Teacher's town hall question goes viral

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2017
  • A Tennessee woman confronts Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) about health care reform at a town hall meeting in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @doodelay
    @doodelay 7 лет назад +86

    The solution that the teacher gave being "medicare for all" would've never even been mentioned had it not been for Bernie Sanders and his campaign. I'm so proud of Bernie and I'm so proud of this teacher for stating the obvious solution to the problem in the richest nation on earth. Can you imagine being the wealthiest parent on earth and declining to pay for your children's health insurance? That is the predicament we're in as the wealthiest nation

    • @theannoyingworld
      @theannoyingworld 7 лет назад +1

      1) it's was an expansion of medicaid, not medicare. they're different.
      2) expansion of medicaid isn't necessarily the obvious solution. i'm not entirely sure how you could implement it given the current healthcare system. the other option would be to just increase the tax penalty. while senator black is not lying, she's also not stating the reason people choose to take the tax penalty instead of buying insurance (it's way cheaper to get the tax penalty). thus, if you just increased the tax penalty to a rate comparable to insurance, people would buy insurance and rates would go down for everyone (this is likely what hillary would have done).

    • @neoskhaos
      @neoskhaos 7 лет назад +2

      Bernie's the man, but "medicare for all" is older than him
      may the Bernie be with u all

    • @theannoyingworld
      @theannoyingworld 7 лет назад

      read her plan for 2016. it's probably the direction she would have gone. her 90's plan is less likely the direction she would have gone. just listen to the debates between clinton/bernie & compare their plans.

    • @doodelay
      @doodelay 7 лет назад +2

      +rustydog0329 You'd still be a terrible parent to let your child get sick and die if it is easy for you to prevent it.
      Furthermore, that's not what most people do despite the ridiculous caricature of them you have. Most people have jobs working for employers or are raising the nation's families at home. You have a really misguided idea of what the vast majority of Americans live like.

    • @doodelay
      @doodelay 7 лет назад +1

      rustydog0329​​​ in this case, the truth isn't somewhere in the middle because I didn't say that all people are good and virtuous and hardworking.
      I said most, not all - but most people have jobs and raise families, which is true.
      The flip side would be that most do not have jobs and raise families, which is obviously false.
      The truth is not always in the middle between two sides.

  • @MrAicex3000
    @MrAicex3000 7 лет назад +681


    • @cityofangeles4113
      @cityofangeles4113 7 лет назад +23


    • @MrAicex3000
      @MrAicex3000 7 лет назад +12

      City of Angeles Thank you.

    • @creamy8033
      @creamy8033 7 лет назад +5

      ALEX THOMAS ESCALANTE the rich are Christian too.
      ..lol, they just can't afford to care.

    • @lilbigbrow
      @lilbigbrow 7 лет назад +18

      Do you really have to be a religious person to do good and care about your fellow human being?

    • @moirajax1088
      @moirajax1088 7 лет назад +19

      No, but it was refreshing for a change to actually hear a Christian publicly say what she did.

  • @barberjohnnyy1546
    @barberjohnnyy1546 7 лет назад +78

    I'm in love with that teacher now! We need more people like that teacher.

  • @ng38477
    @ng38477 7 лет назад +107

    A compassionate Christian - I knew they were around here somewhere! Lol. The Senator's answer to the teacher's question was that the Individual Mandate stlll left some people behind because some choose to pay the fine because they still couldn't afford health insurance and would rather pay the fine. The teacher already gave her the solution - expand Medicade to everyone. Yes, we have to pay higher taxes and no system is perfect but, a healthy and educated population is in everyone's best interest. It's time to make the wealthier in America pay their share, stop giving them tax breaks and dropping down regulations that - Heaven forbid - means they pay an extra dollar, and think of medical care and education as a right - not a privilege. We're paying high taxes now and getting less for it. Trump is giving the wealthy more tax breaks that they don't need. That's not a solution.
    In Blue states where ACA was rolled out in the manner intended, it worked. It was not perfect by any means but, better than what was there before. We need single payer because conservatives will fuck everything up on orders of the Koch brothers.

    • @doctorf7501
      @doctorf7501 7 лет назад +2

      NG exactly right.

    • @meganh9460
      @meganh9460 7 лет назад

      You forget the hypochondriacs. You forget the fact that if healthcare was covered, you could then charge whatever you wanted because who cares... government will just pass the bill to the people..... This is a very old scam.....

    • @ng38477
      @ng38477 7 лет назад +1

      You understand that hypochondriacs are not that much of a problem, you pay for medical care with your taxes - it is not free and no one is getting a bill, and right now companies charge whatever they want and make money from denying people the care they need. We are one of the few modernized nations that cannot get universal medical care because.....freedom....handouts...Murica! And, now "hypochondriacs!".

    • @liamcollins9183
      @liamcollins9183 5 лет назад

      @@meganh9460 The fact that a single entity (the government) is paying for people's treatment, can in many ways, lower the costs, as they have have enormous bargaining power. Thats partly how public health systems in other OECD nations keep costs down.

