- Exactly. His performance was in stark contrast to Eagle with Andrew Neil. Eagle was an absolute embarrassment. Her interview with Kay Burley was perhaps even more shocking. Corbyn has his faults but he's in a completely different league to Eagle.
+Alex J Angela eagle is one of those sleepers planted and groomed in to a party to destroy it or own opposition when they know, there gravy train is coming of the rails and Jeremy corbyn is that man to do it with there greed and corruption and illegal wars and there non existent values for the ordinary man and women ,it proves it when the Kinnock's, Blair,etc are making there voice heard in all of the media slating Jeremy corbyn,in every way possible,his clothes,manner policies etc etc,this man is a brilliant honest and peaceful truthful leader for everyone,and with Jeremy wanting blair tried for war crimes it as become even more savage from his own party
Some reasons not to support Eagle without vileness and personal attacks: - She voted for the Iraq war - She voted against all investigations into the Iraq war - She voted to bomb Syria - Her own constituency branch have issued a statement of their support for Corbyn which she has chosen to ignore. (- I have also heard she abstained from the last major vote about Tory welfare cuts, although haven't been able to verify it personally.) EDIT: Some other reasons - She generally voted against a transparent Parliament - She voted against registering lobbyists, against regulating non-standing campaigners and for fewer restrictions on lobbying interests - for instance, she voted against capping the amount a lobbyist (regardless of whether standing as a candidate, suggesting a candidate, or not) can spend in each individual constituency during an election and not to reduce the amount lobbyists could spend on elections (aka in favour of lobbyists spending more on pushing candidates and of money in politics) - She does not seem to support Proportional Representation (was absent from votes) - She voted against higher taxes on banks or abstained from votes (although almost always voted for a banker’s bonus tax) - She generally voted against greater regulation of fracking She seems like an alright person but not a good politician. Regardless of feelings regarding Corbyn's leadership and the Labour party shambles, those reasons above are enough for her to not have my support.
"She seems like an alright person on the whole." I disagree. She keeps saying (of Jeremy Corbyn), "He's not a bad man, he's not a leader though." Well, I think she IS a bad woman, she's not a leader either." She ABSTAINED when parliament voted through the brutal welfare cuts.
***** Gotta say, I agree with you on her flip-flopping on Corbyn. One week she's saying Corbyn's was working his arse off with a heavy off-camera schedule during the EU Ref, the next she's having a go at him for the EU Ref result. That said, I'm not about to judge someone personally based on the little I've seen of them in the public eye, and I'll assume the best at first. Looked into her voting record some more though, and was very disturbed at the amount of favour she shows to lobbyists, even if she has a good record on social issues, the NHS, reforming the Lords and education. But I still haven't been able to find the specific vote on the Tory welfare cuts where she abstained (although I don't doubt it happened judging from the number of people commenting on it). Would you happen to know which vote it was? www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/10182/angela_eagle/wallasey/divisions?policy=6670
She abstained during first and second reading iirc. Basically meaning she agreed to have debate and discussion on proposed cuts basically allowing possible Labour amendments to be added on. Third Reading - the actual vote on approving the bill, she followed the whip and voted against. Honestly, the fact that the whole welfare cut argument is so prevalent just shows what an effective politician Cameron is. It's frankly impressive how effectively he's helped fuel the disunity in Labour. There are many legitimate criticisms against Eagle, many of which you listed, but the criticism on welfare cuts is misinformation and frankly well-crafted apparently successful conservative propaganda.
How can 172MP's claim that they want to represent the people when they intend to start out 'representing us' by ignoring the overwhelming majority of 251, 417 people who voted for Jeremy last year? Those MP's have a very warped view of democracy and they show a frightening level of disrespect for the views of the people they're supposed to represent.
The "unelectable "nonsense again. UK is a democracy. The people get to choose who they want to represent them. If he loses the general election for whatever reason, be it "unelectability", they party moves on and select another leader (selected by the people again). Leader of the party should not be determined based on who MPs think is electable. And about Tony Blair being "the best thing since sliced bread", Wow! I see where you are coming from
+jeep2386 51%? You do realise that Conservatives got in with only about 35 % of votes (if you include non voters, only about 25% of eligible voters elected them) This makes the argument for a new EU referendum because it only received 52% of votes, rather laughable, dont you think?
***** Yes I know that. That is why I put the 2nd stat in brackets. Even so 35% is still way lower than the 51% you claimed Corbyn would need. I think proportional representative is absolutely the way to go. In fact if I was Labour leader that would be a big part of my manifesto (Conservatives are unlikely to put it in their manifesto as it would affect them the most). If this was to happen I would expect more people to actually vote as the 'whats the point? They are all the same' brigade might actually make an effort. I think this would make sure the Labour party stayed as a socialist party, UKIP would have the power they deserve (Let me be clear I am NOT a UKIP supporter, but they did win 10% of the votes and only having 1 seat is woefully unjustified), the greens would get more backing and I imagine the outcome would be a parliment that would settle somewhere in the middle, as anything too extreme left or right would never get passed.
+MoonrakerSW leaving the European Union was said to be economical a bad decision. why would you want a political leader in power who couldn't recognise that?
+MoonrakerSW I disagreed. Any politician who could recognise that staying in the European Union was economically the best decision for the UK. Could be trusted to make the right decisions for our economy in negotiating are exit trade deals. It would be illogical to trust this with somebody who was partly a catalyst, to the now economic Fallout we are surely to face in the Future. How the corporate press with their own agenda, has somehow managed to convince the population that James Corbyn is partly responsible for this poor informed decision to leave the EU and that he must stand down, is a true Testament to the manipulative power they have over a percentage of the population.
+MoonrakerSW Respectfully your original point was that "all parties you should have a pro leave leader" i believe i covered my thoughts on this in my responses above. In regards to Jeremy Corbyn. He appears to be modest, moral and a honest individual. who truly cares about the equality and prosperity of all the Citizens of the UK. clearly hr is not driven buy personal or financial gain. I trust him! also I truly respect his character. Just in one example. To say that David Cameron was childish during prime minister's question time. would be an insult to children, as children can't be held responsible for what they doing. David Cameron knew exactly what he was doing. he was lying and deceitful. He lacked any credibility. Jeremy Corbyn has the capability to restore Faith in the Citizens of UK towards there political representation in Parliament.
+MoonrakerSW I don't belive there is a positive leave image. But we agree on somethings and respectfully disagree on others. It was nice to exchange perspectives with you. Good night.
I appreciate incisive probing journalism but Marr seemed to have a clear narrative that he wanted to push here, and whenever Corbyn offered an answer that countered that narrative, Marr wanted to change the subject quickly or hurry him along. Not impressed.
The blairites of Labour party seem to have forgotten that they answer to the electorate. The majority of us back Corbyn & want a decent, post war style Labour party.
