Ship interiors are especially impressive when you explore a huge ship, and then jump in the cockpit and realize you're moving that whole space around. There is something so magical about that and it's one of the things that makes Star Citizen truly unique. All of the ships have personality, and they double down on these aspects with the unique HUDs and ship voices.
Some ED fans think what CIG is doing is simple, that all you need is to simply have the ship interior and then anchor all objects while making it dynamic so that the player can have movement freedom within the interior. If that were the case, elevators on ED would've been more fleshed out. After all, you're just moving a parent object up and down, right? If only making games were as easy as AAA game companies, or even CIG themselves make it look like. The work they put in the underlying mechanics is not something I can pull off myself individually for a lifetime.
@@秋保です exactly, westerners think everything just drops out of the sky in a near complete state, what CIG is doing is comparable to digital magic, or every game would already have physicalised ship/vehicle interiors, it's the Holy Grail of gaming
@@秋保です I teach VR development at university level. 1st year undergrads could implement ship interiors into elite if they understood the antiquated cobra engine. Unfortunately fdev has lost most of the talented employees who understand the intricacies of the cobra engine, and have had to hire noob devs who were trained to make first person shooters in Unity at Cambridge.
@@5T3LTH I never knew they teach game engine dev on VR courses. Sounds like a Computer Science course for gaming. I'm interested. Sarcasm aside, I doubt your legitimacy for various reasons: 1. You assume that your students can do interiors when they have no experience in developing vehicles unless you teach them that inviting your users to the motion-sickness circus is a good idea. 2. You (unprofessionally) call a developer a "noob," instead of mentioning the possibility of poor documentation nor code by engine developers. 3. You imply as if working on a game engine, especially something that's not your own, is easy even for seasoned veterans to handle. 4. You believe that your VR class is something like a jack-of-all-trades. If that were the case, I would've seen it more on job filings. Regardless, I'd love to be proven wrong. It's more than welcome for me to have a civil discussion with someone from the YT comments.
It's not about grabbing a ship and flying around... it's about being Han Sols, hopping in the Falcon, getting into trouble, getting OUT of trouble, running to the back of the ship to work on the hyperdrive, and then relaxing on the way to the next mission.
Bespoke ship interiors are one of the best parts of the game. Getting in a large ship and exploring the interior for the first time is a large part of this games appeal.
I don't think it was just ship interiors but the entire strategy. CR could have generated 500 billion height maps a lot earlier and skipped a lot of the foundational tech in order to achieve the so called "released" status. But SC tried something else which is ironically what a lot of gamers have been begging for even as they hate the game for doing just that: get the foundation right and then build out on top until it is truly done. That was SC's strategy, and that is why today it stands stronger than ever even as the "other" titles are at a cross roads with potentially having to tear down the entire house to rebuild its 2021.
Last year I was watching RUclips on my TV and came across Star Citizen, after watching several video on it l was totally hooked, so much so that I eventually built a PC just so I could play it myself. I have always loved SiFi and couldn't believe how detailed and lovely everything looked, I especially like the ships and their interiors.
@@grey-peter69Good choice. I also started with the Aurora than I upgraded to the origen 325a and also bought the nomad, roc and nox. I kind of miss the aurora though and want another one.
@@Boss-Possum I was thinking the same and nearly bought another a couple of days ago but then thought it may be better to wait until 3.14 is released before spending any of my in-game money.
The thing is when exploration becomes a thing in SC. It will be even more immersive as you work onboard. We have barely scratched the surface of all the gameplay interiors bring. Medical, Engineering, Gunner, and more. I don't see that possibility in any other game. Being far out on the fringes of space, and found rare loot and barely hanging on to survive, everybody injured and the medic struggling to keep you alive. Possibilities are endless when the foundation is laid out early.
I have played games that I have said to myself "I wish I could interact with the items in this environment. Not just look." This has happened to me over and over again in games. Not SC. You can interact with most things, and it makes the game feel more real.
I specifically bought the Pisces as my starter because I wanted to experience walking around inside the Shuttle from Star Trek...and man did they nail it for me.
I usually buy ships because they fill a particular role or have a certain design or gameplay element. I recently bought the Gatac Railen because I wanted to live there alongside an alien (Xi'An) crew. It looked like a good home and easily met my usual requirements. I think there was an element of this for the Drake Corsair as well - it looks like a nice home away from home, but a bit on the rough side.
Ship so complex and interactable inside and out they might as well be their own characters. They will even weather as they age. Give them a name and you will grow more attached to them.
This was one the best videos that stressed about the importance of having ship interiors. I seen the video when David Braben promised ship interiors and years later they save said they have no plans for ship interiors. This is sad. Thanks
My favorite ships in the game so far are the Argo MOLE and Anvil Carrack for specifically their interiors. They actually make you think you're a miner off planet or a commander/explorer with all the amenities you need for the unknown.
