I was there and can tell you what it was like. We practiced it a couple of times and they gave us directions for the harmonies and the crescendo. Then we sang it a final time for the video. 2500 strangers with brief practice and limited instructions and listen to us, we nailed it! Unified, disciplined, everyone trying to do their best, taking it seriously, and most importantly having fun. In the video when it goes black at the end you can hear us cheering… we were cheering for each other, applauding with hands clapping over our heads, turning in every direction. We were so happy and proud. And hearing it back, wow, we really were good!!
Nachdem man uns 2 Jahre lang verboten hat AEROSOLE auszuscheiden😢 😮 durften wir unseren Frust lauthals rausschreien und gemeinsam wieder singen 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
It's moments like this when we come together as humans. No color. No race. No politics. Just humans harmonizing and creating a life memory, a moment to share, a reminder of what life is actually about. Beautiful!
I couldn't agree more with your comment. And it's because of the sentiments you expressed that I believe that man's greatest invention was not the wheel but music.
It's very emotional to see all these people with one harmonised move to sing something which most of them do not even know what this imperative order comes from and what is it's real meaning...
I bet the tissue paper industry made out on this video. For those of us who have loved this Cohen for decades, there wouldn't be very many dry eyes and clear sinuses among us.
Look at what we can create when we all leave our differences at the door. Beautiful. Thank you for making me shed a tear and smile all at the same time. ❤
That's true but the democrats have lost their minds and any common sense and morality, some people u just have to walk away from, pray 4 them but not be in relationship with. Just saying. Tired of ppl pretending light and darkness can stand together.
@ I have no idea what Leonard Cohen is saying/meaning in so much of his work. I go with how it moves me. I have at times found hope in something that talks of despair. So often we bring our own views on what a poem means. My BFF babysat for Micheal Ondaatje. Her assignment was to choose a poem and analyze it. She chose one of his and asked him what he was referring to/thinking/imagining in the poem. Not what anyone, including her, the class, the teacher thought. It’s all about where you’re at.
I'm from Montreal and I wish I was there to sing this blessed, my favorite 🎵 song "Hallelujah " imagine with 2,500 singers. Where they sang this song is a huge place. God bless bthen all 🙏.
My mom used to pretend to sympathize with them when she cut them. "Poor onions! Poor, poor onions." 😅 The tissue paper industry wins on both onions and this video. 😼
@lisegirard4670: I love that sentiment, however, millions will, BUT, not all, why? Because not all are fully human. And to explain that would require a dissertation.
Zeker schitterend dit! Helaas wordt deze "verontrustende" wereld gecreëerd door enkele psychopaten die denken alles te kunnen sturen.de meeste mensen willen vrede maar worden verdeeld wat ook bewust gecreëerd wordt door deep state!
You have always been the best neighbours. Many of us are very worried for you and ourselves. What happens there will ultimately happen here. I don’t know when many of us will feel comfortable coming there like we used to Trump has to be off the stage of politics.
@ well said! I am a 60+ yo gal from the coast of South Carolina , so I well remember when we had Can-Am weeks to celebrate Canadians coming to visit. Really & truly, I believe God will let us enter into a new phase after this frighteningly close “flirt” with authoritarianism. I know damn straight that the US isn’t the “ bestest” country in the world, but by God, now & then, we have been in the truly awful darkness.i think we still have that flickering flame that’s going to flash forth. I believe. I hope but moreover, I believe. Pray for us!
Sending love from Montreal. I am trusting the universe that things will be set right for you tomorrow: May decency, kindness and hope win over greed, hatred and willful ignorance
I have goosebumps listening and crying at the same time. This is exactly what we could accomplish if we just respect and care for each other. Thank you for this, it was and is needed.
From one across the border in Connecticut, so grateful to come upon this beautiful reminder that when we put aside our differences, we can create beauty and harmony. 🥹 Heaven knows we need these sharings more and more. 💜
As an English speaking Catholic raised in Montreal how wonderful to celebrate our divine milieu with the wonderful Jewish poet Leonard Cohen and all his brothers and sisters at the Place des Arts. What art exists for. God bless you all.
Don't tell others you're Catholic. It may not make you look good. We were persecuted by them for centuries, my family lost all their property, Catholics murdered and tortured fellow Christians. Be proud if you condone that. As for me, your comment was very offensive. Hide your pride.
I wonder how many races, cultures, and nationalities are represented here. If the entire world would work together like these people did, what a wonderful world it would be.
With all the turmoil and dissention in the world, this video couldn't come at a better time. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you and the people of Montreal!
