When I first heard Catalan in real life, I thought that it was Portuguese, because I could understand some words due to my knowledge of Spanish. Anyway, this language seems to be lovely, especially when it's spoken fast
come back to RUclips, sí us plau😭 3 years since your last video sent a shockwave thru my heart after discovering your channel today by the algorithm gods. You are a fantastic teacher!! Thanks for sharing your incredible and beautiful language!
Merci, Gene, for your comment! Eivissa is gorgeous and you will realise that their Catalan is slightly different than mine - the Balearic islands have their own accent and expressions. However, there are many similarities :)
Yes I have noticed! Jo vull parlar Eivissenc, per que es accent m'agrada molt. I also really like your accent, in Eivissa they also say "es/sa" instead of "el/la", right?
Exacte Gene! If I'm not mistaken, all Balearic islands say es/sa instead of el/la. I also love their accents but to be honest they are also challenging for me sometimes! Especially the way they pronounce vowels :)
To me, as someone learning Spanish, The Catalan examples I have listened to so far, sound very similar to Spanish with shades of Italian. I learned from the Langfocus channel that Catalan used to be a prominent language used in Mediterranean trade.
Por supuesto que el Portugues y el Catalán son similares. Dado que ambos idiomas son prostituciones linguísticas de la exquisita lengua ESPAÑOLA-CASTELLANA-CRISTIANA. En pocas palabras: El Portugues y el Catalufo son Español mal hablado.
EL ÚLTIMO ÁNGEL CAÍDO. O espanhol é simplesmente um português muito novo e básico que foi influenciado pelas línguas ao seu redor (Aragonês, Austro-leonês, Aranês, Catalão , Euskera).
Just so you know: Catalan is NOT a combination of Spanish and French, but it sounds and looks exactly like that. It's quite interesting to read a book in this language and find out by yourself the similarities with those two languages, and, most important, the unique features that makes Catalan a quite remarkable tongue.
Hola Wint Herr! I agree with you that it's fascinating to find out how similar Catalan is to Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese... All of those are Romance languages and whilst Catalan is not a strict combination of Spanish and French, they do share many parallelisms :)
Why not? Do people really think there were 1000 languages descended from Latin rather than major ones and little dialects that influenced each other and were influenced more by one of the larger languages? It seems preposterous to think a minor dialect/language between The major castilian and french language is not the result of a mix when that is what logic would dictate. Not every dialect descends from the proto language. Portunol is not a vulgar latin descendant as much as it is a language that is between spanish and portuguese, that is what Catalan is, a primordial portunolic type language between french and spanish.
Phillip Louis You are very wrong! Catalan is not a mix between Spanish and French. It’s a Latin derived language by its own like Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or French are. Actually it’s a direct descendant of Occitan, which is an extinct language that was spoken throughout the southern half of France, before French (a very different language) was imposed by force. If you care to investigate you will find that modern Catalan share features of Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French, but it’s none of them nor any combination of any of them.
@@lsfornells Why don't you just say that Catalan is way older than French, Italian or Spanish? Catalan was spoken language in Girona before Spain even existed, when Arabs have been building Madrid. Just read Wikipedia and you'll find out. Catalan is also the most similar language to Latin. Majority of the nouns are the same. Other modern languages like Spanish or Italian use added ending on the end of the nouns.
Hi. This is helping me enormously as i am currently taking Catalan Classes in Vilanova, but as the teacher (who's great) only speaks in Catalan, i sometimes have difficulty following the instructions so having you explain in English is really helping me UNDERSTAND the language, rather than just speak it. Thank you very, very much!
Happy I found this channel! Tomorrow I’m going to have my Catalan exam for my Basic 1 and I can say I’m ready by watching and practicing with this videos. Thanks a lot waiting for more videos! I believe here in Catalonia many people would like to learn and practice the language even out of Barcelona
Here's your typical "omg i'm french and i understand 95% of written catalan" comment 😋 I want to learn catalan some day, it may come sooner than expected as I may spend some months in Spain next year, perhaps in Catalunya. I already went to Bcn once and I was so happy I could understand a big part of what I heard or read! In the mean time you got yourself a new subscriber 😊
Graciès per la teva colaboració. Jo penso que és molt important que la llengua catalana ting la oportunitat de ser difundida. És una llengua molt bella. Saluts del Mexic.
Saluts des de Australia, Jo vaig parlar el Catala amb els meus pares fin que van morir..Ara tinc 75 anys..Saludos desde Australia . Yo hablé el Catalan con mis padres hasta su muerte, Ahora tengo 75 anos.Greetings from Australia, I spoke Catalan with parents till they left the earth plane Now I am 75 .. Knowledge is power
Hola! I am working at a Catalan company and I am not from Spain. People at my office do not say "Adéu". They say Adeeeeeeeeeeuuuu and that is the loveliest thing I've ever heard !
i just randomly started speaking it and now i’m so like interested in seeing if i can become fluent in the language and actually know what im saying. i’m so confused but excited that im speaking a language i never knew existed and ik it’s bad but im glad i know about it now and i really wanna learn more and know what im saying so i don’t accidentally disrespect anyone
Maria, when I travel and interact with a local, I usually start my conversation by apologizing that I don't speak the language very well: "I'm sorry I don't speak ---- very well. Do you speak English?" How would you say that in Catalan?
Hola Oj Dua! Sure, I answered your PM on that :) "I'm sorry, I don't speak Catalan (very well). Do you speak English?" would be the following in Catalan: "Ho sento / perdó, no parlo català (gaire bé). Parles anglès?".