Okay can we stop beating around the bush and just admit that Elite Dangerous is absolute trash if you want to do multicrew gameplay? The damn game is broken all to hell and it looks as if it was deliberately developed to actively "punish" the player for not being solo
You can blame the community for a lot of that. The ED dads moan whenever any kind of online or MMO element is introduced. Because they all wanted a single player game.
It's the ship interiors that convinced me to jump on in SC. But I also want to add something in regards to X4: Foundations even thou they do cheat a lot in regards to carrying capacities and crew, they do have interiors. Small ships are pretty much just one room. Large ships have a bridge, landing pads and some even large hangar bays. Stations have small elevator connected rooms and large docking areas. You should really checkout the hangar of a fully stocked Split Raptor that's a amazing and makes me looking forward to someday seeing the Bengal Carrier from the inside.
Think the polls be better if you give people the option to select multiple answers. Then you have a real image of the most loved reason's beyond simply the main (single) reason. Great vid!
This is exactly why i'm in, the detail of immersion, and it's also why I will not bark at devs about not enough gameplay, being able to walk through all the stuff they making is the gameplay for me atm... and all those hallways corridors elevators doors animations physics and collisions and whatever i missed have to be made from all approachable angles... ik it's not for everyone
It was the ship interiors that was the final nudge I went and pledged after a few years of watching the game development :) Btw having a bed in my ship is a must, with amenities being a close second, that's why I went on upgrading my starter aurora to 315p to nomad, which I'm totally in love with 😃 (Although I sorely miss the glass roof and my custom coffee maker 😅)
imho; the core problem with ED is their vision of multi-crew is so small => If you never meet your crew mates in person, no need for interiors, therefore no need for the huge expense of developing interiors. I can criticize many aspects of SC, but I cannot say they don't have a vision (e.g. multiplayer FTL). You could make an argument that this is because CIG are betting on one horse (SC), whereas FDev have multiple games in development to spread the risk
Grew up playing a different assortment of space sims or space related games in general and ships having interiors was always the thing I desired most. Hell, the games that were first person and didn't even have a cockpit, you seeing just a bit of hud and a reticle, always bothered the shit out of me. The ship interiors are a big reason I love SC
Let’s not forget the actual gameplay you can have in a ship. I’ve broken folks out of jail in an Avenger and trying to line up that ramp was a big part of it. Using the side doors on a Cutty to shoot from or boarding a Carrack from EVA are part of how the game is meant to be played. It’s not a gimmick, it’s a core gameplay mechanic. My biggest wants in SC is a better flight model, esp. when it comes to rotation and a better interplanetary travel method, like ED’s super cruise. The freedom and sense of speed it gives you is not matched by QT.
The singular idea that I could board a spaceship, set course to a new planet, get up, walk around inside my ship, kick back and relax, while the ship flies on is that first appealed to me about STAR CITIZEN. The closest I get to that now is STAR TREK ONLINE where I can set a destination and the ship sets course and travels there. I don't a rat's crap is the autopilot isn't the fastest or most efficient way to fly. I'm content to leave the flying to it. It's also why I was really hoping we'd get RoboCars in 2020 (like so many companies promised last decade), so I can sit back and nap. Little did I know a global pandemic would eliminate most of my travel plans.
Lots of talk on ship interiors lately obviously because the Elite Odyssey launch was such a train wreck. Even if fdev give players interiors it's not going to stop the bleeding, the bleeding started long ago. Elite players have watched for years other games getting all kinds of content updates several times a year or entire games being created all the while Elite stagnated and "the community" made excuses "it's real hard, it's the engine, it's this or it's that" and all the while they crammed grind, time syncs and cosmetics down your throat and then when Odyssey finally releases it's in such bad shape that it was impossible not to see that instead of the honest actor many thought fdev was that they are actually more like a slimy used car salesman utterly willing to rip off their own customers by selling them a lemon so ship interiors will not help because fdev have almost been indifferent about all of it, they are not acting like a company who cares at all, they completely ripped off VR players and have basically told anyone who still cannot get it to run to piss off because they have counsel sales to worry about and maybe, just maybe it will work for them after they dumb down the graphics and other things so it will run on counsels... ship interiors in Elite won't fix all that and could make it worse because I just don't think fdev cannot do anything without thinking first of padding their playtime stats for shareholders or selling cosmetics - it's how when you do finally get a crumb of content that it lasts 10 minutes but they manage to force dozens of hours of grind and of course cosmetic placeholders into the game, ship interiors would be no different anyone who thinks otherwise simply has either not been paying attention, has some financial stake in pushing the game or has blinders on.
Tangibility is what the game tries to have. Yo I can reach out and touch anything, whether it be ship interiors or the massive ceiling in the Central Business District station
At 1:39; Waking up in my bedroom would be nice if the game let me get up "from" bed. I'm at Orison, stuck in bed, unable to "GET UP" (Live PU is fine, just the PTU/Orison I think, hope). ;-)
Did you have the same problem and clicking "Y" fixed it or was it just a suggestion? (at least 3/4 of my time is spent dealing with issues instead of playing).