The rest of the world could take a lesson from this..strangers joining together and doing something positive. Smiling, singing and not a grump in the bunch. Well done
🍇THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age brought by Christ to purify man with His Word" Almighty God said When God speaks, it usually COMES FROM HEAVEN to EARTH, and sometimes from the earth, leaving all people unable to understand the MOTIVES and origin of GOD'S WORDS. "When I am in the sky, the stars never feel afraid of My presence. Instead, they focus their hearts on their work for Me." Such is the state of heaven. God is methodically planning everything in the THIRD HEAVEN, with ALL SERVANTS SERVING GOD DOING THEIR OWN WORK for GOD. They NEVER DID ANYTHING that was DISOBEDIENT to GOD, therefore, they did NOT FEEL the FEAR that GOD SAYS, but INSTEAD they set their HEART on their WORK; There has NEVER been any CONFUSION, and thus all ANGELS LIVE in LIGHTof GOD. Meanwhile, because of their disobedience, and because they do not know God, all people on earth live in DARKNESS, and the more they oppose God, the more they live in darkness. When God says, "When the heavens are brighter, the earth beneath is darker," He is referring to how the day of God is drawing nearer to all mankind. THEREFORE, the 6,000 years of GOD'S TROUBLE in the THIRD HEAVEN is NEARLY OVER. 🔴🙏 ALL THINGS ON EARTH HAVE ENTERED THE LAST CHAPTER, and are about to be REMOVED from GOD'S HAND. The more people ENTER into the LAST DAYS, the more they taste the CORRUPTION in the WORLD of MAN; the more they enter into the LAST DAYS, the more they DEVICE their OWN FLESH. There are even many who wish to reverse the miserable state of the world, but their hope is lost in the middle of their sighs, because of the WORKS of God. Thus, when people feel the warmth of spring, God covers their eyes, and thus they float on the rolling waves, not one of them is able to reach the distant rescue boat. Because people are weak by nature, God said, no one can restore things--things. When people lose hope, God begins to speak to the entire universe. He BEGINS to SAVE all mankind, and only then are people able to enjoy the new life that COMES when things are restored. 🔴 Today's PEOPLE are in a STAGE OF SELF-DECEPTION. Because the WAY AHEAD of them is so bleak and UNCLEAR, and because their FUTURE is "limitless" and "eternal," the people of this age have no inclination to FIGHT, and can only spend their days like the Hanhao bird. 😪🙏 No one has ever been serious about the pursuit of life and the knowledge of human life; instead, they wait for the day when the Savior will suddenly descend from heaven to reverse the miserable state of the World, only then will they attempt to liveenthusiastically. Such is the true condition of all humanity and the mentality of all people. NOW, God says from the beginning, because of the current MENTALITY OF MAN, the NEW LIFE OF MAN IN THE FUTURE. This is the emergence of the spark of LIGHT, which GOD SPECIFIES. What GOD SAYS in the beginning is what GOD WILL ACHIEVE IN THE LAST, and the FRUITS of GOD'S VICTORY AGAINST SATAN: "I move over all people and I observe everywhere. Nothing ever LOOKS OLD, and NO ONE IS THE SAME. I BREATHE on the THRONE, I lean ABOVE the entire universe...." 🙏 This is the RESULT of God's current WORK. ALL GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE RETURN TO THEIR ORIGINAL FORM, WHICH IS THE REASON WHY THE ANGELS, WHO SUFFERED FOR SO MANY YEARS, ARE FREED, AS GOD SAYS "their countenance is like that of the holy in heart of man." Because ANGELS WORK inEARTH and SERVING GOD on EARTH, and GOD'S GLORY SPREADS and spreads throughout the world, BRINGING HEAVEN to EARTH, and RAISING EARTH to HEAVEN. 🙏 Therefore, MAN is the link that CONNECTS HEAVEN and EARTH; HEAVEN and EARTH are NOT separate, NOT separate, but connected as one.🙏 In the whole world, only God and man exist. There is no dust or dirt, and all things are made new, like a young lamb lying on green grass under heaven, ENJOYING ALL THE GRACE OF GOD. 🙏🔴 And because of the COMING of this greenness, the breath of life rises, because GOD COMES to the WORLD to LIVE next to MAN in all eternity, as it was said from the MOUTH of GOD that "I will again dwell in peace within of Zion." This is the SYMBOL of DEFEATof SATAN; this is God's day of rest, and this day ALL PEOPLE WILL PRAISE and DECLARE, and ALL PEOPLE WILL REMEMBER. 🙏 When God rests on the throne, that is also the time when God finishes His work on earth, and that is the very moment that all the MYSTERIES of GOD are SHOWN to MAN; GOD and MAN will be forever RECONCILED, NEVER separated---so are the GOOD onesencounter with the KINGDOM. 🔴 There are HIDDEN MYSTERIES among MYSTERIES; the WORDS of GOD are truly DEEP and unfathomable! 🙏 From "The Word Appears in the Flesh" Fulfillment of (John 1:1) and (Revelation 18:9,13) The Savior has returned and He or Christ fulfilled His building of the kingdom/church on top of the rock or standing in the worthy holy place in the air/RUclips! When He came He fulfilled what was prophesied in the book of Revelation and from there it is recorded that He changed a new name and the name of His city from ("THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐) "The Epistle to the church of Philadelphia" "The one who overcomes is I will make a pillar in thetemple of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. I will engrave on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem that will come down out of heaven from my God. I will also engrave him with my new name. (Revelation 3:12). ... "The Reign of the Prince of Peace" "For a baby boy is born and he will rule over us. He is the wonderful counselor, the Almighty God, the eternal Father, the Prince of peace." (Isaiah 9:6). ... "For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their SHEPHERD. He will lead them to springs of life-giving water; and God will wipe away the tears from their eyes." (Revelation 7:17). "They said together, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the throne!" (Revelation 7:10). ... So God's sheep and the right people He created have come to His holy city the New Jerusalem that will only last on earth for 1,000 years "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐
As a Québécoise living in the Canadian prairies and currently going through the grief of losing a beloved aunt, my heart needed that…. Quebec and its essence is in my heart, always
Aunts are so special; they love unconditionally and are always a safe place to land. My own Aunt helped me through a very difficult time when I was young and I don't what I would have done without her. Im sure both of our aunts are singing this song in Heaven. Sending love and healing to you ❤
Move to Canada if you're that stressed... Daniel 2:21 ..he removes kings and sets up kings.. God will have in place who is needed for a time such as this.
