The Big RPG Preview - Game Scoop!

  • Опубликовано: 6 фев 2014
  • From Dragon Age to The Witcher: 30 big RPGs on the way this year.
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  • @TailRunnerOPSpec
    @TailRunnerOPSpec 10 лет назад +21

    An hour? At least I'll have something to do tonight besides mastu-
    Besides meditating.

    • @DRUMAdam91
      @DRUMAdam91 10 лет назад

      LOL I see what you did there!

    • @sweatband97
      @sweatband97 10 лет назад

      DRUMAdam91 im just going to be honest, ive done it twice today

    • @TailRunnerOPSpec
      @TailRunnerOPSpec 10 лет назад +1

      ...-hands you a bible-

  • @graciaman
    @graciaman 10 лет назад +8

    hmm. I absolutely love Dragon Age: Origins. It's one of my favorite RPGs of all time and such a great spiritual successor to the old Baldur's Gate series when played on the PC. I think Inquisition has such great potential.

    • @jamieopthof6940
      @jamieopthof6940 10 лет назад +2

      playing DA: origins makes want to have a baldur's gate II with next/current gen graphics, but with the old combat, old story, old everything (except graphics, ofc)

  • @EAndresplay
    @EAndresplay 10 лет назад

    what a such a great episode, i appreciate your knowledge. im starting in to rpgs, ive barely played 4 rpg games, and ive learned a lot over this hour, you guys are great.

  • @MrJamieb147
    @MrJamieb147 10 лет назад +4

    Fallout New Vegas, when a bunch of pixels start schooling me on philosophy,consumerism,sociology and morality that's what proved to me that games can be truly sophisticated and intellectual.

  • @RoastingPotPieMonkey
    @RoastingPotPieMonkey 10 лет назад +4

    my favorite rpg of all time is "golden sun" on the gameboy advanced. Sure i've enjoyed other rpgs, but this one has history. As the first rpg i played, or even seen as a little kid when going to japan i was amazed of how good the graphics were. I bought the game in Japan, didn't understand a word of it, and yet still beat it (while annoying my mom who could speak on some translations). I still managed to beat the game, and when i saw it in the states, i bought it again in english and was amazed at the story behind the game. It had great pace, story, setting, gameplay and overall awesomeness. 10/10 for me.

  • @Doominator99
    @Doominator99 10 лет назад +4

    The answer to that question never changes. Its Fallout 3.

  • @skywriter14
    @skywriter14 10 лет назад

    Thank heavens! They did a proper game scoop again. Keep it up guys. I want long discussions. Love the show. :)

  • @MZibari
    @MZibari 10 лет назад +2

    The souls series, for a lot of reasons, the mind blowing lore, the combat system, the PvP, the amazing score, the atmosphere and it's hard, especially if you play Demon's Souls first and you're not familiar with how the game works. And I forgot to mention the best part, the glorious sense of achievement that you get after killing every single boss, that is something that I've never felt in any other game.

  • @PockheadLock
    @PockheadLock 10 лет назад +7

    Japanese game studios need to learn how to make a descent UI.

    • @Mr_Waffle.
      @Mr_Waffle. 10 лет назад

      Totally agree. After like 50 hours of Pokemon X I was so tired of having to click into to look at my pokemon instead of just being able to see them on the bottom screen, which was instead filled with content that I'd already finished with dozens of hours ago...

  • @MrDjdecks
    @MrDjdecks 10 лет назад +8

    Dark Souls is my favourite RPG.

  • @ClassicContagious
    @ClassicContagious 10 лет назад

    Thanks guys for showing Wastleland 2 & Pillars of Eternity. Glad to see the love of classic PC RPGs.

  • @Segatritious
    @Segatritious 10 лет назад

    That was an excellent episode. I wish I could have been there to deliver my take on the genre.

  • @pdowski1976
    @pdowski1976 10 лет назад +3

    What they need to do is either remake Jade Empire or make a sequel of Jade Empire.

  • @K9ReactionsX
    @K9ReactionsX 10 лет назад +6

    If I had to pick one RPG of all time, it would be Zelda Ocarina of Time only because it brought me closer to my little brother who was too young to play but loved watching.

    • @hookshotagain
      @hookshotagain 10 лет назад

      OoT isn't an RPG though...

    • @seanstanley
      @seanstanley 10 лет назад

      Steven Everett Yeah it is.

    • @esatakan3076
      @esatakan3076 10 лет назад


    • @hookshotagain
      @hookshotagain 10 лет назад

      Sean Stanley Pretty sure every zelda game would be defined as Action/Adventure.

