Christie walks a fine line. I truly appreciate his directness in dealing with people and demanding mutual respect to debate an issue. Our society could take a lesson from him.
I see how it is in New Jersey, but here in Louisiana we've had a pay freeze for 7 years (at least in my district). Our pay has not increased at all to make way for the increased cost of living. No, our pay has gotten into the hands of people in the ivory towers.
The easy fix for this is to make the "parents" pay for their "own" kids education. I'm tired of being held hostage with property taxes just so they can get a raise. I haven't had a raise for more than 6 years.
All the Christie haters out there, it seems like he knows what he is talking about. I am a moderate, but a typical democrat / pro government stance is to put rhetoric, pampering, and public spending interests to lock in voters over responsible financial decisions, then pawning off the bad results on republicans one way or the other. Christie doesn't take that bullshit, and does a good job of pointing out the State's financial and economic situation, justifying the tough decisions he had to make.
You don't know what you're talking about. Chris Christie seeks the favor of billionaire Betsy DeVos & her associates with school choice bullshit to make a Presidential run feasible. Christie is all about destroying education to further his ambitions. Its about punishing his enemies, because school choice is smoke & mirrors at best.
You simply cannot make an argument with the Governor on this one. He is 100 percent correct. This is the same crap that is going on in Wisconsin, Illinois and I would say California but, California is beyond repair. The union has destroyed that state.
whoa now hoss.....put it back in the barn. I am married to a public school teacher. She has a great school now but did her time in the Vietnam which is the inner-city public school system. Some of these kids come to school to eat and get warm....let alone learn. They are bathed in a world of depravity and violence nearly every second they are not in school. Some have psychological issues so severe that they hurt themselves while at school. Teaching is not a walk in the park....
great answer? his math is off by 1 MILLION DOLLARS. Don't you think maybe, just maybe, his verbal sugar coating is simply WRONG?!? He is doing what all Republicans do...blame the democrat before them. And Mr. "I speak my mind" is now backing the WORST presidential candidate in our great country's history, Donald J. Trump after telling us all how much of a joke he is/was.
Why is it everytime after a teacher rants to Christie and the second Christie is ready to explain it IN DETAIL what happened and why, they close their arms???
You can get paid forever, just be a teacher in a union. Get a three month vacation too. Most people can't pay their bills because they spend their money on luxuries.
I'm a democrat-I support Obama, yes. But Christie is an excellent leader and a great man. Whether he's republican or not, we need more politicians like him.
A teacher told my class that she was teaching that because of 5 years of teaching, she literally can't be fired based on performance. She then went off to barely explain the studies, talked to a group of girls whenever the lesson ended, and any time a question was asked of the lesson, she would tell all it was "in the book" even if she recognized it wasn't while explaining. Fuck unions.
I’m guessing based on your poor prose, syntax and vocabulary that she was an English teacher or the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree among New Jerseyans.
It isn’t hard to win an argument with the majority of public school teachers. They aren’t scholars. They have no time to be scholars and many have no ability to be scholars. They are quasi-experts of grade-level content. Mostly, they are to be pitied.
great math gov. chispy cream: 1 Billion -820 Million= 280M apparently. (2 min 10 sec). perfect example as to why public school funding should increase.
@nilofc I am not really an advocate of unions, I only belong to one, as all teachers do, for legal protection only. Teachers can have over 100 students in their classroom over the course of the day and can be sued over anything. Its not like an office job. We live in an age of frivolous lawsuits. The single thing Christie can do to help education is stop the government waste of money in education.
@rwskiller5 You realize this wasn't a debate, correct? This is not an "equal time" situation. This was a forum where citizens came to ask a politician to explain his policy decisions. Christie was articulate and thorough in his answers. Is that not what you want from your politicians? He gave her two opportunities to speak, therefore, I believe what you're really upset about is how accurate he is with his explanation. If you cannot articulate an argument, kindly refrain from participating.
he knows his facts made a pretty good argument, but I got to think that the teacher union refused to agree to that more because it would set a really bad precedence where whenever the state is in financial strain they will just turn to the teachers to make up their deficit.
"New Jersey has some of the best schools in the country." And American history is made. Only under Chris Christie could that line even be uttered without ridicule.
