Side Pam Knife & Welcome everyone - 2 new killers 🤪🤪 and if you're struggling... just enjoy the view haha I hope you can feel the burrrrrrrrn, let's make our abs pop!! xx
Omg Pamela you are killing my abs once again 😂😂're probably never going to see this, but it would be amazing if in your Workouts for the future you would include some songs by Wafia. She's super underrated and I think they are perfect for your Workouts ✨🔥 (songs like "Hurricane" "I'm Good" "Flowers& Superpowers" " Pick me" " Good Things" "Butterflies" etc) I think you should give it a listen♥️
I am sooooooo excited to do this workout!!! I am sure I am gonna love it!!! Also I loved the outfit, the songs and the view as well!!! You are my inspiration Pam and I love you sooooooo much!!! Thank you for everything you do for us!!! 😍💕
Pam seriously, I started working out with you a year ago and my main motivation was a toxic boyfriend that wanted me to lose weight. A year later, I broke up because I feel like a *bad b*tch* that is healthyyyy and does not need any validation of any man. Bonus, I lost 25 lbs, I quit smoking and for the first time in my life, I eat healthy. Keep doing what you do, you change people's lifes 🥰
Can we just stop for a moment, to realize how strong are we all here? Like, pandemic, home, school work, friends... and exercise to it? Guys, we should be heroes for ourselfs, and be thannkfull that we can feel our sorow abbs everyday!!! :D Update: XD so much likes!!!!!
10 min ab line a workout structure: • ~ (each 30 sec)~ • 1. sitting 1-leg crunch 2. side pam knife (right) 3. hold + welcome (right) 4. little crunches (right) 5. side pam knife ( left) 6. hold + welcome (left) 7. little crunches (left) 8. spider plank 9. plank + arm rotation (left) 10. plank + arm rotation ( right) 11. cross plank 12. welcome once again 13. side pam knife ( right) 14. lower leg crunch (right) 15. welcome once again 16. side pam knife (left) 17. lower leg crunch (left) 18. star fish crunch 19. ab hold 20. plank + suck it in ♡ well done! ♡ always be super proud of urself because you were able to complete the workout. Yes, maybe you took breaks but that is totally fine! As long as you keep going through perseverance you will get stronger along the way because the more you train the stronger you will get! thank you pamela for ur amazing workout!
@@savannasabio3362 they can but you have to keep in mind that not only working out helps with loosing belly fat or will flatten your tummy, nutrition is super important too! You got this! Lots of love from Austria
I absolutely loved this one!! Especially because it is not so hard on the neck :) I felt my abs way more during this workout than I normally do, thank youuuu x
To be honest, I’ve been doing Pam’s workout since 2020 October. I’m switching them between the 10mins sixpacks, 6min brutal abs, 10mins abs line and 10mins killer sixpacks. I mostly do an abs workout and then one hiit, but sometimes I skip the hiit and do only the abs when my schedules are packed. I have 11ab lines now and they are visible and obvious. They don’t leave when I stop doing the workout for a few days. I’m absolutely in love with my body now. Lose 6kgs and 6%body fat. Thank you Pam 😘
Let's just take time to appreciate Pam for filming workouts even on vacation. Have you noticed how much videos have beautiful sea view? Thank you, Pam!
just popping in here that me and my family ABSOLUTELY loves ur workouts! we do one of ur vids every other day and we feel so accomplished right after we finish:) the results are showing clearly as well. stay blessed and have a good day and to anybody who's seeing this
Honestly, this is my favorite ab workout you've done so far. I have been doing it several times a day since you posted it, and it has garnered almost immediate results! Thank you so much!
@@madeline569 I have some solid ab lines now, but I don't know how much of this is from actually doing the workout. I am a small person like Pamela (I have the same dimensions as her), so it is a bit easier for my abs to show through.
@@madeline569 I saw results after doing it once, unfortunately the results were good on my left side because I took breaks on my right and now I look uneven lol
Not even 1 minute and it’s already burning!🤯 Guess no one would see ur comment if ur not the early squad.😔 The music and her bg is what makes the workout more interesting. Side Pam? Absolute killer!