    • @K9ReactionsX
      @K9ReactionsX 10 лет назад

      Steven Everett I disagree. OOT has the natural progression of an RPG with new weapons, items, quests and dungeons with a huge world to explore.

  • @eriksalminen4333
    @eriksalminen4333 10 лет назад

    Tales of Symphonia. I played through that game so many times because I loved the story and the characters. I won't say it was perfect, but it really resonated with me at a time when I was feeling down. A friend of mine aptly called it the "Life Lessons Game," and I feel like I learned a few.

  • @Br0teas
    @Br0teas 10 лет назад

    Shadow of the Colossus was my fav RPG of all time. The world didn't have mobs of minions to kill or quests to complete. But it had a load of colossal boss's hidden in the magnificent landscape, and a great twist at the end. Awesome soundtrack too.

  • @GodlikeGamersz
    @GodlikeGamersz 10 лет назад +4

    Has to be the Witcher series, I like the immersiveness of the series, and the fact that it's not afraid to be difficult is great to. On the other side of the spectrum is Dark Souls, but I think the Witcher's level of difficulty allows for a challenge, but casual play at the same time.

  • @platypusgamingtv
    @platypusgamingtv 10 лет назад +3

    The Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIM. The dragons. The fighting. The Lydia. Dat Lydia.

  • @AZJayjohn
    @AZJayjohn 10 лет назад +1

    My favorite RPG of all time is legend of dragoon. The moment you turn it on you are blessed with the beautiful voice of elsa raven with the intro "you still believe". The epic that is LOD spans the length of 4 discs with a true 50+ hr game.
    it starts you of with a town being razed in one of the most impressive CGI's on the PS1. Your then tasked with saving your childhood friend and meeting other party members along the way. where LOD impressed me the most is each character had an in depth back-story and mattered to the progression of the story. You learned to care about them and the friendship they acquire. The dialogue wasn't just some RPG with a story thrown together, it was like watching a movie you just couldn't get enough of, or a great book you read before you go to sleep. it became apart of my day. Between the insane plots twists, intense story, and by far the best character development ever displayed in a game, you truly feel like a bad ass by the end. The interface and simple and yet highly addicting addition system which i think needs to be re imagined on next gen somehow keep you addicted to the combat alone, it makes you want to max out your abilities you feel accomplished for completing that god forsaken "blazing dynamo" or "gust of wind dance" combo successfully..
    Never have i cried in a game before like i did the death of Lavitz, or the simple fact the characters you learn to love are tested, fail, and even watch their families die.
    legend of dragoon is by far in the top 10 RPG's of all time and it you have never played it you are missing out.
    screw FF13-3 this month i just psyched myself into playing LOD

  • @Nikorisu2689
    @Nikorisu2689 10 лет назад

    For me it was Final Fantasy IX, the art was amazing seeing it for the first time back in early teenage years, seeing the characters growing over the course of the game seemed all so amazing to me, that and it was the first final fantasy that I messed with for hours doing all the mini games "KWEH!". So that would be my favorite RPG game for just simple reasons but getting me so involved it earns that spot.

  • @Accuracy158
    @Accuracy158 10 лет назад +8

    Please tell me I didn't just hear someone working for a video games media outlet saying that he'd wait for elder scrolls to come out on PS4 over PC because it would be a fun game to stream. #Kappa #FailFish

    • @Accuracy158
      @Accuracy158 10 лет назад +5

      Oh never mind you do figure out later on in the video that he's a filthy casual.

    • @Crittek
      @Crittek 10 лет назад +6

      Accuracy158 Casual players are just as much as gamers as hardcore ones. Once you get a full time schedule you will realize that.

    • @jackjelf07
      @jackjelf07 10 лет назад

      Accuracy158 What is wrong with streaming on PS4? With all these games coming out this year, PS4 streams are just going to grow. And btw about your 'filthy casual', once you get a job you will understand we can't all be hardcore gamers.

    • @Gingergeek101
      @Gingergeek101 10 лет назад

      Who cares it's gonna be crap anyway the game just looks like wow instead of what most of my freinds wanted that being a skyrim with mmo elemts instead it's just wow

    • @Crittek
      @Crittek 10 лет назад

      Gingergeek101 WoW is the worst comparison that you can make to this game. No it's not like Skyrim but that should have been expected from the beginning.

  • @matt4045
    @matt4045 10 лет назад +5

    Best RPG of all time, for me, is Mass Effect 2.

  • @wadenkrampf0815
    @wadenkrampf0815 10 лет назад +1

    Final Fantasy 7, because of it's epic story in a fresh scenario, it's story-twist, the magic-system, it's jump in storytelling compared to all previous rpgs and it was my first game for the PS 1 and made me an RPG fan. This game defined part of who I am.