Gracias por compartir tus conocimientos en Catalan. Poco a poco me voy enterando de las diferencias entre el Castellano y Catalan. Me ayuda mucho los conocimeintos, aunque pocos, en Frances, Italiano y Portugues -- los cuales, en conjunto, casi hacen un circulo completo en comprender el origen de estos idiomas. Tambien quiero decir que Ud. facilita mucho el adquirir de forma practica, palabras o frases que uno podria emplear para comunicarse mejor con los nativos -- sin ofender a nadie. Gracias, mil por vuestros esfuerzos, me han caido muy bien!
Ah, thank you for this video, its one thing to learn the language from text and another thing to know when certain words are used over others for specific meanings.
That’s awesome!! I’m actually learning the main 4 Romance languages now (Portuguese, Italian, French, Spanish). I figured “why not give Catalan a try?” Wow I like this language. It seems very similar with European Portuguese which is my favorite dialect that I’m learning now. In Lisbon “Adeus” is bye. Now for Catalan I learned “Adéu” (déu). So cool! 🥰❤️🙏
El castellà i el català són per a mi llengües estrangeres, que estudio paral·lelament. Les teves lliçons són impecables: amb el teu impecable anglès i un català impecable, m'alegra saber de tu i aprendre. Moltes gràcies ! Sóc un actor professional i vull aprendre una llengua de bons parlants i tu ets una d'elles. Felicitats! Una de les meves dues llengües maternes és l'armani (l'altra és el grec). Atenció! Ni el romanès ni l'armeni. En els diccionaris estem registrats com Armani / Vlachs. També és una llengua llatina, desenvolupada pel llatí vulgar, a l'Imperi Romà d'Orient i més concretament als Balcans. Trobo moltes similituds amb el català en vocabulari i pronunciació. Per tant, tot i que el català és més difícil de pronunciar que el castellà, no tinc cap dificultat per pronunciar-lo. .
I say the similarities are partially because Catalan and Portuguese retain a lot of archaic features that Spanish loss alongside the coincidental vowel reduction both languages have undergone. Compare the Ladino language of Sephardi Jews. It is derived from Medieval Castilian but has a very similar softness in sound as Portuguese and Catalan.
Learn Catalan from Barcelona Just a note: in English, this would be “Back in a minute”, or “I’ll be back in a minute/moment/second”. “See you now” doesn’t mean “Fins ara”, although those are the same words. If it is used in English, “See you now” is an informal way of saying “Goodbye” (ie with no expectation of seeing the person again soon).
Hi Maria, I moved to a region of Catalunya approx. 6 mths ago. I have come across your videos. I have completed the first one, and enjoyed it. However I noticed your learning post is not active anymore. Are the videos the only way to learn now? Thank you for your videos, I am going to go through them. Enjoy your weekend
i didn’t know what i was speaking at first so i used google translate and it said i was using catalan language and idk but i can say some things in the language but i have no clue what im saying
Does "Rachan un pera blem" have any meaning? I looked it up and the online translator said " they crack a bad pear." That doesn't make sense to me. Is it a saying that means something else?
I have been trying to learn Spanish for many years and I have been to Spain once many years ago, however I did not make it to Barcelona. For an American Traveling to Spain, or Barcelona, should I or do I need to put out effort to learn Catalan? Or is it just better that I continue to place the time and energy on learning more and more Spanish? Will I meet people in and around Barcelona that do not Speak Spanish and only speak Catalan, or will I be able to move around with easy with only Spanish?
Hola Richard! You can certainly go around Barcelona and Catalonia only with Spanish. We are completely bilingual and I cannot imagine someone who would expect a foreigner to speak Catalan ;) What I try to do whenever I travel is to learn a few words in the local language (in this case Catalan) and then use them more as a sign of respect rather than an actual need :) Have a fab time!
Let me be clear on that. In Catalonia you can find people like me that even if we can speak spanish we consider spanish as an imposed language in our territory and will never want to use it in Catalonia on a day to day basis. So in my point of view you would do better to learn a bit of catalan and most importantly, please do not ask catalans to speak you in spanish when being in Catalonia. As spanish language was imposed to our catalan nation through a bloody history, and besides a lot of people in catalonia keep struggling for an independent catalonia, there will be people like myself that will feel treated with a lack of respect if you assume we must speak spanish instead catalan in the catalan territory. The catalan language has been during 1000 years the common communication tool in public ambiences in Catalonia and this is the role it should keep for many centuries to come.
Hola Adam! Interesting query! I have just found this resource, which may be helpful? It seems you can listen to some parts of the New Testament in Catalan. www.socri.cat/biblia/biblia.html You have to click on the right-hand side of the page, where it says: "Escolta la Bíblia".
Super helpful! Something confused me though: when you say Bon Vespre, the second 'e' sounds like neither an open or closed 'e', but more like a stressed 'a'. Is there a rule or helpful hint to remember when to do that? Excellent teaching, thanks a lot!
Hola and great question! As Enric said, [E] may have stressed and non-stressed sounds. In 'VESPRE, the first E is stressed whereas the second is not and therefore has a neutral sound, which is like a neutral "A". You can find out more about how to pronounce vowels in this video: ruclips.net/video/DYw0AvGMDEk/видео.html
Hello Miss... How r u... Thank you.. I tried to learn Spanish using apps on my phone.. I see Catalan likes Spanish in some words... I hope to visit Barcelona in the future... 😍😍😍😍
Hola Ali! There definitely are many similarities between Spanish and Catalan and learning one benefits the other :) Hope you can make it to Barcelona soon!