On a maximum intensity scale of 10 ,this workout is somewhere around 15. I didnt know after doing Pamela workout for 10 months now, anything could be this difficult
This is the first time I've really done the whole video and seriously, the ending made me feel like I'm coming to a success. What a peaceful, yet cheerful ending I love it
ATTENTION✋ Guys stop scrolling comments and let's do this workout! You got this!! I know that you hate me now, but then you will thankfull for yourself! 😘Let's go!
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618796936
i dont know what it is, but this remains my favorite ab workout you've ever done. it's so killer and i love that the moves are so unique! i get so excited when it's on the plan :)
@@ilycool16 It really varies from each body because everyone has a different fat percentage and different diet so it can never be standardized . For me I had a flat tummy and ate healthy previously and within 2 weeks of doing this almost every morning I saw the results I wanted. You also need to make sure you're making the most of every movement.
Love this workout. Pam by far one of my favorite fitness influencers. Beautiful views, great music, killer workouts, all in one! Just quality! I love you Pam, you’re so creative and funny and you’re literally coming out with different workouts every week 😱💖🤩
I'm addicted to your workouts. Thank you very much. I tried to follow so many fitness RUclipsrs, but you're the only one that keeps me motivated and only wanting more and more of working out!!
I have been doing this almost everyday for 2 and a half weeks. I'm already fit and skinny around the waist and tummy area, but even so after doing this my abs have never looked better and most importantly my waist is so much more defined and smaller; something i couldn't even believe was possible!!
I really liked this workout, it kept me struggeling and I really felt the burn in my obliques! Compared to your other abs workouts I honestly have to say that all the others do not target the upper and the side abs that much. So for everyone who thinks that the muffin top workout and the side abs medium workout is kind of easy: This one is really good for the obliques! Thanks Pamela
Guysss today I relized that I can do this without breaks. I'm sooo proud of myself and pamela thanks for this you motivated me to keep going. I love you so much❤
Pamela, I want to thank you for all your beatifully painful workouts, your streching videos, for everything you do and put too much effort in it. You helped me to get my self love back even through i wasn't ever fat. Thank you, you are best, never stop doing what you enjoy. ♥
“I want to look like her. I want to have a body like hers” *eating chips in bed* Well she didn’t get that body by eating chips in bed. It’s hard work and discipline. You can do it!!
Finally I made whole video without any pause. I´m so proud of myself and everyone!! We are strong and stronger than we think. anyway, one of my favorite abs videos xoxo.
Thought it would be a relaxed workout bc pam has no shoes on Me: dying and still naive + I was glad when it turns to the “starfish crunch” exercise?!?! SOMETHING IS WRONG ABOUT THE WORKOUT
Thank you so much for providing free work out vids. I’ve only just discovered you a few days go and been following ever since and already seeing results. Greetings from England UK 😊🙌
For all the people saying this is really hard for them, keep going and it will get easier over time. You are making an effort and trying to do this which is amazing
I started doing the 'welcome' exercise and my eyes were like O_O. I don't know how you always keep the workouts so hard and just breeze through them. Thank you!!
holy !! that was amazing !! love this workout ! it is sooo hard but so funny !! thank you for doing all of it ! I train since the third week with you and it feels sooo good!
ive started working out with your videos for an hour every morning and really trying to eat healthy and even after just a couple days i feel SO MUCH BETTER and so much more confident! thank you!!!! ❤️❤️
I have been working on my abs for over a month and I've started exploring harder ab workouts. I already had a small but visible line down my belly , so a start to abs. Other workouts were becoming easy so I tried this one looking for harder. LOOK no further. This is one I'll stick to for a bit until I need to progress again. Hard and definitely needs muscle to do most of them. I'm 30 years old and have been working out for about two years at home.
Hi Pam, I've been doing some of your other abs workout and this is a great find - it's not straining on lower back and neck like other workout, but I still get similar if not more burnnnnn. Thanks for keeping improving & releasing new workout! I dragged my bf along for some of your abs & strength workout and he's now a regular too!! Eradicating the stereotype that 'girl workout' is mild as it sure burns like hell and makes you strong!!
sometimes I get random songs stuck in my head and think, where is that from? Then I remember they are from your workouts! I love all your music pam, good work!!
