I heard that Eris’s floating ball is the Ahamkara bone she used to escape the Hellmouth. Does anyone know the Lore entry that says this? It makes complete sense, but I have not read it yet.
I'm curious about all the planets from d1 including the plaugelands and the cosmodrome. I also want to know where Efferdeet is. I really want to know what's going on in the dreadnaught.
Sarcalogos Tortolero so that they can make more content in the future. I’m pretty sure they have a contract where they have to make 3-5 games so they might have to cut out content now so they can make a few more games in the future
I wish they’d give Lord Shaxx a badass storyline. We already had Ikora & Osiris, Zavala, Rasputin, Anna Brey, Cayde and the Awoken. Even Saladin and Siva. Shaxx is supposedly one of the towers best warriors, give that tank of man a storyline! He didn’t even have any new dialogue when Cayde died. He led the counterattack that beat back the Fallen at Twilight Gap surely there’s more to him than just screaming at guardians...
MacIonrachtaigh I agree, though I wouldn't include Osiris as having a badass storyline, before curse of Osiris he was cryptic, interesting and seemed to have a deep connection with the vex, after curse of Osiris we got a bland character with no redeeming qualities, no mystery, no intrigue, Osiris was portrayed awfully from what he was supposed to look like and we just have a bland egotistical shell that speaks in stupid riddles. The expansion honestly ruined the character of Osiris for me, as for Ana bray I am also a bit disappointed with her, instead of seeing her as a badass goldengun Hunter who fought in six fronts, instead of getting the depth we were promised we instead get a character who is just obsessed with rasputin. Apart from that I can agree with you, shaxx most certainly needs more expanding he was a feirce warrior and said to have slain many ahamkara
heciluss Ohhh I totally agree I wasn’t saying Osiris or Anna Brey had badass storylines more so that Bungie wasted our time with that chump Osiris who really didn’t live up to his reputation and as far as Anna Brey goes, I think she was used as a filler in the lore to clear up some of the mystery behind Rasputin and the whole ‘Oh and by the way she’s the exo strangers sister’ thing was such a let down to character surrounded in secrets since D1. Lord Shaxx has always been one of my favourite characters since the beginning the way he’s larger than anyone and towers over our own guardian all the way up to the Cabal Attack when we see him pry open the doors of the armoury with his bare hands with the Raze Lighter on his back, I just feel there’s a missed opportunity there for a potentially excellent storyline
MacIonrachtaigh imagine a fallen expansion were we can fight along shaxx or maybe we get a flashback to six fronts. Also Ana bray is the exo stranger's sister? If so that's so disappointing because I'm still interested on the exo stranger and all the stuff she talked about, there's some potential to make a good vex expansion with the exo stranger. otzot, the vault of Glass, the stranger and the story of the scientists that succumed to the vex in the ischtar academy are the few remaining things I could see bungie making a vex expansion on
Some of the awoken girls around the dreaming city, sorry I forget what they're called. They mention they are looking for Eris when you hang out around them.
God that bunch of lore in the middle is SO DAMN GOOD! I was hoping that you’d just keep reading forever! This new lore is really getting me hyped about this universe again!
You may not see this Myelin... but man I love your work. As a writer myself, I can appreciate the amount of hours of thought and passion put into each and everyone of these videos. By you I was inspired to write my own version of the destiny story, all in one book. I see you started a project several months ago. No promises it will live up to your expectations, but I hope you and the rest of the community enjoys it.
+Auzz If you didn't pick up on it, Mara is talking about the real-life Goddess Inanna (also known as Ishtar) who, in the myths, journeyed to the Underworld in hopes of conquering it. See the parallel? Mara is comparing herself to Inanna and Oryx's Throne to the Underworld of myth. Interestingly, Inanna's plan backfires and shit hits the fan. This is very similar to the outcome of Mara's plan... Oddly enough, Inanna (the original) was associated with Ishtar during Akkad, then later was picked up by the Phoenicians, who passed her on to the Greeks, who worshiped her as Aphrodite. Though, her Underworld myth also inspired the myth of Persephone; both myths have the same explanation for the seasons and weather. That wasn't necessary to Destiny's story, but I thought it was neat.
+Toland Belmar Off the top of my head? I don't really remember much. When it comes to mythologies, I haven't focused too much on anything Germanic. Though I do have this to say: Mesopotamia is old. *Very* old. Sumer, which lies in the Mesopotamian Valley, was the very first civilization we know of. It began about 6000 years ago. For reference, the Pyramids were built around 4600 years ago. "Ancient" historical figures, such as Alexander the Great, lived a measly 2500 years ago. I think you get the picture. Because of this, many religions, cultures, or languages in the West that we know of have ties back to Mesopotamia. Many parallels can be found within religions and mythologies because of this. For example, I'm sure you've heard of the Biblical Flood. Would you be surprised to find out that this great flood appears in several other religions and tales in Mesopotamia? The Epic of Gilgamesh is one such example. In fact, the Epic of Gilgamesh is the earliest rendition of that tale, meaning the Bible likely borrowed the idea of a flood from that Epic. So, to finally arrive at the point I've been getting at, I wouldn't be surprised if Germanic myths had some fleeting similarities to Sumerian mythologies. At the time of Sumer, and for many centuries afterward even, the Germanic peoples were little more than hunter gatherers. Most of the Western world is influenced by the cultures of the Ancient Near East, as the most influential Western countries to have existed (namely Rome and the many Greek city states) were directly influenced by them. Though, Germanic myths would have far less similarities as they had far less contact with Mesopotamian cultures. And it also must be mentioned that most Germanic myths are lost to history. Christianity did a pretty damn good job of converting the Germanic Tribes and as a side effect, we know little about many of the tribes' myths.