@@seventhdayissabbath8747 Well I have ties to Canada. My hubby is from Toronto and his siblings still there! They were not happy in 2016 when Trump won. Here in Wisconsin there is record turnout! I don’t usually drink but if Trump loses I’m having a couple tonight!
@@footballlvnlady I hope either way that you can find some peace, I try not to get too worked up about politics anymore, no matter who becomes the next President I will be praying for them.. Hang in there!
I live in North Carolina, but my parents are from Quebec. Yes, they both spoke quebecqua. But they didn't teach me because the Catholic Nuns told them it was too hard on children to learn English and French. They later admitted that those nuns were stupid. But found this and listened to it, as it is a favorite of mine. You all sang beautifully. I needed to here this, as these elections are giving me fits and raises my blood pressure. LOL
Humanity at its best. I think my heart burst as I experienced the sound of so many people being together and sounding so amazing. Thanks to the 'conductor' also. Love.
My heart breaks and smiles at the same time whenever I hear this song. This rendition is no different. It's a joy. It's God's gift to us. Thank you, Mr. Cohen!
My dad took me to see "Swan Lake" performed here at Place Des Arts in Montreal one Christmas. I met Leonard Cohen at my veterinarian in Montreal when I was 15. He had a small grey bunny.
Que pourrait-on ajouter à cet hymne qui transcende l'être tout entier à la recherche de la quintessence de ce que l'humanité a à offrir! Merci Monsieur Cohen!
We are each flawed but together we can be wonders. “There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen, beloved lover of humanity
That's what I think heaven will be like. All voices praising God. All kinds of people, old and young, big and small, different nationalities, all praising God.
I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2010. I have an implant to help control the seizures. It has unfortunately paralyzed my left vocal cord, resulting in my not being able to sing any longer. It is one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. Every once in a while, when I heard singing this beautiful I come to total tears. Oh, what I would give to be able to sing again, especially in something like this!
In der Ewigkeit-die im Heilsplan Gottes am Ende der Zeit vorgesehen ist, werden wir alle wieder gesund sein-fern aller unserer körperlichen und seelischen Beeinträchtigungen. Alles Liebe für dich! ❤❤❤❤
I was a member of the Pretoria University Church years ago. Each Sunday between 3,000 and 4,000 people will gather for the service. What made it so exceptional that I still remember and cherish my time there, is that the organist was world class and the University Choir sang with the congregation. The exceptional organ music with the thousands of voices accompanied by the amazing voices of the choir, from baritone to sopranos, came together as the most incredible sound one can imagine. I often cried while singing, because it was just so emotional to hear this incredible sound in praise of God.
Joyful, uplifting, beautiful, haunting and an uncanny blending with stong emotions bringing also tears, longing and remembrances for those no longer present..
Today is election day and tomorrow is my 68th birthday! All I want is for normalcy and peace to be restored to our once great United States! God bless Leonard Cohen and this beautiful choir! I needed this today! 🥰
Quelle mystérieuse émotion se dégage de nous à l'écoute de cette chanson. Aussi mystérieuse qu'était Léonard...Les gens devraient écouter ceci assez souvent. Cà les rendrait certainement un peu plus humains ...
... thrilling, but if you could understand what is this compound word stands for.. Halle.. lou..yaH.. Have you felt interested to search for its origin and what it really means?
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Bravo I had my graduation at Place des Arts. Memories. Rest in Peace Leonard Cohen. Truly an inspired song. I hope it brought you closer to God. ❤️🙏🏻🇨🇦🍁 Lest we forget 🌺
Well done everyone, Leonard would be proud. I’ve loved his music from the beginning regardless of my peers having a low opinion. That’s gone now leaving a towering respect for his music and especially this song. Best regards from Tasmania.