I went to the gym for seven months and today I'm back in here and I swear this is harder, I mean, gym can make you sweat as hell but it will never be do harmful haha, also, u truly feel I had more results in home doing Pamela's
Thank you so much Pam💛 your workout routines are so effective! I'm from my heaviest weight of 174lbs down to 136lbs now. I'm on my way reaching my weight goal 😪💛
I'm so happy with how simple but demanding these workouts are especially if you do them without breaks. I do these during boring meetings and on breaks
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem Erfolg! Eben das Workout gemacht (spüre jetzt schon den kommenden Muskelkater) und gesehen, dass du bereits nach einem halben Tag über eine halbe Millionen Aufrufe hast! Vielen Dank für die tollen Workouts und weiterhin viel Erfolg ;)
Danke, dass mit deinen Übungen ich endlich Bauch trainieren kann, ohne dass dauernd mein Rücken knackst! (weil meine unteren Bauchmuskeln nicht halten) 🥰 danke für die Hoffnung wieder aufs Sixpack! 😄
Side Pam Knife & Welcome everyone - 2 new killers 🤪🤪
and if you're struggling... just enjoy the view haha
I hope you can feel the burrrrrrrrn, let's make our abs pop!! xx
Simply stunning😊great workout!
All your workouts videos should be Similar to this, it’s just easier working out without shoes and socks!
it was a killer one!!but towards the end you kinda get used to it
Omg Pamela you are killing my abs once again 😂😂're probably never going to see this, but it would be amazing if in your Workouts for the future you would include some songs by Wafia. She's super underrated and I think they are perfect for your Workouts ✨🔥 (songs like "Hurricane" "I'm Good" "Flowers& Superpowers" " Pick me" " Good Things" "Butterflies" etc) I think you should give it a listen♥️
I am sooooooo excited to do this workout!!! I am sure I am gonna love it!!! Also I loved the outfit, the songs and the view as well!!!
You are my inspiration Pam and I love you sooooooo much!!! Thank you for everything you do for us!!! 😍💕
Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️
Pam seriously, I started working out with you a year ago and my main motivation was a toxic boyfriend that wanted me to lose weight. A year later, I broke up because I feel like a *bad b*tch* that is healthyyyy and does not need any validation of any man.
Bonus, I lost 25 lbs, I quit smoking and for the first time in my life, I eat healthy.
Keep doing what you do, you change people's lifes 🥰
WOW 🤧❤️ what a wonderful story haha - I feel very honored to have been by your side throughout that year. Keep killing it, you've come so far!!
@@PamelaRf1 💞💞💞
Well done girl!!!!!!
Damn gurl keep going ❤
you’re so so strong, keep going girl!! 💞
„motivation isn‘t a loyal partner, but discipline is!“ - Pamela Reif ❤️
yay you paid attention in the Q&A! 😬
@@PamelaRf1thank you for the quote too. It's a good reminder for everyday❤️
@@PamelaRf1 whats 'werbung'??? y u put the word everywhere?
@@xa-xii4865 it's english for 'ad', 'advertisement'
I swear I'm developing an addiction to the words "Well done"
Same!! Until you realize you were going to do one more of her workouts after, then you just dye a little bit inside. 🥲
Me toooo 😅😂
pam is pavlov-ing you
Ikr it feels so rewarding
Did you go to the gym?
Can we just stop for a moment, to realize how strong are we all here? Like, pandemic, home, school work, friends... and exercise to it? Guys, we should be heroes for ourselfs, and be thannkfull that we can feel our sorow abbs everyday!!! :D
Update: XD so much likes!!!!!
oh wow this made my day ty 🥺
Let's keep getting stronger all together ✨
The suportive group in comments is amazing
@@miarozvadska3962 i was going to say the same thing. The comments are just as valuable as these videos.
@@sarahdgt530 Love u for this
That satisfaction when you _really_ didn't feel like working out today, but then you hear that beep after the last exercise ♥
I so feel this ! I was really not feeling it today but then pushed myself to remain disciplined
this comment always motivates me to do my workouts even when i don't really want to. thank you!!