So the next DLC is basically confirmed to be Savathuun? I’m guessing Eris will be *a* main vendor, and that we’ll kill that Vex mind Savathuun has in her control as either a story mission boss or a raid boss as means of weakening her or severing her grip on the taken entirely. We’ll also probably get another Vendor like the spider for the non-endgame activities (a traitorous Hive? A Skyburner who’s joined Calus and is aiding us on the new ship/the renewed dreadnought? Probably not but I can hope). We’ll probably also fight the rest of her children, and her Court. I can also feel Touch if Malice or Murmur returning to some capacity.
It just keeps getting better! The upcoming lore is keeping me in the game! I'm finding it increasingly harder to keep up with all the stuff having a full time job and hobbies but I'll still play at least the story just for all the juicy lore. Love all the small details that can completely change the outcome like this!
I sure hope that Savathûn and Xivu Arath look like how they look in the artwork in the beginning. The Witch-Queen and God ( Goddess) of War need to look as menacing and demonic as their brother. They need to have an even better Raid Final Boss fight for both of them.
Gammatrap bruh this shit looks dope as fuck man. You have talent. I wouldn’t mind if you made a massive picture showing the Hive Royal Family: Osmium King, Oryx( in his previous forms), Savathun( previous form), Xivu Arath( previous form), Crota, his sister’s and brother, Alan Hul, Malok, Balwur, and Dul Incaru. I’m asking for too much but if you made a “ family portrait, that’d be so dope man. Like honestly, you should be the artist for some concept art of future Destiny expansions
You know it just dawned on me that oryx represents hunters, Savathan Cleary represents warlocks, xivu arath even more so represents titans, leaving oryx with hunter which is fitting as he is a "navigator" and explorer
Unfinal shape! Good work Matt, seriously this is one of my fav videos you have done and one of my fav lore videos of all time, great work mate, keep up the good work :)
I miss Eris she is such a unique character its so sad that we have yet to see her again. The queen to me is getting a bit too beside herself and power hungry wont be too long before its a raid called Queen's Fall. Rip ahamkara 😔
+MylinGames If you read the D1 Warlock cards (the 2 class cards) they seem to hint at eris morn stealing the bone from the Cryptarchs before going into the hellmouth to kill crota. It even has the 3rd eye reference which could mean the Ahamkara see potential futures and whisper into her thoughts. The 1st card is eris stealing the bone before she goes to the hellmouth, the 2nd card is the bone telling her how to kill crota, it whispers to her in that 2nd card. It makes more sense now reading the D1 Grimoire now
I think she is referring to Savathun not as an ally but as an enemy. In lore of Unfinal Shapes she talks about Throne Worlds created through Darkness for the Light,so I think that is what she wants,she wants to create her own throne world and become powerful
So...nobody gonna realize Mara sov has been plotting to be the one true ruler of the seven kingd-......universe. She kept the last ahmkara for herself. She lied to her people can’t kept secrets to gain power. She plotted to steal oryx’s power and the ability to take. She is our enemy. Not our ally. Not someone we should worship.
Eris herself knows more about the sword logic than any living guardian and possibly more than Mara herself. I would wager that only Toland holds more knowledge of the rites of the Hive and the Worm Gods. Taking this into consideration would it not be more likely that when Eris refers to her final shape that she does this due to her previous understanding of the sword logic collected by herself and her allies in the fight against the Osmium Dynatsy? I'm not a massive Lore head so please forgive me if I'm way off base. I'm just sharing the musings of a drunk destiny fan :) have a good day everyone
I knew there was a reason I liked Eris Morn. I just like how Shiro-4 is a Bladedancer main, still calling that he'll be extremely likely to take the Vangard Dare, I was a Bladedancer main too. There was something about Eris to where I always felt she was one as well.
Toland Needs A Body and a Staff with a following Soulhusk with his Ghost's soul within it. Asher Mir needs to become Veximus Prime, Hero of The Time Lines. His Ghost Should be like a mini harpy.
Yes too all of this. I’m positive she will show up in the dreaming city. With the last update Petra (without being activated, as in I was just standing near her looking through my inventory) asked a very curious question and sound byte that I have NEVER heard her say since we guardians ran into her at the Prison of Elders. “ Guardian, Do you know where Eris Morn is? It is very important that we find her.” It was only after Mara Sov disappeared from her throne room 7 cycles into the curse that any character whether it be main, side or background (other than lore of course) has mentioned her at all. Keep up the great research and if you’d like any help or direction don’t hesitate to ask. Ever since Caydes death I have delved deep into the lore. Mainly about BrayTech, the Stone Crypt, What Riven has been powering by turning the whole of the Dreaming City into a giant Blind Well and my favorite character starting all the way from the beginning, our old friend The EXO Stranger aka Elsie Bray. I have found many facts by piecing this story together and think I could make a great collaborator if given the opportunity. Keep up the great work. By the Nine we are far from the end my friend. Your fellow guardian Jack Bandit. 🦊
My final shape. Funny "your final shape" is a turn of phrase I use with clients to describe what their body's will be like, as determined by their genetics, when they've trained with me for a period of time. I'm Oryx's Taken Personal Trainer. lol
I hope that we can see oryx dead body in some update or dlc and see Eric the Queen Yolanda and savathun try to steal some sort of lingering power still in oryx body. This would be cool and a nice way to bring in characters
I think that when she made her wish the bone corrupted her and her way out was by becoming a herald of the hive. The queen she was referring to in the end of the taken king was not mara, the scheming sister could not kill oryx in direct combat so she used her enemy "the light" to kill her brother and take his power. This also essentially gifted her a ahamkara which further advanced her plan.