State workers who ARE QUITE OBVIOUSLY being overpaid and who are doing substandard work. Disagree? Go to the DMV. See what kind of service you get there. Look at some of the potholed streets in NJ. Where are the town and county workers? Don't tell me there is no funding. The cost of the labor PROBABLY costs more than the cost of the material. (May not be true but you get the point I am making.)
Governor Christie lays out New Jersey's financial landscape very well. As a former conservative education professional living in the state of Michigan, I can identify with Christie's distaste for the high cost of unionization within the public education sector. Union leaders, most of whom make far more money than any teacher at the top of the local pay scale, have no interest in quality education, but rather their far left political agendas.
she does not even have to pay for her own medical insurance she has to give a certain amount to the school board to help fund it. i know a lot of teachers do not even get paid 35k, and some even dont get paid 30k.
People are far to quick to jump on the pay and benefits for teachers. Look at your local school district's budget. When I looked at mine, I was surprised to see that about 60% of the budget was just for utilities.
The crowd that is applauding him is most likely the same that opened up their eyes towards the end of his term as governor, a 15% approval rating speaks for itself
@nilofc Where is the outcry for the inflated salaries of administrators, superintendents, board members, where the outcry over the waste of $40,000 of taxpayer money to fund trips for principals to useless seminars at plush hotels. That's enough to pay the salary of a teacher that they lay off. Those are the things the governor should be targeting. The government wastes money on education and then want to punish teachers.
@miazagora Most teachers would love to go to a private school, no discipline problems, no red tape, supportive parents, they can actually teach, but private schools dont pay, otherwise you would not have any teachers in public schools. The governor wants to pay teachers less, but put more on their plate and at the same expects greater results. His solution for fixing education is to make it so unattractive no one would want to pursue a teaching career.
I am a teacher and i am sick and tired oif hearing teachers whine and bitch about their hours, their salary, and having to buy school supplies out of their own pocket.
Why teachers? Teachers make peanuts in pay anyway? Seriously. You might as well board us and feed us and throw away the key. I have never heard of any country like America that treats its educators like criminals. I'm one step away from living in my car. Seriously, So why not get someone else to take a pay freeze for a year? Look at the budget - politicians could take a pay freeze for a year, maybe two, three...
And--get all of the kids' breaks/holidays off. They feel **ENTITLED** to owning a house, having a family (with luxuries), a decent middle class life, fully medical/dental/vision for the ENTIRE family, tenure
This is the kind of LEADER that we need so desperately in Washington. This illustrates why this man's approval rating continues to rise even in a mostly Democratic state. Kudos Governor!!
@inilledra No, he is not a representative of the TEA PARTY Group by any means. His record on guns and other social issues is proof of that, he is a typical New Jersey liberal when it comes to those issues, the Tea Party would never accept him.
$750.00 a year for a family to have full health insurance. Wow, sign me up. If I had that plan I would save thousands of dollars a year. Can someone tell me why this is a bad deal for the teachers union employees? This sounds like an awesome 62.50 a month to insure my family, entire family, Wow, just Wow. Unreal.
Nothing is free, you know the same crap you spew about the ACA. 1.5% of her $55,000.00 a years is $825.00 a year. That doesn't count for out of pocket co-pays and deductible. It also didn't account for her what she pays for dependents insurance. So no it isn't free. It's not high for her alone, many unions have low premiums as a benefit and most include dependents.
At some point you've got to realize you're just bashing your head against a wall. The dude just wants you to get pissed and isn't going to be convinced of anything.
@circusmaximus10 i don't disagree with him wanting teachers to contribute to healthcare, i disagree with him and other governors continuously using teachers as scapegoats for every problem affecting education. There are many factors that go into the test scores of each state. Some states only release scores from certain student demographics, therefore scores for their state are higher than others.
@spacepatrolman You don't know what you're talking about. They said that they're an Independent. They can't be a "Republican In Name Only" if they don't call their self a Republican. Geez...
@nilofc Well remember this- if you are poor you are probably meant to be poor (meaning you have not worked hard or smart enough) but if you are rich the same can NEVER be said- think about it.
"Done nothing but lambast schools?" Christie has gone up against the union bosses, he has never insulted teachers. New Jersey has many failing schools, and even if many are good, that doesn't excuse the excessive gravy train that the school system has been on. Watch "The Cartel" by Bob Bowden, that'll tell you all you need to know. Go Gov!! We love you!