***** Corbyn is given fair representation in the media. Unless of course you believe the media should be censored. In which case you really are thick as shit.
***** It is fair to let the press print what they want abour Corbyn. They should be encouraged to highlight how incompetent the buffoon is. Oh and I am very well aware of his economic policies. He basically wants to implement quatitative easing. Because hes a fucking lunatic. But I do like him really. He is singlehandedly destroying the Labour party. And I fucking hate the labour party. Corbyn will fail, so get your handkerchief ready...
***** I think its pathetic that you refuse to believe that I have read and understood Corbyns woefully inept policies. Like its possible for someone to understand them but disagree with them eh! I dont need to prove anything to you. But I will say this, if you think he is good for businesses and making money then you havent fucking clue about how economics works. Gutted.
Polls consistently show that Labour VOTERS (not just members) back corbyn as a leader. If you want to include conservatives and UKIP then that is obviously not statistically viable, they are not ALL going to back any labour candidate until they reflect a neolib right ideology. And you said it 9 vs 11 million, well that was with a different leader, he is very much taking a losing party.
It isn't that Jeremy didn't do enough to campaign for remain, it's that his campaigning wasn't covered enough by the media. He's getting punished by the media by not being covered enough by the media. Seems legit.
Jeremy is a good egg, but doesn't force his opinion on to people. I think that's why the party is worried they will not find the votes and support it wants from the entire country. I trust Corbyn, I want him to represent and lead my country. It's very difficult to reverse all that has been said, but the party needs to unite and stand together as a force for the little people that Jeremy clearly wants to represent!
The fact that he respects others & is a true democrat & wants the electorate to think decide for themselves (rather than telling people what to do in mindless soundbites) really gets the knickers of the blairites in a bunch! So refreshing and decent.
Will never be prime minister. No chance of gaining english conservative seats, which he desperately needs to be in government having lost scotland to the snp.
+Smullo Can't blame the MPs for wanting to be in a position to win a general election. Labour Members are living in their own bubble. Whereas as in reality most people know he is far to left wing and radical to appeal rural conservative seats which he'll definitely need to gain in an election if he has any hope of being prime minister.
If you think Labour voters like me, who have voted for Blair and been sorely disappointed, even voted for Charles Kennedy's LD's, would seriously consider voting for a Blairite candidate in violation of the wishes of the party in the current climate, well, you are borderline insane. I did not vote for Corbyn. However, I believe in democracy, and I believe in deselecting any member of the party who is disloyal to Corbyn as the left was not during the intense provocation of the Blair years. I think you vastly misunderstand the mood among the public let alone the public which is very different than it was during the Blair years after more than half a decade of austerity when ordinary workers have been repeatedly kicked in the teeth to pay for the excesses and criminal behaviour of bankers.
The party improved its share of the vote in England at the last council elections. There is no indication from the polls that a centrist candidate would do any better and Milliband manifestly failed to do so while trying to appeal unsuccessfully to the centre. You people seem stuck in 2005 thinking where the middle class was not vanishing and the working clases still turned out for New Labour in the belief they were the best alternatve: neither is true any longer.
A very honest and reasoned response to an interviewer who does seem to apply himself aggressively . Andrew Marr was reminiscent of "Robin Day". Jeremy Corbyn comes over as calm, clear cooperative and correct. This does prove to me that he is capable of working under a great deal of hostility and pressure. He does not panic where others might. Did those who quit the shadow cabinet panic after the brexit vote? Perhaps they did.
Hopefully the Labour Party is purged and then they can form the United Blairite Party, and see that without Tribal voting, their ideas appeal to no one.
+Michael L Considering Corbyn is where he is because of a Popular Mandate, and people only vote Labour because of Tribal politics, I'd say a Corbynite Labour would be far more successful than any Blairite Party.
+CounterCuckooClockWit Well, the ideas of Blarism are being Pro-Eu, Pro-Globalisation, Pro-Comprehensive School System, Pro Mass Immigration, Pro-Big Businesses, Being in favour of Unlawful and Indiscriminate Military Intervention, Mass and Uncontrolled Austerity, Pro-Multiculturalism and Anti-Working Class. Like I said,without the Tribalism of Tory and Labour, who in their right mind would vote for these Elitist cunts?
Have a day off! The media isn't ignoring him, he's ignoring them. He talks to people who already agree with him but he can't handle confrontation. He won't even speak to other labour MPS. The guy isn't the messiah I'm afraid. He's way out of his depth and has NO leadership qualities whatsoever!
***** I agree with you, hes certainly momentous, he will possibly go down in history as the worst leader of the opposition ever! Not even his own party want him to be leader and yet he refuses to abdicate, hes a selfish career politician. www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/majority-voters-prefer-owen-smith-8516111
Aww poor MP's they're trying to destroy Jeremy without the support of the people and the understandably angry public is telling them what they think of them. Abuse my arse.
what I find interesting watching JC and his body language, is that I see a man who has nothing to hide. Agree with him or not, he is a man who tells the truth. Very unusual for a politician.
It's about the links and established base that Labour already has. Corbyn slipped in at the top of an established opposition (A little like Trump on the right). If we all joined, say, George Galloway and his Respect party, it wouldn't have all the strong Union links and foundation of Labour.
The Conservatives are laughing, consistently 5-10% ahead in the polls, which for a governing party is unheard of. The Labour Membership and Labour MPs are completely divided. Simply do not appeal to conservative england to gain seats.
+CounterCuckooClockWit Latest YouGov, ICM, Ipsos Mori polls have Conservatives ahead by 5-10 percentage points and have been so for the last year. The By-Elections have been in safe Labour seats in the north and in the increasingly Labour London. It is nothing to celebrate as an opposition for holding a safe seat in a by-election. My point is his left wing policies of increasing income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax do not appeal to conservative seats in southern and midland england to gain conservative seats. He'll desperately need to gain about 50 conservative seats to stand any chance, especially as Labour are now the 3rd party in Scotland. Is Corbyn really capable of appealing to rural England? Personally I don't think so but I hope he remains as leader because he is clearly a nice and principled guy and is undoubtably Labours best hope.
The BBC does provide some good and informative programs, such as Question Time which is most democratic program I've ever seen aired. However, the way in which they retrieve their money by lying, cheating and frauding the public, essentially scaring people into paying their 'TV licence' is simply immoral and is why I refuse to pay it.
This is unforgivable. The BBC has a sacred mandate from the people to remain unbiased and not insert a self serving dishonest editorial narrative in its reporting. In this interview EVERY SINGLE QUESTION was deliberately framed to tarnish the image of Corbyn, who for his part responded wonderfully and honestly without deflection. It is clear that the BBC is now rotten to the core and sever political retribution must be made towards those who have deliberately undermined democracy by manipulating the public that trusted them. Andrew Marr, the Editors and Chiefs must should all be held publicly accountable to the people stripped of their positions, and tossed into the street or preferably in prison.
