However this country became & still is the richest country in world in only a short period of time because tobacco & cotton & African free labor besides it’s been several attempts to rectify what this country did to native Americans 🤷🏽♂️
The fact that Charlemagne automatically assumed that Glenn Loury was a white person, really tells you everything you need to know about his way of thinking.
No, it’s because Glen made an Uncle Tom ass statement, or a statement that you would assume could only come from a white person. You can’t, knowing anything about slavery in this country, Black or not, think we don’t deserve reparations. Is u crazy??
@@rhodabaruch4 The complete lack of self awareness evident in your response demonstrates one of the big problems in society today when it comes to race relations.
As a black woman, the black community in a general sense needs to realize that you are not gonna sit and shut up about the flaws within the community and not contribute to society, but want payment and special treatment. If you want something to happen, you gotta put an action to it, not beg the same people you think is oppressing you.
Where is my reparations for the white man killing all my Native American ancestors?? What about my Mexican ancestors who were pushed out of half their land in California, Texas, New Mexico ect. Why are black folks the only ones complaining?
Why aren’t any other enslaved ethnic groups demanding reparations?? Black people were not the only enslaved people in history. Not even close. It seems that black Americans have adopted the victim mentality. You know it’s true because they prove it, everyone says blacks act like victims now a days.
One last point. My Native American and Mexican ancestors were both oppressed by the white man but I will never in my life ask for a penny form anyone because I can make my own money and I don’t look at myself as a victim of others sins.
Blacks do not consider what they have already been paid, or what is their fault and what they owe only being Biased. Add it up Black people owe Reparation to USA for forcing slavey on the world. Out of the 18 million east Africa and 12 million sold by Africans west cost only 380k came to USA which at that primitive time couldn't stop slavery, SO it is blacks fault, AND US paid with over a million dying in Civil War(not removing amputees that later died from disease like the lying history changer do). Therefore, Blacks owe Reparations to USA, but True patriots only want all to work together for what's best for all, and are not evil unforgiving like them. Notice Blacks never go to Africa saying they owe, and that looks racist. Luke: 32, 33 only helping others are you good, and white ended slavey, but Blacks only care about blacks we could be heading into WW3 and blacks will vote to destroy USA doing evil. Your rhetoric is what makes the looters, Burners, liars, murders, that rob steel, but cuz you bias that's what you want on the way to hell. Unless Blacks repent USA will be destroyed.
@@rednola9892 Pretty sure there ain't going to be any repeated enslavement or takeover of land in this day and age. Anyway, blacks and Indians got more than enough on reparations: the blacks through the Great Society programs that have been paid for disproportionately by whites and benefited from disporportionately by blacks, and the Indians from all the tax breaks and free stuff they've been getting from Uncle Sam.
He just made the most deadly counter argument to his own argument, “there is no price point...” That means there is no end, no point of satisfactory. That puts the notion to bed.
It’s such a dumb idea to pay out cash for a “debt” .. his ancestors were from a hundred years ago. He had nothing to do with there pain and suffering , just like most white Americans had nothing to do with It. And what about two generations from now. Are they going to want money too? Why now.. why this generation? 15 or 20 thousand dollars isn’t going to fix any of there problems at all. The problem is a cultural problem that starts out inside there home with having one parent. It’s not the governments problem
Why not take the median white person's net wealth and give that amount to decedents of US slaves (native Americans too)? Then we can end Affirmative Action and blacks should feel fully compensated.
This coming from a self titled god who is worth millions and he's gonna talk about not only paying reperations which will come out of our the tax payers pocket but also he's telling people to use their white privelage to help blacks. Hello? What white privelage do I have? How the fuck can I help blacks to stop popping out babies left and right and stop the from killing each other in record numbers? Unfuckinbelievable. Black man heal thyself.
The while "you are guilty of your ancestors sins" shit is literally a North Korean method of oppression. I challenge anyone to follow their family tree and not find both a slave and a slave owner. He is a descendant of West Africans? Then it is inevitable he is the descent of both a slave and a slave owner. How do you right the wrongs of the past? You don't, you can't. You just learn from them.
It's very hard to FIND any slave ancestry in your family tree if you're a white southerner because those records were mostly falsified centuries ago to get out from under the one drop rule - that's not to say it isn't there, but it's mostly been lost to history. Native American ancestry as well - not many European women came to this country for most of the 1600s, so a lot of female ancestors from that far back would have been Africans or Native Americans who were baptized and given European names when they married a white man.
Slavery has historically been widespread in Africa. Systems of servitude and slavery were common in parts of Africa in ancient times, as they were in much of the rest of the ancient world.[1] When the trans-Saharan slave trade, Indian Ocean slave trade and Atlantic slave trade (which started in the 16th century)[2] began, many of the pre-existing local African slave systems began supplying captives for slave markets outside Africa. Wikipedia
I’m pretty sure my Eastern European ancestors had 0 slaves. Generalizing all whites as descendants of slave owners is as lame as generalizing all blacks as gang bangers. We should look at our elected officials and see how many of them are descendants of slave owners, how many of them are descendants of coal and oil barons who worked the Slavs, Italians and Irish into the ground, how many are descendants of railroad tycoons who abused the Chinese worker, how many of them have underpaid undocumented housekeepers. We know who our enemies are. We always have. We just need to unite against them. Left or Right they are all the same.
@@davidstokes2780 If he were to study history, his financial claim would go back to Africa, where blacks sold blacks into slavery. But that's not part of their narrative.
@@Jodyjo99 but how Jeff if slaves actually did do something and were actually promised 40 acres and a mule if u and all of your elders where held captive and made to work for there entire life’s and your great great grandkids where freeman do you think they would deserve compensation even though you did all the work but they had to suffer the trickle down effects of 100s of years of you not being able to accumulate wealth, education.That right there what your father said is unequivocally a false comparison sir now ask your father if he believes slaves should’ve never gotten there 40 acres and a mule and the slave owners should’ve been paid off for having to free there slaves a debt to which was just paid off by the British empire in 2015 bet you won’t lol if he is still alive
Where are my reparations? My ancestors are Irish, they were slaves as well. What about the Chinese? Every damn race "deserves" reparations in one way or another. Blacks don't deserve anything anymore than any other race.
I like quite a bit of things Charlemagne is talking about but reparations topic he's grossly uninformed. He wants the govt blindly given out money just like that without congressional input, these plenty of complex issues to resolve to sort such as how structure this, how will this be financed, who needs it and who doesn't he hasn't thought all of it properly. Charlemagne needs to do deep research on subject of reparations BC it's not as simple as he painting out to be especially in a archaic racist country like America.
@@legessi if i knew you personally sure. A good weapon will make anybody talk just heads up. I can talk tough to. But that's not what i was getting at........... Eventually you will take your last breath. In that moment your gonna hope you did everything right in life cuz you not coming back lol.
I now really just understood what they mean when you benefit from slavery the way that you benefit from slavery is you get that job that I don't get you get that loan that I don't get you get to buy a house in a neighborhood that I want to buy a house in but I can't so you do benefit from slavery right now today I'm not saying that you don't work hard I'm sure you do but we work just as hard actually harder for far less and if that's not true visit neighborhoods in your city and look at the difference and then you tell me who did what when where and how
@@jinnenekelly3278 that sounds like a lot of indoctrination. You can draw a causation map all you want but there aren’t any remaining systemic parts of our society that hold back black people from having an equal chance. It comes down to factors like family wealth and culture which are difficult for poor people to improve regardless of race.
@@jinnenekelly3278 I'm white and had a credit union out here in Vegas tell me that my home loan doesnt qualify for my condo. I went somewhere else and I now own said condo.
That exact mentality is why this sort of reparations argument will never go anywhere and never do anything other than create resentment. White people do not need to be accountable for slavery. No one alive today owned slaves and no one alive today was one. Many of us, including myself, had ancestors who were not even here when slavery happened. Many of our ancestors came from European ethnicities that had nothing to do with transatlantic slave trade, and even those who do have ancestors involved are not responsible for those ancestors' actions. Those very few who may family wealth built up from slave ownership should do something, but even they are not responsible for the actions that created that wealth. Guilt is not passed down through blood lines. Recently, I found out that I may be related to a serial killer who lived back in the late 1800s and ended up being sent off to Siberia. If I am related to him, am I responsible for those he murdered?
I don't want to minimize the Black Experience in any way but saying they built this country is not correct. To say that the economy of the south (mostly agricultural) was built on the backs of Black folks is close to the truth but this country was built on the labors of many people. Most of whom belonged to the down trodden masses and all at one time or another suffered abuse at the hands of the establishment. If you start talking about reparations then you'll also have to consider Native Americans, Japanese Americans, Chinese Americans, European immigrants of many nationalities and Mexicans. I will grant you these other folks weren't "owned" but they were hated, used and mistreated. It wasn't until unions were formed that there was any semblance of fair treatment for workers
You need a history lesson!!African Americans work free for this country for 500 years!! we built this motherfuking country!! our ancestors built this m*********** country!!America would not be what it is today if it wasn't for African-American!!
@@ashantifrazier7724 "America would not be what it is today if it wasn't for African-American!!" Correct. It also wouldn't be where it is today were it not for the Chinese laborer who laid track for the rail road in the west or the Irish who laid it in the east. What contributions have Mexicans made over the last few hundred years? My argument is that there is a plurality of contributions from many different ethnic groups. The Mistreatment of blacks is this country is a long and brutal story. Unfortunately, many elements of that story also apply to other ethnic groups as well.
Actually the Chinese did more to build this country than the Blacks...they essentially built the entire railroad system that connected all parts of the country. Then I would bring in the Germans who gave us just about all our weapons and rocket technology we used to win every war.
If a descendant of slavery can become a millionaire like charlamagne. I’d say, we have come a long way. I’ve had many things that have held me back, that isn’t worth sharing, but has never been an excuse or reason for my downfall. Only my actions
@@Paul_Durbin Upholding current systems of power and oppression that have a continuous thread all the way back to slavery and colonial days. White people have the power to create a just country. But we don’t.
@@zachkh So because evil things existed earlier in history and we as a country have fought and died to remove those evil things from existing into the future but haven't completely dismantled the established thing as a whole because we still value many certain aspects of it means that we are still promoting said evil things that have previously been removed? Don't victimize yourself. Everyone has the power and opportunity to change their own lives. The one thing you are capable of controlling is how you act and choose to move forward. Like someone in control of their own life, or someone that relies on another. There are no opportunities today that a white man has that a black man doesn't. Constantly blaming others for your inability to move forward in life only hinders yourself.
It's rich, seeing Charlamagne literally clank his golden rings together as he moralizes and insists the rest of the world owes him money. He has the same energy as a megachurch pastor.
@@dham1433 Name an area of the world where slavery never existed. Can't, because slavery has been around for multiple thousands of years. Slavery was named after the Slavs. Luckily, the remains of slavery only exist in parts of Africa and Asia. Took only two hundred years to end an evil institution, in most of the world, that has been around since the beginning of time. Not counting Communism, but that is another discussion.
It is very important to give all people something to feel proud of. The black people in America need something making them feel that they are better than whites.
If you are black, you can have only one type of opinion-one that mirrors the predominant current leftist narrative. Glenn Loury, Thomas Sowell, Coleman Hughes, John McWhorter all get ignored, or worse, deemed “Uncle Tom’s” for not accepting the leftist narrative. Maybe someone will finally realize that the leftist narrative is not really helping African Americans with the exception of those special interest groups as government employees.
Charlamagne is one of those that proves that not everyone is equal in value as a human. Racism or nationalism wrongly attributes value to origin or look and ethnicity when in fact the only thing that should determine someone's value is their actions and their morals. Charlamagne is a literal thief and also a racist, because simply by existing he believes he and his race deserve things and others deserve to suffer.
He's a race baiting clown. He doesn't genuinely care about black people. If he did he would be trying to help them as a whole, not just throw some money at them and call it good. He's a waste of airtime.
This is legit two white guys, telling a richer black dude, that they want to help the black community in America, and Charlamagne is like... "I WANT MY MONEY!"... What kind of nonsense is this?!
If blacks really hated this country so much every person who is sick and tired of THEIR privelaged bullshit would pay to send them off to any country they want under 1 condition. Don't COME BACK.
When he says "black slaves built this country" that seems a bit off presuming the vast majority if industrial development in the United States occurred post Civil War. It would actually be more accurate to say Irish Navvies and Chinese iimmigrants "built this country".
As a descendant of Rome, I demand that descendants of Carthage make amends for their ancestors by paying my people tribute. I don't see how this isn't an issue!
@@NastyMenthol You guys are amazing. Throwing these flip comments around that have absolute nothing to do with this discussion about the inhumane and ungodly horror of American Slavery and Jim crow system. If any of you guys actually believe that you are owed something from war crime or some other reason from some foreign nation, you should go and pursue it. Discussing it here is useless. Otherwise, what you are doing looks more like an attempt to crush the reparations debate by throwing ridiculous distractions at it.