Morphologis often talks about 'wayfinding devices', i.e. things you can see from multiple vantage points around a map, and windows play a big part in that. It's easy to get lost in a big ship with no windows; but if you can also look out a window and see the nose, tail, or wing of the ship, you always know where you are.
They actually aren't as big as earth, sadly :( It's not so much the size or even the scale itself I eman, though. It's the sense that the scale gives you, often times large structures are never placed in a way that allows us to appreciate how large they are. It may also be a graphics thing, though.
Internal ship persistence is the most important feature that makes SC a real game. Your cat or Connie become fully functional FOBs. No matter what “features” we have now, we have no glue. World persistence is far secondary to internal ship persistence.
Immersion is a big deal, even people do not want to admit it. This is why i think CiG choose this path to make this game with immersion in mind. Loads will change and loads of people have to get used to soon as well. Iam aware not everyone likes the immersion way of SC, but that is something they should have thought of before backing this game.
Anybody not believing interiors add gameplay has never really played this game. I used a tank in the cargo bay of a ship to blow up an attacking pirate. You can hide a fleet of ships inside a ship to create a pocket carrier trap. When ballistics ammo runs out, your crew can open up the doors and shoot their FPS railguns at ships. That's the kind "out of the box" strategies that Star Citizen allows for. But there's going to be so much more: * FIRES: Use a fire extinguisher to put out fires before it spreads and destroys the ship. Or just open the room up to the vacuum of space. But beware you don't get your crew sucked out. * MANUAL SHIP REPAIR: Fix the hull of your ship by EVA'ing out into space with a repair tool. * SHIP BREECHING: Relive the opening scenes of Star Wars! A bunch of troops can breech your ship and you have to now defend it. * MONSTERS: Not every ship will be empty. Deadly things will live in the dark. * MAGNETIC BOOTS: Attach to the hull of a ship by walking around it on magnetic boots. * WORKING COMPONENTS: Ship crew giving you trouble? Blow up their gravity generator or their power systems. Maybe shut off their life support systems, and you can even win without firing a shot. These places will need to be defended. * PHYSICALIZED BOXES: With the cargo refactor all cargo will be physicalized. It could also mean in the future, you could sneak aboard a ship by hiding in a large box. * REAL MULTI-CREW: Science stations, Medical stations, Engineering stations, Power Management stations, Electronic Warfare (hacking) stations, Missile/Torpedo stations. People working together to be more effective. Gameplay is there, but even more gameplay is coming. It's just taking loooonger than we like.
The detail and immersion is exactly why SC is ruining all those other games I used to play. Similar reasons II found SWG immersive; player housing and ship interiors, and SC has upped the ante for that immersion. It wouldn't surprise me if stations end up with trams later.
I hope Elite Dangerous get their shit together, and that's from someone who's never played it. Don't want to see SC have a monopoly on the genre even if its only in the eyes of perspective players. Need to see more boundaries pushed, and that can only be done with competition
Main reason I never got into ED. You get a bigger better ship outside, but all the cockpits are seemingly identical. Zero immersion and less of a reason to grind for a different ship.
It is far more than just "Ship Interiors." We just got "capacitor gameplay" which allows a person to adjust power to various parts of the ship, this even includes ship displays, lights and components in the ship which allows a pilot and crew to significantly alter the ships performance. The ship interiors also will require work, repair and maintenance as time goes by and repairing damaged components which ultimately will need to eventually be replaced. This also allows a person to "Salvage" a ship more completely by being able to remove key valuable components before crushing up and melting down the hull as scrap.
I get why people love them... but I can't be the only one that kinda... fucking hates them by the end of owning a ship for a week? Maybe its the years of ED talking, but after the first ten, maybe twenty times I walk out of a ship (then across an ENTIRE glitchy ass station) to buy a ship upgrade or trade some boxes or whatever it is... I just find myself wondering why the fuck its in the game. There is immersion, and then there is tedium, and some of these ships when combined with the stations are certainly moving into the tedium side of things. Even more so with the sheer speed of travel in this game, maybe once we are doing multi-system trade runs it will feel a bit less off, but right now as a trader I spend a good 75% of my time either walking in my ship or on a station, NOT piloting my ship threw space, avoiding pirates, playing the game... just playing a walking sim... threw repetitive, boring space stations and outposts. Sure the big landing pads are pretty, and its a great feature to have... but its making up a simply obscene ammount of both development focus and actual game play time. Once again, maybe in the future this balance will swing a bit more in favor of interesting game play, but honestly it feels like a lot of people are just so desperate for a feature that makes this game special they are focusing on some really trivial bullshit. I love having them there to see and interact with, but the way they are shoehorned into every aspect of gameplay feels sorta like they know their game is mostly empty, and they really want to make sure you see their ship interiors.