@avenqer Confrontational, and unwilling to compromise. Their minds are made up and closed to any new suggestion or discussion. They're encouraged to come to these events and do this sort of thing and say the things they do.
@henryoil yes that I agree with. He said a pay freeze for one year would solve the problem. So why then did they go to merit pay? He lied. In Ohio, teachers are now paid by merit which meant that those that made 60 grand are now making base pay 27 grand. Thats not a seven percent freeze to cover the bill, thats like a one third or two thirds cut. Thats wrong. Did Governor take a cut? Did Senators take a cut? no. I realize times are hard, but teachers are not the reason why.Got2b better way.
i worked for the njea for years as a custodian biggest mistake besides the inflated raises but wen push came to shove they threw us under the bus overpaid babysitters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep him in your STATE! TRUST ME!! He will be OUT NUMBERED in Washington!! Lets give him some years and HOPE that other people in other states will step UP like he does, and THEN he MAY have a chance (to make a difference) in Washington. but untill then... LET HIM make a difference in YOUR STATE and SUCK IT UP!!! =0)
I love this guy. he tells it like it is. the best part is he's a Republican. Teacher's unions are part of the problem that our education system is in such a mess. you can't fire anybody even if they do a poor job teaching our kids.
Our country is so fucked. Just get rid of sales tax in all states forever and quit over charging people to live. Then we can talk about equality and fairness amongst people and businessmen. No taxation without representation. That’s my take. 🤷♂️
@skaricrazyturkey Typical bs reply...rather than debate the situation, instead personally attack a person that questions whether or not teachers are robbing the state treasury.
I was a teacher, and for a long time I loved it. However, I fell out of love with teaching because of the bureacracy bullshit brought on by teachers like herself. So I am now a Truck Driver, and I'll never look back.
What teacher in the K-12 grades get paid year round? Don't talk much to your kids teachers, if you did you would know that they DO NOT get paid year round unless they are working in the system. Summer school programs, admin.... They get part time jobs if they can find it just like all seasonal employees. And yes some even dig ditches!
$750 is exactly what a NJ teacher pays to their union boss each year! Of course the Unions dont want that money to go towards the employee pensions - they want it for themselves.
@ 0:56 - 0:57 A hard time paying her bills this year? Let's start a canned food drive for this "teacher", who is in "such poverty". Better yet, let's refer her to Catholic Charities, soup kitchens, send her beans, rice, and kale!
@snaps81625 They word under a CONTRACT that has been Ratified, Voted on. They have done nothing wrong. They benefits that the teachers get, have been negotiated for. They were part of an economic package that was NEGOTIATED. Don't be jealous of something that was negotiated by two groups of people who represented each side of the table.
What teacher in the K-12 grades get paid year round? Don't talk much to your kids teachers, if you did you would know that they DO NOT get paid year round unless they are working in the system. Summer school programs, admin.... They get part time jobs if they can find it just like all seasonal employees. And yes some even dig ditches! Get informed before you vote Tuesday, Christie has been a bully from day one. Get out of the bully trance and give your state a chance.
You already made yourself too obvious with commenting on any post you could find, but you're continuing to make a point about something that wasn't said. Your trolling needs work
@OddMenMedia Oh dear, pardon me. I sincerely do apologize! I truly aspire to emulate the pretentiousness that you so eloquently exhibit under your so called apt category of articulation. Once again, please excuse my insubordinate behavior. I have hitherto been so foolish as to assume that a good governor listens more than he or she talks. Clearly, such assumption is in fact erroneous! I finally see the light! Christie is an exceptional governor! We need more talkers!!!
Yea, let's tax the rich, they can afford it, right? Just like GM and Chysler could afford it, right? And like Greece could afford it, right? I'm tired of these unions saying give me, give me, give me and expecting everyone else to pay for it. How shameful is that?
The house & congress are the one’s at fault imo. Not giving states help and funding where it is needed. That’s a problem because we need help. If one man struggles in his community it means we’re all struggling together in that community. You don’t wanna help people and then they will go help themselves. Business owners they don’t care. House and congress are fine not writing a check ever again they don’t care. Tax payers don’t want them to spend money either because if it would mean we have to pay it back later on and who wants to do that. Lol
so do something else...i also know a lot of teachers, and I know that they start out at low pay and by retirement are making a lot more per year. They also don't work 3 MONTHS out of the year. They also have great retirement plans. As someone else said, I would be overjoyed to pay 62.50/month for good insurance...
