They'll Never Forget Sticky

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 37

  • @jamesmills5326
    @jamesmills5326 2 месяца назад +36

    Our group did a "Oath of the Dragon Lords" campaign and the most memorable part of the 3 year experience was Toadd (said like Todd)
    He was an insane man we met on an island. Walked like a bear, was naked 24/7, shit in the street, and came in jars (our dm told us, dont blame me)
    Our warlock got pissed, threw a jar'o'nut at Toadd's head, nat 20'd and insta-gibbed him

  • @Fidgetthebatpony
    @Fidgetthebatpony 2 месяца назад +26

    That one shot sounds like it would be fun

  • @notchs0son
    @notchs0son 2 месяца назад +7

    It’s the fact that they’re doing a serious campaign that makes the funny goofy parts so much more meaningful and memorable. They wouldn’t want to fail that campaign and leave the kids hopeless for safety of their futures.

  • @garrettmartin4750
    @garrettmartin4750 2 месяца назад +16

    I had a pretty serious campaign. I wanted to have some fey involved, so i made a Satyr named Jymjo, Your King. I never planned for him to be more than a 1 session guide/hireling. My party fell in love with Jymjo, Your King. They saved this stupid satyr like a damn princess. My party listened to his story, and told him that they would help him with anything. He became a huge part of the campaign. At the end of the campaign, the party was dealing with some Mind Flayers and Jymjo sacrificed himself to save the party. These mfers held a damn funeral for Jymjo, Your King. The cleric performed last rites, and went back to where they met Jymjo and built their house there. They called it, King Manor, and it was heavily inspired by the fey realm. Dnd can be really rewarding:)

    • @Luredreier
      @Luredreier 2 месяца назад

      Damned, may he rest in peace, wherever he is in the multiverse.

  • @Ravenholm337
    @Ravenholm337 2 месяца назад +2

    Some people are fortunate enough to learn this from day 1. We still suffer through it together but we accept it.

  • @KaldwinUnderscore
    @KaldwinUnderscore 2 месяца назад +2

    I ran a campaign for 3 years, with my closest friends in the world. We all run for each other, we're all in this for the collaborative storytelling, and I am a writer by trade, so I take pride in my narratives.
    In the first dungeon of the campaign, the party found a small Black Pudding, and our Dancer befriended it by rolling a nat 20 on her perfomance check to communicate with the pudding by wiggling at it.
    They named it Tim, brought it aboard their ship, and kept it in the hold, feeding it table scraps and garbage.
    They asked me how Tim was doing in the epilogue of the campaign.

    • @Foxasaurus_Rex
      @Foxasaurus_Rex  2 месяца назад +2

      We had a Tim in the first campaign I ever played in! As a gift, the goddess of magic let us design our own magical creature that we could have as a pet. We decided to split it up so that each person got to design a quadrant of the creature's body. We agreed the head would be in the front two quadrants, but the rest was a crap shoot 😂 we named him Tim and loved him forever

  • @ShandoraTheExplorer
    @ShandoraTheExplorer 2 месяца назад +1

    Their first memorable moment in the campaign I'm running right now was failing a strength check to pull a cart full of cabbages up a hill and then failing a dexterity check and slipping on one of the cabbages but saving it with an athletics check and pulling off a backflip all while the farmer ran after the cart yelling "my cabbages! my cabbages!"
    good times :)

  • @jeremiahbessette3377
    @jeremiahbessette3377 2 месяца назад +1

    My fondest dnd moment was a session in my first year of highschool, during the session a sinor playing a paladin with 20 STR threw a rock at a flying enemy but missed, though through some shenanigans and playing around convinced our DM to let him roll for distance and how hard he threw it which he crited on and it flew miles and hit a boy in the head, but do to some more playing around the brain damage increased the boys INT from 3 to 20 and the DM playing the boy said "Ow wait... I can think a lot clearer. My brain dam-ye-yamge made me smarter." The whole group broke out laughing.