SC has ruined me for other space games. I'm completely addicted to the seamless environment including the detailed ship interiors and physical feeling everything has.
I'm courious as to how so many other player's can't log on and if and when they do because of glitches and server issues, can't stay on for any length of time to ever be worthwhile. Can you and other content provider's manage to make video's depicting game play the way you do. We are now mandated to eating and drinking, for what ever reason, I need water every 15 minutes; What can you do in fifteen minutes. I store water in my armor and it simply disapears causeing me to have to go all the way back to a station to drink.
Honestly i have no idea why you are having such trouble with eating and drinking or logging on. I'm actually working on uploading the highlights of a 20 hour stream i did on twitch. The full video is also available on my twitch channel, though. I generally only need to eat or drink a couple of times of I'm playing 4 hours. And haven't been having much trouble getting into a server. Join my discord and we can try to help you out!
My problem with a lot of ship interiors is that they are designed to be fps levels first, and a ship interior second in some cases. This leads to wildly inefficient and unrealistic decisions in design that sometimes takes away from the overall ship as a whole.
I feel like the more and more I see this game and it’s successes. The more and more Frontier sticks it’s foot in its mouth. Frontier and it’s baby elite dangerous is no different then half life at this point. The creator lost their vision for the game and just doesn’t want to put in what it takes to finish it. Instead we get misdirection, lies and flat out excuses and even blaming fans for expecting too much. When all the fans are doing is holding them to what they said this game would become. People who invested back in 2012 because they wanted to see ship interiors and the level of immersion that hadn’t been done yet. Star Citizen after a really long wait time is starting to pull it off. While Frontier says stupid crap like. “It would get boring” or that other doozy. “ It would change the fundamentals of the game.” We know it’s all nonsense. Just waiting for the artistic integrity nonsense to come out of their mouths. Then you know they’re just another dead and soon to be forgotten developer. Remember BioWare?
Thanks for watching!
thanks for making it
Do we get 60 fps yet?
@@shayeladshayelad2416 sure
3.14 PTU vid when?
Where's the link or whats the name of the video with the ED content creator?
Ship interiors are especially impressive when you explore a huge ship, and then jump in the cockpit and realize you're moving that whole space around. There is something so magical about that and it's one of the things that makes Star Citizen truly unique. All of the ships have personality, and they double down on these aspects with the unique HUDs and ship voices.
Alright I’m sold. Dang man you made me hate fdev lol
Some ED fans think what CIG is doing is simple, that all you need is to simply have the ship interior and then anchor all objects while making it dynamic so that the player can have movement freedom within the interior.
If that were the case, elevators on ED would've been more fleshed out. After all, you're just moving a parent object up and down, right?
If only making games were as easy as AAA game companies, or even CIG themselves make it look like. The work they put in the underlying mechanics is not something I can pull off myself individually for a lifetime.
@@秋保です exactly, westerners think everything just drops out of the sky in a near complete state, what CIG is doing is comparable to digital magic, or every game would already have physicalised ship/vehicle interiors, it's the Holy Grail of gaming
@@秋保です I teach VR development at university level. 1st year undergrads could implement ship interiors into elite if they understood the antiquated cobra engine. Unfortunately fdev has lost most of the talented employees who understand the intricacies of the cobra engine, and have had to hire noob devs who were trained to make first person shooters in Unity at Cambridge.
@@5T3LTH I never knew they teach game engine dev on VR courses. Sounds like a Computer Science course for gaming. I'm interested.
Sarcasm aside, I doubt your legitimacy for various reasons:
1. You assume that your students can do interiors when they have no experience in developing vehicles unless you teach them that inviting your users to the motion-sickness circus is a good idea.
2. You (unprofessionally) call a developer a "noob," instead of mentioning the possibility of poor documentation nor code by engine developers.
3. You imply as if working on a game engine, especially something that's not your own, is easy even for seasoned veterans to handle.
4. You believe that your VR class is something like a jack-of-all-trades. If that were the case, I would've seen it more on job filings.
Regardless, I'd love to be proven wrong. It's more than welcome for me to have a civil discussion with someone from the YT comments.
It's not about grabbing a ship and flying around... it's about being Han Sols, hopping in the Falcon, getting into trouble, getting OUT of trouble, running to the back of the ship to work on the hyperdrive, and then relaxing on the way to the next mission.
Bespoke ship interiors are one of the best parts of the game. Getting in a large ship and exploring the interior for the first time is a large part of this games appeal.
dude first time i explored the Reclaimer was one of the best moments for me in Star Citizen, and the ship isnt even entirely finished yet
Not-so-subtle jab at ED and I love it
As an Elite Dangerous player thank you for this.