@@learncatalanfrombarcelona7756 I don't have much time to learn Spanish quickly.. Also.. I'm Syrian and i live in syria.. Our situation is too bad.. No visa to any country for visiting.. My dream is visiting Barcelona.. Soom I'll be free and I'll start to learn Spanish more than now.. And Catalan in the future using your channel and more and more.. If that happened and i visit Barcelona.. I hope to see u there my teacher.. Mucho gusto mí maestra.. Hasta luego 😍
Ali Shahoud Hola de nou (hi again)! I am sorry to hear about your challenges and agree that it is very sad and tough what Syria has been going through in the last years. It is inspiring to see how passionate you feel about Barcelona and both Spanish and Catalan! I will continue to share my language in the best possible way, so that people who cannot access it directly, also have the opportunity to learn some bits :) Take good care and keep fingers crossed that soon or later you can visit Barcelona 😊💪🏼
Hola! Estic a Catalunya, aproví B1 però vull aprendre mas. M'agrada moltíssim el seu canal. Please correct me if I'm wrong :) potons I abraçades. "El seu" no estoy seguro de esto ... Adéu!
Wow very similar to italian and french, my father live near Barcelona im going there for holidays but i learn a bit of español but not catalan ahahha its difficult now to learn catalan instead of español
Hola! Soy inglés. Hablo español y portugués y un poco de francés también. Así que ya entiendo bastante al catalán sin mucho esfuerzo. p.ej. He visto por la tele 'Benvinguts a la Familia' y lo entiendo hasta un nivel medio-avanzado También comprendo RAC-1 y Catalunya Ràdio, sin embrago no hablo ni un par de palabras en ello. Quería aprender la lengua catalana, que sea muy bonita, pero siempre que empiezo a estudiarla lo dejo por perfeccionar más los otros idiomas que estudió. Entonces ¿cuando debo empezar con catalán? Gracias.
Hola, se nota que estás muy familiarizado con los canales de comunicación catalanes! Como primer paso, creo que es genial que pases tiempo escuchando radio y viendo tele en catalán. Me parece que tu pregunta es principalmente una cuestión de prioridades :) Vives en Cataluña? Si es así, te animaría a que empieces a tener interacciones socialies en catalán (al ir a una tienda, hablar con los vecinos...). No tiene que ser perfecto y creo que te ayudará a mejorar de una manera natural!
@@learncatalanfrombarcelona7756 Gracias por contestarme! Vivo en Inglaterra. Escucho la radio en catalan en linea y sale unas pocas series de tele por netflix, RUclips o la página web de las emisoras catalanas (de las que la mayoría de programas son bloqueadas fuera de España).. Ahorita no tengo con quién hablar. Así que he aprendido seguir lo que dice el radio sin hablar nada. Entonces debo hacer un gran esfuerzo para aprender hablar catalán y luego visitar Cataluña en unos meses. 🤔
@@trvrw Ya te entiendo, es complicado, especialmente si no vives en el lugar! No se dónde en Inglaterra vives, pero a veces he leído que algunas universidades y centros en el extranjero ofrecen cursos de catalán :) sino, tal vez haya alguno online!
Hola! im from philippines and im having a hard time learning the catalan accent b'coz by next week will be our UN (united nations) and i fatedly picked the catalan country.. asking for help😅
Catalan is just Spanish but some parts of the word are cut off and other letters are added on. Example: Buenos días = Bon día Buenos tarde = bona tarda.
Could you answer me, please? I'm curious about catalan situation in Spain. In spanish cinematography are there any movies acting in catalan (even partially)? Have Castilian speakers any chance to listen to catalan in media shows, music and literature? Or is catalan used just in catalan area? In Italy a lots of movies often use Sicilian or Neapolitan and northern Italians are accustomed and they've learned lots of Sicilian or Neapolitan phrases. For example, in Sicilian we say "chisti su i picciuli p'accattari i cirasa" and this sentence in italian becomes "questi sono i soldi per comprare le ciliegie", rather different, however most of italians by now understand that Sicilian phrase, because people have learned while they watched movies in TV or movie theater. Same thing for Neapolitan songs. Sicilian songs are located just in Sicily, on the contrary Neapolitan songs are known in all the italian State. In italian we say "accendere" (to turn on), in Sicilian we say "addumari", but I know that in Neapolitan they say "appiccià", because I listened to this verb in lots of movies. Some famous writers use to write their books with italian mixed up Sicilian. This books are read throughout Italy by lombards, venetians, ligurians, tuscans, etc. Does it happen for catalan in Spain? Or Castilian speakers aren't interested in catalan language and culture?
Pdor figlio di Kmer I’m sorry my friend, but I don’t know. I’m not actually from Catalan, I’m from England. I was just trying to make a joke. I’m sure that you’ve spent a while trying to write out that paragraph and I’m sorry that I don’t know the answer.
It might seem strange but to me Catalan is perhaps the most "English" sounding of the major Romance languages. It shares French's characteristic penchant for closed syllables but without all the nasalization and other weird phonological shenanigans French underwent after French and English parted ways in influence.
A big part of that is the _schwa_ - the mid central vowel, which is all over the english language - many unstressed vowels take this sound. In (most dialects of) Catalan, unstressed e and a take this sound. (which sounds a bit different in different places - in Barcelona it's proctically and 'a' sound)
De nada, Enrique! Es cierto que son idiomas similares pero algo distintos. Si quieres un poco más de información, puedes ver los otros vídeos o ir a www.learncatalanfrombarcelona.com :)
Precisely :) Spanish, French, Italian, Portugese, Catalan (...and others) are Romance languages and come from Latin. It´s fascinating to see the similarities!
Muy bién, yo entiendolas transcripciones de expresiones desde català a japonés pero no demasiado con otras lenguas.... me và perfecto ir recombinando. Y así practico el inglés oxidado.