Its tooootally savathun. It would make for such a good story line, how the Hive hunter got taken, and to a certain degree fit in with the now tragic view of destiny. The final shape part is unmistakably a reference to being taken, and the fact we never see her would mean that Savathun is saving her for something.
when eris says "this is not my final shape, she has shown me that" she could easily be referring to Mara sov when she still had her thrown world, and that Mara was able to show her some sort of ascendant or taken power similar to being regular taken. Just food for thought.
One of the things that I found interesting about these entries involving Eris from before the raid of the Hellmouth was that she was an Arcstrider. I dont know why, it just sort of came out of left field for me, would picture her as more of a Nightstalker.
Also, I don't know if this has any major bearing on what will happen, but we did see that Oryx took Malok, the son of Savathun, and now we see that Savathun(?) is taking the children of Xivu Arath, but I did notice that in the first Forsaken mission, where we see the Giant Ultra Ogre, I forget it's name, but it does say as it's tag "Spawn of Xivu" so perhaps Savathun ad Xivu Arath are working together. Just wanted to point that out.
I think you are correct to conclude that Mara failed to appropriate Oryx’s Throne since she had become weaker after losing her physical form. She needed to incarcerate again in order to do that, I think. But since Oryx had sabotaged her Throne World, Eleusiana, then she needed to retreat to one of the other (2) Throne Worlds she and Riven had created. While she was hidden incarnating SavaThûn came in and took over. Also although Mara may have been able to reopen the Portal and leave Dreaming City, she probably thought it would be wise to remain hidden and protect herself from SavaThûn’s grasp. Mara became trapped in paradise just as she had done to Riven
NovaGN sm5pac3 said it perfectly, the light is a force guardians can wield however they like, the more defined, well known sub classes are simply well refined ‘arts’ that guardians have practiced. It’s just in game we only have a limited amount because obviously the game can’t allow us to just wield the light however we like.
What If she reappears at the end of the year with a new exotic quest and a Escalation Protocol-esque in the dreaming city but with taken (I hope it's The Last Word , I miss that hammer fanning)
Oooh, that ending. So does that mean there's a chance that Savathun took Eris? I mean, since she doesn't have the light anymore, there's not really anything stopping Eris from being taken.
I hate to say that I've never seen her as a Hunter, and even doubted her loyalty until the Taken King. When she saved me from Crotas throne world I knew she could be trusted
It's a bank heist to steal Oryx's treasure. Another word for treasure is booty. Booty can also mean butt. Thus they must offer their buttocks for the success of the plan. How did you miss something so obvious?
It's referencing an ancient Mesopotamian myth surrounding their Goddess's descent into the underworld, which Bungie used as a parallel to Mara Sov's journey into Oryx's Throneworld. The line in the myth comes after multiple lines saying to lacerate multiple other body parts before hand, it's only weird without context.
You know what would be interesting? This whole thing's been one long con versus another and one scheme against another. What if Eris Morn is pulling her own long con? What if she knows just how tricky Savathun is and is trying to outplay her by working both sides?
So soon they join the list of beings that the guardian has yet killed (these two haven been seen coming for awhile). Hopefully we'll also get some answerssoon on the last three cohurts of Ghauls Coup. Those three being Calus's Daughter Caiatl, Evocate-General Umun'arath, Primus of All Legions, and Freeborn Otzot. Then hopefully we get to finally see who becomes Kell of Kells as well, either being Variks or Mithrax, both Fallen who have shown some form of alliance with the guardians. Heck we still have yet to see the real Calus. Hopefully all this happens before the triangle ships (the 'Darkness' or whatever they are) reach the system.
A question on the full lore tab on Unfinal Shapes. What is she talking about when she says "Asher, I saw a throne world built for the Light. Built with Darkness, of course, and the bitter logic of swords. But built for Light."
I wrote this into the script and then took it out. She could be talking about when Mara Sov created her throne world. But I dont really understand why it is built for the light? Maybe, planned for us to enter??
Eris morn, has got it going on. She's all that we want, and we've been waiting for so long. Mara can't you see you're just not the girl for me. I know it may be wrong, but i want that lore of ERIS MORN.
Where's Eris Morn" Oh - stop With your Gun in the air and your head on the ground Try this sparrow and spin it, yeah Your head will collapse But there's nothing in it And you'll ask yourself Where's Eris Morn" Way out in the system See it swimmin' I was swimmin' in the Caribbean Fallen were hiding behind the rock Except the little Dreg But they told me, he swears Tryin' to talk to me, to me, to me. Where's Eris Morn" Way out in the system See it swimmin' With your Gun in the air and your head on the ground Try this Sparrow and spin it, yeah Your head will collapse If there's nothing in it And you'll ask yourself Where's Eris Morn"
Hey myelin idk if you already know this but during the savathun strike on Titan i saw a wanted enemy in the part before the boss with the thrall named “osmium traitor”. Could this be Taox?