I don't think it was just ship interiors but the entire strategy. CR could have generated 500 billion height maps a lot earlier and skipped a lot of the foundational tech in order to achieve the so called "released" status. But SC tried something else which is ironically what a lot of gamers have been begging for even as they hate the game for doing just that: get the foundation right and then build out on top until it is truly done. That was SC's strategy, and that is why today it stands stronger than ever even as the "other" titles are at a cross roads with potentially having to tear down the entire house to rebuild its 2021.
FDev just succumbed to corporate assholishness. End of story. F'em.
When you can go anywhere inside your ship, that makes it feel like it's YOUR ship.
Its a great time to be a backer, so much hype and attention coming to the project as of late
And it feels like the content creation is exploding ATM, very nice
The loss of faith in Elite Dangerous and the sudden opening of their eyes to the brilliance of SC despite its flaws is magical
Yes. Elite Dangerous finally failing was a great boost to Star Citizen.
Agreed, it's all coming together this year and next
This game thrives off of hype, don’t buy into it. Hype is the new way to get your money.
Last year I was watching RUclips on my TV and came across Star Citizen, after watching several video on it l was totally hooked, so much so that I eventually built a PC just so I could play it myself. I have always loved SiFi and couldn't believe how detailed and lovely everything looked, I especially like the ships and their interiors.
Nice 🙂 What ship did you get?
@@Boss-Possum I started with an Aurora but soon upgraded to a Cutlass Black and at the Invictus week I bought a Buccaneer too.
@@grey-peter69Good choice. I also started with the Aurora than I upgraded to the origen 325a and also bought the nomad, roc and nox. I kind of miss the aurora though and want another one.
@@Boss-Possum I was thinking the same and nearly bought another a couple of days ago but then thought it may be better to wait until 3.14 is released before spending any of my in-game money.
I can't wait to play again, I havent played since IAE last year. I was keen to jump on this coming weekend but alas I have work.
The thing is when exploration becomes a thing in SC. It will be even more immersive as you work onboard. We have barely scratched the surface of all the gameplay interiors bring. Medical, Engineering, Gunner, and more. I don't see that possibility in any other game. Being far out on the fringes of space, and found rare loot and barely hanging on to survive, everybody injured and the medic struggling to keep you alive. Possibilities are endless when the foundation is laid out early.
I have played games that I have said to myself "I wish I could interact with the items in this environment. Not just look." This has happened to me over and over again in games. Not SC. You can interact with most things, and it makes the game feel more real.
I specifically bought the Pisces as my starter because I wanted to experience walking around inside the Shuttle from Star Trek...and man did they nail it for me.
I usually buy ships because they fill a particular role or have a certain design or gameplay element. I recently bought the Gatac Railen because I wanted to live there alongside an alien (Xi'An) crew. It looked like a good home and easily met my usual requirements. I think there was an element of this for the Drake Corsair as well - it looks like a nice home away from home, but a bit on the rough side.
Ship so complex and interactable inside and out they might as well be their own characters. They will even weather as they age. Give them a name and you will grow more attached to them.
This was one the best videos that stressed about the importance of having ship interiors. I seen the video when David Braben promised ship interiors and years later they save said they have no plans for ship interiors. This is sad.
You have officially become the first channel I have backed on Patreon! Love your work dude keep it up!
Space Tomato probably my favorite SC youtuber !
I love my medium sized ships. I plan to live in my ship and have friends come along with me. Ship interiors are my home away from home.
There are a lot of ships where I think "I could live here"
I feel like after a full release, Star Citizen is going to blow up.
My favorite ships in the game so far are the Argo MOLE and Anvil Carrack for specifically their interiors. They actually make you think you're a miner off planet or a commander/explorer with all the amenities you need for the unknown.
Ship interiors is the main reason I'm taking a break from ED and have pledged over $3k to SC now :)
Yeah, the inmersion and the really complex and extensive gameplay possibilities is what makes me hyped for this project......
in the intro when you said immersion, you showed familiarity again, just a small hiccup i noticed, good job on the vid!
Ahhh! Something always slips past :(
Okay can we stop beating around the bush and just admit that Elite Dangerous is absolute trash if you want to do multicrew gameplay? The damn game is broken all to hell and it looks as if it was deliberately developed to actively "punish" the player for not being solo
@@darshyneizumi385 Pssst. Elevators are dangerous…
You can blame the community for a lot of that. The ED dads moan whenever any kind of online or MMO element is introduced. Because they all wanted a single player game.
@@darshyneizumi385 Do the elevators in Elite even move or do they just teleport you?
@@EricWilliamsCG they just teleporf, not physical moving like SC
ED dont have multicrew?
8:10 The Imicus... oh the memories :-)
It's the ship interiors that convinced me to jump on in SC. But I also want to add something in regards to X4: Foundations even thou they do cheat a lot in regards to carrying capacities and crew, they do have interiors. Small ships are pretty much just one room. Large ships have a bridge, landing pads and some even large hangar bays. Stations have small elevator connected rooms and large docking areas. You should really checkout the hangar of a fully stocked Split Raptor that's a amazing and makes me looking forward to someday seeing the Bengal Carrier from the inside.