@@thadlincolnii7398 I think that is exactly what they’re saying. That black people are not owed anything because everyone has been affected by one way or another for generations by foreign adversaries who in the end haven’t and wouldn’t ever pay a cent to them because it’s over. They / we lost and and all we can do is look on how we can improve the quality of our future... not to ask for cash cuz your ancestors suffered...
Let me tell you something. If these people get REPARATIONS (SAY, $100,000 A PIECE), they will NOT STAY satisfied. Down the line, they will come back and say, "We want MORE reparations." That is how they are.Race hustlers. More, more, more. It will never stop. My family got here just in time to fight in WWII. Why the hell should we pay a dime?
Convenient that reparations that come from another generation’s suffering should fall on THIS one. So do future generations keep collecting? If the scale of equality is dictated by a conflicting interest how can we trust you to tell us that the scales of equality have been balanced?
@Najaf S. The Japanese Americans got it for the internment camps. The Native Americans got some. We even gave some to the Jewish community for the Holocaust even though they already got if ten times over. Stop the 🧢
Maher; "YOU didn't build this country." Charlamagne; "So what?" Maher; "You can't write a check to a ghost." Charlamagne; "Why not?" And this guy calls himself "Tha God" and is worth 10 million dollars.
Generally speaking, we don't pay people for a service they never rendered. and since we don't have a culture of familial honor systems in this country, the "Sins of the father" remain on the father and not his sons. No Black person alive in this country today was a chattel slave, and no white person in this country is a slave owner. We can debate income disparity all the live long day, but this idea that we are going to turn ALL black people into victims regardless of their stance on it, and hold ALL white people accountable as criminals for actions they did not perpetrate will do far more damage to race relations in this country than anything. Especially since it won't stop what's going on because the political class has capitalized on the victimhood mentality and the controversy. Without it they lose power and relevance, so you would be a fool to think reparations would cause all this to stop, no if anything it will make it worse.
How about this. Current black Americans who descend from slaves dont get reparations BUT current White Americans who benefited from slavery properties or White only taxpayer programs (like subsidized houses that are now worth hundreds of dollars more) dont get to inherit it?
400 dollar sneakers and I phones getting foodstamps and selling drugs they ain't worked since slavery and paid 0 in taxes get your money from Anderson Cooper and George Bush
@Marvel6🇺🇸 100% agree that other people shouldn't have brought you 'fish out of water in a 1st World Society' people here. Imagine how safe our cities would be without the riff-raff.
The fact that Charlemagne says there's no price point you could put on reparations to repay the debt demonstrates exactly why reparations are a bad idea.
@@KamauKenyattethats naive to think that. What about the black ppl who believe they are owed a greater debt than money could provide? Some ppl just want to have a fair chance in society. Cutting everybody a check wont solve that for them. What about the white people who will only take it as greater license to disregard the struggles of black people in this country? Money doesn’t erase history. What about the next generations of black youth that has to grow up facing all the same challenges that linger on in todays society without any hope for their own form of reparations cuz another generation already deemed their debts settled for them without them having any say. If the societal barriers still exist how is it fair to make that decision for future generations without any guarantee anything will actually change? Its not as simple of an issue as ppl make it out to be i personally thinking cutting a check to ppl would be a cop out and only make things worse
The decendants of Native Americans and Hawaiians were compensated for unjustice massacre of their people and seisure of lands. Japanese were compensated for internment camps. If all these groups were worthy; why not the descendants of the people that were kidnapped from their homelands, forced into slavery, eventually segregated, and systemically targeted by their government with assassination and cocaine?
People fail to mention that in 1830 there were 3,776 black slave owners. So there are alot of black people today in America that are decendants of slave owners. Do they get reparations too or do they have to pay reparations? How do we who's ancestors did what?
@sony_pat 6 Yeah more handouts that’s the answer. Look what the welfare state has done to the Black family since it’s inception in the 60s. In 1950 the number of black children born out of wedlock was lower than whites. Plus they had a lower unemployment rate. Now look , after being given handouts for 60 years, look at what it has done to your community. Giving money to people who haven’t earned it doesn’t change anything, it makes it worse.
The idea of intergenerational debt is murderous at its core, especially when played along tribal lines. The tribal spirit has been at the heart of almost all attrocities commited by humans. To see the western world play this game again is such a shame. No good will come from this.
Yup. What morons like "Charlemagne" fail to realize is that if they keep playing "The Tribal Game", at some point white people are going to get tired of feeling guilty, tired of apologizing, and they're going to start playing the "Tribal Game" too. And they'e going to play to win.
My original comment was deleted. Essentially I said this guy wants sons and grandsons to pay for the crimes of their parents and grandparents like some sort of scapegoating or something. This guy also insisted that "a debt is a debt", asked money for it and also said that he originally comes from West Africa. I merely asked the question if he wants to be returned to Africa after receiving his cheque.
@tflg325 What the hell are you even talking about? Are you trying to make a point that your a red blooded American a true William Poole AKA Bill The Butcher. I guess you must be a WASP who can trace their family lineage back to the founding fathers or Plymouth Colony.I guess the part of my family from Ireland who came over in 1840's and fought for the Union in Civil War it still doesn't make me American enough
@@shocbomb23 what about all the black people who were free labor to this country long before your supposed fam came here and fought for the Union? What about the blacks who were enticed to help lead Union soldiers back into the South as guides after escaping to their freedom only to be treated as animals by Union soldiers and offered as sacrificial lambs when the heat got hot. What about all the black people who served this country for hundreds of years domestically and abroad only to go back to their homes and continue to be treated as less than equal. Recompense needs to be made to black people, the same way it was given to the Indians, the Jewish and the Japanese. Aa black man/woman is so reviled that "public opinion" towards paying an age old debt owed just cant be done. I will give you a grand example: This bullshit country loves to stick its nose in other peoples business in the name of Democracy. Well, when the Haitians revolted and ran the French off the Island of Hispanola in 1804 but fighting for thrir freedom, France, with the support of Spain AND the USA imposed an economic sanction that was not paid off until 1947....saying that free black folks owed their colonizers and slaveholders. Yall need to check your privileges and actually lear some factual history and context. Maybe you should query Lizzy about te debt you feel you family is owed cause they were subgigated to soem form of prejudice or forced to leave the UK. Thats entirely up to you. But dont sit here and joke about the reparations owede to blacks as though its fucking welfare you twit. You fam came to the states and had opportunity to make something of themselves solely because the US economy was built on the backs of enslavd peoples. If white euro immigrants COULD have done it on their own, the why DIDNT they? Africans were minding their own business in West and Central one asked to come here contrary to popular belief.
This people are delusional. Imagine if Japanese were still crying about the Nukes... instead they built some of the most powerful and advanced nations in the world.
I see your point but Japan had that shit coming. I don’t hold any malice in my heart toward the Japanese over World War II I’m just speaking from a historical context.
Well after we nuked them we occupied their country until 1952 to lead the reconstruction effort. We didn't invest nearly as much as the Marshall Plan, but who cares? What matters is that we helped them become an economic powerhouse. They're better off standing on their own 2 feet instead of extending their hand out & shaming us into compliance. That's extortion.
Wow. Charlamagne forgets that the Native Indians were here FIRST, and their land was taken from them. Not all black people in the U.S. are descendants of slaves bc many ppl from Africa traveled to the U.S. AFTER slavery was abolished. Lol. Charlamagne is so misinformed about history it’s crazy. Just the fact he named himself “Charlamagne tha God” speaks volumes. “Charlemagne” was an emperor who ruled the Western European empire after the fall of the Roman Empire. So “Charlamagne tha God” sees himself as great as that emperor. Lol.
My ancestors are from eastern European where white slaves were bought by North African blacks in the Barbary slavery in the 1600s. I guess I want reparations too. It makes no sense. We suffer for something we didn't do.
@@aservant2287 The word slavery even originated, from the word slav. Because in the early history of Slavs, they were so brutally and in large numbers enslaved, from almost everyone around them.
@Ruok I'd rather have some guys like Peter Kirsanow and Sandy Darity. Thomas Sowell believes in freedom of choice. To choose and how it affects the outcomes of peoples lives. If we took that route they'd just move and leave. (White flight) we need reperations to build our own and make it so it doesn't matter if they leave. We'd still have all of our own resources and tax base.
@@mecojohnson3509 how about getting a job or starting your own business so you can earn it instead of demanding whitey cut you a check for something they didn't do and something you didn't experience. Btw, I was wondering when you plan on sending me a check for my ancestors dying in a war to free yours. I'd prefer a cashier's check please
I'm Black and I disagree that I am owed money for work my ancestors did. Charlemagne asks how to you make amends for slavery. You don't. You can't give them their lives back. And the idea that Charlemagne should get a check is ludicrous.
Just cause you don't want it doesn't mean others don't deserve it. If it's ever paid out don't accept your "40 acres and a mule". Keep that same energy you have here.
@@reeseville1 Nun of you deserve it lol what our minorities do deserve is cheaper healthcare,better education,better infrastructure in out communities and then we will become better and that will be what we needed not some bs checks that will be spend on jordans and iphones lol
@@yeeyee6505 Soooooo. . .all those inner cities shouldn't be repaired? Ok, lets not give reparations for slavery. Lets do it for those families that weren't allowed to purchase homes. Now, I bet those records are alot more accessible and you'll find some people who were the actual individuals denied that right. Yeah, let's do that.
I love how confident Charlemagne always is... it just makes it funnier when you realize the delta between how smart he thinks he is... and how smart he actually is lol.
So if my great great grandpa did something good by joining the military to serve this country, while i do Nothing for this country, does that also mean i should take all the credit if i'm just a descendant? 😂 that's basically his mindset
Slavery was bad for the American economy though, the South was really far behind the North before the civil war. Britain early to abolish it, became a really strong country after getting rid of it.
@@90jimmychooif i walked in the US , black ppls would see me as " white" and probably see me as a racist that need to give them reparation , thing is my main language is french , than they would say , well you need to pay for the french slaves , what they wouldnt notice is that my french is different than the "france" french and that im actually french canadian , my ancestor until 1960 where for hundred of years seen by the anglo british as a lower class of humans and were only given the role of "workers" . So idk how im supposed to have to pay for black slaves , when im half french Canadian and half Irish and neither of my ancestor "group" owned slaves lol. The problem with this reparation thing is that it put all "whites" in the same bag and they all need to "pay".
@Q can you tell me where I can cash my privilege in? Nobody in my state does. I tried going to the bank and getting them to hand some money over to me but I must have the secret white people handshake wrong
Bill Maher misinterpreted his quote, Glenn Loury was making the argument that compensatory reparations will not be ENOUGH to fix the racial injustice that was/is slavery. Loury's claim is once a payout is done then there will no more progress when it comes to racial equality
@@strafedz So in other words they are using their racial bigotry to as a excuse for not having reparations?! Funny how when Charlemagne asked what they think should be reparations they bring back the "free education" but what is free education when the schools that black people go to are woefully inadequate, what's the use of this free education when a black man with an associates degree is as employable as a white male high school dropout? In one way I agree with Loury when he said that in order for justice to be done regarding this there has to be a public recognition of the severity and contemporary relevance of what happened. Maher akining Obamacare to a sort of reparations shows he doesn't have an open mind to ANY type of reparations!
April 12, 1861 - April 9, 1865. That’s the time line when over 200,000 Union soldiers paid the ultimate price for your ancestors. I don’t owe you a damn thing.
Your union soldiers so what happened after your 200,000 soldiers paid the price did blacks get into schools? Get into white colleges.? Did blacks become president of the United States?🤡 Or did they remain stagnant? And abused
@Joe Griffin Liberia, huh? Somehow, if America gave the black people back all it stole from their ancestors, then left them alone, I think it would be pretty cut and dry.
Yeah, not the sharpest tool in the shed. He is talking to hear himself talk but not hearing anything that's said. He is a personal fan of his own flatus.
@@user-iw4gz7vh4w Since almost all the slaves lived in the South, then if reparations need to happen, their ancestors should get paid in Confederate money.
Imagine someone not wanted to be held accountable, for something they didn’t do, had nothing to do with and they weren’t even alive for? Yeah, ThE NeRvE oF SoMe PeOpLe.
@@joeblack3721 send the reparations bill to the original people that enslaved and sold them for profit. The nations in West Africa. African Americans are wealthier than West Africans but let's make them pay anyway!
@@AY-qf4pg Good idea. The only thing is that the race baiters in the US, still wouldn't shut up. They are trying to sue the US Government for trillions. Maybe, to appease them the Government should pay them in defunct Confederate money since that was the currency used in the old South. And then counter sue for all the welfare money that was already paid since the 1960s. That way they will end up owing us reparations, and they will stop griping about something that is a liberal pipedream.
How can we logically distinguish between individuals who immigrated to America in the last century, those who arrived in recent decades, and those who were historically brought to the US against their will? It's important to acknowledge that descendants of black slave-owners exist alongside black individuals who were never subjected to slavery. Similarly, there are white individuals who never owned slaves. On what basis can we justify compelling someone, such as a recently arrived wealthy individual of brown or black ethnicity, to financially support payments through taxes to individuals who may not have direct slave ancestry? This is preposterous! This situation raises valid questions about fairness and practicality.
