Ok, so the structure may sound pretty weird to you, but you can also say "either or is fine" 意思是 ”两个随便都行“, 用这句在影片里的例子会比较恰当,因为另一个人让你二选一。 而影片里给的句子意思是 “都可以”,这比较适合用在譬如和朋友要选餐馆,人家问你想吃什么,你可以说,"anything's fine/whatever's fine", 这句的翻译就比较贴切: 随便,吃什么都行。 顺便一提,如果你交了一个男友是用英文对话,吵架后如果你冷冷一声 "whatever" 通常都是女孩表示特别特别特别生气,潜台词就是 ”好,随便你,待会就让你吃不完兜着走“😆
@@adrenaline7853 这个比较难解释,给你几个实用例子吧: 朋友:hey Adrenaline, are we ready to go (to the movies/to the mall/any activity)? - 嘿你准备好(去看电影/去逛街/其他活动)了吗? 回答:All good, let's get going! - 我准备好了,走吧! 朋友:are you ok? you look a little stressed - 你还好吧?你看起来有点压力山大啊 回答:it's all good, I just didn't get much sleep last night, that's all - 没事,只是昨晚有点睡眠不足 朋友:is the report ready? the boss is asking for it - 报告写好了吗?上头在问了 回答:it's all good to go - 都写好了,(上交吧) 毕竟是两个完全不同的文化,句子不能照搬照翻,任何语言都一样,很多东西要自己去感受,good luck! :)
我觉得sure是否等于yes需要上下文,比方说Do you want some coffee to drink?你可以说yes但这里一个sure才是更好的用法,因为如果你说yes,总感觉yes后面还得加点啥才对,比如yes, i’d like to have some 但sure说完就可以是period。所以有些时候sure比yes还要好用,尤其是在餐馆或者接受服务时sure还蛮常用的。Can I have your ID? 用sure也很合适。
“Sure” with raising tone at the end coveys positive feeling and enthusiasm. Sure in flat tone however may sound “agree but not convincing” or granting permission. It also depends on the situational context.
Hmm this does not address the underlying problem that sure cannot be used as "yes" to answer yes/no questions. Even if the "sure" is said with a raising tone, it is still impolite if used incorrectly. In fact, I would argue having a raising tone it is more impolite. For example: Q: Do I look pretty today? A: Sure? I'm not even sure how to interpret this "Sure?". It is definitely a wrong response, and also sounds kind of rude.
@@TheLittleColumbus I don't agree on this point. If used in the way you described, it is like you are questioning or challenging, then it may (or may not) sound impolite or inappropriate . That depends on the situational context again. However, the picture you tried to paint is not want I meant. Rising tone doesnt have to sound like you are questioning or challenging the other party. There are different ways to raise your tone. You can sound assuring and excited by raising you tone. It's how you raise you tone that matters. And using sure doesn't have to always mean being rude. Of course, "sure" can be a polite way to say no or an impolite way to say yes as you went through in your video.
@@Red-xz1gk Do you feel like “sure” is an appropriate response to the following questions, whether it be rising tone or neutral tone? - Do I look pretty today? - Have you eaten? - Were you born in 1990?
@@TheLittleColumbus For those questions, depending on the situation and setting, "sure" may not be the best way to respond except the first question if you use the right tone, expression and body language. How about the boss says "let's get started" in a meeting, and the employees say "sure" with excitement in the tone that is appropriately raised, along with engaging body language and facial expression? Do you think "sure" is an appropriate response in that situation? Of course, that response usually won't just end with a singe word "sure" in real world. It can be "Sure! let's do it". Or "Sure! let's go" and etc. Some may say "Sure" affirmatively and nod their head to express that they positively agree. The point is that "sure" does not have to be interpreted as a negative response when used in some (and many) situations with the right tone and expressions.
