Prof. Mearsheimer REVEALS: the US DESTROYED Its Global Hegemony. Russia, China Advance Multipolarity

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
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    (Dated: October 2018)
    In this video, Professor John Mearsheimer, the prominent international relations scholar, discusses his book, "The Great Delusion", U.S. liberal hegemony and its failures, the effects of nationalism, the conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, U.S. foreign policy in Ukraine and the Middle East, NATO expansion, the rise of Russia and China, and the shift from a unipolar to a multipolar world.
    Dans cette vidéo, le professeur John Mearsheimer discute de son livre, "The Great Delusion", de l'hégémonie libérale des États-Unis et de ses échecs, des effets du nationalisme, des conflits en Afghanistan, en Irak et en Syrie, de la politique étrangère américaine en Ukraine et au Moyen-Orient, de l'expansion de l'OTAN, de l'essor de la Russie et de la Chine, et du passage d'un monde unipolaire à un monde multipolaire.
    در این ویدیو، پروفسور جان میرشایمر در مورد کتاب خود، "The Great Delusion"، هژمونی لیبرال ایالات متحده و شکست‌های آن، اثرات ناسیونالیسم، درگیری‌های افغانستان، عراق و سوریه، سیاست خارجی ایالات متحده در اوکراین و خاورمیانه، گسترش ناتو، ظهور روسیه و چین و انتقال از جهان تک‌قطبی به چندقطبی صحبت می‌کند.
    في هذا الفيديو، يناقش البروفيسور جون ميرشايمر كتابه "The Great Delusion"، الهيمنة الليبرالية الأمريكية وإخفاقاتها، آثار القومية، النزاعات في أفغانستان والعراق وسوريا، السياسة الخارجية الأمريكية في أوكرانيا والشرق الأوسط، توسع الناتو، صعود روسيا والصين، والتحول من عالم أحادي القطب إلى عالم متعدد الأقطاب.
    En este video, el profesor John Mearsheimer analiza su libro, "The Great Delusion", la hegemonía liberal de Estados Unidos y sus fracasos, los efectos del nacionalismo, los conflictos en Afganistán, Irak y Siria, la política exterior de Estados Unidos en Ucrania y el Medio Oriente, la expansión de la OTAN, el auge de Rusia y China, y el cambio de un mundo unipolar a un mundo multipolar.
    Neste vídeo, o professor John Mearsheimer discute seu livro, "The Great Delusion", a hegemonia liberal dos EUA e seus fracassos, os efeitos do nacionalismo, os conflitos no Afeganistão, no Iraque e na Síria, a política externa dos EUA na Ucrânia e no Oriente Médio, a expansão da OTAN, o crescimento da Rússia e da China, e a transição de um mundo unipolar para um mundo multipolar.
    اس ویڈیو میں، پروفیسر جان میرشائمر اپنی کتاب "The Great Delusion" پر گفتگو کرتے ہیں، امریکی لبرل غلبہ اور اس کی ناکامیاں، قوم پرستی کے اثرات، افغانستان، عراق، اور شام میں تنازعات، یوکرین اور مشرق وسطیٰ میں امریکی خارجہ پالیسی، نیٹو کی توسیع، روس اور چین کا عروج، اور یک قطبی دنیا سے کثیر قطبی دنیا کی طرف منتقلی۔
    В этом видео профессор Джон Миршаймер обсуждает свою книгу "The Great Delusion", либеральную гегемонию США и её провалы, влияние национализма, конфликты в Афганистане, Ираке и Сирии, внешнюю политику США в Украине и на Ближнем Востоке, расширение НАТО, рост России и Китая и переход от однополярного мира к многополярному.
    在这段视频中,约翰·米尔斯海默教授讨论了他的书《The Great Delusion》,美国的自由霸权及其失败、民族主义的影响、阿富汗、伊拉克和叙利亚的冲突、美国在乌克兰和中东的外交政策、北约扩张、俄罗斯和中国的崛起,以及从单极世界向多极世界的转变。
    इस वीडियो में, प्रोफेसर जॉन मीरशाइमर अपनी किताब "The Great Delusion" पर चर्चा करते हैं, अमेरिकी उदारवादी प्रभुत्व और उसकी विफलताएं, राष्ट्रवाद के प्रभाव, अफगानिस्तान, इराक, और सीरिया में संघर्ष, यूक्रेन और मध्य पूर्व में अमेरिकी विदेश नीति, नाटो का विस्तार, रूस और चीन का उदय, और एकध्रुवीय से बहुध्रुवीय दुनिया की ओर बदलाव।
    In diesem Video spricht Professor John Mearsheimer über sein Buch "The Great Delusion", die liberale Hegemonie der USA und deren Fehlschläge, die Auswirkungen des Nationalismus, die Konflikte in Afghanistan, Irak und Syrien, die US-Außenpolitik in der Ukraine und im Nahen Osten, die NATO-Erweiterung, den Aufstieg Russlands und Chinas und den Übergang von einer unipolaren zu einer multipolaren Welt.
    In hierdie video bespreek professor John Mearsheimer sy boek, "The Great Delusion", die liberale hegemonie van die VSA en sy mislukkings, die gevolge van nasionalisme, die konflikte in Afghanistan, Irak en Sirië, die VSA se buitelandse beleid in die Oekraïne en die Midde-Ooste, die uitbreiding van NAVO, die opkoms van Rusland en China, en die oorgang van 'n unipolêre na 'n multipolêre wêreld.
    Bu videoda Profesör John Mearsheimer, "The Great Delusion" kitabını, ABD'nin liberal hegemonyası ve başarısızlıklarını, milliyetçiliğin etkilerini, Afganistan, Irak ve Suriye'deki çatışmaları, ABD'nin Ukrayna ve Orta Doğu'daki dış politikasını, NATO'nun genişlemesini, Rusya ve Çin'in yükselişini ve tek kutuplu bir dünyadan çok kutuplu bir dünyaya geçişi tartışıyor.
    Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
    #usa #russia #china #middleeast #brics #nato #europe #ukraine #military #geopolitics #political #politics #realism #predictions #johnmearsheimer #analysis