Diego Jauregui It's not rotten to the core but like Bernard M says, it's not in any way an 'objective interview' and Andrew Marr is carrying on like some tabloid journalist. Even Piers Morgan would have conducted a better interview.
Sadly, this is the legacy of Robin Day and Jeremy Paxman. A good interviewer will challenge the interviewee, but what seems to be happening too frequently is that the interviewer is trying to be a smartarse celebrity.
Marr appeared SO small compared to Corbyn when they were talking. I mean his actual size felt like was shrinking when Corbyn was replying to his bullshit questions.
Lets face it, a potato would be a more useful leader. You could write his achievements on the back of a postage stamp and leave room for the lords prayer
Not crazy enough. When shit goes down, you need sociopaths who is willing to crash the country to get their career ahead, enter people like Eagle. "Chaos is a Ladder".
SFLucid Also Gove who attacked Boris after standing by his side for the campain then went in for the dagger in the back when he sniffed weakness. When you don't know whether you live in a fictional era or not...
Contrast this with Eagle's interview with Peston. Corbyn answers amd reacts to every question. Eagle spoke in only prepared soundbites and answered no questions
if corbyn is forced out of the party he was voted into I'm never bothering with labour again and suspect a lot of the people who became interested in politics because of him will likely do the same. the MPs throwing a tantrum now need to get it together or risk losing a lot of support.
Archvaldor's Warcraf Hacks,"It is time to think about the mechanics of deselecting the majority of the parliamentary party", and then the deselected MPs will form their own party.As a result, at the next general election,Labour will be reduced to a small minority group with very little or no support.
There should be a petition against the BBC for a blatant and biased lack of coverage of Jeremy Corbyn’s actions and activities since he won an outstanding mandate last year to become the Leader of the Labour Party, giving it the first chance in decades to restore fairness to Society and smash the tories into oblivion forever. I don't understand how all of the turncoat MP's are able to sleep at night, knowing that they are totally ignoring the views of those who voted them into their positions - and Jeremy, good on you, you totally owned this!
A principled man, not perfect... who is? I'll join Labour and support him, I'll also vote Labour for the first time on the strength of his leadership. Labour haven't been an opposition to the last two pro austerity governments and I think this is why they did so badly in those general elections. Without seeing any of the promised improvements in the economy, how long can austerity survive as a credible economic fix? I think the penny is starting to drop and people are realising that our vital public services are being sold off or discontinued for non other than ideological reasons. The evidence against austerity is becoming undeniable, the economy is failing and needs stimulus to shock it back into life. Simply cutting or privatising services that people rely on hasn't worked.
Marr needs to resign if he gets all his info from Murdoch. JC answers questions clearly and talks about the things he's supposed to be talking about. I think JC handles this interview incredibly well!
Jack 28a JC doesn't answer questions he just changes the subject to something that makes him sound good. Just another MP who's been on the gravy train so long he's no longer capable of getting anywhere without it the only way he'll ever earn more than he's earning now is by getting in No 10 the alternative is collecting trolleys in a supermarket car park and that job does come with expenses Allowances, perks and privileges
Dima you are spot on. Angela Eagle and all the parliamentary labour party are doing something wrong. At the very time when there should be stability, they are causing instability and doubt. They do not like because Jeremy is not the usual leader. Leadership in an age when the electorate is sophisticated us not the same as it has ever been. Jeremy brings an unique style of leadership. He has good ideas. There are others who have good ideas and he let's every single member of the country fulfil their aspirations.
We're not out, we're still in for at least two years. And it's he most important vote of our generation, there's no reason to just "give up" like its a vote on anything else
+MoonrakerSW were not out yet, somebody in parliament needs to follow through with triggering article 50 to ensure we leave mate. It's nothing to do with 'my world' it's common knowledge
We've just had 20 years of UKIP saying there should be an in/out referendum - can you imagine 20 years of UKIP saying we've had a referendum and the British people said they want out of the EU?
I get increasingly frustrated by interviewers cutting off or interrupting their guests. Ask the question and then shut up and listen to the answer. I mean this guys ears are big enough to be able to listen sufficiently. Yet he still talks over Corbyn and interrupts him constantly. Shut. Up.
I don't live in the UK, but I wish we could ship him in to Ireland. His commitment to being a politician of the people is amazing, he won't play games and his peers don't like that at all.
What's the british version of 'Feel the Bern'? Cause I'm feeling it! 16:31 Oh, I see you have your own version of 'his supporters are so mean on twitter'... PS Yes, I know Corbyn was first...
When Neil Kinnock was challenged for the leadership of the Labour Party, he had to get nominated; so why not Corbyn? In a parliamentary democracy, how can someone lead a political party if he does not have the loyalty of 80% of the party's M.P.s?
Really can't stand that guy, he keeps asking and referring to the same thing like a petty little kid who only knows one naughty word. Who actually cares that corbyn does not have the support of the tory in labour clothing?.. they never liked him from the start it was no secret and no surprise they tried to jump on this opportunity to get rid of him. He stands for normal people while they very clearly don't, obviously the reason he's here in the first place. They wanted him to leave yet none have the real guts to oppose him in a direct contest, it literally speaks for itself and also how detached in every way the other labor politicians are compared to the members who are clearly not going to vote for anyone who stands against corbyn. The only reason eagle is around is to save face for the embarrassing (imo illegal) fail of trying to cheat democracy. They are still doing it now so I'm told, putting up member prices (so poor people likely to vote corbyn can't) and trying to block votes from members who only signed up at a certain date.. naturally a date prior to his popularity. If that's true and he loses, I don't think we will see another leader who is for the people again. I would rather Nigel farage ran the country than any current tory/labour aside from corbyn. Regardless of what way you voted for the EU go check his career out, for years he's been talking the straight truth to the highest level people with no fear.. he has balls, facts, very intelligent and if you wanted to stay in the EU?.. David cam used the referendum to steal votes because he was shit scared of farage. Most of the negative shit on farage is taken massively out of context.. like the nhs thing. Yes it was said a lot of money will be free to go into the nhs.. and yes not all that was promised will, but some certainly will. On the other hand Cameron is telling us we are going to have a world war 3 and he also calls in obama to threaten us (common people of the country).. not to leave the EU. Come on now. Farage is by no means perfect but the fact he is better than the last 3 leaders this country has had speaks for itself in how far we have sank.
