"am I wasting my life?"

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 179

  • @Mikebremnr
    @Mikebremnr 4 месяца назад +26

    “If someone else has done it, I can do it, and if no one has, I will” -me 2024

  • @KuriMX
    @KuriMX 4 месяца назад +175

    yesterday was one of the worst days of my life. i realized i have nothing and no one left at 17 years old. the worst part of my entire life is the one that sticks with me no matter what i do: no matter what i say,or do,or act like,everyone seems to have something against me. some sort of excuse to exclude me or attempt to humiliate me. it feels like everyone's so much more interesting than me no matter what i'm like and whether i change for the better or not. i even feel like a nuisance to my family. every time i've tried to open up no one seemed to understand the message i'm trying to send and i feel like i can't express myself well,my sentences feel like a bunch of random thoughts i throw out there. problems that can't be fixed just keep piling up and it's too much. i DREAD going to school every single day. today i had to pretend i was sick just to avoid seeing my classmates. i just wish there was a way out of this.

    • @ssg9offical
      @ssg9offical 4 месяца назад +8

      I’m 19 and kind of feel the same way.

    • @azuposting
      @azuposting 4 месяца назад +4

      Sometimes I really felt the same way too

    • @Marlonotas
      @Marlonotas 4 месяца назад +22

      I know that sucks, this happens to me also. But i think it´s a message, i am not connected with this people as i call "friends" because my own self depart from me to the ones who is really perjudicial in the future, and i was right. Fake friends who use you as a person who leftovers, and even your friends with whom you sometimes feel something different, they respond very curtly and never plan to go out with you even if you tell them, but they are the only thing you have at that moment.
      But I learned one thing, I am not the problem, the situation that happened now is a reflection of (at least in my case) the bad behavior of my parents that taught me, bad habits (lying, cheating, word games, etc.), bad relationships (which leads to lack of empathy) all because a child of mine was taught a long time ago that it was normal in his childhood and I did not realize until recently when the year began that everything I showed to others was a "programmed" behavior of my parents, fake friends, beliefs, etc. And I know that all this happens because I am actually a light in a world of darkness that does not want to see that someone is better than the other (pride), maybe that is what happens to people like you and me who go through this in this world
      If you think mathematically, people like us by probability will not find someone similar to us outside of school or family because it is improbable, I have 1 friend who never treated me badly and is from school and I feel lucky to have him with me, but maybe there are others like me who are not that lucky or even if they are, but the point is do not feel bad if you do not have someone, you are your own love and if you feel that no one else loves you, there is always someone and his name is Jesus Christ.
      I wish you the best Kuri :)

    • @MrJman967
      @MrJman967 4 месяца назад +15

      As a 24 year old who went through this at your age I can assure you things will get better. And I dont necessarily mean everything and everyone will be great and all your problems will be solved. At 17 I felt the same way you did and even today at 24 I still get those feelings from time to time. As you grow and mature you will gain perspective and also peace of mind. Somedays we may be a burden to others and somedays were on the unfortunate side of someones bad day. My best advice as someone who's still learning is to love yourself and build confidence. Finding a circle of friends is no easy task. I had a best friend for 5 years that suddenly left my life and it ended up being for the betterment of me. Friends come and go but value those with an honest heart who want you to grow and succeed. It may take time but do not worry. You will find lifelong friends in unexpected scenarios. I hope this helps in any manner, big or small. Keep your head up and make the most of each day you're given

    • @ad0ring210
      @ad0ring210 4 месяца назад +1

      I’m 17 and I feel the same damn way it word to word and it sucks I hate it

  • @esgberg3524
    @esgberg3524 4 месяца назад +36

    I found you a day ago and I genuinely cannot describe how much better some of your videos have made me feel a lot better about some topics I cannot thank you enough for these videos

  • @guyonyoutubee
    @guyonyoutubee 4 месяца назад +112

    mine diamonds with wood pick 0:22

    • @Oreo108GD
      @Oreo108GD 3 месяца назад +3

      Crazy 💀

  • @allstarisme
    @allstarisme 4 месяца назад +13

    This is my favorite place to get advice, thank you niko

  • @Outis_48
    @Outis_48 4 месяца назад +8

    You are literally one of my fav youtubers, it's honestly like secret therapy, because being the person I am, I struggle a lot to talk about my feelings so thanks.

  • @DeezCards
    @DeezCards 4 месяца назад +7

    Got me inspired to try out a life commentary video over Master Duel gameplay lol

  • @ThomasGTM
    @ThomasGTM 4 месяца назад +4

    These videos are so relaxing. To hear other people problems that some people can relate too. It opens your perspective that you’re not the only one dealing with problems… it’s everyone. The solutions that are given are always helpful and simple, and for me I know it helps to hear them! W video Niko, as always! 🔥

  • @EricThyKaiser
    @EricThyKaiser 4 месяца назад +8

    Hey Niko I've been watching for about a month and I feel you are the best to talk to. I am currently 15 years old in grade 10 (although many say I behave older), and over the past 3 years I went from third best student in my class to average. I mean my report cards went from 80-100% in every subject to some subjects being 50% (German system I hope this makes sense), leading me to lose my very high self confidence. This void in hippieness because of my grades made me very attached to my computer and I stopped talking to my already few friends (*in part because they have exams and don't go out all year*). This void in friends and MOSTLY grades falling has just made me always feel sad / unappreciated and that I have become a worse version of who I once was. I (a person that doesn't give a damn about others or what they think about me) have just started thinking about how isolated I am from any school classmates and how they all hate me, I don't get sad thinking about that part but those thoughts are a distraction from me thinking about my grades, which mean the world to me and I know this is wrong but to me they define who I am. It's like falling from the highest of highs so close to the best into just average like the rest.
    Enough yapping my question, how do I feel appreciation/appreciated in life? How can I stop grades defining my entire personality and will getting off my PC and my ass all day help my situation? I know it's a lot to unpack but I cannot find anyone else to ask this, if you don't see this it's okay if you do I hope you have a solution and if you do I thank you even if it's not for me.

