Refutation Of The Qur'an Only Sect (Sunnah Deniers) - Shaykh Asrar Rashid

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
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    **** Brought to you by AhleSunnaTV ****
    This lecture provides a refutation of the sect known as the Qur'anioon (or the Qur'anists) who reject the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon HIm). They deny the religious authority of Hadith (the recorded sayings and actions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ) and claim to believe only in the Qur'an.
    © AhleSunnaTV. No part of this work or event may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any medium, without prior written permission by AhleSunnaTV.

Комментарии • 106

  • @celestialknight2339
    @celestialknight2339 3 года назад +9

    WOW! I can’t believe he actually asked how Quran-only Muslims avoid eating dog meat because the Prophet Muhammad allegedly forbade it. First of all, that is circular reasoning, because he’s pre-supposing that his version of the Sunnah is correct & authoritative, and then turns around and ignorantly uses that to make a case for the Sunnah; that’s like a dog chasing its own tail! Secondly, the Quran itself CONDMNS his belief when Allah (SWT) Himself COMMANDS the Prophet Muhammad to bear witness by saying the following (so consider this as a HIGHER Mutawātir ‘Hadith’ from Allah SWT):
    *_SAY [O PROPHET MUHAMMAD], “In ALL that has been revealed to me (given to me as WAHY), I FIND NOTHING FORBIDDEN FOR A CONSUMER TO EAT -EXCEPT carrion, or spilled blood, or the flesh of swine-for it is impure-or a sinful offering dedicated to other than God!...”_* _(Al-Qur’an, 6:145)_

  • @Awakened_1111
    @Awakened_1111 5 лет назад +19

    Sadly from the proportions of likes vs dislikes you can see unfortunately the true believers are few and the misguided are many....... to all those looking to gain more insight into the corruptions done by hadith creators and scholars, read a book called Mental Bondage in the name of God and also videos by Sam Gerrans also will give you some good info. Peace to all.

    • @omerkarim3144
      @omerkarim3144 3 года назад +2

      Do you also follow the lizard theory? That COVID is a lie? That the earth is flat? - you have lost touch with reality