Комментарии • 141

  • @mingtsang-wi5ee
    @mingtsang-wi5ee 9 дней назад +32

    China just want to improve the living standard for the people, no no war!

    • @chriswong9158
      @chriswong9158 9 дней назад

      Deng Xiaoping famously said "It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice."
      Deng Xiaoping said "To Get Rich is Glorious"

    • @ThinkingIndian62
      @ThinkingIndian62 5 дней назад

      Then why is China everywhere in Indian Ocean, in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldives and now in Bangladesh? Why did China transgressed Indian border in Ladakh where even a blade of grass does not grow? Is it a peace loving behaviour?

  • @zeissiez
    @zeissiez 9 дней назад +78

    I have a lot of respect for Mr Mearsheimer, except for one thing, he has not properly learned the history of China. He still has this mentality: “Once China becomes the biggest power in the world, we would be colonised, our resources looted, our treasures raided, we will be told what to do, because we did those things when we were powerful, so they would do the same”. This is a low level ignorance unfitting for a scholar of his pedigree.
    I’m from Malaysia. China has been trading with us for two thousand years, but never once China invaded us. Let’s not forget China was the world’s biggest power in 1800 years of the last 2000 years. When China wanted something they traded with us. In 1511, the Portuguese came, in 1642 the Dutch came, in 1786 the British came, we were colonised by each, one after another.
    Since the 1840s, China went through the Century of Humiliation following the Opium Wars, Western colonisation and invasion by Imperial Japan. In the 1980s, it was even poorer than some countries in Africa. Since 1990, it has started to grow and turned to a superpower today, without dropping a single bomb in a foreign country. Never before in history of mankind, from the Athenian, to the Roman Empire, to the Mongolian Empire, to the Ottoman Empire, to the British Empire, to Nazi German and Imperial Japan, to the American Empire, has a superpower risen without wars, slavery & colonisation of other countries.
    This is very consistent to their long history. And this is what real civilization should be.

    • @marcelo55869
      @marcelo55869 9 дней назад +8

      He knows his own ideology to a T, but is illiterated on other ideologies... This makes him sound very pretentious because he knows very little about other cultures when he describe them. This makes it seem like he is putting words on others mouth...
      He pretty much lacks the language and tools to describe the world from the perspective of the others... he always describes the world from the point of view of bully, from the point of view of a colo=nizer.
      Not to mention, liberalism is mostly filosofical, a bunch of logical conclusions from assumed premisses. There is no scientific way to prove many of it's claims and little effort to assert the premisses. Other systems try to address this problem with real world history as evidence, liberalism has little tools to address this and very little development to show in this regard...