Think the polls be better if you give people the option to select multiple answers. Then you have a real image of the most loved reason's beyond simply the main (single) reason.
Great vid!
This is exactly why i'm in, the detail of immersion, and it's also why I will not bark at devs about not enough gameplay, being able to walk through all the stuff they making is the gameplay for me atm... and all those hallways corridors elevators doors animations physics and collisions and whatever i missed have to be made from all approachable angles... ik it's not for everyone
Its like watching someone drive a car versus owning and driving one yourself, 2 extremely different perspectives and experiences
A good analogy. There's something to be said about experiencing it "with your own eyes".
Great video and many good points
It was the ship interiors that was the final nudge I went and pledged after a few years of watching the game development :) Btw having a bed in my ship is a must, with amenities being a close second, that's why I went on upgrading my starter aurora to 315p to nomad, which I'm totally in love with 😃 (Although I sorely miss the glass roof and my custom coffee maker 😅)
Nice work mate. Interiors are crucial to what is being built. And that is a stage for us, the players, to act out our sci fi dreams.
That 100i wink wink made me spill my coffee laughing
Love your content...keep up the great work!!!
Good... Interesting topic and delivery Space.
Be safe out there in the verse. [salute]
Yes! Everything are true, it is how I feel about ship interiors
Awesome video as usual. Hope you guys are doing well after that flood.
imho; the core problem with ED is their vision of multi-crew is so small => If you never meet your crew mates in person, no need for interiors, therefore no need for the huge expense of developing interiors. I can criticize many aspects of SC, but I cannot say they don't have a vision (e.g. multiplayer FTL). You could make an argument that this is because CIG are betting on one horse (SC), whereas FDev have multiple games in development to spread the risk
I know that thise opening transitions took work, and it was great. I see you ST. 💪❤
Loved the video! I found it very inspiring.
Show this to the Elite: Dangerous devs Bwahahahahaha
They're missing the ball on that one
@@jzack3236 no kidding
Grew up playing a different assortment of space sims or space related games in general and ships having interiors was always the thing I desired most.
Hell, the games that were first person and didn't even have a cockpit, you seeing just a bit of hud and a reticle, always bothered the shit out of me. The ship interiors are a big reason I love SC
Thx tomato for this wonderfull vid im loving it
Ships are like a merge of houses, mounts, and classes from other MMOs
Thank you for the video!
Hell yeah, we NEED interiors, its like your home from home inside the ships, I wouldn't play Star Citizen without them
Let’s not forget the actual gameplay you can have in a ship. I’ve broken folks out of jail in an Avenger and trying to line up that ramp was a big part of it. Using the side doors on a Cutty to shoot from or boarding a Carrack from EVA are part of how the game is meant to be played. It’s not a gimmick, it’s a core gameplay mechanic.
My biggest wants in SC is a better flight model, esp. when it comes to rotation and a better interplanetary travel method, like ED’s super cruise. The freedom and sense of speed it gives you is not matched by QT.
love the design of the ship
Drake: u mean duct tapes?
Space duct tapes, the space is important
Great video as usual 😊
The singular idea that I could board a spaceship, set course to a new planet, get up, walk around inside my ship, kick back and relax, while the ship flies on is that first appealed to me about STAR CITIZEN.
The closest I get to that now is STAR TREK ONLINE where I can set a destination and the ship sets course and travels there. I don't a rat's crap is the autopilot isn't the fastest or most efficient way to fly. I'm content to leave the flying to it.
It's also why I was really hoping we'd get RoboCars in 2020 (like so many companies promised last decade), so I can sit back and nap. Little did I know a global pandemic would eliminate most of my travel plans.
ED Devs punching air right now
Good stuff!
This is amazing!
Moar windows/port-holes in ships!!!
Lots of talk on ship interiors lately obviously because the Elite Odyssey launch was such a train wreck. Even if fdev give players interiors it's not going to stop the bleeding, the bleeding started long ago. Elite players have watched for years other games getting all kinds of content updates several times a year or entire games being created all the while Elite stagnated and "the community" made excuses "it's real hard, it's the engine, it's this or it's that" and all the while they crammed grind, time syncs and cosmetics down your throat and then when Odyssey finally releases it's in such bad shape that it was impossible not to see that instead of the honest actor many thought fdev was that they are actually more like a slimy used car salesman utterly willing to rip off their own customers by selling them a lemon so ship interiors will not help because fdev have almost been indifferent about all of it, they are not acting like a company who cares at all, they completely ripped off VR players and have basically told anyone who still cannot get it to run to piss off because they have counsel sales to worry about and maybe, just maybe it will work for them after they dumb down the graphics and other things so it will run on counsels... ship interiors in Elite won't fix all that and could make it worse because I just don't think fdev cannot do anything without thinking first of padding their playtime stats for shareholders or selling cosmetics - it's how when you do finally get a crumb of content that it lasts 10 minutes but they manage to force dozens of hours of grind and of course cosmetic placeholders into the game, ship interiors would be no different anyone who thinks otherwise simply has either not been paying attention, has some financial stake in pushing the game or has blinders on.