    • @meganh9460
      @meganh9460 5 лет назад

      @@liamcollins9183 And what is stopping the health care systems from charging whatever they would like at that point because the government doesn't really pay for anything, they just pass the bill.
      The healthcare system is the only system in the world where I buy something... then find out the cost. I really don't want to give that power to the government which is typically known for their rampant over spending.
      The only 'fair' way, is to pay for yourself. That is the reality. Otherwise, you are spreading out the costs to everyone because you need the healthy to pay for the sick.
      So what happens when the kale eating, smoothie drinking bicyclist grows tired of paying higher insurance for the guy who never exercised and drinks nothing but soda and smokes.

  • @microaggression5745
    @microaggression5745 7 лет назад +130

    What a joke of an answer that was given to that teacher... this is what's wrong with our politics.

    • @ModMINI
      @ModMINI 7 лет назад +7

      It was a talking point given to her by Republican handlers. The problem with the system is that there are still some people being left behind, so the solution is to repeal it and leave everyone behind...?

    • @ronrendon
      @ronrendon 4 года назад +2

      money is what's wrong with politics: big BIG money

  • @DinethCat
    @DinethCat 7 лет назад +1101

    I'm a republican, I think we need to fix obamacare, not repeal it.

    • @bluesteel6310
      @bluesteel6310 7 лет назад +7

      Because it's a person's right to forcefully take money from me to pay for their health needs? Disgusting.

    • @gunner678
      @gunner678 7 лет назад +10

      Malibu D that is by far the most intelligent comment i have read on here for 2 months..please keep it up!

    • @staceystrukel1917
      @staceystrukel1917 7 лет назад +5

      Malibu D 👏👏👏👏👏👏

    • @staceystrukel1917
      @staceystrukel1917 7 лет назад +39

      Bluesteel what's disgusting is selfish, mean people who don't care about the poor and sick.

    • @laloveisbad88
      @laloveisbad88 7 лет назад +29

      Marshmallow920 As s Democrat I salute you.

  • @justicemediareloaded2724
    @justicemediareloaded2724 7 лет назад +271

    God bless that teacher for asking that question. The republicans hate it because its called obamacare

    • @curmudgeon1933
      @curmudgeon1933 7 лет назад +8

      +Liberals are Hating Fascist Love your name and it's true - Liberals do hate fascists.

    • @32shumble
      @32shumble 7 лет назад +7

      So you are saying that the ACA is a 'failure' that saved lots of lives?
      A 'failure' that the vast majority of Americans want to keep?

    • @Rpzinna
      @Rpzinna 7 лет назад +1

      Curmudgeon Well i think British liberals were screaming in the 1930s fascism means war. By the way how is your population doing in Tennessee? Terrifying isn't it. Once you realized ACA would be repealed, well then you got nothing. I work wish you all the best in Tennessee. Me personally, I believe, God forbid it is repealed, you will be given a great gift. You will be given a chance to see what it means when you have nothing to see to your health. Selfishness is evil my friend. Not only that all your people will really be given a chance to see what it's like to work for low wages. You think unions are a bad thing. Well the repeal of Obamacare is just the beginning. I wish you all the best.

    • @curmudgeon1933
      @curmudgeon1933 7 лет назад

      +Ryan Zinna I'm not sure if you're replying to the right person. When I responded to Liberals are Hating Fascism, I meant that he/she was being a dick if they thought the Trump administrations' repeal of the ACA would benefit them in any way, especially if they thought that Trump had any intention of giving them a halfway decent replacement. Big Pharma and the insurance companies have hijacked this administration into forcing through a system which will impoverish the most vulnerable and cause suffering to millions, all for the mighty dollar. Look forward to many more medical bankruptcies.

    • @condew6103
      @condew6103 7 лет назад +20

      Republicans call it "Obamacare" to try to kill it, but it's real name is the "ACA"; Affordable Care Act. It's surprising the number of people who still don't know that and love the ACA while wanting Obamacare repealed.

  • @whtjddn3
    @whtjddn3 7 лет назад +389

    common sense in entire world except america.

    • @achange7930
      @achange7930 7 лет назад +10

      In science, math and reading the US ranked number 25 of all the countries. Source: CNN December 6, 2016. A person that speaks two languages is called bilingual. A person that speaks three languages is called trilingual. A person that speaks one language is called American.

    • @bluesteel6310
      @bluesteel6310 7 лет назад +1

      It's common sense to forcefully steal money from other's to pay for your health needs? Well your version of common sense is something I will fight to the DEATH.

    • @HexMark12
      @HexMark12 7 лет назад +7

      Wow yeah you are right. 53% of total health care in America is privatized, with only 32% that is public. The next country with the highest privatized health care total is Germany with 11%. All other country stats are negligible.

    • @sandrawise3574
      @sandrawise3574 7 лет назад +4

      Bluesteel, as a citizen with private health insurance, I am subsidizing health care for the uninsured. Approximately $30 a month of my premiums go to cover the uninsured. Everybody who can afford it should have some skin in the game. Even if its 10 a month. If a young kid can afford a smartphone, then they can damn well afford to pay some for their health care.