    • @chriswong9158
      @chriswong9158 9 дней назад +4

      Those who don’t learn from history will bound to repeat it. Chinese read history, 5,000 years of history.....

    • @4-SeasonNature
      @4-SeasonNature 9 дней назад


    • @peanut0brain
      @peanut0brain 9 дней назад

      ​@@ysw8291he's being reasonable about Róõsïą but his main product is "China is the threat"

    • @patrickjanssens6356
      @patrickjanssens6356 9 дней назад +2

      It is very simple, there is no reason why a single country, whichever that might be must lead ( rule ) the world. All countries on the world are, or should be equal.

  • @ohmikesroh5904
    @ohmikesroh5904 10 дней назад +22

    The best part is the US and its allies did it all for themselves, to themselves. What geniuses they are. Congratulations!

    • @chriswong9158
      @chriswong9158 9 дней назад

      ‘Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.’ - Napoleon Bonaparte

  • @nancinyols8015
    @nancinyols8015 9 дней назад +10

    I almost never agree with Prof Mearsheimer, but, as an American who has lived outside the USA since 1983, I think his talks are educational if you want to understand how Americans think. It's sad, supremist and cruel - that's how the USA runs things. The USA thinking because they have been financially successful therefore means they (or their system) is better than others is like thinking the richest guy is the smartest guy. Thanks, Elon. Also, the USA's particular marriage of individualism and capitalism has made it all ok to profit off your fellow man. Think about AMWAY. This is what will fracture them beyond repair. There is no real sense of community in "Americans". Loyalties are to your state, or your peer group, or your racial group, or your country of origin, or your church, etc. Everyone else is just a "Mark" for you to objectify and take advantage of whenever you have the opportunity.

    • @alienasoul
      @alienasoul 5 дней назад

      Phony commercialized nationalism. Just look at any pick-up truck advert on TV during a sports game. Commercialized pride.

  • @organizer14
    @organizer14 9 дней назад +9

    M please go to China, it may change some of your comments on China.

    • @peanut0brain
      @peanut0brain 9 дней назад +1

      He's wearing too thick glass of propaganda. Even when he sees Chinese people having the freedom to drink in public, he won't see it or will twist it 180 degrees

    • @barkobummer
      @barkobummer 8 дней назад

      LOL this guy is simply trying to sell a book.
      This is the same guy, who believed that U$ should not fight Russia, but instead U$ should unite with Russia against China. LMAO!
      This guy will sell you his mother if she's worth anything.
      Just another war hawk trying to sell fear. It is the same with them kind, you either fight Russia, China, Iran, Middle east, or somebody!!!! Peace is NOT an option for these old people gleeful in promoting wars whilst send the young ones to die for capitalism!!!!

  • @chriswong9158
    @chriswong9158 9 дней назад +8

    China's non-interference directive of other Nation States, Country... It is and has been their policy since 1950 to present.
    China last war was 1979, in the meantime USA has been in war with one or others since 1950 to present.

  • @chankane
    @chankane 9 дней назад +7

    I've been noting US's moral decline since the mid 70's (I was barely 10yrs old then). From then and through the 80's, 90's, 00's and even through the 10's... I've been ridiculed, made fun of, called names (Communist, etc) just name it, you know how it is; and we STILL see it everywhere on the political arena... I've come to conclude, it's not a matter of intelligence in which I just thought ALL my friends are simply stupid dumb craps... but, that some people are followers (most of my friends) and some are not (me).... May Trump win...

    • @chriswong9158
      @chriswong9158 9 дней назад

      China file the idea of Communist in 1978, the name Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is of name only since Deng Xiaoping visit the USA and signing with US President Jimmy Carter in 1978 of Taiwan is part of China.
      Deng Xiaoping famously said "It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice."
      Deng Xiaoping said "To Get Rich is Glorious"

  • @yu-jd5jg
    @yu-jd5jg 9 дней назад +4

    All Empires had a certain life span and the world's last empire the American Empire shall irreversibly end in this generation despite Washington's desperate attempts to prevent it from happening

  • @hifivingstarfish6885
    @hifivingstarfish6885 9 дней назад +2

    Terrible US thinking. As spiderman said, "great power comes with great responsibilities". Spiderman only used his powers for the greater good and only when he needed. The US is unhinged in forever wars. And if spiderman and the hulk can co-exist side by side, so can the US learn to exist amongst all other great powers and countries.
    The Professer's views and US views are naive, one-sided, and all about being the badest dude on the planet. History has shown, it can't be achieved. And what would it matter if life ends when nuclear wars break out? Think about it, the US is almost childish in their goals and endeavors.