刚来澳洲的时候英语不太好 就询问过老师问题,后来他回邮件说什么什么,我想回也许是吧,就回了个maybe. 结果老师气的回了一封很气的邮件😅。 还有次去银行看到门口在装修,进去想跟柜员搭讪练练英语,就想说门口怎么了啊,直接说的whats your problem at the front door,柜员那个脸哦瞬间变脸。还有次帮朋友讲价,直接和卖货老太太说cheap cheap,老太直接回怼一句“这才不是你们中国的破货cheap的要命。” 当时气炸了要和她理论被拉走了。 多年后才明白自己用的不对让人觉得是我在说太廉价了😂还有次摔倒了被送去医务室,护士涂药的时候我发现摔得伤口露肉了,我就跟姐姐说I can see my meat🥲 哎呦想起那些年尬聊的英语哦,希望英语母语的大家能理解我只是英语不好并不是不礼貌😂
hey awesome vid, I find it really cool that you're pointing out these English nuances to those who want to learn the language, great stuff! However, I do feel compelled to point out that "skinny" isn't necessarily a derogative term per se... Sadly enough, for the most part, a lot of girls would find "oh, you're so skinny" as a compliment! lol 🤷 英文是我的母语,在这里想澄清一下关于skinny 的教学: 我从没听过skinny 被视为贬义词,很多女孩甚至听到了会很开心,听到 ”你好瘦哦 (oh, you're so skinny)" 会被认为是被夸奖身材好的意思。只有一个情况下女孩听了会生气,就是 "你的胸围好瘦 (your chest is so skinny)" 那可就不一样了😆😁
(個人認知可能有誤) May I 跟Can i基本上一樣 但May應該是比較有禮貌的請求或疑問 而Can比較強勢一點 May you help me to do this? 可以請你幫我做這個嗎? Can you help me to do this? 你能幫我做這個嗎? May I know your name? 我可以知道你的名字嗎? 這些是以前查網路和朋友教的用法,希望沒錯XD
If you want to express that you just learned how to do it, you could say, "I've got it, thanks", or simply just "got it, thanks". By saying "sure, I know", it gives people a sense that you do not really need the help, kind of like "mind your own business" thing.
直接回答 wow ok , thank you for help . have a lovely day . 結束 你說的 sure , i know 聽起來會像是 : 當然 我知道啦,還用你說 的感覺 !! 英文可以多點綴詞,完整一點聽起來比較舒服,中文簡單的幾個字就結束,因為我們習慣了, 但老外會覺得很沒禮貌,有時候我會突然想到再補幾句話,聽起來比較緩和
@哥倫布, I think I found a problem in your sentence:
有興趣= is interested;
有趣= interesting.
What do you think
今天的課程太讚了! 我希望以後還會有更多這種教導我們如何用英文適當表達的影片 \^○^/
@@bbmaster2158 简单,share哥伦布link给他
今天很實用~ 好棒!
雖然老外會理解我們不是母語,難免會使用錯誤。但可以感受到,用錯他們第一時間還是會反應在表情- 尷尬或不爽😝
感謝哥倫布持續推出的教學影片,真的能夠實際幫助到在學校等教學現場從事英語教育的非母語老師們,也讓學生從另一個角度釐清觀念,避免許多可能由於腦袋仍處於中翻英階段而不意犯下的錯誤。期待新作~ 👍
謝謝哥倫布出這支影片 讓我們可以避免這些錯誤 還有教我們可以替代的用詞
謝謝,超糗,我以前都寫錯!我都回客戶。If you have Any problem please feel free let me know😭
@@angelachien2398 不要紧,我也与你一样搞混了很多用语,从错误中学习!永远都不会迟哦!
這支影片非常實用 希望可以多出類似影片 或是換句話說系列 比如thank you 也可以說appreciate 不然身為非母語者 很容易詞彙用得很重複 沒有變化性
真的超級實用! 謝謝哥倫布!我就曾經說whatever 來表示都可以,外國朋友好像愣了一下,真的超不禮貌的我😱
Anything is fine. / Whatever is fine. ☺️
Ok, so the structure may sound pretty weird to you, but you can also say "either or is fine" 意思是 ”两个随便都行“, 用这句在影片里的例子会比较恰当,因为另一个人让你二选一。 而影片里给的句子意思是 “都可以”,这比较适合用在譬如和朋友要选餐馆,人家问你想吃什么,你可以说,"anything's fine/whatever's fine", 这句的翻译就比较贴切: 随便,吃什么都行。
顺便一提,如果你交了一个男友是用英文对话,吵架后如果你冷冷一声 "whatever" 通常都是女孩表示特别特别特别生气,潜台词就是 ”好,随便你,待会就让你吃不完兜着走“😆
那All good是錯誤用法嗎?感謝
@@adrenaline7853 这个比较难解释,给你几个实用例子吧:
朋友:hey Adrenaline, are we ready to go (to the movies/to the mall/any activity)? - 嘿你准备好(去看电影/去逛街/其他活动)了吗?
