An Open Letter to Anti-Israel Jews

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • If you would deny your own people the same right that you would fight for on behalf of others, well, that is an act of self-sabotage that is more of a you problem than an Israel problem.

Комментарии • 139

  • @ortho-g9826
    @ortho-g9826 Месяц назад +8

    You're out of gas my friends.

  • @czujnyhugo
    @czujnyhugo Месяц назад +14

    Smoking on that hasbara ai voice account pack .

  • @doubledowndoubled
    @doubledowndoubled Месяц назад +17

    We could talk about the illegal, corrupt siege and occupation of stolen land. Israel has made piece or they forced military conflicts into the now ongoing war.

    • @tomschwartz4381
      @tomschwartz4381 Месяц назад +3

      You could talk about that, but you'd just be regurgitating anti-Semitic lies.

    • @katerinasullivan6699
      @katerinasullivan6699 Месяц назад +1

      @@tomschwartz4381 Nothing anti semetic it

    • @d.tr6176
      @d.tr6176 Месяц назад

      The "Palestinians" are the occupiers.

  • @nevadaalpacas9362
    @nevadaalpacas9362 Месяц назад +30

    what about the maiming, torturing, kidnapping etc etc etc of tens of thousands of palestinians? when hamas does it it's called terrorism but when "israel" does it it's self defense right?! double standards and hypocrisy

    • @ninelspassionforfashion9289
      @ninelspassionforfashion9289 Месяц назад

      Israel does not do that, stop gobbling up all the lies you’re being fed. Israel is the only right and just democracy in the Middle East. All people, of any religion, live in Israel and enjoy equal right. Can’t say the same for Gaza: human shield, subjugating women, you know what they homosexual community on Gaza? You’ve been brainwashed

    • @tomschwartz4381
      @tomschwartz4381 Месяц назад

      If you're too stupid to tell the difference between Hamas indiscriminately raping, murdering women, men and children, and supposedly "innocent palestinian civilians" (who also rape and murder) dying in military strikes against Hamas, then you're too stupid to have an intelligent opinion.

    • @lucaskohn5457
      @lucaskohn5457 Месяц назад

      Consequences of war are not comparable to deliberatelly attacking civilians. Also the torturing and kidnapping thing is, so far, a baseless narrative not verified by third parties. Maiming only happens as colateral damage, not deliberate attacks. Please, look for another news outlets, the ones you've been looking are defenetelly antissemitic.

    • @3rdEyeWide
      @3rdEyeWide Месяц назад

      Why don't you actually do some research? The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (Islamic head) side with Hitler during WW2 and sought the expulsion/eradication of all the Jews from the region BEFORE the modern state of Israel was even created. The "Palestinian's" own religious texts make it a "holy" mission to rid the world of Jews. Sahih Muslim 2922 (85-90% of the "Palestinians" are Sunni Muslim, and Sahih Muslim is one of their authoritative religious texts). 70% of the "Palestinians" supported the Oct 7th attack (The PALESTINIAN Center for Policy and Survey Research). The "Palestinians" have been offered their own state side-by-side with Israel numerous times but always refuse. Even a "moderate" "political organisation like the "Palestinian Authority" has never published an Arabic charter that hasn't called for the destruction of Israel. How many countries do you know that have had to build the most advanced - and costliest - missile defence system in the world to stop frequent, indiscriminate rocket attacks into it's civilian areas? At what point do people go "hmm... perhaps the "Palestinians" are serious about not wanting a sovereign Jewish state in the area".
      And how are people of other faiths faring at the hands of the adherents of the "religion of peace" in the Middle East? "Christian Persecution in the ME reaching 'genocide-like' levels" BBC 3rd May 2019. Only a centuray ago Christians made up 1/5th of the population of the Middle East, now that's down to 5%, and Israel is the only ME country still with a discernible Jewish population. Both Judaism and Christianity originate in the region and pre-date Islam, but both have just about been wiped out there. I bet you're all for diversity, multiculturalism etc, but you don't give a damn if the Middle East is turned into one homogenous, Arabized, Islamized blob.

  • @RizHail
    @RizHail Месяц назад +13

    Palestine and Israel should be separated 2 countries. If not, then make Palestine 1 vote = Israel 1 vote. End the apartheid. ❤ this is true peace.

    • @tomschwartz4381
      @tomschwartz4381 Месяц назад +3

      Anyone who has actually been to Israel knows there is no "apartheid" there, Arab Israelis (21% of the Israeli population) have more rights and opportunities than in any Arab country.