  • @organizer14
    @organizer14 9 дней назад +8

    What happens to responsibilities? There is no right without responsibility!

    • @chriswong9158
      @chriswong9158 9 дней назад

      USA : US Asked China to urge Tehran to rein in Iran-backed Houthi rebels attacking commercial ships in the Red Sea so that we can concentrate War in the island of Taiwan with you.
      China reply : You're Nuts

    • @jacku8304
      @jacku8304 8 дней назад

      Who is responsible for responsibility ? How do you determine responsibility. Definitely not the self appointed U.S.

  • @atrayser
    @atrayser 9 дней назад +3

    One mistake made in argument was in ukraine - where seemed to suggest that Russia invading Ukraine was a disaster - explained well was why NATO on Russias border was noit acceptable - but the key distinction for Russia & Ukraine is the nature of Ukraine - it was part of one nation for several hundred years using the same language and culture as opposed to other parts of the Russian empire whic had different languages and religions - and suddenly in the break up a huge percentage of Ukraine was left with strong relations and connections to Russia - teh US supported the portion of the Ukraine population that was anti Russian - and then supported a coup that forced upon a divided nation a total divorce from Russia and alllowed via a coup a deeply illiberal politics which did not allow the people of Eastern ukraine to be pro Russian because of the centuries of intermarriage and connection to Russia - it was a perfect recipe for a civil war - which Russia suppported - about 40 % of ukraine supported in election after election pro Russia politicians.
    So in other words ukraine was a very split and so not only did we try to force ukaraine into NATo and support a non demcocratic government which banned Russian and even banned entire parties which represented nearly half the populataionand which never in any opinion poll up to the war, had ever a majority of the population been in favor of joining NATO - even the EU got at most 60 % support meaning a large portion of the population was against even that.
    Without understanding taht it is impossible to comprehend why Russia pursued a war which otherwise woud be a disaster - because we pushed Ukraine and engineered a coup which destroyed the potential for the nation to be a bridge between Russia and Western Europe and instead continue the effort to destabilize Russia. Once again the efforts is going to do exactly the opposite - Russia is now re industrializing, learning to be self sufficient economically and embedd itself into other trading systems with nations who wlll WELCOME the trade and cooperation and especially form an alliance with China to promote a world divorced from WEstern Europe and the US able to develope new trade rules voluntarily rather than being forced into rules which favored the US and Western Europe - it is the most important geopolitdical development in our lifetimes.

    • @bochiecole
      @bochiecole 7 дней назад

      " it is the most important geopolitdical development in our lifetimes" It really is and the US is willing to start WW3 to because of this!!

  • @canhhumphries2398
    @canhhumphries2398 9 дней назад +5

    In my opinion to Chinese people the single unit of human beings is made of families. Aggregate family units form societies and aggregate societies a country. Human beings were born into families in which a family member must be filial to their parents, respect their elder brothers and sisters, and care about their younger siblings. Therefore a unit of human beings is not individual nor social. Confucianism hold family units, societies, and the country together.

    • @erictansweebeng5498
      @erictansweebeng5498 9 дней назад +1

      The definition of a Country in Chinese is made up of 2 words, country and family!

    • @erictansweebeng5498
      @erictansweebeng5498 9 дней назад +1

      Without families, there can be no country, without country there can be no families.

    • @canhhumphries2398
      @canhhumphries2398 9 дней назад

      Yes, I know.

    • @canhhumphries2398
      @canhhumphries2398 9 дней назад

      Yes, agree. Thanks for your input.

  • @jchanmcse
    @jchanmcse 7 дней назад +1

    Did Mr. Mearsheimer learn history of China by eating Chinese food? It seems he never been to China. He may still think Chinese people are still riding bicycles for transportation.

  • @LipingKong-ms1zm
    @LipingKong-ms1zm 9 дней назад +4

    I really don't think Americans rights have any content. We are worried about public safety terribly, we see around there are so many people, especially children, without enough food and look at the recent events of college students fighting for Palestinians...where are the individuals rights?