Tangibility is what the game tries to have. Yo I can reach out and touch anything, whether it be ship interiors or the massive ceiling in the Central Business District station
great video!
Another excellent video!
I went with the immersion option because technically that is the all of the above option.
Man this is a great video :)
I’ve never played Star Citizen but have never had the funds to get into the game. Hopefully someday.
4:10 what is that ship called??
At 1:39; Waking up in my bedroom would be nice if the game let me get up "from" bed.
I'm at Orison, stuck in bed, unable to "GET UP" (Live PU is fine, just the PTU/Orison I think, hope). ;-)
Definitely sounds like a PTU problem! That's annoying though. I just spam "y" until the game obeys.
Did you have the same problem and clicking "Y" fixed it or was it just a suggestion?
(at least 3/4 of my time is spent dealing with issues instead of playing).
Now lets talk about the importance of windows in ships for the immersion factor....
Morphologis often talks about 'wayfinding devices', i.e. things you can see from multiple vantage points around a map, and windows play a big part in that. It's easy to get lost in a big ship with no windows; but if you can also look out a window and see the nose, tail, or wing of the ship, you always know where you are.
Where do you live in Istanbul and what do you do?
I live in the Karadeniz reason, actually.
Dang I missed the live stream.
Hey man,.. I like my space scooters
Nice video
“Doesn’t think Star Citizen has as much as a sense of scale”
(Me looking at planets as big as earth)
They actually aren't as big as earth, sadly :(
It's not so much the size or even the scale itself I eman, though. It's the sense that the scale gives you, often times large structures are never placed in a way that allows us to appreciate how large they are. It may also be a graphics thing, though.
Internal ship persistence is the most important feature that makes SC a real game. Your cat or Connie become fully functional FOBs. No matter what “features” we have now, we have no glue. World persistence is far secondary to internal ship persistence.
Immersion is a big deal, even people do not want to admit it. This is why i think CiG choose this path to make this game with immersion in mind. Loads will change and loads of people have to get used to soon as well. Iam aware not everyone likes the immersion way of SC, but that is something they should have thought of before backing this game.
You are the best.
Anybody not believing interiors add gameplay has never really played this game. I used a tank in the cargo bay of a ship to blow up an attacking pirate. You can hide a fleet of ships inside a ship to create a pocket carrier trap. When ballistics ammo runs out, your crew can open up the doors and shoot their FPS railguns at ships. That's the kind "out of the box" strategies that Star Citizen allows for. But there's going to be so much more:
* FIRES: Use a fire extinguisher to put out fires before it spreads and destroys the ship. Or just open the room up to the vacuum of space. But beware you don't get your crew sucked out.
* MANUAL SHIP REPAIR: Fix the hull of your ship by EVA'ing out into space with a repair tool.
* SHIP BREECHING: Relive the opening scenes of Star Wars! A bunch of troops can breech your ship and you have to now defend it.
* MONSTERS: Not every ship will be empty. Deadly things will live in the dark.
* MAGNETIC BOOTS: Attach to the hull of a ship by walking around it on magnetic boots.
* WORKING COMPONENTS: Ship crew giving you trouble? Blow up their gravity generator or their power systems. Maybe shut off their life support systems, and you can even win without firing a shot. These places will need to be defended.
* PHYSICALIZED BOXES: With the cargo refactor all cargo will be physicalized. It could also mean in the future, you could sneak aboard a ship by hiding in a large box.
* REAL MULTI-CREW: Science stations, Medical stations, Engineering stations, Power Management stations, Electronic Warfare (hacking) stations, Missile/Torpedo stations. People working together to be more effective.
Gameplay is there, but even more gameplay is coming. It's just taking loooonger than we like.
Star Citizen needs to let US, the players, build.
I'm imagining Second Life, with billboards and giant penises everywhere.
The detail and immersion is exactly why SC is ruining all those other games I used to play. Similar reasons II found SWG immersive; player housing and ship interiors, and SC has upped the ante for that immersion. It wouldn't surprise me if stations end up with trams later.
I hope Elite Dangerous get their shit together, and that's from someone who's never played it. Don't want to see SC have a monopoly on the genre even if its only in the eyes of perspective players. Need to see more boundaries pushed, and that can only be done with competition
Star citizen already has the monopoly there is no other game like it.
Shameless self-promotion? I approve :D
A time and place 😊
Its not like a scooter. Its like a coffin.