Is Bill closing the loop… I’m a conservative and feel like I’m agreeing with Bill most often now!!! Wow… I just appreciate a man who stands on his values!!! Whether I agree or not… he appears to at least be genuine.
Bill has never been full on liberal. He's stated before that he would be a conservative if the conservative party were actually conservative, but they're not.
@@Dedition Yes, there's a world's difference between liberals and far leftists. The extinction needs to be made more clear, more often. In relation to youtubers the youtuber Destiny is a liberal while Vaush and Hassan Piker are leftists. Very clear distinction there.
People want to be paid for nothing, they will act like nothing was done to set things straight and will try till their dying breath to get this money. They had nothing to do with what happened but they feel like they deserve it...they know for a fuckin fact they don't deserve shit but will still ride on their ancestor's bones to claim it.
Yeah, It doesn't make sense, besides people now of days not being responsible. What about the people descendants of immigrants who arrived after the civil war? Or even take the Irish for example, they came to America to escape the British Empire and mass starvation and 200,000 of them were drafted into the US army and navy upon arrival to fight in the civil war.
@Mike Smith Still don't get the point of your comment. That doesn't neglect the fact that 160,000 Irish soldier fought for the Union plus the fact the 20,000 "Irish" soldiers that fought for the Confederacy you're referring were predominantly Ulster Scots, major difference.
This is coming from a man who 1. Proudly talked about drugging women with a “Spanish Fly” 2. Smells farts on the seats of those he interviewed. 3. Interviewed and encouraged literal sex trafficking during his interview with “Gunplay”
@@patrickboyo674 you can be. It just shows the hypocrisy that black people are told they can’t achieve anything yet charlamgne is a radio personality who makes millions a year. I also love how often he talks about cultural appropriation but has the name of a French king.
5:17: "there really is no price point you could put..." So, infinity? Infinite reparations? Why did the audience clap? This fool just said it will never be enough...
@Altruist Power 300 years of slavery? You must’ve failed math class. Last I checked, America only had slaves for 86 years. Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1862. We formed as an independent nation in 1776. The rest? That’s on Britain, not the US.
I don't think it is authentic. I think it's one of those things where you seem forced to clap or applaud to seem not racist, and that by refusing to clap/applaud you are showing yourself to be a racist.
@@jimphayre I pay taxes and I support reparations.. We owe the descendants of slaves for their stolen labor and we owe their children for the shit they still suffer today.. America is so damn racist they think they can just move on pretend this is not happening.
@@terrystevens3998 So what are you waiting for Terry? Do what you think is right and send LeBron James $50,000. No need to wait for any government to organize it for you.
What about the slavery happening in Africa right now? They know that France, UK then America were the first countries to end slavery right? Look up what countries still allow slavery.
Charlemagne: "Reparations have to happen for black people... I don't see what the issue is" *audience claps* Also Charlemagne: "There's no price point you can put on slavery" *audience claps* I can't tell if it's worse that Charlemagne has no coherent argument or the fact that the audience doesn't recognize it.
@@dervishmichaels9147 is that like when Russians were afraid to be the first to stop clapping at government officials because the first one to do so was suspect?
Bill is referring to Glenn Loury. For anyone interested, Loury and John McWhorter conduct a series of discussions on I've watched some of their disccussions which address many of the same topics discussed on Real Time.
"There is no pricepoint, no number..." Which is why reparations will never pass - there will never be an agreement as to what would satisfy as reparations. Charlemagne isn't too smart.
The idea itself is stupid: should algeria ask reparations for the France occupation? Or Egypt for the conquering and exploitation of the native by the Ptolemaic dynasty of Macedonia? How far should you go back, how do you know it's negative or positive? Would black americans offspring be better of if they weren't sent to the US? How is it fair for people who did no wrong to repair the wrong done by their ancestors? Really, the human history is full of war, looting and enslaving, their is wrong everywhere done by every peoples to every others. It's pointless to try to fix the past, just learn from it and focus on the future.
@@Miam_miam_la_gauffre The Arabs are the one who traded blacks to the white slave traders. Shouldn’t the Arabs be financially responsible? Or just Muslims in general? What about black Muslims? Do they have to pay themselves? Or a guy like Barack Obama. Half-black, but his dad was Nigerian so Obama has no ancestral connection to slavery at all. Does he get $ too? And why shouldn’t the principle apply on an individual level? If a black guy’s long-dead great great grandfather did something shitty to my long dead great great grandfather, then shouldn’t I be owed reparations? The whole thing is retarded.
@@Miam_miam_la_gauffre I see Alexandre somehow you found the France and Morocco relationship and one other to support your narrative. Yet somehow you over looked the list of countries that have paid reparations to its citizens. For example, Germany, South Africa, United Kingdom and others. Regarding appropriately dealing with problems of the past, you might find that has been a problem for many many people moving forward productively. Any competent person in the study of psychiatry will tell you that your position on dealing with the past is wrong.
@@Miam_miam_la_gauffre Just to add, your white wash of slavery is just stunning. Suggesting that African Americans should be thankful that nearly 2 million of thier ancestors perished during the journey from Africa to the Americas, that the ones who survived endured horrors too disgraceful to list here for hundreds of years allowing them to be in America today. The suggestion is thoughtless and extremely ungodly and fundamentally antithetical to REAL American values.
_"When a debt is owed, a debt is owed."_ Except we don't have hereditary debt in this country, nor debtor's prisons. We fought a war to get away from tyrannical shit like that.
@@Dr.House92 Maher is worth well over $100M. He lost his "Politically Incorrect" show and rebounded with a much more lucrative show. He's too old, and has been in the public spotlight for far too long, to care about what people call him, He went so far as to call himself a "house ni##er" on his show a while back. No one afraid of being called a racist makes comments like that. Maher was being polite to his invited guest, as a host should always strive to be. Maher rarely engages in hard-core debate with his guests. That's not his job. His job is to give his viewers the opportunity to listen to what his guests have to say in a predominantly respectful arena.
The very first slaves on the Continental U.S. were IRISH, they were also in the Caribbean, ask Reanna, she's a descendant of Irish slaves. When blacks did come to the U.S. they were sold at a higher price than the Irish.
@Phuk Hugh We’re talking about America . Africa can pay too. You don’t think anyone should pay. Is that maybe because you don’t believe it was injustice to enslave black Americans? Btw I work everyday. GOD has blessed me. Hopefully HE has blessed you as well✌🏾
@@freeindeed8416 you want to make a quick buck off your ancestors bloody misery. That debt was paid in blood during the war of independence. You live in one of the only countries that abolished the slavery that still continues to this day. Getting the majority of people who's ancestors have never owned slaves to pay people who never were slaves.
FYI the nations of Africa, have acknowledged their role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and have made their own attempts at reconciling with African Americans.
My great-great-grandfather was from Norway, he went to go work at the Ford motor company in 1909. During this time, he would later go fight in WW1.My great grandfather would then fight in WW2. What in the world does my family lineage owe you?
Your family owes the same thing mine does. On one side, Swiss immigrants who came in the 1930's to farm, and sent 3 sons off to fight in WW2, only 2 came back. On the other, Mexican immigrants who came to a country where they believed in the promise of if you want it, you can work for it. My Grandparents on that side occasionally had 6 jobs between them. But they raised successful children who went on to raise successful children. All while facing plenty of racism along the way... but surrendering to it was simply not an option. This is America, where humble beginnings can grow to great heights... just ask Charlemagne.
@marvin warren Glenn Loury is an economist and a professor at Brown University. Perhaps you can tell us who is the master that pays him to "knock down blacks." BTW, Glenn has frequent conversations with another recent guest of Maher, John McWhorter.видео.html
Exactly if Maher wants to seriously discuss reparations he should have invited the folks who have spent years working on the bills and racial inequality. I felt like he is making a joke of it, after his last show on nonsense where he was just listing after Megyn Kelly.
@@mistylm2365 how about just address all poverty and stop the reperation nonsense. 99% of whites dont have generational wealth we are all starting near equal ground stop asking for hand outs its embarassing.
Because NOT one Republican will vote to support that. So they couldn't tack the $15 minimum wage thing onto the Covid-19 bill. There will have to be a separate bill for the minimum wage increase.
@@victorpradha9946, It's abundantly clear that the Retrumplican party has zero interest in doing what's right for the country, or its citizens. Their ONLY agenda is to stall, and sabotage, any and all efforts made by a "Democratic" president. This GOP, needs to go... ASAP!
I've voted dem the last 4 presidential elections. I don't agree with a $15 minimum wage, that is absolutely asinine in rural america. Go 30 minutes outside of most us cities and the cost of living isn't substantial. I do agree with Maher on subsidizing corporations via foot stamps, earned income tax credit, etc. The minimum wage should increase, probably to $10
Right that guy came off as stupid. Clearly doesn't understand how things get out into law. The majority of the population would not pay a cash debt for reparations and if you think they would 🤦♂️ lol
I'd like to see if he is actually descendant from a slave or not. He says he is 90+% african, and his family could have came over here in the1900s. There are millions of black people that were not descendants of slaves in america, and presumably charlamagne would make a distinction when handing out checks
@@MtnDewWarrior that’s the big thing also so many black people here think they deserve money for slavery yet their ancestors weren’t slaves same way how people say white people should feel bad like do they not realize most white people are immigrants after slavery also lmao
Bill knew what he was doing inviting a hip hop radio host instead of somebody like Claude Anderson. Don't hang on Charla (whatever his name is) every word. It's like getting mad at Wayne and Garth for saying something stupid.
Any Economist will tell you that slavery is not 'unpaid labour'. Slaves were fed, clothed, housed, churched and educated - all at the owners expense. Adam Smith was the first to point out that slavery was an extremely inefficient economic system - it's better (and cheaper) to give cash to your workers and let them take responsibility for themselves. The debt would be almost impossible to work out. An uncomfortable truth is that, generally, the living standard of the ancestors of US slaves is considerably better than the living standard of the ancestors of those who remained in Africa. Having said that, the USA definitely has an unresolved cultural issue (racism) that has slavery at its source.
You can see it wash over Bill’s face when he realizes Charlemagne is intellectually a civilian and just tries not to embarrass his guest. Some “don’t cancel me” caliber restraint on his part.
@finger speak they should tax you all to the moon for having the freedom to state such an ignorant comment like that online because of the freedoms bought and paid for with the lives of generations of blacks that died or were killed while building your country of rights and privileges enjoyed only by you for you. Your welcome. But you owe! Freedom ain’t free! I guess the saying should be both talk and finger speak are cheap.
@@NOlsen8 I think it’s more of the look on Charlemagnes face that he was trying to present a 400+ year old argument to two white guys, one being the host of the show. You know we have to “act” a certain way as to not scare you guys with facts and reality so that you don’t “cancel” us like you have done in the past. By the way historically Getting fired was the least of our problems when it came to blacks getting cancelled.
@@cjturner3465 If you play the whose-ancestors-did-what game, identity politics, the danger is that “whites” won’t just own the bad things. They’ll aggregate all the invention, philosophy, medical advancements etc they were also responsible for and now you’ve possibly created new white supremacists. The hard math (i.e. financial measure) is that descendants of slaves are far better off than descendants of those who stayed behind. Do you argue then that there should be a thank-you? (Clearly, NO) This is why identity politics, and putting consequence on generations who had nothing to do with the past, doesn’t help anyone.
This is capitalist country. When you promise to pay reparations to Freedman , as is in law, and then renege on that debt it accrues and is owed to your ancestors!
It isn't victimhood. That demon Andrew Jackson gave the slave owners reparations and gave nothing to the slaves. Those slaves and their descendants lived through convict leasing, Jim Crow, and mass incarceration.
arryor33 0 seconds ago Shouldn’t there be some reparations paid off by the slave, brokers and slave breeders in Africa, who sold millions and millions of their own people into slavery? Why isn’t that part of the conversation that millions of these slaves were sold by their own people? Reply
Slavery was and to some extent still is endemic in africa. It is estimated that 40 million slaves still toil in the world today which is 4x the total ever bought from african kings to take across the atlantic. Slavery seems to be an impulse for these people, and making demands like this is just another expression of it.
We need to be cut a cheque. "Well, how much?" There is so amount that would be enough. "Well, that doesn't exactly help the treasury make a decision......."
Exactly. It is so stupid when you think of it. So lets say this guy gets a million dollars, his ancestors and grandchildren gets nothing. That should solve it.
After accepting a drink from him, Reid claimed she began feeling “dizzy,” causing her to pass out “as it felt like her legs gave out and she could not walk.” She alleged that two unnamed men dragged her upstairs and assaulted her. Charlamagne allegedly then came into the room and sexually assaulted her as well….
Hmm it’s been 156 since slavery was abolished and people are still getting their knickers in the twist about it? They should have abolished the anti slavery league at the same time.
@Noeleen Barry Don't forget the Chinese. And the Japanese who were put in camps in WW2 and never got their property back, which is totally unconstitutional. And on, and on, and on.....