Sadly Leonard Cohen was a secular Jew. He wasn't particularly religious. This is not a praise song as religious and beautiful it sounds. I cringe when Christians use it in worship. Is has sexual references. The secret chord is G Sus. I do love Leonard Cohens music I have since 1969 my senior year of High School.
So like so many Christians, you literally do not know what this song is about. Please learn about the bible from a Jewish perspective, this is embarrassing.
I was there and can tell you what it was like. We practiced it a couple of times and they gave us directions for the harmonies and the crescendo. Then we sang it a final time for the video. 2500 strangers with brief practice and limited instructions and listen to us, we nailed it! Unified, disciplined, everyone trying to do their best, taking it seriously, and most importantly having fun. In the video when it goes black at the end you can hear us cheering… we were cheering for each other, applauding with hands clapping over our heads, turning in every direction. We were so happy and proud. And hearing it back, wow, we really were good!!
Nachdem man uns 2 Jahre lang verboten hat AEROSOLE auszuscheiden😢 😮 durften wir unseren Frust lauthals rausschreien und gemeinsam wieder singen 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
And you had any reason to be proud, it sounds fantastic!
This was beautiful. You had every right to be proud.
Something mesmerizing about this song !
This was beautiful and I even fell in love with one of the ladies shown.
It's moments like this when we come together as humans. No color. No race. No politics. Just humans harmonizing and creating a life memory, a moment to share, a reminder of what life is actually about. Beautiful!
Everything quiet but the music 🎶✨️💫🌟
I couldn't agree more with your comment. And it's because of the sentiments you expressed that I believe that man's greatest invention was not the wheel but music.
The crowd looks homogeneous, by which I mean white.
Music is like glu for us. Beautiful.
We choose heaven or hell every day and this is heaven!
Leonard Cohen is smiling in heaven
@philipvanderwaal6817 And my 1st thought was, Jesus & Our Father would love it also, because we do know, that there is NO distance in the spirit. ❤👍🙏
Yes, it was a truly deserved great tribute to him.
although he's probably keeping a keen eye on his royalties :)
And I on the other of the Atlantic am crying and singing along. Humanity at its best.
@@MrDominicBrantI 've just realized we have to pay a fee in heaven.😇🤔🤫
Well done Montreal! Leonard Cohen would be proud.
Indeed !
Every once in awhile you see something on RUclips that makes you so grateful for the platform and makes you say Hallelujah!!
It's very emotional to see all these people with one harmonised move to sing something which most of them do not even know what this imperative order comes from and what is it's real meaning...
I bet the tissue paper industry made out on this video. For those of us who have loved this Cohen for decades, there wouldn't be very many dry eyes and clear sinuses among us.
@@abdulhafezabdoolah1375please tell me what is its real meaning?
Dankeschön für Ihre liebe Antwort, 🙏🙏🙏, ich denke auch so ❤
@prometheusrex1Auf jeden Fall 🙏🙏🙏, ich suche ihn jeden Tag und hab ihn grad gefunden in diesem Lied 🙏❤️
Look at what we can create when we all leave our differences at the door. Beautiful. Thank you for making me shed a tear and smile all at the same time. ❤
When are we going to realize we are one?
Me too
That's true but the democrats have lost their minds and any common sense and morality, some people u just have to walk away from, pray 4 them but not be in relationship with. Just saying. Tired of ppl pretending light and darkness can stand together.
@@WatcherOfYT 😊😘
A beautiful tribute to Montreal’s native son Leonard Cohen
@prometheusrex1 You can feel sad. But the rest of us are moved by the beauty of the music itself.
@ I have no idea what Leonard Cohen is saying/meaning in so much of his work. I go with how it moves me. I have at times found hope in something that talks of despair. So often we bring our own views on what a poem means. My BFF babysat for Micheal Ondaatje. Her assignment was to choose a poem and analyze it. She chose one of his and asked him what he was referring to/thinking/imagining in the poem. Not what anyone, including her, the class, the teacher thought. It’s all about where you’re at.
@@lynnroney1234 So very moved..I love this...its amazing
@@lynnroney1234Perhaps shut up and listen in silence!!
Take a bow people.. thank you Leonard.
Yes. I'll miss him forever
I was there and my sister, her husband and uncle will never forget that evening. It was magical.
I'm from Montreal and I wish I was there to sing this blessed, my favorite 🎵 song "Hallelujah " imagine with 2,500 singers.
Where they sang this song is a huge place.
God bless bthen all 🙏.
Just so lovely! The faces of the singers are so joyful.
Now I'm a lot jealous! You all made beautiful music, thank you 😊
Amen ✝️🙏, Hallelujah!
Very solemn. ❤😊
No I'm not crying, someone's chopping onions. The best song ever.
@johnthomson7696, onions here too 😢🥰
The same here
My mom used to pretend to sympathize with them when she cut them. "Poor onions! Poor, poor onions." 😅
The tissue paper industry wins on both onions and this video. 😼
Ditto!! Lol
As The spirit moves you
J'espère que le monde entier écoute cette chorale et supporter la PAIX dans ce monde si troublant. BRAVO MONTRÉAL, simplement magnifique. ♥️🌹🇨🇦
@lisegirard4670: I love that sentiment, however, millions will, BUT, not all, why? Because not all are fully human. And to explain that would require a dissertation.