  • @chrisallen877
    @chrisallen877 2 месяца назад +1

    You are right and that's the genius part. While they are doing the dumb stuff you are massively increasing their investment in the campaign and getting under the 'I don't do serious plots' armour many people guard themselves with. If you run that one shot they are now so deeply invested in your world that if your serious plot happens to have any detrimental effect on Sticky and Co they will go to the ends of the earth to resolve it and will do so with a smile on their faces.

  • @Cheshire5174
    @Cheshire5174 2 месяца назад +1

    In a one-shot my character became permanently blind. There was a corridor that no light could illuminate so we joked about sending the blind guy. I actually went into the corridor and right before the end i felt something burn my chest, like someone had thrown acid on it, so i stopped. I managed to find what i was looking for, and the dm them revealed the thing i felt was an orb of annihilation, which, if you don't know, forces you to make a really high wisdom saving throw (that none of the party were capable of succeeding) if you can see it, and if you fail, you put your hand in it. Blind character = no see it = no saving throw required

  • @sevendown3484
    @sevendown3484 2 месяца назад +1

    I think the serious plot is still important, it gives the world a sense of importance and realism that acts as a back drop for fun moments to have more weight c:

  • @the26thLetteroftheAlphabet
    @the26thLetteroftheAlphabet 2 месяца назад +1

    it is the Floblin the Hastily Named Goblin, the rogue stealing pants off the orcs they murdered in cold blood, and the barbarian headbutting a door open that, GUESS WHAT, was ALREADY UNLOCKED! HMMM, WHO WOULD HAVE EVER THOUGHT?

  • @unexpectedfrizzlefrazzlein7144
    @unexpectedfrizzlefrazzlein7144 2 месяца назад +2

    "Everyone comes into D&D expecting Lord of the Rings, but it always ends up being Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

  • @JamesDavis-ps6yy
    @JamesDavis-ps6yy 2 месяца назад

    Yeah, our team lead has been "Captain sparklepants" for almost as long as we've been playing - and his character wears no sequins or rhinestones

  • @Lajuun
    @Lajuun 2 месяца назад +1

    My husband is a DM and I'm in the party he runs. :3 The party has adopted the four orphans he has had pass us. My character just mama hens them and the others are like 'Okay so we're like cool uncles.' And we have been teaching the kids.

  • @duckhuntdynasty6562
    @duckhuntdynasty6562 2 месяца назад +1

    Yeah, like we had a goat. His name was Steve. Thankfully we did not have to sacrifice Steve to the elder devil who was pleased from the slaughter of hobgoblins. Steve was a good goat.

  • @Wrathura
    @Wrathura 2 месяца назад +1

    Me making a unique world created in a unique way.
    My players: So dragon f*cking.

  • @GuitarRocker2008
    @GuitarRocker2008 2 месяца назад

    Yeah in my group the thing that gets referenced the most and talked about isn’t fighting off an armada of undead, becoming universe saving heroes, or talking down a literal God nope it’s that time they kidnapped a guy and left him in the cars trunk for weeks and nearly killed him.
    Basically no matter what we are doing someone will shout “OH MY GOD JEREMY IS STILL IN THE TRUNK!”
    He’s still in there by the way, it’s been months.

  • @magnuslayton8827
    @magnuslayton8827 2 месяца назад

    My family has a game called Ragnarok. It's about the world basically coming to an end, etc etc ... And our party managed to keep our family member/exposition uncle alive through the first encounter MEANT to murder him.

  • @coldstarcommand
    @coldstarcommand 2 месяца назад +1

    I remembere this one time where me and my party were busting someone oit of prison. It starts with me (goliath barbarian) ripping the cell door out of the wall and picking up the person we were trying to save lets call them jonn. So i pick up jonn and carry him over one shoulder and we just start booking it out of there while our rouge with a bottle of endless smoke makes cover for us. When we get to the edge of the cliff that the prison is on, i give jonn to the rest of the party and they all get on the manual elivator. I lower them down to safety and i cut the rope to the elevator so that it doesn't work and now the whole of the prison gaurds are just running at me so on one side there are at least 100 guards and on the other is a several hundred foot drop and i am faced with a division. Do i try and fight all of the gaurds or do i jump? So i take a fiew steps twards the gaurds, i rage, and run full tilt twards the cliff, jump off and prey that i survive (i did this because i calculated that it was very much possible to survive at the time dispite my low level) but then the wisard casted featherfall and i didn't take any damage. So it was anticlimactic. But later that sesion the person that we saved tried to fight us so i sat on them, they used spell tatoos to basically make a fireball and knock me off, epic fight happens, i knock them out with my 70 lbd hammer, we tie them up and i sit on them again and we convince the rouge to not skin them alive. (Remember, they have spell tattoos). So that was an interesting session. Another time before that i was lv3 and basically solo killed a zombie minutaur (i did have two other party members but they were both down for the count halfway through the fight being a rouge and a wizard.) So that was fun.

