I find it kind of funny how the fist talent for Andro became his best when the video about worst talents it was his worst one, but I guess at the time cursed revolver was a thing, so that's reasonable
Yeah, and she does a fantastic job at it too. Which is why it baffles me that andrew as well as many other people think she's trash. Like, no she's not. Most people just think she's trash because all they want to do is spam instead of actually using her properly. Like yeah betty can spam, but really that's not her strong suit. If you want a good spammer, dredge is just better for that.
@bruhn3xus26 I understand why tho it's because her ultimate is so bad and buggy then her primary fire is not only a lobbed projectile but it's also off center. She by far has the most mobility in the damage class but she's hard to play well takes a lot of map knowledge and most people play her like a damage. I've been playing betty since her release and I'm about to get her gold for my 3rd time and I haven't even fully mastered her. Oh and she has a completely useless talent.
@@115blinker I thought they fixed most of the bugginess with her ult? I know they got rid of the no reg issue. I'm pretty close to getting gold for betty, I'm not quite there yet though.
Betty is fun as hell, idk why people see a movement ability like that and think “yeah I’m gonna sit in the back holding M1 and spamming my abilities off cooldown.” Also getting dived like they’re Strix and going 1/52 but still thinking they carried cuz they did the most damage. Yeah Betty mains would be F tier if I did a “what your main says about you” tier list 😂
Sorry Andrew ive gotta disagree massively on Imani. I've got Imani up to 175 and from that experience I can tell you she has only one good talent and it's splitting ice Mana rift is a trap, it forces you to be stationary in a time where there are extremely powerful flankers. And pyromania is just downright a nerf. Never ever use this talent splitting ice does AOE way better and doesn't butcher your burst damage Splitting ice is the only one of her talents that offers some sort of unconditional benefit. You can quite often farm kills off of the tank by using them to bounce damage to the people hiding around the corner
As an io main, I 100% agree on goddess' blessing being the best. I'm tired of people in ranked flaming for not taking life link. Io's movement tech with her lunar leap, stuns, self healing by repositioning Luna, and ultimate all make her survive well enough on her own. Needing life link for that is just skill issue or a beginner friendly option in my opinion. For supports, I always feel optimization comes more in the form of working on your survival via playing, positioning, awareness, etc, so that you can use your build to give more to your team, rather than to yourself.
As an io main with 1000+ hours i went from love life link to hate it with the rework, sacrifice always was underrated and it was almost broken before the heal nerf, and goddess blessing went from the one i disliked to the one that i like more in ranked with the speed boost card so i don't understand why the hell so many io still playing life link, didn't they know the talent no longer works that way? In my opinion, they should retire LL to bring her long-awaited damage talent to make sense with the new damage chance
Slug shot and formidable are my absolute favorite talents. I love scorch but Formidable just gives so many options for flanking and that 500! 500! dmg burst with 450 fireball and flamethrower spray catches you off guard and being cc immune has saved me from fatal moments.
I feel like Nyx's root talent is extremly underrated. I've been playing nyx with that talent for over 100lvls now and i gotta say it gives her not only a unique playstyle but a very effective one on top of that. I know what you might say "but you are sacrificing your survivability for a root that is countered hard by unbound" - thats skill issue, you DONT HAVE to sacrifice your F to root someone as long as you use it near the end of your aura. While it is countered by resil, her cripple talent is countered even more since its duration is lower. Root lasts for 2.25s and after 75% unbound its still over half a second of CC while shadow of force is not only 1.25s its also slow as fuck and applies cripple only at the initial hit. Compared to hitscan root (with a longer range than base mind you) show of force is only better when someone is right in front of you and is using movement. in every other scenario root is better. Talking numbers - my Nyx has 62.15% WR and easily carried me to GM. (also i almost forgot - you cant cripple BK, but you can root him :) )
As an Evie main I disagree with what u sayed about her talents, I think all 3 of them are good and fun to play. I prefer over the moon for the extra damage, also wormhole got nerfed since the enemies can see your point of return now.(Not a big nerf but still)
They really should put adrenaline junkie in base kit for koga. Maybe make it a little weaker than it is now if you're gonna do that, but because of just how reliant koga is on that regen, I don't think he'll ever have another viable talent unless they put it in base kit.
Or maybe put it in the game as a card. Either way would be nice as long as it’s also made significantly weaker cuz Adrenaline Junkie is annoying as hell in its current state
@@oliveralan88 That's something that I always believed would be good for pip, yeah. Though personally I don't mind too much because I'm a mega pot main, and personally I just think mega pot is better than combat medic if you know what you're dealing. Yes it puts out less raw numbers than combat medic, but it is much more effective at actually saving people from dying and turning the tide of a fight. Combat medic really is just better if you're trying to farm numbers or if you're not good enough to use mega pot ig, but if someone isn't good enough to use mega pot they're better off just practicing with mega pot and getting good at that rather than using combat medic.
back then, the only reason I ran Tiberius's vicious assault is not for the dmg, but the double charge, especially in some map that I prefer not to explode but to pull back the sword
Resonance to me is yings heal build based on how people still view her( not trusted to to solo heal) and how people play in general (dumb or cockey) they tend to play out of line of sight ...so when i do choose life exange and get to solo heal the enemy team notices my talent so i get dove on constantly, my team is not in line of sight, and i lost most of yings survivability when choosing this talent (clones dont move when shatterd, not gaining ult charge, and loss of retaliation damage agaist flankers) i become really useless really fast because im on teams that want the benefit of having a good healer without dealing with the responsibility of having a good healer. So i chose resonace to compromise gain ult like crazy to mitigate choosing this talent
I think Zhin's piercing + infinite range Heavy Hit needs to go back to Yomi so they can put more power into Guillotine (makes him a tank buster) and then also rework Smolder into something more interesting. Not Retaliation, unfortunately, that's still a flawed talent without a rework. Maybe make it Godslayer-esque where his counter always counters but actually countering an attack deals more damage?
I think for Nyx all three talents are good, really. With Subjugation you can get free kills until the enemy finishes buying unbound (but you have to decide whether to go for the root or keeping your royal presence up to block damage). Abyssal Breach lets you take more advantage of her very good speed cards with the cooldown reduction. Speed Nyx is very fun. The way I put it for drogoz is if you're playing against too many counters you're kinda forced to combustible and avoid sightlines at all costs while playing corners. Fusi is my favourite for the reasons you said. I don't really like wyrm jets but if you're completely free of counters you can really rub it in their faces with that talent.