  • @hokiepokie
    @hokiepokie 10 лет назад +2

    Fable: The Lost Chapters on the first Xbox.
    It's the game that got me into RPG's almost 10 years ago.
    I've played through that game atleast 5 times because of the level of freedom, the humor and the amazing characterprogression.

    • @Mordhereck
      @Mordhereck 10 лет назад

      I fell in love with Fable when I was 11 or 12, I played like 100 hours.

    • @LRaySarge
      @LRaySarge 10 лет назад

      same here. First ever RPG i played and its what got me into western RPGs

  • @boost4O
    @boost4O 10 лет назад +5

    i dont know anything about RPG's but i watched the entire video because i love IGN talks

    • @TheBadAssNcrRanger
      @TheBadAssNcrRanger 10 лет назад +3

      RPGs are great. You should try some. Btw there's many different kinds of them so if you don't like one you might like the next.

    • @nasserm20
      @nasserm20 10 лет назад +1

      RPGs r amazing, try Dark Souls if u want great challenging gameplay and amazing combat system. Witcher 2 if u want amazing story-based RPG and last is Skyrim, open world and u can do whatever u want in a fantasy world.

  • @deviny
    @deviny 10 лет назад +3

    I reckon The Witcher 3 will take it for 2014. But I'm excited for Dragon Age as long as its like the first game. But I hope they announce a next gen Fallout or Elder Scrolls this year. That would be perfect.

    • @boydofzinj6102
      @boydofzinj6102 10 лет назад

      I am a bit torn. Before Dragon Age 2 and SWTOR I would have voted Dragon Age would be the guaranteed winner. However, Bioware has lost my confidence and has to gain my confidence again.

    • @deviny
      @deviny 10 лет назад +2

      BoydofZINJ I'm pretty sure they've learned. They got a lot of criticism for Dragon Age 2 and they are the type of devs that listen to their consumers. As we saw with the Mass Effect 3 ending debacle. And pretty much everything else they've made have been great. Mass effect, KOTOR, Dragon Age.

  • @gamejunkie1001
    @gamejunkie1001 10 лет назад +1

    My favorite RPG of all time is Final Fantasy Tactics. It showed me that not every story has a happy ending and that not every hero gets praised for the good that they do. Changed my view on game stories all together. Mechanics were amazing

  • @dcdenney
    @dcdenney 10 лет назад

    Knights of the old republic. Fun and quick paced with that feel of being wrapped in a true Star Wars adventure

  • @jacksond5071
    @jacksond5071 10 лет назад +3

    Witcher 2. The Witcher 3 when it comes out.

  • @matt4045
    @matt4045 10 лет назад +4

    Whaaat, what's with all the Origins hate? I enjoyed that game much more than Witcher 2 and I am SO much more excited for Inquisition than W3. It's not even close.

    • @MoonisHavn
      @MoonisHavn 10 лет назад

      Im with you, w3 looks crazy! but I cant help but to be exited for d3

  • @nwils36
    @nwils36 10 лет назад +1

    My favourite game ever made was Neverwinter nights 2. This is because having been so young I had never experienced a true rpg with such depth and such an involving story. It was a game that I truly belive I put over 1500 hours into from when I was 8 to when I was 12, I replayed the first 2-3 hours of that game recycling through all the different options that were avaliable for at least two hundred hours to the point where i could practically recite the whole prologue. I came from simpler games like donkey Kong 64 and golden eye and was blown away by the difference in gameplay and the beauty of the visuals and even at 17 i can't think of any game that could come anywhere close to the enjoyment that i experienced with it. And on a side note the developer Obsidion entertainment is my favourite games creators in the industry who made two of my other favourite RPG's Fallout new Vegas and kotor 2 and finding out that south park is being developed by them makes me excited when i previously was not. Neverwinter Nights 2 is deep, beautiful and involving and i cannot recommend it enough to anyone interested in RPG's with story and great gameplay to match.

  • @MyBlahblah1234567890
    @MyBlahblah1234567890 10 лет назад

    My favorite RPG of all time is Dragon Quest 8. I was attracted to its art style and world design, but was thoroughly surprised by the game's combat system, story, and overall nostalgia factor. Old-school RPGs are very close to my heart, and this particular game brings back great memories.

