Bits were a bit brittle. I broke a few of the small ones, exchanged it, then got an ifixit kit to replace the bits I use the most often. I still use the rest of the kit and modified it to suit my needs more. This kit is really nice if doing what I do for a living. but the kit in the video has more useable space for putting extra things for the other tools I use like usb drives, suction cup, magnets, etc.
@@ItsBinhRepaired that is, as they write in the shopping comments. ps. Now this set cost about 8 dollars in frequent promotions and real cost is about 9 dollars.
The Y shaped bit is for srewing in eye screws, I read somewhere...
Makes sense. Thanks!
To magnitize just rub at the bottom (outside part)
I see
How is the kit holding up ?
Bits were a bit brittle. I broke a few of the small ones, exchanged it, then got an ifixit kit to replace the bits I use the most often. I still use the rest of the kit and modified it to suit my needs more.
This kit is really nice if doing what I do for a living. but the kit in the video has more useable space for putting extra things for the other tools I use like usb drives, suction cup, magnets, etc.
how do you rate the durability of these bits?
They are too brittle for the smaller bits. I still use the box, but replaced a lot of the bits with the ifixit bits.
@@ItsBinhRepaired that is, as they write in the shopping comments. ps. Now this set cost about 8 dollars in frequent promotions and real cost is about 9 dollars.
@@forGPR yeah, sadly, they dropped the ball on this one.