    • @lucaskohn5457
      @lucaskohn5457 Месяц назад +3

      Tell that to the palestinians, they have broken every peace agreement and refused every Two-state solutions, while Israel has done the oposite over the years. The reason palestinians have formal nationality is because their neighbours don't want to anex them (they had in the past but they refused after Israel offered the land back after vonquering it in the six days war, and they had just returned the Sinai to Egypt), Israel won't take them as civilians, otherwise they would have equal rights and, therefore, much more freedom to commit terrorism and, finally, the palestinian leaderships won't accept less than 100% of the land "from the river to the sea" wich is why they refuse any agreements that could mak them a state.

    • @RizHail
      @RizHail Месяц назад

      @@lucaskohn5457 all lies. Why not offer Palestine land today?

    • @lucaskohn5457
      @lucaskohn5457 Месяц назад +2

      @@RizHail october 7th? Giving land now would be rewarding terrorisn. Plus, Gaza was autonomous already, they were nearly a state, no deal could be sweeter, but Hamas, instead of building a country out of their given autonomy decide to rocket Israel... and other worse things...

    • @omar1187
      @omar1187 Месяц назад

      bingo but they are genociding the Palestinians. the casualties are actually closer to 200k not 30 k like they've been saying for the past 9 months. They are suppressing the true numbers.