  • @POVgames
    @POVgames 10 лет назад +4

    *was looking forward to this episode*
    *12 seconds in saw colin moriarty*
    *am typing this comment*
    *shutting the video off*

    • @esatakan3076
      @esatakan3076 10 лет назад +12

      For me personally, Colin is one of my favorite guys on IGN,along with Greg so actually, my eyes LOOK for him in an IGN vid coz I think he's a really funny and cool dude..
      Oh well, opinions,opinions, gotta love'em lol :)

    • @dylandoremus5931
      @dylandoremus5931 10 лет назад +2

      Esat Akan I think colin is one of the best because he isnt scared of saying his opinion and understands games and the industry

    • @POVgames
      @POVgames 10 лет назад

      Dylan Doremus
      I LOLED

  • @Faizan1631
    @Faizan1631 10 лет назад +3

    everyone's out going to buy ff10 hd on ps3
    but i'm just sitting there playing the original on my ps2

  • @Kahanuola
    @Kahanuola 10 лет назад

    Fable one because that game made my childhood and it inspired me as a child. It was one of the first games I've ever played.

  • @geduza
    @geduza 10 лет назад

    hey guys, i have never been as excited about a game release as i am currently biting my nails for dark souls 2. why? because the first game, especially the prepare to die edition with all the killer mods, amazing community, great youtube coverage, etc. was truly mind blowing. i believe from software is making a game that will be enjoyed by many for years to come, so fingers crossed. Also Witcher 3 looks like something to look forward to, as well as the stick of truth. Also i still have big hopes for reaper of souls (and if i dont win the 3ds just for saying that, i won't be too disappointed, tho really i would be :) ) so, yea, to sum up rpg is my favorite genre and i loved the show. keep up the great work guys and please send my best wishes to Naomi! Cheers

    @EMERGAB 10 лет назад +3


  • @Schizm1
    @Schizm1 10 лет назад +5

    WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! They don't know ANYTHING about next Divinity game, Witcher 2 was "to hard" for them, Dragon Age Origins was "to long" and to oldschool?! And these guys are PAYED for talking all this crap?! Holy shit, and I thought that Gametrailers is filled with overpaid casual gamers.

    • @socccerr008
      @socccerr008 10 лет назад +5

      may god smite them for having their own opinions on these games.

    • @jackjelf07
      @jackjelf07 10 лет назад

      It's a free country, which means everyone is entitled to a opinion.

  • @Ryuuzaki3232
    @Ryuuzaki3232 10 лет назад

    My favorite RPG is Vagrant Story. One of the first RPGs I ever played and I still replay it every once in a while to this day.

  • @Zanzabari
    @Zanzabari 10 лет назад +2

    Fallout 3, I like that Post-Apocalyptic feeling, especially when you wonder around looking for weapons and ammo in a world that is savaged by a nuclear war, as you wonder, you are looking to help or destroy groups of survivors and anything you do will affect the story line and your karma.

  • @Suisai13
    @Suisai13 10 лет назад +4

    Easy, Bioware haters, LOL

  • @ygalion
    @ygalion 10 лет назад +3

    Witcher 3 game of the year, Dragon Age, well, should try to test if they fail again, but its EA, so... No one should play EA games!!!!

    • @jadeprinces
      @jadeprinces 10 лет назад

      Agree with you

    • @IlayYoeli
      @IlayYoeli 10 лет назад

      ***** hmmmmm.... Mass Effect 3

    • @ygalion
      @ygalion 10 лет назад

      Ilay Yoeli Sad taht BioWare is under EA, if VALVE would lead them, i would be super happy, but look at the bright side, CD PROJECT RED are really awesome, one of last who care about gamers

    • @jadeprinces
      @jadeprinces 10 лет назад

      indeed they are and for me best company out there

  • @Heavymetalrille
    @Heavymetalrille 10 лет назад

    I love RPG games in general so this is a though one,it´s hard leaving games out that has given me so much joy over the years. As of now the game i been playing the most and really enjoying to the fullest and never getting tired of... is Skyrim.
    I spent days just walking around in the world, looking at the environment, climbing the snow covered mountains, looking at the skies, i just loved doing that for hours becaus everything was so beautiful and great.
    I had a blast just forging and making armours getting my smithing skill up arming my companion with the best so we were alike and could do some master looting togheter :)
    It was a world i could truly get lost in for hours becaus of all the things to do, bying houses,questing,collecting, exploring, watching,building, slaying, killing dragons etc... so much to do, it´s great. And the system for everything i think is excellent, the XP system, dealing out skill points and such, very good. And the music, first hundred times i listened to the main theme song i got wet in my pants.
    I could go on and on about it :)
    I love J RPG´s but Skyrim changed things for me, it is a game changer if you ask me and many RPG games to come will build upon what it has accomplished, bigger and better and more realistic open worlds. I can´t wait to see what comes next.
    I love many of the FF games and FF7 and 6 was some of my top favorites but i have to give a special mention to some games that just had such a great storyline and fun gameplay, it is Suikoden and i am also throwing in Suikoden 2 in there becaus they belong togheter. Just finding all of those characters and building ones "army" of followers. Very sad and tragic games but wonderful and fun and a must play for anyone that hasn´t, it´s worth it

  • @dantevelazquez7138
    @dantevelazquez7138 10 лет назад

    Chrono Trigger, I've played this game through different stages in my life and it helped make it easier. The characters, music, story and even combat system are memorable. Just looking at that damn Frog makes me smile all the time, every time.