    • @chriswong9158
      @chriswong9158 9 дней назад

      First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a socialist.
      Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a trade unionist.
      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Jew.
      Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me. - Martin Niemöller If you believe, think again

    • @peanut0brain
      @peanut0brain 9 дней назад

      Right! Hollow rhetoric of "freedom and democracy" "human rights etc"

    • @barkobummer
      @barkobummer 8 дней назад

      LOL this guy is simply trying to sell a book.
      This is the same guy, who believed that U$ should not fight Russia, but instead U$ should unite with Russia against China. LMAO!
      This guy will sell you his mother if she's worth anything.
      Just another war hawk trying to sell fear. It is the same with them kind, you either fight Russia, China, Iran, Middle east, or somebody!!!! Peace is NOT an option for these old people gleeful in promoting wars whilst send the young ones to die for capitalism!!!!

  • @Wfmike
    @Wfmike 9 дней назад +7

    The fact that John thinks USA is a liberal democracy but the moment you criticize liberal democracy you are instantly labelled a communist, Chinese/Russian bots is quite hilarious.

    • @peanut0brain
      @peanut0brain 9 дней назад

      Hello I'm a Chinese bot. You make no sense.

    • @Wfmike
      @Wfmike 9 дней назад +1

      @@peanut0brain name checks out.

  • @is2ken
    @is2ken 10 дней назад +5

    If democracy works how come US divided so deeply into two parts?

      @ASTRAGEM 10 дней назад


    • @chriswong9158
      @chriswong9158 9 дней назад

      In US America, people can choose to change political party but can't change policy.
      In China, people can't just change their political party but they can change policy.
      History has shown.

    • @is2ken
      @is2ken 9 дней назад

      ​@@chriswong9158 In my opinion, the purpose of democracy is to create a system of governance that serves the people and improves their quality of life. However, what I see today is quite the opposite. Instead of lifting citizens out of poverty, many are still struggling. Additionally, in the name of democracy, we’ve intervened in places like Iraq, Liberia, Afghanistan, and now Ukraine, often leaving behind instability and chaos. This raises the question: is democracy really fulfilling its promise, or is it being used as a tool for disruption both at home and abroad?

    • @beyondrecall9446
      @beyondrecall9446 6 дней назад

      Even Liberia?? ? Well, yeah and you can only choose between 2 parties that are one, just pretend and play they different.. 2... you call my country undemocratic, but we had 19 names on the ballot for president... the NED later organized an attempted coup again and failed​@@is2ken

  • @keffinsg
    @keffinsg 9 дней назад +2

    The trouble is Democracy has a built in vulnerability....populism....which is a favourite tool of the oligarchs.

    • @rap3208
      @rap3208 9 дней назад +2

      There is a reason democracy disappeared for more than 2000 years after athens. Even Plato and Aristotle, their most famous intellectuals/philosophers were vehemently against it.
      Among their reasons, they believed a government should be led by philosopher-kings, who possess wisdom and virtue instead of one voted by ordinary citizens that lack the knowledge to make informed decisions about governance. This is echoed by Winston Churchill in the modern times who said, " “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average

  • @bkparikh
    @bkparikh 9 дней назад +1

    Spreading liberal democracy seems to come at a price because if other democracies don’t agree with us then we get into regime change. This causes distrust around the world. Why can’t we give up such utopias and live and let live

    • @beyondrecall9446
      @beyondrecall9446 6 дней назад

      Because you live off of that fear, silly... If the world didn't see Sadam and Gaddafi, nobody would suffer under US sanctions, about 1/3 of the World economy is under a kind of US sanctions.. Therefore, everybody would just buy the dollar and the US could be the only country to live off of money printing, while having s deficit... now they hit a brick wall

  • @chriswong9158
    @chriswong9158 9 дней назад +3

    Prof. Mearsheimer new book title is the best way to descript his own life work, Delusion... fiction.

    • @marcelo55869
      @marcelo55869 9 дней назад

      That's because liberalism is mostly a philosophy, a way to see life: The way to see life as an individualist.
      The problem is they assume a bunch of premisses and do little work to investigate the premisses. In the worst subfields of study, they disregard historical context and try to apply it purely on rhetorical imaginary "island of entrepreneurs".
      Although there are many lines of study under this umbrela, most of them do very little evidence based research that would turn it from philosophy into science and prefer to continue investigating the pure logical reasoning and theoretical aspects.

