Again!! Another amazing cover. Thd whole band here really nail it - guitars, drums , vocals. Total respect , this is far from an easy cover! Such energy! Thanks for posting. Made my day. Think that rock has a secure future!! Sad it took me so long to discover this site!
The _AllStars_ are the best from more than 300 locations. They're drawn from the House Bands of local _School of Rock_ locations, and in order to compete to become an AllStar, they have to submit a 10 minute audition, with an explanation of why they want to become an _AllStar,_ what _School of Rock_ means to them, and two songs, one of which always has to be a _Led Zeppelin song._ It can be fairly said that _Led Zeppelin_ is the foundational band of the _School of Rock._ (And yeah, it existed years before the Jack Black movie.)
Here's the full Led Zeppelin show by the Oak Park School of Rock. Not all of the kids are at AllStar level, but this is directed by one of my favorite teachers, and she gets some amazing performances out of these kids:видео.html
That's because the guitar on stage is always so loud, that it barely gets put into the main - and I get the same feed that's going to the mains. Guitar amps are the bane of my existence.
My problem is that I only get a stereo feed that goes to the speakers, and because the guitar amps are so fucking loud on stage, none of the microphones on the guitar amps lines up going to the speakers. So I don't get any on my feed. If the guitarists want to be heard, they have to turn down their damned amps!
@@MidWestConcertVideo2 Hey, I feel for you. Running sound isn't easy, but they're young kids. Would have been a teachable moment perhaps? I crank my amp as loud as is reasonable but I have had several sound men tell me to turn it down.
I've been back by the soundboard, and seen the sound engineers pull all the guitar and bass faders all the way down. If you want to be heard on the video, turn your amp down. If you need to get a giant sound, and you want to be heard as part of the band, suck it up and buy a modeler. I can't tell you all of the world-class guitarists who are actually playing modeling apps, and have a bunch of fake Marshall stacks.
This drummer rocks ... he got John Henry Bonham' spirit completely. ✌😎🎶
Greetings from Danmark 🤜 🇩🇰 🤛
I could listen to Ava Cohen all day and all night!
This concert had the best group of singers ever.
The drumming is AWESOME
One of the best SOR teams! This full show kicks ass! Ava Cohen is PHENOMENAL! Great songs, great band!
Not your average song to conquer! They did well. Yes, the drummer nailed it!
Keeps the BEST alive
Excellent performance by all! Young lady has great vocals! Would love to this band become a tour group!
Ava was the perfect choice on this one she nailed the vocals and the band spot on beautiful performance
I maybe misspoke but I really hope you all made it you all deserve it. am sure Zep would be proud
Again!! Another amazing cover. Thd whole band here really nail it - guitars, drums , vocals. Total respect , this is far from an easy cover! Such energy! Thanks for posting. Made my day. Think that rock has a secure future!! Sad it took me so long to discover this site!
The _AllStars_ are the best from more than 300 locations. They're drawn from the House Bands of local _School of Rock_ locations, and in order to compete to become an AllStar, they have to submit a 10 minute audition, with an explanation of why they want to become an _AllStar,_ what _School of Rock_ means to them, and two songs, one of which always has to be a _Led Zeppelin song._ It can be fairly said that _Led Zeppelin_ is the foundational band of the _School of Rock._ (And yeah, it existed years before the Jack Black movie.)
Here's the full Led Zeppelin show by the Oak Park School of Rock. Not all of the kids are at AllStar level, but this is directed by one of my favorite teachers, and she gets some amazing performances out of these kids:видео.html
Beautiful work - and a very nice save after the dead mike - seamless.
Nicely done! Very impressed!
Fantástico....muito bom....parabens
Kids doing Zep is GREAT
Absolutely FANTASTIC!!! Everyone nailed it…. But fire the guy at the mixing board immediately.
Ya, it would have been nice to hear the green guitar!
it is necessary to make this work known, very few views!
Anything I wanted to know
Anyplace I needed... to go
"..♫ I had a dream...♫"
Ava rocks
El hecho de pensar que este vídeo es del 2014 me hace dar cuenta del tiempo que esta joya andaba oculta
blown away bu the talent here . Annoyed at the vocals being extremely loud, but all of them did awesome.
Drummer is a beast.
Drummer brings it at about 4:06-4:09. Singer is good too even working at the low end of her range. Amazingly, I've never heard this song before.
Ken Truitt Were have you been under a rock?
Or a roll possibly? Get it? See what I did there?
it’s a fantastic piece by zeppelin off their fifth album lots of great songs in their catalog!
Discovered 2005; 2 new planets; just one in our Solar System; Sedna nearing Pluto's orbit; strengthening in effect; Sedna ∆ Pluto exactly.
You are so close to Ann keep going young lady
Saucy little dancer.
Hello Friend!
She rocked my.....Corona Infested World.....Away
Good job live, considering the complex overdubbing on the original. Well done.
Please someone help me identify the make/model of the dark greenish semi-hollow guitar on the left. Very cool looking. Is it an import?
Did any of these kids make it big? This performance was phenominal!
I honestly don't know. Once they graduate, they are no longer on my radar.
Enjoyed this, though I could barely hear the lead guitar at all.
That's because the guitar on stage is always so loud, that it barely gets put into the main - and I get the same feed that's going to the mains.
Guitar amps are the bane of my existence.
Incidentally, I heard recently Robert Plant interview his request, that Led Zeppelin tribute bands refrain from having children around.
Where's the sound man picking up the solo guitar? Otherwise excellent.
My problem is that I only get a stereo feed that goes to the speakers, and because the guitar amps are so fucking loud on stage, none of the microphones on the guitar amps lines up going to the speakers. So I don't get any on my feed. If the guitarists want to be heard, they have to turn down their damned amps!
@@MidWestConcertVideo2 Hey, I feel for you. Running sound isn't easy, but they're young kids. Would have been a teachable moment perhaps? I crank my amp as loud as is reasonable but I have had several sound men tell me to turn it down.
I've been back by the soundboard, and seen the sound engineers pull all the guitar and bass faders all the way down. If you want to be heard on the video, turn your amp down. If you need to get a giant sound, and you want to be heard as part of the band, suck it up and buy a modeler. I can't tell you all of the world-class guitarists who are actually playing modeling apps, and have a bunch of fake Marshall stacks.
You got to hand it to them they're f****** bad
nice guitar lead too bad we can't hear it
The sound engineer needs to go back to school
Not that the rest of the players weren't great and the singer did it justice too
vocal disturbed me
Overall the kids did well. Lead guitar was seriously out of tune and he was frequently ahead of the beat. A little too eager.
It may just be the mix but Jimmy Page on TSRTS on his own sounds better than all the guitarists there combined.
Well, check out some of my shows that have a better audio mix:видео.html
Bass player and drummer, guitar all nail it....vocals...meh
Team 1 is better.
someone is out of tune