Jeremy Corbyn did fantastically here, he gave a very relaxed and cofident perfomance, in spite of some rather politically motivated questions. It is clear at the present time that the majority of the PLP are ideologically opposed to the views of the leadership and a majority of supporters. It is understandable that MP's are upset as they feel they are straying from their principles (wether you consider them misguided or not), but they must respect the legitimacy of their supporters. Labour MP's must decide wether they can support the main concepts of the Leadership's plan and abstain or rebel on matters of absolute principle, as Jeremy Corbyn did in the Blair years. If Labour MP's cannot support the main concepts of the leadership plan then they must consider their position in the labour party, if they are not representing the supporters of the party then they are not supporting the party and therfore must step down. Many Labour supporters are concerned over electibility in the party, claiming Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable, but they do not look at the alternatives; I would say to look at the PLP and tell me who IS electable. In the first leadership elelction the candidates other than Corbyn couldn't inspire me to get out of bed let alone vote for them to run the country. As for the main alternative candidate for leadership of the moment Angela Eagle, she couldn't inspire a fish to jump back into the water. Angela Eagle has been part of one of the weakest coups in history, which itself has lacked leadership and credibility as to the reason of its instigation ( I don't know about you but I think a 64% vote for remain by Labour voters could be considered a good majority seeing as the roughly 60% of votes Jeremy Corbyn was elected on was seen as a huge mandate). With regards to the electability on policy of any alternative leader the so called centrist policies (Personally I feel they were cetnre right) of Ed Miliband failed to inspire the country and i see no reason why they should do so again with a different voice. If history has shown anything it is that a split labour party cannot win an election, and Corbyn is not the cause of the split, it is down to the PLP to either recognise Jeremy's madate and support him or step aside for those who will. This is the best way for the Labour party to 'heal' and the best chance for the Labour party to win the next general election. Also to note I would encourage all to imbrace Jeremy's words of refraining from personal attacks, insulting MP's against Corbyn will olny feed their support and will in no way sway them, while a well reasoned argument may just have a chance. =D
The Labour Party cannot win an election based solely on party membership and the Momentum organisation . Corbyn's mandate is certainly a real reflection of grass roots left-wing collectivism but his difficulty is that he can only LEAD the country if he can win the support of the public at large. Corbin has cleverly avoided the issue that as leader he believes in INDIVIDUAL rights to economic prosperity and not the revival of state control and communist ideology.
Corbyn is amazing. The entire political and media establishment have been throwing mud at him, but it's like he's surrounded by an invisible force-field - a fore-field made of dignity, respect, seriousness and principles. CORBYN4PM!!!!!
The Labour Leadership Election is coming again, and it's not good. Since the 24th June, more than 100,000 people signed up to Labour (388,000 to 500,000+). However, the weasels in the PLP have made the ruling that anyone who has registered after 12th January CANNOT vote without paying a £25 'membership fee'. They succeeded on doing this when Jeremy Corbyn and other fellow MPs were not in attendence of the ruling. This means that just over 20% of registered supporters of Labour are barred from voting. However, there are other ways to vote. If you registered after Jan 12th, you can sign up to one of twelve unions that allow you to vote, avoiding this extra fee. This is irregardless of whether you have or have not registered to Labour after Jan 12th. www.unitetheunion.org/ He won fair and square last time, and now they are playing dirty. It seems the Chilcot Report has riled them up a bit. We'll just vote him in again 😂
Before Labour takes the next step to irrevocably destroying itself , it might be the moment to pause and ask the question: What would the late great Jo Cox MP have wanted ?
Corbyn fucking nailed this.
Marr looked like he needed blood pressure medication. Reading out stupid twitter comments was beyond desperate.
A new standard in journalism!
- Exactly. His performance was in stark contrast to Eagle with Andrew Neil. Eagle was an absolute embarrassment. Her interview with Kay Burley was perhaps even more shocking.
Corbyn has his faults but he's in a completely different league to Eagle.
+Alex J Angela eagle is one of those sleepers planted and groomed in to a party to destroy it or own opposition when they know, there gravy train is coming of the rails and Jeremy corbyn is that man to do it with there greed and corruption and illegal wars and there non existent values for the ordinary man and women ,it proves it when the Kinnock's, Blair,etc are making there voice heard in all of the media slating Jeremy corbyn,in every way possible,his clothes,manner policies etc etc,this man is a brilliant honest and peaceful truthful leader for everyone,and with Jeremy wanting blair tried for war crimes it as become even more savage from his own party
Some reasons not to support Eagle without vileness and personal attacks:
- She voted for the Iraq war
- She voted against all investigations into the Iraq war
- She voted to bomb Syria
- Her own constituency branch have issued a statement of their support for Corbyn which she has chosen to ignore.
(- I have also heard she abstained from the last major vote about Tory welfare cuts, although haven't been able to verify it personally.)
EDIT: Some other reasons
- She generally voted against a transparent Parliament
- She voted against registering lobbyists, against regulating non-standing campaigners and for fewer restrictions on lobbying interests - for instance, she voted against capping the amount a lobbyist (regardless of whether standing as a candidate, suggesting a candidate, or not) can spend in each individual constituency during an election and not to reduce the amount lobbyists could spend on elections (aka in favour of lobbyists spending more on pushing candidates and of money in politics)
- She does not seem to support Proportional Representation (was absent from votes)
- She voted against higher taxes on banks or abstained from votes (although almost always voted for a banker’s bonus tax)
- She generally voted against greater regulation of fracking
She seems like an alright person but not a good politician. Regardless of feelings regarding Corbyn's leadership and the Labour party shambles, those reasons above are enough for her to not have my support.
"She seems like an alright person on the whole." I disagree. She keeps saying (of Jeremy Corbyn), "He's not a bad man, he's not a leader though." Well, I think she IS a bad woman, she's not a leader either." She ABSTAINED when parliament voted through the brutal welfare cuts.
***** Gotta say, I agree with you on her flip-flopping on Corbyn. One week she's saying Corbyn's was working his arse off with a heavy off-camera schedule during the EU Ref, the next she's having a go at him for the EU Ref result. That said, I'm not about to judge someone personally based on the little I've seen of them in the public eye, and I'll assume the best at first.
Looked into her voting record some more though, and was very disturbed at the amount of favour she shows to lobbyists, even if she has a good record on social issues, the NHS, reforming the Lords and education. But I still haven't been able to find the specific vote on the Tory welfare cuts where she abstained (although I don't doubt it happened judging from the number of people commenting on it).
Would you happen to know which vote it was? www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/10182/angela_eagle/wallasey/divisions?policy=6670
Vote Corbyn
She abstained during first and second reading iirc. Basically meaning she agreed to have debate and discussion on proposed cuts basically allowing possible Labour amendments to be added on. Third Reading - the actual vote on approving the bill, she followed the whip and voted against. Honestly, the fact that the whole welfare cut argument is so prevalent just shows what an effective politician Cameron is. It's frankly impressive how effectively he's helped fuel the disunity in Labour.