Who raises taxes in a recession to balance a budget? A $820m increase in taxes on the highest bracket would have cost the state 4,100 jobs by CBO estimates as well as contracted the economy. Or you could just have teachers except a reasonable pay increase that meets current inflation and partly contribute towards their own health insurance schemes. I can't believe how evil that Chris Christie is.
He seems to be relatively respectful and know his material well.
Christie walks a fine line. I truly appreciate his directness in dealing with people and demanding mutual respect to debate an issue. Our society could take a lesson from him.
I see how it is in New Jersey, but here in Louisiana we've had a pay freeze for 7 years (at least in my district). Our pay has not increased at all to make way for the increased cost of living. No, our pay has gotten into the hands of people in the ivory towers.
The easy fix for this is to make the "parents" pay for their "own" kids education. I'm tired of being held hostage with property taxes just so they can get a raise. I haven't had a raise for more than 6 years.
All the Christie haters out there, it seems like he knows what he is talking about. I am a moderate, but a typical democrat / pro government stance is to put rhetoric, pampering, and public spending interests to lock in voters over responsible financial decisions, then pawning off the bad results on republicans one way or the other. Christie doesn't take that bullshit, and does a good job of pointing out the State's financial and economic situation, justifying the tough decisions he had to make.
You don't know what you're talking about. Chris Christie seeks the favor of billionaire Betsy DeVos & her associates with school choice bullshit to make a Presidential run feasible. Christie is all about destroying education to further his ambitions. Its about punishing his enemies, because school choice is smoke & mirrors at best.
Maybe you shoud be a GOPer. Enough with Dems and Libs.
all you ppl are just jealous you are not State workers and benefit from what they get for their hard work.our Gov. is an azz-hole and a big fat Liar!
You simply cannot make an argument with the Governor on this one. He is 100 percent correct. This is the same crap that is going on in Wisconsin, Illinois and I would say California but, California is beyond repair. The union has destroyed that state.
PLEASE come to Maryland
He listens and then mocks the person to get out of an debating an issue ... Unbelievable
whoa now hoss.....put it back in the barn. I am married to a public school teacher. She has a great school now but did her time in the Vietnam which is the inner-city public school system. Some of these kids come to school to eat and get warm....let alone learn. They are bathed in a world of depravity and violence nearly every second they are not in school. Some have psychological issues so severe that they hurt themselves while at school. Teaching is not a walk in the park....
Exactly---because the pay is based on: SENIORITY and level of education.
Why is the audio on so many of these videos missing? Who is removing it?
try unmuting bro 💀
Great answer from Governor Christie.
great answer? his math is off by 1 MILLION DOLLARS. Don't you think maybe, just maybe, his verbal sugar coating is simply WRONG?!? He is doing what all Republicans do...blame the democrat before them. And Mr. "I speak my mind" is now backing the WORST presidential candidate in our great country's history, Donald J. Trump after telling us all how much of a joke he is/was.
Why is it everytime after a teacher rants to Christie and the second Christie is ready to explain it IN DETAIL what happened and why, they close their arms???
You can get paid forever, just be a teacher in a union. Get a three month vacation too. Most people can't pay their bills because they spend their money on luxuries.
Actually, less than 9 months---considering, Thanksgiving break, winter break, spring break, Memorial Day weekend, etc,
o didnt even need title to know she was a teacher
i thought you were remarking on the the low wages of teachers...did i miss sonething?
This is the guy I’d love to see as President
I'm a democrat-I support Obama, yes. But Christie is an excellent leader and a great man. Whether he's republican or not, we need more politicians like him.
A teacher told my class that she was teaching that because of 5 years of teaching, she literally can't be fired based on performance. She then went off to barely explain the studies, talked to a group of girls whenever the lesson ended, and any time a question was asked of the lesson, she would tell all it was "in the book" even if she recognized it wasn't while explaining.
Fuck unions.
I’m guessing based on your poor prose, syntax and vocabulary that she was an English teacher or the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree among New Jerseyans.
