Oh boy, it's my favorite event! I hope everyone enjoys the hard work we've put into this! Some info that I don't remember if grant explains for YT: Every mission has mission specific events that influence something about only that mission. In addition, all missions have a goal that all bits cheered during that mission go to. These are usually dramatic or special events that are cool mission endings or forced playstyle differences. Finally, the last mission on each planet isn't a mission goal, but a planet goal, an extra special event that uses all the bits cheered on the planet to count towards. Instead of going 1 event at a time in a queue, similar events are grouped up in the queue, so people can use more bits to do more things at once. This is why some events are triggered many times at once. You can see the value of that in the rightmost part of the event achievement popup.
People like you have given this game a new life and I'll speak for anyone in saying thank you. All the work molders put in is honestly better than the devs. Thank you so. seeing this live was a treat
"Kerrigan is feeling bulbous today" Because that showed up before Kerrigan actually becomes playable, it has the same threatening energy as "you're gonna have a bad time."
First thing I've watched in twitch in years. Totally worth the bits I sent your way! I've been playing several of the mods and I'm glad I had a fun way to give back to their creators.
Now his is going to be a treat to watch. Wings was hilarious and this I know is going to be no exception. Edit: Oh my God, not even a minute in and I'm already laughing histarically!
@@inductivegrunt94 Well, we have to remember what the whole thing is for, fundraising. If people are going to endlessly spam 3, 5, 10 dollars for cows, that's a good thing no? And Grant recognizes also when it has outlived its welcome and increases the price. So really, win-win for everyone, I can't wait for the awesome mods that will come out of this.
Absolutely wonderful, I am immensely proud of the willingness to throw hundreds of dollars to ruin this campaign. Note: this isn’t satire, I just find this hilarious
Even though i was not able to contribute to the new Twitch Trolls Grant, its still nice to see how well Ace, Violet and Orca and maybe other modders who i may forgotten to mention make this beauty of mod for HotS
"Here's the plan: we're gonna reveal the cows, and then we can kill them" It hurts, but it's so funny. Already loving the series. Edit: OMG, the rocks at 10:48 ... that's just perfect! My cat is hiding and I'm dying xD Edit2: The ability to skip stages is genius!
Most (maybe all) events need to have the cumulative cost, at least per mission. Then even if an event is "too cheap" it will eventually sort itself out.
Also, technically you could post this as another campaign on your discord, but you should make it so it’ll do a random thing on its own after a certain period of time (it would be cooler if you can set it to how often the randomness happens, like every 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s etc.)
"Otherwise I hope you enjoy." He doesn't want us to enjoy it if we read the document. :D It's not really a bug, if it's something that is impossible to be a problem in the base game.
Valerian: "We have a controlled environment"
Twitch chat: "Let's put it to the test then"
Valerian: "Kerrigan, what are you doing?"
Kerrigan: "It's not me! It's Twitch Chat's fault!"
@@sarttan Valerian: "Kerrigan, stop streaming!"
Kerrigan: "No."
The true lab rat experience, just like Blizzard intended.
They are cowards for not going with this original design.
Grant: If people are going to spend 1000 bits on a cow spawn multiple times over and over... then cool
Grant from the future: oh boy was i wrong...
Very Yes
That’s what the solorite was for XD
Yeaaahhh, I'd say Valerian learned a lot of new things about the Zerg that day...
Mostly how invisible cows work in high density
And how the wtf that hell was
Grant: We don't die, do we? Twitch: Rocks fall, everyone dies.
Thumbnail is immaculate to the experience of watching this live
The fact that the thumbnail was so accurate is insane
@@zerglinglemonadeallergy4621 It'd only be closer if there was explosive solarite raining from everywhere
Valerian: "We have a controlled environment"
Twitch chat: *Doubt
@@Ricardo_Rick Twitch chat: _You _*_had_*_ a controlled environment._
Oh boy, it's my favorite event! I hope everyone enjoys the hard work we've put into this!
Some info that I don't remember if grant explains for YT:
Every mission has mission specific events that influence something about only that mission. In addition, all missions have a goal that all bits cheered during that mission go to. These are usually dramatic or special events that are cool mission endings or forced playstyle differences. Finally, the last mission on each planet isn't a mission goal, but a planet goal, an extra special event that uses all the bits cheered on the planet to count towards.
