Select files, drag to new location, hold command, make sure you do not see a plus sign on dragged file(s), let go of HD location. Note, if you see a plus sign it will copying files.
2)We have to attach minimum 8gb pen drive instead of pen drive can we attach Pc hard disk to usb port 3)because While installing Mob OS in pc My pen drive space has given to D drive and i have some errors and can not install Andrio OS and pen drive space is transfered to D drive can we regain that space in pen drive if yes how please reply all my vimp query ok thanks
Mais la capacité de stockage de mon Mac ne suffit pas pour sauvegarder les fichiers le temps de formater le disque dur!!!! Quelle est la solution pour ça ?
Haha. I’m right there with you pal. I’m trying to figure out how to download dj music from a record pool off my Mac air to an external hd but it’s not letting me. I just got a flex10 and starting fresh on music.
Great tutorial video,it helped me transfer my documents following you instructions ,thank you
Thank you guiderealm yall always make my day
This helped me so much, thank you!
This was very easy and super helpful!
It should let you be able to freely import data from any device, it really shouldn't be this much of a hassle.........
Exactly 😠
Thank you for all your help this worked great and thanks for your easy directions 🙏
u r telling how to copy files but i need to know to know how to cut and move files on mac
On Mac OS it's only copy paste or drag n drop. No cut paste like windows
@@usmanrathore5171 control shift + v is paste
Get educated bro
@@karanmalhotra97 thanks bro, I am using comand+V
Your question was HOW TO CUT AND MOVES FILES ON MAC, and you can't.
Select files, drag to new location, hold command, make sure you do not see a plus sign on dragged file(s), let go of HD location. Note, if you see a plus sign it will copying files.
Thank you so much i had this problem for a long time and your video just helped in 2 minutes
Thank you, this was helpful, crisp and on point. 👏
can i download my macbook files into my sandisk Sd card?
Thank you for this video. I would've been stuck otherwise
great easy video, thankyou
Love you bro helped a lott❤
😮😮woow very good thank you so much 😊
Thank you very much it helps me lot😊
thank youu mr for your guided!
This video was clear and concise. Thank you🙏
Fantastic, worked for me. Thank you.
Thank you soo much it worked for me
Superb Video brother solved my issue
Great video thanks!
Thanks, very helpful
It was helpful. Thanks!
Thank you so much! It was easy and worked!
Thank you sooo much✌️🥰🥰
This worked great, thank you so much!!!
you're a hero! thank you!
It wont let me erase. It says “erase process has failed “
Thank you 🙌🏻
Does this work for an SSD drive like a WD My Passport SSD ?
Your videos are life saving and I’ve used them many times 🙏
Your a hero fr🙏🏾
Thank u bro❤
Thank you 🙏🏾
Thank you so much !❤
2)We have to attach minimum 8gb pen drive instead of pen drive can we attach Pc hard disk to usb port 3)because While installing Mob OS in pc My pen drive space has given to D drive and i have some errors and can not install Andrio OS and pen drive space is transfered to D drive can we regain that space in pen drive if yes how please reply all my vimp query ok thanks
I’m looking for help on how to download my files from web straight to a hard drive
Mais la capacité de stockage de mon Mac ne suffit pas pour sauvegarder les fichiers le temps de formater le disque dur!!!! Quelle est la solution pour ça ?
You glossed over what I came here for: HOW do you connect to macbook pro when it doesn't have a USB?
thank you bro
What do I need to do if my macbook pro says "erase failed"
Thank you❤
chettayi kollam super
Thnku 🎉❤
How can i do without format my extern drive??? my data is huge, i can not copy it to my Macbook
thank you
very good!
How do I grant full access to an HDD connected to a MacBook?
1000% solve my issue niceeeeeeee
Thank you,
Do I need to choose eat pictures?
Please slow down a little bit. Thank you
This shows you how to copy files. Moving files is different from copying files. But thanks anyway.
My dad should have stuck with a windows 🤦♂️
My file system says APFS (encrypted)
Its true this real works
But he's cool for me, but can i move everything on my Mac to an external drive
Mac is full of s## I can say that now. You need to format your external hardrive so it is compatible with Mac?? Wow what a great idea 💡
Thankkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
All this hassle to do on simple Job is frustrating 😖
I must be really dumb because I do t understand a word you’re saying
Haha. I’m right there with you pal. I’m trying to figure out how to download dj music from a record pool off my Mac air to an external hd but it’s not letting me. I just got a flex10 and starting fresh on music.
You go too fast for me to follow.
nah i’ll never erase all items on my external😂
Does not work does not show up on computer
Why been so fast? Can you understand everything you said yourself
Maybe he used AI😅😅😅😅😅
Bullshit….how we can format hard disk each and every time while copying
Mac sucks. definitely not user friendly
Done 🩵🩵🩵 thank you sooo much
This was amazing! Thank you so much!
So helpful! Thanks
Thank you, This was helpful.
This was very helpful! Thank you!
Thank you!
Thanks for your help
Thanks you so much!!!
Thank you so much!!
thank you this helped
So helpful
Thank you!!!!!
Thank you very much..this helped me totally...
Thank you, helped alot
Thank you so so much
Very useful, thank you
Thank you!