回答:All good, let's get going! - 我准备好了,走吧!
朋友:are you ok? you look a little stressed - 你还好吧?你看起来有点压力山大啊
回答:it's all good, I just didn't get much sleep last night, that's all - 没事,只是昨晚有点睡眠不足
朋友:is the report ready? the boss is asking for it - 报告写好了吗?上头在问了
回答:it's all good to go - 都写好了,(上交吧)
毕竟是两个完全不同的文化,句子不能照搬照翻,任何语言都一样,很多东西要自己去感受,good luck! :)
@@kaym4821 thanks for replying!很詳細 感謝
那都可以講All can 外國人會覺得很奇怪嗎
*影片 *Video 學好中文,對學好英文也有幫助
我觉得sure是否等于yes需要上下文,比方说Do you want some coffee to drink?你可以说yes但这里一个sure才是更好的用法,因为如果你说yes,总感觉yes后面还得加点啥才对,比如yes, i’d like to have some 但sure说完就可以是period。所以有些时候sure比yes还要好用,尤其是在餐馆或者接受服务时sure还蛮常用的。Can I have your ID? 用sure也很合适。
喔喔我們在講的是一樣的。 Sure 是可以用來回答部分的 Yes/No 問句,但不是全部都可以。如果可以用 OK 回答,那就可以用 Sure 回答。但就不要覺得所有Yes/No 問句都可以用 Sure 來回答。其實這點我也怕大家會唔會我的意思
講 yes, please 比較有禮貌 和不熟的人不要用sure比較好 太隨便了
我今天好認真 準時上課,很喜歡這一系列的內容,很實用。
中了第1項,Whatever is fine.(筆記)。
還有第6項~明明知道problem跟question的不同,但直覺都會想說What's your problem?
但講what is your problem,就有些像是說你這個人有問題,而不是講他的疑問是什麼,其實中文也是有這種盲區,就像「你有什麼問題?」這是在問你不懂什麼事還是你是不是有病?都可以講是吧⋯⋯
那麼最好問(any questions?)
“Sure” with raising tone at the end coveys positive feeling and enthusiasm. Sure in flat tone however may sound “agree but not convincing” or granting permission. It also depends on the situational context.
Said sure to my boss a few times. Start to worry that my boss might think that I am a rude employee.
Hmm this does not address the underlying problem that sure cannot be used as "yes" to answer yes/no questions. Even if the "sure" is said with a raising tone, it is still impolite if used incorrectly. In fact, I would argue having a raising tone it is more impolite. For example:
Q: Do I look pretty today?
A: Sure?
I'm not even sure how to interpret this "Sure?". It is definitely a wrong response, and also sounds kind of rude.
@@TheLittleColumbus I don't agree on this point. If used in the way you described, it is like you are questioning or challenging, then it may (or may not) sound impolite or inappropriate . That depends on the situational context again. However, the picture you tried to paint is not want I meant. Rising tone doesnt have to sound like you are questioning or challenging the other party. There are different ways to raise your tone. You can sound assuring and excited by raising you tone. It's how you raise you tone that matters. And using sure doesn't have to always mean being rude.
Of course, "sure" can be a polite way to say no or an impolite way to say yes as you went through in your video.
@@Red-xz1gk Do you feel like “sure” is an appropriate response to the following questions, whether it be rising tone or neutral tone?
- Do I look pretty today?
- Have you eaten?
- Were you born in 1990?
@@TheLittleColumbus For those questions, depending on the situation and setting, "sure" may not be the best way to respond except the first question if you use the right tone, expression and body language.
How about the boss says "let's get started" in a meeting, and the employees say "sure" with excitement in the tone that is appropriately raised, along with engaging body language and facial expression? Do you think "sure" is an appropriate response in that situation?
Of course, that response usually won't just end with a singe word "sure" in real world. It can be "Sure! let's do it". Or "Sure! let's go" and etc. Some may say "Sure" affirmatively and nod their head to express that they positively agree.
The point is that "sure" does not have to be interpreted as a negative response when used in some (and many) situations with the right tone and expressions.