Instead of going 1 event at a time in a queue, similar events are grouped up in the queue, so people can use more bits to do more things at once. This is why some events are triggered many times at once. You can see the value of that in the rightmost part of the event achievement popup.
People like you have given this game a new life and I'll speak for anyone in saying thank you. All the work molders put in is honestly better than the devs. Thank you so. seeing this live was a treat
did grant have the updated version on the 2nd day?
@@nickmurphy4209 I'm glad that we can use our skills to preserve the life of the game we all enjoy and bring entertainment to everyone!
Came here to say thanks but nick did it way better I’m so thankful for the new influx of content brought in by you and other moders
Love you guys so much 💞
Valarian: now for the tests...
Kerrigan: what test?
Valarian: *Cows*
"Kerrigan is feeling bulbous today"
Because that showed up before Kerrigan actually becomes playable, it has the same threatening energy as "you're gonna have a bad time."
imagine what Mengsk Junior is experiencing. oh well that was his idea to test Kerrigans limits
"I don't know you could do this Kerringan. Why don't you do so on Char?"
"What make you think I could do this?"
"Then who?"
Kerrigan: "You know this is going to end badly, right?"
*Pure Solarite soars from the seiling into the test chamber*
But for the soft hearted ones who aided Grant, he could have been stuck on this one mission for hours if not days.
First thing I've watched in twitch in years. Totally worth the bits I sent your way! I've been playing several of the mods and I'm glad I had a fun way to give back to their creators.
Also, you should make we moo unseen an escalating cost one lol
Now his is going to be a treat to watch. Wings was hilarious and this I know is going to be no exception.
Edit: Oh my God, not even a minute in and I'm already laughing histarically!
The people who made this did a great job, but twitch chat, as predicted, went full ham and chaos on the first mission
@@gertimoshka Yeah, it honestly really annoyed me how they kept spamming that stupid cow one and the terminator one to no end.
@@inductivegrunt94 Well, we have to remember what the whole thing is for, fundraising. If people are going to endlessly spam 3, 5, 10 dollars for cows, that's a good thing no? And Grant recognizes also when it has outlived its welcome and increases the price. So really, win-win for everyone, I can't wait for the awesome mods that will come out of this.
I never saw someone to lose in the "mine mineral" section and to spend 22 minutes on the misson XD
blasting through two of the goals before even mining 300 minerals lmao
When you blast 4 times the planet objective in the first mission...
I havent even started watching it and im already in tears. 11/10 thumbnail
Rak’shir: “only the strongest shall rule Mandalore”
Nice Clone Wars reference.
this is the eighth video in a row of hearing grant not be able to function due to laughter, and it's great.
10:40 Holy shit that rock timing was perfect
Grant: Oh 10 free Zerglings! *BOOM*
“Artanis can help blow up the cows”
10:40 to skip the the cow and solarite spam
Why would anyone skip this gem of an interaction with society?
@@АлексейПруцев-ф4р Cause watching Grant just sit there not able to do anything isn't that entertaining after the first couple of minutes
Yeah this sort of stuff is what made the last one kind of annoying. Yeah it's funny but if 400 people are spamming the same thing it's kind of boring
You know, just a day with Artanis and the bois testing Valerian's controlled environment.
Absolutely wonderful, I am immensely proud of the willingness to throw hundreds of dollars to ruin this campaign.
Note: this isn’t satire, I just find this hilarious
Shoutout to the guy who bought cows when they were 1000 bits still.
It was my first stream that I caught Live (thanks Timezones), but it was a blast and a honor to participate o7
I was bedridden with flu during the event unfortunately, but it's amazing to still be able to watch this chaos!
This was a trip! You had me laughing out loud more than once.
I'm looking forward to this ride!
That's the best Starcraft video I've seen in years
Even though i was not able to contribute to the new Twitch Trolls Grant, its still nice to see how well Ace, Violet and Orca and maybe other modders who i may forgotten to mention make this beauty of mod for HotS
This thumbnail is the greatest thing
This was hands down one of the funniest videos I've seen in my life
Thanks GGG
So many cows. So many corpses
I do wish he had twitch chat shown like last time
thank you Grant, i love it, i needed a laugh and this got me laughing so hard
The fact that I got a milk commercial on this video is some genius marketing
Probably too late but I’d love to see chat during these
"Here's the plan: we're gonna reveal the cows, and then we can kill them"
It hurts, but it's so funny. Already loving the series.