There's still one thing I havnt figured out or heard a direct answer to yet. The Ahamkhara. When they grant a wish, what's the downside? What's the catch? Only with Eris does it seem like her sight was taken in return for knowledge of her escape of the hellmouth. Since Savathun made a wish aswell, what does she lose? What did it cost her if anything at all? What's the price of an Ahamkhara wish.
Unfinal Shape. Forreal though. Any news on the Last Word? My FAVORITE HAND CANON IN ALL DESTINY....LOL. Just Saying. Oh Yeah, MG, You are my favorite Go To Person for all things LORE when it comes to the epic world of DESTINY.
I heard that Eris’s floating ball is the Ahamkara bone she used to escape the Hellmouth. Does anyone know the Lore entry that says this? It makes complete sense, but I have not read it yet.
"Lacerate their buttocks"?
Amazing video as usual Merlin!
I believe it is the lore tab for the raid cloak
Myelin Games though is doesn’t say directly she wished for a way out it does imply it
@UCTTXOQm0esmpwtCAk_Z9I8w that just says she has the ahamkara bone not that her ball is it, he mentions this in the video
*"several million mad dancing guardians"* 😂👌
Shadow Paradox she has seen our shenanigans in the tower
Am I the only one who wonders what has been happened to the moon since the red war
bloop gaming penguin The hive are sleeping till we go back and wake them
I was thinking why did bungie cut out all these planets, moons, and locations that had so much potential
I'm curious about all the planets from d1 including the plaugelands and the cosmodrome. I also want to know where Efferdeet is. I really want to know what's going on in the dreadnaught.
@@ninjaslash52_98 exactly
Sarcalogos Tortolero so that they can make more content in the future. I’m pretty sure they have a contract where they have to make 3-5 games so they might have to cut out content now so they can make a few more games in the future
I wonder what would have happened to Eris Morn if Toland didn't throw the deathsinger encounter.
Hey Eris! Can you tell Toland to give me Bad Juju back?
no give it to me
That should have been an exotic quest
No mine
I have been saying this since launch. I mean i love Vigilance and Graviton but JuJu was my baby
I wish they’d give Lord Shaxx a badass storyline. We already had Ikora & Osiris, Zavala, Rasputin, Anna Brey, Cayde and the Awoken. Even Saladin and Siva. Shaxx is supposedly one of the towers best warriors, give that tank of man a storyline! He didn’t even have any new dialogue when Cayde died. He led the counterattack that beat back the Fallen at Twilight Gap surely there’s more to him than just screaming at guardians...
MacIonrachtaigh I agree, though I wouldn't include Osiris as having a badass storyline, before curse of Osiris he was cryptic, interesting and seemed to have a deep connection with the vex, after curse of Osiris we got a bland character with no redeeming qualities, no mystery, no intrigue, Osiris was portrayed awfully from what he was supposed to look like and we just have a bland egotistical shell that speaks in stupid riddles. The expansion honestly ruined the character of Osiris for me, as for Ana bray I am also a bit disappointed with her, instead of seeing her as a badass goldengun Hunter who fought in six fronts, instead of getting the depth we were promised we instead get a character who is just obsessed with rasputin. Apart from that I can agree with you, shaxx most certainly needs more expanding he was a feirce warrior and said to have slain many ahamkara
heciluss Ohhh I totally agree I wasn’t saying Osiris or Anna Brey had badass storylines more so that Bungie wasted our time with that chump Osiris who really didn’t live up to his reputation and as far as Anna Brey goes, I think she was used as a filler in the lore to clear up some of the mystery behind Rasputin and the whole ‘Oh and by the way she’s the exo strangers sister’ thing was such a let down to character surrounded in secrets since D1. Lord Shaxx has always been one of my favourite characters since the beginning the way he’s larger than anyone and towers over our own guardian all the way up to the Cabal Attack when we see him pry open the doors of the armoury with his bare hands with the Raze Lighter on his back, I just feel there’s a missed opportunity there for a potentially excellent storyline
MacIonrachtaigh imagine a fallen expansion were we can fight along shaxx or maybe we get a flashback to six fronts. Also Ana bray is the exo stranger's sister? If so that's so disappointing because I'm still interested on the exo stranger and all the stuff she talked about, there's some potential to make a good vex expansion with the exo stranger. otzot, the vault of Glass, the stranger and the story of the scientists that succumed to the vex in the ischtar academy are the few remaining things I could see bungie making a vex expansion on
He does have new dialogue about caydes death. It’s just mixed in with his typical yelling at neophytes.
heciluss Yeah, characters always seem to be downgraded in the transition from the lore to game. Though I think Cayde or Saladin turned out ok.
Some of the awoken girls around the dreaming city, sorry I forget what they're called. They mention they are looking for Eris when you hang out around them.
“Eris, get your rock, off my map.” - Cayde-6
We’re back, back again.
With the consistent high quality content.
Thanks again.
Thanks man. Appreciate the support!
Eris will return in year 3 when Savuthun arrives. When another Hive god emerges. That or delivering Raisins to guardians during FOTL
Shaym Prakash I don't expect Savathun to get here until Destiny 3
You were almost right
I heard Petra say she's trying to find Eris and ask if we know her while in the dreaming city
She has enlisted Eris and several million mad dancing guardians
She has clearly seen some of our emotes
God that bunch of lore in the middle is SO DAMN GOOD! I was hoping that you’d just keep reading forever! This new lore is really getting me hyped about this universe again!
