Ollie Cried On Stream While Kaela Doing Everything To Cheer Her Up [HololiveID | Rust]

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 56

  • @taliaangelica111
    @taliaangelica111 Год назад +163

    Kaela is like an older sister who annoys younger sister🤣

  • @adamantane5376
    @adamantane5376 Год назад +202

    Kaela reminds me of a father who taught his son by questioning every choices his son made. And when the child pouts and cries, he gives something so that his child doesn't cry anymore. But in the end she made a recording to cheer ollie like a mother.

  • @WolfnamedKoga
    @WolfnamedKoga Год назад +139

    Ollie is so sweet, and so is Kaela. ❤💛

  • @HateIsJustice
    @HateIsJustice Год назад +76

    It's good they're able to voice out their frustrations and apologize afterwards. Easy to forget someone new doesn't know the things you do when trying to teach them something. Requires delicate care and understanding when teaching. Message from Kaela was sweet, she probably felt bad too.

    @JAKKUN Год назад +62

    Wholesome kaela moment. That recorder at the end was just so sweet.

  • @ethanfaindar2588
    @ethanfaindar2588 Год назад +58

    Kaela is just the definition of cool , nice and cute become one

  • @KeebeThePlush
    @KeebeThePlush Год назад +70

    ❤ to Ollie for being good

  • @insomniav.9631
    @insomniav.9631 Год назад +54

    Kaela is so cute and cool~

  • @yellow8980
    @yellow8980 9 месяцев назад +6

    I love how they are so close they can literally cry in front of each other 😂
    And being cute to each other immediately after that

  • @Sul1s0
    @Sul1s0 Год назад +14

    The way Kaelas PNG is positioned, it looks like she is the baby in one of those chest carrier thingys lemao

  • @walekawahyu
    @walekawahyu Год назад +122

    Kaela teach in hard way but it doesn't mean she's rude. She do it because care so much

    • @ozymandias1698
      @ozymandias1698 Год назад +23

      Other holomem do it the hard way in learning rust, and Kaela wants ollie to have fun and survive. Hopefully, she's not given up on playing rust tho

    • @signumxmagnum
      @signumxmagnum Год назад +6

      Not the hard way, but too much information was given at once. Jadi kayak setengah-setengah ngasih tau nya. Mungkin lebih baik kalau Ollie mulai pelan-pelan dengan hard way learning, jadi bisa paham daripada di jejelin a-b-c-d sekaligus yg bikin bingung dan bikin lupa.

    • @signumxmagnum
      @signumxmagnum Год назад +12

      @@ozymandias1698 Yes, it's just that Kaela probably teach the wrong way. There's too many things in rust that Ollie need to learn one by one slowly.

    • @ozymandias1698
      @ozymandias1698 Год назад +9

      @@signumxmagnum yep you need to build base, also you need to survive, and there's also npc who have auto aim lol, it's a bit overwhelming for your first playthrough imo

  • @mrhallen5849
    @mrhallen5849 Год назад +17

    Ollie my beloved, must protect

  • @TheKumpit
    @TheKumpit Год назад +22

    They are so precious

  • @ranapriliaful
    @ranapriliaful Год назад +35

    Its not the first time member mistaken Kaela being rude~
    She just too cool that sometimes member mistaken by her coolness~

  • @Nematoda4ever
    @Nematoda4ever Год назад +38

    in fact they afraid the building got despawned and makes Moona angry is like seeing 2 kids messing around and afraid their mom found it

  • @kyarara2148
    @kyarara2148 Год назад +16

    mommy kaela to the rescue~~

  • @NotSomeJustinWithoutAMoustache
    @NotSomeJustinWithoutAMoustache Год назад +6

    Everytime I watch Ollie play smth it's always about her getting a mindbreak, last time I was there in stream as she had a breakdown dealing with Spamton NEO as well.

  • @Alpezzsuga
    @Alpezzsuga Год назад +23

    It's time to say "utututututututu"

  • @BeAGoodDamn
    @BeAGoodDamn Год назад +25

    I think ollie need a break, idk but she feels down easily. Usually she's so loud and joking around with her collab partner.