I don't agree with his politics, but the guy knows how to respond to an answer.
It isn’t hard to win an argument with the majority of public school teachers. They aren’t scholars. They have no time to be scholars and many have no ability to be scholars. They are quasi-experts of grade-level content. Mostly, they are to be pitied.
great math gov. chispy cream: 1 Billion -820 Million= 280M apparently. (2 min 10 sec). perfect example as to why public school funding should increase.
Yeah, glad he's NOT a teacher-we'd be in REAL trouble. $1 Billion-820 Million =180 Million (REAL answer)
Love Christie! Christie for President!
@nilofc I am not really an advocate of unions, I only belong to one, as all teachers do, for legal protection only. Teachers can have over 100 students in their classroom over the course of the day and can be sued over anything. Its not like an office job. We live in an age of frivolous lawsuits. The single thing Christie can do to help education is stop the government waste of money in education.
Maybe you should form a union instead of tearing this woman down.
@rwskiller5 You realize this wasn't a debate, correct? This is not an "equal time" situation. This was a forum where citizens came to ask a politician to explain his policy decisions. Christie was articulate and thorough in his answers. Is that not what you want from your politicians? He gave her two opportunities to speak, therefore, I believe what you're really upset about is how accurate he is with his explanation. If you cannot articulate an argument, kindly refrain from participating.
i don't understand...this woman makes $55000/yr? and she's complaining about having to buy supplies and pay for her own insurance??? REALLY????
And a few prayers---but not for her death!
he knows his facts made a pretty good argument, but I got to think that the teacher union refused to agree to that more because it would set a really bad precedence where whenever the state is in financial strain they will just turn to the teachers to make up their deficit.
"New Jersey has some of the best schools in the country."
And American history is made. Only under Chris Christie could that line even be uttered without ridicule.
State workers who ARE QUITE OBVIOUSLY being overpaid and who are doing substandard work. Disagree? Go to the DMV. See what kind of service you get there.
Look at some of the potholed streets in NJ. Where are the town and county workers? Don't tell me there is no funding. The cost of the labor PROBABLY costs more than the cost of the material. (May not be true but you get the point I am making.)
Governor Christie lays out New Jersey's financial landscape very well. As a former conservative education professional living in the state of Michigan, I can identify with Christie's distaste for the high cost of unionization within the public education sector. Union leaders, most of whom make far more money than any teacher at the top of the local pay scale, have no interest in quality education, but rather their far left political agendas.
she does not even have to pay for her own medical insurance she has to give a certain amount to the school board to help fund it. i know a lot of teachers do not even get paid 35k, and some even dont get paid 30k. bad...i agree with you.
I wish he'd run for President. Christie for President.
People are far to quick to jump on the pay and benefits for teachers. Look at your local school district's budget. When I looked at mine, I was surprised to see that about 60% of the budget was just for utilities.
Like you...
The crowd that is applauding him is most likely the same that opened up their eyes towards the end of his term as governor, a 15% approval rating speaks for itself
@nilofc Where is the outcry for the inflated salaries of administrators, superintendents, board members, where the outcry over the waste of $40,000 of taxpayer money to fund trips for principals to useless seminars at plush hotels. That's enough to pay the salary of a teacher that they lay off. Those are the things the governor should be targeting. The government wastes money on education and then want to punish teachers.
@miazagora Most teachers would love to go to a private school, no discipline problems, no red tape, supportive parents, they can actually teach, but private schools dont pay, otherwise you would not have any teachers in public schools. The governor wants to pay teachers less, but put more on their plate and at the same expects greater results. His solution for fixing education is to make it so unattractive no one would want to pursue a teaching career.
Consider that folks 4.x% ANNUALLY. You getting that? If you dont work in public sector you know the answer to that.
You can tell the teachers sit around whining how bad they have it to each other because they are shocked when they find out the public doesn't agree.
BAHAHAHAHA... I thought you didn't judge. Oh, you do and you get my point!
I am a teacher and i am sick and tired oif hearing teachers whine and bitch about their hours, their salary, and having to buy school supplies out of their own pocket.