    • @joylechanceux4805
      @joylechanceux4805 4 месяца назад +2

      I also kinda have had the same issue with feeling like most people hate me and you know what ?
      It’s true, a lot of people don’t like me but I could care less because they are just jealous that I’m improving unlike them
      For the problem of feeling unappreciated, I also had that for years until this year because I realized that I actually am important to some people (friends,family and my gf at the time, now my ex)
      And honestly I think that you probably also are important to some people and are actually appreciated, you just haven’t realized it, maybe I’m wrong but I think that you probably matter to people
      For the grades I AGAIN also had that issue (I think it’s funny how similar we actually are)
      I used to literally cry when I got even just a 12/20, (60% for your grading system) but also this year I did something that seems counterintuitive but worked for me and that is to stop caring that much about grades by having other objectives / goals to work towards outside of school, I’ll admit it, I could get better grades if I wanted to (my average grades is 16/20 or 80%, I’m currently in 9th grade) but I don’t think that one more point on average is worth the mental TORTURE I had for the 3 years before 9th grade so yeah, maybe you’ll perform a little worse but honestly, stop caring so much by just having other things in your life that are just as important, maybe even more
      And finally for the sitting all day on the pc, yes I think it would help to do it less (you don’t have to necessarily stop but just try to limit at least a little) I AGAINx2 had that issue (I’m starting to think we are like the same person)
      But I think that going for walks for example or just exercising could help, I really like just walking and looking around to chill and stop stressing and I also like running which is funny because I have asthma but yeah, you could try to divert your activities, maybe start idk drawing, learn an instrument, maybe start learning a new skill
      But yeah I really hope this helps (I yapped a lot and spent like 100 years writing this) and I wish you good luck on your future endeavors
      You can do this man I believe in you !

    • @alessandrobianchini7101
      @alessandrobianchini7101 3 месяца назад

      remember school isnt everything in life, you can learn without school, actually the most useful thing you'll learn in school is how to learn lmao, also foreign languages and maybe math / physics(depends on what level and what u want to do)
      i have a friend similiar to what u described, he cares alot about grades and is a bit clueless, still a bit childish mindset, doesnt understand theres other stuff than school and a bit isolated, struggling to socialize, and we bully him a LOT for this, like bro im introverted and social anxiety and all that but mate, i would bully him so much but so much for all that, like number 1 victim.
      sounds a bit rough but to get the point across, you dont need school to learn or to find what u like
      find what you enjoy doing and if you dont find it look for it try new things go out for walks meet ppl etc
      stop being a slave to society or school n stuff like that just do what u enjoy doing and if u dont know what u like just find it
      You dont need someone else to be happy, or a pc, or your phone, or youtube shorts, or any other addictions, its all in your mind so, well
      just have fun, meet people, learn how to talk with them, its okay if they reject you, whats important is that you tried
      like after school, what do u plan to do? this is a very heavy question that even i am not sure about and im afraid as hell for it im personally terrified of the future
      but after school, do you really want to live knowing you have never tried anything else and wasted ur teens having fake fun

    • @_Valitha_
      @_Valitha_ 3 месяца назад


    • @EricThyKaiser
      @EricThyKaiser 3 месяца назад +1

      @@joylechanceux4805How are we this simular? I exercise as well, no way you have asthma I PROBABLY DO TOO! I got diagnosed by 1 doctor a few years back and my mum had it, we are one and the same. Grades matter to me because grades 11 and 12 are my future for college, although I appreciate your Response!

    • @EricThyKaiser
      @EricThyKaiser 3 месяца назад +1

      @@alessandrobianchini7101Thanks for the response, what I want to do is probably become a doctor due to my whole family being doctors, other than my parents (my uncle grandpa, grandma (other side) etc)

  • @okaylow9124
    @okaylow9124 4 месяца назад +2

    man thought he was gonna have a chill session on skywars

  • @RealZenith_Studios
    @RealZenith_Studios 4 месяца назад +2

    the second I heard, building lego sets, reminds me of my lego journey as of right now xD. I just wanna say that you speak real truth, and the fact it comes from the heart. Makes it feel more meaninful personally. keep up the good work!

  • @cookqie8822
    @cookqie8822 3 месяца назад +3

    hi niko!! I think I love her - I've known her for a few months and initially I met her through a desire to mainly just make more friends in my life. I think as a potential partner she's amazing, and I think as a friend she's amazing too. I want to confess to her some point soon, and I'm ready for some kind of rejection - but what I really fear is the idea of her not being able to see me the same way afterwards, become more distant from me, and/or not want to be my friend as much/at all. there are signs that she COULD like me back, but truly there is no way of being able to tell until I try asking. I am fine if she doesnt want me to be her boyfriend, but I'm not fine if I suddenly lose a great friendship. I've never experienced this type of rejection, but hearing of other people's experiences with this leaves me afraid, when the person being confessed to feels like they were only ever liked through an idealised and irrational lens - I really don't want my crush to end up feeling like that, and I am confident so far with my perception of her as a human being in the present and that I want to get to know her on a deeper level. but would she believe me? or would she cut me off?

    • @ElBarto-ft1qe
      @ElBarto-ft1qe 3 месяца назад +1

      Bro, just try, it could end bad sure, but it could be the best thing ever, or something in the middle(which is probably a good thing too), living in regret is worse than any other outcome

    • @AnimoleAM
      @AnimoleAM 3 месяца назад

      Don't take it too seriously. Everything is temporary, even people. You should ask her vague questions like what are you doing tonight and such and try to see if she is dating another guy. Get this over with and start taking her out, then bring up the topic of being in a relationship but don't make it serious. I can't give you a guarantee way to execute the proposal because every female is different, but it's better to just be blunt and say something like what do you think of us being in a relationship? But before you do that, try getting in that topic first before you just jump right into that question.
      If she cuts you off then oh well, who cares. One less fake person to worry about and she wasn't into you after all. Save yourself the heartbreak and don't think of her as this angelic pure being that isn't capable of ripping you to bits.

    • @AnimoleAM
      @AnimoleAM 3 месяца назад

      @@ElBarto-ft1qe Yeah just do whatever, who cares man. It's not that serious, tank the shame and humiliation and move on. At least in the future you wont' have doubts or regrets or you won't delve into the "what if" questions. If you end up being a lonely man in your 40s then at least you tried and it's time to make peace with the loneliness. Buy video games, buy a good gaming PC, and just rot your days out in PEACE because dating when you're older is not optimal whatsoever.