@@BennyNegroFromQueens Slavery has been a human institution for thousands of years. The word slave is a derivation of the word Slav, which is in reference to the Slavic people who were so conquered during the middle ages and enslaved that the name of their people came to be used to describe someone owned by another for the purpose of work. Slavery still exists even today. If we are going to consider paying reparations to descendants of slaves, then virtually everyone on the planet would be entitled to some form of compensation. This raises the question of who is going to pay it if we are all descendants of slaves.
@@BennyNegroFromQueens Human nature and human history matters. If you want to open the door for black slaves but not others then you are marginalizing everyone else whose ancestors were slaves.
@@jeffrudloff1153 no no no. We are talking about American legal liability. We are not talking about "theory" we're talking about something that was done in THIS country to my people.
With my Irish heritage, I must be due millions in reparations from the Barbary Slave Trade. Time to get me some of that Ottoman money to repair that generational trauma I’ve been feeling since the Sack of Baltimore.
@@bobcoughlan929 Yeah that's the dumb thing about this argument. Is that nearly every group in human history has been enslaved or wronged in some kind of way throughout our history. If we begin this prescendet of so called "reparations" then when does the line stop? Where does the guilt for past ancestors stop? Not everyone in the world can be given something. And I have a strong feeling it's not even about "reparations for past sin" for most people, for most people its cause they want to be given free shit, or in the case of many white people in America they want to seem virtuous.
And I’m a descendant of my ancestors. Both sets of my grandparents came from Southern Italy less than 100 years ago. My husband’s ancestors were killed in Poland during the Holocaust. What debts do WE owe?
Amen to that sister my ancestors were immigrants in the early 1900's who settled in Chicago and the UP of Michigan. I have one Finnish ancestor who was here in the 1880's and he was an oppressor working in copper mines.
And what about the different countries that were enslaved by the Colonial Empires. It's a never ending cycle of hatred and we should just move on. Can't change the past so just try to make a better future.
@@jefffaust4965 My grandfather was an illiterate immigrant who worked in the coal mines and it killed him when my father was just a boy. My grandmother lived her live without ever having owned a telephone. I guess all that "white privilege" missed them somehow.
@@sandrocastro5517 it’s not coming out of anybody’s pocket….. the whole point to pay for the work that was free doesn’t that make sense? Pay for what you got
@@isaiahrobertson3371 it's plain stupidity, only appeals to people that would be happy to get a check every month for absolutely nothing, besides I'm an immigrant, why my taxes would have to pay for a debt I don't owe?
“Slavery was America’s original sin”
Native Americans left the chat
Nope, genocide of the Native Americans was the original sin.
That was before America even existed. Slavery is America's original sin.
A lot of those native Americans were black people enslaved
However this country became & still is the richest country in world in only a short period of time because tobacco & cotton & African free labor besides it’s been several attempts to rectify what this country did to native Americans 🤷🏽♂️
@@santifoster1741 which were black indigenous people.
“When a debt is owed, a debt is owed.”
So how much does a person who never owned slaves owe a person who never was a slave?
If your family died left you an inheritance is it ok if someone steals it.
Stop being stupid.
@@ronaldgetches6782 - look up the word “rhetorical”, clown.
@@gastondoumerc7863 I looked up the word clown and saw your picture.
@@ronaldgetches6782 I'm sure it was a picture book. I know your not smart enough to read.
@@JckdaripprOswego I'm sure you're not smart enough to think.
The fact that Charlemagne automatically assumed that Glenn Loury was a white person, really tells you everything you need to know about his way of thinking.
Anyone who has “ Da God” in their name is automatically full of themselves and isn’t a real practitioners of God.
both of you guys are clueless
No, it’s because Glen made an Uncle Tom ass statement, or a statement that you would assume could only come from a white person. You can’t, knowing anything about slavery in this country, Black or not, think we don’t deserve reparations. Is u crazy??
@@rhodabaruch4 The complete lack of self awareness evident in your response demonstrates one of the big problems in society today when it comes to race relations.
@@rhodabaruch4 if so then reparations should be payed to any group except british americans
As a black woman, the black community in a general sense needs to realize that you are not gonna sit and shut up about the flaws within the community and not contribute to society, but want payment and special treatment. If you want something to happen, you gotta put an action to it, not beg the same people you think is oppressing you.
Where is my reparations for the white man killing all my Native American ancestors?? What about my Mexican ancestors who were pushed out of half their land in California, Texas, New Mexico ect. Why are black folks the only ones complaining?
Why aren’t any other enslaved ethnic groups demanding reparations?? Black people were not the only enslaved people in history. Not even close. It seems that black Americans have adopted the victim mentality. You know it’s true because they prove it, everyone says blacks act like victims now a days.
One last point. My Native American and Mexican ancestors were both oppressed by the white man but I will never in my life ask for a penny form anyone because I can make my own money and I don’t look at myself as a victim of others sins.
Blacks do not consider what they have already been paid, or what is their fault and what they owe only being Biased. Add it up Black people owe Reparation to USA for forcing slavey on the world. Out of the 18 million east Africa and 12 million sold by Africans west cost only 380k came to USA which at that primitive time couldn't stop slavery, SO it is blacks fault, AND US paid with over a million dying in Civil War(not removing amputees that later died from disease like the lying history changer do). Therefore, Blacks owe Reparations to USA, but True patriots only want all to work together for what's best for all, and are not evil unforgiving like them. Notice Blacks never go to Africa saying they owe, and that looks racist. Luke: 32, 33 only helping others are you good, and white ended slavey, but Blacks only care about blacks we could be heading into WW3 and blacks will vote to destroy USA doing evil. Your rhetoric is what makes the looters, Burners, liars, murders, that rob steel, but cuz you bias that's what you want on the way to hell. Unless Blacks repent USA will be destroyed.
Blacks owe REP forcing slavey with only 380k coming to USA out of 12 mill, and mill die in Civil WAR.
Natives Americans are thinking “first sin?”.
It's not a competition.
@@nonmagicmike723 Okay then let's not do repetitions, life and wealth isn't a compitition
@@rednola9892 Pretty sure there ain't going to be any repeated enslavement or takeover of land in this day and age.
Anyway, blacks and Indians got more than enough on reparations: the blacks through the Great Society programs that have been paid for disproportionately by whites and benefited from disporportionately by blacks, and the Indians from all the tax breaks and free stuff they've been getting from Uncle Sam.
@@nonmagicmike723 I'm not on the side of reparations. But I think you sound like a damn fool. Talking about welfare states and indians
@@rednola9892 I think you mean "reparations". Also no one is competing. I think you have a misunderstanding of what reparations would entail.
He just made the most deadly counter argument to his own argument, “there is no price point...” That means there is no end, no point of satisfactory. That puts the notion to bed.
Exactly, Imagine getting and paying a bill that has no payoff amount or end.
I thought that same thing.
It’s such a dumb idea to pay out cash for a “debt” .. his ancestors were from a hundred years ago. He had nothing to do with there pain and suffering , just like most white Americans had nothing to do with It. And what about two generations from now. Are they going to want money too? Why now.. why this generation? 15 or 20 thousand dollars isn’t going to fix any of there problems at all. The problem is a cultural problem that starts out inside there home with having one parent. It’s not the governments problem
Um, mean welfare?
Why not take the median white person's net wealth and give that amount to decedents of US slaves (native Americans too)? Then we can end Affirmative Action and blacks should feel fully compensated.
He’s wearing a $35K gold Rolex and he’s crying about money and Only in America you hear this nonsense...
My IQ dropped 10 points watching this idiot
so what about companies who cry poverty and want a bailout although the ceo's make millions. does that illicit the same response for you?
Companies who expect bailouts including their overpaid ceos with their golden parachutes are ridiculous. I would never support that mentality.
This coming from a self titled god who is worth millions and he's gonna talk about not only paying reperations which will come out of our the tax payers pocket but also he's telling people to use their white privelage to help blacks. Hello? What white privelage do I have? How the fuck can I help blacks to stop popping out babies left and right and stop the from killing each other in record numbers? Unfuckinbelievable. Black man heal thyself.
Doing well for himself doesn't mean that there isn't a problem. Does one make it out of a house fire and just forget about everyone else?
Imagine being a construction worker and taking all the credit for building an entire skyscraper 😂
worse than that, taking all the credit when you're not even a construction worker and had nothing to do with building it
Imagine taking credit for the skyscraper that was build by your great great granddad.
Imagine taking credit for the Great Wall because you’re Chinese
How did they build the country?
The while "you are guilty of your ancestors sins" shit is literally a North Korean method of oppression. I challenge anyone to follow their family tree and not find both a slave and a slave owner. He is a descendant of West Africans? Then it is inevitable he is the descent of both a slave and a slave owner. How do you right the wrongs of the past? You don't, you can't. You just learn from them.
It's very hard to FIND any slave ancestry in your family tree if you're a white southerner because those records were mostly falsified centuries ago to get out from under the one drop rule - that's not to say it isn't there, but it's mostly been lost to history. Native American ancestry as well - not many European women came to this country for most of the 1600s, so a lot of female ancestors from that far back would have been Africans or Native Americans who were baptized and given European names when they married a white man.
Slavery has historically been widespread in Africa. Systems of servitude and slavery were common in parts of Africa in ancient times, as they were in much of the rest of the ancient world.[1] When the trans-Saharan slave trade, Indian Ocean slave trade and Atlantic slave trade (which started in the 16th century)[2] began, many of the pre-existing local African slave systems began supplying captives for slave markets outside Africa.
I’m pretty sure my Eastern European ancestors had 0 slaves. Generalizing all whites as descendants of slave owners is as lame as generalizing all blacks as gang bangers. We should look at our elected officials and see how many of them are descendants of slave owners, how many of them are descendants of coal and oil barons who worked the Slavs, Italians and Irish into the ground, how many are descendants of railroad tycoons who abused the Chinese worker, how many of them have underpaid undocumented housekeepers. We know who our enemies are. We always have. We just need to unite against them. Left or Right they are all the same.
So by his logic, if your great grandfather murdered someone 60 years ago you also are guilty of murder and should serve time as well?
@@davidstokes2780 If he were to study history, his financial claim would go back to Africa, where blacks sold blacks into slavery. But that's not part of their narrative.
My Dad taught me something that is relevant here: Be wary of people who want something for nothing; they will not value what was given to them.
Your dad is a wise man.
Your dad wasn’t talking about slave descendants mr.Jeff
@@dolodave9076could be. Fits perfectly
@@Jodyjo99 but how Jeff if slaves actually did do something and were actually promised 40 acres and a mule if u and all of your elders where held captive and made to work for there entire life’s and your great great grandkids where freeman do you think they would deserve compensation even though you did all the work but they had to suffer the trickle down effects of 100s of years of you not being able to accumulate wealth, education.That right there what your father said is unequivocally a false comparison sir now ask your father if he believes slaves should’ve never gotten there 40 acres and a mule and the slave owners should’ve been paid off for having to free there slaves a debt to which was just paid off by the British empire in 2015 bet you won’t lol if he is still alive
Where are my reparations? My ancestors are Irish, they were slaves as well. What about the Chinese? Every damn race "deserves" reparations in one way or another. Blacks don't deserve anything anymore than any other race.
Can we all stop pretending that Charlamagne is someone worth talking to? He's a buffoon.
Agreed. He came off as severely uninformed & petty in most of his comments.
But he has voice to influence his "brothers"
I hate buffoons.
I like quite a bit of things Charlemagne is talking about but reparations topic he's grossly uninformed. He wants the govt blindly given out money just like that without congressional input, these plenty of complex issues to resolve to sort such as how structure this, how will this be financed, who needs it and who doesn't he hasn't thought all of it properly. Charlemagne needs to do deep research on subject of reparations BC it's not as simple as he painting out to be especially in a archaic racist country like America.
Thank you!
Charlemagne saying "there's no price you can put on what my ancestors went through" is the exact point that Glenn is making!
Exactly. Charlemagne isn't going to ever be whole. He could be given wealth beyond his wildest dreams, but he will never ever give up his victimhood.
except he is putting a price on it, and he wants the money
@@legessiyou don't come from that type of ancestry. People think life is long lol. Yea eventually you will answer for all the wrongs.
@@rzwitdauncutI will? Who's gonna make me answer? You?
@@legessi if i knew you personally sure. A good weapon will make anybody talk just heads up. I can talk tough to. But that's not what i was getting at...........
Eventually you will take your last breath. In that moment your gonna hope you did everything right in life cuz you not coming back lol.
"White people not wanting to be held accountable."
For something I didn't do? Absolutely.
I now really just understood what they mean when you benefit from slavery the way that you benefit from slavery is you get that job that I don't get you get that loan that I don't get you get to buy a house in a neighborhood that I want to buy a house in but I can't so you do benefit from slavery right now today I'm not saying that you don't work hard I'm sure you do but we work just as hard actually harder for far less and if that's not true visit neighborhoods in your city and look at the difference and then you tell me who did what when where and how
I cannot atone for, confess to, pay for an infraction I did not commit. Plain and simple. I wasn’t there.
@@jinnenekelly3278 that sounds like a lot of indoctrination. You can draw a causation map all you want but there aren’t any remaining systemic parts of our society that hold back black people from having an equal chance. It comes down to factors like family wealth and culture which are difficult for poor people to improve regardless of race.