You may not see this Myelin... but man I love your work. As a writer myself, I can appreciate the amount of hours of thought and passion put into each and everyone of these videos. By you I was inspired to write my own version of the destiny story, all in one book. I see you started a project several months ago. No promises it will live up to your expectations, but I hope you and the rest of the community enjoys it.
*Lacerate their buttocks* you say? well that just seems a little harsh...
+Auzz If you didn't pick up on it, Mara is talking about the real-life Goddess Inanna (also known as Ishtar) who, in the myths, journeyed to the Underworld in hopes of conquering it. See the parallel? Mara is comparing herself to Inanna and Oryx's Throne to the Underworld of myth. Interestingly, Inanna's plan backfires and shit hits the fan. This is very similar to the outcome of Mara's plan...
Oddly enough, Inanna (the original) was associated with Ishtar during Akkad, then later was picked up by the Phoenicians, who passed her on to the Greeks, who worshiped her as Aphrodite. Though, her Underworld myth also inspired the myth of Persephone; both myths have the same explanation for the seasons and weather.
That wasn't necessary to Destiny's story, but I thought it was neat.
thank you for enhancing my lore knowledge! like seriously haha so cool
+Auzz No problem. I'm currently studying Mesopotamian history, so it was a weird shock when that shit came up. Lmao.
+Toland Belmar Off the top of my head? I don't really remember much. When it comes to mythologies, I haven't focused too much on anything Germanic. Though I do have this to say:
Mesopotamia is old. *Very* old. Sumer, which lies in the Mesopotamian Valley, was the very first civilization we know of. It began about 6000 years ago. For reference, the Pyramids were built around 4600 years ago. "Ancient" historical figures, such as Alexander the Great, lived a measly 2500 years ago. I think you get the picture.
Because of this, many religions, cultures, or languages in the West that we know of have ties back to Mesopotamia. Many parallels can be found within religions and mythologies because of this. For example, I'm sure you've heard of the Biblical Flood. Would you be surprised to find out that this great flood appears in several other religions and tales in Mesopotamia? The Epic of Gilgamesh is one such example. In fact, the Epic of Gilgamesh is the earliest rendition of that tale, meaning the Bible likely borrowed the idea of a flood from that Epic.
So, to finally arrive at the point I've been getting at, I wouldn't be surprised if Germanic myths had some fleeting similarities to Sumerian mythologies. At the time of Sumer, and for many centuries afterward even, the Germanic peoples were little more than hunter gatherers. Most of the Western world is influenced by the cultures of the Ancient Near East, as the most influential Western countries to have existed (namely Rome and the many Greek city states) were directly influenced by them.
Though, Germanic myths would have far less similarities as they had far less contact with Mesopotamian cultures. And it also must be mentioned that most Germanic myths are lost to history. Christianity did a pretty damn good job of converting the Germanic Tribes and as a side effect, we know little about many of the tribes' myths.
+Toland Belmar No problem. Ancient and Classical History are definitely my favorites!
Yay story time, gather round children
So true
Myelin and Byf are my Lore Gods :3
I’m calling the title for the next DLC: The Taken Deception, or Secrets of The Betrayer
The Taken Queen
I got a good one, black armory
Cam Cash I highly doubt that they’d relegate such an important character to their annual pass, more than likely they’ll give Savathûn an entire Y3 DLC
So the next DLC is basically confirmed to be Savathuun? I’m guessing Eris will be *a* main vendor, and that we’ll kill that Vex mind Savathuun has in her control as either a story mission boss or a raid boss as means of weakening her or severing her grip on the taken entirely. We’ll also probably get another Vendor like the spider for the non-endgame activities (a traitorous Hive? A Skyburner who’s joined Calus and is aiding us on the new ship/the renewed dreadnought? Probably not but I can hope). We’ll probably also fight the rest of her children, and her Court. I can also feel Touch if Malice or Murmur returning to some capacity.
It is gonna be on the dreadnaught too
gammatrap is on point currently
Glad you're enjoying!
It just keeps getting better! The upcoming lore is keeping me in the game! I'm finding it increasingly harder to keep up with all the stuff having a full time job and hobbies but I'll still play at least the story just for all the juicy lore. Love all the small details that can completely change the outcome like this!
I sure hope that Savathûn and Xivu Arath look like how they look in the artwork in the beginning. The Witch-Queen and God ( Goddess) of War need to look as menacing and demonic as their brother. They need to have an even better Raid Final Boss fight for both of them.
I've been wrong more than I've been right lol
Gammatrap bruh this shit looks dope as fuck man. You have talent. I wouldn’t mind if you made a massive picture showing the Hive Royal Family: Osmium King, Oryx( in his previous forms), Savathun( previous form), Xivu Arath( previous form), Crota, his sister’s and brother, Alan Hul, Malok, Balwur, and Dul Incaru. I’m asking for too much but if you made a “ family portrait, that’d be so dope man. Like honestly, you should be the artist for some concept art of future Destiny expansions
Very much agree! Would love to see you takes on everyone, if you haven't done this already.
Faizan Malik great idea!!! hive family photo is needed lol
gammatrap is just killing it with the art work man
The art in this is always so amazing.
Hey dregular... right, gamma done a gooood job
Very talented indeed!