I argue that talus’ best talent is dependent on the map.For short maps I would normally pick inner strength but on maps like timber mill I would use Faustian bargain with a speed card(btw I am a talus main)
For me I find Vicious assault on Tiberius much better than Tigron's Fury, mainly because I main him and have gotten pretty good with hitting his sword both times, so the only talent that provides anything for me is Vicious assault for some extra mobility. But I do think for most people Tigron's fury is better and easier to use.
OTM evie is my fav for her and really slept on IMO, synergizes well with trigger scent as well. For my boy Drogoz I'd go with combustible since it allows you to put enemies in bad positions or out of control of their movement, all 3 are great though
I think you are sleeping on Jenos’ cripple talent. If you use the card the decrease his ability cool-down if the enemy dies during cripple he can get really got uptime on this heals and can heal much more. Not to mention that it can guarantee a lot of kills for the time. Only downside that you need good team coordination and unbound heavily counters it.
It should still be noted that Abidextrous is still really good and any Rei worth their salt with the right deck will have hearty healing numbers while providing more DR and Ult than ever before
As a Zhin main I normally don't play Yomi, I just find it so boring and the damage doesn't tend to help me ever secure kills just zone out people. Guillotine is situation dependant where I feel I can buy morale boost, fight a team with a tank and no healer or when there's two tanks and a single healer. Whereas I love Smolder as with a build that buffs and focuses on his billow it makes him an even harder to kill cockroach, and billowing mid duel to secure a win in 1v1s or to contest the objective against a tank has much more use. It does pain to focus less on his counter, but spare points can be used for that in loadout and also most characters glitch through Zhin counter as it is so it hurts so much to focus fully on it.
I also hardly run Yomi, usually run Smolder or Guillotine depending on the situation, does the enemy team have 2 tanks? I'll go Guillotine, otherwise I just run Smolder.
Hard disagree with Kasumi. The move speed id barely useful and the ult isn't good at all for it to matter to have it frequently. The teleport + fear talent allows u to actually be able to flank properly since u can trap enemies from a fairly large distance and when it triggers u tp and fear ur target (and others close enough), then u can use ur F to leave. Also it counters enemy flanks better than normal traps, making it easier to protect ur healers and u can always keep one trap close to u in case u get attacked by a melee/close range opponent ,u just insta tp and fear them, and that's a free kill. And the fear is also very useful to make enemies fall from their spots, make tanks unable to use shield, and if they group enough, trap in the middle, tp + ult is a strong combo.
I'm surprised you said Pyromania is one of Imani's best (not that her talents are good). Doesn't it just nerf your damage? Also, it's super situational. I think splitting ice is her best talent because it doesn't nerf her damage and it doesn't require you to stay in place to get value
Yeah I agree I've got Imani up to 175 and from that experience I can tell you she has only one good talent and it's splitting ice Mana rift is a trap, it forces you to be stationary in a time where there are extremely powerful flankers. And pyromania is just downright a nerf. Never ever use this talent splitting ice does AOE way better and doesn't butcher your burst damage Splitting ice is the only one of her talents that offers some sort of unconditional benefit. You can quite often farm kills off of the tank by using them to bounce damage to the people hiding around the corner
@@specracer28ive seen some really talented imani mains that fuck shit up with mana rift. its really situational, if you’re confident you can survive against a flank its good, and its also not like it roots you to the spot you set the rift in. you’re free to just leave if you get dived, and its not like you cant just put the rift down somewhere else.
Personally, I don't agree at all that betty's best talent is fiery disposition nowadays. Betty already does good enough damage that it isn't really necessary, and gotta bounce is just in general more versatile and is by far the better talent if you're skilled with her.
fiery disposition can be very very effective if you can hit pretty much every shot, but most people cant. the big gripe with gotta bounce is the movement speed nerf, i wish they would remove it and just let her be good.
@@that_guy1186 Honestly, I hardly ever even notice the movement speed nerf when I play gotta bounce and nimble is so cheap that I don't think the movement speed penalty really makes that much of a difference. Also this might be just my personal preference, but I hit most of my shots with betty and I still think gotta bounce is more effective. Also, the true power of fiery disposition isn't really even the extra damage. The reveal from the tick damage is by FAR the best thing about it, but because it only applies to the primary fire you can't get the reveal super consistently anymore.
Good video, but I don't quite agree with 2 pj. Dredge, I think that while the best legendary is the harpoon, the mine can give much play well used, strategically can help a lot because placing it behind the enemies and knowing that they will eat the damage, you can shoot and finish with the mine, also taking into account that slows, is a good combo against characters with low mobility or healers in general. Octavia: The Ultimate Legendary guarantees you one more Important Ultimate, either for combos or etc within the team, and the one with the heal on the jump provides more sustain against flankers or even support for more aggression depends on the map, But I would like to know why you think the dome legendary is the best? Although well, I guess both other legendaries are both better in good hands, instead the dome is better overall.
Hating on focus lens is an L - Focus lens hasn't change where it's good and it IS good on some maps, specifically small ones and dependant on whether she has targets on the enemy team or not. It was used in professional play but vex30 and others more times than you might imagine. Generally I wanna agree with you but it DOES have it's place even as a solo healer. If you are doing dmg, and built right with morale boost the ult spam and dmg output will make up for a little less healing. Winning fights in big moments and quick picks is how you win games not by numbers alone. Sustained healing alone does nothing, you said it yourself with seris - Supports should do more than JUST that. In the hands of a good player when used appropriately on the right maps is why I have a nearly 4.0 KDA and high winrate on paladins guru and I used her in ranked from diamond to master lobbies plenty. Again I think it is niche and you need to use it appropriate times not on massive maps but it has it's place.