    • @barkobummer
      @barkobummer 8 дней назад

      LOL this guy is simply trying to sell a book.
      This is the same guy, who believed that U$ should not fight Russia, but instead U$ should unite with Russia against China. LMAO!
      This guy will sell you his mother if she's worth anything.
      Just another war hawk trying to sell fear. It is the same with them kind, you either fight Russia, China, Iran, Middle east, or somebody!!!! Peace is NOT an option for these old people gleeful in promoting wars whilst send the young ones to die for capitalism!!!!

  • @Jean-Sylvain-v5t
    @Jean-Sylvain-v5t 3 дня назад

    There is no objective reason to say that China could behave like the US. China has a history of diplomacy while the US has a history of war. The Chinese do not have a warlike approach to relations between countries. John was born in the US. He has an American point of view on the state of the world and on other countries. One life is certainly not enough to understand how the world works. My best recommendation for John would be to go live in China for the rest of his life, live 100 years and write a new book on the state of the world at the age of 99. His conclusions would certainly be different.

  • @Jean-Sylvain-v5t
    @Jean-Sylvain-v5t 3 дня назад

    John does not have a realistic approach to the world, but a pessimistic and deeply American one. Starting from the example of the USA, his country, a rogue country, extremely violent, he concludes that other countries can only be rogue countries. John was born and raised in a violent country, and like a child who grew up in a violent family, he sees violence everywhere. He believes deeply that violence is the norm. But humans are not beings driven primarily by violence. It is an impulse among other impulses, but it is not an impulse that dominates the others. It becomes so in sociopaths, but in this case it is an illness. We can conclude that the USA is a seriously ill country. Which does not mean that other countries are, but they may react to the illness of others as I would if I had a sociopathic neighbor. Unfortunately there is no medication to treat sociopathy.

  • @George.JS.Bailey
    @George.JS.Bailey 7 дней назад

    Personally, I don't think liberal democracy is a perfect system. Direct democracy is so superior and exercised very closely in Switzerland. Democracy is falling apart more and more due to population growth. It's also quite corrupt. Unfortunately, it's this corruption that will prevent anything better being introduced.

  • @edmundfung7604
    @edmundfung7604 6 дней назад

    JM is at his best talking about political theory and US politics. He is less pervasive talking about China. He needs to study Chinese philosophy, learn a bit of Chinese culture, get a handle on CCP politics and come to grips with the reality of China.

  • @bkparikh
    @bkparikh 9 дней назад

    You see that in the Republican Party where group loyalty preempts national interest.

  • @yasseralsaidi1168
    @yasseralsaidi1168 3 дня назад

    The claws are getting old and beek is not sharp anymore , the glory is gone

  • @billharshbarger7191
    @billharshbarger7191 6 дней назад

    claiming that liberalism actually values individual inalienable rights is ahistorical

  • @kingsircheng4540
    @kingsircheng4540 9 дней назад

    Sheep eat grass, wouldn’t eat wolfs or other animals yes or no hello?!

  • @yasseralsaidi1168
    @yasseralsaidi1168 3 дня назад

    Then you will inherent all their problems that's a no go

  • @organizer14
    @organizer14 9 дней назад +2

    What is the difference between nation vs country! China is not a nation, Chiba is a country.

    • @Conorp77
      @Conorp77 6 дней назад

      A nation is a group of people who share a common culture, language, history. A country is a state. If a group of people have their own country, you have a nation state.

  • @captiveexile2670
    @captiveexile2670 10 дней назад +1

    Read & UNDERSTAND the FUTURE (now happening as "Lebanon withers"", see what's YET TO OCCUR----> ISAIAH 33:1,9,13*. Amen.

  • @JPDeshaies-y3i
    @JPDeshaies-y3i 8 дней назад

    Well stop pissing everyone hahaha😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Fireball4511
    @Fireball4511 5 дней назад

    This guy is very fun to listen to.

  • @dwightmcfee9521
    @dwightmcfee9521 9 дней назад +1

    Economic liberalization is a Market/social Conservative looking for market share. Why the US is a 'liberal' hegemony. Socially deeply conservative. Which is why I think the word liberal is doing heavy lifting here Professor.