Bonjour, est-ce la version originale qui a été chantée ou une version dont les paroles ont été modifiées ?
Zeker schitterend dit! Helaas wordt deze "verontrustende" wereld gecreëerd door enkele psychopaten die denken alles te kunnen sturen.de meeste mensen willen vrede maar worden verdeeld wat ook bewust gecreëerd wordt door deep state!
Leonard’s gift to the world. Every time I hear it I thank him…
That was BREATHTAKING!! Brought tears to my eyes. Kudos to everyone who participated.
The choir director was magnificent! The choir itself amazing! Thank you! Hallelujah!!!
Pray for us 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸, beloved Canada! Because you’ve already given us your gift of song and I thank you profoundly!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
You have always been the best neighbours. Many of us are very worried for you and ourselves.
What happens there will ultimately happen here.
I don’t know when many of us will feel comfortable coming there like we used to
Trump has to be off the stage of politics.
@ well said! I am a 60+ yo gal from the coast of South Carolina , so I well remember when we had Can-Am weeks to celebrate Canadians coming to visit. Really & truly, I believe God will let us enter into a new phase after this frighteningly close “flirt” with authoritarianism. I know damn straight that the US isn’t the “ bestest” country in the world, but by God, now & then, we have been in the truly awful darkness.i think we still have that flickering flame that’s going to flash forth. I believe. I hope but moreover, I believe. Pray for us!
Sending love from Montreal. I am trusting the universe that things will be set right for you tomorrow: May decency, kindness and hope win over greed, hatred and willful ignorance
A dose of hope. I cried. Thank you so much. 🪷🌅
I have goosebumps listening and crying at the same time. This is exactly what we could accomplish if we just respect and care for each other. Thank you for this, it was and is needed.
Oh I was bawling! Someone was definitely cutting onions, lol. Such an amazing gift they shared with us on You Tube ❤️
Likewise ❤
Choir Choir Choir is a gift. It was a special night.
From one across the border in Connecticut, so grateful to come upon this beautiful reminder that when we put aside our differences, we can create beauty and harmony. 🥹 Heaven knows we need these sharings more and more. 💜
And someone fell in love how beautiful is that!❤
Nice performance for 90th Anniversary of birth of Leonard Cohen (born 09.21.1934)
WOW!! That was AMAZING and certainly no small feat to get a group this large to harmonize so well!! Very well done for such a beautiful song.
One of the best performances of this song...ever that I've heard.!! Congrats to all.
Ich hatte Gänsehaut von Anfang bis zum Ende und Tränen in den Augen. WUNDERSCHÖN ❤❤❤
Ich auch . Grusse von Michigan .😊
@margareteraab7725 🤩
Halleluja aus Köln
Halleluja aus Ludwigsburg
As an English speaking Catholic raised in Montreal how wonderful to celebrate our divine milieu with the wonderful Jewish poet Leonard Cohen and all his brothers and sisters at the Place des Arts. What art exists for. God bless you all.
catholique 👹👺 JESUS ♥♥♥
Don't tell others you're Catholic. It may not make you look good. We were persecuted by them for centuries, my family lost all their property, Catholics murdered and tortured fellow Christians. Be proud if you condone that. As for me, your comment was very offensive. Hide your pride.
Love you, Canada. Never been, but wish I could. Leonard Cohen is responsible for writing several of my all-time favorite songs.
Come visit, Canada is a beautiful country.
Bel hommage rendu à la PDA à Montréal, ville natale de Léonard Cohen.
Tout simplement magnifique!
I wish Leonard could have heard this wonderful tribute. 🙏
He sure did from heaven he is smiling
Boy, did this make me cry. We are all broken.
With the 2024 election results, listening to this provides comfort
Time for mutual respect and togetherness not hate
Thank you, Montreal, Place de Arts, and Leonard Cohen! Love from a person born in Ontario living in USA.
This shows you just how people can gather leave their differences aside and join together for the love of God and country❤️
Harmony in all it's glory!
Beautiful Biblically
Not liberal democrats! Light and darkness cannot coexist.
I wonder how many races, cultures, and nationalities are represented here. If the entire world would work together like these people did, what a wonderful world it would be.
I should have said in my previous comment that the entire world would be as harmonious as this marvelous choir is.
With all the turmoil and dissention in the world, this video couldn't come at a better time. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you and the people of Montreal!
We've come a long way since the days of Covid where now thousands of people can come together indoors and sing. Hallelujah.