  • @paulwarnow1377
    @paulwarnow1377 Месяц назад +1

    I condemn all Groups for attacking Civilians, as I condemn Hamas’s attack on Civilians on October 7 th.
    Before we go any further; I think it is important to differentiate Jewish people from Zionists.
    I am part Jewish, and I know Jewish people to be good, loving, and socially conscious people.
    And I also know Palestinians to be good, loving, and socially conscious people.
    I support the Rights of both Jews & Palestinians to have their Own State; to Live in Peace, to Live Free from Attacks, to Live Free from Apartheid, to Live Free from Genocide, and to Live Free from Oppression.
    Since the Israeli Invasion of Gaza and the current Israeli Genocide of Palestinians; I have come to learn that as early as 1882; Jewish people were immigrating to Palestine; and at the time, accounted for ONLY 2% to 5% of the population of Palestine.
    Sadly, I’ve come to realize that there are a Far-Right Fraction of Israelis & Jewish People, who are Zionists; who are Ultra-Nationalists, who believe in creating a Greater Israel ONLY for Jewish People.
    And that since 1948, for 75+ years; Zionists, in a Very Racist Ethnocentric Colonialist manner; have been Forcibly Displacing and Ethnically Cleansing Palestinians from their Ancestral land, Holding Palestinians Hostage in their ever-smaller settlements, Stealing Palestinian Ancestral land, building Jewish ONLY settlements on Palestinians Ancestral land, Executing Apartheid & Genocide against Palestinians. Killings, Massacring, Wrongfully Imprisoning, Oppressing, Dehumanizing, and Collectively Punishing Palestinians.
    And it is apparent that the current Israeli Government is Pro-Zionist, and it is withholding Essential Food, Water and Medical Supplies from Palestinians.
    Horrifically, it is evident the current Israeli Government is Starving Palestinians to Death.
    Based on International Law; Palestinians have a Legal Right to Resist the Zionist Oppression that they’ve been forced to endure for 76 YEARS, and they have the Right to Fight for their Freedom.
    With the above in mind; I STRONGLY Condemn the Zionists for their 75+ YEARS of Oppression, Dehumanization, Forcibly Displacement, Hold Hostage, Wrongful Imprisonment, Killings, Massacres, Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing, and Genocide of the Palestinians.
    As I’ve said, I am part Jewish, and I know Jewish people to be good, loving, and socially conscious people. And I also know Palestinians to good, loving, and socially conscious people.
    Since October 7 th; Israel, or more specifically the Zionists; have Killed more than ~38,000 Palestinians, which I believe make up the following Casualties:
    Civilians ~95%: ~36,100
    Female ~50%: ~19,000
    Children ~50%: ~19,000
    And in addition, since October 7 th; Israel, or more specifically the Zionists; have been preventing Food, Water, Medical Supplies, Fuel, Power, and other Life Essential Necessities from getting into Gaza; and that they are Starving Palestinians to Death.
    Clearly, since 1948, for 76 years; the Zionists have been Executing Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing against the Palestinians.
    But after taking into consideration that since 1948, for 76 years, per the following list of Massacres of Palestinians by Zionists, it is also clear that the Zionists have been Executing a Systemic Genocide against the Palestinians.
    1984 Sohmor massacre
    2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents
    Bahr El-Baqar primary school bombing
    Ghaziyeh airstrikes
    Hula massacre
    Ibrahim al-Maqadma Mosque missile strike
    Kafr Qasim massacre
    Khan Yunis massacre
    Maarakeh bombing
    Mansouri attack
    Nabatieh Fawka attack
    2006 Qana airstrike
    Qana massacre
    Qibya massacre
    Rafah massacre
    Ras Sedr massacre
    Sabra mosque airstrike
    Shadia Abu Ghazala School massacre
    Tantura massacre
    Zeitoun killings
    Zrarieh raid
    As I’ve said, I am part Jewish, and I know Jewish people to be good, loving, and socially conscious people. And, I also know Palestinians to be good, loving, and socially conscious people.
    And, I support the Rights of both Jews & Palestinians to have their Own State, to Live in Peace, to Live Free from Attacks, to Live Free from Apartheid, to Live Free from Genocide, and to Live Free from Oppression.
    I must ask; Since 1948, how many Palestinians have Zionists Killed, Injured, Wrongfully Imprisoned, Displaced, Held Hostage in their ever-smaller settlements, and how many Properties have they Stolen from Palestinians?
    Killed: ~ 138,000?
    Civilians ~95%: ~131,100?
    Female ~50%: ~69,000?
    Children ~50%: ~69,000?
    Injured: ~276,000?
    Wrongfully Imprisoned: ~1,000,000?
    Displaced: ~1,000,000+?
    Held Hostage: ~1,000,000+?
    Properties Stolen: ~1,000,000?
    And this does not take into consideration the fact that the Palestinians have been Grossly Oppressed, Forced to live in, and Held Hostage, in their ever smaller settlements, with Excessively High Unemployment, Grossly Undernourished, and with No Expectation of Improvements.
    If what’s been done to the Palestinians, had been done to me, I would probably feel the same way.
    Sadly, I’ve been told from some Supporters of Israel that they Support Israel’s Apartheid of Palestinians because Jews lived in Palestine 1,000’s of years ago. Additionally, I’ve been told that they Support Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians since Nazis did it to the Jews. Clearly, these positions are Unjustified, Illegal, Inhuman, and Horrific.
    I believe Zionist Policies are Unjustified, Illegal, Inhuman, Horrific, Ethnocentrically Racist, Counter Productive towards Middle Eastern Peace, Inflames Hatred of Israel, Inflames Anti-Semitism, Undermines the Stability of Israel, possibly the Existence of Israel, and will likely result in another Middle East War. When you consider the Ramifications of Zionist Policies and its Detrimental Effects on Israel, a Jewish State, and its effects on the Middle East; I believe Zionist Policies are in fact Anti-Semitic.
    The Zionist Policies of 75+ YEARS, which are Racist Ethnocentric Colonialist policies of Forced Displacement of Palestinians, Holding Palestinians Hostage in their ever smaller settlements, Stealing Palestinian Ancestral land, Ethnic Cleansing, Apartheid, Genocide, Killings, Massacres, Wrongful Imprisonment, the Oppression, Dehumanization, and Collective Punishment of Palestinians; is FAR More Horrific than anything the PLO, Hezbollah, or Hamas has done to Israelis, COMBINED.
    I understand this is hard for some people to come to realize; but just look at the facts.
    Israel’s Racist Ethnocentric Colonialist Zionist Policies of 75 YEARS must stop.
    And if Israel doesn’t STOP this Racist Genocide of Palestinians and Return all the Stolen Land;
    the U.S. should Stop Funding Israel Entirely.
    And after that; I believe there should be a Two-State Solution, with a New Fair Partition of Palestine, with a UN Peace Keeping Force separating the two States, with Peace Incentives given to the Palestinians to nurture them towards Peace and away from Violence.
    Under International Law; those that are being Oppressed have a Legal Right to Resist the Oppression that they’ve been forced to endure and they have the Right to Fight for their Freedom.