  • @Disearned
    @Disearned 4 месяца назад +2

    i love these videos, they genuinely help me through hard days, and even make my days better if they're good days

  • @silver_minecraft
    @silver_minecraft 4 месяца назад +7

    ik this is a long one but I do hope you read it.
    I recently moved a few months ago.
    when my family were deciding whether to move or not, we were in a pretty bad situation at the time. im not gonna get into the specifics, but I will say that I wasn't very happy with it and wanted to leave no matter what. I had friends there, and I knew I would be losing them, but I thought I wasn't going to care much and would just make new friends.
    cut to now, I - and some of my other family members - are starting to realize that the situation we moved into now has been starting to become worse. my parents cant find a job, my mom just had a baby so she isn't available, and its just up to me and my siblings and my dad to do everything around the house and figure out how to make money. the house we moved into is very big, so its hard to take care of with even 4 people. its also very cheap which is why we moved into it, but thats because its really old, and it came with a lot of issues. first off, the location we moved to is full of fleas, which in the location we were in previously wasn't. this is an issue because we have 7 animals (yes, 7, 6 dogs and 1 cat) and they are constantly getting infested with fleas. my mom also decided to spend like 20k of the spare money we had left on renovations, and now we can barely pay our mortgage.
    but the main issue is friends. the location I moved to is so vastly different in culture and political ideas that I quite literally cant relate to anyone. everyone here is very Christian, and while yes I am too, not nearly as much as most of the people here. most people my age aren't allowed to watch RUclips, netflix, or really use devices at all. and the ones that do are only allowed to use it for stuff like tutorials and music and stuff, and even then it has to be approved by their parents. most of my interests and humor and ideas and inspiration and personality comes from tv and music and RUclips, and same with all the friends I used to have. but now no one relates to me and I relate to no one. and it doesn't help that I live in a neighborhood thats all old people and hood blacks and old white men who I hear gun shots from frequently, as well as the fact that the nearest sort of big city with ppl my age is like an hour away.
    im 13 (coming on 14) btw.
    also im homeschooled, my parents dont want to send me to school, and I would want to go for the social aspect of it, but I know I would do HORRIBLE in a School environment. also last year (before I moved) I did make some online friends, though they're not the best. they make fun of me pretty often and while I can tell they enjoy being around me and I enjoy being around them, im always the butt of the friend group. ive never been able to click with anyone else online like I do with them, and ive gotten so used to them and so fond of them thats its hard to leave them even ik that they're toxic. the friends I got on discord are pretty much the only likeminded people I can find, who enjoy editing, gaming, and music production. my parents aren't very supportive of the 1st two, especially my mom. she doesn't like the idea of me doing gaming content or gaming with friends, she thinks of it as a waste of time and such. she tries to fill my life with music since she's a musician, and yes I get thats its helpful in the future and I get that she wants what best for me, but she just doesn't get that its not the only avenue I want in life. my dad soft of gets it, but he still thinks that im "giving my life away to cheap dopamine". idk.
    all of this combined with the fact that I feel like my family and friends are starting to not like me as the days go by has made me get pretty depressed, even though my friends and family will say there's no way I am because I always look so happy, or that im too young to know what "real depression" is and what else not.
    so I ask, wtf do I do? do you have any advice? also, love ur vids btw.

    • @alessandrobianchini7101
      @alessandrobianchini7101 3 месяца назад

      yeah im sorry i want to help but i cant read that entire thing, im too self entitled and mean and evil and a bad person generally
      also generally just wasting time instead of doing what im supposed to do by helping people in this comment section
      if you want to summarize the problem itself i might read it and then skim through the whole context book autobiography u wrote lmao

    • @silver_minecraft
      @silver_minecraft 3 месяца назад

      @@alessandrobianchini7101 nah ur good lmao

  • @PanchitoPllug
    @PanchitoPllug 4 месяца назад +2

    Im in the state of bieing online A LOT and this kinda helped me, I'm trying my best to stop. Ty

  • @UltraFG5488
    @UltraFG5488 3 месяца назад

    I found your channel a couple weeks ago and you are my new favorite RUclipsr. I love how chill you are while also being relatable. I'm graduating high school next year and it's making me think of the future alot as well as reflecting on the past. Your videos have helped me make sense of it all and I genuinely could not have found your channel at a better time. Thanks for these videos!

  • @KindilVig
    @KindilVig 4 месяца назад +8

    Hello niko, i have lost a loved one a while back and i dont know if there is a proper way of actually coping and moving on about it. It has been a long time for me trying to ignore all the hate and people making fun of me for it. I dont know how to ignore all that hate and move on from it.

    • @TheWilburDog
      @TheWilburDog 4 месяца назад +4

      people who make fun of you for the death of a loved one really shouldn't have a place in your life. you have to put yourself above the negativity and prioritize people who care about you instead

    • @pczm_
      @pczm_ 4 месяца назад


  • @pczm_
    @pczm_ 4 месяца назад +1

    I have absolutely no school for reasons i will not say which really prevents me from having any good job in the future honestly, and i am pursing youtube as my current best chance to have a career, I have a video with 46k views and do roblox documentaries however i still sometimes am afraid i wont make it full time, but as of now i am staying positive and taking advantage of my free time to make weekly videos.

  • @claudevonrunningman
    @claudevonrunningman 3 месяца назад +2

    Howdy Niko, sorry if you're annoyed with talking about romance stuff, but there's a roadblock I just can't get past. See, I have no clue how to talk to people in a romantic way. I talk to women the same way I talk to men, and while that's helped me make amazing friends, the insight I've gained from my female friends leaves me apprehensive and confused. I've heard stories from them about how guys have tried hitting on them or giving some other kind of unwanted attention. They've also told me that the biggest reason they trust me is because they know I will never try to flirt with them. What I've gathered is that keeping all interactions with people platonic (as I've been doing my whole life) makes me more trustworthy and therefore a better person. By contrast, if I were to pursue any romantic interest, that would make me a worse person. The only two options I see to avoid becoming a worse person are either to wait for someone to approach me or find a way to kill the instinctual desire of companionship. Which should I go for and how can I maximize my chance at success?

  • @Jon1s
    @Jon1s 4 месяца назад +7

    Hey dude. Im 14 years old and Im kind of having a hard time with some stuff. Im doing fine in school and I got lots of hobbies but they all require a screen. Speedcubing needs a timer, chess is just online, porducing needs an app and videogames are the biggest waist. I wanna play videogames I wanna do all this stuff. But how do i know im not waisting my life? I spend like 1/4th or even half of my day on my phone and computer. Im not really athletic. I am bombarded with all sorts of advice and opinions and I have a scrolling habit. I want to make a change but how do I start. Ive kind of started with expressing my feelings more to the right people and getting out of my comfort zone. Yet im stuck... How can I not waist this summer??

    • @Combophobia
      @Combophobia 3 месяца назад +1

      I also am 14, and I have slowly been able to break out of a similar thing. In hs, I recommend trying as many sports as you can, and maybe you’ll find something you like. I would consider my self pretty athletic, however, I have no stamina. I work on it my running every day this summer, gradually increasing my distances. You gotta start somewhere, even if it’s slow progress, it’s still progress.