    • @whtjddn3
      @whtjddn3 7 лет назад +6

      it's called Gerneral Health Care not death.

  • @zombiebunnyposse4273
    @zombiebunnyposse4273 7 лет назад +518

    That female questioner epitomizes Christian values. Thank you. Shame on that public server talking around the question. If she too is a Christian, she will be judged.

    • @mmaxine1331
      @mmaxine1331 7 лет назад

      ZombieBunnyPosse she's the minority

    • @paulcopland1697
      @paulcopland1697 7 лет назад

      Song Maxine - but there is still no universal healthcare in sight.

    • @lora8546
      @lora8546 7 лет назад +1

      She "epitomizes Christian values" when she's hardly affected? As a public school teacher her health insurance is paid for by local taxes. Eventually the part of the premiums that school employees must pay will increase, she'll end up with less take home income, and you can bet teachers will go on strike for higher pay. When she stands in front of those striking teachers pleading with them not to strike and allow for more and more to be taken out of her salary to pay for the less fortunate and tells the school administration to start immediately subtracting from her paycheck - then it can be said that "she epitomizes Christian values."
      Ever look at the tax returns of such model bleeding heart politicians like Pres. Obama before he became a public figure or VP Joe Biden? Obama was making hundreds of thousands of dollars as a partner in a law firm, but never contributed even one grand until he became a state legislator. And Biden till today never gives more than a grand which is far less than one percent of his earnings. Liberals seem to have a tradition of being bleeding hearts with other people's money but turn conservative with their own. Just like they never send their kids to public schools.

    • @VectorPlexus
      @VectorPlexus 7 лет назад +6

      I totally agree with her, except that these are not exclusively christian values, they are moral and ethical values, regardless of one's religion, and usually practiced by western Social Democracies. Religion is not relevant.

    • @zombiebunnyposse4273
      @zombiebunnyposse4273 7 лет назад +2

      VectorPlexus I agree with you 100%. It's because she mentioned that she was a Christian and many self professed "Christians" voted against Christian values.

  • @hellojam100
    @hellojam100 7 лет назад +72

    "as a Christian, my mandate in life is to pull up the unfortunate"

    • @lovetoridehard
      @lovetoridehard 7 лет назад

      hellojam100 ummmmmm no... the republican way is for all of is to work and earn money to pay for our own healthcare in a free market. i am happy to support those who cannot work. i am never happy to pay for those who won't. for those who will buy a cell phone before they insurance.

    • @mosesking2923
      @mosesking2923 7 лет назад +10

      If you get cancer or have a pre-existing condition, no insurance company will even offer their service to you. There are plenty of people that work but can't afford the $30,000-$40,000 cost of chemotherapy or parkinson's medication or weekly kidney dialysis. You're an absolute moron if you think buying a cell phone plan is equivalent to getting access to healthcare.

    • @damianeadie510
      @damianeadie510 6 лет назад +3

      lovetoridehard Misfortune is not equivalent to laziness. Would you help someone to their feet who has fallen or accuse them of lazing around on the floor? :-)

    • @thelionsden3323
      @thelionsden3323 5 лет назад +1


    • @thelionsden3323
      @thelionsden3323 5 лет назад


  • @TheMetrored
    @TheMetrored 7 лет назад +121

    "how many of those people were in states that played a political game with people's lives"
    🍎 for the teacher!!

    • @ellea3344
      @ellea3344 7 лет назад +2

      + 100

    • @musicitykidd8768
      @musicitykidd8768 6 лет назад


  • @ranagill4709
    @ranagill4709 7 лет назад +32

    This women is Right.

  • @none6936
    @none6936 7 лет назад +135

    The people that paid the fine instead of paying for health care would do the same thing if there wasn't a mandate, but the only difference is they wouldn't have to pay a fine. So when this lady says that the ACA negatively affected those people that paid the fine, she is being dishonest.

    • @cityofangeles4113
      @cityofangeles4113 7 лет назад +14

      Russian President Trump she was misleading when she threw out that 20 million statistic, but the teacher called her out on that BS. The ACA/Obamacare works just fine in Blue states and no one saw saw an up tic this year in their payment that only happen in Red States because they didn't expand medicare cuz the were being political and you see when the teacher debucked that BS The Rep didn't want to talk anymore. A lot of people are going to be fucked up when the insurance company starts dropping people, and this clip just showed everyone that this just doesn't effect minorities.

    • @salmonline
      @salmonline 7 лет назад +4

      AND it was their decision to make.
      pay a fine and get absolutely noting. Or spend money on health insurance...hmmmmm......

    • @sandrawise3574
      @sandrawise3574 7 лет назад +6

      You're wrong, they can still go to the ER, which is much more expensive.

    • @none6936
      @none6936 7 лет назад +6

      How am I wrong? Sure they can use the ER, but my point is that those people who she used as evidence wouldn't pay for health care no matter what the cost.

