Sven Podvornik | Faces of BPPM

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • 📽 Faces of BPPM vol.5 - @jekyll_rocket 👦🏻
    Naslednji v naši seriji obrazov, ki jih lahko vsakodnevno srečate v Bike Parku Pohorje Maribor je Sven Podvornik! 🌟
    ☝ 17-letni Sven je na kolo prvič sedel pri enem letu. Tekmuje tako v enduru kot v spustu, v obeh disciplinah pa tako kot izkušnje rastejo tudi rezultati! Njegov najboljši rezultat doslej je 3. mesto na državnem prvenstvu Slovenije v Enduru! 🏆
    V gorsko kolesarstvo se je zaljubil pri 12 letih, od takrat pa se ljubezen samo še stopnjuje! Najprej ga je pritegnilo predvsem obračanje pedalov po enoslednicah, nato pa je počasi začel prevladovati adrenalin pri spustih. Sedaj ima najraje strme, tehnične traile! 🚵
    ✨ Kaj so Svenove sanje? Da bi se lahko celo življenje ukvarjal s tem čudovitim športom! Kot rajder ali kot trener. 🤘
    🎬 Oglejte si, kako ga Sven šred na progah Ruška Family in Ruška Flow v coni Areh! 😎
    Ponosni smo, da imamo v našem bike parku mlade talente, ki nas navdajajo z upanjem za izjemen razvoj gorskega kolesarstva v naši regiji. 🌄
    Sledite nam za še več akcije v naši seriji “Faces of BPPM”! 🤙
    📽 Faces of BPPM vol.5 - @jekyll_rocket 👦🏻
    The next face in our series, whom you can meet daily at Bike Park Pohorje Maribor, is Sven Podvornik! 🌟
    ☝ 17-year-old Sven first sat on a bike at the age of one. He competes in both enduro and downhill, and as his experience grows, so do his results! His best result so far is 3rd place at the Slovenian Enduro Championship! 🏆
    He fell in love with mountain biking at the age of 12, and since then, his passion has only intensified! Initially, he was drawn to pedaling along singletracks, but gradually, the adrenaline of downhill riding took over. Now he loves steep, technical trails the most! 🚵
    ✨ What are Sven’s dreams? To be able to engage in this wonderful sport for his entire life! Either as a rider or as a coach. 🤘
    🎬 Check out Sven shredding the Ruška Family and Ruška Flow trails in the Areh zone! 😎
    We are proud to have young talents in our bike park who fill us with hope for the exceptional development of mountain biking in our region. 🌄
    Follow us for more action in our “Faces of BPPM” series! 🤙

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