Elite Dangerous needs ship interiors!!!!
Main reason I never got into ED. You get a bigger better ship outside, but all the cockpits are seemingly identical. Zero immersion and less of a reason to grind for a different ship.
It is far more than just "Ship Interiors." We just got "capacitor gameplay" which allows a person to adjust power to various parts of the ship, this even includes ship displays, lights and components in the ship which allows a pilot and crew to significantly alter the ships performance. The ship interiors also will require work, repair and maintenance as time goes by and repairing damaged components which ultimately will need to eventually be replaced. This also allows a person to "Salvage" a ship more completely by being able to remove key valuable components before crushing up and melting down the hull as scrap.
If it weren't for interiors I wouldn't even play star citizen
Humans are territorial beings. Of course environments are important. The more realistic the closer the attachment.
I like star citizen but goddamn does it feel like watching a video about good things immediately put you in an echo chamber lol
I get why people love them... but I can't be the only one that kinda... fucking hates them by the end of owning a ship for a week? Maybe its the years of ED talking, but after the first ten, maybe twenty times I walk out of a ship (then across an ENTIRE glitchy ass station) to buy a ship upgrade or trade some boxes or whatever it is... I just find myself wondering why the fuck its in the game. There is immersion, and then there is tedium, and some of these ships when combined with the stations are certainly moving into the tedium side of things. Even more so with the sheer speed of travel in this game, maybe once we are doing multi-system trade runs it will feel a bit less off, but right now as a trader I spend a good 75% of my time either walking in my ship or on a station, NOT piloting my ship threw space, avoiding pirates, playing the game... just playing a walking sim... threw repetitive, boring space stations and outposts. Sure the big landing pads are pretty, and its a great feature to have... but its making up a simply obscene ammount of both development focus and actual game play time. Once again, maybe in the future this balance will swing a bit more in favor of interesting game play, but honestly it feels like a lot of people are just so desperate for a feature that makes this game special they are focusing on some really trivial bullshit. I love having them there to see and interact with, but the way they are shoehorned into every aspect of gameplay feels sorta like they know their game is mostly empty, and they really want to make sure you see their ship interiors.
Hey tomato 🍅....I can’t believe you did not show the interior of the Reclaimer....that’s just wrong.
SC has ruined me for other space games. I'm completely addicted to the seamless environment including the detailed ship interiors and physical feeling everything has.
Ngl, the lack of ship interiors is the main thing keeping me from trying elite
I'm courious as to how so many other player's can't log on and if and when they do because of glitches and server issues, can't stay on for any length of time to ever be worthwhile. Can you and other content provider's manage to make video's depicting game play the way you do.
We are now mandated to eating and drinking, for what ever reason, I need water every 15 minutes; What can you do in fifteen minutes. I store water in my armor and it simply disapears causeing me to have to go all the way back to a station to drink.
Honestly i have no idea why you are having such trouble with eating and drinking or logging on. I'm actually working on uploading the highlights of a 20 hour stream i did on twitch. The full video is also available on my twitch channel, though. I generally only need to eat or drink a couple of times of I'm playing 4 hours. And haven't been having much trouble getting into a server.
Join my discord and we can try to help you out!
For better or worse, the immersion aspect of SC has ruined all other space games for me. I come from playing Elite (800 hours).
My problem with a lot of ship interiors is that they are designed to be fps levels first, and a ship interior second in some cases. This leads to wildly inefficient and unrealistic decisions in design that sometimes takes away from the overall ship as a whole.
This is only true, IMHO, with the earliest large ships like the Starfarer, Retaliator, and to a lesser degree the Caterpillar.
They learned their mistakes with the newer big ships like the Carrack. So its nice to see them moving away from that.
For me the most important thing, otherwise I would not have bought this game.
I feel like the more and more I see this game and it’s successes. The more and more Frontier sticks it’s foot in its mouth. Frontier and it’s baby elite dangerous is no different then half life at this point. The creator lost their vision for the game and just doesn’t want to put in what it takes to finish it. Instead we get misdirection, lies and flat out excuses and even blaming fans for expecting too much. When all the fans are doing is holding them to what they said this game would become. People who invested back in 2012 because they wanted to see ship interiors and the level of immersion that hadn’t been done yet. Star Citizen after a really long wait time is starting to pull it off. While Frontier says stupid crap like. “It would get boring” or that other doozy. “ It would change the fundamentals of the game.” We know it’s all nonsense. Just waiting for the artistic integrity nonsense to come out of their mouths. Then you know they’re just another dead and soon to be forgotten developer. Remember BioWare?
Wish I could speed up just the audio. You talk in slow motion
Helps non-native speakers understand better. Sorry!
@@SpaceTomato makes sense, I just watch for the cinematic shots.
@@greggrant8878 well I've got the cinematics in the works for you!
immmusoom waiting for them to remove global chat.
comment for the almighty algorithm !!