Debilitate is still the best talent for Skye if you’re not playing ranked. 9 times out of 10 you’re not getting an off tank to dive with you in casual so debilitate is more consistent
As a filthy Skye main who avoids Ranked like a plauge, I mainly play Smoke and Dagger. Mainly because I like to help out the single support to keep the entire team alive
dont sleep on agony, its a good talent if you can play it well. sadly most seris mains dont have a left mouse button thats why you dont see it that often
As an io main that has played her for over 1.5 years, I don't find myself using goddess' blessing. The reason I don't use this talent is because it teaches players that while using this talent healing is ok while your teammate is affected by cauterize. It kind of teaches you that cauterize is your friend/frenemy. ( No offense to people that use Goddess' Blessing this is just my opinion. ). I usually use sacrifice if the enemy team comp is heavy or if there are many flanks. ( I often use sacrifice. Preferably used in double support ) I still use cards found in healer io I just use sacrifice for extra survivability. I rarely use the new life link as my luna gets targeted ( I don't use protectors) but I still think life link is better than goddess' blessing in most situations. In conclusion, the talent I mostly use even for healing is sacrifice sometimes life link and rarely goddess' blessing if I am the only healer. This is just my opinion please don't take this offensively. :D
I like to pair goddess blessing paired with max speed card. This helps flanks, dmg to survive / secure their kills. To survive, I often place Luna close to me when I see that someone is diving me. Sacrifice obviously is better for survivability (which is very important), but I struggle with good Luna placement for it to work well for me. (though io is not my main)
As an io main from 2019 i can't read the thing you just wrote without bleeding from my eyes, okno, but no, life like it's silly, i don't find any impact in new life link when the other 2 talents do the things a lot better, i mean, caut eliminates any impact on the talent, whoever, you are free to use what brings you fun, and yeah, sacrifice it's so good (overall for new players) but definetively gb is a lot better than new life link
100%. His two other talents are better now, but a year back, I would stun damba as solo heal and would get often times as much healing as the other healers simply because a good stun would help set-up a kill. And yeah, I would only stun damba solo heal when I was stuck as solo healer AFTER calling I was going stun lol. F that. If you know to do both healing and damage, stun damba just goes crazy.
It's still not bad. The issue is that it gets countered really hard by armor plating, bit if you ever find yourself in a situation where people won't really be buying armor plating then it can still be pretty dang strong.
I'm sorry, but the Pip take isn't great. Pip struggles with Catalyst since he can't side heal effectively and he has a large hitbox, which hampers his survivability, especially in the late game. Combat Medic requires your team to max out on Rejuvenate, making it less viable late game. Pip is effective only in a double support setup, with Mega Potion being the best talent option. This talent allows for significant burst side healing, bringing teammates to more than half health off cauterize and with a shield, while also dealing damage. Pip has a card that reduces the cooldown of his potion when he shoots an enemy. His own survivability is enhanced by several good sustain cards, and when paired with Mega Potion, it can restore him to full health consistently. His cards, Mega Potion, and the deathball meta make him highly effective and oppressive. There's no reason to use Combat Medic in a double support composition since it focuses on healing, especially when Mega Potion is a better option. Also Flux Generator for Ruckus is good. He gets anti cc and he gets more shield, it makes him more tanky and he doesn't need AA in every map.
I said Combat Medic is reliable for most Pip players because it's much easier to use, and I said Mega Potion is absolutely worth it if you're good at it. That doesn't contradict anything you just said, so I'm not sure why you're saying it's a bad take. You do have to remember, most people aren't actually good enough to play Mega Potion effectively. This video is catered to a general audience, and Combat Medic is a perfectly reasonable option for most players. Mega Potion is pretty much exclusively used at high elo because of the skill requirement, and while it's very successful and obviously his strongest option if you're good, the fact is that if you give your average gold player Mega Potion, they're gonna feed their brains out. That's why I worded it the way I did. Also, Catalyst was an afterthought. It's a competent damage playstyle if you're into that sort of thing, which is why I briefly mentioned it in the graphics even though I didn't actually talk about it.
@@AndrewChicken Oh, I definitely agree with that. Pip requires high skill, especially with Mega Potion, as you need to time it off Cauterize and know how to effectively heal and deal damage. You also need to decide who to heal and when due to the cooldown. In my opinion, Pip is mostly about timing, positioning, resource management, and aiming. Combat Medic, on the other hand, is more of a comfort pick and focuses mainly on aiming. Combat Medic is still challenging for a beginner. Catalyst doesn’t work for me because it turns Pip into a damage or flank role, lacking sustain except for lifesteal and the Moxie card. He can't effectively side heal since he's squishy and primarily heals himself, and he doesn't heal enough without the other two talents. It’s a risky playstyle that I’d only use in casual games.
gotta disagree with the verdict for strix; crack shot is BY FAR the best talent for him because it encourages a far more active and aggressive playstyle in comparison to nocturnal and it even gives him better survivability at close range bc you dont have to use the pistol. nocturnal only really helps with the movement speed bonus but he has a card that does the same and nimble is also fine. unauthorized use is definitely the worst but it can also give a surprising amount of extra damage, but only if youre building for pistol strix which you shouldnt and it also takes away the reveal which is the only utility he provides for his team.
Am I one of the only people that thinks desert silence is underrated? Don't get me wrong I still think sand trap is the best talent for Sha Lin and it's still what I play a majority of the time, but I also think that the silence you get from desert silence is really undervalued. Edit: I fixed a typo plus rewrote my message slightly because I worded it kind of weirdly the first time. Edit 2: I also want to add that I think nothing personal is incredibly underrated on talus. That reveal is just so good if you know what you're doing. Even better if you have proper coordination with your teammates.
with talus, im a staunch faustian bargain fan. the buffs you can get from it are very powerful, and you can still use the mark as an escape tool if you need to
@@that_guy1186 Eh idk, I've never been a fan of faustian bargain. It just feels like it doesn't really do a lot. Also, idk what you're talking about with the buffs. Faustian bargain doesn't buff anything, it just slightly changes how the rune works. Also, having the rune not teleport you back automatically more often than not gets you killed because it leads to a lot of situations where you fail to escape a situation and die. Personally, I think faustian bargain is more of a hindrance than a benefit and I think either of his other two talents are far better.
@@bruhn3xus26 with the buffs, i mean the cards for the rune. with faustian bargain you can pop your rune and just have them pretty much indefinitely. the strongest is i think 40% move speed at lvl 5
bro the evie take doesnt make sense snow globe is ridicously easier to play than wormhole, when playing wormholr you have to at least hit your shot, but snow globe you just farm up your ult blink on someone and get a free kill every 30 secs with moraleboost
wormhole is way more safe to use. sure Snow globe might be better at confirming kills but when you play against anti dive comp its just better to play worm hole since you always have a way to back up instead of relying on getting a elim/kill.
our boy is mad he lost one too many times to unnatural persistence yagorath^^ it's the talent you pick if you don't trust your supports lol. but I only EVER recommend it on onslaught. for siege or tdm you should pick one of the other 2 talents
what about redo this video ? there's so much changes recently, some talent doesn't exist anymore, and some has been reworked. An update would be cool^^
yomi is the talent for passive zhin who wanna play like a damage champ instead of being an aggressive flanker... never saw any zhin win agaainst me with yomi... keep staying with grover trying to land those heavy hit yomi snipe shot while your billow just delay your death most of the time... with smolder you just don't care anymore about healers... you go anywhere engage retreat and reengage behind enemy's line without the need of healer... it allow to turn a lost 1v1 against another flank into a win... your yomi isn't making much difference and your billow is neither. everytime you play zhin you are proving my point.