  • @old_timey_prospector
    @old_timey_prospector 2 месяца назад

    Sentient crabgrass.

  • @Rex1nfiniteMusic
    @Rex1nfiniteMusic 2 месяца назад +1

    INSTANT running joke (after I was rolling bad the whole session) was one pc trying to explain to my character how inflation in an economic sense worked. I flubbed the roll on a 5. Needless to say, he did not understand.
    There's also the fact that my character has no clue what any race aside from Dragonborn and Elves are, so he keeps meeting all of these other races and has no clue how to interact with them 😂

  • @TheGuyFromMadnessCombat
    @TheGuyFromMadnessCombat 2 месяца назад

    I’ve so far had 2 of these moments as a player character. Both involved explosives. First was all of us were trapped in a room that was on fire. I blew up the wall. I got separated from the party by being put into a dungeon. I blew it up left and flipped off one of the party members who was making fun of me out of character.

  • @Halo_Chief343in
    @Halo_Chief343in 2 месяца назад +1

    I got into the hobby hoping to play a game about collaborative storytelling with my friends and ended up with a party seeking revenge for the death of Steve the pigeon …by going after the wrong guy (which was the bad guy of the arc thankfully, but it was the bad guy’s plot relevant subordinate that killed Steve)
    I appreciate the funny goofs we’ve had but how I want for a serious campaign.

  • @benjamingarcia1571
    @benjamingarcia1571 2 месяца назад

    I remember the plot to extort money out of the legal system in ways that I cannot say here than the plot of the actual campaign.

  • @That_PJO_Fan_39
    @That_PJO_Fan_39 2 месяца назад +1

    Yeah as a dm myself it's always the dumb stuff that they remember the most

  • @Twilight_Kirin
    @Twilight_Kirin 2 месяца назад +1

    My DnD Homebrew group once saved a world with: an absurdly large construct, a Rakdos Rite Knife, an Instant Fortress, a rune which summons fiends, breath-weapon replicating shotguns, over 17 billion coffee beans, and a number of other miscellaneous items. Also, before you ask: yes, that’s exactly what happened, and the ending of that particular campaign is as ridiculous as it sounds.

  • @Rose-hz4fq
    @Rose-hz4fq 2 месяца назад

    Kingie, Twingie and Thringie...

  • @BoltFox
    @BoltFox 2 месяца назад +1

    You do the serious plots so the stupid stuff sticks out even more. There is no light without darkness.

  • @Akwardred
    @Akwardred 2 месяца назад +1

    I have learned DND is about having dumb fun. My next campaign starts as dungeon crawl and ends with JoJo bizarre adventures

  • @joshsandquist6917
    @joshsandquist6917 2 месяца назад +1

    This makes alot of senee. As most people are just kids in adult bodies.
    And play DND to have fun, and take a break from. Their serious life.

  • @benben9794
    @benben9794 2 месяца назад

    … I summoned a bulette in the middle of waterdeep…

  • @brentcarpenter8142
    @brentcarpenter8142 2 месяца назад +1

    Nope, the players remember the stupid stuff!

  • @KristofferEk
    @KristofferEk 2 месяца назад +1

    because you need to have a serius plot that gets led up to by the dumb shit.

  • @krilous2755
    @krilous2755 2 месяца назад

    I was in a group for a Halo campaign... we were at the final stretch for the fall of Reach... and me and a buddy were in an elevator with the CO, we were dancing to the elevator music and singing along, TNMNT kinda stuff... and we still joke about thay to this day in our current campaign.