  • @celestialknight2339
    @celestialknight2339 3 года назад +3

    Salam Alaikum. I have 12 simple questions for Traditional Muslims, and I hope you could be the first person to attempt in answering them after sincerely reflecting upon them, God-willing:
    *1)* Throughout the Quran, we frequently see its reference to itself as “Al-Quran”. Why then is there not a single place in the entire Quran where a secondary scripture or divine revelation called “As-Sunnah” (the Sunnah) or “Al-Hadith An-Nabawi” (the Prophetic Hadith) is likewise mentioned? Doesn’t the Quran constantly claim that it is clear & straightforward? How then could God take the time to mention something as seemingly trivial as onions and lentils (Quran 2:61), and yet fail to clearly identify the most important source of guidance & revelation that all believers for all times are forever required to follow as religious guidance?
    *2)* Why do the words “Hadith” and “Sunnah” nevertheless amazingly appear over and over again throughout the Quran, yet never ONCE refer to what traditional Muslims use them as? (as the inspired words & teachings of the Prophet). Not only this, but the words “Sunnah” and “Hadith” are in fact often used throughout the Quran in ways that refer to the supremacy & exclusive authority of the Quran’s message itself, thus in almost a taunting manner towards what traditional Muslims would later come to believe about the “prophetic Hadith” and this idea of ‘dual revelation’ (see for example Q 77:50, 46:5, 39:23). If there was actually a second scripture or revelation ordained by God called the ‘Sunnah/Hadith’, wouldn’t this be extremely deceptive and misleading?
    *3)* Why does the Quran constantly make mention of itself and it’s perfect guidance, lack of contradictions, and promise of its preservation, and so on, yet make NO such magnificent claims about the Sunnah if it is indeed a co-authoritative revelation of God to humanity? Wouldn’t we at least expect that the Quran adds something like the phrase “ ‏والسنة” (‘and the Sunnah’) in these numerous verses where the Quran alone is uniquely mentioned as the supreme guidance & sacred revelation?
    *4)* Why does the so-called Prophetic Sunnah (as supposedly codified in the Hadith) contradict the Quran in so many significant ways? For example, so-called “Sahih” Hadiths tell us that tiger and other animals are forbidden to eat, whereas the Quran is manifestly clear-multiple times, in fact-that the ONLY four prohibited foods are carrion, blood, pig’s meat, and idol-offerings; nothing more (Quran 6:145). Or for example, Sahih Hadiths tell is that the Prophet will be an intercessor on Judgement Day for those in his Ummah who committed MAJOR sins, whereas the Quran clearly states that anyone who commits major sins and fails to repent will be condemned to Hell, and will have no protector, intercessor, or savior. How can these teachings be a “commentary” on the Quran (as virtually all sunni Muslim scholars posit) when they blatantly contradict it? (P.S. Ask me for any specific references if needed).
    *5)* Why do you say that the Sunnah (as supposedly preserved in the Hadith) is a commentary on the Quran, when we know that the Hadith is actually just a collection of isolated sayings and doings of the Prophet and his companions, with less than 1% actually being direct commentary on the Quran? How can one claim this especially when considering the massive disagreement amongst traditional sects and scholars when it comes to Hadith-based theology, as well as numerous clear & major contradictions between the Quran and Hadith as pointed out above?
    *6)* Why does the Quran constantly make mention of the Torah and Gospel, as well as the Psalms and other revealed scriptures of God-and call these “guidance” and “beacons of light”-while no such honorable mention is ever made of the supposed second revelation that God allegedly sent down to the Prophet as the inspired Sunnah? How could God possibly fail to prioritize the divine identification of the Sunnah/Hadith-which is supposedly INDISPENSABLE for understanding the Quran itself-and yet constantly make mention of the amazing wonder & authority of the previous scriptures & revelations, which we aren’t even required to follow anymore? Once again, wouldn’t this seem to be gravely misleading?
    *7)* If we got rid of the Quran and just kept all of the accepted Hadith, don’t you think that the current religion of traditional Islam would still be perfectly intact? In other words, isn’t the Hadith alone sufficient for nearly everything you need to practice traditional Islam in its current form? What then is the need for the Quran under this framework? What other essential use or practical value does the Quran actually provide that the Hadith cannot? In fact, isn’t this why the Sunni Muslim scholars of the past were forced to admit “the Quran is in more need of the Sunnah than the Sunnah is in need of the Quran”?
    *8)* Why is there such a massive difference between the structure of the Quran (the codified words of God) and the structure of the Hadith (the alleged codified words of the Prophet) if they are both indeed co-equal legally-binding divine revelations brought down by God? For example, the Quran is preserved word-for-word, whereas the Hadith is mainly preserved meaning-to-meaning; the Quran is unique in style and incredibly easy to memorize & recite, whereas the Hadith is clearly human literature and was not made for easy memorization; the Quran has a set ‘canon’ that is more-or-less unanimously agreed upon and was transmitted as such, whereas the Hadith consists of thousands of disjointed unrelated reports that had to be individually collected and vigorously authenticated using human-devised methods of verification; and the list goes on. If both the Quran and the Sunnah were equally divine revelations of God, why is this the case? Yet isn’t this EXACTLY what one would expect if people falsely attributed a human work of literature as being divine revelation alongside God’s true word?
    *9)* If you were to hand a copy of the Quran to an unbiased stranger who spoke fluent classical Arabic, and had them read the Quran for the first time, from beginning to end, and with no other source of information-would they come back to you confused and puzzled, and be asking you for the secondary scripture & co-divine revelation called the “Prophetic Sunnah & Hadith” that they were allegedly supposed to read about in the Quran?
    *10)* The Quran mentions that the Jinn (the beings of the unseen realm; the parallel creation to us human beings) can actually hear the Quran being recited and follow it as such (Quran 72:1); thus we learn that the Quran is even a source of guidance for Jinn themselves. Therefore, is it required for the Jinn to follow the Sunnah & Hadith? If not, why not? But if so, how so? What model do you propose for such a thing to work?
    *11)* We already know and agree that the previous generations before us who were given scripture & prophethood by Allah (SWT) went far astray and added all sorts of falsehoods and fake traditions to their religion, including the Talmud of the Jews (who also interestingly claim that it contains ancient traditions of Moses passed down as commentary on the Torah) as well as the writings of Paul & the early Church fathers, whom Christians have essentially given precedence over Jesus’ own words and have thereby begun to worship the Trinity and hold other serious false beliefs, that can even lead one to eternal damnation on Judgement Day. With this (frightening) reality in mind, shouldn’t we be wary that WE too might also have gone astray from the pure teachings of God in the Quran? Wouldn’t it be utterly foolish and careless of us to ignore the warnings of Allah (SWT) about the historical corruptions & fabrications of the people of divine Scripture before us, and thus fail to consider that we too might be deviating from the right path just as they once did?... Indeed, when Prophet Moses left his people for just 40 days to meet with God, he came back to find them committing no less than the most heinous & atrocious sin of worshipping a carved idol, even after they had seen all that God did for them in Egypt. That was 40 DAYS; what then do you think of the Prophet’s followers after 1,400 years?
    *12)* Finally, what WOULD the Quran actually have to say for you to accept that it is the only revelation brought down from God to the Prophet? The Quran already says countless times that it is clear & lucid, sufficient for guidance, detailed & self-explanatory, unmatched & supreme, and perfectly preserved-so what else could the Quran possibly say for you to realize that it is indeed what it claims to be, and that no other scriptures or revelations are mandated on us to follow?
    I hope you will contemplate on these questions deeply & sincerely, and reflect with a clear & open mind. I look forward to your response. Much Salam