Why teachers? Teachers make peanuts in pay anyway? Seriously. You might as well board us and feed us and throw away the key. I have never heard of any country like America that treats its educators like criminals. I'm one step away from living in my car. Seriously, So why not get someone else to take a pay freeze for a year? Look at the budget - politicians could take a pay freeze for a year, maybe two, three...
If you say you have no money, then why do you you cut taxes for the wealthy! It's all about priorities governor!
Nice job Chris Christie
And--get all of the kids' breaks/holidays off. They feel **ENTITLED** to owning a house, having a family (with luxuries), a decent middle class life, fully medical/dental/vision for the ENTIRE family, tenure
This is the kind of LEADER that we need so desperately in Washington. This illustrates why this man's approval rating continues to rise even in a mostly Democratic state. Kudos Governor!!
@inilledra No, he is not a representative of the TEA PARTY Group by any means. His record on guns and other social issues is proof of that, he is a typical New Jersey liberal when it comes to those issues, the Tea Party would never accept him.
$750.00 a year for a family to have full health insurance. Wow, sign me up. If I had that plan I would save thousands of dollars a year. Can someone tell me why this is a bad deal for the teachers union employees? This sounds like an awesome 62.50 a month to insure my family, entire family, Wow, just Wow. Unreal.
Come to California.
Nothing is free, you know the same crap you spew about the ACA. 1.5% of her $55,000.00 a years is $825.00 a year. That doesn't count for out of pocket co-pays and deductible. It also didn't account for her what she pays for dependents insurance. So no it isn't free. It's not high for her alone, many unions have low premiums as a benefit and most include dependents.
At some point you've got to realize you're just bashing your head against a wall.
The dude just wants you to get pissed and isn't going to be convinced of anything.
@circusmaximus10 i don't disagree with him wanting teachers to contribute to healthcare, i disagree with him and other governors continuously using teachers as scapegoats for every problem affecting education. There are many factors that go into the test scores of each state. Some states only release scores from certain student demographics, therefore scores for their state are higher than others.
well all i hav to say is " if you cant look after your weight you shouldnt be looking after a state
@spacepatrolman You don't know what you're talking about. They said that they're an Independent. They can't be a "Republican In Name Only" if they don't call their self a Republican. Geez...
I remember this
@nilofc Well remember this- if you are poor you are probably meant to be poor (meaning you have not worked hard or smart enough) but if you are rich the same can NEVER be said- think about it.
this guy talks like a boss
Anyone who doesn't understand his answer is just a closed minded, prejudiced and stubborn person (to put it in polite terms).
"Done nothing but lambast schools?" Christie has gone up against the union bosses, he has never insulted teachers. New Jersey has many failing schools, and even if many are good, that doesn't excuse the excessive gravy train that the school system has been on. Watch "The Cartel" by Bob Bowden, that'll tell you all you need to know.
Go Gov!! We love you!
@avenqer Confrontational, and unwilling to compromise. Their minds are made up and closed to any new suggestion or discussion. They're encouraged to come to these events and do this sort of thing and say the things they do.
@henryoil yes that I agree with. He said a pay freeze for one year would solve the problem. So why then did they go to merit pay? He lied. In Ohio, teachers are now paid by merit which meant that those that made 60 grand are now making base pay 27 grand. Thats not a seven percent freeze to cover the bill, thats like a one third or two thirds cut. Thats wrong. Did Governor take a cut? Did Senators take a cut? no. I realize times are hard, but teachers are not the reason why.Got2b better way.
don't be such a baby. He didn't curse or screen at her. She was smirking at his response and being disrespectful. She got what she deserved.
let me guess a teacher right? she has this im so important attitude
i worked for the njea for years as a custodian biggest mistake besides the inflated raises but wen push came to shove they threw us under the bus overpaid babysitters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@miazagora , Well said!
Keep him in your STATE! TRUST ME!! He will be OUT NUMBERED in Washington!! Lets give him some years and HOPE that other people in other states will step UP like he does, and THEN he MAY have a chance (to make a difference) in Washington. but untill then... LET HIM make a difference in YOUR STATE and SUCK IT UP!!! =0)
Bravo Governor.
I love this guy. he tells it like it is. the best part is he's a Republican. Teacher's unions are part of the problem that our education system is in such a mess. you can't fire anybody even if they do a poor job teaching our kids.
...see my initial post, that is to you too.