There are many legitimate criticisms against Eagle, many of which you listed, but the criticism on welfare cuts is misinformation and frankly well-crafted apparently successful conservative propaganda.
Emir Thanks for the explanation. When I checked out her record, that part seemed incongruous, so thanks.
Does this interviewer actually listen to the answer given? Awful style....just trying to drum up hysteria.
marr is an embarrassment
Watch Chomsky blow his head up when he was younger lol, not the sharpest tool in the box is Marr
Corbyn nailed it
How can 172MP's claim that they want to represent the people when they intend to start out 'representing us' by ignoring the overwhelming majority of 251, 417 people who voted for Jeremy last year? Those MP's have a very warped view of democracy and they show a frightening level of disrespect for the views of the people they're supposed to represent.
Keep representing Jeremy. The world needs you
The "unelectable "nonsense again. UK is a democracy. The people get to choose who they want to represent them. If he loses the general election for whatever reason, be it "unelectability", they party moves on and select another leader (selected by the people again). Leader of the party should not be determined based on who MPs think is electable.
And about Tony Blair being "the best thing since sliced bread", Wow! I see where you are coming from
labour will not win votes by being bland and playing tweedledum to conservatives tweedledee
+jeep2386 51%? You do realise that Conservatives got in with only about 35 % of votes (if you include non voters, only about 25% of eligible voters elected them)
This makes the argument for a new EU referendum because it only received 52% of votes, rather laughable, dont you think?
***** Yes I know that. That is why I put the 2nd stat in brackets. Even so 35% is still way lower than the 51% you claimed Corbyn would need. I think proportional representative is absolutely the way to go. In fact if I was Labour leader that would be a big part of my manifesto (Conservatives are unlikely to put it in their manifesto as it would affect them the most).
If this was to happen I would expect more people to actually vote as the 'whats the point? They are all the same' brigade might actually make an effort.
I think this would make sure the Labour party stayed as a socialist party, UKIP would have the power they deserve (Let me be clear I am NOT a UKIP supporter, but they did win 10% of the votes and only having 1 seat is woefully unjustified), the greens would get more backing and I imagine the outcome would be a parliment that would settle somewhere in the middle, as anything too extreme left or right would never get passed.
Well said old boy.
I always like how Jeremy actually answers questions
Why can't this man ever actually answer the question he's asked instead of just trying to put himself up JC isn't the. Messiah he's a very naughty boy
Well mannered Jeremy, he did fantastic against the Biased Bent Corporation.
Lol I like that
Don't worry, Jeremy. We've got your back.
We the people voted him in as OUR leader, and Leader he WILL stay, no one voted for you Eagle !!!. NOR will they !!!.
+MoonrakerSW leaving the European Union was said to be economical a bad decision. why would you want a political leader in power who couldn't recognise that?
+MoonrakerSW I disagreed. Any politician who could recognise that staying in the European Union was economically the best decision for the UK. Could be trusted to make the right decisions for our economy in negotiating are exit trade deals.
It would be illogical to trust this with somebody who was partly a catalyst, to the now economic Fallout we are surely to face in the Future.
How the corporate press with their own agenda, has somehow managed to convince the population that James Corbyn is partly responsible for this poor informed decision to leave the EU and that he must stand down, is a true Testament to the manipulative power they have over a percentage of the population.
+MoonrakerSW Respectfully your original point was that "all parties you should have a pro leave leader" i believe i covered my thoughts on this in my responses above.
In regards to Jeremy Corbyn. He appears to be modest, moral and a honest individual. who truly cares about the equality and prosperity of all the Citizens of the UK. clearly hr is not driven buy personal or financial gain. I trust him! also I truly respect his character.
Just in one example. To say that David Cameron was childish during prime minister's question time. would be an insult to children, as children can't be held responsible for what they doing. David Cameron knew exactly what he was doing. he was lying and deceitful. He lacked any credibility.
Jeremy Corbyn has the capability to restore Faith in the Citizens of UK towards there political representation in Parliament.
+MoonrakerSW I don't belive there is a positive leave image.
But we agree on somethings and respectfully disagree on others.
It was nice to exchange perspectives with you. Good night.
Mercia, well, at least with him as party leader, the UK won't have to suffer another Labour government. With Eagle in charge, I would be worried.
I appreciate incisive probing journalism but Marr seemed to have a clear narrative that he wanted to push here, and whenever Corbyn offered an answer that countered that narrative, Marr wanted to change the subject quickly or hurry him along. Not impressed.
we can't expect less from the BBC..... Its all about the script.... forget the answers......
Yes that was certainly how it came across. But do you think the script was wilfully partisan, or just complied with a perceived narrative?
The real incision here was in JC's responses which cut through the narrative.
I agree, I think he handled it with composure and clarity of purpose.
Well, the BBC used to be world renowned for the quality of its journalism. I thought that still meant something.
The blairites of Labour party seem to have forgotten that they answer to the electorate. The majority of us back Corbyn & want a decent, post war style Labour party.
***** Corbyn is given fair representation in the media. Unless of course you believe the media should be censored.
In which case you really are thick as shit.
***** It is fair to let the press print what they want abour Corbyn.
They should be encouraged to highlight how incompetent the buffoon is.
Oh and I am very well aware of his economic policies. He basically wants to implement quatitative easing. Because hes a fucking lunatic.
But I do like him really. He is singlehandedly destroying the Labour party. And I fucking hate the labour party.
Corbyn will fail, so get your handkerchief ready...
***** I think its pathetic that you refuse to believe that I have read and understood Corbyns woefully inept policies.
Like its possible for someone to understand them but disagree with them eh!
I dont need to prove anything to you.
But I will say this, if you think he is good for businesses and making money then you havent fucking clue about how economics works.
Polls consistently show that Labour VOTERS (not just members) back corbyn as a leader. If you want to include conservatives and UKIP then that is obviously not statistically viable, they are not ALL going to back any labour candidate until they reflect a neolib right ideology. And you said it 9 vs 11 million, well that was with a different leader, he is very much taking a losing party.
In this pre-war age?
It isn't that Jeremy didn't do enough to campaign for remain, it's that his campaigning wasn't covered enough by the media.
He's getting punished by the media by not being covered enough by the media. Seems legit.
The media criticise and are hard on every politician, it's not unique to this bliterhing idiot
Jeremy is a good egg, but doesn't force his opinion on to people. I think that's why the party is worried they will not find the votes and support it wants from the entire country.
I trust Corbyn, I want him to represent and lead my country.
It's very difficult to reverse all that has been said, but the party needs to unite and stand together as a force for the little people that Jeremy clearly wants to represent!
Good man
The fact that he respects others & is a true democrat & wants the electorate to think decide for themselves (rather than telling people what to do in mindless soundbites) really gets the knickers of the blairites in a bunch! So refreshing and decent.