支持哥倫布Sir,喜歡你獨特與別不同的課程!同時你說的國語完全白不須要睇字幕!Thank you。
刚来澳洲的时候英语不太好 就询问过老师问题,后来他回邮件说什么什么,我想回也许是吧,就回了个maybe. 结果老师气的回了一封很气的邮件😅。 还有次去银行看到门口在装修,进去想跟柜员搭讪练练英语,就想说门口怎么了啊,直接说的whats your problem at the front door,柜员那个脸哦瞬间变脸。还有次帮朋友讲价,直接和卖货老太太说cheap cheap,老太直接回怼一句“这才不是你们中国的破货cheap的要命。” 当时气炸了要和她理论被拉走了。 多年后才明白自己用的不对让人觉得是我在说太廉价了😂还有次摔倒了被送去医务室,护士涂药的时候我发现摔得伤口露肉了,我就跟姐姐说I can see my meat🥲 哎呦想起那些年尬聊的英语哦,希望英语母语的大家能理解我只是英语不好并不是不礼貌😂
非常好 年輕老師都有用中文解釋 比較清楚。
看電影時演員也這樣說 😅🤣
很多人經常混肴Problem, Question, Trouble 和 Issue。
以前在電腦維修店打工的時候就有位日本人帶著他的電腦,以日式英語和我說My computer have some trouble. (我的電腦遇到了一點麻煩。😂)
亞洲人很愛見面說,'你最近瘦了喔'。覺得這skinny是在這情況下用錯了。。建議跟外國朋友見面第一句盡量避免體重話題,改說 looking fine/ good等🤭
@@ian199584269 很不尊重人
用 slim
很棒的影片 很實用 很有趣
wow 今天發現了這個頻道 剛剛下載了講義來看 真的非常詳細和用心!希望能夠推出更多有趣以及容易出錯的日常對話
Have not seen your new RUclipss lately until this one. Really enjoyed the video. Keep up the good work!
hey awesome vid, I find it really cool that you're pointing out these English nuances to those who want to learn the language, great stuff! However, I do feel compelled to point out that "skinny" isn't necessarily a derogative term per se... Sadly enough, for the most part, a lot of girls would find "oh, you're so skinny" as a compliment! lol 🤷
英文是我的母语,在这里想澄清一下关于skinny 的教学: 我从没听过skinny 被视为贬义词,很多女孩甚至听到了会很开心,听到 ”你好瘦哦 (oh, you're so skinny)" 会被认为是被夸奖身材好的意思。只有一个情况下女孩听了会生气,就是 "你的胸围好瘦 (your chest is so skinny)" 那可就不一样了😆😁
1.這裡可用all good嗎?
太實用了 搭配小短劇很有趣!
我有遇到外國人是把 sure和okay當Yes,變成我無意中答應他什麼事,有時候工作遇到就會覺得麻煩😂
原來我們的習慣whatever 是亂用濫用了 讓人感覺不禮貌都不知道 用慣了希望能改得掉 感謝哥倫布的提點 很棒
對呀,很多英文意思表面上一樣但是不同用法,我真的遇到很多類似的問題,例如:May I Could I Can I等等,希望哥哥有機會講講,謝謝。
May I 跟Can i基本上一樣
May you help me to do this?
Can you help me to do this?
May I know your name?
哥倫布 很棒的教學!
Anything is fine =都可以
回答yes 不能用sure
thin or slim 代替skinny
kind of= 算是,不要用maybe
@@kinghinng8620 通常會比較禮貌的說,你的眼睛怎麼了嗎?😅‘’有什麼毛病‘’比較像是罵人的時候才會用的
@@Tanksoul 哈哈對的
實用!不過對於thin/slim/skinny,如果對方沒有問你的意見還是不要輕易評論為好,特別是外國人很多都不太喜歡,特別如果單純就來一句you look so thin
我想到以前上班 有個日本人再跟我同事說話 我同事也用日文跟他說 "你有什麼問題"
而且中文其實也不能用"問題" 通常是說你剛剛問什麼 感覺還比較接近疑問/詢問不是"問題"XD
question 可以翻成 "疑問" 會比較好理解 ,像是 還有任何疑問嗎?
problem 就是 "問題" 做錯事情而產生的問題那種
sure 我的理解比較偏向 ofcause ,中文會翻成 "當然" 但後面會再接話 回答
比如我是店員,客人禮貌性問我,我想點一杯飲料,我就會回答 sure 那你要什麼飲料??
