If you are trying to grow maximum profit from minimum expense you most definitely utilize every tool available. You will win some and lose some. But one big win covered allot of losses and get you to your Hulk 181 faster!
Absolutely, grading is a method of earning money within the hobby and helping the hobby "pay for itself". So, yeah, definitely include profits from grading! That said, be fair about it and include those rejection fees! ;)
Agree with Troy. Use what you think is best to reach your goal. I you think it ads value maybe keep track of pressing and you can estimate at the end for ten presses done by you that at CGC would’ve charged extra $120 or so.
If you are trying to grow maximum profit from minimum expense you most definitely utilize every tool available. You will win some and lose some. But one big win covered allot of losses and get you to your Hulk 181 faster!
Absolutely, grading is a method of earning money within the hobby and helping the hobby "pay for itself". So, yeah, definitely include profits from grading! That said, be fair about it and include those rejection fees! ;)
Agree with Troy. Use what you think is best to reach your goal. I you think it ads value maybe keep track of pressing and you can estimate at the end for ten presses done by you that at CGC would’ve charged extra $120 or so.
Just came across this video and channel. I REALLY like the idea of taking $10 and growing it to buy Hulk #181. I’m going to try it myself!
Awesome! Def check it out from the beginning!
Thanks on the insight on pressing been thinking about buying one and practicing, what kind was that one?
Not sure, got it on amazon. It resembles a Tusy a lot