@@jinnenekelly3278 I'm white and had a credit union out here in Vegas tell me that my home loan doesnt qualify for my condo. I went somewhere else and I now own said condo.
That exact mentality is why this sort of reparations argument will never go anywhere and never do anything other than create resentment. White people do not need to be accountable for slavery. No one alive today owned slaves and no one alive today was one. Many of us, including myself, had ancestors who were not even here when slavery happened. Many of our ancestors came from European ethnicities that had nothing to do with transatlantic slave trade, and even those who do have ancestors involved are not responsible for those ancestors' actions. Those very few who may family wealth built up from slave ownership should do something, but even they are not responsible for the actions that created that wealth. Guilt is not passed down through blood lines. Recently, I found out that I may be related to a serial killer who lived back in the late 1800s and ended up being sent off to Siberia. If I am related to him, am I responsible for those he murdered?
I don't want to minimize the Black Experience in any way but saying they built this country is not correct. To say that the economy of the south (mostly agricultural) was built on the backs of Black folks is close to the truth but this country was built on the labors of many people. Most of whom belonged to the down trodden masses and all at one time or another suffered abuse at the hands of the establishment. If you start talking about reparations then you'll also have to consider Native Americans, Japanese Americans, Chinese Americans, European immigrants of many nationalities and Mexicans. I will grant you these other folks weren't "owned" but they were hated, used and mistreated. It wasn't until unions were formed that there was any semblance of fair treatment for workers
I stopped right after (your first?) “but”
You need a history lesson!!African Americans work free for this country for 500 years!! we built this motherfuking country!! our ancestors built this m*********** country!!America would not be what it is today if it wasn't for African-American!!
@@jasmineeeee433 Of course. God forbid someone challenge your preconceived notions.
@@ashantifrazier7724 "America would not be what it is today if it wasn't for African-American!!" Correct. It also wouldn't be where it is today were it not for the Chinese laborer who laid track for the rail road in the west or the Irish who laid it in the east. What contributions have Mexicans made over the last few hundred years? My argument is that there is a plurality of contributions from many different ethnic groups. The Mistreatment of blacks is this country is a long and brutal story. Unfortunately, many elements of that story also apply to other ethnic groups as well.
Actually the Chinese did more to build this country than the Blacks...they essentially built the entire railroad system that connected all parts of the country. Then I would bring in the Germans who gave us just about all our weapons and rocket technology we used to win every war.
I love watching someone worth $10m saying that he deserves a check from the white farmers who make $20k a year….
How did he get that vast piece of property to farm on? 👀. Check yourself.
@@nestoralves3050 why don’t you tell us all enlightened history expert ?
@@nestoralves3050 And?
@@nestoralves3050 Took a loan from a bank that $20k will never pay back. Stay rational.
@@nestoralves3050 working hard and saving there money.....
If a descendant of slavery can become a millionaire like charlamagne. I’d say, we have come a long way. I’ve had many things that have held me back, that isn’t worth sharing, but has never been an excuse or reason for my downfall. Only my actions
We had a black president. That says it all.
@@chechnyahe wasn't descendant of slaves who constantly had to say he wasn't born in Kenya while John McCain was born in Panama
@@bossshxtonly what?
What I find most impressive is how did someone who is unfriendly with little brain cells become a so rich?
Reparations is far overdue! if the government can send our tax dollars to other countries they can pay reparations
Charlemagne:It's white people not wanting to be held accountable
Bill: That's a black person
Charlemagne: wtf
Still applies. That’s what drives the debate. White people not wanting to be held accountable.
@@zachkh what are white people accountable for?
@@Paul_Durbin Upholding current systems of power and oppression that have a continuous thread all the way back to slavery and colonial days. White people have the power to create a just country. But we don’t.
@@zachkh So because evil things existed earlier in history and we as a country have fought and died to remove those evil things from existing into the future but haven't completely dismantled the established thing as a whole because we still value many certain aspects of it means that we are still promoting said evil things that have previously been removed? Don't victimize yourself. Everyone has the power and opportunity to change their own lives. The one thing you are capable of controlling is how you act and choose to move forward. Like someone in control of their own life, or someone that relies on another. There are no opportunities today that a white man has that a black man doesn't. Constantly blaming others for your inability to move forward in life only hinders yourself.
@@Paul_Durbin if the effects continue to this day and no reconciliation or justice was achieved yes it is still relevant
It's rich, seeing Charlamagne literally clank his golden rings together as he moralizes and insists the rest of the world owes him money. He has the same energy as a megachurch pastor.
I swear he said don’t give him any then when the point of him having money was brought up.
Are you mad that he has a unique talent & earned that money?
@@dham1433 nah you're mad at the idea that the amount of money you get is based on merit rather than your race
@@dham1433 Name an area of the world where slavery never existed. Can't, because slavery has been around for multiple thousands of years. Slavery was named after the Slavs. Luckily, the remains of slavery only exist in parts of Africa and Asia. Took only two hundred years to end an evil institution, in most of the world, that has been around since the beginning of time. Not counting Communism, but that is another discussion.
It is very important to give all people something to feel proud of. The black people in America need something making them feel that they are better than whites.
Charlamagne's facial change when Bill told him that a black person quoted what he just read 🤣🤣😂
And Kamala smoked weed listening to PAC and snoop.
If you are black, you can have only one type of opinion-one that mirrors the predominant current leftist narrative. Glenn Loury, Thomas Sowell, Coleman Hughes, John McWhorter all get ignored, or worse, deemed “Uncle Tom’s” for not accepting the leftist narrative. Maybe someone will finally realize that the leftist narrative is not really helping African Americans with the exception of those special interest groups as government employees.
The dude suggested investing in the urban education system and Charlamagne pretty much said “nah give us cash.”
No amount of money will fix the black community. They have a spiritual sickness in that community.
They need the newest Jordans 😂
@@sheesshhhhhh Pretty much
You can lead a horse to water but they gotta do the drinking!
Charlamagne is one of those guys who thinks if you say something with conviction, the content of what you're saying doesn't matter
He can be a bit shallow at times.
Charlamagne is one of those that proves that not everyone is equal in value as a human. Racism or nationalism wrongly attributes value to origin or look and ethnicity when in fact the only thing that should determine someone's value is their actions and their morals. Charlamagne is a literal thief and also a racist, because simply by existing he believes he and his race deserve things and others deserve to suffer.
@@rievans57always is
He's a race baiting clown. He doesn't genuinely care about black people. If he did he would be trying to help them as a whole, not just throw some money at them and call it good. He's a waste of airtime.
Yes, he thinks outrage makes you right. And it doesn't.
This is legit two white guys, telling a richer black dude, that they want to help the black community in America, and Charlamagne is like... "I WANT MY MONEY!"... What kind of nonsense is this?!
I’ll give him some me money for a boat ride across the Atlantic
@Marvel6🇺🇸 you'll only spend it on weave and colt.45.
If blacks really hated this country so much every person who is sick and tired of THEIR privelaged bullshit would pay to send them off to any country they want under 1 condition. Don't COME BACK.
A trashy radio host pretending to play politics.
Damn you are so racist, he said he would not be eligible for the money.
You can tell how much Bill wants to be like, “ you’re a Fucking Moron.” But his producers won’t let him. Lol
Yeah but if you watch Bill regularly he does call people out for saying stupid shit.
@@AlexFoster2291 On race issues?
When he says "black slaves built this country" that seems a bit off presuming the vast majority if industrial development in the United States occurred post Civil War. It would actually be more accurate to say Irish Navvies and Chinese iimmigrants "built this country".
@@stonemarten1400 yes but Asian Americans are doing well so it doesn't feat the narrative 🙃 too bad
@@stonemarten1400 and who built the foundation for that industrial development to happen?
When I feel stupid I just listen to this guy talk and I feel better about myself.
Amen. Why is this fool given a platform?
As a descendant of Rome, I demand that descendants of Carthage make amends for their ancestors by paying my people tribute. I don't see how this isn't an issue!
And as a descendant of Britannia I demand you make amends by paying my people tribute.
As a descendant of Poland and Germany, should I ask my German side to pay reparations to my Polish side for the invasion that sparked WW2?
@@NastyMenthol You guys are amazing. Throwing these flip comments around that have absolute nothing to do with this discussion about the inhumane and ungodly horror of American Slavery and Jim crow system. If any of you guys actually believe that you are owed something from war crime or some other reason from some foreign nation, you should go and pursue it. Discussing it here is useless. Otherwise, what you are doing looks more like an attempt to crush the reparations debate by throwing ridiculous distractions at it.
@@thadlincolnii7398 I think that is exactly what they’re saying. That black people are not owed anything because everyone has been affected by one way or another for generations by foreign adversaries who in the end haven’t and wouldn’t ever pay a cent to them because it’s over. They / we lost and and all we can do is look on how we can improve the quality of our future... not to ask for cash cuz your ancestors suffered...
His last line says it all. "There is no price point." Whatever it is, its not going to be enough to satisfy the mob.
Let me tell you something. If these people get REPARATIONS (SAY, $100,000 A PIECE), they will NOT STAY satisfied. Down the line, they will come back and say, "We want MORE reparations." That is how they are.Race hustlers. More, more, more. It will never stop.
My family got here just in time to fight in WWII. Why the hell should we pay a dime?
Convenient that reparations that come from another generation’s suffering should fall on THIS one. So do future generations keep collecting? If the scale of equality is dictated by a conflicting interest how can we trust you to tell us that the scales of equality have been balanced?
Black people are not a "mob". Everybody got reparations except us.
@Najaf S. The Japanese Americans got it for the internment camps. The Native Americans got some. We even gave some to the Jewish community for the Holocaust even though they already got if ten times over. Stop the 🧢
@David Martin They were promised it and were owed it by they never got it. They never got the 40 acres and a mule.
Maher; "YOU didn't build this country." Charlamagne; "So what?"
Maher; "You can't write a check to a ghost." Charlamagne; "Why not?"
And this guy calls himself "Tha God" and is worth 10 million dollars.
Generally speaking, we don't pay people for a service they never rendered. and since we don't have a culture of familial honor systems in this country, the "Sins of the father" remain on the father and not his sons. No Black person alive in this country today was a chattel slave, and no white person in this country is a slave owner. We can debate income disparity all the live long day, but this idea that we are going to turn ALL black people into victims regardless of their stance on it, and hold ALL white people accountable as criminals for actions they did not perpetrate will do far more damage to race relations in this country than anything. Especially since it won't stop what's going on because the political class has capitalized on the victimhood mentality and the controversy. Without it they lose power and relevance, so you would be a fool to think reparations would cause all this to stop, no if anything it will make it worse.
@@AgentExeider So what you will pay reparations whether you like it or not. The bible tells me so.
How about this. Current black Americans who descend from slaves dont get reparations BUT current White Americans who benefited from slavery properties or White only taxpayer programs (like subsidized houses that are now worth hundreds of dollars more) dont get to inherit it?
Charlamagne is an idiot. He doesn’t represent the majority of black Americans who just want equal and fair treatment under the law
Hey Charlemagne, if one of your ancestors committed murder, and evidence wasn't shown until now, would you serve their jail time as reparation?
He wasn't a slave. His parent weren't slaves. His grandparents weren't slaves. His great grandparents weren't slaves
@Marvel6🇺🇸 🤣🤣 Get a job.
And he got white in him
400 dollar sneakers and I phones getting foodstamps and selling drugs they ain't worked since slavery and paid 0 in taxes get your money from Anderson Cooper and George Bush
@Marvel6🇺🇸 100% agree that other people shouldn't have brought you 'fish out of water in a 1st World Society' people here. Imagine how safe our cities would be without the riff-raff.
@Marvel6🇺🇸 blah blah blah, more drivel from the least productive, most dysfunctional segment of society. Seriously, the experiment has failed.
The fact that Charlemagne says there's no price point you could put on reparations to repay the debt demonstrates exactly why reparations are a bad idea.
He's essentially saying no amount of money will ever satisfy him. In other words even if reparations are made, he will still consider the debt 'owed'.
@@kylemossi Yeah. Maher & his audience fostered this type of behavior for years and now see the end result.
@@kylemossi precisely!
That’s why people like him deserve nothing!
They are a great idea and could end the tension of racism. We are literally telling you yes there is a price
@@KamauKenyattethats naive to think that. What about the black ppl who believe they are owed a greater debt than money could provide? Some ppl just want to have a fair chance in society. Cutting everybody a check wont solve that for them. What about the white people who will only take it as greater license to disregard the struggles of black people in this country? Money doesn’t erase history. What about the next generations of black youth that has to grow up facing all the same challenges that linger on in todays society without any hope for their own form of reparations cuz another generation already deemed their debts settled for them without them having any say. If the societal barriers still exist how is it fair to make that decision for future generations without any guarantee anything will actually change? Its not as simple of an issue as ppl make it out to be i personally thinking cutting a check to ppl would be a cop out and only make things worse
This segment was legitimately terrible
it was good, showed how dumb he is once hes not around his moron yes men
It showed how dumb charlemagne really is. I loved it.
well it is the maher show
And you are a terrible human being so...