The rest of the world could take a lesson from this..strangers joining together and doing something positive. Smiling, singing and not a grump in the bunch. Well done
🍇THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age brought by Christ to purify man with His Word"
Almighty God said
When God speaks, it usually COMES FROM HEAVEN to EARTH, and sometimes from the earth, leaving all people unable to understand the MOTIVES and origin of GOD'S WORDS. "When I am in the sky, the stars never feel afraid of My presence. Instead, they focus their hearts on their work for Me." Such is the state of heaven. God is methodically planning everything in the THIRD HEAVEN, with ALL SERVANTS SERVING GOD DOING THEIR OWN WORK for GOD. They NEVER DID ANYTHING that was DISOBEDIENT to GOD, therefore, they did NOT FEEL the FEAR that GOD SAYS, but INSTEAD they set their HEART on their WORK; There has NEVER been any CONFUSION, and thus all ANGELS LIVE in LIGHTof GOD. Meanwhile, because of their disobedience, and because they do not know God, all people on earth live in DARKNESS, and the more they oppose God, the more they live in darkness. When God says, "When the heavens are brighter, the earth beneath is darker," He is referring to how the day of God is drawing nearer to all mankind. THEREFORE, the 6,000 years of GOD'S TROUBLE in the THIRD HEAVEN is NEARLY OVER. 🔴🙏
The more people ENTER into the LAST DAYS, the more they taste the CORRUPTION in the WORLD of MAN; the more they enter into the LAST DAYS, the more they DEVICE their OWN FLESH. There are even many who wish to reverse the miserable state of the world, but their hope is lost in the middle of their sighs, because of the WORKS of God.
Thus, when people feel the warmth of spring, God covers their eyes, and thus they float on the rolling waves, not one of them is able to reach the distant rescue boat. Because people are weak by nature, God said, no one can restore things--things. When people lose hope, God begins to speak to the entire universe. He BEGINS to SAVE all mankind, and only then are people able to enjoy the new life that COMES when things are restored. 🔴
Today's PEOPLE are in a STAGE OF SELF-DECEPTION. Because the WAY AHEAD of them is so bleak and UNCLEAR, and because their FUTURE is "limitless" and "eternal," the people of this age have no inclination to FIGHT, and can only spend their days like the Hanhao bird. 😪🙏
No one has ever been serious about the pursuit of life and the knowledge of human life; instead, they wait for the day when the Savior will suddenly descend from heaven to reverse the miserable state of the World, only then will they attempt to liveenthusiastically. Such is the true condition of all humanity and the mentality of all people.
NOW, God says from the beginning, because of the current MENTALITY OF MAN, the NEW LIFE OF MAN IN THE FUTURE. This is the emergence of the spark of LIGHT, which GOD SPECIFIES. What GOD SAYS in the beginning is what GOD WILL ACHIEVE IN THE LAST, and the FRUITS of GOD'S VICTORY AGAINST SATAN: "I move over all people and I observe everywhere.
Nothing ever LOOKS OLD, and NO ONE IS THE SAME. I BREATHE on the THRONE, I lean ABOVE the entire universe...." 🙏
Therefore, MAN is the link that CONNECTS HEAVEN and EARTH; HEAVEN and EARTH are NOT separate, NOT separate, but connected as one.🙏
In the whole world, only God and man exist. There is no dust or dirt, and all things are made new, like a young lamb lying on green grass under heaven, ENJOYING ALL THE GRACE OF GOD. 🙏🔴
And because of the COMING of this greenness, the breath of life rises, because GOD COMES to the WORLD to LIVE next to MAN in all eternity, as it was said from the MOUTH of GOD that "I will again dwell in peace within of Zion." This is the SYMBOL of DEFEATof SATAN; this is God's day of rest, and this day ALL PEOPLE WILL PRAISE and DECLARE, and ALL PEOPLE WILL REMEMBER. 🙏
When God rests on the throne, that is also the time when God finishes His work on earth, and that is the very moment that all the MYSTERIES of GOD are SHOWN to MAN; GOD and MAN will be forever RECONCILED, NEVER separated---so are the GOOD onesencounter with the KINGDOM. 🔴
There are HIDDEN MYSTERIES among MYSTERIES; the WORDS of GOD are truly DEEP and unfathomable! 🙏
From "The Word Appears in the Flesh"
Fulfillment of (John 1:1) and (Revelation 18:9,13)
The Savior has returned and He or Christ fulfilled His building of the kingdom/church on top of the rock or standing in the worthy holy place in the air/RUclips! When He came He fulfilled what was prophesied in the book of Revelation and from there it is recorded that He changed a new name and the name of His city from ("THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐) "The Epistle to the church of Philadelphia" "The one who overcomes is I will make a pillar in thetemple of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. I will engrave on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem that will come down out of heaven from my God. I will also engrave him with my new name. (Revelation 3:12). ... "The Reign of the Prince of Peace" "For a baby boy is born and he will rule over us. He is the wonderful counselor, the Almighty God, the eternal Father, the Prince of peace." (Isaiah 9:6). ... "For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their SHEPHERD. He will lead them to springs of life-giving water; and God will wipe away the tears from their eyes." (Revelation 7:17).