Our country is so fucked. Just get rid of sales tax in all states forever and quit over charging people to live. Then we can talk about equality and fairness amongst people and businessmen. No taxation without representation. That’s my take. 🤷♂️
Old lady you just got owned!
Typical bs reply...rather than debate the situation, instead personally attack a person that questions whether or not teachers are robbing the state treasury.
Are there any independents or people that are not interested in politics that like this guy?
I was a teacher, and for a long time I loved it. However, I fell out of love with teaching because of the bureacracy bullshit brought on by teachers like herself. So I am now a Truck Driver, and I'll never look back.
What teacher in the K-12 grades get paid year round? Don't talk much to your kids teachers, if you did you would know that they DO NOT get paid year round unless they are working in the system. Summer school programs, admin.... They get part time jobs if they can find it just like all seasonal employees. And yes some even dig ditches!
I love this guy
I want this guy to stay in office long enough for me to get my first house there, but its doubtful.
Neh neh....children. Thanks for responding :) ! Always makes me happy to know I annoyed a liberal.
This guy is great. Wish he was running of president.
$750 is exactly what a NJ teacher pays to their union boss each year! Of course the Unions dont want that money to go towards the employee pensions - they want it for themselves.
@ 0:56 - 0:57 A hard time paying her bills this year? Let's start a canned food drive for this "teacher", who is in "such poverty". Better yet, let's refer her to Catholic Charities, soup kitchens, send her beans, rice, and kale!
Once again, Christie OWNS. He's over qualified to be a Governor. I want Christie in the White House.
You did with everything but you did yes you did
Look at 3:41 for the priceless face of defeat.
@snaps81625 They word under a CONTRACT that has been Ratified, Voted on. They have done nothing wrong. They benefits that the teachers get, have been negotiated for. They were part of an economic package that was NEGOTIATED. Don't be jealous of something that was negotiated by two groups of people who represented each side of the table.
What teacher in the K-12 grades get paid year round? Don't talk much to your kids teachers, if you did you would know that they DO NOT get paid year round unless they are working in the system. Summer school programs, admin.... They get part time jobs if they can find it just like all seasonal employees. And yes some even dig ditches! Get informed before you vote Tuesday, Christie has been a bully from day one. Get out of the bully trance and give your state a chance.
You already made yourself too obvious with commenting on any post you could find, but you're continuing to make a point about something that wasn't said.
Your trolling needs work
@OddMenMedia Oh dear, pardon me. I sincerely do apologize! I truly aspire to emulate the pretentiousness that you so eloquently exhibit under your so called apt category of articulation. Once again, please excuse my insubordinate behavior. I have hitherto been so foolish as to assume that a good governor listens more than he or she talks. Clearly, such assumption is in fact erroneous! I finally see the light! Christie is an exceptional governor! We need more talkers!!!
Yea, let's tax the rich, they can afford it, right? Just like GM and Chysler could afford it, right? And like Greece could afford it, right? I'm tired of these unions saying give me, give me, give me and expecting everyone else to pay for it. How shameful is that?
Christie for president
If you're going to troll, make it a little less obvious.
God, I love this guy...
The house & congress are the one’s at fault imo. Not giving states help and funding where it is needed. That’s a problem because we need help. If one man struggles in his community it means we’re all struggling together in that community. You don’t wanna help people and then they will go help themselves. Business owners they don’t care. House and congress are fine not writing a check ever again they don’t care. Tax payers don’t want them to spend money either because if it would mean we have to pay it back later on and who wants to do that. Lol
@dkor202 The TAX PAYER pays for the Economic Package of a NEGOTIATED LABOR AGREEMENT.
so do something else...i also know a lot of teachers, and I know that they start out at low pay and by retirement are making a lot more per year. They also don't work 3 MONTHS out of the year. They also have great retirement plans.
As someone else said, I would be overjoyed to pay 62.50/month for good insurance...
Who raises taxes in a recession to balance a budget? A $820m increase in taxes on the highest bracket would have cost the state 4,100 jobs by CBO estimates as well as contracted the economy. Or you could just have teachers except a reasonable pay increase that meets current inflation and partly contribute towards their own health insurance schemes. I can't believe how evil that Chris Christie is.
Ha I wonder if they are cheering him now,,,,, a 71% disapproval rating speaks for itself