    • @janniegurl05
      @janniegurl05 7 лет назад +2

      Not to mention that her stats are misleading. You have folks that have expanded coverage not through the exchange only. People have better coverage via employer insurance policies and medicaid as well. Employers with 50 employees or more have to provide coverage for employees working 30 hours or more. If they don't, they get fined and if they try to reduce employees hours they get fined. There were many people who were poor but not poor enough to qualify for medicaid, especially if they were single. It would be more costly to kick people off of insurance than to keep them on it. If these people lose insurance they may get too sick to work, which isn't productive for society. Also the exchange allows for further innovation, because their are folks who left their 9 to 5 jobs, to start businesses. These people wouldn't have done that without the creation of the ACA. There are a host of other benefits. But this paragraph is too long already.

  • @dannzenmon13
    @dannzenmon13 7 лет назад +324

    "I'm going to pass this to other's because i don't know what the fuck I'm talking about." lol

    • @meganh9460
      @meganh9460 7 лет назад

      How do you defend against this? The estabalishment (I won't blame democrats because establishment republicans wanted it too) wanted to get their hands on heath care. They wanted too for years. Buys good will, and they can finally tax a billion dollar industry.
      All these democrats who are not bitching about losing their coverage, are falling exactly into the establishment hands. Give them something they don't/can't want to live without. Now, suddenly its their right to force healthy people to pay for sick.....

    • @cptmiller132
      @cptmiller132 7 лет назад +5

      +paul maclean they look at it as "but i get taxed for other people!!" and then when you telling the how small that tax is they say "but i get taxed!" that is all that they care about until they need emergency surgery or get a near deadly or deadly disease this is how they will think... even when you tell them that they would end up saving money by getting taxed instead of paying for an individual healthcare plan they still say "but i get taxed" it just shows how single minded they are...

    • @meganh9460
      @meganh9460 7 лет назад

      +Octavius Chan I thin its quite telling that someone who's lecturing me on compassion also wants someone to shoot me or my child or my friends with a super bug so they can die infront of me. Sounds super compassionate of you.
      As I have stated many times. Want to fight high prices? Want to fight the issue of large amount of preventable deaths that happen in our health care system? Sure Ill be fighting with you. But you are not, you are looing for someone else to pay. I believe firmly that if you tell the government and the health care industry that the American people will pay the bill, the bill will "suddenly" get larger.
      Let me ask you, oh compassionate one, do you own a car? Or maybe a house? Why? Why would you decide to own a house or a car instead of downsizing? DO you not know people are dying out there and could really use your money?
      Reminds me of what we did in Africa. Bleeding hearts were crying out, Africans having 10 kids and only 2 are living to adulthood. So what did we do? We sent them aid and guess what? All 10 kids survived to adulthood to have 10 kids of their own. SO guess what? They needed more aid and if we don't give it to them then we are horrible people who are just trying to save a few extra bucks.
      I would argue its you who needs compassion. BTW you are dumb to think I am selfish enough to think an illness would change my mind. The policy sucks but ya sounds great when I get sick because someone else can pay. I know in your mind that makes sense, because you are selfish.

    • @meganh9460
      @meganh9460 7 лет назад

      +Paul MacLean Whats so hard to understand that the government has never streamlined anything? You want the government involved in healthcare? Seriously? You go bankrupt over the high price of healthcare. Want to fight that? Sure, you might actually accomplish something. Want to find someone to pay for it? Then you are a thief. What the fuck is so hard to understand?
      My day will come. I won't become like the selfish assholes who hated obamacare when they were healthy and loved it when they were sick. Still doesn't change my mind. YOu assume I don't save for it lol. But, thats AMerica now.

    • @cptmiller132
      @cptmiller132 7 лет назад +2

      Megan H in every country that has singlepayer when they switched to it their prices dropped...

  • @paulcopland1697
    @paulcopland1697 7 лет назад +18

    That teacher was awesome. And the response was yet another shameful dodge from some stupid official. On a broader note, America is the only western industrialized democracy without universal healthcare. And American private healthcare (call it what it is) is light-years more expensive than other nations' systems. I live in one of those other nations, and our healthcare is top-tier and innovative, has great hospitals and very well paid doctors. And it is less than half as expensive per treatment than the American system. Every citizen is covered, no pre-existing condition clauses, no personal bankruptcies from medical bills.

    • @YourTamedLion
      @YourTamedLion 7 лет назад

      Paul Copland americans being behind in major Systems also shows in their election system. americans struggle to reform it self and put tradition that serves no purpose anymore away. the electoral College with the state-by-state System is a relict of the past unfit for the 21st century democracy. another BIG flaw of the American way of life us their gun law. no other western democracy has so many killed or injured by gun voilence. America needs a change in perspective and mentality for their own sake. It's quiet pathetic to watch how they have a president not backed by the majority of voters, want to get rid of public health care and continue to have homemade massacres and thousands over thousands of dead ppl because everybody can have guns as easy ad possible.