On Maeve I prefer rogue gambit for the added dash resets. The near infinite mobility granted really enables a hyper aggressive hit and run playstyle that is so addicting
Huh, really? Fist is the best andro talent now? I figured dark stalker would still be the best, but yeah fist being such a big burst of ability damage is pretty good yeah. I guess it's time for me to start fisting lol.
@@bruhn3xus26 I don't think any of Andro's talents are actively bad, the punch is only really good because it ignores armour plating but I still prefer dark stalker for the better movement.
@@mobas07 Yeah, all of his talents are still fantastic. Personally I play godslayer most of the time. Just because it's really funny to 1 shot people with the reversal lol. Dark stalker isn't a talent I have any problem with, but I usually don't play it unless I'm tryharding. Defiant fist is also really funny though, so I'm definitely playing that today lol.
@@AndrewChicken And yeah that's such a good thing that all of andro's talents are relatively on par with each other nowadays. Now I can officially have a loadout named "Mister Fister" again and not let my memes be dreams XD.
@@mdpdfl its a super good 2tank counter as it focuses the all of damage just on point. Also, you have cooldown reduction built into the talent which allows you to get it up to ~8s cooldown w chronos 3 which is very good especially on ice mines.
I don’t think Hail is very good. Most people can walk out of the area much better than without the talent and you deny less area and get less incidental damage because of that. IMO, it’s a straight up nerf talent and should never be played
@@themorgue3836 im talking maps purely like ice mines, jaguar falls, and brightmarsh. shouldve added that nuance earlier. i agree that the flank talent is better on other maps but i would be caught dead using fiery disposition
You are trolling bro, that talent is a straight nerf on a plate, it sounds good until you realize that ability's purpose is to deny an area and by nerfing your radius you are just nerfing the ability/ yourself, gotta bounce is the go to talent for now as a Betty main since release, also if you are not using her ammo card and cold own on right click you are playing Betty wrong.
Is Defiant Fist really andro best talent? Not Godslayer? Considering how much andrew used to rant how hirez nerf fist card & gun fire rate Azaan best talent is Tempering. Additional 2s is almost negligible with chronos. Persistence is just liferip 1.5 Grover used to have 3 viable talents. Shame evil mojo nerf his base heal so much that Deep Root despite rooting feels bad Vatu best talent is now Unearring??? That's surprising Khan, Koga & Willo best talent should just be put at base kit at lower value since they are trash without those talents
I don't really agree with that last point. Idk about the other two but Khan's default weapon is pretty reliable. It's not better than Storm of Bullets but I feel like I can secure kills and deal a decent amount of damage without it
@@SpiltMySquash sure but as an off tank its way better to get more dmg than more shield or more CC. SoB khan is just superior since more dmg = more ult charge, more kills, more value overall. the only downside is ammo efficiency but most of the time its not a real problem
HELL NAH - even if you dont use your shatter at all you cant heal 2 tanks with that let alone a whole team bro get real. its 450heal/1.6s AND requires LOS on top of that. its way less reliable than jenos and we all know that jenos is a poopoo solo supp
Warning ⚠️ what this comment contains will offend someones feelings- The talents are all just a net buff to one ability and dont actually change much about the gameplay besides how often you use it. Other then that a majority of talents could be reworked right now with a few good upsides and some down sides and others could just rework abilities entirely for very drastic yet familiar playstyles. One being snow globe turning evies ice block into a ball that can be rolled around either willingly or not and can be broken out of apon her dashing the drawback would be a health nerf. But since this is paladins we have damage reduction cards and the item shop so it wouldnt even matter but thats just one example. Talents shouldnt just be an excuse to play what is meta it should be a way to enjoy the game and be successful with a comfortable playstyle for a multitude of ranks depending on the player. Sadly alot of abilities and characters and some tanks arent viable in the meta dispite the tierlist. While some characters are strong individually alot more are very dependant of their support or items or cards to be effective thus it actually limits what you can and cannot play. Ofcourse this varys between players but most can attest that not everyone finds these talents or metas fun at all. Good educational video but it only highlighted this games one major flaw.
I love the little "character running time sphere" in the corner. That was a great touch
15:26 Andrew just casually *_violating_* 75% Ying players lol
We all know those don’t have a life
he also will never be as good as Mutu, Unbe, or like any other paladin player in GM. So take what you say with a grain of salt.
Hey, your really helping me get back into paladins,I started playing again bout a month ago and your content is really educational
I find it kind of funny how the fist talent for Andro became his best when the video about worst talents it was his worst one, but I guess at the time cursed revolver was a thing, so that's reasonable
I feel like Betty's whole thing is being able to be a hybrid flank and damage with a good burst combo and really good area denial.
Yeah, and she does a fantastic job at it too. Which is why it baffles me that andrew as well as many other people think she's trash. Like, no she's not. Most people just think she's trash because all they want to do is spam instead of actually using her properly. Like yeah betty can spam, but really that's not her strong suit. If you want a good spammer, dredge is just better for that.
@@bruhn3xus26if you wanna see someone who’s actually good at betty, look up Raventric’s video on her. he gets it
@bruhn3xus26 I understand why tho it's because her ultimate is so bad and buggy then her primary fire is not only a lobbed projectile but it's also off center. She by far has the most mobility in the damage class but she's hard to play well takes a lot of map knowledge and most people play her like a damage. I've been playing betty since her release and I'm about to get her gold for my 3rd time and I haven't even fully mastered her. Oh and she has a completely useless talent.
@@115blinker I thought they fixed most of the bugginess with her ult? I know they got rid of the no reg issue. I'm pretty close to getting gold for betty, I'm not quite there yet though.
Betty is fun as hell, idk why people see a movement ability like that and think “yeah I’m gonna sit in the back holding M1 and spamming my abilities off cooldown.” Also getting dived like they’re Strix and going 1/52 but still thinking they carried cuz they did the most damage. Yeah Betty mains would be F tier if I did a “what your main says about you” tier list 😂
slug shot is amazing
I love watching a new AndrewChicken video and then going to palacord and watching everybody there be malding over your opinions :)
Once again thanking Allah for not making me a Palacord user 😌🙏
@@SpiltMySquash Preach, my brother this place is a hellhole 🙏
Sorry Andrew ive gotta disagree massively on Imani.
I've got Imani up to 175 and from that experience I can tell you she has only one good talent and it's splitting ice
Mana rift is a trap, it forces you to be stationary in a time where there are extremely powerful flankers.
And pyromania is just downright a nerf. Never ever use this talent splitting ice does AOE way better and doesn't butcher your burst damage
Splitting ice is the only one of her talents that offers some sort of unconditional benefit. You can quite often farm kills off of the tank by using them to bounce damage to the people hiding around the corner
I agree!