Liking his confidence here. looking more and more like a prime minister. He will easily win another leadership contest
Will never be prime minister. No chance of gaining english conservative seats, which he desperately needs to be in government having lost scotland to the snp.
+Joseph brown Can Corbyn gain them back? Probably not.
+Smullo Can't blame the MPs for wanting to be in a position to win a general election. Labour Members are living in their own bubble. Whereas as in reality most people know he is far to left wing and radical to appeal rural conservative seats which he'll definitely need to gain in an election if he has any hope of being prime minister.
If you think Labour voters like me, who have voted for Blair and been sorely disappointed, even voted for Charles Kennedy's LD's, would seriously consider voting for a Blairite candidate in violation of the wishes of the party in the current climate, well, you are borderline insane.
I did not vote for Corbyn. However, I believe in democracy, and I believe in deselecting any member of the party who is disloyal to Corbyn as the left was not during the intense provocation of the Blair years.
I think you vastly misunderstand the mood among the public let alone the public which is very different than it was during the Blair years after more than half a decade of austerity when ordinary workers have been repeatedly kicked in the teeth to pay for the excesses and criminal behaviour of bankers.
The party improved its share of the vote in England at the last council elections. There is no indication from the polls that a centrist candidate would do any better and Milliband manifestly failed to do so while trying to appeal unsuccessfully to the centre. You people seem stuck in 2005 thinking where the middle class was not vanishing and the working clases still turned out for New Labour in the belief they were the best alternatve: neither is true any longer.
stay strong jeremy
A very honest and reasoned response to an interviewer who does seem to apply himself aggressively . Andrew Marr was reminiscent of "Robin Day". Jeremy Corbyn comes over as calm, clear cooperative and correct. This does prove to me that he is capable of working under a great deal of hostility and pressure. He does not panic where others might. Did those who quit the shadow cabinet panic after the brexit vote? Perhaps they did.
Look at Corbyn taking down "Pro-coup" bias. Lad.
Hopefully the Labour Party is purged and then they can form the United Blairite Party, and see that without Tribal voting, their ideas appeal to no one.
+Michael L Considering Corbyn is where he is because of a Popular Mandate, and people only vote Labour because of Tribal politics, I'd say a Corbynite Labour would be far more successful than any Blairite Party.
+CounterCuckooClockWit Well, the ideas of Blarism are being Pro-Eu, Pro-Globalisation, Pro-Comprehensive School System, Pro Mass Immigration, Pro-Big Businesses, Being in favour of Unlawful and Indiscriminate Military Intervention, Mass and Uncontrolled Austerity, Pro-Multiculturalism and Anti-Working Class.
Like I said,without the Tribalism of Tory and Labour, who in their right mind would vote for these Elitist cunts?
No it hasn't. He just speaks to rooms full of people who agree with him!
Have a day off! The media isn't ignoring him, he's ignoring them. He talks to people who already agree with him but he can't handle confrontation. He won't even speak to other labour MPS. The guy isn't the messiah I'm afraid. He's way out of his depth and has NO leadership qualities whatsoever!
***** I agree with you, hes certainly momentous, he will possibly go down in history as the worst leader of the opposition ever!
Not even his own party want him to be leader and yet he refuses to abdicate, hes a selfish career politician.
Vote Corbyn !
my thoughts exactly, Clinton is a war mongering mess
i like jeremy.. leave him alone. he is like the peoples princess.
Such a logical person. Never any bulshitting and never any spin.
The way Marr brings up Momentum as if their the Baader Mienhof group terrorising Jeremy's opponents, is just low.
Jeremy is great!
Aww poor MP's they're trying to destroy Jeremy without the support of the people and the understandably angry public is telling them what they think of them. Abuse my arse.
Jeremy Corbyn is a man of Honour & Integrity ... " You read too many news papers" well said Jeremy Corbyn. Andrew Marr ... You know nothing!
Im not saying corbyn is a great leader, but having a dishonest interviewer only helps make his case.
I'd vote for him
Stick with it Jeremy, stay strong where right behind you, don't let them distract you from your good work your doing as the labour leader!
what I find interesting watching JC and his body language, is that I see a man who has nothing to hide. Agree with him or not, he is a man who tells the truth. Very unusual for a politician.
How long will this go on for? Cant he just replace them?
They quit! So whats he talking about?
The membership dont trust them anymore.
You like a bit of 'top down' 'democracy' then.
It's about the links and established base that Labour already has. Corbyn slipped in at the top of an established opposition (A little like Trump on the right). If we all joined, say, George Galloway and his Respect party, it wouldn't have all the strong Union links and foundation of Labour.
The Conservatives are laughing, consistently 5-10% ahead in the polls, which for a governing party is unheard of. The Labour Membership and Labour MPs are completely divided. Simply do not appeal to conservative england to gain seats.
+CounterCuckooClockWit Latest YouGov, ICM, Ipsos Mori polls have Conservatives ahead by 5-10 percentage points and have been so for the last year. The By-Elections have been in safe Labour seats in the north and in the increasingly Labour London. It is nothing to celebrate as an opposition for holding a safe seat in a by-election. My point is his left wing policies of increasing income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax do not appeal to conservative seats in southern and midland england to gain conservative seats. He'll desperately need to gain about 50 conservative seats to stand any chance, especially as Labour are now the 3rd party in Scotland. Is Corbyn really capable of appealing to rural England? Personally I don't think so but I hope he remains as leader because he is clearly a nice and principled guy and is undoubtably Labours best hope.
Most Labour party members would like Blair back as Labour leader.
Haha the BBC is looking like CNN, this is not an objective interview in anyway at all...
The BBC does provide some good and informative programs, such as Question Time which is most democratic program I've ever seen aired. However, the way in which they retrieve their money by lying, cheating and frauding the public, essentially scaring people into paying their 'TV licence' is simply immoral and is why I refuse to pay it.
This is unforgivable. The BBC has a sacred mandate from the people to remain unbiased and not insert a self serving dishonest editorial narrative in its reporting. In this interview EVERY SINGLE QUESTION was deliberately framed to tarnish the image of Corbyn, who for his part responded wonderfully and honestly without deflection. It is clear that the BBC is now rotten to the core and sever political retribution must be made towards those who have deliberately undermined democracy by manipulating the public that trusted them. Andrew Marr, the Editors and Chiefs must should all be held publicly accountable to the people stripped of their positions, and tossed into the street or preferably in prison.
Diego Jauregui It's not rotten to the core but like Bernard M says, it's not in any way an 'objective interview' and Andrew Marr is carrying on like some tabloid journalist. Even Piers Morgan would have conducted a better interview.
Sadly, this is the legacy of Robin Day and Jeremy Paxman. A good interviewer will challenge the interviewee, but what seems to be happening too frequently is that the interviewer is trying to be a smartarse celebrity.