  • @32shumble
    @32shumble 7 лет назад +14

    It's nice to be reminded that there's still Christians out there that Talk the Talk AND Walk the Walk.
    My faith in humanity is a little restored...

    • @Rpzinna
      @Rpzinna 7 лет назад +1

      32shumble I agree. I always thought Christians were the greedest most psychotic people on the planet because they spoke out against labor unions, single payer, and free education and job training. Is my thought process correct?

  • @annietoday2037
    @annietoday2037 7 лет назад +17

    um, yah, if you're not going to accept my bs answer, I'm going to have to pass on the question. .... (good job, citizens! )

  • @Duffmanjack
    @Duffmanjack 7 лет назад +8

    This is exactly what I've been saying America doesnt need Medical Insurance they need Medial care! Expand medicare and get rid of the middle man insurance companies. Have our taxes go directly to the doctors not the insurance companies.

  • @laurayoung7862
    @laurayoung7862 7 лет назад +26

    These people that paid the fine are the same people who would be paying for uninsured citizens who constantly go to the e.r. and rack up huge costs via taxes..either way taxpayers pick up the tab for Healthcare so why not do it in a way that helps people. I agree with this teacher 100% !

    • @katherinejackson5699
      @katherinejackson5699 3 года назад

      I'm one of the people who paid the fine. I had list my job and it took awhile to get another one. ACA is not bad, that fine tacked onto it was.

    • @rievans57
      @rievans57 Год назад

      Good point. Thing to remember about Republican leadership is that they tell you what they want you to know.

  • @tnjay87
    @tnjay87 7 лет назад +27

    WTF is Black talking about? You're not "hurting" people who can afford to pay for health insurance but instead choose to pay a fine; they can afford it but choose not to get it. Using the fines to help pay for people who can't afford health insurance is absolutely proper. This is Republican spin at its worst. Is Black a Christian? It's absolutely NOT a "false premise" but Black is using a false equivalent. One person who has money choosing to pay a fine is not "hurt" equally to one person who has to go bankrupt or die because he can't get health assistance. Also, you know what you do, Black? You gouge someone's paycheck just as you do with child support for the premiums and involuntarily place them on minimum coverage if they don't pick insurance themselves, and then you have 100% of citizens covered, if that is your goal. God, Republicans call themselves the party of Christianity and totally screw the less fortunate, which is the opposite of the foremost mantra of Christianity.

    • @charnaeyoung9815
      @charnaeyoung9815 7 лет назад +6

      tnjay87 Thank you. They say that mandatory health insurance is unconstitutional yet I still have to pay a mandatory tax out of my paycheck to help poorer people. I'd rather us all pay taxes that go towards universal healthcare so that my neighbor doesn't have to cry everytime they need to go to the doctor because it is expensive. If you've ever lived it, it makes sense. These people are just privileged and apathetic. Let the rich take care of only themselves is how they think. Yet the poor still pay taxes like everyone else to take care of things that the rich benefit from.

    • @tnjay87
      @tnjay87 7 лет назад +3

      +charnae young Yes, Black is a conservative lying and spinning to make herself richer by making her rich insurance company bribers, errr, "donaters", even richer. She knows she's lying and I hope she enjoys her time in hell. It's not the average American's fault that health care costs an insane amount of money and you could be denied health insurance coverage if you were actually going to use it before the ACA. If we can't, as a country, give all of our citizens access to be the healthiest that they can be, then why have any rights at all? Do you think a billionaire would choose his money over his health? To think that an entire family could be ruined for life because a 5-year-old in that family has cancer, which is what Black supports, in the name of corporate profits is despicable beyond words.

  • @bhagamshikannegundla3484
    @bhagamshikannegundla3484 7 лет назад +77

    Wow her constituent is smarter than the congresswoman!!!

  • @myopinion3908
    @myopinion3908 6 лет назад +3

    Glad I’m Canadian with my health care. Never have to worry about losing my home or having to even question if i could afford it. Yes there are some wait times on elective surgeries but don’t believe that going to emergency is long wait times, my hospitals wait times are only long for idiots who go there when they should have gone to a clinic.

  • @ninja_bonutxd6796
    @ninja_bonutxd6796 3 года назад +1


  • @nico114334
    @nico114334 7 лет назад +114

    these republicans have no idea what to do 😭😭😭

    • @diggscn
      @diggscn 7 лет назад

      ok What would you do Nick !

    • @nico114334
      @nico114334 7 лет назад +12

      +C Graves I would fix Obama care instead of repealing it with nothing duh.

    • @nobody1575
      @nobody1575 7 лет назад

      Nicolas Mendez you do know he's gonna replace it with something better than Obama care right?

    • @nico114334
      @nico114334 7 лет назад +1

      +NamesR4Losers fml well I've been waiting.