@@mayojuno OH! I'm so happy to hear that! Keep up the good work 😊
@@mayojuno you just got to eat or sleep better. I find when I eat or sleep bad I feel bad
oh yes! its only important to start
I started loving workout more than study...... 😂😂😂😂
Coz of pam this hpnd. ❤❤❤
Lol same
yesssss ︶︿︶
Yes I love working out more than studying!!! I working out is my life!!! 💕🏋️♀️💪
Me too! I started procrastinating studying with working out now
10 min ab line a workout structure:
• ~ (each 30 sec)~ •
1. sitting 1-leg crunch
2. side pam knife (right)
3. hold + welcome (right)
4. little crunches (right)
5. side pam knife ( left)
6. hold + welcome (left)
7. little crunches (left)
8. spider plank
9. plank + arm rotation (left)
10. plank + arm rotation ( right)
11. cross plank
12. welcome once again
13. side pam knife ( right)
14. lower leg crunch (right)
15. welcome once again
16. side pam knife (left)
17. lower leg crunch (left)
18. star fish crunch
19. ab hold
20. plank + suck it in
♡ well done! ♡
always be super proud of urself because you were able to complete the workout. Yes, maybe you took breaks but that is totally fine! As long as you keep going through perseverance you will get stronger along the way because the more you train the stronger you will get! thank you pamela for ur amazing workout!
thank u🤍
Thank you 💕
@@savannasabio3362 they can but you have to keep in mind that not only working out helps with loosing belly fat or will flatten your tummy, nutrition is super important too! You got this! Lots of love from Austria
Thank you
Can we just appreciate her for providing us workout vdos for free? They are free + effective! What else can we ask for?
Programme too is available every week
@Simra Jamal lmao
@Simra Jamal hahaha lol
Armys are everywhere 💜
I absolutely loved this one!! Especially because it is not so hard on the neck :) I felt my abs way more during this workout than I normally do, thank youuuu x
oh yes, its so easy to get abs on neck instead of belly haha
To be honest, I’ve been doing Pam’s workout since 2020 October.
I’m switching them between the 10mins sixpacks, 6min brutal abs, 10mins abs line and 10mins killer sixpacks.
I mostly do an abs workout and then one hiit, but sometimes I skip the hiit and do only the abs when my schedules are packed.
I have 11ab lines now and they are visible and obvious. They don’t leave when I stop doing the workout for a few days. I’m absolutely in love with my body now.
Lose 6kgs and 6%body fat. Thank you Pam 😘
I can't tell the difference between my sweat and my tears now
😂now that was funny
😅I love this comment
i rlly wanted to cry
Let's just take time to appreciate Pam for filming workouts even on vacation. Have you noticed how much videos have beautiful sea view? Thank you, Pam!
Do you know which place is this?
@@umamahameed372 idk for certain, but somewhere in Italy
just popping in here that me and my family ABSOLUTELY loves ur workouts! we do one of ur vids every other day and we feel so accomplished right after we finish:) the results are showing clearly as well. stay blessed and have a good day and to anybody who's seeing this
thank you so much!! ❤️ happy you like them
Pam´s workouts have shown me that "planks" are rest hahahahah
Thats the most relatable thing ive heard all day!
I know haha
@@marionilachuprov5597 same hahah
Hahah right!!!
love u too bestie
Thank uuuu love u tooo siss
Hun, I love you, I'm also proud of YOU
Who else is watching to prepare themselves to do it later😁
Thanks for so many likes😁❤️
Me me me 🙋♀️💪
Btw i'm just feeling how my belly will burn 😂
me hahaha
Me 🥲
I'll do every workout ever made, just bring me there 😍🥲
oh yes ♡♡
I'm just gonna sleep there 😂
@@chetnachaturvedi888 Lol😂😂😂
@@chetnachaturvedi888 haha lmao
Pam: Looks like a mermaid..
Me: Looks like a dying fish..
... during the workout
Ohh godd samee
This 🐠 is dead
While I was doing this I literally thought: omg, I look like a fish flopping around on dry land
you speak the truth
Honestly, this is my favorite ab workout you've done so far. I have been doing it several times a day since you posted it, and it has garnered almost immediate results! Thank you so much!
Several times a day?!
😭 I been aiming for just once a week
How are you abs now?