反而 ofcause 我以前比較常講,但語氣上感覺有點不耐煩、理所當然,後來就改成sure 比較多了
Sure, 超好用。
跨文化的交流常常會有誤會,就曾因為聽不清楚,被回應:「你是聽不懂人話喔? 」然後這句話搭配了笑臉與開心的語氣
Thanks so much for Problems and Questions it bothered me more than twenty years!
very funny video and useful video to handle better for the high frequency daily words . Thanks
Always love ur videos 😊 super informative
5:51 那個boss不能說What. 要說sorry 😂😂😂
skinny, 以前不知道是包含骨瘦如柴的意思, 難怪某女性朋友為了拒絕追求她的外國人而隨口說了句他太skinny了結果那個外國人超受傷加生氣(他的身材應該算是fit那種是有明顯肌肉線條只是不大隻)
我在美國二十多年了,從來也沒發現skinny 不禮貌。但仔細想想,除了台灣人華人以外,根本也沒有什麼機會用到skinny這個詞,因為評論他人身材就是不禮貌的⋯⋯
@@syhu5456 skinny说女生没什么问题拉,男生就不好咯
@@syhu5456 我在澳洲待三年的感想是華人是全世界最瘦的種族無誤, 連審美觀都只局限在纖細的身材才是美, (日韓也差不多這樣) 華人不管男女被洋人說skinny是蠻正常的, 白人黑人要看到瘦的不是沒有但就是相對不多, 以比例來說十個華人七個瘦, 十個洋人兩三個瘦, 而且他們就算天天喝酒都沒在運動也會有遠比華人明顯的肌肉線條, 以肌肉發達性來講又以黑人為最優
@@waterink 沒有錯, 被說skinny而生氣的那位白人男性其實身材類似彭于晏, 比較好形容他的應該是fit之類的詞, 華人普遍偏瘦是事實
可以做比較 kick off/kick out/kick in/kick up 或其他kick xxx的用法嗎?
I like your video, very good 👍
Like the way you teach. Thank you!
Thanks as always teacher. 讚!!!!
很實用!蠻常講maybe的,sure怎麼使用,確實是不清楚的,重點是原來whatever 是蠻不禮貌的回應!終於知道了!
易记住 喜欢看你的节目 谢谢你的辛苦付出
whatever 應該叫做什麼都不管 、不論。
很實用!也讓我想起之前有人預約剪頭髮,因為一句NO被爆怒的文 哈哈 增加知識
哥伦布的教学让我获益良多,谢谢你 !
Give me my cookies back....太好笑了!
謝謝 很輕鬆又實用的影片
0:59的動畫 請問有人知道是什麼嗎?
Very good, I am very interested 👍👍👍
這部應片超讚的 希望更早就知道這些用法
剛到美國時我朋友帶我出去晃晃 回程時 朋友問說今天開心嗎?
結果我回 Sure , 幸好朋友知道我英文不好
所以就糾正我並教這種情況用 Sure 很不禮貌 lol
那請問用Of course 會比較好嗎?或者朋友教你用什麼表達?
@@oolam2316 回答當然有點奇怪。不管用sure,還是of course.我覺得都不太對。就回: yap, I had a great time.Thank you. 之類的就好。
@@evachen9705 感謝你!😺👍🏼
之前跟一位外國人借腳踏車,他教我怎麼踢開車柱,我很直覺說「sure,I know」但講完她喃喃解釋的反應,我就知道自己說了很不禮貌的話,但又不知道該怎麼說比較好。想問問有什麼建議嗎?
If you want to express that you just learned how to do it, you could say, "I've got it, thanks", or simply just "got it, thanks". By saying "sure, I know", it gives people a sense that you do not really need the help, kind of like "mind your own business" thing.
@@digicircle1182 Got it , thanks~😄
直接回答 wow ok , thank you for help . have a lovely day . 結束
你說的 sure , i know 聽起來會像是 : 當然 我知道啦,還用你說 的感覺 !!
I see, thanks for letting me know!
你可能只是想說“OK , 我知道了”,但會讓外國人感覺自己好心被狗咬,覺得你超假會,超沒禮貌的。你或者可以說thanks for your help now I get it . 也比說sure, I know 禮貌多了!
Sure就是我發生的地雷,很想知道面對提議,覺得很贊成,除了Sure, 有什麼詞彙更好的?謝謝
2:00 所以不能跟人家說 sure sure i'll take you.
Dear sir, Thx a lot excuse me. Does PROBLEM it means 難題?
5:51 教授應該要用 Sorry? 比較禮貌😂
Whatever = 管你的
Sure = 還好
覺得 sure 不是 還好