    • @nobody1575
      @nobody1575 7 лет назад

      Nicolas Mendez he's barely been in office for a month. Stuff doesnt happen right away. Its called patience, a good quality to have. As a matter of fact he should be talking about his plan (or has) today, or tomorrow

  • @joecabrera3106
    @joecabrera3106 7 лет назад +9

    amen sister

  • @H7B2ify
    @H7B2ify 7 лет назад +47

    I love how Republican politicians think that they stand fully for all the ideas of BOTH Jesus Christ and Ayn Rand, two figures who couldn't be more opposite

    • @maudieicrochet9491
      @maudieicrochet9491 6 лет назад


    • @Longtack55
      @Longtack55 4 года назад +1

      And the good moral Christian leader Trump continues to gain support from 80% of the Evangelists in the USA.

    • @toddmiller7876
      @toddmiller7876 3 года назад

      That's assuming they have a clue who Jesus is.

    • @Shogun1982
      @Shogun1982 3 года назад

      @@Longtack55 They wern't burning CROSSES on black people's front lawns for nothin'.

  • @minimax9452
    @minimax9452 7 лет назад +2

    I am a german - we have public health care since 1883. It survived two horrible world wars and is still working very good. nobody wants to draw back from it - also not our conservative party. You have to develope and improve obamacare.

  • @regibson23
    @regibson23 7 лет назад +6

    Of course you have to inconvenience some people. That's exactly what the teacher said. The healthy prop up the sick.

  • @tcjusttc5418
    @tcjusttc5418 7 лет назад +6

    Why are Republicans so eager to repeal it? I can't see any advantages for them, or anyone in general. Unless there is something under the table, I am missing.

    • @vincentletzner8638
      @vincentletzner8638 6 лет назад +1

      TC Just TC Health insurance companies get to make less profit from Obama care, aka ACA, by limiting or prohibiting them from charging exploitive insurance fees as well as limiting their or in some cases completely negating their ability to avoid insurance claims.

    • @stephenball4292
      @stephenball4292 5 лет назад

      TC Just TC... the large tax cuts for corporations and the 1% were what was funding the ACA and many other programs... the tariff bailout of $12B, all the dog & pony shows DJT Sr is putting on are not in the "budget" and now the GOP will begin to "borrow" funds from Medicare & SS...

  • @Shutchohole
    @Shutchohole 7 лет назад +4

    I was in that boat, i couldnt afford $800 a month insurance for my family of 5. We had a meager income at the time. I chose to pay the penalty and gamble with the health of my family, it was that or eat. ACA is far from perfect, we need a single payer system that is funded by taxes (taxes paid in by everyone according to their income) we pay all these Federal taxes for what again? It isnt healthcare, it isnt programs to help educate the under-educated or even k- 12 grade. It funds wars that are not our affair and do absolutely no good, other than give people something or someone to hate.

  • @victoriagodley5277
    @victoriagodley5277 6 лет назад +1

    Excellent. Resist this derelict government

  • @exdoode
    @exdoode 4 года назад

    She didn't have the common courtesy to ensure that she had answered such an important question. ... "I'm gonna pass this on" ? What a cop out!!

  • @stupidbword9139
    @stupidbword9139 7 лет назад +8

    This is my French teacher !

  • @larryjohnny
    @larryjohnny 7 лет назад +3

    Bravo to the teacher! Thank you for thinking of those in need - to help is the true Christian way! Medicaid for all, we demand it!

  • @CatACor21.
    @CatACor21. 7 лет назад +2

    Preach!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 go ahead teacher 👨‍🏫

    • @bluesteel6310
      @bluesteel6310 7 лет назад

      I know! It is our RIGHT to forcefully take as much money as we need to pay for our health costs.

  • @dantetabaku2878
    @dantetabaku2878 7 лет назад

    I am gonna pass this on to the others. Well done!!!!! Is there any limit for the Republicans

  • @09rfields
    @09rfields 7 лет назад +3

    if your income was too low, you didn't have to pay a fine.

  • @dw7312
    @dw7312 7 лет назад +3

    lol... "I'm going to pass this on" lol

  • @scotty2221
    @scotty2221 5 лет назад

    I'm a hard working American who is also a USAF Veteran, got news for everyone, the government doesn't care about anything but themselves. Just make lots of $$$ and pay your own doctor bills or, don't pay them and then let hospitals file bankruptcy. Should not ever be our problem, we are the consumer.

  • @smoovechi1
    @smoovechi1 7 лет назад +2

    the lady rep is lying!!! each YEAR you don't have health insurance you're FINED, not just once!!!

  • @TheactressCJ
    @TheactressCJ 7 лет назад +4


  • @Voxshades
    @Voxshades 7 лет назад +5

    I know people that did not sign up for "the affordable healthcare" because the insurance was much more expensive than the fine. They decided to take a chance that they would remain healthy for the year. That is the real reason many of the 20,000,000 healthy people didn't sign up.
    The ability to acquire health care should not be determined by your income. America needs to grow up & get healthcare in line with the other civilized nations of the world.

  • @Kane-ib5sn
    @Kane-ib5sn 7 лет назад

    anytime you've got a politician talking....you've got incompetence...

