.
I'm not exactly fond of soy myself, outside of soy sauce, but at least I don't go around claiming that soy grows humongous honkers on men.
Gods, even his accent is fake!
32:25 🤣Priceless! Your timing was impeccable in the video. Right when the argument was just reaching up with swollen eyes and blooded nose, you drop a flying elbow to it. Love it.
One of the things Ive seen lately is a frightening change in reading comphrension. It has gone from "I dont know what this word means so I going to use it wrong to explain this concept"
To "I dont know what this concept actually means so Im going to use this word wrong."
I'm a vegetarian and I do most of the cooking in our house because I love it. As a result, my husband eats quite a bit of soy. He's very fit because he doesn't eat much junk food and he loves exercise. I can promise, the only one with "bitch tits" in our house is me 🤣
You mentioned that East-Asian cultures consume a lot more soy. It makes me think that this distrust of soy is kinda racist, because essentially the West have started to use it more and these soy skeptics have started thinking, "oh no, what's this weird foreign stuff?" The same thing has happened with MSG, which is a kind of salt and everyone in the West was panicking about it because it was a common East-Asian ingredient.
It's also worth pointing out that the soy bean comes from a plant and when people get scared of soy in their chicken nuggets, they're literally scared because there is some plant material in their meat-based product. It's like a child complaining that there is some broccoli on their plate.
My only criticism is this: how could you do a video about a dude who references studies that go against his own message in front of poor Mordin Solus back there?
A couple of years ago I decided to stop eating all of my food intolerances (cause digestive issues and these days looks similar to a low FODMAP diet - was diagnosed before it was a thing) so one of the things I cut out was dairy. One of my support workers is really into health and wellness and checked with me if I knew what was being said about soy (yes I am AFAB) and I said that I had heard of it and I said yes but was taking it with a grain of salt as if it was the case then all of Asia would have cancer issues. I don't know if that hadn't occurred to her but she seemed to appreciate that I was aware of that and had taken into consideration.
The beard thing (and often mustache) is part of the whole "masculine look" and goes with the "eating meat, beeing big and muscular" and the whole toxic masculinity panoply ^^". It's also often a sign of recognition or belonging for their whole manly man community and regarded as virile (and often goes together with being on the far right of the political spectrum, surprise, surprise).
Also I do have a super strict diet AND watch every packages ALL the time: not everything have soy in it, FAR from that and when he says "may contain traces of soy to some extent etc", that doesn't count at all: it just means that it's done in a factory using other things and they are legally binded to say it, but the "traces" are often "none" and you should only count soy as an "official ingredient". I can say with confidence that a looooooot of products have sunflower oil in them.... like a fuckton (I'm allergic), because it's the cheapest, odorless/tasteless and most convenient for transformed food (can withstand high temperatures without becoming toxic). So yeah, sunflower oil everywhere, but soy in very few products (not that it matters, as you explained, but we can debunk that too and he got me cross ^^").
Alsooooo bis, the immense majority of soy is produced for animals to eat, and these animals are killed to be eaten. So, by his own logic, eating his dear and sacred meat, he is eating something that had a MASSIVE soy intake their whole life (and we use a lot of soy as a byproduct of feeding the animals we kill too, so might as well eat the soy directly, not the animal, if you want less of it in products ^^").
" he is eating something that had a MASSIVE soy intake their whole life "
i know he is stupid and so using a stupid argument might be more effective with himthan using a correct one.
consuming large amounts of soy might change the animals' hormone levels, but that would have a negligible effect in terms of soy or hormones in the parts you actually wind up eating.
mmm, in the same way that drinking lots of beer won't make your muscles wine basted.
@@vforwombat9915 I knew writing this that someone would maybe object that ^^" ugh.
Yes, I do know that, but he has a fake moral panic about soy being in everything, even traces of it or influence on the oestrogen levels in mices so... He would probably be concerned about the hormones levels or the changes in the animal too (using his own "logic" there, you object it doesn't make sense... yes it's the point). And drinking lot of beer won't make your flesh "wine basted" but will affect your body nonetheless, like your fat tissues, their density etc. Ofc the animal will eliminate a lot of it by itself, but that point was also mainly a stepping stone towards the "we cultivate it for animals and use the by-products also for that, which explains its presence in some other products, we should eat the soy not the animals".
So he thinks that plants having a hormone equivalent is the same as the animal hormone that our bodies actually make...I hope he doesn't try to get a blood transfusion with tree sap.
19:15 actually, it's been shown that with increased levels of estrogen (actual estrogen, not fitoestrogen), most men's testosterone actually goes UP, which is linked to men who drink more milk having things like hair loss and increased muscle mass.
@@dalesplitstone6276 thank you
Great video. Thanks.
I stopped using vegeteable oil in my cooking few months back, some of wich happens to be soy oil. But thats just becasue vegetable oil is supposed to have so many industrial processes during its refinement that its really messy for our body. Most of them, olive oil its supposed to be less procesed. So i use that and butter. Other that that i really dont mind soy.
"I hate Soy."
Don't come to Arkansas then. It's one of our major crops.
i am from peru i have eaten pure soy for a lot of days(it has a lot of proteins and costs like nothing), honestly this channel is for like normal people, get in the facts and the science, like the other channels, soy just makes you ill if you consume too much and maybe gives you tits or something, or any troll can discuse the stuff with me? i will be glad.
i was not agreeing with the video, i cannot believe this channel i recently follow is now defending how they poison us with soy
Imagine being so insecure about your masculinity you need to concern yourself with trace amounts of plants, but can’t see the irony in always making the point that you love eating the meat.
This video has no relation to incels. Constantly referencing them comes across as cringey and childish. Equivalent to calling people a "virgin" as an insult. Which is what the term has become at this point.
Facts. Leftist (I’m myself liberal atheist) want less people on the planet but soy emfamil is what’s being inferred, not soy sauce which seems to be the culprit. I digress. Let each research accordingly. Goat milk is best for digestion. I’m open to dialogue.
Nah, incel doesn’t just mean the person themself is involuntarily celibate, this chadroid has a wife and presumably they boink. Incel also means a certain worldview when it comes to the sexual marketplace and what behaviours make men attractive or manly (somehow the same thing, since men are defined by women’s perception of them, or similar bs). This is more equivalent to seeing someone being cringey stubborn and unattractive, and not calling out their virginity per se but calling them a Catholic. Source: Was raised Catholic.
@@udhehfhehcuw9169 The guy above literally just said he's married
@@tucsonrazorbacks RUclips removed your comment for some reason
the note on phytoestrogen as I understand it is incorrect as well. As far as I know phytoestrogen is a plant "equivalent" to animal estrogen, equivalent here meaning its molecules that make up the building blocks of phyto are arranged in a similar enough way that it can fall into the same identifiable category as estrogen. In this regard which is it superficially similar on the molecular level to animal estrogen, this doesn't take into account the building blocks of the estrogen itself. Phytoestrogen is molecularly made up of different building blocks which as a result means it fundamentally cannot interface with our body in the same way regular estrogen does. I think I have that correct, though I am very tired and half-remembering stuff off the top of my head.
So what you’re saying is that i can’t just replace my hrt with soy milk 😭😭
Kudos to your sponsor promo. Jasper made it the best I have ever seen anywhere. Good use of puppet! I watched the whole thing.
I lost interest, But i did learn that eating to much soy and worshiping the devil will turn you into a mouse. That would explain by love cheese and running around in the dark. Must hide quick my cat just enter the room squeak squeak.