"They said together, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the throne!" (Revelation 7:10). ... So God's sheep and the right people He created have come to His holy city the New Jerusalem that will only last on earth for 1,000 years "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐
Even could Quebec politicians could learn something.
This Tops maple syrup. This is the most beautiful thing , Canadian I’ve seen in my lifetime. Thank You Montrealers.
As a Québécoise living in the Canadian prairies and currently going through the grief of losing a beloved aunt, my heart needed that…. Quebec and its essence is in my heart, always
I’m sorry to read of your Aunt’s passing. 😢 sending my condolences & best wishes. 🥰
Aunts are so special; they love unconditionally and are always a safe place to land. My own Aunt helped me through a very difficult time when I was young and I don't what I would have done without her. Im sure both of our aunts are singing this song in Heaven. Sending love and healing to you ❤
@@ZooZoo293 thank you so much for sharing your story 💕🙏, I appreciate it greatly and I send you peace and love as well
God bless you for your kindness
My heart goes out to you from Toronto. Much love your way.
@@daniellefrechette900 merci beaucoup 😪💕🙏🌻
A beautiful tribute to Leonardo. He was sitting somewhere in heaven and there were probably tears in his eyes. This is for you, Grand Master
I’m crying watching this and crying from Wisconsin. So much stress with Trump these past years! This just makes my heart happy! Thank you!
I'm Canadian and I'm stressed because of Trump! I hope he's defeated, bigly as he would say.
Move to Canada if you're that stressed... Daniel 2:21 ..he removes kings and sets up kings.. God will have in place who is needed for a time such as this.
@@seventhdayissabbath8747 Well I have ties to Canada. My hubby is from Toronto and his siblings still there! They were not happy in 2016 when Trump won. Here in Wisconsin there is record turnout! I don’t usually drink but if Trump loses I’m having a couple tonight!
@@footballlvnlady I hope either way that you can find some peace, I try not to get too worked up about politics anymore, no matter who becomes the next President I will be praying for them.. Hang in there!
I live in North Carolina, but my parents are from Quebec. Yes, they both spoke quebecqua. But they didn't teach me because the Catholic Nuns told them it was too hard on children to learn English and French. They later admitted that those nuns were stupid. But found this and listened to it, as it is a favorite of mine. You all sang beautifully. I needed to here this, as these elections are giving me fits and raises my blood pressure. LOL
Humanity at its best. I think my heart burst as I experienced the sound of so many people being together and sounding so amazing. Thanks to the 'conductor' also. Love.
"Even though it all went wrong..I sang before the Lord with song."🕊🎶🎇Love love love Hallelujah. This is beautiful.
This confirms what togetherness is all about and how beautiful we are when we work together
My cat is here next to me listening as I am tearing up. Beautiful and thankyou!
2500 angels singing ❤️💖
It’s like Revelation 4;11 where the angels “Praise Jehovah” (Halle-lu-Jah) for Creation.
Still gives me chills❤
One of the best moments of my life was hearing Leonard Cohen sing this hymn on stage. What a gift to mankind. ❤
My heart breaks and smiles at the same time whenever I hear this song. This rendition is no different. It's a joy. It's God's gift to us. Thank you, Mr. Cohen!
THANK YOU dear brothers and sisters. It is so beautiful I cried. Heaven on Earth is possible.
We are definitely stronger together 🙏 beautiful
Leonard Cohen would be so proud as Montreal's #2 greatest singer after Celine to have such a tribute. Stunning performance!!
Phenominal...God bless you all!!!❤❤❤
Wunderschöne, hoffnungsvolle Momente in einer verrückten Welt. Das Herz wird weit und die Augen feucht. DANKE❤
RIP North America's greatest singer-songwriter-philosopher-poet. Et, extraordinaire mes amis de Montreal.
Place des Arts has the best accoustics! The best place to do this for our Leonard, a Montreal man. My home town.❤
My dad took me to see "Swan Lake" performed here at Place Des Arts in Montreal one Christmas. I met Leonard Cohen at my veterinarian in Montreal when I was 15. He had a small grey bunny.
What an amazing experience it was to be there! Thank you.
Goosebumps! Especially when the sound volume of the different voices goes up in such a warm manner around the 3:35 mark.
2500 people I never met just made me cry. So beautiful.
This was amazing and so proud from my fellow Canadians So needed in these times! Hallelujah 🙏to all of you❤️
A real Montreal moment! Congrats.
Que pourrait-on ajouter à cet hymne qui transcende l'être tout entier à la recherche de la quintessence de ce que l'humanité a à offrir! Merci Monsieur Cohen!
Beautiful when people come together to sing.👌😊❤️.
So beautiful. Thank you Montreal. From Perth Western Australia.
We are each flawed but together we can be wonders. “There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen, beloved lover of humanity
His birth place singing his wonderful signature song
That's what I think heaven will be like. All voices praising God. All kinds of people, old and young, big and small, different nationalities, all praising God.
Beautiful....that's heaven
I can't stop listening to it....amazing!!!
And in perfect harmony!
It's NOT a religious song.