@@madeline569 I have some solid ab lines now, but I don't know how much of this is from actually doing the workout. I am a small person like Pamela (I have the same dimensions as her), so it is a bit easier for my abs to show through.
@@madeline569 I saw results after doing it once, unfortunately the results were good on my left side because I took breaks on my right and now I look uneven lol
@@yodapen6534 ahah i am always afraid of that happening 😂 just do the opposite next time
@@katewexell that's amazing! Great job you ☺️
I feel like my abs have been *ab-used* lmao
same lol😭💀
Hahahaha i can't
Ahahahah im laughing so hard
This is so good 💀🤣🤣
Good one :-)
Not even 1 minute and it’s already burning!🤯
Guess no one would see ur comment if ur not the early squad.😔
The music and her bg is what makes the workout more interesting.
Side Pam? Absolute killer!
You are in the early squad haha
@@lw1717 🙃
Beach: calm
Pam: looking like an effortless fairy
Me: dying of frustration and asking myself, why do i have a weak core!?🤦🏻♀️ 😭🤣
XD that's how i was a year ago on different ab workouts of hers.
This has got to be one of my favourite . Nothing beats this workout if you want the ab line .
Right on point 🎯
At first i was like: ,,mmmmm working with Pam" as a joke. But bro, i dont think its a joke anymore.....
See your tiktok addiction😂
i can’t read it with out intonation
I literally took a month break for summer and I miss her so here I am ahaha
Who’s looking at the workout to see if they will cry 🙋♀️
Mee😅 it looks like a lot of tears🥲😂
I will cry
Then don’t do it
me: sees hold + welcome “oh that doesn’t look too bad” also me doing it: * does hold + dying *
I can't wait ! Love all you workouts booty has grown inches and waist snatched ! Thank you so much pam!
On a maximum intensity scale of 10 ,this workout is somewhere around 15.
I didnt know after doing Pamela workout for 10 months now, anything could be this difficult
this describes me in EXACT WORDS!!
Soo.. this workout is like ~ "medium level"
She has harder ones..
haha true. Every tried HIIT?
This is one of the very first workout videos I’ve tried that I actually felt like my side abs were worked out!🥰
This workout makes the starfish crunch in the end look like a break.
Exactly, that's the first time I don't struggle with starfish cause I struggle with all of the previous exercises.
@@eliskahudeckova6584 oh wow means that you've gotten stronger. Keep going!!
starfish crunch is the hardest exercise for me haha
I think if I was in all of pam’s amazing locations I would always be motivated to workout 😍😂🌊☀️
I’m a simple girl
I see starfish crunch and I cry
I thought I was the only one
Bro same that is like me least favorite workout 😂😭
Your profile of Monokuma is so cute, n same starfish is no
@@nagitokomaeda157 aw thank u, so is urs I love Nagito 😍
@@imanx.2610 ayyy :)
This is the first time I've really done the whole video and seriously, the ending made me feel like I'm coming to a success. What a peaceful, yet cheerful ending I love it
Intense and easy to follow. Just 10 min but worked every muscle. Now one of my favourites.
Guys stop scrolling comments and let's do this workout!
You got this!!
I know that you hate me now, but then you will thankfull for yourself!
😘Let's go!
U got me in 4k💀
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com
!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618796936
Too late I already showered
ok you got me 😂 time to start 😭💪
Haha, you got me. But now: Let's gooo!
doing this at the end of ur workout for the day hits DIFFERENT
wouldn’t be a pam ab workout without an ab hold and plank at the end 🥰
i dont know what it is, but this remains my favorite ab workout you've ever done. it's so killer and i love that the moves are so unique! i get so excited when it's on the plan :)
I tried many ab workouts before and this is hands down my favorite. It gave me amazing defined gorgeous abs. I recommend this to everyone.
how long have u been doing them for so that you cand see some results?
@@ilycool16 It really varies from each body because everyone has a different fat percentage and different diet so it can never be standardized . For me I had a flat tummy and ate healthy previously and within 2 weeks of doing this almost every morning I saw the results I wanted. You also need to make sure you're making the most of every movement.