Hola. Salutacions d'Austràlia. Vaig néixer a Austràlia i visc a Austràlia. L'anglès és la meva llengua materna. Puc parlar català. Tinc disset anys. Actualment estic decidit per quin idioma he d'aprendre. Les meves opcions són alemanyes, italianes o holandeses. Vull aprendre italià perquè la meva família és italiana. Vull aprendre alemany perquè vaig començar a escoltar un grup musical anomenat Rammstein i em va inspirar a aprendre alemany. Altres coses em van inspirar a aprendre alemany. Vull aprendre la llengua holandesa perquè sóc amic de dues persones holandeses. :)
Hola i merci pel comentari! Ets australià i escrius molt i molt bé en català. Tinc curiositat... On has après l'idioma? Jo actualment estic estudiant alemany i m'encanta! Però és força diferent al català. M'han comentat que l'holandès és, més o menys, similar al alemany. Molts ànims sigui quin sigui l'idioma pel que et decideixis :)
When I first heard Catalan in real life, I thought that it was Portuguese, because I could understand some words due to my knowledge of Spanish. Anyway, this language seems to be lovely, especially when it's spoken fast
In Portuguese we say "Bom dia", meas good morning.
I have ancestry from Catalonia, I'm Puerto Rican, Cataln is a beautiful language👌
Me too❤
come back to RUclips, sí us plau😭
3 years since your last video sent a shockwave thru my heart after discovering your channel today by the algorithm gods.
You are a fantastic teacher!! Thanks for sharing your incredible and beautiful language!
Thank you. I lived in Eivissa for 9 months and I'm trying to hold on to the little Catalan that I learned there. I'll continue watching your videos.
Merci, Gene, for your comment! Eivissa is gorgeous and you will realise that their Catalan is slightly different than mine - the Balearic islands have their own accent and expressions. However, there are many similarities :)
Yes I have noticed! Jo vull parlar Eivissenc, per que es accent m'agrada molt. I also really like your accent, in Eivissa they also say "es/sa" instead of "el/la", right?
Exacte Gene! If I'm not mistaken, all Balearic islands say es/sa instead of el/la. I also love their accents but to be honest they are also challenging for me sometimes! Especially the way they pronounce vowels :)
as a Portuguese and a French speaker myself, I find this video super useful and super cool. Catalan sounds like a fun language to learn.
Gràcies pel comentari! I sometimes feel that Portuguese and Catalan sound somehow similar :)
To me, as someone learning Spanish, The Catalan examples I have listened to so far, sound very similar to Spanish with shades of Italian. I learned from the Langfocus channel that Catalan used to be a prominent language used in Mediterranean trade.
Portuguese and Catalan are very similar.
Bon dia = bom dia
Com va? = Como vai?
Vermelh = vermelho
Bona nit = boa noite
Totally! Don't speak Portuguese myself, but love how it sounds :)
Por supuesto que el Portugues y el Catalán son similares. Dado que ambos idiomas son prostituciones linguísticas de la exquisita lengua ESPAÑOLA-CASTELLANA-CRISTIANA. En pocas palabras: El Portugues y el Catalufo son Español mal hablado.
Flavio Santana it’s also similar to French (:
No tenim bigoti com vosaltres i per sort som diferents
EL ÚLTIMO ÁNGEL CAÍDO. O espanhol é simplesmente um português muito novo e básico que foi influenciado pelas línguas ao seu redor (Aragonês, Austro-leonês, Aranês, Catalão , Euskera).
Just so you know: Catalan is NOT a combination of Spanish and French, but it sounds and looks exactly like that. It's quite interesting to read a book in this language and find out by yourself the similarities with those two languages, and, most important, the unique features that makes Catalan a quite remarkable tongue.
Hola Wint Herr! I agree with you that it's fascinating to find out how similar Catalan is to Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese... All of those are Romance languages and whilst Catalan is not a strict combination of Spanish and French, they do share many parallelisms :)
Wint Herr man I never knew that. I always thought it was a mixture of Spanish and French.
Why not? Do people really think there were 1000 languages descended from Latin rather than major ones and little dialects that influenced each other and were influenced more by one of the larger languages? It seems preposterous to think a minor dialect/language between The major castilian and french language is not the result of a mix when that is what logic would dictate. Not every dialect descends from the proto language. Portunol is not a vulgar latin descendant as much as it is a language that is between spanish and portuguese, that is what Catalan is, a primordial portunolic type language between french and spanish.
Phillip Louis You are very wrong! Catalan is not a mix between Spanish and French. It’s a Latin derived language by its own like Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or French are. Actually it’s a direct descendant of Occitan, which is an extinct language that was spoken throughout the southern half of France, before French (a very different language) was imposed by force. If you care to investigate you will find that modern Catalan share features of Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French, but it’s none of them nor any combination of any of them.
Why don't you just say that Catalan is way older than French, Italian or Spanish?
Catalan was spoken language in Girona before Spain even existed, when Arabs have been building Madrid.
Just read Wikipedia and you'll find out.
Catalan is also the most similar language to Latin.
Majority of the nouns are the same.
Other modern languages like Spanish or Italian use added ending on the end of the nouns.
I'm going to Barcelona this summer so I'm learning catalan here and on Duolingo. Beautiful language!
Hola :) very happy to know the videos are helping you getting ready for Barcelona! Have a fab time there!
Everybody there speak Spanish
Hi. This is helping me enormously as i am currently taking Catalan Classes in Vilanova, but as the teacher (who's great) only speaks in Catalan, i sometimes have difficulty following the instructions so having you explain in English is really helping me UNDERSTAND the language, rather than just speak it. Thank you very, very much!
Happy I found this channel! Tomorrow I’m going to have my Catalan exam for my Basic 1 and I can say I’m ready by watching and practicing with this videos. Thanks a lot waiting for more videos! I believe here in Catalonia many people would like to learn and practice the language even out of Barcelona
Hola Aram, què tal l'examen? (How did the exam go?) :) Very glad that they were useful! Out of curiosity, how come you are studying Catalan?