The decendants of Native Americans and Hawaiians were compensated for unjustice massacre of their people and seisure of lands. Japanese were compensated for internment camps. If all these groups were worthy; why not the descendants of the people that were kidnapped from their homelands, forced into slavery, eventually segregated, and systemically targeted by their government with assassination and cocaine?
People fail to mention that in 1830 there were 3,776 black slave owners. So there are alot of black people today in America that are decendants of slave owners. Do they get reparations too or do they have to pay reparations? How do we who's ancestors did what?
The “Oh he’s black?” comment was embarrassingly hilarious
Hey first time the conversation is being given an audience, let’s not laugh it down and do the work of detractors for them!
"If you don't vote for me, you ain't black" -- Joe Biden speaking to Charlamane.
Only concivent when a rich black guy wants to take a stand than white guy ask u have more money than me. Than he's like. Oh. 🤣😒🤡
@@ownSystem Self defeating comments, from a black man NOT from the US here. Please do something positive instead of b^tching from the sidelines.
The guy was on drugs, typical.
Hitchens was right when he said Maher’s audience would clap for anything
@sony_pat 6 I’m shaking in my boots
Bill needed to pull out his violin
Hitchens supported reparations lol
@@Bluethunder3269 Not the reparations Charla advocates
@sony_pat 6 Yeah more handouts that’s the answer. Look what the welfare state has done to the Black family since it’s inception in the 60s. In 1950 the number of black children born out of wedlock was lower than whites. Plus they had a lower unemployment rate. Now look , after being given handouts for 60 years, look at what it has done to your community. Giving money to people who haven’t earned it doesn’t change anything, it makes it worse.
The idea of intergenerational debt is murderous at its core, especially when played along tribal lines. The tribal spirit has been at the heart of almost all attrocities commited by humans. To see the western world play this game again is such a shame. No good will come from this.
Well said. Thank you!
Yup. What morons like "Charlemagne" fail to realize is that if they keep playing "The Tribal Game", at some point white people are going to get tired of feeling guilty, tired of apologizing, and they're going to start playing the "Tribal Game" too. And they'e going to play to win.
My original comment was deleted. Essentially I said this guy wants sons and grandsons to pay for the crimes of their parents and grandparents like some sort of scapegoating or something.
This guy also insisted that "a debt is a debt", asked money for it and also said that he originally comes from West Africa. I merely asked the question if he wants to be returned to Africa after receiving his cheque.
@@twogungunnar9456 They did that in the 40s.
Charlaqueer really wants to sound intelligent so bad it’s cringe and funny at the same time 😂
I'm of Irish ancestry,I want my English welfare check,we can call it Cromwell payments
Stop being lazy and go after your reparations...if you can.
@tflg325 What the hell are you even talking about? Are you trying to make a point that your a red blooded American a true William Poole AKA Bill The Butcher. I guess you must be a WASP who can trace their family lineage back to the founding fathers or Plymouth Colony.I guess the part of my family from Ireland who came over in 1840's and fought for the Union in Civil War it still doesn't make me American enough
@@shocbomb23 what about all the black people who were free labor to this country long before your supposed fam came here and fought for the Union? What about the blacks who were enticed to help lead Union soldiers back into the South as guides after escaping to their freedom only to be treated as animals by Union soldiers and offered as sacrificial lambs when the heat got hot. What about all the black people who served this country for hundreds of years domestically and abroad only to go back to their homes and continue to be treated as less than equal. Recompense needs to be made to black people, the same way it was given to the Indians, the Jewish and the Japanese. Aa black man/woman is so reviled that "public opinion" towards paying an age old debt owed just cant be done. I will give you a grand example: This bullshit country loves to stick its nose in other peoples business in the name of Democracy. Well, when the Haitians revolted and ran the French off the Island of Hispanola in 1804 but fighting for thrir freedom, France, with the support of Spain AND the USA imposed an economic sanction that was not paid off until 1947....saying that free black folks owed their colonizers and slaveholders. Yall need to check your privileges and actually lear some factual history and context. Maybe you should query Lizzy about te debt you feel you family is owed cause they were subgigated to soem form of prejudice or forced to leave the UK. Thats entirely up to you. But dont sit here and joke about the reparations owede to blacks as though its fucking welfare you twit. You fam came to the states and had opportunity to make something of themselves solely because the US economy was built on the backs of enslavd peoples. If white euro immigrants COULD have done it on their own, the why DIDNT they? Africans were minding their own business in West and Central one asked to come here contrary to popular belief.
Yeah exactly
I'd sign up for HBO Max if Bill Maher would have an uninterrupted, 45 minute talk with Charlemagne and Ben Shapiro.
That would be bloodbath.
Lol, that would be amazing to witness.
Shapiro would destroy him.
@@Folsom92 By talking really fast in a muppet voice and repeating the same 10 fucking sentences since 2014?
I would pay… 100$ for that pay per view. I hate both of them, but that conversation would be outstandingly childish and entertaining.
This people are delusional. Imagine if Japanese were still crying about the Nukes... instead they built some of the most powerful and advanced nations in the world.
@Marvel6🇺🇸 😂
I see your point but Japan had that shit coming. I don’t hold any malice in my heart toward the Japanese over World War II I’m just speaking from a historical context.
@Marvel6🇺🇸 Sorry bro but might is right😊
Well after we nuked them we occupied their country until 1952 to lead the reconstruction effort. We didn't invest nearly as much as the Marshall Plan, but who cares? What matters is that we helped them become an economic powerhouse. They're better off standing on their own 2 feet instead of extending their hand out & shaming us into compliance. That's extortion.
But you want free handouts at the border ??
Wow. Charlamagne forgets that the Native Indians were here FIRST, and their land was taken from them. Not all black people in the U.S. are descendants of slaves bc many ppl from Africa traveled to the U.S. AFTER slavery was abolished. Lol. Charlamagne is so misinformed about history it’s crazy. Just the fact he named himself “Charlamagne tha God” speaks volumes.
“Charlemagne” was an emperor who ruled the Western European empire after the fall of the Roman Empire. So “Charlamagne tha God” sees himself as great as that emperor. Lol.
The insanity of the conversation is telling.
Bill Maher is insane
@@ray1411 nope. He's usually the voice of reason
@Marvel6🇺🇸 what did I do that this is directed at me?
Charlemagne speaking about reparations while wearing a $30k+ Rolex on one hand and giant rings on his fingers is insane
Though in fairness he did say he'd be perfectly happy if it were means-tested, and paid to people poorer than him.
ok white boy
You don't criticize jamie diamond when he sits before Congress in a $5000 suit and his $30,000 Rolex looking for a bailout ? Why?
Dude your comment suggest that you do not understand what reparations are.
@@imiss2pac427 That wasn't necessary .
Imagine demanding reparations while wearing a watch that costs more than the average annual income.
My ancestors are from eastern European where white slaves were bought by North African blacks in the Barbary slavery in the 1600s. I guess I want reparations too. It makes no sense. We suffer for something we didn't do.
@@aservant2287 The word slavery even originated, from the word slav.
Because in the early history of Slavs, they were so brutally and in large numbers enslaved, from almost everyone around them.
imagine him agreeing to not receive anything and agreeing that the funds should go to poor people
@@aservant2287 hey that's up to yall to ask for reoperations, don't get jelly cause we asking for ours
@@wcp4jc I never owned a slave why should I be punished for something that I'm not guilty of? I know, I'm racist because I was born white right?
" You can't write a check to a ghost." "Why Not?" is he serious? you can write checks to ghosts?
He's serious. Never forget that he's a moron.
Ghosts vote too
You'd think they'd talk to an economist and not the donkey of the day dude.
He's evolved and about you?
@Ruok I'd rather have some guys like Peter Kirsanow and Sandy Darity.
Thomas Sowell believes in freedom of choice. To choose and how it affects the outcomes of peoples lives.
If we took that route they'd just move and leave. (White flight) we need reperations to build our own and make it so it doesn't matter if they leave. We'd still have all of our own resources and tax base.
@@mecojohnson3509 how about getting a job or starting your own business so you can earn it instead of demanding whitey cut you a check for something they didn't do and something you didn't experience. Btw, I was wondering when you plan on sending me a check for my ancestors dying in a war to free yours. I'd prefer a cashier's check please
@Ruok no they wouldn't have him on because he wouldn't push bills narative
I'm Black and I disagree that I am owed money for work my ancestors did. Charlemagne asks how to you make amends for slavery. You don't. You can't give them their lives back. And the idea that Charlemagne should get a check is ludicrous.
I think there is a way to make amends
Just cause you don't want it doesn't mean others don't deserve it. If it's ever paid out don't accept your "40 acres and a mule". Keep that same energy you have here.
@@reeseville1 Nun of you deserve it lol what our minorities do deserve is cheaper healthcare,better education,better infrastructure in out communities and then we will become better and that will be what we needed not some bs checks that will be spend on jordans and iphones lol
@@yeeyee6505 Soooooo. . .all those inner cities shouldn't be repaired? Ok, lets not give reparations for slavery. Lets do it for those families that weren't allowed to purchase homes. Now, I bet those records are alot more accessible and you'll find some people who were the actual individuals denied that right. Yeah, let's do that.
@@noeltaylor3594 look up the definition of the word infrastructure
I love how confident Charlemagne always is...
it just makes it funnier when you realize the delta between how smart he thinks he is... and how smart he actually is lol.
the technical term is The Dunning-Kruger effect
And you say this because you think you are more intelligent?
@@MrStaano a pet hamster is more intelligent.
@@ihatefindingagoodnam Maybe you have issues.....
@@MrStaano lol, the dolts who think Charlamagne is in any way informed or an intellectual are the ones with real issues.
So if my great great grandpa did something good by joining the military to serve this country, while i do Nothing for this country, does that also mean i should take all the credit if i'm just a descendant? 😂
that's basically his mindset
I enjoyed when Bill Maher said “you didn’t build this country”
Picking tobacco and cotton isn’t exactly building a country
@@NotCreativeEngh But the wealth generated from the evil forced labor DID knucklehead.
@@ronaldgetches6782 Not enough idiot. it's very idiotic to redux and simplify economic history of United Sates, to plantation production.
Slavery was bad for the American economy though, the South was really far behind the North before the civil war. Britain early to abolish it, became a really strong country after getting rid of it.
@@chriswatson3464 the Southerners at the time weren't all that clairvoyant. but what goes around comes around.
"give me money or your racist " , its that easy.
I’ll be “racist” then
No, you're still racist but pay what you owe
@@90jimmychooif i walked in the US , black ppls would see me as " white" and probably see me as a racist that need to give them reparation , thing is my main language is french , than they would say , well you need to pay for the french slaves , what they wouldnt notice is that my french is different than the "france" french and that im actually french canadian , my ancestor until 1960 where for hundred of years seen by the anglo british as a lower class of humans and were only given the role of "workers" . So idk how im supposed to have to pay for black slaves , when im half french Canadian and half Irish and neither of my ancestor "group" owned slaves lol. The problem with this reparation thing is that it put all "whites" in the same bag and they all need to "pay".
@Tom Sowell they did the same to me when they started to get this extreme and me and you won't be the last.
@Q can you tell me where I can cash my privilege in? Nobody in my state does. I tried going to the bank and getting them to hand some money over to me but I must have the secret white people handshake wrong
“A black person said that?” Queue the Curb theme! 😂
Can somebody PLEAASE make a Curb video on this one?!! 😂
I thought of that immediately!
Reminds me of this one:видео.html&ab_channel=LilJack
Bill Maher misinterpreted his quote, Glenn Loury was making the argument that compensatory reparations will not be ENOUGH to fix the racial injustice that was/is slavery. Loury's claim is once a payout is done then there will no more progress when it comes to racial equality
@@strafedz So in other words they are using their racial bigotry to as a excuse for not having reparations?! Funny how when Charlemagne asked what they think should be reparations they bring back the "free education" but what is free education when the schools that black people go to are woefully inadequate, what's the use of this free education when a black man with an associates degree is as employable as a white male high school dropout? In one way I agree with Loury when he said that in order for justice to be done regarding this there has to be a public recognition of the severity and contemporary relevance of what happened. Maher akining Obamacare to a sort of reparations shows he doesn't have an open mind to ANY type of reparations!
April 12, 1861 - April 9, 1865. That’s the time line when over 200,000 Union soldiers paid the ultimate price for your ancestors. I don’t owe you a damn thing.
Your union soldiers so what happened after your 200,000 soldiers paid the price did blacks get into schools? Get into white colleges.? Did blacks become president of the United States?🤡 Or did they remain stagnant?
And abused
The cringe is strong with this one
@Evan Briggs gtfoh
Reparations literally caused ww2
True but South Confederates owe them, many didn't inherit homes and such as most whites because of well we all know why
@@VeganMotorcyclePilot The North/Union benefited from slavery as well.
Maher *spends 5 mins explaining alternative reparations*
Charlemagne "If cash is not gonna work, explain an alternative form of reparations."
I noticed that as well, like ”He just told you..."