  • @hatcancer
    @hatcancer 10 лет назад

    Final Fantasy X is my favorite RPG of my all time. It was the first game that actually hooked me into video games, from the first battle alongside Auron to the end I was emotionally invested in it. I have went back to it time and time again most recently coaching my fiance through it being able to show someone the game that I love so much and seeing someone enjoy it as much as I have is a very emotional experience better even than the first time I experienced it myself.

  • @hesoicyking
    @hesoicyking 10 лет назад

    Legend of Dragoon; a game that not only began my ongoing love affair with RPGs, but also kept me entertained for hours with its story, lore, graphics, and what to me was a mind blowing combat system...

  • @MohamedIbrahim-uq3ef
    @MohamedIbrahim-uq3ef 10 лет назад +1

    My favorite Rpg is Skyrim, because I love the opportunity and all the challenges that keep you going. I'm not sure if the Division is a Rpg, but if it it is then that's the one I'm looking forward to.

  • @Hullspawn
    @Hullspawn 10 лет назад

    valkyria chronicles on the ps3 was one of my favourite srpg's and possibly one of my favourite games of the last gen. It's one of the few games that really made me care about the characters I was using and it also had one of the most satisfying endings I've ever experienced in gaming... It may or may not of made me cry as well but we won't talk about that haha

  • @Nobodyjbh14
    @Nobodyjbh14 10 лет назад +1

    My favourite RPG and I gave this a lot of thought, a lot of soul searching as it were would be Persona 3 FES. That game is just like a blueprint for how to make a good RPG, you've got Great Characters, a really engaging and interesting storyline with lots of twists and turns, a fantastic DUB and OST, amazing and deep gameplay and fusion mechanics for the Persona's. And in the FES version you have the 30 hour Epilogue in the form of the answer which is a fantastic postgame challenge.

  • @bladinvladamoor
    @bladinvladamoor 10 лет назад

    My favorite rpg was star ocean second story. When I was younger it was the first game I really got into that had an affection system, action rpg combat, and different endings based on my choices. I walked 40 blocks as a kid and bought it with my savings.

  • @LilBigStephen
    @LilBigStephen 10 лет назад

    My favorite RPG by far is still Champions of Arms, on PS2. The graphics, sound effects, and the abilities you could have as you leveled up made you want to continue playing.

  • @llaurusv
    @llaurusv 10 лет назад

    I need that teddy bear shirt Damon had on. Was that Rilakamora? Whatever it was, its adorable and I love it.
    Fav RPG- Fallout 1/2. The story blew my mind. They were some of the first mature videogames Id played. The post nuclear apocalypse setting, slavery, drugs, prostitution- It all made for a very affecting and engaging story telling. The battle and dialog systems were suspenseful to the point were I was anxious about every decision I made.

  • @andre23noel
    @andre23noel 10 лет назад

    My favorite rpg of all time is the mass effect series. The depth of it ranging from the planets and multitude of species are awesome. I just feel it set the bar and it's something that I continue to replay.

  • @thomasfrye9566
    @thomasfrye9566 10 лет назад

    Dark Souls was my favorite rpg. I loved how challenging it was, and I loved how there was very little direction on where to go.

  • @moktarbom
    @moktarbom 10 лет назад +1

    my favorite RPG is Fallout 3, I love the story, the large open world style, even after a year of playing it I could still discover new places and be like "WOW there was a bunker hidden here" and be amazed by my discovery. the VATS was a really cool feature. I had so many wonderful memories playing this game ;D

  • @RuffSenpai
    @RuffSenpai 10 лет назад

    Final Fantasy 8 was my favorite RPG. The battle system was amazing, the characters were some of my favorite in any game that I have played....AND....THAT CARD MINI GAME! I could play that card game for hours it was SOOO GOOOD! Get on that kick starter and someone make that game a reality!

  • @eligio7907
    @eligio7907 10 лет назад

    Fallout 2!! Really fun used to play it when I was kid at my cousins house. I still play it and loved how the little Easter Eggs they put in New Vegas! (:

  • @dereksund2995
    @dereksund2995 10 лет назад

    Skyrim. It was my first RPG ever getting into and was an amazing experience. It will forever be one of the greatest games I've ever played.