Love this workout. Pam by far one of my favorite fitness influencers. Beautiful views, great music, killer workouts, all in one! Just quality! I love you Pam, you’re so creative and funny and you’re literally coming out with different workouts every week 😱💖🤩
I'm addicted to your workouts. Thank you very much. I tried to follow so many fitness RUclipsrs, but you're the only one that keeps me motivated and only wanting more and more of working out!!
I guess we’re all in love with Pam here
But how did you predict?🔥😯
Li ke always
Pam; you are really the first person ever that motivate me to do sports. I already lost 12kg because of you 🥰
I have been doing this almost everyday for 2 and a half weeks. I'm already fit and skinny around the waist and tummy area, but even so after doing this my abs have never looked better and most importantly my waist is so much more defined and smaller; something i couldn't even believe was possible!!
almost gave birth doing this,and im not even pregnant. Thank you again for a very fun and intense workout!
I really liked this workout, it kept me struggeling and I really felt the burn in my obliques!
Compared to your other abs workouts I honestly have to say that all the others do not target the upper and the side abs that much. So for everyone who thinks that the muffin top workout and the side abs medium workout is kind of easy: This one is really good for the obliques! Thanks Pamela
I can't believe she's doing all these moves with ease
Guysss today I relized that I can do this without breaks. I'm sooo proud of myself and pamela thanks for this you motivated me to keep going. I love you so much❤
good job!!
@@kitzunemiku thankssss
Pamela, I want to thank you for all your beatifully painful workouts, your streching videos, for everything you do and put too much effort in it. You helped me to get my self love back even through i wasn't ever fat. Thank you, you are best, never stop doing what you enjoy. ♥
You always know it is going to be a killer when she is wearing only shorts and not leggins
oh lol I never noticed
I loved it so much!!! Thank you so much Pam, for all of your amazing workout videos!!! Some of them kills me, but they make me stronger everyday!
“I want to look like her. I want to have a body like hers” *eating chips in bed*
Well she didn’t get that body by eating chips in bed. It’s hard work and discipline. You can do it!!
Oh my GOODNESS, this is the second time I do one of your abs videos....WOW....they burn...short but SUPER EFFECTIVE WORKOUTS! Thank you!!1
Nothing is more rewarding than watching this a year ago and thinking damn I can NEVER do that... and I crushed it today. 💪 thank you so much Pam! 💓
POV: Your scrolling through the comments to distract yourself from actually doing the workout
Ups haha
Nup I've finished doing it& here for a quick entertainment before stretching lol
@@PV-re8kd me too !
Damn it haha
Awesome music, sets of workouts, the scenery is a plus too! Really enjoyed this. Thanks Pam!
Finally I made whole video without any pause. I´m so proud of myself and everyone!! We are strong and stronger than we think. anyway, one of my favorite abs videos xoxo.
Very creative! This is what we need to be motivated constantly!! Thanks for the effort!
Today was the first time I'm managed to finish the work out. I'm so incredible proud! Will stick to it 🥺
am I the only one who cant do the side exercises properly because my butt hurts while on my side:/
Same! I'm really sad and mad! :(
same :( i feel like my bones get bruised by the floor although i use a pretty thick matt..
Try doing it in a pillow, worked for me
omg yes! but the solution is put all ur body on the bigger muscle (or more fat part) of ur butt cheecks! it works to me
my hip bones hurt through the mat haha but for me its not too bad so I just keep going
I only love these exercises that require no equipment! Thank you, Pammie. 💓
Thought it would be a relaxed workout bc pam has no shoes on
Me: dying and still naive
+ I was glad when it turns to the “starfish crunch” exercise?!?!
This was the too hard for me😔🤕
yessss the starfish crunch was a rest ahahahaah
Thank you so much for providing free work out vids. I’ve only just discovered you a few days go and been following ever since and already seeing results. Greetings from England UK 😊🙌
For all the people saying this is really hard for them, keep going and it will get easier over time. You are making an effort and trying to do this which is amazing
Thank you for a lower back friendly workout 💓🥰💪🏼
I started doing the 'welcome' exercise and my eyes were like O_O. I don't know how you always keep the workouts so hard and just breeze through them. Thank you!!
holy !! that was amazing !! love this workout ! it is sooo hard but so funny !! thank you for doing all of it ! I train since the third week with you and it feels sooo good!