As an io main, I 100% agree on goddess' blessing being the best. I'm tired of people in ranked flaming for not taking life link. Io's movement tech with her lunar leap, stuns, self healing by repositioning Luna, and ultimate all make her survive well enough on her own. Needing life link for that is just skill issue or a beginner friendly option in my opinion.
For supports, I always feel optimization comes more in the form of working on your survival via playing, positioning, awareness, etc, so that you can use your build to give more to your team, rather than to yourself.
Same happened to me lol, one of the tanks started trolling and flaming as I did not take life link.
Average paladins rando teammates behavior tbh. It be like that.
As an io main with 1000+ hours i went from love life link to hate it with the rework, sacrifice always was underrated and it was almost broken before the heal nerf, and goddess blessing went from the one i disliked to the one that i like more in ranked with the speed boost card so i don't understand why the hell so many io still playing life link, didn't they know the talent no longer works that way? In my opinion, they should retire LL to bring her long-awaited damage talent to make sense with the new damage chance
Appreciate the content! Only played a couple months now. Retired overwatch player big fan of your content 😊
I am so glad you made this because I just started playing again recently and I was so lost with all the changes and reworks
Slug shot and formidable are my absolute favorite talents. I love scorch but Formidable just gives so many options for flanking and that 500! 500! dmg burst with 450 fireball and flamethrower spray catches you off guard and being cc immune has saved me from fatal moments.
I feel like Nyx's root talent is extremly underrated. I've been playing nyx with that talent for over 100lvls now and i gotta say it gives her not only a unique playstyle but a very effective one on top of that. I know what you might say "but you are sacrificing your survivability for a root that is countered hard by unbound" - thats skill issue, you DONT HAVE to sacrifice your F to root someone as long as you use it near the end of your aura. While it is countered by resil, her cripple talent is countered even more since its duration is lower. Root lasts for 2.25s and after 75% unbound its still over half a second of CC while shadow of force is not only 1.25s its also slow as fuck and applies cripple only at the initial hit. Compared to hitscan root (with a longer range than base mind you) show of force is only better when someone is right in front of you and is using movement. in every other scenario root is better. Talking numbers - my Nyx has 62.15% WR and easily carried me to GM. (also i almost forgot - you cant cripple BK, but you can root him :) )
As an Evie main I disagree with what u sayed about her talents, I think all 3 of them are good and fun to play. I prefer over the moon for the extra damage, also wormhole got nerfed since the enemies can see your point of return now.(Not a big nerf but still)
They really should put adrenaline junkie in base kit for koga. Maybe make it a little weaker than it is now if you're gonna do that, but because of just how reliant koga is on that regen, I don't think he'll ever have another viable talent unless they put it in base kit.
I think the same with pip's combat medic. Heal less than the skill itself but heal 300 hp per shot at least
Or maybe put it in the game as a card. Either way would be nice as long as it’s also made significantly weaker cuz Adrenaline Junkie is annoying as hell in its current state
@@oliveralan88Absolutely do not do this. I’m not about to have my shots hitting allies when I’m trying to deal damage on catalyst
@@oliveralan88 That's something that I always believed would be good for pip, yeah. Though personally I don't mind too much because I'm a mega pot main, and personally I just think mega pot is better than combat medic if you know what you're dealing.
Yes it puts out less raw numbers than combat medic, but it is much more effective at actually saving people from dying and turning the tide of a fight. Combat medic really is just better if you're trying to farm numbers or if you're not good enough to use mega pot ig, but if someone isn't good enough to use mega pot they're better off just practicing with mega pot and getting good at that rather than using combat medic.
@@themorgue3836or have the explosion radius do dmg to both enemies and heal enemies
back then, the only reason I ran Tiberius's vicious assault is not for the dmg, but the double charge, especially in some map that I prefer not to explode but to pull back the sword
Resonance to me is yings heal build based on how people still view her( not trusted to to solo heal) and how people play in general (dumb or cockey) they tend to play out of line of sight ...so when i do choose life exange and get to solo heal the enemy team notices my talent so i get dove on constantly, my team is not in line of sight, and i lost most of yings survivability when choosing this talent (clones dont move when shatterd, not gaining ult charge, and loss of retaliation damage agaist flankers) i become really useless really fast because im on teams that want the benefit of having a good healer without dealing with the responsibility of having a good healer. So i chose resonace to compromise gain ult like crazy to mitigate choosing this talent
I think Zhin's piercing + infinite range Heavy Hit needs to go back to Yomi so they can put more power into Guillotine (makes him a tank buster) and then also rework Smolder into something more interesting. Not Retaliation, unfortunately, that's still a flawed talent without a rework. Maybe make it Godslayer-esque where his counter always counters but actually countering an attack deals more damage?
"Flux Generator " deserves an honorable mention.
I think for Nyx all three talents are good, really. With Subjugation you can get free kills until the enemy finishes buying unbound (but you have to decide whether to go for the root or keeping your royal presence up to block damage). Abyssal Breach lets you take more advantage of her very good speed cards with the cooldown reduction. Speed Nyx is very fun.
The way I put it for drogoz is if you're playing against too many counters you're kinda forced to combustible and avoid sightlines at all costs while playing corners. Fusi is my favourite for the reasons you said. I don't really like wyrm jets but if you're completely free of counters you can really rub it in their faces with that talent.
I argue that talus’ best talent is dependent on the map.For short maps I would normally pick inner strength but on maps like timber mill I would use Faustian bargain with a speed card(btw I am a talus main)
For me I find Vicious assault on Tiberius much better than Tigron's Fury, mainly because I main him and have gotten pretty good with hitting his sword both times, so the only talent that provides anything for me is Vicious assault for some extra mobility. But I do think for most people Tigron's fury is better and easier to use.
14:51 Peashooter from Plants vs Zombies mentioned. I can sleep now.
Well a Peashooter is also a term for a physically small or low caliber handgun
Personally Void Grip is can be a game changer if you are dealing with mobile flanks in the opposition.
OTM evie is my fav for her and really slept on IMO, synergizes well with trigger scent as well.
For my boy Drogoz I'd go with combustible since it allows you to put enemies in bad positions or out of control of their movement, all 3 are great though
I’ve been going crazy on OTM recently. I can’t deny the value of the other two, but OTM just feels really good especially with soar reset.
I think you are sleeping on Jenos’ cripple talent. If you use the card the decrease his ability cool-down if the enemy dies during cripple he can get really got uptime on this heals and can heal much more. Not to mention that it can guarantee a lot of kills for the time. Only downside that you need good team coordination and unbound heavily counters it.