  • @randyho8128
    @randyho8128 10 лет назад +1

    Dragon Age 2, i know the reputation that this game has on internet but I cannot help but love this game. The characters have dimensions, but more importantly have deep impact on the story. The story is also mysterious, showing glimpses and pieces of it, until it rears its ugly head in a climatic way. And the Battle system, while having less variety than Origins, was still a fluid and strategic gameplay experience that made me feel awesome. Overall i had a blast playing DA2 and hope some people would give the game a chance.

    • @crackcorn0404
      @crackcorn0404 10 лет назад

      Agreed. I liked it a lot more in my second and third play through. Once I got over the recycled dungeons, I really appreciated the story and characters. I'm kind of torn with the combat. On one hand I love the smooth, fast pace style (especially with rogues), but on the other hand I really like how deep the combat is in Origins (Especially with a mage). I feel like meeting somewhere in the middle would be perfect for me.

  • @RazzorBack300
    @RazzorBack300 10 лет назад

    My favourite would have to be Fable 3, because I use to play it when I was younger and had a lot of fun playing it, especially with my friends. Had a lot of great memories from it.

  • @gingerossTV
    @gingerossTV 10 лет назад

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim:
    vast and beautiful world, incredible amount of things to do and it really gives you a sense of achievement when you get new armour/weapons or level up etc.
    The game actually made me want to live there!

  • @ryleymuldoon4358
    @ryleymuldoon4358 10 лет назад

    The Elder Scrolls 5:Skyrim! It has everything you need to have in an RPG. An example of something fun was actually the first thing I did wrong, it was in Riverwood, and I killed a chicken, I saw the bounty added title and turned around to see Alvor, the Blacksmith, runny after me with a huge club, I just jumped in the river and never returned! That's just an example of the fun I have on that game. I've played 100s of hours and am on level 81! Awesome and can't wait for the next Elder Scrolls stand alone title!

  • @SolidSmiech
    @SolidSmiech 10 лет назад +1

    Persona 3. This was my first Persona/SMT game and I didn't know what to expect going in. But what I got was one of the most addicting games I have ever played and I just couldn't put it down.

  • @professor115
    @professor115 10 лет назад

    Deus Ex: The Conspiracy
    For myself, that game introduced me to truely interactive story telling and changed what I valued in video games. Deus Ex: The Conspiracy showed me that compelling story telling can be delivered in a way that allows the user to shape how that story unfolds, and in doing that, creates a much more immersive experience. That game paved the way for titles like Fable and Mass Effect and all the other games that push the boundaries of the interactivity of story telling.

  • @clericregnor
    @clericregnor 10 лет назад

    Knights of the Old Republic has to be my favorite RPG of all time. It's the only game that got more playthroughs from me than FF III (VI in Japan) for the SNES. It took so many great elements from Neverwinter Nights and put a compelling Star Wars motiff on it. I felt as though the choices I made in game had a direct causality with certain outcomes.

  • @Tyesupersam94
    @Tyesupersam94 10 лет назад

    Dragon age origins. It was the first rpg i picked up and the first one i finished. I played it off and on but it was simple and easy to get into with what i thought to be a really good story and a lot of choices that affected which allies you had and such. My favorite rpg.

  • @jlw9113
    @jlw9113 10 лет назад

    Final Fantasy X. It was my first Final Fantasy game and one of the first games that I sunk a lot of hours into it because I enjoyed the combat and the character relationships. I've loved RPGs ever since.

  • @mikeclip
    @mikeclip 10 лет назад

    favorite RPG is without a doubt Chrono Trigger for the SNES. This game was not only my first endeavor into a RPG style game as a kid but is one of the games that still holds its own as a great story and game to this day. Great elements and out of the box locations and enemys/allies. This game will always be my favorite and in my opinion one of the best of all time

  • @billytheyeti
    @billytheyeti 10 лет назад

    Dragon Quest VIII for PS2 was my Favorite RPG. I have fond memories of being in the Marine Corps playing this game when I pulled a 24 hour duty.

  • @Brithoveen
    @Brithoveen 10 лет назад +1

    My Favorite RPG Final Fantasy IX or The Skyrim. The art design and world of FF IX is beautiful and the World of Skyrim is funto explore and roam for hours. Never a dull moment!!

  • @dantilly291
    @dantilly291 10 лет назад

    Final Fantasy 3 (6 in Japan). To this very day Kefka's laugh haunts my dreams. Such a great story, awesome gameplay and lasting characters. I was younger than 10 when I first played it and still love it. Yay 2d Final Fantasys, I need Bravely Default!!