    • @Jon1s
      @Jon1s 3 месяца назад +2

      @@Combophobia Yeah true it's still progress. I'm kinda planning on playing basketball and jogging w some friends this Summer. I'm not allowed to hit the gym cause I'm short apparently 😭

    • @Combophobia
      @Combophobia 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Jon1s I’m 5”1 and just started puberty so I can relate, gl in life man

    • @Jon1s
      @Jon1s 3 месяца назад +2

      @@Combophobia yeah you can't really affect genetics too much. Gl to u too

    • @funkymonkey2091
      @funkymonkey2091 3 месяца назад +1

      I just saw your comment in niko's new video, I'm also a speedcuber. The great thing about cubing is that you don't necessarily need a timer to cube, going outside and just doing some slow solves to practice lookahead or stuff like that can be great, I suggest trying that :) what's your average?

  • @ActualVoidOfficial
    @ActualVoidOfficial 3 месяца назад

    I tried out for this thing called drumline. It was audtions, & it went for 2 weeks. On testing day, I messed up & I felt like I didn't do my BEST. I was constantly telling myself "Give me a second chance.", but I know there won't be. Going in as freshman that is new to this drumline thing & so is everyone else that auditioned . Anyways a few days later, I get an email from the teacher showing the placements of drumline. Sadly, I didn't make it & it really made upset & sad. It's been something I have been wanting to do since 2014 when I first started watching drumline/or Band. I even worked my butt off to get in to drumline. What makes this worse was that my friend made it in drumline. So I thought I wasn't enough & I though should give up on what I wanted to do mostly my whole life. Which was drumline. My question/or advice I need is, "How can you comeback from failing?". I know it's going to be something hard for me to get over but I just need advice. Also ❤the videos! Keep it Up!

    • @Spine223
      @Spine223 3 месяца назад

      well do you enjoy it? thats what makes the best players in the world. Furthermore how you not come back from failing, you give up? just try again!. Thats the basis but maybe you need motivation or work out your self worth. Think about those topics first, like every problem can be elucidated by doing your shadow work.

    • @Spine223
      @Spine223 3 месяца назад

      lemme add, things will also be clarified by time, waiting a bit.

  • @PeoplecallmeLucifer
    @PeoplecallmeLucifer 3 месяца назад

    Seek discomfort ... yes theory?

  • @Sidney_TSG
    @Sidney_TSG 3 месяца назад

    Start skating. Started at age 16 and it changed my life for the better in a million ways.

  • @tmcblastyoutuber2869
    @tmcblastyoutuber2869 3 месяца назад

    I’ll admit that my friend Nuclearfuel went to college in which he has a bachelor’s in chemical engineering and master’s in nuclear engineering. He’s now retired in his late 20s.

  • @xyzoid6354
    @xyzoid6354 4 месяца назад +4

    The goat

  • @Swampy07
    @Swampy07 3 месяца назад

    niko inspired me to start editing again and go outside more to sling math

  • @Hi_Im_Dominik
    @Hi_Im_Dominik 3 месяца назад

    To be honest i had this felling not so long ago, but now i decided to minimize my life abit. Being honest with my self i want in the need of anythink and that ,,success" that most ppl define with money was useless. Why u need more if u already have what u need. If u think u are happy u are, if u are still looking without any enjoyment now u nevr will be

  • @GlacierPoint
    @GlacierPoint 4 месяца назад +1

    thanks niko

  • @falloutwolf9329
    @falloutwolf9329 3 месяца назад

    Seek not for others to solve your problems. Look to others to see there failings and avoid there pitfalls. Listen to other who speak not in hush or hate tones. feel others for together we face are separate problems.

  • @Jzwagg
    @Jzwagg 4 месяца назад

    i’m literally laid in bed and i see this video with this thumbnail pop up…

  • @alexteal6688
    @alexteal6688 4 месяца назад +1

    Your inspiring! keep up the good work

  • @mrsprite420
    @mrsprite420 3 месяца назад

    will i ever be enough?

  • @christianwatkinss
    @christianwatkinss 3 месяца назад

    hey niko, hope your day is going well and all, so well I just graduated a couple weeks ago my major is Music Education and now im trying to find something new to do like a side job, I was planning on being a RUclipsr, try to earn some money on side, planning on recording videos on games or just maybe talking about life what should I do?

  • @RyujiJames
    @RyujiJames 4 месяца назад

    Hey niko, just wanna start off by saying I've been keeping up with your content lately and its been a real help to how I view things from different standpoints. Now my question is, I've been in so many situations where I am in social situations that are meant to make me feel happy, excited and joyful. Like a birthday or just any other social event, but I just can't seem to feel anything. It's like I know im in the moment, I know I should be enjoying these other peoples company but lately it just has not been the same. But funnily enough when it's all over I feel like it was such a waste because it should have been so fun but I always lacked the ability to fully enjoy these moments. I often find myself looking for the next event to maybe finally get to feel that certain way of being jolly and in the moment happiness again sometime but so far no dice. You ever had anything like this happen to you before? If you could offer me some advice that could potentially change my viewpoint on my situation right now that could help.

  • @Nkz_God
    @Nkz_God 4 месяца назад +1

    Mans back❤

  • @CalmNight44
    @CalmNight44 4 месяца назад +1

    What would you tell someone who is trying to get views and subs on youtube when starting from 0?

  • @oliyes406
    @oliyes406 4 месяца назад

    Niko getting smarter with each vid🔥🔥💡🎓

    • @oliyes406
      @oliyes406 4 месяца назад

      0:22 mb😭

    • @nikoyaps
      @nikoyaps  4 месяца назад


    • @oliyes406
      @oliyes406 4 месяца назад +1

      @@nikoyaps Niko you making it into Harvard🥰🙏🙏🙏

  • @huseynnzkdvij
    @huseynnzkdvij 4 месяца назад +1

    I want to be an entrepreneur, but my parents are telling me to study so I can go to university and work for some boss but I don't want to work a 9-5 for whole my life just to be a part of 95% of people, what do I have to do?

    • @mcfloridaman2192
      @mcfloridaman2192 3 месяца назад +1

      Go after it! Do the research and figure out what you need to do! If you’re passionate you’ll make it work! God bless!

    • @huseynnzkdvij
      @huseynnzkdvij 3 месяца назад +1

      @@mcfloridaman2192 thank you for your help bro!

  • @gamingchickenstudios
    @gamingchickenstudios 4 месяца назад +1

    Can i just ask you something in comments? No need to add it into any videos , feel free to just answer through comments : I recently had 0 motivation to do literally anything in life a i sort of just gave up. I have multiple disorders that make it hard to focus on things etc... a overall it doesnt matter how hard i try , i always fail in school or anywhere really. What do you think is the "motivation" i should have or a goal i should set to get me out of this downwards spiral a to actually give me a reason to continue trying? It would mean a lot to me if you took the time to respond. Also... Your content is amazing!