  • @c20995
    @c20995 5 лет назад +1

    Because the ACA denies Liberty. The freedom not to join. The freedom of choice. The freedom to say, I don't want to play. Any law or program, no matter how well intended, that denies freedom of choice to the individual, is fundamentally flawed and will fail all the people.

  • @robr12
    @robr12 7 лет назад +5

    It is not virtuous to help the sick, when the government is mandateing it. Just as it would not be virtuous to follow Gods law if we did not have the freedom to disobey it.

    • @mikeday62
      @mikeday62 7 лет назад

      +Rob R, Excellent comment....right on the money! :)

  • @lujiang2390
    @lujiang2390 7 лет назад

    "we're not talking about people's lives" exactly! that's why people in government are so out of touch with people

  • @mayar4551
    @mayar4551 7 лет назад

    The People are a country first asset, health and education should be accessible to everyone, simple as that!

  • @maudieicrochet9491
    @maudieicrochet9491 6 лет назад

    People! You're saying great things. This issue could unite us. Make your legislators respond. We need universal healthcare. And then make sure the corporate backed pols don't sabotage it.

  • @mraims2plez
    @mraims2plez 7 лет назад

    If 20 million people decide they don't want it who's hurting them?

  • @indiarose7199
    @indiarose7199 6 лет назад

    I don't know ANYONE who paid this fine...does anyone?

  • @nidodson
    @nidodson 7 лет назад +1

    Diane Black redirected and lied like hell. These politicians needs to be held accountable to reality, and not allowed to play games anymore.

  • @adamblister6005
    @adamblister6005 7 лет назад


  • @lagaman11
    @lagaman11 7 лет назад

    See, there are smart people in my home state of Tennessee!

  • @b6schilke996
    @b6schilke996 7 лет назад

    this is 2017 and they've had the last 6 years to come up with something better but they sat on their hands and did nothing except block everything. Now they have no excuses!!! They must put up or shut up or better yet just resign and go away!!

  • @coffeewithcarline9171
    @coffeewithcarline9171 7 лет назад

    Healthcare should be free for all

  • @mikegloss4896
    @mikegloss4896 5 лет назад +1

    Only country in free world with health care for profit, pass that on

  • @rubintartt7723
    @rubintartt7723 4 года назад

    These politicians don't care about the people.

  • @mar1no124
    @mar1no124 7 лет назад +2

    the bottom line is insurance companies wether is a car or medical insurance are making millions...we get fucked one way or the other.

  • @mhypersonic
    @mhypersonic 7 лет назад

    this woman just compared paying a fine to saving someone's life with healthcare as equal punishment. think about that.

  • @Sids1192
    @Sids1192 7 лет назад

    Don't think much of her religion, but she seems like a thoughtful, kind and compassionate person who's fighting to help others. I'm proud to share my planet with such people.

  • @royalace2271
    @royalace2271 7 лет назад

    What a woman. I gotta find one like that in life

  • @mauritiusdunfagel9473
    @mauritiusdunfagel9473 4 года назад

    That Republican’s answer to that lovely Christian lady’s thoughtful and heartfelt question just washed over me like so much sludge! She needs to go!

  • @Gingerbit-bk3df
    @Gingerbit-bk3df 7 лет назад

    The lady have a very good question. Got to applaud her for that.

  • @nomosss
    @nomosss 7 лет назад


  • @hippodinoreserve6090
    @hippodinoreserve6090 7 лет назад

    Those "20 million" people who paid the penalty for not having insurance. Those people still paid into the health system, that strengthens ACA, medicaid, and medicare. ACA is sustainable because it attempts to pay for itself. But as the teacher notes, senators in certain states allowed insurance companies to opt out of it.

  • @cnicoblue
    @cnicoblue 7 лет назад

    Liberty Health Share is the best decision I made four years ago... $1Million /incident for $200/month

  • @simonrandall5471
    @simonrandall5471 7 лет назад

    So this guy knows she has a lot to say and he still raises his hand and keeps it raised.

  • @christopherjared2541
    @christopherjared2541 7 лет назад

    omfg this makes me so angry. she just avoided the question amd then asked to go to the next question when the questioner persisted. people like that should not be representing us

  • @mbm9907
    @mbm9907 7 лет назад

    Yes ma'am, nothing but the truth.

  • @jeanqbxx
    @jeanqbxx 7 лет назад

    I am amazed the level of entitlement that most Americans have.

  • @jayarrington240
    @jayarrington240 5 лет назад

    Young people can't imagine ever being old, ill and frail (until they are); able-bodied people can't imagine being disabled (until the car accident hits them); working people can't imagine being out of work, or homeless, (until the company they work for leaves the states to go to a cheaper country) and so on. We live in the world we create. And when we say to the elderly, the ill, the disabled, the homeless, not my problem, we shouldn't support them, then nothing will be there when you go homeless, or you get cancer, or you are injured on the job, or you can't afford to deal with any of that..... We live in the world we create and the world we are creating is a world of not my problem, too bad for you. So sad.

  • @1981bdt
    @1981bdt 7 лет назад

    would have liked to have heard her response at the end. "yeah my party threw a wrench in the gears and now the ACA doesn't work."