Say what you like about Jeremy but listen to his answers: Detailed, informed, honest. When was the last time you had that?
Keep this good man in leadership!
Marr appeared SO small compared to Corbyn when they were talking.
I mean his actual size felt like was shrinking when Corbyn was replying to his bullshit questions.
Jeremy Corbyn, I hope remains leader of the labour party. He is the person to represent us the ordinary people in the country.
Lets face it, a potato would be a more useful leader. You could write his achievements on the back of a postage stamp and leave room for the lords prayer
well done, Jeremy...nailed it
I admire Jeremy's restraint- I'd have been grabbing at Marr's lapels after 5 minutes of his utter drivel.
Looks a perfectly reasonable chap. Don't know what the problem is?
Honest man in a dishonest parliament. Basically Ned Stark if you watch game of thrones
Not crazy enough. When shit goes down, you need sociopaths who is willing to crash the country to get their career ahead, enter people like Eagle. "Chaos is a Ladder".
Also Gove who attacked Boris after standing by his side for the campain then went in for the dagger in the back when he sniffed weakness. When you don't know whether you live in a fictional era or not...
Corbyn looked top notch against a clearly biased interview
Corbyn ! Only Corbyn- a wise politician . God bless you, Sir !
andrew marrs questions are so repetetive and boring. just wasted 20 mins
Contrast this with Eagle's interview with Peston. Corbyn answers amd reacts to every question. Eagle spoke in only prepared soundbites and answered no questions
how about you let the man speak and stop interrupting him?
I worked flat out to lie every day until the 2019 election when the country saw sense. Smarmy t*at 👍
He should have purged Mandleson and the other snakes, he tried to take the higher road and they booted him and his supporters out of the party for it.
if corbyn is forced out of the party he was voted into I'm never bothering with labour again and suspect a lot of the people who became interested in politics because of him will likely do the same. the MPs throwing a tantrum now need to get it together or risk losing a lot of support.
It is time to think about the mechanics of deselecting the majority of the parliamentary party.
Archvaldor's Warcraf Hacks,"It is time to think about the mechanics of deselecting the majority of the parliamentary party", and then the deselected MPs will form their own party.As a result, at the next general election,Labour will be reduced to a small minority group with very little or no support.
All he's done is promise people jobs in his cabinet if they support him
We have a leader....support him
Follow the ELECTED leader
Good god this interview is unspeakably biased...
He keeps asking him the same reworded question over and over
There should be a petition against the BBC for a blatant and biased lack of coverage of Jeremy Corbyn’s actions and activities since he won an outstanding mandate last year to become the Leader of the Labour Party, giving it the first chance in decades to restore fairness to Society and smash the tories into oblivion forever. I don't understand how all of the turncoat MP's are able to sleep at night, knowing that they are totally ignoring the views of those who voted them into their positions - and Jeremy, good on you, you totally owned this!
Corbyn is about the only person who speaks coherently... I hope he wins, and has the support of the people. I also hope that Britain will be fine.
God, this man's all over the place.
A principled man, not perfect... who is? I'll join Labour and support him, I'll also vote Labour for the first time on the strength of his leadership. Labour haven't been an opposition to the last two pro austerity governments and I think this is why they did so badly in those general elections.
Without seeing any of the promised improvements in the economy, how long can austerity survive as a credible economic fix? I think the penny is starting to drop and people are realising that our vital public services are being sold off or discontinued for non other than ideological reasons. The evidence against austerity is becoming undeniable, the economy is failing and needs stimulus to shock it back into life. Simply cutting or privatising services that people rely on hasn't worked.
He just strikes me as honest ! Hard to believe in modern politics. I really hope he is. good luck to him.
Hes not the leader we deserve, but hes the one we need right now.
Andrew Marr implying that MP's are 'mature adults'?!?... THE ONLY ONE WHO CARRIES HIMSELF WITH ANY DECORUM IS JEREMY CORBYN
Marr needs to resign if he gets all his info from Murdoch. JC answers questions clearly and talks about the things he's supposed to be talking about. I think JC handles this interview incredibly well!
Jack 28a JC doesn't answer questions he just changes the subject to something that makes him sound good. Just another MP who's been on the gravy train so long he's no longer capable of getting anywhere without it the only way he'll ever earn more than he's earning now is by getting in No 10 the alternative is collecting trolleys in a supermarket car park and that job does come with expenses Allowances, perks and privileges
Dima you are spot on. Angela Eagle and all the parliamentary labour party are doing something wrong. At the very time when there should be stability, they are causing instability and doubt.
They do not like because Jeremy is not the usual leader. Leadership in an age when the electorate is sophisticated us not the same as it has ever been. Jeremy brings an unique style of leadership. He has good ideas. There are others who have good ideas and he let's every single member of the country fulfil their aspirations.
we're out of the EU get over it people, move on.. this country needs a leader that supports the vote our country made to leave.
We're not out, we're still in for at least two years. And it's he most important vote of our generation, there's no reason to just "give up" like its a vote on anything else
+MoonrakerSW article 50 isn't triggered, so your incorrect buddy
+MoonrakerSW were not out yet, somebody in parliament needs to follow through with triggering article 50 to ensure we leave mate. It's nothing to do with 'my world' it's common knowledge
We've just had 20 years of UKIP saying there should be an in/out referendum - can you imagine 20 years of UKIP saying we've had a referendum and the British people said they want out of the EU?
corbyn wants to get article 50 sorted asap while the tories are still fucing around. now we have theresa may who voted remain
The man is just holding the Labour party back by not resigning.
jeremy to be put straight on the ballot ,thank god.
The MPs might not believe in corbyn but the voters do
A genuine man who doesn't "spin""I hope we can give him a chance to prove he is for the PEOPLE !
Are you serious
I get increasingly frustrated by interviewers cutting off or interrupting their guests. Ask the question and then shut up and listen to the answer. I mean this guys ears are big enough to be able to listen sufficiently. Yet he still talks over Corbyn and interrupts him constantly. Shut. Up.
Was this an interview or an interrogation? Awful by the BBC.
gives Aaron Banks an easy ride, goes for the jugular with Corbyn. Go figure
+Manny Santiago he did, always does. He should do more T.V. because then the media can't spin/misrepresent/lie about what he says
I don't live in the UK, but I wish we could ship him in to Ireland. His commitment to being a politician of the people is amazing, he won't play games and his peers don't like that at all.
Lots & lots & lots of people here wish you could ship to Ireland. He'd get on so well with Gerry Adams.
Stand firm Jeremy, dont let the bastards bring you down
you got my vote gez
and I voted UKIP and I voted leave... put that in your pipe and smoke it lol
+Andrew Towell and yes... I still want to leave the EU lol
Jeremy Corbyn is a much needed Breath of Fresh Air............a true Leader and would make a fantastic PM
J.C. 4 P.M.