Here's your typical "omg i'm french and i understand 95% of written catalan" comment 😋 I want to learn catalan some day, it may come sooner than expected as I may spend some months in Spain next year, perhaps in Catalunya. I already went to Bcn once and I was so happy I could understand a big part of what I heard or read!
In the mean time you got yourself a new subscriber 😊
Hola i moltes gràcies pel comentari :) It is definitely very rewarding to learn Romance languages if you are a native speaker of one of them!
Great teacher here.
Thanks for your kind words, Toni! Glad you found the video useful ;)
You are very welcome. Be sure I'll share it with any foreign friends curious about learning Catalan !
Muy interesante soy un mexicano que está empezando desde cero a aprender catalán siempre ha sido un sueño poder estudiar éste lindo idioma
Graciès per la teva colaboració. Jo penso que és molt important que la llengua catalana ting la oportunitat de ser difundida. És una llengua molt bella. Saluts del Mexic.
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari Brando! Em fa molta il.lusió que t´agradin els videos :)
Saluts des de Australia, Jo vaig parlar el Catala amb els meus pares fin que van morir..Ara tinc 75 anys..Saludos desde Australia . Yo hablé el Catalan con mis padres hasta su muerte, Ahora tengo 75 anos.Greetings from Australia, I spoke Catalan with parents till they left the earth plane Now I am 75 .. Knowledge is power
Thank you for amazing videos! It’s so easy to learn this beautiful language with you!
Hola! I am working at a Catalan company and I am not from Spain. People at my office do not say "Adéu". They say Adeeeeeeeeeeuuuu and that is the loveliest thing I've ever heard !
i just randomly started speaking it and now i’m so like interested in seeing if i can become fluent in the language and actually know what im saying. i’m so confused but excited that im speaking a language i never knew existed and ik it’s bad but im glad i know about it now and i really wanna learn more and know what im saying so i don’t accidentally disrespect anyone
Best tutorial for travelers I've come across so far. Thank you.
Hola Oj Dua, I'm very happy it was helpful! More videos to come regularly, so stay tunned :)
Maria, when I travel and interact with a local, I usually start my conversation by apologizing that I don't speak the language very well: "I'm sorry I don't speak ---- very well. Do you speak English?" How would you say that in Catalan?
Hola Oj Dua! Sure, I answered your PM on that :)
"I'm sorry, I don't speak Catalan (very well). Do you speak English?" would be the following in Catalan:
"Ho sento / perdó, no parlo català (gaire bé). Parles anglès?".
Gracias por compartir tus conocimientos en Catalan. Poco a poco me voy enterando de las diferencias entre el Castellano y Catalan. Me ayuda mucho los conocimeintos, aunque pocos, en Frances, Italiano y Portugues -- los cuales, en conjunto, casi hacen un circulo completo en comprender el origen de estos idiomas. Tambien quiero decir que Ud. facilita mucho el adquirir de forma practica, palabras o frases que uno podria emplear para comunicarse mejor con los nativos -- sin ofender a nadie. Gracias, mil por vuestros esfuerzos, me han caido muy bien!
Hola :) Muchas gracias por tu comentario y estoy de acuerdo que hablar/conocer otros idiomas similares es una gran ayuda!
I’m happy to see this video because I love to learn Catalan
I will start with my Catalan course next week and I'm doing advance studying. Your videos are very helpful! :)
That´s great to read, gràcies! Hope your course is going well and you learn loads :)
Ah, thank you for this video, its one thing to learn the language from text and another thing to know when certain words are used over others for specific meanings.
Really fun and useful channel. Very clear and I know what I'm learning. Look forward to visiting Barcelona and other Catalan region.
Merci! You will always be welcome :)
Hi there is there a book in catalan that you recommend for beginners?
Jajaja, que interesante es ver a una Española enseñando catalán en ingles, uauu.
Saludos desde México 🇲🇽
Hola m'encanta el video! És molt interessant I útil.
Moltíssimes gràcies, Sillysertryu! Si tens algun dubte en particular, fes-m´ho saber :)
We are going to Barcelona next month. Thank you. Your presentation is very good.
Gràcies, Davis and have a great time in Barcelona!
That’s awesome!! I’m actually learning the main 4 Romance languages now (Portuguese, Italian, French, Spanish). I figured “why not give Catalan a try?” Wow I like this language. It seems very similar with European Portuguese which is my favorite dialect that I’m learning now. In Lisbon “Adeus” is bye. Now for Catalan I learned “Adéu” (déu). So cool! 🥰❤️🙏
bones !I appreciate alot ....thanks once again and continue giving more it's really helpful... especially to those learning catala...fins aviat
I loved it! ¡Saludos desde México!
adéu is also used as a greeting if you pass someone in the street for example
I am very impressed I've found this channel.. thanks
Hola Mariofrancisco123, very glad you found it helpful :) Stay tuned for more some language pills to come!
Please make a podcast out of it! I would love to listen to it while drawing 🤗
Thank you for your great videos you are inspiring me to learn catalan
Moltes gràcies pel comentari (thanks a lot for the comment)! Very glad you are making progress. Catalan is a beautiful language :)
-04/06/2022 @ 0715-
Just how many different languages are spoken in Spain?
I’m only watching this because I want to get signed to Barcelona in the future 💀
words cannot explain how real this is
I'm korean student. I'm learning the conflict of religion. I wondered the catalan. It's interesting!
Hola! Great to hear it is interesting :)
Thank you for sharing this video I've learned a lot...
Merciii for your comment :)
My native language is Spanish. To me, when I hear some Catalan's words, I think that the ending e's are pronounced as a's. Do you hear the same?
I request for a certain clarification but I don't see you online ..how can I reach you please...it's about etiquette...