Unbound doesn't just counter it , it straight makes the cripple jenos a base kit jenos
It should still be noted that Abidextrous is still really good and any Rei worth their salt with the right deck will have hearty healing numbers while providing more DR and Ult than ever before
As a Zhin main I normally don't play Yomi, I just find it so boring and the damage doesn't tend to help me ever secure kills just zone out people. Guillotine is situation dependant where I feel I can buy morale boost, fight a team with a tank and no healer or when there's two tanks and a single healer. Whereas I love Smolder as with a build that buffs and focuses on his billow it makes him an even harder to kill cockroach, and billowing mid duel to secure a win in 1v1s or to contest the objective against a tank has much more use. It does pain to focus less on his counter, but spare points can be used for that in loadout and also most characters glitch through Zhin counter as it is so it hurts so much to focus fully on it.
I also hardly run Yomi, usually run Smolder or Guillotine depending on the situation, does the enemy team have 2 tanks? I'll go Guillotine, otherwise I just run Smolder.
@@astroidexadam5976 Finally found a fellow Smolder main, everyone hates on it but I find it helps me dominate so much. Especially with Chronos 3
I love playing shrapnel on viktor. It's just a lot of fun.
Hard disagree with Kasumi. The move speed id barely useful and the ult isn't good at all for it to matter to have it frequently.
The teleport + fear talent allows u to actually be able to flank properly since u can trap enemies from a fairly large distance and when it triggers u tp and fear ur target (and others close enough), then u can use ur F to leave.
Also it counters enemy flanks better than normal traps, making it easier to protect ur healers and u can always keep one trap close to u in case u get attacked by a melee/close range opponent ,u just insta tp and fear them, and that's a free kill.
And the fear is also very useful to make enemies fall from their spots, make tanks unable to use shield, and if they group enough, trap in the middle, tp + ult is a strong combo.
Great style of Video
I'm surprised you said Pyromania is one of Imani's best (not that her talents are good). Doesn't it just nerf your damage? Also, it's super situational. I think splitting ice is her best talent because it doesn't nerf her damage and it doesn't require you to stay in place to get value
Yeah I agree I've got Imani up to 175 and from that experience I can tell you she has only one good talent and it's splitting ice
Mana rift is a trap, it forces you to be stationary in a time where there are extremely powerful flankers.
And pyromania is just downright a nerf. Never ever use this talent splitting ice does AOE way better and doesn't butcher your burst damage
Splitting ice is the only one of her talents that offers some sort of unconditional benefit. You can quite often farm kills off of the tank by using them to bounce damage to the people hiding around the corner
@@specracer28ive seen some really talented imani mains that fuck shit up with mana rift. its really situational, if you’re confident you can survive against a flank its good, and its also not like it roots you to the spot you set the rift in. you’re free to just leave if you get dived, and its not like you cant just put the rift down somewhere else.
That’s kinda what I was thinking. Splitting Ice is the only talent that doesn’t hinder your gameplay at all, it’s simply a bonus
this aged like milk under the summer sun of atacama's desert
Personally, I don't agree at all that betty's best talent is fiery disposition nowadays. Betty already does good enough damage that it isn't really necessary, and gotta bounce is just in general more versatile and is by far the better talent if you're skilled with her.
He doesn't know how to use her
fiery disposition can be very very effective if you can hit pretty much every shot, but most people cant. the big gripe with gotta bounce is the movement speed nerf, i wish they would remove it and just let her be good.
@@that_guy1186Like why is it there? There’s no good reason
@@that_guy1186 Honestly, I hardly ever even notice the movement speed nerf when I play gotta bounce and nimble is so cheap that I don't think the movement speed penalty really makes that much of a difference. Also this might be just my personal preference, but I hit most of my shots with betty and I still think gotta bounce is more effective.
Also, the true power of fiery disposition isn't really even the extra damage. The reveal from the tick damage is by FAR the best thing about it, but because it only applies to the primary fire you can't get the reveal super consistently anymore.
Good video, but I don't quite agree with 2 pj.
Dredge, I think that while the best legendary is the harpoon, the mine can give much play well used, strategically can help a lot because placing it behind the enemies and knowing that they will eat the damage, you can shoot and finish with the mine, also taking into account that slows, is a good combo against characters with low mobility or healers in general.
Octavia: The Ultimate Legendary guarantees you one more Important Ultimate, either for combos or etc within the team, and the one with the heal on the jump provides more sustain against flankers or even support for more aggression depends on the map, But I would like to know why you think the dome legendary is the best?
Although well, I guess both other legendaries are both better in good hands, instead the dome is better overall.
I remember the glory days when vortex grip was a 2 second stun and I could terrorize people who didn’t buy resil
Hating on focus lens is an L - Focus lens hasn't change where it's good and it IS good on some maps, specifically small ones and dependant on whether she has targets on the enemy team or not. It was used in professional play but vex30 and others more times than you might imagine. Generally I wanna agree with you but it DOES have it's place even as a solo healer. If you are doing dmg, and built right with morale boost the ult spam and dmg output will make up for a little less healing. Winning fights in big moments and quick picks is how you win games not by numbers alone. Sustained healing alone does nothing, you said it yourself with seris - Supports should do more than JUST that. In the hands of a good player when used appropriately on the right maps is why I have a nearly 4.0 KDA and high winrate on paladins guru and I used her in ranked from diamond to master lobbies plenty. Again I think it is niche and you need to use it appropriate times not on massive maps but it has it's place.
Shield talent is now better for ruckuss in most scenarios. If u don't trust me then trust Zarini, you probably know him
Can you make best items to buy for each champ
This video would be a lot easier to digest if the rolls were together
Debilitate is still the best talent for Skye if you’re not playing ranked. 9 times out of 10 you’re not getting an off tank to dive with you in casual so debilitate is more consistent
As a filthy Skye main who avoids Ranked like a plauge, I mainly play Smoke and Dagger.