    • @alessandrobianchini7101
      @alessandrobianchini7101 3 месяца назад +1

      im going to be rough on this sorry but if the disorders arent diagnosed, diagnose them by a medic professional.
      motivation isnt really everything tbh, like sometiems you have it sometimes you dont, first you need to find what u want to do (even out of school, school isnt everything in life if u didnt know already)
      do stuff when you dont want to do it, enjoy the effort itself, im going through a period where i have no energy and can barely work or focus, but i still try to get some work in, especially in practical things that dont require as much focus
      first find the goal u want to do, something you like something big something small something long term something short term whatever, if its big divide it into smaller goals so you dont beat urself up after not getting any progress and every once in a while check the progress u made
      Do stuff you dont like, find comfort in discomfort, step out of your comfort bubble, you'll find this everywhere, some call it discipline, some willpower, neurologists say its the develops the anterior midcingulate cortex, but its just
      doing stuff, do what u like, do what u want to do but deep down, not on an instinctual level

    • @gamingchickenstudios
      @gamingchickenstudios 3 месяца назад

      @@alessandrobianchini7101 I have been diagnosed with these by a professional when I was young. Unfortunately nowadays everyone loves to self diagnose a fake things for attention so I see why you'd think that. Thanks a lot for responding! I'll try doing what you said , A hopefully it'll help.

    • @alessandrobianchini7101
      @alessandrobianchini7101 3 месяца назад +1

      @@gamingchickenstudios yeah im surprised u understood any of that cause i was tired af and feeling philosophical so i just wrote my thoughts lol

  • @EvanDaGr8
    @EvanDaGr8 4 месяца назад

    Hello Niko! I am someone who needs to write or really think about what to say before I say it. I cannot be put on the spot. Because of this, I have struggled to make youtube videos similar to this where you just talk about a topic. I always feel so disorganized, and I feel like I'm just rambling instead of saying anything of substance. I was wondering what your "script" for these videos are. Do you just hit record and talk with no plan? Do you have some talking points written down? Do you just write a script? I love the way you talk in these videos, and I struggle to get out more than one sentence before having to make a cut in the video.
    Many thanks.

  • @RyujiJames
    @RyujiJames 4 месяца назад

    hey niko, another day another dollar!

    @NOTYMB 4 месяца назад

    I would love just a 5 min talk with you

  • @Deadpool....
    @Deadpool.... 4 месяца назад

    Ay Niko, I could use some outside advice/ a voice of opinion, Im in a rough situation where ive been constantly punched in the mouth (not literally speaking) and trying my best to recover. I was let go from my past 2 jobs out of my control and have been job hunting for a year straight to no avail. It seems like every step i take isn't working or one step forward but 3 back and I have the pressure of being the only male of the family outside my dad, and being constantly hounded im being lazy and not job searching despite doing everything ik of to get a job and reach out to employers over jobs i know for a fact im capable of doing to just get rejected. The pressure is getting worse because my parents arent in a healthy condition and i can see with my own eyes they can't keep up much longer doing what they're doing to pay the bills and knowing that i need to take the torch before its too late is making it overwhelming. if you got any advice how or what to do to finally break this cycle in some capacity itd be extremely helpful.

  • @Raven99991
    @Raven99991 4 месяца назад

    15:00 thats exactly whet happend to me i just cant take it tried to ul alive myselfes multiple times but my parents stopped me every time

  • @bhkdvt
    @bhkdvt 3 месяца назад

    not rlly a fan of typing my problems into a youtube comment but ig i need it
    so my problem is that in the past couple of years my mental health has gotten rlly bad i got a therpist and all that typ of stuff and since like half a year or smth i have no therapist anymore switched school and i felt pretty good about my situation but now since one month about from thinking what am i doing with my live before i sleep to just again wake up and feel like nothing matter just empty to say it the best and i have tried talking to friends about it but i dont think they can help me cuz ofc they say smth along the lines of i am srry and all kind of stuff but still it changes nothing and i also tried finding the reason why but i cant i also know professionals cant help cuz they already tried and just left me off with an "yea hes allright" i also thought about getting into a mental hospital but the ones that are avalible are just filled up and i can expect a free slot in like 1 year or even later so i am just here not knowing why i feel like it not knowing how to fix it and also just losing all hope for myself, the joy i got from doing certain things and also just doing about anything if i only need to think of school i could shoot myself so as i said idk what to do anymore
    btw love ur videos greeetings from germany

  • @meaning8926
    @meaning8926 4 месяца назад

    Hey niko! I’m overwhelmed and feel very confused as to what to do in my life like career wise. How do I know or figure out what I wanna do in my life. I have many interests but they are not my passion. How do I find my passion?

    • @alessandrobianchini7101
      @alessandrobianchini7101 3 месяца назад +1

      going through the same thing,
      honestly though, as annoying as it may sound i think the way is to just experiment, try new things all the time, eventually you'll find something you really enjoy, and even when u find it u can still keep experimenting up2u

  • @justdandan2
    @justdandan2 4 месяца назад +1

    Sup Niko how do I not blur the line between liking someone vs liking the idea of someone? Been an internal struggle I dealt with since trying to maintain platonic relationships and not just go in head first with said relationship being romantic? Hoping the next video you answer my question or the live stream tomorrow

  • @princecoy3334
    @princecoy3334 3 месяца назад

    Can we be friends?

  • @mcfloridaman2192
    @mcfloridaman2192 3 месяца назад

    What do you think of Christianity and the Lord Jesus Christ?

  • @crazerunner336
    @crazerunner336 4 месяца назад


  • @Twtgod
    @Twtgod 3 месяца назад

    I live in a 3rd world also i have RUclips

  • @rame.
    @rame. 4 месяца назад


  • @sheepaggression6478
    @sheepaggression6478 3 месяца назад


  • @wannervasquez
    @wannervasquez 4 месяца назад

  • @samc6235
    @samc6235 3 месяца назад

    can you add me please

  • @_Valitha_
    @_Valitha_ 4 месяца назад +11

    you know, i think i'll ask you something.
    my entire life has been filled with social anxiety because of how people treat me when i open my mouth. i dont talk anymore because im scared of what people will think of me, im scared that people will mock me again.
    and now i just dont even care anymore, about anything. because if i feel then i will be hurt.
    my life has gotten so much better, no one actually mocks me when i speak, i dont look like a ghoul from fallout 3 anymore, and i have begun to pick up actual skills. yet, it doesnt feel like anything.
    so, how does someone recognise their own success? how does someone overcome a fear they have even if they know its baseless? how does someone start to gain confidence where there is absolutely none?
    im sorry if its too much, but thank you Niko. your videos are very thought provoking and I appreciate you for that.