Maher and the other white guest dumbed themselves down in order to talk to Charlemagne
@Joe Griffin Liberia, huh? Somehow, if America gave the black people back all it stole from their ancestors, then left them alone, I think it would be pretty cut and dry.
Yeah, not the sharpest tool in the shed. He is talking to hear himself talk but not hearing anything that's said. He is a personal fan of his own flatus.
The guy is daft.
"It's white people not wanting to be held accountable"
"A black person said that. Glen Loury. You know Glen Loury"
All he knows is “me black, me want money”
@@user-iw4gz7vh4w Since almost all the slaves lived in the South, then if reparations need to happen, their ancestors should get paid in Confederate money.
Imagine someone not wanted to be held accountable, for something they didn’t do, had nothing to do with and they weren’t even alive for? Yeah, ThE NeRvE oF SoMe PeOpLe.
@@joeblack3721 send the reparations bill to the original people that enslaved and sold them for profit. The nations in West Africa.
African Americans are wealthier than West Africans but let's make them pay anyway!
@@AY-qf4pg Good idea. The only thing is that the race baiters in the US, still wouldn't shut up. They are trying to sue the US Government for trillions. Maybe, to appease them the Government should pay them in defunct Confederate money since that was the currency used in the old South. And then counter sue for all the welfare money that was already paid since the 1960s. That way they will end up owing us reparations, and they will stop griping about something that is a liberal pipedream.
How can we logically distinguish between individuals who immigrated to America in the last century, those who arrived in recent decades, and those who were historically brought to the US against their will? It's important to acknowledge that descendants of black slave-owners exist alongside black individuals who were never subjected to slavery. Similarly, there are white individuals who never owned slaves. On what basis can we justify compelling someone, such as a recently arrived wealthy individual of brown or black ethnicity, to financially support payments through taxes to individuals who may not have direct slave ancestry? This is preposterous! This situation raises valid questions about fairness and practicality.
Is Bill closing the loop… I’m a conservative and feel like I’m agreeing with Bill most often now!!! Wow… I just appreciate a man who stands on his values!!! Whether I agree or not… he appears to at least be genuine.
That is what the center is for, bridging left and right :)
Bill has never been full on liberal. He's stated before that he would be a conservative if the conservative party were actually conservative, but they're not.
Its because leftists are so insane.
@@RespiratoryDrive-vy9ih Bill is a Liberal. Currently American Leftists are just too extreme that he looks center.
@@Dedition Yes, there's a world's difference between liberals and far leftists. The extinction needs to be made more clear, more often. In relation to youtubers the youtuber Destiny is a liberal while Vaush and Hassan Piker are leftists. Very clear distinction there.
I guess the 2+ million men, who gave their lives to make other men free, wasn’t enough.
People want to be paid for nothing, they will act like nothing was done to set things straight and will try till their dying breath to get this money. They had nothing to do with what happened but they feel like they deserve it...they know for a fuckin fact they don't deserve shit but will still ride on their ancestor's bones to claim it.
I've said this for years. Thank you.
Yeah, It doesn't make sense, besides people now of days not being responsible. What about the people descendants of immigrants who arrived after the civil war?
Or even take the Irish for example, they came to America to escape the British Empire and mass starvation and 200,000 of them were drafted into the US army and navy upon arrival to fight in the civil war.
@Mike Smith where in my statement did I mention “civil war”? It wasn’t just the American civil war that Americans freed other men. Learn to read.
@Mike Smith Still don't get the point of your comment. That doesn't neglect the fact that 160,000 Irish soldier fought for the Union plus the fact the 20,000 "Irish" soldiers that fought for the Confederacy you're referring were predominantly Ulster Scots, major difference.
This is coming from a man who
1. Proudly talked about drugging women with a “Spanish Fly”
2. Smells farts on the seats of those he interviewed.
3. Interviewed and encouraged literal sex trafficking during his interview with “Gunplay”
Stop ridiculing Donald trump.
Don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house.
My ancestor was killed at Gettysburg fighting for The Union. I already paid.
God damn right
Imagine clinking gold rings and saying ‘I’m owed’
Welcome to the 21st century
so its not possible to be rich and owed at the same time
@@patrickboyo674 you can be. It just shows the hypocrisy that black people are told they can’t achieve anything yet charlamgne is a radio personality who makes millions a year. I also love how often he talks about cultural appropriation but has the name of a French king.
@@sjones8832 haha touche my G.
I don't think he is only claiming for himself. Triggered much?
5:17: "there really is no price point you could put..."
So, infinity? Infinite reparations?
Why did the audience clap? This fool just said it will never be enough...
@sony_pat 6 then gtfo if you're so oppressed here🤣. Four of my ancestors died freeing them. When you gonna pay my reparations?
@Altruist Power man, looks like you need to find a slave owner to send the bill to. Tell us about your days toiling in the cotton fields
@Altruist Power 300 years of slavery? You must’ve failed math class. Last I checked, America only had slaves for 86 years. Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1862. We formed as an independent nation in 1776. The rest? That’s on Britain, not the US.
I’m Irish I want my money . Lol
he's a dangerous fool, he can white-guilt just enough people to legislate this nonsense
The fact that the audience seems to be supporting Chrlamagne makes this even worse.
I don't think it is authentic. I think it's one of those things where you seem forced to clap or applaud to seem not racist, and that by refusing to clap/applaud you are showing yourself to be a racist.
It’s woke to clap for everything a black person says
none of them pay taxes - but someday they will regret clapping for this shit!
@@jimphayre I pay taxes and I support reparations.. We owe the descendants of slaves for their stolen labor and we owe their children for the shit they still suffer today.. America is so damn racist they think they can just move on pretend this is not happening.
@@terrystevens3998 So what are you waiting for Terry? Do what you think is right and send LeBron James $50,000.
No need to wait for any government to organize it for you.
What about the slavery happening in Africa right now? They know that France, UK then America were the first countries to end slavery right? Look up what countries still allow slavery.
Charlemagne: "Reparations have to happen for black people... I don't see what the issue is" *audience claps*
Also Charlemagne: "There's no price point you can put on slavery" *audience claps*
I can't tell if it's worse that Charlemagne has no coherent argument or the fact that the audience doesn't recognize it.
Bill Maher’s audience is always idiotic.
Bill Maher’s audience generally claps at feel good shit even if they have no idea how to make said idea a reality.
They are just scared of being called a racist.
@@dervishmichaels9147 is that like when Russians were afraid to be the first to stop clapping at government officials because the first one to do so was suspect?
Okay, make reparations voluntary. The audience sounds ready to throw in their cash
Okay, make slavery involuntary and reverse history.
@@ronaldgetches6782 That makes no sense
@@ronaldgetches6782does it hurt being as stupid as you are? Need a solution? Toaster and a bath
Charlamagne “that’s a white person that said that”.... no, Glenn Larry is black. Oh, well........ we still need reparations! 😂
"So what!"
Bill is referring to Glenn Loury. For anyone interested, Loury and John McWhorter conduct a series of discussions on I've watched some of their disccussions which address many of the same topics discussed on Real Time.
@@lawman3966 Glenn and John's discussions are some of the best content on this site.
Glenn Larry a descendant of Uncle Ruckus lol
people really live vicariously through their ancestors nowadays.
"There is no pricepoint, no number..." Which is why reparations will never pass - there will never be an agreement as to what would satisfy as reparations. Charlemagne isn't too smart.
Look at what he calls himself. He's an embarrassment to vertebrates.
The idea itself is stupid: should algeria ask reparations for the France occupation? Or Egypt for the conquering and exploitation of the native by the Ptolemaic dynasty of Macedonia?
How far should you go back, how do you know it's negative or positive?
Would black americans offspring be better of if they weren't sent to the US? How is it fair for people who did no wrong to repair the wrong done by their ancestors?
Really, the human history is full of war, looting and enslaving, their is wrong everywhere done by every peoples to every others. It's pointless to try to fix the past, just learn from it and focus on the future.
The Arabs are the one who traded blacks to the white slave traders. Shouldn’t the Arabs be financially responsible? Or just Muslims in general? What about black Muslims? Do they have to pay themselves?
Or a guy like Barack Obama. Half-black, but his dad was Nigerian so Obama has no ancestral connection to slavery at all.
Does he get $ too?
And why shouldn’t the principle apply on an individual level? If a black guy’s long-dead great great grandfather did something shitty to my long dead great great grandfather, then shouldn’t I be owed reparations?
The whole thing is retarded.
@@Miam_miam_la_gauffre I see Alexandre somehow you found the France and Morocco relationship and one other to support your narrative. Yet somehow you over looked the list of countries that have paid reparations to its citizens. For example, Germany, South Africa, United Kingdom and others. Regarding appropriately dealing with problems of the past, you might find that has been a problem for many many people moving forward productively. Any competent person in the study of psychiatry will tell you that your position on dealing with the past is wrong.
@@Miam_miam_la_gauffre Just to add, your white wash of slavery is just stunning. Suggesting that African Americans should be thankful that nearly 2 million of thier ancestors perished during the journey from Africa to the Americas, that the ones who survived endured horrors too disgraceful to list here for hundreds of years allowing them to be in America today. The suggestion is thoughtless and extremely ungodly and fundamentally antithetical to REAL American values.
I love the way he clapped his gold rings together as he said a debt is owed lol it's not very convincing
"clink clink clink" I thought the same thing. Right after Bill quoted Glen Loury. Charlamagne is a clown.
_"When a debt is owed, a debt is owed."_ Except we don't have hereditary debt in this country, nor debtor's prisons. We fought a war to get away from tyrannical shit like that.
He’s that 1% of black America that actually has money...
Majority of black will just spend the money for gold, diamonds , girls and cars, if they get reparation in terms of cash
@@Yagirlnyesha then tell the rest of those folks to stop glorifying gang culture and get a fuckin job
Maher is really holding back and trying his best to be respectful
Mitch Farkas: Yeah, he does that when he thinks the mob will come for him.
I e heard the black guy debate Candace Owens…… he seems clueless
Or he's scared of being called a racist for pointing out facts that I bet he suppressed. Coward is scared of losing his job.
@@Dr.House92 Maher is worth well over $100M. He lost his "Politically Incorrect" show and rebounded with a much more lucrative show.
He's too old, and has been in the public spotlight for far too long, to care about what people call him, He went so far as to call himself a "house ni##er" on his show a while back. No one afraid of being called a racist makes comments like that.
Maher was being polite to his invited guest, as a host should always strive to be. Maher rarely engages in hard-core debate with his guests. That's not his job. His job is to give his viewers the opportunity to listen to what his guests have to say in a predominantly respectful arena.
@@davidsuro986 watch Bill talking to Milo and feel the difference
The very first slaves on the Continental U.S. were IRISH, they were also in the Caribbean, ask Reanna, she's a descendant of Irish slaves. When blacks did come to the U.S. they were sold at a higher price than the Irish.
I love Glenn Loury.
Very telling that Charlamagne didn't know who he is.
Doesn’t know Glenn but can tell you what the rainbow haired rapper had for lunch.. Seems about right for today’s society
@@HeroinPete30 ...And george washington.
Same with Thomas Sowell or Larry Elder, they would've schooled this fool in 20 seconds.
He’s an ignoramus
@@bryant475 Sowell and Elder are political puppets for the right with no standing in the greater black community.
Are they going to ask the tribes in Africa that rounded up the people to sell to the slave traders to put on the ship?
None of your business
@Phuk Hugh We’re talking about America . Africa can pay too. You don’t think anyone should pay. Is that maybe because you don’t believe it was injustice to enslave black Americans? Btw I work everyday. GOD has blessed me. Hopefully HE has blessed you as well✌🏾
@@freeindeed8416 you want to make a quick buck off your ancestors bloody misery. That debt was paid in blood during the war of independence. You live in one of the only countries that abolished the slavery that still continues to this day. Getting the majority of people who's ancestors have never owned slaves to pay people who never were slaves.
1oo% Correct
FYI the nations of Africa, have acknowledged their role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and have made their own attempts at reconciling with African Americans.
My great-great-grandfather was from Norway, he went to go work at the Ford motor company in 1909. During this time, he would later go fight in WW1.My great grandfather would then fight in WW2. What in the world does my family lineage owe you?
Your family owes the same thing mine does. On one side, Swiss immigrants who came in the 1930's to farm, and sent 3 sons off to fight in WW2, only 2 came back. On the other, Mexican immigrants who came to a country where they believed in the promise of if you want it, you can work for it. My Grandparents on that side occasionally had 6 jobs between them. But they raised successful children who went on to raise successful children.
All while facing plenty of racism along the way... but surrendering to it was simply not an option.
This is America, where humble beginnings can grow to great heights... just ask Charlemagne.
Funny, both of my grandpas parents were from Norway, and both of them fought in WW2, one in the Aleutians and one went to the Philippines.
your family owes them nothing.