That's very kind! n_n Thank you
You’re so welcome^-^ I always look forward to seeing more of your work!
You know it just dawned on me that oryx represents hunters, Savathan Cleary represents warlocks, xivu arath even more so represents titans, leaving oryx with hunter which is fitting as he is a "navigator" and explorer
45Thawk oh fuck bro u right
Hunters are more like savathun since she is a trickster
@@InsertSomethingStupid2002 I can see that reasoning as well, however Savathan is described as being a witch and takes on the wizard morph
Insert Something Stupid that’s one point compared to the many points of her resembling warlocks more
@@GarsTimide that one point is the most noteworthy thing about her character
Unfinal shape!
Good work Matt, seriously this is one of my fav videos you have done and one of my fav lore videos of all time, great work mate, keep up the good work :)
Poor Eris. She never got to skin cayde for ruining her ship
Good7 Bad13 he doesn’t even have skin
@@ontos8534 it's a figure of speech
Maybe in exos case it would be deburr 😂😂
I miss Eris she is such a unique character its so sad that we have yet to see her again. The queen to me is getting a bit too beside herself and power hungry wont be too long before its a raid called Queen's Fall.
Rip ahamkara 😔
+MylinGames If you read the D1 Warlock cards (the 2 class cards) they seem to hint at eris morn stealing the bone from the Cryptarchs before going into the hellmouth to kill crota. It even has the 3rd eye reference which could mean the Ahamkara see potential futures and whisper into her thoughts. The 1st card is eris stealing the bone before she goes to the hellmouth, the 2nd card is the bone telling her how to kill crota, it whispers to her in that 2nd card. It makes more sense now reading the D1 Grimoire now
I cannot wait until year 3, it will be the culmination of all that has happened, hopefully with going face to face with savathun and xivu arath
Imagine that, millions of mad guardians and they're all petting the colonel. Good times.
Great content as usual, also as usual, Gammatrap is on point!
I think she is referring to Savathun not as an ally but as an enemy. In lore of Unfinal Shapes she talks about Throne Worlds created through Darkness for the Light,so I think that is what she wants,she wants to create her own throne world and become powerful
So...nobody gonna realize Mara sov has been plotting to be the one true ruler of the seven kingd-......universe. She kept the last ahmkara for herself. She lied to her people can’t kept secrets to gain power. She plotted to steal oryx’s power and the ability to take. She is our enemy. Not our ally. Not someone we should worship.
Daiveon Mallery Yeah, she’s kinda screwed now, her Throne World is stuck in continual, eternal destruction and her plans have been exposed.
PC PastaFace exactly
Daiveon Mallery But yes, she was an evil mastermind
PC PastaFace but mara met her match as she ran into savathun a true mastermind
Eris herself knows more about the sword logic than any living guardian and possibly more than Mara herself. I would wager that only Toland holds more knowledge of the rites of the Hive and the Worm Gods. Taking this into consideration would it not be more likely that when Eris refers to her final shape that she does this due to her previous understanding of the sword logic collected by herself and her allies in the fight against the Osmium Dynatsy? I'm not a massive Lore head so please forgive me if I'm way off base. I'm just sharing the musings of a drunk destiny fan :) have a good day everyone
I’ve been looking forward to this topic!! Always look forward to your videos
Thanks mate!
I knew there was a reason I liked Eris Morn.
I just like how Shiro-4 is a Bladedancer main, still calling that he'll be extremely likely to take the Vangard Dare, I was a Bladedancer main too.
There was something about Eris to where I always felt she was one as well.
I cant wait for the final dlc and the war against savathun. Calling it now were gonna see the Leviathan and the Dreadnaught in a ship to ship battle
AWESOME SAUSEY That would be awesome but if the Dreadnaught is back under the command of a hive god they would crush the cabal.
That would be amazing
Toland Needs A Body and a Staff with a following Soulhusk with his Ghost's soul within it.
Asher Mir needs to become Veximus Prime, Hero of The Time Lines. His Ghost Should be like a mini harpy.
Toland killed his ghost
Insert Something Stupid shhh. It went to the ascendant plane like Toland as far as we know
@@TerrariaGolem he said he destroyed his ghost and recommended we do the same to ours
Insert Something Stupid yup he definitely did say that
Loved it bud! Keep up the awesome work! And absolutely loooove the artwork done for this vid.
Glad to be a sub, it's always a pleasure watching.
Love you myelin! Keep up the good work, love your lore videos. Its so relaxing and entertaining!!!
That artwork is beautiful.
The Hive on the bottom right could be some really nice hive raid titan gear looks sooo good. Looks like D1 Yr trials helm but Hivey.
"The line between light and dark is oh, so very thin... What side are you on?"
10:51 Lol! "Several million mad dancing Guardians."😂
Shes with her hive boyfriend, if only cayde could have said that.😥
Best... comment... ever...
I miss cayde😥
I only got forsaken for the loot
@@scathelock5648 fucks that gotta with this comment? Who even asked you?
Mission failed, we'll get em next time.
Turns out she was standing on the moon
I be watching these vids when I wake up keep it up pls
eris is my fav so glad to finally get some new lore on her even if it is just old ttk stuff. unfinal shape
Eris Morn Is Best Waifu.