  • @2rubee410
    @2rubee410 4 года назад +4

    This is one of the best explanations I have come across alhamdulillah. I must ask though... Why would Allah swt send revelation and then leave such important matters as salah unclear and leave it to the word of people? Yet wudhu is described, qibla is described, times of salah are described. This causes confusion. It doesn't make sense. And why would Allah swt leave such important matters to be debated?

    • @erwinsadhoe6612
      @erwinsadhoe6612 2 года назад

      Alhamdulillah. Very valid question! The ayat this gentlemen is reciting at the beginning is same as Ayat 4:59 (..Obey Allah and obey the Messenger......), only it now details and emphasizes that you can only be a believer, if you follow the Messenger. And the believers will only be believers when they follow the judgment of the Messenger. The Messenger will only make decisions based on what was revealed to him in the Quran. Refer to 7:2-3, saying that you will follow only what was sent from Allah. So now the preacher is attempting to make the listener to understand, that the Messenger will make judgements outside the Quran. Your comment is clear and pointing to the right direction. Quran is complete and detailed. And only the slightest thought, that Quran is not complete and lacking details will make you go astray. Let alone to believe that Bukhari hadies is worth to be places beside Quran as addendum for Quran. Astagfirulla. And Allah Knows Best.

  • @qureshib61
    @qureshib61 Год назад

    JazaakAllah Shaykh for your wonderful explanation as always. These quranists have popped up out of nowhere and now consider every scholar of the last 1400 years to have been wrong. Allahu Akbar!!!

  • @alisyedzain1
    @alisyedzain1 5 лет назад +15

    Who were Imam Abu Hanifa, Shafi, Malik, and Hanbal.? They were al Persians and wrote their books like 150 years later of Prophet (S) death. They were not an eyewitness of any event when Prophet (S) was alive. I wish to know what tempted them to write their books when we have a detailed book Quran available.
    about 250 years later Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmizi etc applied ice cream on the cake. Their mission was to deviate Muslims away from Quran and they succeeded.
    Go to any Masjid on Friday, the Mullah will be talking about the fake Hadees. He will never touch Quran the Book from Allah (SWT) for all mankind.

    • @TKNPlayer1
      @TKNPlayer1 5 лет назад +2

      Ali Syed you got a point

    • @Player_Zeesh
      @Player_Zeesh 5 лет назад +2

      Ali Syed Abu Hanifa met a sahabi....

    • @omarafroz208
      @omarafroz208 5 лет назад +8

      And now finally after 1400 years you are here to guide us and teach the true religion.

    • @S3ven4
      @S3ven4 4 года назад +1

      Imam Malik was Arab and lived 60 years after the Prophet Muhammad pbuh passed away, and he was born and raised in Medina and died there. He encapsulated the customs and the actions of the people of Medina, and viewed it as an established Sunnah of the Prophet pbuh.

    • @S3ven4
      @S3ven4 4 года назад +2

      @@br4885 How can I argue with someone who is not genuinely looking to argue, but is instead just looking to shove their opinion down your throat?

  • @2rubee410
    @2rubee410 4 года назад +3

    The problem isn't that we are following the messenger.. The problem is we are following chains of people's ( not prophets) word. Not to mention the additions for political gain, contradictions and all! And even if for arguments sake they are sahih... The hadith is becoming the authority over the Qur'an . I listen to so many speakers and the Muslims... They quote 'that the prophet saaw said' more than what Allah swt says. People are abandoning the Qur'an . People are memorising a quran by mouth but not by heart. I struggle to believe that Allah swt made it so difficult to learn Qur'an and the whole plethora of hadith. By following Qur'an we automatically follow the messenger as the revelation came through him. What did people do before it was compiled in a book?
    And why would we speak directly to the prophet saaw in salah? Please provide evidences (preferably clearly supported by Qur'an). Please be considerate in your answers as I am hanging by a thread here.
    And... Sending salah 'upon' is not the same as sending salah 'to' him saaw. .