Mainly because I like to help out the single support to keep the entire team alive
Acid pool, subservience, cherish, dark siphon
Please try agony on series 😭
I promise it's good with the right build
Been doing this the past couple days, not a seris player by any means but seeing those true healing numbers through late game caut feels great
dont sleep on agony, its a good talent if you can play it well. sadly most seris mains dont have a left mouse button thats why you dont see it that often
As an io main that has played her for over 1.5 years, I don't find myself using goddess' blessing. The reason I don't use this talent is because it teaches players that while using this talent healing is ok while your teammate is affected by cauterize. It kind of teaches you that cauterize is your friend/frenemy. ( No offense to people that use Goddess' Blessing this is just my opinion. ). I usually use sacrifice if the enemy team comp is heavy or if there are many flanks. ( I often use sacrifice. Preferably used in double support ) I still use cards found in healer io I just use sacrifice for extra survivability. I rarely use the new life link as my luna gets targeted ( I don't use protectors) but I still think life link is better than goddess' blessing in most situations. In conclusion, the talent I mostly use even for healing is sacrifice sometimes life link and rarely goddess' blessing if I am the only healer. This is just my opinion please don't take this offensively. :D
I like to pair goddess blessing paired with max speed card. This helps flanks, dmg to survive / secure their kills. To survive, I often place Luna close to me when I see that someone is diving me. Sacrifice obviously is better for survivability (which is very important), but I struggle with good Luna placement for it to work well for me. (though io is not my main)
As an io main from 2019 i can't read the thing you just wrote without bleeding from my eyes, okno, but no, life like it's silly, i don't find any impact in new life link when the other 2 talents do the things a lot better, i mean, caut eliminates any impact on the talent, whoever, you are free to use what brings you fun, and yeah, sacrifice it's so good (overall for new players) but definetively gb is a lot better than new life link
You're sleeping on wekono's wrath, with max deft hands its crazy strong
100%. His two other talents are better now, but a year back, I would stun damba as solo heal and would get often times as much healing as the other healers simply because a good stun would help set-up a kill. And yeah, I would only stun damba solo heal when I was stuck as solo healer AFTER calling I was going stun lol. F that. If you know to do both healing and damage, stun damba just goes crazy.
Not saying pluck is makoa's best is crazy (biased as a pluck main for off tank). He slaughters so easily and basicslly flanks better than flanks
Is over moon Evie not viable anymore?
It's still not bad. The issue is that it gets countered really hard by armor plating, bit if you ever find yourself in a situation where people won't really be buying armor plating then it can still be pretty dang strong.
I'm sorry, but the Pip take isn't great. Pip struggles with Catalyst since he can't side heal effectively and he has a large hitbox, which hampers his survivability, especially in the late game. Combat Medic requires your team to max out on Rejuvenate, making it less viable late game. Pip is effective only in a double support setup, with Mega Potion being the best talent option. This talent allows for significant burst side healing, bringing teammates to more than half health off cauterize and with a shield, while also dealing damage. Pip has a card that reduces the cooldown of his potion when he shoots an enemy. His own survivability is enhanced by several good sustain cards, and when paired with Mega Potion, it can restore him to full health consistently. His cards, Mega Potion, and the deathball meta make him highly effective and oppressive. There's no reason to use Combat Medic in a double support composition since it focuses on healing, especially when Mega Potion is a better option.
Also Flux Generator for Ruckus is good. He gets anti cc and he gets more shield, it makes him more tanky and he doesn't need AA in every map.
Yeah ok buddy yap me a novel
@@Ajaxlol Thank you for the compliment. ✨
Ajax is my best friend.
I said Combat Medic is reliable for most Pip players because it's much easier to use, and I said Mega Potion is absolutely worth it if you're good at it. That doesn't contradict anything you just said, so I'm not sure why you're saying it's a bad take.
You do have to remember, most people aren't actually good enough to play Mega Potion effectively. This video is catered to a general audience, and Combat Medic is a perfectly reasonable option for most players. Mega Potion is pretty much exclusively used at high elo because of the skill requirement, and while it's very successful and obviously his strongest option if you're good, the fact is that if you give your average gold player Mega Potion, they're gonna feed their brains out. That's why I worded it the way I did.
Also, Catalyst was an afterthought. It's a competent damage playstyle if you're into that sort of thing, which is why I briefly mentioned it in the graphics even though I didn't actually talk about it.
@@a.k.axurai5678 we r mortal enemies
@@AndrewChicken Oh, I definitely agree with that. Pip requires high skill, especially with Mega Potion, as you need to time it off Cauterize and know how to effectively heal and deal damage. You also need to decide who to heal and when due to the cooldown. In my opinion, Pip is mostly about timing, positioning, resource management, and aiming. Combat Medic, on the other hand, is more of a comfort pick and focuses mainly on aiming.
Combat Medic is still challenging for a beginner. Catalyst doesn’t work for me because it turns Pip into a damage or flank role, lacking sustain except for lifesteal and the Moxie card. He can't effectively side heal since he's squishy and primarily heals himself, and he doesn't heal enough without the other two talents. It’s a risky playstyle that I’d only use in casual games.
please notice me daddy andrew (part 8)
Me too
Notice me senpai looking ahh
@@outgod4049 no
Daddy chicken
gotta disagree with the verdict for strix; crack shot is BY FAR the best talent for him because it encourages a far more active and aggressive playstyle in comparison to nocturnal and it even gives him better survivability at close range bc you dont have to use the pistol. nocturnal only really helps with the movement speed bonus but he has a card that does the same and nimble is also fine. unauthorized use is definitely the worst but it can also give a surprising amount of extra damage, but only if youre building for pistol strix which you shouldnt and it also takes away the reveal which is the only utility he provides for his team.
Can’t wait for the worst talent sequel, let the rage build!!
"Hurl is his best talent!"
I don't care if it does ability damage, I'm not switching off my max slowdown combo Abyss Spike build
Am I one of the only people that thinks desert silence is underrated? Don't get me wrong I still think sand trap is the best talent for Sha Lin and it's still what I play a majority of the time, but I also think that the silence you get from desert silence is really undervalued.
Edit: I fixed a typo plus rewrote my message slightly because I worded it kind of weirdly the first time.
Edit 2: I also want to add that I think nothing personal is incredibly underrated on talus. That reveal is just so good if you know what you're doing. Even better if you have proper coordination with your teammates.
with talus, im a staunch faustian bargain fan. the buffs you can get from it are very powerful, and you can still use the mark as an escape tool if you need to
@@that_guy1186 Eh idk, I've never been a fan of faustian bargain. It just feels like it doesn't really do a lot. Also, idk what you're talking about with the buffs. Faustian bargain doesn't buff anything, it just slightly changes how the rune works. Also, having the rune not teleport you back automatically more often than not gets you killed because it leads to a lot of situations where you fail to escape a situation and die. Personally, I think faustian bargain is more of a hindrance than a benefit and I think either of his other two talents are far better.