El castellà i el català són per a mi llengües estrangeres, que estudio paral·lelament. Les teves lliçons són impecables: amb el teu impecable anglès i un català impecable, m'alegra saber de tu i aprendre. Moltes gràcies ! Sóc un actor professional i vull aprendre una llengua de bons parlants i tu ets una d'elles. Felicitats! Una de les meves dues llengües maternes és l'armani (l'altra és el grec). Atenció! Ni el romanès ni l'armeni. En els diccionaris estem registrats com Armani / Vlachs. També és una llengua llatina, desenvolupada pel llatí vulgar, a l'Imperi Romà d'Orient i més concretament als Balcans. Trobo moltes similituds amb el català en vocabulari i pronunciació. Per tant, tot i que el català és més difícil de pronunciar que el castellà, no tinc cap dificultat per pronunciar-lo. .
Thank you for your videos. I shall be studying closely. Cheers!
Merci Ryan :)
Thanks you for your work 😊
Great mestre
It’s incredible how much catalan is similar to Portuguese! I feel like it is a mix between Portuguese and French. I’m lucky I know both languages lol
I think so too! I know a bit of French from school and anytime I hear Portuguese there are many sounds that sound like Catalan to me :)
I say the similarities are partially because Catalan and Portuguese retain a lot of archaic features that Spanish loss alongside the coincidental vowel reduction both languages have undergone. Compare the Ladino language of Sephardi Jews. It is derived from Medieval Castilian but has a very similar softness in sound as Portuguese and Catalan.
Is Fins ara like saying "Be right back"?
Learn Catalan from Barcelona Just a note: in English, this would be “Back in a minute”, or “I’ll be back in a minute/moment/second”. “See you now” doesn’t mean “Fins ara”, although those are the same words. If it is used in English, “See you now” is an informal way of saying “Goodbye” (ie with no expectation of seeing the person again soon).
Or "I'll be right there"... Arriba
I want to know Catalan names , and the streets in Barcelona in Catalan pronunciation, especially the double Ll like Lluis in my book.
Hola! Here's my video showing you how to pronounce the LL sound: ruclips.net/video/wYWkoq5MY8U/видео.html
Hi , In 1978 I met a beautiful Spanish girl who came from Papiol when I was on holiday in Mallorca..I still think about her
Hi Maria, I moved to a region of Catalunya approx. 6 mths ago. I have come across your videos. I have completed the first one, and enjoyed it. However I noticed your learning post is not active anymore. Are the videos the only way to learn now? Thank you for your videos, I am going to go through them. Enjoy your weekend
i didn’t know what i was speaking at first so i used google translate and it said i was using catalan language and idk but i can say some things in the language but i have no clue what im saying
Bon Dia is very similiar to Portuguese que es Bom Dia. Very nice
Hola! Had no clue about that, gràcies for the learning :)
Learn Catalan from Barcelona you're very welcome there's all of similarities in Catalan that Portuguese has.
"Buenos Dias" in Spanish, "Bom Dia" in Portuguese and "Bon Dia" in Catalan. The French "Bonjour" and the Italian "Buongiorno" related but diffferent
tienes onlin clas?
Does "Rachan un pera blem" have any meaning? I looked it up and the online translator said " they crack a bad pear." That doesn't make sense to me. Is it a saying that means something else?
Hola! The only word that is Catalan is "pera" (pear). The rest does not seem to be standard Catalan.
Great ! I began to learn a Catalan,and hope you can last long.
Hola Kai Leung Huen! Definitely, stay tunned for more videos and visit www.learncatalanfrombarcelona.com to get some more info :)
Gracias..From Indonesia 😚
You help me a lot
Wow, Catalan even reaching Indonesia, that's fab! Very happy it was helpful :)
Great teacher indeed!
Gràcies, Urban Self Defense! More videos coming very soon :)
Thank you! If you can follow my channel as well, I would really appreciate it :) I work in Barcelona with self defense!
I will definitely have a look :)
I have been trying to learn Spanish for many years and I have been to Spain once many years ago, however I did not make it to Barcelona. For an American Traveling to Spain, or Barcelona, should I or do I need to put out effort to learn Catalan? Or is it just better that I continue to place the time and energy on learning more and more Spanish? Will I meet people in and around Barcelona that do not Speak Spanish and only speak Catalan, or will I be able to move around with easy with only Spanish?
Hola Richard! You can certainly go around Barcelona and Catalonia only with Spanish. We are completely bilingual and I cannot imagine someone who would expect a foreigner to speak Catalan ;) What I try to do whenever I travel is to learn a few words in the local language (in this case Catalan) and then use them more as a sign of respect rather than an actual need :) Have a fab time!
Learn Catalan from Barcelona . Thank you so much, I totally understand and agree. Muchas gracias, que tengas bjen dia
Gracias a ti y disfruta del viaje :)
Let me be clear on that. In Catalonia you can find people like me that even if we can speak spanish we consider spanish as an imposed language in our territory and will never want to use it in Catalonia on a day to day basis. So in my point of view you would do better to learn a bit of catalan and most importantly, please do not ask catalans to speak you in spanish when being in Catalonia. As spanish language was imposed to our catalan nation through a bloody history, and besides a lot of people in catalonia keep struggling for an independent catalonia, there will be people like myself that will feel treated with a lack of respect if you assume we must speak spanish instead catalan in the catalan territory. The catalan language has been during 1000 years the common communication tool in public ambiences in Catalonia and this is the role it should keep for many centuries to come.
Nice u r good teacher with nice voice
Gràcies, very kind! 😄
Not so off-topic since it Catalan related. Is there a Catalan audio Bible? I've searched on the internet but have not found any.