    • @TheQuranExplainsItself
      @TheQuranExplainsItself 4 года назад

      2ruBee pls go to Quran centric RUclips channel to clear some of your questions

    • @2rubee410
      @2rubee410 4 года назад +1

      @@TheQuranExplainsItself thanks.

    • @uzair851
      @uzair851 3 года назад

      the Quran was narrated by the same people who narrated the hadith. Quran does have a "chain of narration" but there are so many people narrating the quran that there is no need to verify the chain. This is similar to mutawatir (mass transmitted) hadith. The issue arises in khabr ul ahad and we have numerous authentic scholars who did research on them and for all of them to lie would be impossible.
      The best reply for me is the fact that none of the scholars of the past (you can verify) rejected hadith. So this belief of rejecting hadith is something new and an innovation.

    • @2rubee410
      @2rubee410 3 года назад

      @@uzair851 impossible??? Astaghfirullah

    • @uzair851
      @uzair851 3 года назад

      @@2rubee410 what is so shocking about impossible? Do you think there were only 10-15 scholars of Hadith? More like tens of thousands in 1400 years over different areas of the world. So yes it would be impossible for all of them to concoct and agree upon a forged narration

  • @alisyedzain1
    @alisyedzain1 5 лет назад +3

    Read the comments of Mr. KB.

  • @1234london1982
    @1234london1982 3 года назад +1

    Quran: Hold the rope of Allah and do not get divided.
    Now use your brain and reflect who belong to a sect?

  • @tmk5
    @tmk5 5 лет назад +4


    • @S3ven4
      @S3ven4 4 года назад +1

      @@br4885 are you obsessed and fanatical of your position?

    • @TheQuranExplainsItself
      @TheQuranExplainsItself 4 года назад

      Seven you’re obsessed and fanatical in your position are you not

    • @S3ven4
      @S3ven4 4 года назад

      @@TheQuranExplainsItself I do not foam at the mouth waiting to prove how intelligent I am by shoving my opinion down their throat.

    • @TheQuranExplainsItself
      @TheQuranExplainsItself 4 года назад

      Seven oh really is that why you’re all over the gaff giving your opinions sunshine

    • @TheQuranExplainsItself
      @TheQuranExplainsItself 4 года назад

      K Bob they’re scared. I’m not even playing. But I’ll get them soon.

  • @2rubee410
    @2rubee410 4 года назад +2

    Also... Does the prophet saaw know the ghayb? Evidences please. Jazak Allahu khairan

    • @uzair851
      @uzair851 3 года назад

      Allah doesnt reveal the knowledge of the unseen except to those among the prophets he chooses (quran). The Prophet (PBUH) narrated the events of qiyama and end of times and heaven and hell. You can google the references

    • @TheQuranExplainsItself
      @TheQuranExplainsItself 3 года назад +1

      @@uzair851 bullshit quote a verse for your claim!

    • @uzair851
      @uzair851 3 года назад

      @@TheQuranExplainsItself this is a verse...... (72:26-27)....... u just called quran bs. Astagfirullah. And there are numerour hadith relating to end of times, jannah, the grave and the like which the Prophet PBUH told us and these are things relating to the unseen

    • @TheQuranExplainsItself
      @TheQuranExplainsItself 3 года назад

      @@uzair851 that’s what’s found in the Quran you’re trying to insinuate other than the Quran don’t you dare lie about the word of God

    • @uzair851
      @uzair851 3 года назад

      @@TheQuranExplainsItself ? u high?

  • @m.b5777
    @m.b5777 8 лет назад +9

    Quran is from God. Hadith is from the devil not our Prophet.

    • @AhleSunnaTV
      @AhleSunnaTV  8 лет назад +20

      +Mike 0077 Typical response from a Qur'anist. May Allah guide all of us.

    • @adamali9024
      @adamali9024 8 лет назад +1

      You dumb dumb

    • @adamali9024
      @adamali9024 8 лет назад +1

      +Mohammad Ishtiaq
      Are You OK?
      My comment was to the Parvazee not you

    • @adamali9024
      @adamali9024 8 лет назад +1

      +Mohammad Ishtiaq
      You must be stupid or thick so you can decide
      My comment was f the Parvayzee who made the 1st comment and said Hadeath is from the devil
      So I agree with you ... You dumb ass
      Why are you always looking for trouble
      Now that you hav got that in to your thick head
      Apologise to me fir your stupidity

    • @786AbdulSalamKhan
      @786AbdulSalamKhan 7 лет назад +1

      Then listen to the Qur`an, read the first few verses of Surah Najm.