@@bruhn3xus26 with the buffs, i mean the cards for the rune. with faustian bargain you can pop your rune and just have them pretty much indefinitely. the strongest is i think 40% move speed at lvl 5
bro the evie take doesnt make sense snow globe is ridicously easier to play than wormhole, when playing wormholr you have to at least hit your shot, but snow globe you just farm up your ult blink on someone and get a free kill every 30 secs with moraleboost
wormhole is way more safe to use. sure Snow globe might be better at confirming kills but when you play against anti dive comp its just better to play worm hole since you always have a way to back up instead of relying on getting a elim/kill.
our boy is mad he lost one too many times to unnatural persistence yagorath^^
it's the talent you pick if you don't trust your supports lol. but I only EVER recommend it on onslaught. for siege or tdm you should pick one of the other 2 talents
Every character needs 3 playable talents not just 2 or one 💀
As a Vivian main. Suspect everyone is her best talent.
How do you deal with flanks? 😮 May I copy your build cards?
what about redo this video ? there's so much changes recently, some talent doesn't exist anymore, and some has been reworked. An update would be cool^^
yomi is the talent for passive zhin who wanna play like a damage champ instead of being an aggressive flanker...
never saw any zhin win agaainst me with yomi...
keep staying with grover trying to land those heavy hit yomi snipe shot while your billow just delay your death most of the time...
with smolder you just don't care anymore about healers... you go anywhere engage retreat and reengage behind enemy's line without the need of healer...
it allow to turn a lost 1v1 against another flank into a win...
your yomi isn't making much difference and your billow is neither.
everytime you play zhin you are proving my point.
FIRST! XD (dragon fangs no doubt)
It's so sad that formidable has fallen so far, arguably used to be the best talent for main tank nando
On Maeve I prefer rogue gambit for the added dash resets. The near infinite mobility granted really enables a hyper aggressive hit and run playstyle that is so addicting
Seven???? Thought he was Vii
Nah, stop trying to mainstream my niche Support Skye gamestyle!
It's been OG forever. There's a reason why they've tried to nerf it in the last few patches... Literally part of pirate ship comps back in the day.
I disagree with Maeve torvald and yagorath
As a yago main i Recommend sight begets strength for new players
Huh, really? Fist is the best andro talent now? I figured dark stalker would still be the best, but yeah fist being such a big burst of ability damage is pretty good yeah. I guess it's time for me to start fisting lol.
@@bruhn3xus26 I don't think any of Andro's talents are actively bad, the punch is only really good because it ignores armour plating but I still prefer dark stalker for the better movement.
Yeah like I said, they're all about even, but the extra damage from Fist certainly helps!
@@mobas07 Yeah, all of his talents are still fantastic. Personally I play godslayer most of the time. Just because it's really funny to 1 shot people with the reversal lol. Dark stalker isn't a talent I have any problem with, but I usually don't play it unless I'm tryharding. Defiant fist is also really funny though, so I'm definitely playing that today lol.
@@AndrewChicken And yeah that's such a good thing that all of andro's talents are relatively on par with each other nowadays. Now I can officially have a loadout named "Mister Fister" again and not let my memes be dreams XD.
Punch andro Talent meta aint No way thats bullshit
i actually really like bettys talent you didn’t cover, hail of bombs. i just cant get the same dmg output with the other ones
Does it even do something. For me it just looks like an area dammage nerf.
@@mdpdfl its a super good 2tank counter as it focuses the all of damage just on point. Also, you have cooldown reduction built into the talent which allows you to get it up to ~8s cooldown w chronos 3 which is very good especially on ice mines.
I don’t think Hail is very good. Most people can walk out of the area much better than without the talent and you deny less area and get less incidental damage because of that. IMO, it’s a straight up nerf talent and should never be played
@@themorgue3836 im talking maps purely like ice mines, jaguar falls, and brightmarsh. shouldve added that nuance earlier. i agree that the flank talent is better on other maps but i would be caught dead using fiery disposition
You are trolling bro, that talent is a straight nerf on a plate, it sounds good until you realize that ability's purpose is to deny an area and by nerfing your radius you are just nerfing the ability/ yourself, gotta bounce is the go to talent for now as a Betty main since release, also if you are not using her ammo card and cold own on right click you are playing Betty wrong.
Is Defiant Fist really andro best talent? Not Godslayer? Considering how much andrew used to rant how hirez nerf fist card & gun fire rate
Azaan best talent is Tempering. Additional 2s is almost negligible with chronos. Persistence is just liferip 1.5
Grover used to have 3 viable talents. Shame evil mojo nerf his base heal so much that Deep Root despite rooting feels bad
Vatu best talent is now Unearring??? That's surprising
Khan, Koga & Willo best talent should just be put at base kit at lower value since they are trash without those talents
I don't really agree with that last point. Idk about the other two but Khan's default weapon is pretty reliable.
It's not better than Storm of Bullets but I feel like I can secure kills and deal a decent amount of damage without it
@@SpiltMySquash sure but as an off tank its way better to get more dmg than more shield or more CC. SoB khan is just superior since more dmg = more ult charge, more kills, more value overall. the only downside is ammo efficiency but most of the time its not a real problem
Focus Lens can solo heal if you dont shatter often ❤
HELL NAH - even if you dont use your shatter at all you cant heal 2 tanks with that let alone a whole team bro get real. its 450heal/1.6s AND requires LOS on top of that. its way less reliable than jenos and we all know that jenos is a poopoo solo supp
Sorry not sorry but Battering ram Ash solos😘
street justice 4 life nothing more satistfying than killing a 2000 hp fernando through his shield 😂😂😂😂
I. Hate. That.
A Fernando main.
the most braindead talent in the game. 0 respect
I disagree when it comes to maeve
Nah, ambidextrous is best
Warning ⚠️ what this comment contains will offend someones feelings-
The talents are all just a net buff to one ability and dont actually change much about the gameplay besides how often you use it. Other then that a majority of talents could be reworked right now with a few good upsides and some down sides and others could just rework abilities entirely for very drastic yet familiar playstyles. One being snow globe turning evies ice block into a ball that can be rolled around either willingly or not and can be broken out of apon her dashing the drawback would be a health nerf. But since this is paladins we have damage reduction cards and the item shop so it wouldnt even matter but thats just one example. Talents shouldnt just be an excuse to play what is meta it should be a way to enjoy the game and be successful with a comfortable playstyle for a multitude of ranks depending on the player. Sadly alot of abilities and characters and some tanks arent viable in the meta dispite the tierlist. While some characters are strong individually alot more are very dependant of their support or items or cards to be effective thus it actually limits what you can and cannot play. Ofcourse this varys between players but most can attest that not everyone finds these talents or metas fun at all. Good educational video but it only highlighted this games one major flaw.
the Net buffs:
1- your cooldowns are increased
2- your damage is decreased
3- you have liferip (useless After 5 minutes)