  • @bestsnowboarderuknow
    @bestsnowboarderuknow 10 лет назад

    Final Fantasy 7 is my favorite of all time because it was the first game that really made me feel for the characters. I cried when Aries died, and rejoiced when I finally slayed Sephiroth, then cried again when my dad wouldn't let me play it one day because I was mean to my mom (lol sry mom!). I sunk a good chunk of my summer into that game and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

  • @Redwolf8991
    @Redwolf8991 10 лет назад +3

    Favourite RPG game: the Pokemon franchise.
    This is because of how enjoyable I find the games to be, even when being replayed 7 years down the track. Not to mention how well the games hold their value.
    E.g, Pokemon D/P/P, release date, $60, when I looked in Gametraders today, $60 (AUD)

    • @OneBiteoftheCherry
      @OneBiteoftheCherry 10 лет назад

      Agreed, although I'm really not fodn of the recent pokemon, I like gen1-3 and a couple from 4, after that it started getting ridiculous. Seriously, a chandelier for a pokemon?

    • @Redwolf8991
      @Redwolf8991 10 лет назад

      angusrokks1 I shall somewhat agree to that. The chandelier pokemon (Chandelure) was part of the Generation V games, and in all honesty, that whole generation was too rushed.
      Almost like they started goin Call of Duty on us :P

  • @TylerAMH
    @TylerAMH 10 лет назад

    Favorite RPG is definitely Baldurs Gate! I love the depth in quests and the amount of detail poured into the game. Plus party management with AD&D 2 rules is just icing on the cake.

  • @strideredz
    @strideredz 10 лет назад

    Favourite RPG for me is Chrono Cross. Sequel to the greatest RPG of all time, Chrono Trigger, it leaves an everlasting impression in my heart that very few games nowadays fail to achieve. From its engrossing complex story with multiple endings, breathtaking soundtrack from the opening FMV to its ending credits, 45 playable characters with unique back stories and humorous interactions. Chrono Cross will forever be a journey worth taking over and over again.
    Special thanks and shout out to Masato Kato, the director, script writer, event planner and FMV storyboard. This guy put a lot of heart and soul into all his games he helped developed and it shows.
    God, I miss the Square era days.

  • @Jackmcwilliams
    @Jackmcwilliams 10 лет назад

    My favourite RPG is Star wars knights of the old republic.
    You get full freedom in a star wars universe, you get to play both light and dark side and the story itself was completely sublime.The gameplay was smooth and there was just enough abilities and visuals to hook in any player after minutes in the game.

  • @_harry218
    @_harry218 10 лет назад

    Skyrim. Skyrim was the real first RPG game I played, back when I had an xbox 360. I LOVED that game, I played through every quest (besides dragonborn dlc) twice. The first time I did it I got up to level 51 and the second time I got up to level 55.

  • @BamaBucknasty
    @BamaBucknasty 10 лет назад

    My favorite RPG of all time is Xenogears. You asked why, why not? The system of learning moves by chaining combos and giant fighting robots.

  • @phastings1
    @phastings1 10 лет назад +1

    Demon's Souls is my favorite RPG of all time, because I feel it is the most original in both lore and gameplay. It felt like the first time I played Chrono Trigger and was blown away.

  • @KittenThaKitty
    @KittenThaKitty 10 лет назад

    Mass Effect. Throughout the whole franchise my choices of being the good, never giving up leader made me feel inspired to make myself more of a leader and try to help anyone in need.

  • @justinfrancis96
    @justinfrancis96 10 лет назад

    Kingdom's of Amalur: The Reckoning. It reminds me so much of the play style and combat system of the Fable Series (Which i adored), but with a more serious storyline and far more side quests to consume all of your spare time.

  • @robbiecarter9241
    @robbiecarter9241 10 лет назад

    My fave RPG of all time is skyrim. It gave me freedom. I made a character named him and then I stepped into his shoes! I ran out and I had adventures!!! It was like writing a book, I was always finding new things In the massive fantastic world!!! It had a story no it had 3 Million story's!!! Those story's weren't just told to you. You explored and if you looked closely the story unraveled and you started to see it!!! I'm part of the skyrim bandwagon and I'm happy about it. Now the elder scrolls is my fave series. I've completed them all and man, it's incredible!!!!