    • @3rdEyeWide
      @3rdEyeWide Месяц назад

      Right. So one group of people believe - that through religion and heritage - they have dominion over one tiny, desolate sliver of country and generally stick to themselves. Another group of people - through religion and heritage - believe they have dominion over the ENTIRE world, that all must eventually convert to their one "true" religion or be put to the sword (in the meantimethose that don't convert can live as "dhimmis": second class citizens with limited rights). The first ideology is Zionism, the second ideology is Islamism. Which of these ideologies do you believe is the most totalitarian, fascistic and has had - and continues to have - the most detrimental impact on the world? Oh, and that second group of people have made it a "holy" mission to wipe out that first group of people. Sahih Muslim 2922.
      And how are people of other faiths faring at the hands of the adherents of the "religion of peace" in the Middle East? "Christian Persecution in the ME reaching 'genocide-like' levels" BBC 3rd May 2019. Only a centuray ago Christians made up 1/5th of the population of the Middle East, now that's down to 5%, and Israel is the only ME country still with a discernible Jewish population. Both Judaism and Christianity originate in the region and pre-date Islam, but both have just about been wiped out there. I bet you're all for diversity, multiculturalism etc, but you don't give a damn if the Middle East is turned into one homogenous, Arabized, Islamized blob.

  • @user-vk1wy5xe9i
    @user-vk1wy5xe9i Месяц назад +2

    The reflexion of the israeli gastly deeds is sickening.

  • @barrywald3153
    @barrywald3153 Месяц назад +7

    This commentary is spot on. Don’t need to over think it. Says it as it is and it’s factual.

  • @ameerobeid8406
    @ameerobeid8406 Месяц назад +35

    End the Israeli apartheid on Palestinians

    • @GuzelKyrim-Ukraine
      @GuzelKyrim-Ukraine Месяц назад

      Ameer Obeid! So called "palestinians" were invented by the Soviet propaganda machine in 1964 in order to punish Israel for not being the Soviet satellite! Thus, don't be an idiot!

    • @ninelspassionforfashion9289
      @ninelspassionforfashion9289 Месяц назад +3

      No such thing! Am Israel chai🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇮🇱

    • @ameerobeid8406
      @ameerobeid8406 Месяц назад +1

      @@ninelspassionforfashion9289 which one is it can’t be a ZioNazi and a genocide denier at the same time

    • @ninelspassionforfashion9289
      @ninelspassionforfashion9289 Месяц назад +2

      @@ameerobeid8406 proud Zionist all day every day not going anywhere!!! Without lies Islam dies!

    • @ameerobeid8406
      @ameerobeid8406 Месяц назад

      @@ninelspassionforfashion9289 people like you are a threat to the existence of Israel stop hijacking Judaism then cry when everything gets taken away from you free Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @mohammadalam9936
    @mohammadalam9936 Месяц назад +3

    God's judgment coming soon,

    • @lainefrajberg955
      @lainefrajberg955 Месяц назад

      It's already come on Mohammed Deif,Fuad Shukr,and Ismail Haniyeh.

  • @squijeelulu
    @squijeelulu Месяц назад +1

    Am Yisrael Chai 😍Long live Israel, the IDF and Benjamin Netanyahu ❤💙❤💙🔯🕎✡

  • @ameerobeid8406
    @ameerobeid8406 Месяц назад +29

    End the occupation now

    • @ajarnwordsmith628
      @ajarnwordsmith628 Месяц назад +2

      So, does that make you a one-state or two-state ideologue? Would you go further and advocate a no-state ideology where Jews are concerned? I think we should be told.

    • @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx
      @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx Месяц назад

      @@ajarnwordsmith628 Given that pretty much the entire world knows (a) that apartheid Israel has never been serious about a two-state solution, has undermined every attempt by Palestinians at negotiation and its leaders over the decades have made it clear they would never accept one; and
      (b) that a secular democracy of equal rights in which no-one is penalised is the obvious solution that, again, you Zionists refuse to even consider;
      your comment is just the standard Zionist hasbara.

    • @ninelspassionforfashion9289
      @ninelspassionforfashion9289 Месяц назад +3

      No such thing! Am Israel chai!!!!🇺🇸🇮🇱

    • @ameerobeid8406
      @ameerobeid8406 Месяц назад +1

      @@ajarnwordsmith628 follow international laws not to much to ask for ZioNazi don’t be a supremacist end the apartheid on Palestinians

    • @ameerobeid8406
      @ameerobeid8406 Месяц назад

      @@ajarnwordsmith628 don’t be a coward grow some and stand up for those that can’t fight for themselves without being called a terrorist Israel is illegal in all its existence don’t ask me ask yourself what is right id prefer one state with equal rights but because Zionist will never let that happen, Muslim and Jews and Christian’s forced to live divided Palestine was created to bring people together Zionism and Zionist are radical extremism that we need to stand up to like we did against islamism this double standard is so obvious and your questions are irrelevant