Edit: OMG, the rocks at 10:48 ... that's just perfect! My cat is hiding and I'm dying xD
Edit2: The ability to skip stages is genius!
The thumbnail for Part 1 is so good! :D
Ah yes, the first mission of the Zerg campaign: LabROCK
this episode was so fun I could not wait for the rest to come out i had to go to the vod and watch the first livestream.........
Finally, the queen of blades vs the collective hive minds (and walets) of steeam chat
An absolute madhouse, hopefully the fun isn't only stuck in the first few missions.
Yes yes yes, the best series has returned
Wow, the Umojan Cow reproduction enhancements have been a smashing success, haven't they?
- I can't believe people enjoy this as much as I do! This is my dream.
This is gonna be the great entertainnment for the next eveningssss
I don't think this is a controlled experiment anymore Valerian
Why anyone thought We Moo Unseen was a good idea in the first place is just baffling to me.
Oh man, I forgot about this ... But I needed this today after a hard ass work day
Watched this in VOD and the second day live, gonna watch it again. Fucking loved it lol
Most (maybe all) events need to have the cumulative cost, at least per mission. Then even if an event is "too cheap" it will eventually sort itself out.
Also, technically you could post this as another campaign on your discord, but you should make it so it’ll do a random thing on its own after a certain period of time (it would be cooler if you can set it to how often the randomness happens, like every 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s etc.)
Ah yes, my favourite:
Clear cow jello.
Maaan, I like how Twitch is so hyped about this event :D
Also, huge respect to the Neopolis for the thumbnail! ^^
Omg Grant from the future is back!
I think we need to make we moo unseen make the command center/hatchery into detectors.
Because we need to see the blockers
Or should we give a single observer each time 🤔
3:36 I have the suspicion that it's Karax himself.
I am so sad I missed this. I really hope I can be there for Legacy of the Void.
This weekend it'll continue! It's not over yet ;)
Finale is this weekend!
You have no idea how I am to hea you say that!
I was there. My first GGG stream I got to watch
I was at this live! 😁
We were there! That was awesome. I agree. Even though I could not participate in bits, still enjoyed it a lot.
This is glorious
I understand why you removed chat from most VODs but In my opinion its a part of the TTG experience.
Im lookin forward to seeing ttg on RUclips, made my evening a lot better c:
"Otherwise I hope you enjoy." He doesn't want us to enjoy it if we read the document. :D
It's not really a bug, if it's something that is impossible to be a problem in the base game.
Nice Thumbnail
the mission name is surprisingly fitting
I never thought that the thumbnail is actually how the mission going to be :'v
This is epic
can we have the mod in free acces later? so we can all do this?
Cows, the most overpowered enemy
Would it be possible to include twitch chat? I liked watching the chaos of the bidding wars there
Great Thumbnail
That was beautiful!
So it begins. Nice.
Amazing start!
Too many Ghost/DT Cows!
Amazing as always
Hah, I was just watching the wings of liberty one because I just noticed that series, and I was hoping for another one only after 2 episodes of that
Love that thumbnail
Yay. Love twitch trolls grant.
TwitchTrollsGrant speedrun when? :D
Is it still possible to make a donation for the pool / TTG to contribute to this project ?
Finale will be this weekend
@@jacubus9087 Thanks !
The glorious insanity has returned, the only question I have this time is; how much will the end donation total exceed the 1.5M goal? XD
Well this certainly looks promising XD
Now annual holy crap
Did you mean "Holy cow"?
What "roomba" does?
Ahhh this beauty is back
You know, you Will reach 1.5mil before Kerrigan gets her new wings right?
It’s here ! Rejoice !
I have never cared about Yagdra more than while watching this series
Dang I missed this stream, looks amazing though 😂
Geez Grant is constantly kissing that mic lol
This is great
Must require public cooldown.
AHAHAHAAH what a wonderful idea
Absolutely moooooverlous
Somehow worst then when Raynor kept being changed into Aircraft