It’s one of my favourite workout 💪!! Great results ! Do ittt !!
ive started working out with your videos for an hour every morning and really trying to eat healthy and even after just a couple days i feel SO MUCH BETTER and so much more confident! thank you!!!! ❤️❤️
I have been working on my abs for over a month and I've started exploring harder ab workouts. I already had a small but visible line down my belly , so a start to abs. Other workouts were becoming easy so I tried this one looking for harder. LOOK no further. This is one I'll stick to for a bit until I need to progress again. Hard and definitely needs muscle to do most of them.
I'm 30 years old and have been working out for about two years at home.
This was an enjoyable workout. Felt my side abs burn but I felt good after finishing the workout 😊👍
Hi Pam, I've been doing some of your other abs workout and this is a great find - it's not straining on lower back and neck like other workout, but I still get similar if not more burnnnnn. Thanks for keeping improving & releasing new workout! I dragged my bf along for some of your abs & strength workout and he's now a regular too!! Eradicating the stereotype that 'girl workout' is mild as it sure burns like hell and makes you strong!!
Exercising with Pam for about 6 months already. Really feel good! Thank you so much Pam!
Here from 2024, repeting this workout several times, because it’s amazing! We need an updated one, Pam!!! 💪🏼
Future me, if you got to your ab goals:
Did you do it?
Pamela I’m convinced you a super hero 😅because there’s just no way you just eat every workout like it’s nothing it’s the no breaks for meeeeeeee 😂
This was awesome! 10 minutes is perfect for abs (for me), and even with all the legs movements, my hip flexors didn't feel overworked 🤘
sometimes I get random songs stuck in my head and think, where is that from? Then I remember they are from your workouts! I love all your music pam, good work!!
I went to the gym for seven months and today I'm back in here and I swear this is harder, I mean, gym can make you sweat as hell but it will never be do harmful haha, also, u truly feel I had more results in home doing Pamela's
Thank you so much Pam💛 your workout routines are so effective! I'm from my heaviest weight of 174lbs down to 136lbs now. I'm on my way reaching my weight goal 😪💛
Yay! Thank youuu! Doing this now!
No ur not
@@kingawfdallaz426 how would u know what she's doing?
@@kingawfdallaz426 I actually did thank you. I think its you thats not doing it :)
@@kkhmiranda it’s 1 in the morning
@@kingawfdallaz426 bruh u do realize that we have different time zone, right? not everyone lives in the same place as u:)
i addicted her workout videos during quarantine time. Now i’m waiting for new workouts 🤩
29.03 here! This was the killer of the day!! THANK YOU PAMELA
November 14 (2022) still here
You are the best ab instructor with results! Great workout!
Who else watching the whole video just to prepare themselves mentally and physically?😂
haha I do that everytime!
This ab workout is highly underrated🔥🔥🔥
I'm so happy with how simple but demanding these workouts are especially if you do them without breaks. I do these during boring meetings and on breaks
I'm literally in love with you Pamela, thank u sm for all your free workouts 💖
This workout is so good! One of the only workouts I've felt my obliques really working in the moment without being in a side plank. 💕
Wooow! That burns on a whole other level! Great new exercises!!!
As always killing it Pamela!! Thanks a lot 💪💪
Love it! Think this is my new favourite one...Thank you Pam!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem Erfolg! Eben das Workout gemacht (spüre jetzt schon den kommenden Muskelkater) und gesehen, dass du bereits nach einem halben Tag über eine halbe Millionen Aufrufe hast! Vielen Dank für die tollen Workouts und weiterhin viel Erfolg ;)
this is a pretty marvelous and effective side abs workout!! love it and will keep coming back to it in the future
i never thought i'd say this but i literally love this ab workout 😳
The longest 10 minutes of my life😬😬, by the way nice workout Pamela, appreciate it👍👍👍
This is probably my favorite workout of Pam :))
Danke, dass mit deinen Übungen ich endlich Bauch trainieren kann, ohne dass dauernd mein Rücken knackst! (weil meine unteren Bauchmuskeln nicht halten) 🥰 danke für die Hoffnung wieder aufs Sixpack! 😄
This is officially my favourite set!! I adore it😍thank you Pamela🙏💕