  • @honeybeechanger
    @honeybeechanger Месяц назад +7

    Hey you're taking the not in our name thing out of context. I guess that happens a lot in politics. You know the black lives matter thing was supposed to be well they matter because it doesn't seem like people are treating them like they matter like everybody else and then people took that out of context white people matter... I think the knot in our name thing it means that these people disagree with the way Netanyahu is representing them to the world. You can be against Hamas and also Netanyahu and still be pro Israel. The point in is it in a time when Netanyahu should be a unifying figure he is a divisive one.

    • @mydogsbutler
      @mydogsbutler Месяц назад

      The guy that made this video is a far right Jewish version of some far left woke types. Instead of smearing opponents as "racist" he's manipulating antisemetism to silence criticism of Netanyahu governent while pretending that's not what he's doing. Normal Finklestein wrote a book called the Holocaust Industry to describe paranoid nationalist fanatics that behave in this manners. They shamelessly act like they are being "persecuted" rather than address the issue of settlements and killing of thousands of kids to conquer the territory for settlers.. Yeah. He's just like the Jews that suffered in the holocaust. Epic lame.

    • @shruti7740
      @shruti7740 Месяц назад

      Israel has no problem claiming to be acting on behalf of all Jews, all democracies, all Western values, all civilization and all humanity. It's just an out of control regime used to getting what it wants by weaponising their ancestors' suffering. The only problem is that their abusers are now their "friends" and innocent ppl who did nothing to persecute them for 2000 yrs are paying the price for other ppls' sins.

    • @mathieufaltys
      @mathieufaltys Месяц назад +6

      Netanyahu has never been a unifying figure. Rather, he has always been deeply racist not only against Arabs but also against non-white Jews. You can be against Hamas, against Netanyahu, against a Jewish ethno-state, and still be pro-Jewish. An Israel for the Jews is no better than a Germany for the Germans.

    • @HasanKhanjar
      @HasanKhanjar Месяц назад +1

      ngl i am a palestinian who think have clicked the wrong video but good comment, yet the main issue is that the out-of-context interpretation in both cases is more likely than not, given the reasoning and accompanying actions, is intentional and not out of real confusing.
      i also think from where i stand at least that "not in our name" as in the war crimes, supremacist attitude, not that they denounce their "army" i mean kinda like we say "not in our name" when we disagree with a practice done by the resistance. actually things are more self explanatory than they are but it does kinda requires the mental ability to relate to your opponent.
      that said and since this seems poorly produced and poorly fact checked, if not AI.
      but yeah logically we both should develop our own and relate to each other's "not in our name" in every end game where we end the fighting without having to kill each other
      the question is how able are you to view a human beyond what their "name" suggests, else the cycle will keep rolling nobody should bear a burden due to just their "name "

    • @lucaskohn5457
      @lucaskohn5457 Месяц назад

      ​@@HasanKhanjar it is very correct what you said, but I have to agree with the video when it comes to jews. Regardless of what anyone thinks of Israel, no jew should suffer or be discriminated against just for being jew by associatiing them with Israel as well as no palestinian should not be discriminated against just because they are palestinian by associating them with Hamas. However, the former is happening a LOT given our times and the media is simply trying to hide these stories as best as they can, and saying "not in our name" is not a good thing to say in this scenario because it gives the impression that there are the "good jews" showing solidarity on one side and the "bad jews" who are "evil zionists" who can be killed by neonazis... The group of the "good jews" are not simply trying to appeal to a bunch of antissemites by holding the same views as them, if they are trully jews they really believe what they are saying, but probably don't really see/grasp the growing antissemitsm around them, and are acting, in the end, very similarly to the jews who handed other jews to the nazi authorities, wether they see/understand it or not. They are giving the green light for antissemites to attack the "bad jews" despite they never having done any harm in their lives! These jews (if they really are jews) are blind to antissemitism, and their blindness is dangerous...

  • @16tonw8
    @16tonw8 Месяц назад +2

    I don't deny Jews the same right that I would fight for on behalf of others, I'm actually against ALL colonialism, no matter who's doing it. It's pretty simple actually!

    • @d.tr6176
      @d.tr6176 Месяц назад

      Virtue signaller.

  • @4pd4stantone
    @4pd4stantone Месяц назад +9

    Free Palestine

    • @SteveXNYC
      @SteveXNYC Месяц назад

      Free yourself, no one else can't.

