Who shall see a white ship leave the last shore, the pale phantoms in her cold bosom like gulls wailing? Who shall heed a white ship, vague as a butterfly, in the flowing sea on starlike wings, the sea surging, the foam blowing, the wings shining, the light fading? Who shall hear the wind roaring like forest leaves; the white rocks snarling in the moon gleaming, in the moon waning, in the moon falling a corpse-candle; the storm mumbling, the abyss moving? Who shall see the clouds gather, the heavens bending upon crumbling hills, the sea heaving, the abyss yawning, the old darkness beyond the stars falling upon fallen towers? Who shall heed a broken ship on the black rocks under broken skies, a bleared sun blinking on bones gleaming in the last morning? Who shall see the last evening?
⚡лава Україні!💛🔱💙 Героям ⚡лава!⚔️ ⚡лава Nації!🦅 Смерть в0р0гам!💀 Бог й Україна понад усе!🌀 Радіймо, Ельфо-Арії!🧝🏻♂️ Хай живе вольне ельфійське світле Міжмор'я!🌳 Хай зійде Солце над Морем!🌅 Хай буде Щазтя!☀️
Who wrote the lyrics to this song? Is this Tolkien’s words? And whether yes or no, to whom is the song referring? I almost feel like it’s what Saruman was essentially saying to Galadriel at the end of the Lord of the Rings (the book of course): “It will be a gray ship, and full of ghosts..”. I see it as a song about the Elves who have lived long enough to last till the end of the world.
Tolkien never specified what the poem referred to, iirc, but I always imagined it referring to either Earendil's Voyage or the Downfall of Numenor/the Faithful arriving in Middle-Earth.
Who shall see a white ship
leave the last shore,
the pale phantoms
in her cold bosom
like gulls wailing?
Who shall heed a white ship,
vague as a butterfly,
in the flowing sea
on starlike wings,
the sea surging,
the foam blowing,
the wings shining,
the light fading?
Who shall hear the wind roaring
like forest leaves;
the white rocks snarling
in the moon gleaming,
in the moon waning,
in the moon falling
a corpse-candle;
the storm mumbling,
the abyss moving?
Who shall see the clouds gather,
the heavens bending
upon crumbling hills,
the sea heaving,
the abyss yawning,
the old darkness
beyond the stars
upon fallen towers?
Who shall heed a broken ship
on the black rocks
under broken skies,
a bleared sun blinking
on bones gleaming
in the last morning?
Who shall see the last evening?
Men cenuva fánë cirya
métima hrestallo círa,
i fairi nécë
ringa súmaryassë
ve maiwi yaimië?
Man tiruva fána cirya,
wilwarin wilwa,
rámainen elvië
ëar falastala,
winga hlápula
rámar sisílala,
cálë fifírula?
Man hlaruva rávëa súrë
ve tauri lillassië,
ninqui carcar yarra
isilmë ilcalassë,
isilmë pícalassë,
isilmë lantalassë
ve loicolícuma;
raumo nurrua,
undumë rúma?
Again, wonderful!
Wonderful. At one I feel as if I've been transported to a faraway and deathless realm
Thank you so much!🥰 the girls are amazing, the harph, the entire piece. Just meditating here❤
Men kenuva fánë kirya
métima hrestallo kíra,
i fairi nékë
ringa súmaryassë
ve maiwi yaimië?
Man tiruva fána kirya,
wilwarin wilwa,
rámainen elvië
ëar falastala,
winga hlápula
rámar sisílala,
kálë fifírula?
Man hlaruva rávëa súrë
ve tauri lillassië,
ninqui karkar yarra
isilmë ilkalassë,
isilmë píkalassë,
isilmë lantalassë
ve loikolíkuma;
raumo nurrua,
undumë rúma?
Man kenuva lumbor ahosta
Menel akúna
ruxal’ ambonnar,
ëar amortala,
undumë hákala,
enwina lúmë
elenillor pella
atalantië mindonnar?
Man tiruva rákina kirya
ondolissë mornë
nu fanyarë rúkina,
anar púrëa tihta
axor ilkalannar
métim’ auressë?
Man kenuva métim’ andúnë?
Дуже гарно
⚡лава Україні!💛🔱💙
Героям ⚡лава!⚔️
⚡лава Nації!🦅
Смерть в0р0гам!💀
Бог й Україна понад усе!🌀
Радіймо, Ельфо-Арії!🧝🏻♂️
Хай живе вольне ельфійське світле Міжмор'я!🌳
Хай зійде Солце над Морем!🌅
Хай буде Щазтя!☀️
Where can i get this music? i love it :)
Who wrote the lyrics to this song? Is this Tolkien’s words? And whether yes or no, to whom is the song referring? I almost feel like it’s what Saruman was essentially saying to Galadriel at the end of the Lord of the Rings (the book of course): “It will be a gray ship, and full of ghosts..”. I see it as a song about the Elves who have lived long enough to last till the end of the world.
I think it comes from Tolkien's essay Monsters and Critics and other essays (The Secret Vice part, if I recall correctly).
Tolkien never specified what the poem referred to, iirc, but I always imagined it referring to either Earendil's Voyage or the Downfall of Numenor/the Faithful arriving in Middle-Earth.
Is this still available for purchase somewhere?
Write a mail to info@ravenmusic.org
This is the closest thing to the sound of heaven
Dang that person who disliked this!
morgoth and sauron disliked it.
And now guyladriel