    • @chriswong9158
      @chriswong9158 9 дней назад

      “There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

  • @AlB-lr8du
    @AlB-lr8du 6 дней назад

    Jesus alive

  • @chriswong9158
    @chriswong9158 9 дней назад +3

    “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War USA today is succumbing Worldwide.

    • @rap3208
      @rap3208 9 дней назад

      The problem with John Meirsheimer is that he didn't bother to know the enemy - CHina.
      His analysis in Europe and the western world are mostly correct because americans share the same mindset with them, China and probably most of the east is different from them.

  • @jeronimotamayolopera4834
    @jeronimotamayolopera4834 10 дней назад +2


    • @captiveexile2670
      @captiveexile2670 9 дней назад

      Yes, we mustunderstand TRUMP MISUSED HIS FREEDOMS to spout LIES and SLANDER, creating a cult of blood- hungry vigilantes ready to "KILL FOR PEACE" (human animals seen in CHARLOTTESVILLE-- on JAN,6th, 2021

    • @chriswong9158
      @chriswong9158 9 дней назад

      “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War US has been succumbing since 1945.

  • @tomlai-l7m
    @tomlai-l7m 8 дней назад


  • @NinoKhizanishvili-v5o
    @NinoKhizanishvili-v5o 9 дней назад +1


  • @patrickjanssens6356
    @patrickjanssens6356 9 дней назад +1

    The root of the US problem is that it is (neol)liberal, This ideology is focused on individualism = all countries are in competition with each other and the US wants to come out of this competition as a winner no matter what.

    • @LipingKong-ms1zm
      @LipingKong-ms1zm 8 дней назад

      Competition takes skills and mental focus to win, the winner should be decided based on merit, not other non moral measures.

    • @patrickjanssens6356
      @patrickjanssens6356 8 дней назад

      @@LipingKong-ms1zm Hey the competition the US is in, well that is about war, sanctions, thousands of dead people. Even internally this year already 400 shootings. Each year may be 30000 dead by firearms. About 2 million constantly in prison. Does the world have to change to that image? I would like not to.

  • @totoroshirl333
    @totoroshirl333 9 дней назад +1

    I think the fundamental problem about American politics is that it assumes that different cultures of the world all view the values of liberalism/democracy as the same utmost values of the world. Americans can’t wrap their heads around that fact that many cultures are bred on the fact that socialistic importance overrides that of individualism…Americans have no respect for that…

  • @FilipGajdoš-s1v
    @FilipGajdoš-s1v 9 дней назад +3

    I like Mearsheimers realistic approach. It make sense to me with respect to current situation.

    • @GIZMO3380
      @GIZMO3380 9 дней назад +2

      I believe his opinion is old fashion so is USA policy. He is living in the past perhaps he is old 😂😂😂 still talking about the imperialist /colonism period. The world move on and world is now smaller and people of the world can see the hypocrisy. Prof Jeffrey Sachs's view is more modern and fit how the world should be for the future. Mearsheimer called himself realist but he is not real enough to know that the world is not in th1900s. The world has move in into 2000s. The world has changed BE REAL.😂😂😂

  • @alisra007
    @alisra007 9 дней назад


  • @DualTasticToday
    @DualTasticToday 10 дней назад +1

    John for Independent President. If the Senate passes Secret Service protection. John we have a Independent political party path.

  • @lokitus
    @lokitus 9 дней назад +3

    This guy is one of the great thinkers of our age.

    • @chriswong9158
      @chriswong9158 9 дней назад

      So was Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Khan.
      "All who surrender will be spared; whoever does not surrender but opposes with struggle and dissension, shall be annihilated" - Genghis Khan

  • @captiveexile2670
    @captiveexile2670 10 дней назад

    LOOK MA ! NO HANDS ! ! (Trump finally admited his CRIMES --- just before his PROUD BOYS COULD MISS HIM AGAIN)

  • @โดเรม่อนรักชาติ


  • @cattlecorner305
    @cattlecorner305 9 дней назад

    Professor how come I didn't know you were in Texas?

  • @toddkallenbach3904
    @toddkallenbach3904 9 дней назад

    USA/NATO/Zios: King of the North (Beast Power of Rev 13:1)
    BRICS: Kings from the East
    -Dan 11:40-44
    -Rev 16:12-16