@Holy Hand Grenades well.. a human/thrall hybrid.. yikes
Talk to us
Omnigul and Petra best waifus fight me
Yes too all of this. I’m positive she will show up in the dreaming city. With the last update Petra (without being activated, as in I was just standing near her looking through my inventory) asked a very curious question and sound byte that I have NEVER heard her say since we guardians ran into her at the Prison of Elders. “ Guardian, Do you know where Eris Morn is? It is very important that we find her.” It was only after Mara Sov disappeared from her throne room 7 cycles into the curse that any character whether it be main, side or background (other than lore of course) has mentioned her at all. Keep up the great research and if you’d like any help or direction don’t hesitate to ask. Ever since Caydes death I have delved deep into the lore. Mainly about BrayTech, the Stone Crypt, What Riven has been powering by turning the whole of the Dreaming City into a giant Blind Well and my favorite character starting all the way from the beginning, our old friend The EXO Stranger aka Elsie Bray. I have found many facts by piecing this story together and think I could make a great collaborator if given the opportunity. Keep up the great work. By the Nine we are far from the end my friend. Your fellow guardian Jack Bandit. 🦊
the sunbreakers at the end of the video, oh my, if it were destiny 1 everyone would have been so pissed
with savathun being a trickster idk what to believe!
My final shape.
Funny "your final shape" is a turn of phrase I use with clients to describe what their body's will be like, as determined by their genetics, when they've trained with me for a period of time.
I'm Oryx's Taken Personal Trainer. lol
I hope that we can see oryx dead body in some update or dlc and see Eric the Queen Yolanda and savathun try to steal some sort of lingering power still in oryx body. This would be cool and a nice way to bring in characters
Okay this is epic can we get eris ship, also gammatrap you beautiful artist you
Estebom there’s is an Eris ship. Not the one in TTK but it was a ship Eris had/made according to the lore entry of it.
Eris doesn't even have Eris ship
Much appreciated!
@@Gammatrap ur art is insane dude, how much time do you stick in creating it?
I think that when she made her wish the bone corrupted her and her way out was by becoming a herald of the hive. The queen she was referring to in the end of the taken king was not mara, the scheming sister could not kill oryx in direct combat so she used her enemy "the light" to kill her brother and take his power. This also essentially gifted her a ahamkara which further advanced her plan.
You should turn the art work at the beginning of every video into posters because I would totally buy them
I want to absorb your soothing voice
Transferring now.
Myelin Games lol
Transfer received
Its tooootally savathun. It would make for such a good story line, how the Hive hunter got taken, and to a certain degree fit in with the now tragic view of destiny. The final shape part is unmistakably a reference to being taken, and the fact we never see her would mean that Savathun is saving her for something.
Crota neck is so long. He's like those dinosaurs that stretch out their neck to find their prey
when eris says "this is not my final shape, she has shown me that" she could easily be referring to Mara sov when she still had her thrown world, and that Mara was able to show her some sort of ascendant or taken power similar to being regular taken.
Just food for thought.
One of the things that I found interesting about these entries involving Eris from before the raid of the Hellmouth was that she was an Arcstrider. I dont know why, it just sort of came out of left field for me, would picture her as more of a Nightstalker.
Also, I don't know if this has any major bearing on what will happen, but we did see that Oryx took Malok, the son of Savathun, and now we see that Savathun(?) is taking the children of Xivu Arath, but I did notice that in the first Forsaken mission, where we see the Giant Ultra Ogre, I forget it's name, but it does say as it's tag "Spawn of Xivu" so perhaps Savathun ad Xivu Arath are working together. Just wanted to point that out.
Loving the uploads great videos Myelin
Unfinal Shape
Ur the GOAT of lore
Eris my love..... come home
Your exo hunter admirer
jesse C you into three eyed chicks?
You're gonna have to fight Asher for her.
@@Daboi22 know any irl? Lol
@@Good7Bad13 ha ha! Bring it
@@Vernal_the_Oryx oh by all means it's your scuffle.
It has never been more true; the line between Light and Dark is so very thin.
Eris 🖤🖤🖤
Eris Moan 🍑
Unfinal shape. And Eris is my Destiny crush so any lore that I can learn about her, the better!
I think you are correct to conclude that Mara failed to appropriate Oryx’s Throne since she had become weaker after losing her physical form. She needed to incarcerate again in order to do that, I think. But since Oryx had sabotaged her Throne World, Eleusiana, then she needed to retreat to one of the other (2) Throne Worlds she and Riven had created. While she was hidden incarnating SavaThûn came in and took over. Also although Mara may have been able to reopen the Portal and leave Dreaming City, she probably thought it would be wise to remain hidden and protect herself from SavaThûn’s grasp. Mara became trapped in paradise just as she had done to Riven
Nice final shape of the video, o lore master mine....
*Moon's Haunted*
So Eris was a Bladedancer. Was there any lore on if ArcStrider is an evolved version of Blade or something else entirely?
Not that I have read. The change in subclassess were not really address in the lore as far as I know
The arc strider lore tab makes it sound like it’s its own thing
technically there are thousands of subclasses. the lore implies that guardians can wield an shape light how they wish with no end to the imagination.
NovaGN sm5pac3 said it perfectly, the light is a force guardians can wield however they like, the more defined, well known sub classes are simply well refined ‘arts’ that guardians have practiced. It’s just in game we only have a limited amount because obviously the game can’t allow us to just wield the light however we like.
That One Black Guy Over There yeah the drifter is like felwinter and zavala in that regard able to use different subclasses
What is toland planing to do or how much does he know?