  • @LuisOrtiz-zu3dq
    @LuisOrtiz-zu3dq 7 лет назад

    yayayayayaya plus 300 billion to the bugdet good job

  • @NickTheGreatAndPowerful
    @NickTheGreatAndPowerful 7 лет назад

    Amazing how she described a Single Payer System of healthcare and a room full of Republicans cheered for her.

  • @robertdaugherty6870
    @robertdaugherty6870 7 лет назад

    that politician is lying

  • @GeraldGreenfield-gn9dc
    @GeraldGreenfield-gn9dc 3 года назад

    I'm a conservative but I believe there should be EXCELLENT health care for all Americans, paid for by the Government. We're the wealthiest country in the world, WTF is the problem!

  • @davidmusial9025
    @davidmusial9025 5 лет назад

    It's like this woman doesn't even understand insurance and she's trying to explain it what kind of people listen to her

  • @staceystrukel1917
    @staceystrukel1917 7 лет назад

    Why didn't the congress woman answer the question that was asked? Does she think we're stupid?

  • @cland49lsu1
    @cland49lsu1 5 лет назад

    Lol. The woman up front is praying to God we protect Anaheim and Blue Cross's bottom line. 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @Bunjamin27
    @Bunjamin27 7 лет назад

    ...maybe they couldn't afford healthcare and the fine was cheaper? Maybe we need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage? Single payer system? This is ridiculous.

  • @samsonbeast2
    @samsonbeast2 5 лет назад

    You could cut taxes and allow people to pay for their own health insurance with the money from tax cuts.

  • @The1SimLash
    @The1SimLash 7 лет назад

    She completely avoided the topic of high risk pools. The only way this works is with a national public option that can compete with private insurance. Plenty of other countries have had this solved for decades. Just borrow the healthcare models from Japan, Taiwan, England or Germany and take care of your constituents instead of your bank account.

  • @umarslatif
    @umarslatif 6 лет назад

    Let them pay the fine, cause they'd still be helping the system.

  • @Emerald_Solace
    @Emerald_Solace 7 лет назад

    That lady answering the question tried to throw around facts to confuse the people involved xD

  • @antp1900
    @antp1900 5 лет назад

    Ok if people are paying the fine, do medicare for all

  • @seannemo8076
    @seannemo8076 7 лет назад

    I STILL don't have health insurance, not because I don't need it, but because, even with the ACA, I can't AFFORD, it. A new car is more affordable than health insurance.

  • @stayjit1
    @stayjit1 6 лет назад

    Every morning I wake up and thank little baby six pound three ounce Jesus I'm a Canadian.

  • @velvetlensfilms3290
    @velvetlensfilms3290 7 лет назад

    Government needs to regulate the insurance companies.

  • @kkay3784
    @kkay3784 7 лет назад

    She is talking about single payer. I don't think the person answering the question understands it at all...or she just doesn't want to.

  • @jthakurdin
    @jthakurdin 5 лет назад

    Thank God for you madam. 👍👍👍

  • @ronaldbose9645
    @ronaldbose9645 2 года назад

    I have V.A, healthcare and that satisfies the ACA mandate.

  • @joef1785
    @joef1785 7 лет назад

    Let's get this straight up, once and for all. When any entity forces one to buy a product, or get fined for not doing so. It means they will collect, no matter what. I call this extortion. Plain and simple.
    No excuses for what it really is.
    Only those on the collection end will disagree. And it's evident that those people are:
    1. The insurance industry
    2. The pharmaceutical industry
    3. The Doctors
    4. The Hospitals

  • @wcotton
    @wcotton 7 лет назад

    She's incorrect that 20 million people were helped and another 20 million were hurt. Those people who opted to pay the fine instead of getting insured were not hurt; they just weren't helped.

  • @Artemis-jr3pz
    @Artemis-jr3pz 7 лет назад

    You know what would work? Medicare for all.

  • @robinkatsu
    @robinkatsu 6 лет назад

    i guess the flaw in the system is that the fine is not higher or equal to
    the insurance cost

  • @jackiewignall8186
    @jackiewignall8186 7 лет назад

    the representative didn't even answer the question. lol

  • @bigdickpornsuperstar
    @bigdickpornsuperstar 7 лет назад

    The **ONLY** acceptable replacement for the Affordable Care Act is to lower the age of eligibility for Medicare to "Zero" and scale the deduction by tying it to income so that those most able to pay contribute the most to the program.

  • @TheEgocast
    @TheEgocast 7 лет назад

    The fine was always the part I didn't like. "If you don't want insurance, screw you. You still pay and now you get nothing."

  • @reneel2441
    @reneel2441 7 лет назад

    Ok then how Does Australia do their healthcare? maybe we really should look more deeply at how all of these other society's manage to give all of their citizens healthcare. ..

  • @verstwo2
    @verstwo2 7 лет назад +2

    so aren't the 20 million people that didn't get covered the same 20 million people who paid the fine? what a bunch of gobbledygook.