What's the british version of 'Feel the Bern'? Cause I'm feeling it!
16:31 Oh, I see you have your own version of 'his supporters are so mean on twitter'...
PS Yes, I know Corbyn was first...
His opinions on the EU are a matter of public record. Did anyone ever get to the bottom of his change of heart?
When Neil Kinnock was challenged for the leadership of the Labour Party, he had to get nominated; so why not Corbyn? In a parliamentary democracy, how can someone lead a political party if he does not have the loyalty of 80% of the party's M.P.s?
Really can't stand that guy, he keeps asking and referring to the same thing like a petty little kid who only knows one naughty word. Who actually cares that corbyn does not have the support of the tory in labour clothing?.. they never liked him from the start it was no secret and no surprise they tried to jump on this opportunity to get rid of him. He stands for normal people while they very clearly don't, obviously the reason he's here in the first place. They wanted him to leave yet none have the real guts to oppose him in a direct contest, it literally speaks for itself and also how detached in every way the other labor politicians are compared to the members who are clearly not going to vote for anyone who stands against corbyn. The only reason eagle is around is to save face for the embarrassing (imo illegal) fail of trying to cheat democracy. They are still doing it now so I'm told, putting up member prices (so poor people likely to vote corbyn can't) and trying to block votes from members who only signed up at a certain date.. naturally a date prior to his popularity. If that's true and he loses, I don't think we will see another leader who is for the people again.
I would rather Nigel farage ran the country than any current tory/labour aside from corbyn. Regardless of what way you voted for the EU go check his career out, for years he's been talking the straight truth to the highest level people with no fear.. he has balls, facts, very intelligent and if you wanted to stay in the EU?.. David cam used the referendum to steal votes because he was shit scared of farage. Most of the negative shit on farage is taken massively out of context.. like the nhs thing. Yes it was said a lot of money will be free to go into the nhs.. and yes not all that was promised will, but some certainly will. On the other hand Cameron is telling us we are going to have a world war 3 and he also calls in obama to threaten us (common people of the country).. not to leave the EU. Come on now. Farage is by no means perfect but the fact he is better than the last 3 leaders this country has had speaks for itself in how far we have sank.
My brother yelled, "Consent!"
Jeremy Corbyn should be given more time to lead the party.
Jeremy Corbyn did fantastically here, he gave a very relaxed and cofident perfomance, in spite of some rather politically motivated questions. It is clear at the present time that the majority of the PLP are ideologically opposed to the views of the leadership and a majority of supporters. It is understandable that MP's are upset as they feel they are straying from their principles (wether you consider them misguided or not), but they must respect the legitimacy of their supporters. Labour MP's must decide wether they can support the main concepts of the Leadership's plan and abstain or rebel on matters of absolute principle, as Jeremy Corbyn did in the Blair years. If Labour MP's cannot support the main concepts of the leadership plan then they must consider their position in the labour party, if they are not representing the supporters of the party then they are not supporting the party and therfore must step down. Many Labour supporters are concerned over electibility in the party, claiming Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable, but they do not look at the alternatives; I would say to look at the PLP and tell me who IS electable. In the first leadership elelction the candidates other than Corbyn couldn't inspire me to get out of bed let alone vote for them to run the country. As for the main alternative candidate for leadership of the moment Angela Eagle, she couldn't inspire a fish to jump back into the water. Angela Eagle has been part of one of the weakest coups in history, which itself has lacked leadership and credibility as to the reason of its instigation ( I don't know about you but I think a 64% vote for remain by Labour voters could be considered a good majority seeing as the roughly 60% of votes Jeremy Corbyn was elected on was seen as a huge mandate). With regards to the electability on policy of any alternative leader the so called centrist policies (Personally I feel they were cetnre right) of Ed Miliband failed to inspire the country and i see no reason why they should do so again with a different voice.
If history has shown anything it is that a split labour party cannot win an election, and Corbyn is not the cause of the split, it is down to the PLP to either recognise Jeremy's madate and support him or step aside for those who will. This is the best way for the Labour party to 'heal' and the best chance for the Labour party to win the next general election.
Also to note I would encourage all to imbrace Jeremy's words of refraining from personal attacks, insulting MP's against Corbyn will olny feed their support and will in no way sway them, while a well reasoned argument may just have a chance. =D
Come off it Jez, you have been against the EU since 75. Yet your "journey" on becoming a remainer consisted of weeks. You were nobbled by unions.
The PLP's argument has devolved into the argument that Corbyn has to go because the PLP doesn't like him. It's such a circular argument.
He's very much a career politician.
Please elaborate.
He means he was good and he slaughtered the BBC Lol
Of course, hes never a job anywhere else, went straight into politics after dropping out of college.
Maarco:which question did he actually answer
He can't back Momentum and also talk about the party "coming together".
The Labour Party cannot win an election based solely on party membership and the Momentum organisation .
Corbyn's mandate is certainly a real reflection of grass roots left-wing collectivism but his difficulty is that he can only LEAD the country if he can win the support of the public at large.
Corbin has cleverly avoided the issue that as leader he believes in INDIVIDUAL rights to economic prosperity and not the revival of state control and communist ideology.
Corbyn is amazing. The entire political and media establishment have been throwing mud at him, but it's like he's surrounded by an invisible force-field - a fore-field made of dignity, respect, seriousness and principles. CORBYN4PM!!!!!
Corbyn did the wild thing with the' Beast of Hackney'. and he talks about judgement...
The Labour Leadership Election is coming again, and it's not good.
Since the 24th June, more than 100,000 people signed up to Labour (388,000 to 500,000+).
However, the weasels in the PLP have made the ruling that anyone who has registered after 12th January CANNOT vote without paying a £25 'membership fee'.
They succeeded on doing this when Jeremy Corbyn and other fellow MPs were not in attendence of the ruling.
This means that just over 20% of registered supporters of Labour are barred from voting.
However, there are other ways to vote. If you registered after Jan 12th, you can sign up to one of twelve unions that allow you to vote, avoiding this extra fee.
This is irregardless of whether you have or have not registered to Labour after Jan 12th.
He won fair and square last time, and now they are playing dirty. It seems the Chilcot Report has riled them up a bit. We'll just vote him in again 😂
a glimmer of hope, this man has to be PM
I hope that one of the outcomes of all of this nonsense is that one day in the future this is made into a film with an inspirational outcome.
Jeremy for PM!!
In the past, these things are seriously mentally humiliation.
"you can do one of two things....." Marr what the hell do you know???? Biased, juvenile journalism.
Before Labour takes the next step to irrevocably destroying itself , it might be the moment to pause and ask the question: What would the late great Jo Cox MP have wanted ?