Since this recording I have made a document that is a vehicle supplement and it includes the Griffon for stats for the Heavy Mortar. You can get this Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory unofficial supplement with many others at the Doctors of Doom website.
Since this recording I have made a document that is a vehicle supplement and it includes the Griffon for stats for the Heavy Mortar. You can get this Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory unofficial supplement with many others at the Doctors of Doom website.
Very cool
I have fond memories of using Griffons to great effects against horde armies.
yeah it was pretty good for that.
I can't seem to buy it anywhere. It would have been cool to get one for my death corps army.
@kriegsmanofthethsiegeartillery you would need to convert one or find it 2nd hand, like on ebay or another similar site.
@@MightyBjorn Thanks for the advise.
@kriegsmanofthethsiegeartillery no problem dude, I hope you find one.
Orkhammer 40k: Nobz and Glory. The Looted Griffon, Grotkannon. (it fires grotz.)
and that is why the Orks are da best
Seems like the Orky thing to do.
Has anyone ever fielded a Gorgon transport? I really want to know how they used to work out.
I didn't have a Gorgon myself, so I got no idea
Griffons are cool 😎. Shame GW keep smacking it hard with the nerf bat😢. This thing can lob a shell carrying as much HE as the basilisk can GW.
I don't know about as much as a basilisk but the mortar round can really pack a lot of explosive compound.