    • @alessandrobianchini7101
      @alessandrobianchini7101 3 месяца назад

      to recognise your success, think about where you were earlier and where you are now, you said yourself they dont joke about you anymore, thats a big step forward ngl
      about looks, good job, alot of people dont say this or dont want to hear it but looks do play a big part, alot of people will judge you solely based on them, not because they're actually evil (even though they still are a bit most likely) but just because thats how people are, its sad and its the truth, you can still choose to hang out with people that dont judge you based off of looks
      now if i may ask,
      what fear?
      and confidence in what?

    • @Spine223
      @Spine223 3 месяца назад

      Not caring about anything is a very dark path, and I would caution against that having tried it twice. I would advise to maybe think of those that mock you as you in an alternate timeline, with different vices attached. Realise too that you are just a human like them and aknowledge that their judgement isn't be all end all, but also isn't baseless either but they do it for a reason. Afterwards just think why they think that way and is it actually that important, and most of all, is it productive and nice to think how they think. Are these thoughts from people who care and are prudent with their arm swings; and once you are done decide whether you should be enveloped by people who do not have your best interest in mind.
      Ofcourse dont treat people like shit either way, just aknowledge you have different beliefs and move on.

  • @Quitmaker
    @Quitmaker 3 месяца назад +7

    7:20 reminds me of something NF said in a song:
    "just think about it for a second if you look at your face
    Every day when you get up and think you'll never be great,
    You'll never be great.
    Not because you're not, but the hate,
    Will always find a way to cut you up and murder your faith"

    • @Sethishim
      @Sethishim 2 месяца назад

      Listen to "remember this" by NF, especially the lyrics.

  • @thatsjustmars
    @thatsjustmars 4 месяца назад +4

    Hi Niko, I always felt like I'm a "jack of all trades but a master of none" in a sense that when something gets my interest, I pursue it and and I'm decent or good at it and I either stay at this level no matter how hard I try or my progression is so slow that it takes me years to learn or grasp something. And because of the fact that I have this skill cap/limit I start to get frustrated and drop the hobby. This made me drop volleyball, it makes me exhausted with programming and it absolutely wrecks me when I try to make videos for youtube. How do I deal with this?

    • @Spine223
      @Spine223 3 месяца назад

      Think about the world and ask what you want from it. Find what is fun, perhaps in a more material sense. Things take time and don't do things for the sake of doing them. Figure out ways to enjoy every single second of it and then you'll never want to stop. That's how you learn and get good.

    @ALAMANDER_ARTS 4 месяца назад +1

    I'm a freelance artist who makes illustrations and animations. I have 9 videos on my channel and over half of them have 1M+ views, and I don't know how I've gained so so much attention, all of these views seem to be from actual people. Looking back at these animations I've made, I hate how all of them are - almost everything about them. The pacing is terrible, the content is almost embarrassing, the linework is sloppy, the shading is sloppy, and I don't think they've deserved the attention at all. If anything, I wish they would have performed worse, because now I have a high standards/expectations for myself and any "potential animation" I make in the future. I'm scared to make animations again, because the work is incredibly tedious, but a lot of the time it has been extremely rewarding just by dumb luck.
    Maybe I'm letting a lot of the hate comments get to me on those videos, but man, I've just been trembling at the thought of animating again.
    Thank you if you were able to read my comment

  • @CalmNight44
    @CalmNight44 4 месяца назад +1

    One day I hope to get real views. Only views I get come from myself🙏🏼. I hope everyone reading this gets what they want from life

  • @JustNazmo
    @JustNazmo 3 месяца назад +1

    Hey niko! Love your videos.
    Is it right to feel guilty at every moment im not productive? Im a student in grade 12 and have university admission exams incoming within an year and imo ive kept up with my studies quite a bit, its just that the curriculum of my country has a basically endless syllabus. 99% of students cannot finish most of the syllabus properly.
    Now lets say ive studied the whole day and just wanna watch some anime on the tv with my sister, but i always have this subconscious feeling in the back of my mind that makes me guilty because im doing something i enjoy a lot, and am not being "productive". Whats your advice on dealing with this?

  • @Palsky8
    @Palsky8 3 месяца назад +3

    Hi Niko, love your vids. I'm currently studying an engineering degree, I pass my subjects without too much effort, hang out with friends and family, play video games, watch sports, etc... The thing is I feel if I put more effort into my studies I would be able to not just pass but get really good grades, but I just don't feel motivated to do so. The thing is everyone and everything around me tells me I should try and be excellent and put all the effort I can into things, and I just don't see the point. If anything getting better grades will lead into a better job and therefore more money, which obviously I wouldn't mind but I don't think having a better car or a huge house will really improve my life that much. So to sum up, my question is: Can I be happy with a simple quiet life or should I pursue something more?

  • @nikatherapy
    @nikatherapy 3 месяца назад +1

    Hello Niko, you helped me when i was on my lowest, you inspired me to make similar content like yours, hope you don't mind. i want to thank you for that and by my videos i want to show my respect to you.
    i know quality is garbage but i did it for first time, i will improve. thank you again.

  • @TheWilburDog
    @TheWilburDog 4 месяца назад +2

    I'm 19, about to finish high school and have no motivation or direction to what will come next. I believe my lack of motivation stemmed from me being autistic and never being fully accepted by others and having to miss out on key high school experiences such as dating. i know that soon i have to do something with my life, but i don't have the mindset to take anything seriously. what are some steps i can take to build myself back up?

    • @mcfloridaman2192
      @mcfloridaman2192 3 месяца назад

      Don’t be ashamed of a trait that is out of your control! Making fun of someone for having autism is like making fun of someone for being a different race. 2nd go to church on Sundays. The history of humanity is people trying to fill the hole in their heart with worldly things, but in actuality only God can fill that hole. Go to any church, so long as it isn’t a Jehovah’s witnesses church, or a Mormon church. Hope this helps you God bless!

  • @iiCounted-op5jx
    @iiCounted-op5jx 4 месяца назад +1

    I can't waste my life because there's nothing to waste 😂😂

  • @pwerplazlol725
    @pwerplazlol725 4 месяца назад +1

    Hey Niko, I’m a 19 year old first year university student who’s frustrated with my love life. I’ve never been on a date my whole life so far, no girls have ever really showed interest in me and all my high school crushes have all rejected me. No one ever really told me I’m attractive and I don’t consider myself particularly handsome despite the fact that I go to the gym and exercise regularly. And seeing all my peers doing far better than me at getting girls and finding love is really starting to eat away my confidence and self esteem. I love your videos very much as I find your advice very insightful and I also really like minecraft, so I’d appreciate it if you could give me some advice, thanks!