Bandar Salh all i know is he warned us not to enter the dreaming city he knew the outcome
What If she reappears at the end of the year with a new exotic quest and a Escalation Protocol-esque in the dreaming city but with taken (I hope it's The Last Word , I miss that hammer fanning)
unfinal shape.. I have always been very suspicious about Eris, but we will see I hope.. nice vid..
Oooh, that ending. So does that mean there's a chance that Savathun took Eris? I mean, since she doesn't have the light anymore, there's not really anything stopping Eris from being taken.
I hate to say that I've never seen her as a Hunter, and even doubted her loyalty until the Taken King. When she saved me from Crotas throne world I knew she could be trusted
can you do a video on sjur eido and her story? I wonder what happened to her and the lore text on the Wish Ender bow seems mysterious
ofai69 very mysterious
Just wondering how would savathun travel, oryx used the dreadnaught but i doubt she has one so how does that work
Connor Toews Portals most likely, hive beings can be summoned to places as well. Traveling isn’t much of an obstacle for the hive
PC PastaFace exactly
"Lacerate their buttocks" WTF!?!?
It's a bank heist to steal Oryx's treasure. Another word for treasure is booty. Booty can also mean butt. Thus they must offer their buttocks for the success of the plan. How did you miss something so obvious?
Solkard well tbh I also had to think about it for a minute
It's referencing an ancient Mesopotamian myth surrounding their Goddess's descent into the underworld, which Bungie used as a parallel to Mara Sov's journey into Oryx's Throneworld. The line in the myth comes after multiple lines saying to lacerate multiple other body parts before hand, it's only weird without context.
Another fantastic video!
Idk why this just popped in my head, but could the "long, slow whisper" cayde was referring to be the ahamkara?
I think she was still talking about the awoken queen because she might have gotten control of the taken and is not able to show Eris her final shape
Nice one man. Cheers.
Eris is probably locked behind some grinding dlc.
It was always my thought that Eris would become evil. Whether that has happened at this point or not we will have to wait and see
You know what would be interesting? This whole thing's been one long con versus another and one scheme against another. What if Eris Morn is pulling her own long con? What if she knows just how tricky Savathun is and is trying to outplay her by working both sides?
Unfinal Shape and great lore video :)
Yo did shaxx and Mara sov bang?? That raid titan mark...
ASAP Papi yes they did lmbo he kept the helmet on
b spoon what a guy 😂
So soon they join the list of beings that the guardian has yet killed (these two haven been seen coming for awhile). Hopefully we'll also get some answerssoon on the last three cohurts of Ghauls Coup. Those three being Calus's Daughter Caiatl, Evocate-General Umun'arath, Primus of All Legions, and Freeborn Otzot. Then hopefully we get to finally see who becomes Kell of Kells as well, either being Variks or Mithrax, both Fallen who have shown some form of alliance with the guardians. Heck we still have yet to see the real Calus. Hopefully all this happens before the triangle ships (the 'Darkness' or whatever they are) reach the system.
A question on the full lore tab on Unfinal Shapes. What is she talking about when she says "Asher, I saw a throne world built for the Light. Built with Darkness, of course, and the bitter logic of swords. But built for Light."
I wrote this into the script and then took it out. She could be talking about when Mara Sov created her throne world. But I dont really understand why it is built for the light? Maybe, planned for us to enter??
Eris morn, has got it going on.
She's all that we want, and we've been waiting for so long.
Mara can't you see you're just not the girl for me.
I know it may be wrong, but i want that lore of ERIS MORN.
Where's Eris Morn"
Oh - stop
With your Gun in the air and your head on the ground
Try this sparrow and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
But there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself
Where's Eris Morn"
Way out in the system
See it swimmin'
I was swimmin' in the Caribbean
Fallen were hiding behind the rock
Except the little Dreg
But they told me, he swears
Tryin' to talk to me, to me, to me.
Where's Eris Morn"
Way out in the system
See it swimmin'
With your Gun in the air and your head on the ground
Try this Sparrow and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
If there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself
Where's Eris Morn"
Steve Parker right on dawg
Hey myelin idk if you already know this but during the savathun strike on Titan i saw a wanted enemy in the part before the boss with the thrall named “osmium traitor”.
Could this be Taox?
A1mighty_Apple OMG!!!!!!! i saw that wanted enemy and it took a while to destroy it idk if it’s taox but im sure taox had conspirators
There's still one thing I havnt figured out or heard a direct answer to yet. The Ahamkhara. When they grant a wish, what's the downside? What's the catch? Only with Eris does it seem like her sight was taken in return for knowledge of her escape of the hellmouth. Since Savathun made a wish aswell, what does she lose? What did it cost her if anything at all? What's the price of an Ahamkhara wish.
You could see the price of Savathuns wish being her daughter as she is now stuck in an endless loop of being killed every 3 weeks
Secrets [secrets] secrets, O loremaster mine, the [truth] is all held within [doubt] and doubt you [shall]
Who is the ‘hidden friend’ from the TTK cut scene at the beginning? Possibly Toland?
Interesting take on Savathûn
I love the video's. Keep it up " :)
Thanks :)
@@MyelinGames no thank you :)
Unfinal Shape.
Forreal though. Any news on the Last Word? My FAVORITE HAND CANON IN ALL DESTINY....LOL.
Just Saying.
Oh Yeah, MG, You are my favorite Go To Person for all things LORE when it comes to the epic world of DESTINY.