    • @randomseasoning5799
      @randomseasoning5799 Год назад +5

      Ngl it could be hormones as well. I get especially sensitive and cry about every little thing when my pms kicks in

  • @YukiNiUsagi
    @YukiNiUsagi Год назад +19

    Hello im kaela from holo id gen 2
    Hello im ollie from holo id gen 3

  • @totallyathome
    @totallyathome Год назад +16

    Kinda glad it was Kaela teaching and not Kobo

  • @SofiyanArifKurniawan
    @SofiyanArifKurniawan Год назад +9

    Ollie is too soft man, I feel bad already

  • @憂苦と悲惨
    @憂苦と悲惨 Год назад +8

    Love these ladies..! ❤💛

  • @kaigaikarano
    @kaigaikarano Год назад +8

    maen pas lagi dateng bulan kali wwww
    dan ela tone-nya emang rada bingungin antara dia joking atau serius anjir wwkkwk

    • @okezt
      @okezt Год назад +8

      Sebenenya kaela lbh sering ngejokes, suka bgt menglemao, tp klo udh serius nada suaranya turun jauh lbh dalem. Jelas kok perbedaannya

    • @kaigaikarano
      @kaigaikarano Год назад +4

      @@okezt yaaaaaa, ga semua org terbiasa ma dia, termasuk ollie, klo kmu pemaloe ya mgkin bisa bedain, yg bukan kek saya (casual aja liat2 mereka) bisa jadi sulit bedainnya,
      apalagi klo ollie beneran lagi datang bulan, bisa sensitif ma hal bginian, klo nda pun ya sudah, bisa jadi emang lagi sensitif aja.

    • @okezt
      @okezt Год назад +5

      @@kaigaikarano ya beliau terlalu lemao emng suka bikin kesel org² di sekitar, bahkan pemaloe sendiri suka gregetan. Yg jelas kalau kaela mau ngomong serius pasti ada penekanan "aku mau ngomong sesuatu" "dengerin dulu ...". Yahh itu fyi aja

    • @dndxprm9286
      @dndxprm9286 Год назад

      @@okezt hmm masa sih? gw sekalipun ga pernah nemu ela punya moment ngeselin bgt sampe bikin gregetan, apa mungkin gw sefrekuensi sama ela atau org laen aja yg gampang baper yak?

    • @okezt
      @okezt Год назад +1

      @@dndxprm9286 keras kepalanya beliau (misal win 11 dia bikin sering obs eror, game fc) msh aja make w11, kamu kirim sc/sb typo dah habis kau di roasting, main amogus kamu salah ngomong ter-yeet langsung 😤

  • @estuard9830
    @estuard9830 Год назад +60

    So between Ollie and Kaela which one is Senpai?😂

  • @R2robot
    @R2robot Год назад +4


  • @rndmdchbg
    @rndmdchbg Год назад +5

    Fuck i'm crying

    • @bug_god
      @bug_god Год назад +2

      in the club rn

  • @ArgusFails
    @ArgusFails Год назад +5

    I just have an unnatural, almost beastial need to hear Ollie whimper and whine so cutely. I need it.

  • @Sparrow372
    @Sparrow372 Год назад


  • @Speed001
    @Speed001 3 месяца назад

    4:11 even her ID mates call her Kayla, not Kaela.

  • @edgarcastillo2804
    @edgarcastillo2804 Год назад +1

    o7 Kaela & Ollie

    • @jbunnqq
      @jbunnqq Год назад +1

      What is o7?

    • @edgarcastillo2804
      @edgarcastillo2804 Год назад +1

      @Rivenyuz the 'o' represent a face. The '7' is the salute hand gesture

  • @shanecampbell0218
    @shanecampbell0218 Год назад

    It's ok to get mad at little things here and there sometimes. BUT I DON'T GET MAD BECAUSE EM GIGA CHAD 😎

  • @sleepyhito9979
    @sleepyhito9979 Год назад +2

    Emang dari dulu gampang down si oli , kena apa dikit langsung down.

  • @sukuicarp605
    @sukuicarp605 Год назад +1

    yeah im one of those that would be pissed, like for real.im just one of those that will be mad at you because you help like this. just tell me the whole thing. for clarification ,i am not directing to kaela or ollie or even any vtuber, just saying my personality wouldnt let that slide

  • @isaac14ac
    @isaac14ac Год назад +6

    Yea Ollie should work on being less sensitive and getting thicker skin but it’s good she immediately learned and apologized and she did nothing wrong, and kaela doing all of that is adorable and so sweet I love how the holo girls can be so nice to each other and make up. Misunderstandings do happen a lot.

    • @CJODell12
      @CJODell12 5 месяцев назад

      With the amount of times Ollie gets bullied in every collab, I’m not surprised she’s so sensitive.