    • @alessandrobianchini7101
      @alessandrobianchini7101 3 месяца назад

      i dont rlly know how you look, but learning how to love yourself before loving someone else, helps alot with confidence, being okay with your body, with your mind n stuff like that.
      something practical, maybe you could try a body language guide, alot of people seem to lack in that and just look like walking stiff robots

  • @TWDg17
    @TWDg17 4 месяца назад

    hey i got a question! are you monetized on youtube because surely you got enough watch time hours ... i've been doing YT for a while now with a bunch of channels but the one im commenting on right now is for sure my most successful but i haven't been able to grow much. i guess i just want some perspective from a channel with a lot of followers and views

  • @Sampeoii
    @Sampeoii 4 месяца назад

    Niko, you should make a video talking about marriage. What if it eventually goes wrong and you guys divorce even tho that was not your choice. What are you going to do then?

  • @orynx2835
    @orynx2835 4 месяца назад +2

    Hello Nico , sometimes i feel like i dont really belong with anyone, that i dont really stick around with anyone, not even with the friends i have . I am keep thinking on and on about if the reason of that is because of my autism or maybe i just really cant have someone to totally understand me . Due to that , i totally feel left out all the time and really lonely. Even if i am with my friends, i know they dont feel exactly my friends because they dont understand what i feel . That sounds like mostly my problem and it might be partially true, because most of them we dont really open up about feelings. You know how teenagers and men are . We are just a group of boys and thats all. But still , a part of me knows this is the wrong place to be . It knows that is better to be left out alone instead of being with them and here i am now , trying to decide if its worth it having these people or suffer the pain of loneliness.

    • @Spine223
      @Spine223 3 месяца назад

      hey man. We're in the same boat, with countless others too! in that sense we're never alone. However we can improve our lives. The first thing is try and be more social and try to find new friends. make friends with everyone! I'd say don't worry about it but try to be social to counter the loneliness as we need to be to live. Then you'll find true friends. Ofcourse, if you feel like you don't fit, try another hole, another group, more interactions. I'm in this position right now and im just spamming social interactions, it also makes you better at doing it the more you do it. I hope my reply isn't too crude.

  • @exhaustive_the_sixth
    @exhaustive_the_sixth 4 месяца назад

    I have one story, it's quite a bummer, so I'll spare some details.
    The war burst when I was 14. I live in Ukraine, but not so close to the battlefields.
    So, I made the biggest mistake I could've ever made. I didn't left my previous community (within Internet) right off the bat when war started. And tensions were becoming only bigger and bigger. Only after TWO years of the war I realized how miserable and rogue folks of that community are, that folks I tried to be together with, and I finally left that community of that country.
    I erased everything I could erase which was connected to them.
    Since that time I've changed a lot. And all changes were for the better.
    I've even started to learn another language to move out as soon as I can.
    But here is the catch. No one around me has changed.
    I don't wanna say my environment is entirely supporting the war, but I just cannot unsee that many people (including my groupmates) are still pretty close to those people even though they don't support that mess. Also, groupmates besides being pretty close to bad people also have bad habits (such as vaping).
    Since I cannot change the crowd the only way for me is to leave. But I'll be in my country at least for one more year. So, here is the question:
    How to deal with my situation?
    (I tried to make setup concise as much as I could)

  • @jayscka4938
    @jayscka4938 4 месяца назад +1

    I feel like i am a failure, its been years im trying my best to make things im proud of, and i do have things im proud of, but this feeling never dissapear.

  • @moloko_127
    @moloko_127 3 месяца назад

    Can I ask what’s your mic?

  • @SvengelskaBlondie
    @SvengelskaBlondie 3 месяца назад

    12:15 the idea of "learning styles" has been debunked, people might prefer certain ways of learning but that's quite different from having "learning styles".
    “The popular notion that you learn better when you receive instruction in a form consistent with your preferred learning style, for example as an auditory or visual learner, is not supported by the empirical research. People do have multiple forms of intelligence to bring to bear on learning, and you learn better when “you “go wide,” drawing on all of your aptitudes and resourcefulness, than when you limit instruction or experience to the style you find most amenable.”
    Excerpt From Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Peter C. Brown (an excellent book by the way!).

  • @o_sch
    @o_sch 3 месяца назад

    The timing on this is crazy because last week I seemed to have gotten some desire to do something, rather than sit inside all day and scroll on my phone or play games. Anything other than that.
    I have been grappling with this idea that I am wasting my time. My summer. Its senior year next year. I have to start looking ahead and applying to colleges. I feel pressured to flesh out my “resume” for applications.
    I dont have a job right now and I feel that having one would fill the majority of that urge. Right now, to be “productive” I do things like playing the guitar, programming, climbing, and working out.
    But despite that, I cant do these things all day every day. I cant climb every day, only every other day, I learned the hard way and ripped a piece of skin off my hand after going 3 days straight. I cant play guitar every day, probably 5 days a week max because progression will plateau and my fingers will nearly blister, despite thick calluses. I cant work out every day (i work out legs, i do calisthenics and climbing for upper) because thats going to cause injury. I could program all day every day but that will lead to me sitting inside all day and I will burn out extremely fast, that is the nature of programming.
    Anyways, I end up having a lot of lapses of time where I have nothing to do. I am low on spendable money because I invested my savings and Im not going to take the money out to spend on less important stuff. I have gone from 4300 to 5000 since the last fall. So I have been thinking that I really need a job, but I am not willing to work for cheap pay. I can do better than that.
    Ive been working on that and have put together a resume and found a few local companies to reach out to through emailing, being proactive. Its the weekend though so the businesses most likely wont respond until monday so I am left sitting around here feeling guilty with every passing second.
    I also feel the exact same way as you about gaming. I played so much as a kid. Easily top 95% of kids in terms of hours wasted gaming. Now I just dont get excited to do it. I havent touched my pc in months.

  • @Mejustme101
    @Mejustme101 2 месяца назад

    You sound like my brother. (in terms of life advice, not your voice. I am not your brother.)