Hola Adam! Interesting query! I have just found this resource, which may be helpful? It seems you can listen to some parts of the New Testament in Catalan. www.socri.cat/biblia/biblia.html You have to click on the right-hand side of the page, where it says: "Escolta la Bíblia".
Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Hola! Me gusta mucho catalán! Com ba?
Love the video very teachable
Gràcies Alberto!
Super helpful! Something confused me though: when you say Bon Vespre, the second 'e' sounds like neither an open or closed 'e', but more like a stressed 'a'. Is there a rule or helpful hint to remember when to do that?
Excellent teaching, thanks a lot!
The second "e" in "vespre" sounds like "e" in "rather", what we Catalans say "e neutra", that's when "e" it's not stressed
Merci Enric!
Hola and great question! As Enric said, [E] may have stressed and non-stressed sounds. In 'VESPRE, the first E is stressed whereas the second is not and therefore has a neutral sound, which is like a neutral "A". You can find out more about how to pronounce vowels in this video: ruclips.net/video/DYw0AvGMDEk/видео.html
Hello Miss... How r u... Thank you..
I tried to learn Spanish using apps on my phone..
I see Catalan likes Spanish in some words...
I hope to visit Barcelona in the future... 😍😍😍😍
Hola Ali! There definitely are many similarities between Spanish and Catalan and learning one benefits the other :) Hope you can make it to Barcelona soon!
@@learncatalanfrombarcelona7756 I don't have much time to learn Spanish quickly.. Also.. I'm Syrian and i live in syria.. Our situation is too bad.. No visa to any country for visiting.. My dream is visiting Barcelona..
Soom I'll be free and I'll start to learn Spanish more than now.. And Catalan in the future using your channel and more and more..
If that happened and i visit Barcelona.. I hope to see u there my teacher..
Mucho gusto mí maestra..
Hasta luego 😍
Ali Shahoud Hola de nou (hi again)! I am sorry to hear about your challenges and agree that it is very sad and tough what Syria has been going through in the last years.
It is inspiring to see how passionate you feel about Barcelona and both Spanish and Catalan! I will continue to share my language in the best possible way, so that people who cannot access it directly, also have the opportunity to learn some bits :) Take good care and keep fingers crossed that soon or later you can visit Barcelona 😊💪🏼
@@learncatalanfrombarcelona7756 Thank you again..
And I'm so happy because we spoke a little here..
God bless you..😍😍😍
Moltes gràcies Ali Shahoud! :)
Salutacions de Sardenya i moltes gràcies :)
Merci :)
Después de muuucho tiempo vuelvo a encontrarte y me ha fascinado. Una pregunta: La 'e' final se prouncia como una 'a'?. Gracias!.
Hola! Aquí tienes una explicación general de las vocales: ruclips.net/video/DYw0AvGMDEk/видео.html
Moltes gràcies
Hola! Estic a Catalunya, aproví B1 però vull aprendre mas. M'agrada moltíssim el seu canal. Please correct me if I'm wrong :) potons I abraçades. "El seu" no estoy seguro de esto ... Adéu!
Molt bé! "El seu" is correct but formal (vostè). You could also say "el teu" (informal and what I would use in this context :)
Catalan-speaking people in English say "Hi! Good night!" which sounds mad but Bona Nit can be a greeting and departure.
Com va = com ba in pronunciation?
That's right. In Catalan "B" and "V" are pronounced exactly in the same way.
@@learncatalanfrombarcelona7756 Gràcies ☺️
M'hauria agradat que expliquessis el "Bon dia i bona hora"!
Molt bona suggerència :)
Wow very similar to italian and french,
my father live near Barcelona im going there for holidays but i learn a bit of español but not catalan ahahha its difficult now to learn catalan instead of español
Hola Caroline :) Yes, there are many similarities indeed. Haha of course, but no worries, we all speak Spanish as well ;)
Hola! Soy inglés. Hablo español y portugués y un poco de francés también. Así que ya entiendo bastante al catalán sin mucho esfuerzo. p.ej. He visto por la tele 'Benvinguts a la Familia' y lo entiendo hasta un nivel medio-avanzado También comprendo RAC-1 y Catalunya Ràdio, sin embrago no hablo ni un par de palabras en ello. Quería aprender la lengua catalana, que sea muy bonita, pero siempre que empiezo a estudiarla lo dejo por perfeccionar más los otros idiomas que estudió. Entonces ¿cuando debo empezar con catalán? Gracias.
Hola, se nota que estás muy familiarizado con los canales de comunicación catalanes! Como primer paso, creo que es genial que pases tiempo escuchando radio y viendo tele en catalán. Me parece que tu pregunta es principalmente una cuestión de prioridades :) Vives en Cataluña? Si es así, te animaría a que empieces a tener interacciones socialies en catalán (al ir a una tienda, hablar con los vecinos...). No tiene que ser perfecto y creo que te ayudará a mejorar de una manera natural!
@@learncatalanfrombarcelona7756 Gracias por contestarme! Vivo en Inglaterra. Escucho la radio en catalan en linea y sale unas pocas series de tele por netflix, RUclips o la página web de las emisoras catalanas (de las que la mayoría de programas son bloqueadas fuera de España).. Ahorita no tengo con quién hablar. Así que he aprendido seguir lo que dice el radio sin hablar nada. Entonces debo hacer un gran esfuerzo para aprender hablar catalán y luego visitar Cataluña en unos meses. 🤔
@@trvrw Ya te entiendo, es complicado, especialmente si no vives en el lugar! No se dónde en Inglaterra vives, pero a veces he leído que algunas universidades y centros en el extranjero ofrecen cursos de catalán :) sino, tal vez haya alguno online!
Is this the language of Andorran people?
Yep! In Andorra they speak both Catalan and Spanish.