  • @ahdel-fatih447
    @ahdel-fatih447 10 лет назад

    I played a lot of RPGs but no other game reached the lvl of Mass Effect trilogy
    It was just awesome in every aspect from gameplay to the story that pull you completely into the game , the brilliant characters and how you interact with them and them with each other , how your choice determines the outcome , well in short I just enjoyed every moment of the game it always kept you thrilled , filled you with emotions and didn't disappoint until the end
    The emptiness it left in me after I finished the game was not filled with any other I played later

  • @WolfMoon173
    @WolfMoon173 10 лет назад

    Honestly for me, in my last (roughly) 20 years of my life, finally fantasy has been the biggest influence in my gaming years. Jumped on pretty late with the ps2 ff10 being my first RPG but have played everyone since, however for me personally appealing to my interests, the mass effect trilogy would have to be my RPG. Specifically ME2 due to the really gripping story, great ensemble characters and brilliant conversation routes. These are the elements I like in RPGs.

  • @drakechandler9014
    @drakechandler9014 10 лет назад

    My favorite RPG of all time is undoubtedly "The World Ends With You." The story wasn't mind blowing, but still great by all means, as it was presented great and had every character be extremely likeable. Beyond that, the gameplay was and still is like nothing ever seen before, and the art of the game was extremely stylized with a funky soundtrack to boot. Great game all around.

  • @wistaban
    @wistaban 10 лет назад +1

    Nice hoodie Greg! Got mine on right now. I'm waiting for Fallout 4 to be announced

  • @AdrianZborowski
    @AdrianZborowski 10 лет назад

    Vagrant Story is my favorite jRPG and my most anticipated RPG is The WItcher 3. As it goes about Vagrant Story it had a great action/turn base combat system. As child I could not understand that but few years after it released and I played it again it became my most favorite RPG.

  • @andtow1
    @andtow1 10 лет назад

    FF3 I was around 10 years old and that game just blew my mind between the great graphics on the Snes and the awesome story line and gameplay it never got old

  • @Cypher2k99
    @Cypher2k99 10 лет назад

    Favorite RPG has to be the Chono franchise specifically Chrono Trigger. Reasons why; from the sound track to the art design, Chrono trigger was in it's time a beautiful game. And it felt rewarding when you acquired new abilities and met new characters to me. Add that in to the concept of the game itself and it is definitely one of my favorite RPGs ever.

  • @apocalipticalationsX
    @apocalipticalationsX 10 лет назад +1

    Final Fantasy X
    hard to choose from the pool of amazing games out there but this wins because it was one of my first and the story just kept me glued to the screen!

  • @impailerddt
    @impailerddt 10 лет назад +1

    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Excellent story & amazing twist.

  • @Uknownknight0013
    @Uknownknight0013 10 лет назад

    Knights of the old republic, It was perfect. The story, plot twist, and gameplay wrapped it up into a great game. It had a great and intimate character relationship that was only rivaled rarely ever. It's all opinion but, I loved playing it 6 times as young kid. It only gets better with age.

  • @whisperingxblue
    @whisperingxblue 10 лет назад

    pokemon generation 3~ I love how it is something that brings everyone from the 90s generation together and how it is a simple game that somehow always feels fresh and fun.

  • @SparkyDude03
    @SparkyDude03 10 лет назад +1

    Still feel like Pokemon is my favorite. The whole series does a few minor updates to each generation, and by now it's super fine tuned. Love it!

  • @CultClassicCage
    @CultClassicCage 10 лет назад

    My favorite RPG of all time is Elder Scrolls Oblivion. For it's time it was game changing. The freedom was perfect. Exploration of so many things around Tamriel without even doing anywhere near the main storyline. The factions you can join are each unique and fun in their own way. The main quest was so moving and built up to a tense and perfect ending. I played that game for a good 4 years constant and still go back to it at times to this day.

  • @LCWone
    @LCWone 10 лет назад

    Jade cocoon for the ps1..... It literally took me 8 months to beat, straight through.... It's like a deeper gritty version of pokemon with an amazing story.... loved it and would go back and play it any day...

  • @TheRetroJester81
    @TheRetroJester81 10 лет назад

    Final fantasy 7 is my all time favorite game the story the music the characters the combat system. The scope of this game was mind blowing

  • @menemisdats
    @menemisdats 10 лет назад

    Grandia hands down. I just love the adventure and lore. So many unexpected things that will blow your mind. First rpg ever played and loved it. Llegend of legaia close number 2. Awesome! Great year for rpg fans!

  • @phxsunfan
    @phxsunfan 10 лет назад +1

    Favorite RPG is Secret of Mana on SNES. Probably because it was the first game that had be me caring what happened to the characters

  • @Audience003
    @Audience003 10 лет назад

    That would be Final Fantasy X. From the amazing storyline, characters, emotional attachments and feelings, mini games, sphere grids and last but not least the wow chill factor even after 10 years - still not bored to replay.