  • @TheFront3164
    @TheFront3164 3 месяца назад

    Hey, I love to watch your videos, can't watch all, but I do really appreciate them. So lets come straight to the point, I am currently 17 and trying to find an hobby for myself which I can pursue as a career in my future, but my parents are "suggesting" me to go for an govt job as it's more secure, has a decent pay check and they are in one too, but I just don't want to... I have tried doing video editing as my hobby and I am working on it for 5 years, Yet I didn't got much of an result as expected, the things I know are just on an intermediate level, and many people learnt those things in less then a year, which sometimes, make me quit and go for the things which my parents are saying, from the inside I don't wanna follow this whole damn thing, but from the outside I have no other choice, so should I quit everything and go for what my parents are saying? Because sometimes I think that the speed I am going now will never make me a video editor better then others and I'll be left behind, anyways thanks in advance, I wanted to say more, about various things, but I guess this will be enough for now.
    Edit: It looked a bit arrogant when I re-read it today, so I would like to apologize for that

  • @Anc283
    @Anc283 3 месяца назад

    Hey Nico, I’m about to finish school and I honestly don’t know what direction I’ll take, what do I do if I don’t have a plan or anything to drive me in life?

  • @aren0000
    @aren0000 4 месяца назад

    Consider uploading your content on Spotify.

  • @Raizenaru
    @Raizenaru 3 месяца назад

    My girlfriend and i had to break up and go no contact until she's 18 because her parents wont let her talk to me. we've still been kinda sneak talking through games and stuff, but shes kinda stuck o nthe idea of "let life take us where it's supposed to be" and i dont like that. not one bit. she keeps talking about a future without me, but then she also keeps talking about a future with hints of me in it so i just dont know.

  • @hellc_t
    @hellc_t 4 месяца назад

    My excuse for staying inside: Getting better at bedwars is my goal of life

  • @yolojolo1957
    @yolojolo1957 4 месяца назад +1

    Is it weird that I’m 22 and still live with my parents and don’t want to move out? Seeing other people moving out at 18 and 20 years old, it feels weird to me and I just don’t get it.

    • @alessandrobianchini7101
      @alessandrobianchini7101 3 месяца назад +1

      they want to be free and live
      or some parents are just restrictive so they want to live by their own rules
      or they just want more space for themselves to focus on what they want to do
      or just want to do stuff (possibly bad for them) that their parents dont allow them in their house

  • @LukasDailyVideo
    @LukasDailyVideo 3 месяца назад

    why is bro so awful at minecraft pvp😭

  • @lakitu6422
    @lakitu6422 4 месяца назад

    Yes, yes I am.

  • @Siege_R
    @Siege_R 4 месяца назад +1

    So I want to be a screen writer, and I've been writing a script for about a year now. Recently I feel like I've really been wanting to write, but I just can't get into it like I used to in the start. It feels like anything I write isn't good/isn't as good as the previous stuff I've written. I'm not sure how to get my motivation back.

    • @thej3683
      @thej3683 4 месяца назад

      I’ve had a similar experience, although it was with programming, not writing, so it might not be the same thing, but in my case what worked best for me was just starting, and seeing progress was enough motivation to keep me going. If I were you, I would just start writing whatever you think would be interesting, and ask people what they think about it, or upload it somewhere where you could get peoples opinions on it.

  • @t3ne
    @t3ne 3 месяца назад


  • @vraieli
    @vraieli 3 месяца назад

    hi niko

  • @sendL546
    @sendL546 4 месяца назад

    Hey Niko, ive started RUclips in end of October and its going pretty okay to say. But i still feel im doing something wrong in a way.. I mean look at you, you blew up real fast with likeable & good content. I'm just lost in what to make or what to do. atm i live with my parents and theyre giving me a chance to do something with social media aka RUclips for me. But i feel disappointed because im not getting the results i am hoping for. and I know some of my video's are good and some of them are bad. and ive had more channels in the past. but this is the second longest ive had. I just feel Lost. idk what to do. Thanks for reading.

  • @nulldata9832
    @nulldata9832 4 месяца назад +1

    hey bro. how do u manage to make such deep and thoughtful videos so often? pure talent, thanks!

    • @nikoyaps
      @nikoyaps  4 месяца назад +1

      You are too kind

    • @alessandrobianchini7101
      @alessandrobianchini7101 3 месяца назад +1

      growth, as a person, going through stuff, and periods, and alot of stuff, builds this kind of wiseness from all the info you ate

  • @asaknight321
    @asaknight321 4 месяца назад

    I feel luke in that question

  • @Doctorcrafty
    @Doctorcrafty 3 месяца назад

    Hi Niko, I have recently been struggling with who to hang out with and I am currently in the last year of school so am in the middle of exams currently. I find the people I tend to bond with best are those who may not be so academically gifted as most, not to be rude to them, and that makes me (someone who most would consider to be academically gifted) not properly fit in when it comes to caring about school so much. I find those who go out a lot, which I like to do, are typically the ones who usually do worse in school overall. So my main question is really what would you recommend, enjoying my social life less and possibly getting better grades or enjoying my social life more and hanging out with people who are fun to be around, but maybe wasting some of my academic potential.
    Thank you for reading

  • @vamermeltdown1862
    @vamermeltdown1862 3 месяца назад

    Man this guy is my new favourite RUclipsr absolute great RUclipsr for the youth ❤

  • @sawproductions_
    @sawproductions_ 4 месяца назад

    Alternative title: "Is Ignorance Really Bliss?

  • @tätt_ninjahr
    @tätt_ninjahr 4 месяца назад

    Personally, if I enjoy doing something, it's not a waste of time to me

  • @t3ne
    @t3ne 4 месяца назад


  • @balconyheindrich3983
    @balconyheindrich3983 4 месяца назад

    Currently im 17 and i feel like im wasting my life. Its summer now and I have basically been stuck indoors for the past few weeks. I want to get out more but my parents are the super overbearing and are the helicopter type. They have always been all over my business and they barely let me leave the house alone. Do you have any advice to help me convince them to let go and let me be more independent?

    • @alessandrobianchini7101
      @alessandrobianchini7101 3 месяца назад

      you're 17
      Im 15 almost 16 and my parents let me walk to the town by my own (i live in countryside, 30-40 minute walk, less if i run) , yeah they worry but its normal, they care about you.
      Just tell them, keep insisting, tell them that it might give you a different perception and it would help you socialize with peers, and bro you are 17, you are basically a small adult,
      where i live kids in 5th grade be walking on their own.
      summarizing it all up, tell them how you feel, and dont be afraid of the result or if they beat u or whatever they do or if they take away stuff
      if you insisted so much, just go out on your own and leave a note in your room lmao, get out the window sneak out the door, it'd be a funny story to tell your children dont you think?
      your parents just probably care too much about you and dont understand you should have more space for urself at this age, still love them though, they are your parents