I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2010. I have an implant to help control the seizures. It has unfortunately paralyzed my left vocal cord, resulting in my not being able to sing any longer. It is one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. Every once in a while, when I heard singing this beautiful I come to total tears. Oh, what I would give to be able to sing again, especially in something like this!
Well God loves to hear you sing. Peace to you.
🙏♥️😭♥️🙏Praying that you will sing again.
In der Ewigkeit-die im Heilsplan Gottes am Ende der Zeit vorgesehen ist, werden wir alle wieder gesund sein-fern aller unserer körperlichen und seelischen Beeinträchtigungen. Alles Liebe für dich! ❤❤❤❤
What a fantastic rendition of a very beautiful song. Thank you for sharing it with us. 4:55
Ganz wunderbar. Das zaubert in diesen schwierigen Zeiten ein Lächeln auf die Lippen. Danke.
Leonard Cohen lives through this moving powerful song.
I was a member of the Pretoria University Church years ago. Each Sunday between 3,000 and 4,000 people will gather for the service. What made it so exceptional that I still remember and cherish my time there, is that the organist was world class and the University Choir sang with the congregation. The exceptional organ music with the thousands of voices accompanied by the amazing voices of the choir, from baritone to sopranos, came together as the most incredible sound one can imagine. I often cried while singing, because it was just so emotional to hear this incredible sound in praise of God.
Thanks for sharing. Wish you had a video to share of those 3-4000 people singing together. :)
This was so cool! What a beautiful idea!
Joyful, uplifting, beautiful, haunting and an uncanny blending with stong emotions bringing also tears, longing and remembrances for those no longer present..
Today is election day and tomorrow is my 68th birthday! All I want is for normalcy and peace to be restored to our once great United States! God bless Leonard Cohen and this beautiful choir! I needed this today! 🥰
Well, majority of American voted in a hateful felon. Sorry you couldn’t get your birthday wish. Hope this beautiful performance will sooth your soul.
Same here. We need more of those in Google feeds no? ❤ Im from Montréal living in Toronto and homesick right now. So proud too.
It shows how we all can sing together and possibly harmonize as we get more comfortable with singing together. 😉 Bravo 👏
There are no words to express the beauty of watching and listening to all the beautiful voices sing in unison as one.
Quelle mystérieuse émotion se dégage de nous à l'écoute de cette chanson. Aussi mystérieuse qu'était Léonard...Les gens devraient écouter ceci assez souvent. Cà les rendrait certainement un peu plus humains ...
Beautiful🌹🌷Well done Montreal🌷👌✌️❤️❤️🌹🌹❤️🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Watching this with tears running down my face. How beautiful.
I'm liking this a thousand times. Just what I needed.
A lovely rendition of this much-loved song. Thanks to all involved.
This has just come up on my google feed. So glad I didn't scroll on. Gave me goosebumps and tears.
Absolutely beautiful.
Thankyou ❤
... thrilling, but if you could understand what is this compound word stands for..
Halle.. lou..yaH..
Have you felt interested to search for its origin and what it really means?
My fav song beautiful performance
It gave me chills listening to such a wonderful crowd of people sing my favourite song. Magnific
Awesome 🙏🏼 tears and smiles listening.
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Bravo I had my graduation at Place des Arts. Memories.
Rest in Peace Leonard Cohen. Truly an inspired song. I hope it brought you closer to God. ❤️🙏🏻🇨🇦🍁
Lest we forget 🌺
I wish I knew about this...I would have loved to be a part of that incredible chorus....pure love is what I felt ❤️
That was truly beautiful! Thanks Montreal for the super presentation! From B.C.
I was so glad I got to see and hear Leonard Cohen before he passed. He visited us downunder.
This is the best tribute to the wonderful man. Thanks
Gern wäre ich dabei gewesen, Danke!!!
WOW, WOW, 😢😊. Tears, joyous tears! Just beautiful!! Amazing!
I cried too. Tellement beau!
Brilliant 😊
Well done everyone, Leonard would be proud. I’ve loved his music from the beginning regardless of my peers having a low opinion. That’s gone now leaving a towering respect for his music and especially this song. Best regards from Tasmania.
🥺 mil veces gracias. Un abrazo fraterno desde Uruguay 🇺🇾
This is SO SPECTACULAR! This song always brings to to tears, but THIS has me in an entirely different realm! FABULOUS!
Gives me chills. Beautifully done.
I can hear angels singing...Close your eyes and you can feel the heavens vibe.
AWESOME!!!To GOD be all the glory!
Sadly Leonard Cohen was a secular Jew. He wasn't particularly religious. This is not a praise song as religious and beautiful it sounds. I cringe when Christians use it in worship. Is has sexual references.
The secret chord is G Sus.
I do love Leonard Cohens music I have since 1969 my senior year of High School.
So like so many Christians, you literally do not know what this song is about. Please learn about the bible from a Jewish perspective, this is embarrassing.
An example of what can be achieved when people come together and work to create powerful music(the universal language).