Best thing to do is be honest with tipper firms that you have no experience and if they’re willing to put some time in with you then they’ll put you with another driver for a week or two. You only really learn when you’re on your own thinking for yourself but you need to be taught the basics and what’s expected of you. If you go into quarries most will require you to hold an extra qualification (MPQC) which firms might want you to have before starting
Luckily I’m just a driver so none of the headache that goes with being an Owner Operator. I drive for an owner operator who has a franchised wagon. I don’t think there’s much difference in working for a big company vs a small owner operator, apart from it’s more on a personal level and you’re not just a number.
This is my dream job, Being a tripper driver has been in my family for 2 generations and I hope to be a third gen trucker
Great video! Good camera angle! Like it. We can see the road and the steering wheel! Brilliant!
Thank you 👍👍
That Scania has a noisy wiper motor! 😂😂 Great job though, would love to do it myself!!
Great can you show how to tip step by step? thanks
Hi mate, how's the best way to learn the trade as a new driver, cheers
Best thing to do is be honest with tipper firms that you have no experience and if they’re willing to put some time in with you then they’ll put you with another driver for a week or two. You only really learn when you’re on your own thinking for yourself but you need to be taught the basics and what’s expected of you. If you go into quarries most will require you to hold an extra qualification (MPQC) which firms might want you to have before starting
@@ScottKTipperLife cheers buddy thanks for your help mate 👍 👌 👏
Hey, are you an owner operator and is it worthy to work with a company or owner operator?
Luckily I’m just a driver so none of the headache that goes with being an Owner Operator. I drive for an owner operator who has a franchised wagon. I don’t think there’s much difference in working for a big company vs a small owner operator, apart from it’s more on a personal level and you’re not just a number.
This guy talks too much😂