Thanks and gratitude
Good for Bill and Frank for speaking sense in this video
Reparations is far overdue! if the government can send our tax dollars to other countries they can pay reparations
Charlamagne hears dissenting voice: must be a white guy
Maher: "well that's a black person"
@marvin warren There's also black people that disagree with what you think. 🤷♂️
@marvin warren Glenn Loury is an economist and a professor at Brown University. Perhaps you can tell us who is the master that pays him to "knock down blacks." BTW, Glenn has frequent conversations with another recent guest of Maher, John McWhorter.видео.html
@marvin warren How can you tell a black person is being paid off?
@marvin warren Charlamagne is doing quite well, is he paid off?
@marvin warren you said it doesn't take long, I am not so wise so I am asking your opinion
Charlemagne Tha Confused
Charlemagne the contradiction.
It’s “Tha” and he is the leader for that community.
@@CBigsby Charlamagne leads no one.
or maybe you’re the confused one , because everything he said made sense .
@@hadiahrachel2924 He literally contradicted himself in the span of 5 minutes and you say he isn't confused? Lol
This is what happens when you're used to talking to people who always agree with you..the moment you get push back you get lost..
No question.
This is what happens when White supremacists media pundits intentionally invite guests who cant destroy their weak talking points.
Exactly if Maher wants to seriously discuss reparations he should have invited the folks who have spent years working on the bills and racial inequality. I felt like he is making a joke of it, after his last show on nonsense where he was just listing after Megyn Kelly.
@@mistylm2365 how about just address all poverty and stop the reperation nonsense. 99% of whites dont have generational wealth we are all starting near equal ground stop asking for hand outs its embarassing.
@@DarkKnight-zd4jk simply being "white" doesn't make you a white supremacist.
"Why is not passable?" They can't even pass 15 dollar minimum wage...
Because NOT one Republican will vote to support that. So they couldn't tack the $15 minimum wage thing onto the Covid-19 bill. There will have to be a separate bill for the minimum wage increase.
@@victorpradha9946, It's abundantly clear that the Retrumplican party has zero interest in doing what's right for the country, or its citizens. Their ONLY agenda is to stall, and sabotage, any and all efforts made by a "Democratic" president.
This GOP, needs to go... ASAP!
I've voted dem the last 4 presidential elections. I don't agree with a $15 minimum wage, that is absolutely asinine in rural america. Go 30 minutes outside of most us cities and the cost of living isn't substantial. I do agree with Maher on subsidizing corporations via foot stamps, earned income tax credit, etc. The minimum wage should increase, probably to $10
Right that guy came off as stupid.
Clearly doesn't understand how things get out into law.
The majority of the population would not pay a cash debt for reparations and if you think they would 🤦♂️ lol
@Jared Hinger as opposed to prices staying stationary as they have these past 11 years since the min. Wage was last increased?
My lord, how embarrassed would you be if you found out Charlemagne was your descendant? Truly a shallow thinker.
I'd like to see if he is actually descendant from a slave or not. He says he is 90+% african, and his family could have came over here in the1900s. There are millions of black people that were not descendants of slaves in america, and presumably charlamagne would make a distinction when handing out checks
@@MtnDewWarrior that’s the big thing also so many black people here think they deserve money for slavery yet their ancestors weren’t slaves same way how people say white people should feel bad like do they not realize most white people are immigrants after slavery also lmao
What a shameful thing to say. MLK wanted reparations from slave owning ancestries too!
“That’s what a white person said”
“No-a black person said that”
“Oh-well-some other nonsense”
"you know Glenn Loury'
@@Madrrrrrrrrrrr He knows Mike Lowwwry
LOL that was absolutely hysterical
Bill knew what he was doing inviting a hip hop radio host instead of somebody like Claude Anderson. Don't hang on Charla (whatever his name is) every word. It's like getting mad at Wayne and Garth for saying something stupid.
@@alfredborden5675 Charlatan is his name isn't it? I wonder if he even knows who Charlemagne is.
Any Economist will tell you that slavery is not 'unpaid labour'. Slaves were fed, clothed, housed, churched and educated - all at the owners expense. Adam Smith was the first to point out that slavery was an extremely inefficient economic system - it's better (and cheaper) to give cash to your workers and let them take responsibility for themselves. The debt would be almost impossible to work out. An uncomfortable truth is that, generally, the living standard of the ancestors of US slaves is considerably better than the living standard of the ancestors of those who remained in Africa. Having said that, the USA definitely has an unresolved cultural issue (racism) that has slavery at its source.
Privileged: Calling everyone around you racist and expecting them to give you money because of it. dont even know what privileged is.
@@mramejico Please, enlighten me.
You can see it wash over Bill’s face when he realizes Charlemagne is intellectually a civilian and just tries not to embarrass his guest. Some “don’t cancel me” caliber restraint on his part.
Ha! Ha! I see it, too
If Christopher hitchens was there he’d rip him a new one
@finger speak they should tax you all to the moon for having the freedom to state such an ignorant comment like that online because of the freedoms bought and paid for with the lives of generations of blacks that died or were killed while building your country of rights and privileges enjoyed only by you for you.
Your welcome.
But you owe!
Freedom ain’t free!
I guess the saying should be both talk and finger speak are cheap.
@@NOlsen8 I think it’s more of the look on Charlemagnes face that he was trying to present a 400+ year old argument to two white guys, one being the host of the show. You know we have to “act” a certain way as to not scare you guys with facts and reality so that you don’t “cancel” us like you have done in the past. By the way historically Getting fired was the least of our problems when it came to blacks getting cancelled.
@@cjturner3465 If you play the whose-ancestors-did-what game, identity politics, the danger is that “whites” won’t just own the bad things. They’ll aggregate all the invention, philosophy, medical advancements etc they were also responsible for and now you’ve possibly created new white supremacists. The hard math (i.e. financial measure) is that descendants of slaves are far better off than descendants of those who stayed behind. Do you argue then that there should be a thank-you? (Clearly, NO) This is why identity politics, and putting consequence on generations who had nothing to do with the past, doesn’t help anyone.
Victimhood and narcissism could be more closely intertwined than we realised.
This is capitalist country. When you promise to pay reparations to Freedman , as is in law, and then renege on that debt it accrues and is owed to your ancestors!
conservatives went nuclear cause they thought a potato doll lost its dick
maybe sit this one out?
It isn't victimhood. That demon Andrew Jackson gave the slave owners reparations and gave nothing to the slaves. Those slaves and their descendants lived through convict leasing, Jim Crow, and mass incarceration.
Victim culture is what is holding people back.
@@annettewilcox5413 nobody owes you a damned thing
Reparations is demanding that person A pay person B for crimes person C did to person D.
Make that make sense.
0 seconds ago
Shouldn’t there be some reparations paid off by the slave, brokers and slave breeders in Africa, who sold millions and millions of their own people into slavery? Why isn’t that part of the conversation that millions of these slaves were sold by their own people?
@@harryor33 Because they only want white people to pay.
His rings literally clinked together while he was trying so desperately to make a point, he is so incredibly unaware of how ridiculous he sounds
I find it interesting that he's confused his ideas are unpopular. Then finishes by demanding cash, and says there is no amount that would satisfy him.
That part was especially funny. Give me cash, and then keep giving me cash, and your debt will never be repaid. Well gee, I'm sold - let's do that!
Slavery was and to some extent still is endemic in africa. It is estimated that 40 million slaves still toil in the world today which is 4x the total ever bought from african kings to take across the atlantic. Slavery seems to be an impulse for these people, and making demands like this is just another expression of it.
We need to be cut a cheque. "Well, how much?" There is so amount that would be enough. "Well, that doesn't exactly help the treasury make a decision......."
Corporate America is like, “yes give them cash, in fact cut out the middle man and just give us the money directly”
Right? Lmfao. Give me all your money and I wont be happy if you do.
"Black people should receive a check to pay reparations" and "no amount of reparations would be sufficient." Case and point ding bat.
Exactly. It is so stupid when you think of it. So lets say this guy gets a million dollars, his ancestors and grandchildren gets nothing. That should solve it.
@@melange78 Cash would just end up back in the hands of the rich people.
The window tinting and speaker stores gonna get rich
China would have to open another sneaker factory make all them Jordans
@Agent Nurple Germany did pay reparation's.
After accepting a drink from him, Reid claimed she began feeling “dizzy,” causing her to pass out “as it felt like her legs gave out and she could not walk.” She alleged that two unnamed men dragged her upstairs and assaulted her. Charlamagne allegedly then came into the room and sexually assaulted her as well….
this is the most insane conversation ive seen in a while.
@Marvel6🇺🇸 Italians got reparations? Really? I'm Italian-American and haven't gotten a dime in reparations. Keep speaking out of your ass!
Hmm it’s been 156 since slavery was abolished and people are still getting their knickers in the twist about it? They should have abolished the anti slavery league at the same time.
This is the dumbest comment I’ve read here so far.
@Noeleen Barry Don't forget the Chinese. And the Japanese who were put in camps in WW2 and never got their property back, which is totally unconstitutional. And on, and on, and on.....
@Noeleen Barry with the exception of the west coast ones, those were built by Chinese immigrants
The audience clapping at Charlamagne’s asinine argument is just virtue-signaling latte liberals.
They wanna clap coz if they don't, they're afraid of being labelled racist hahaha
Sounds like a talking point from a descendant of immigrants who didn't build anything
Backbone is rare
Not a one of them would actually give up any of their money or nice neighborhood or house with pool.
My favorite part of this was listening to his gold rings clink together as he was trying to make his point.
Ok, what about me? I don't own any jewelry and I second his notions...does this make what he was advocating for more legitimate now?
@@BennyNegroFromQueens Slavery has been a human institution for thousands of years. The word slave is a derivation of the word Slav, which is in reference to the Slavic people who were so conquered during the middle ages and enslaved that the name of their people came to be used to describe someone owned by another for the purpose of work. Slavery still exists even today. If we are going to consider paying reparations to descendants of slaves, then virtually everyone on the planet would be entitled to some form of compensation. This raises the question of who is going to pay it if we are all descendants of slaves.
@@jeffrudloff1153 try to focus little guy. We're not talking about the Roman Empire, we're talking about America.
@@BennyNegroFromQueens Human nature and human history matters. If you want to open the door for black slaves but not others then you are marginalizing everyone else whose ancestors were slaves.
@@jeffrudloff1153 no no no. We are talking about American legal liability. We are not talking about "theory" we're talking about something that was done in THIS country to my people.
Could it get more comical then a guy with 30 thousand dollors in jewlry on saying he deserves to be paid LMAO 🤣🤣
Just the fact that Bill Maher had the courage to talk about this issue is commendable, on top of that giving out an unpopular opinion is ever better.
I agree, it's very refreshing to see for sure! We need more unbiased show hosts to start doing the same.
Yes, such courage for a white person to acknowledge what he's benefitted from in America.
It's only VERBALLY unpopular. A lot of people feel like Maher and don't say it. But we think it.
Courage? A grown ass man does that
@@Iloveswedes now we need black people with the courage to stand up and say we are doing pretty danm good right now in America
Charlemagne is not exactly a Thomas Sowell, is he. But the clapping seals in the audience just loved his call for short-term instant gratification.
Thomas Sowell acolytes are the political version of “i have a black friend”
It's long overdue. Time to wipe the smirk off your kinds faces!!!
With my Irish heritage, I must be due millions in reparations from the Barbary Slave Trade.
Time to get me some of that Ottoman money to repair that generational trauma I’ve been feeling since the Sack of Baltimore.
They weren't even clapping for short term gratification. It was all virtue signaling..
@@bobcoughlan929 Yeah that's the dumb thing about this argument. Is that nearly every group in human history has been enslaved or wronged in some kind of way throughout our history. If we begin this prescendet of so called "reparations" then when does the line stop? Where does the guilt for past ancestors stop? Not everyone in the world can be given something. And I have a strong feeling it's not even about "reparations for past sin" for most people, for most people its cause they want to be given free shit, or in the case of many white people in America they want to seem virtuous.
And I’m a descendant of my ancestors. Both sets of my grandparents came from Southern Italy less than 100 years ago. My husband’s ancestors were killed in Poland during the Holocaust. What debts do WE owe?
Amen to that sister my ancestors were immigrants in the early 1900's who settled in Chicago and the UP of Michigan. I have one Finnish ancestor who was here in the 1880's and he was an oppressor working in copper mines.
And what about the different countries that were enslaved by the Colonial Empires. It's a never ending cycle of hatred and we should just move on. Can't change the past so just try to make a better future.
@@jefffaust4965 My grandfather was an illiterate immigrant who worked in the coal mines and it killed him when my father was just a boy. My grandmother lived her live without ever having owned a telephone. I guess all that "white privilege" missed them somehow.
amazing to see someone like charlamagne who is so bad at arguing do it so often.
"There is no price point." So in other words they want us to pay forever.
Why not just pay as long as slaves worked for free 🤷♂️
@@isaiahrobertson3371 you pay then!!
@@sandrocastro5517 it’s not coming out of anybody’s pocket….. the whole point to pay for the work that was free doesn’t that make sense? Pay for what you got
@@isaiahrobertson3371 it's plain stupidity, only appeals to people that would be happy to get a check every month for absolutely nothing, besides I'm an immigrant, why my taxes would have to pay for a debt I don't owe?