Hola! im from philippines and im having a hard time learning the catalan accent b'coz by next week will be our UN (united nations) and i fatedly picked the catalan country.. asking for help😅
Hola! Hope the videos were useful? :)
In the Philippines, Catalunya has a seat at the UN ? You're nice !
Good job
Thank you for this.
Is the “v” in “com va” and in “bon vespre” pronounced as the English “b”? It sure does sound like it.
Yup. Betacism occurs in Central Catalan like Spanish.
@@Alan-xe4stThank you!
Thanks, it was very useful.
Gràcies (thank you)! Glad you found it practical :)
Catalan is just Spanish but some parts of the word are cut off and other letters are added on.
Buenos días = Bon día
Buenos tarde = bona tarda.
Could you answer me, please? I'm curious about catalan situation in Spain.
In spanish cinematography are there any movies acting in catalan (even partially)? Have Castilian speakers any chance to listen to catalan in media shows, music and literature? Or is catalan used just in catalan area?
In Italy a lots of movies often use Sicilian or Neapolitan and northern Italians are accustomed and they've learned lots of Sicilian or Neapolitan phrases. For example, in Sicilian we say "chisti su i picciuli p'accattari i cirasa" and this sentence in italian becomes "questi sono i soldi per comprare le ciliegie", rather different, however most of italians by now understand that Sicilian phrase, because people have learned while they watched movies in TV or movie theater. Same thing for Neapolitan songs. Sicilian songs are located just in Sicily, on the contrary Neapolitan songs are known in all the italian State. In italian we say "accendere" (to turn on), in Sicilian we say "addumari", but I know that in Neapolitan they say "appiccià", because I listened to this verb in lots of movies.
Some famous writers use to write their books with italian mixed up Sicilian. This books are read throughout Italy by lombards, venetians, ligurians, tuscans, etc.
Does it happen for catalan in Spain? Or Castilian speakers aren't interested in catalan language and culture?
Pdor figlio di Kmer I’m sorry my friend, but I don’t know. I’m not actually from Catalan, I’m from England. I was just trying to make a joke. I’m sure that you’ve spent a while trying to write out that paragraph and I’m sorry that I don’t know the answer.
@@thespanishinquisition8394 Don't worry. 😀
muchas gracias
Thank you so much for this video 😊👍
:) glad to hear that!
It might seem strange but to me Catalan is perhaps the most "English" sounding of the major Romance languages. It shares French's characteristic penchant for closed syllables but without all the nasalization and other weird phonological shenanigans French underwent after French and English parted ways in influence.
A big part of that is the _schwa_ - the mid central vowel, which is all over the english language - many unstressed vowels take this sound. In (most dialects of) Catalan, unstressed e and a take this sound. (which sounds a bit different in different places - in Barcelona it's proctically and 'a' sound)
Maltese Here, have catalan descent,very Close to italian, and provencal, but is very distinct, visca catalans
Muchas gracias. Me gustaría aprender catalán pero parece difícil porque siempre me lo he confundido con castellano
De nada, Enrique! Es cierto que son idiomas similares pero algo distintos. Si quieres un poco más de información, puedes ver los otros vídeos o ir a www.learncatalanfrombarcelona.com :)
Nice channel! Keep updating.
Merci Rafael!!
Catalan seems to be a hybrid of Spanish, French, Italian & Latin. Pretty cool.
Precisely :) Spanish, French, Italian, Portugese, Catalan (...and others) are Romance languages and come from Latin. It´s fascinating to see the similarities!
it's just a different language.
You forgot Portuguese
Muy bién, yo entiendolas transcripciones de expresiones desde català a japonés pero no demasiado con otras lenguas.... me và perfecto ir recombinando. Y así practico el inglés oxidado.
Wanthefull u can spk English language very well thank you
Haha thank you, there is still a lot of room for improvement ;)
Very good for Beginners 😊
That was the purpose :D
Hola. Salutacions d'Austràlia. Vaig néixer a Austràlia i visc a Austràlia. L'anglès és la meva llengua materna. Puc parlar català. Tinc disset anys. Actualment estic decidit per quin idioma he d'aprendre. Les meves opcions són alemanyes, italianes o holandeses. Vull aprendre italià perquè la meva família és italiana. Vull aprendre alemany perquè vaig començar a escoltar un grup musical anomenat Rammstein i em va inspirar a aprendre alemany. Altres coses em van inspirar a aprendre alemany. Vull aprendre la llengua holandesa perquè sóc amic de dues persones holandeses. :)
Hola i merci pel comentari! Ets australià i escrius molt i molt bé en català. Tinc curiositat... On has après l'idioma? Jo actualment estic estudiant alemany i m'encanta! Però és força diferent al català. M'han comentat que l'holandès és, més o menys, similar al alemany. Molts ànims sigui quin sigui l'idioma pel que et decideixis :)
L'holandès és molt similar al alemany. Anglès, neerlandès, alemany, frisó, afrikaans, són totes les llengües germàniques.
Cada dia s'aprèn alguna cosa :)
Això és molt cert. Continueu penjant bons videos :)
EyeOfTheAussieSky Això està fet! ;)
I wanna learn Catalan 👍👍
Are you on Instagram?
Not yet!
And what does "caca" mean?
Haha Good question! Google translate may give you a hint ;)
I guess Fins Ara could mean I’ll be right back. Right?
That's right! Can't remember what I said in the video, but that's probably the best translation.
Com estas you miss
It's a bigger blend of Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. Latin wins ❤ Me gusta mucho la lengua catalana
muchisima gracias al curso pero lengua ingles mas facil aprender que l espnol fins ara en catalan de argelia uno argelino
De res i records a Argèlia! (de nada y saludos a Argelia!)
Bon dia is like bom dia, Portuguese