  • @007bbox
    @007bbox Месяц назад +7

    Another bias account. The future is redundant. Good job

    • @d.tr6176
      @d.tr6176 Месяц назад

      Why would you say that an account is biased when RUclips is open to all? What sense does it make?

  • @jaybeaton9301
    @jaybeaton9301 Месяц назад +3

    It’s nice to see modern Js assimilating.

  • @arveyilleszender5809
    @arveyilleszender5809 Месяц назад +2

    Your title is wrong. People are not against Jews, they are Zionism.

    • @d.tr6176
      @d.tr6176 Месяц назад

      For what reason?

    • @arveyilleszender5809
      @arveyilleszender5809 Месяц назад

      @@d.tr6176 because Zionists believe they are a ‘superior’ people.

  • @LunaBoo12
    @LunaBoo12 Месяц назад +2

    How did this hasbara nonsense end up in my feed?

  • @bhakta777
    @bhakta777 Месяц назад +3

    The UN provided a piece of Palestine for Israel in 1948 but they have taken all of it which WOULD BE OK IF ALL PEOPLE HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS as THE US has done with their imported African Slaves!

    • @tomschwartz4381
      @tomschwartz4381 Месяц назад +2

      Arab Israelis have all the same rights as Israeli Jews. Look it up.

    • @YTSparty
      @YTSparty Месяц назад

      @@tomschwartz4381 Arab Jews?

    • @3rdEyeWide
      @3rdEyeWide Месяц назад +1

      Oh, you mean like how all the Islamic-majority countries provide equal rights for minorities? "Christian Persecution in the Middle East reaching 'genocide-like' levels" - BBC 3rd May 2019

    • @bhakta777
      @bhakta777 Месяц назад

      @@3rdEyeWide I would love Israel to own all THE MIDDLE EAST because I dislike those monarchies and Califates but all I demand is that ALL CITIZENS BE EQUAL AS THE US DID WITH ITS AFRICAN SLAVES... That is all! SIMPLE!!! If all are equal anybody can get to become President and/or Prime Minister!!! If you want an EXCLUSIVE FOR JEWS COUNTRY please go back to the land assigned to you in 1948 by THE UN!!! DO NOT CONQUER MORE LAND FORCING SUBMISSION TO YOUR ARROGANCE which is the main characteristic of you people! Better go back to Europe as you are not Semitic anyway!

    • @bhakta777
      @bhakta777 Месяц назад

      @@3rdEyeWide I AM SORRY!

  • @HavingFunYet-zc8wb
    @HavingFunYet-zc8wb Месяц назад

    is there one of you ? ... or do you hide as you hear the truth and your teeth grind

  • @SteveXNYC
    @SteveXNYC Месяц назад


  • @wouterjansen4176
    @wouterjansen4176 Месяц назад


  • @MikhailLivshitz
    @MikhailLivshitz Месяц назад +9

    Free Palestine.

    • @ninelspassionforfashion9289
      @ninelspassionforfashion9289 Месяц назад +3

      No such place! Am Israel chai!!!🇮🇱🇺🇸

    • @nicepers0n
      @nicepers0n Месяц назад +1

      @@ninelspassionforfashion9289 Israel isn’t even as old as my mom. Sounds fake

    • @ninelspassionforfashion9289
      @ninelspassionforfashion9289 Месяц назад +3

      @@nicepers0n I’m sure your mom is pretty old at least 6000 years

    • @nicepers0n
      @nicepers0n Месяц назад +2

      @@ninelspassionforfashion9289 there’s a difference between a people and a country but that might be too complex of a concept for you

    • @ninelspassionforfashion9289
      @ninelspassionforfashion9289 Месяц назад +2

      @@nicepers0n so complex…

  • @manoa76
    @manoa76 Месяц назад +2

    Well said.

  • @user-cm4lo8ek9u
    @user-cm4lo8ek9u Месяц назад

    poor isreal allways the victim

    • @3rdEyeWide
      @3rdEyeWide Месяц назад +1

      Well, perhaps if certain religions didn't have the destruction of the Jewish race hard-wired, they'd have less to feel aggrieved about. Sahih Muslim 2922.

    • @user-cm4lo8ek9u
      @user-cm4lo8ek9u Месяц назад

      @@3rdEyeWide isreal was sheadding blood from the get go your nuts if you think this started on the 7th nabka rings a bell?