I bought a 16 dollar intelligent pulse repair charger it was yellow - it was very basic. I plugged it in with one switch to manual and the other switch to ordinary battery - the clamps were not connected to anything - the LCD display read 16 volts with no Amps. - I connected the clamps to a 12 volt pro-series LED light strips made for cars or trucks - they lit up and stayed lit - different colors - the charger display read 16 volts at 2.6 amps with the charging light on and stayed that way - the unit didn't even get warm. - These types of chargers can be used as a 12 volt power supply,
I like this charger. It doesn't give 6A, more like 5.2A but that is ok. Most cheap chargers just charge until they reach 14.4V and then starts the trickle charge but this one actually locks the voltage at 14.4V and lowers the current until the battery is full
Is it normal that just after you plugged the charger into the power outlet, and tested the DC current from it when it is not connected to any battery, there is almost 0 volt instead of the 13,8 volts displayed on the device ? Maybe is there any protection mechanism ?
@@AutoMotohowto46 Thanks. I was about to buy one like it today but I hesitated when I noticed this, fearing that there is any malfunction or manufacturing defect.
I have the same one,and after charging its shown FUL,but voltage on charger is stil 15v and fan stil works.Does it still charge,even it shows FUL on display?
@@AutoMotohowto46 Thanks a lot!I've also disassambled mine and put Arctic MX-4 thermal paste between those two heat sinks and mosfets to provide extra cooling.
Welldone....i have a very similar charger but the fuse got blown but couldnt determine its rating. Could you please state what the rating of the fuse is? Thanks
Thanks mister
welcome sir'
I bought a 16 dollar intelligent pulse repair charger it was yellow - it was very basic. I plugged it in with one switch to manual and the other switch to ordinary battery - the clamps were not connected to anything - the LCD display read 16 volts with no Amps. - I connected the clamps to a 12 volt pro-series LED light strips made for cars or trucks - they lit up and stayed lit - different colors - the charger display read 16 volts at 2.6 amps with the charging light on and stayed that way - the unit didn't even get warm. - These types of chargers can be used as a 12 volt power supply,
I like this charger. It doesn't give 6A, more like 5.2A but that is ok.
Most cheap chargers just charge until they reach 14.4V and then starts the trickle charge but this one actually locks the voltage at 14.4V and lowers the current until the battery is full
Agree ❤️❤️
Is it normal that just after you plugged the charger into the power outlet, and tested the DC current from it when it is not connected to any battery, there is almost 0 volt instead of the 13,8 volts displayed on the device ? Maybe is there any protection mechanism ?
it has some protection, when it doesn't sense the load above 7V, it doesn't start as far as I remember .
@@AutoMotohowto46 Thanks. I was about to buy one like it today but I hesitated when I noticed this, fearing that there is any malfunction or manufacturing defect.
I have the same one,and after charging its shown FUL,but voltage on charger is stil 15v and fan stil works.Does it still charge,even it shows FUL on display?
Select , car battery or AGM or motorcycle , and yes on full you can leve to charge mor 2 hours and no problem charger will go on
@@AutoMotohowto46 Thanks a lot!I've also disassambled mine and put Arctic MX-4 thermal paste between those two heat sinks and mosfets to provide extra cooling.
@@teodorap.2728 i must do to ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your multitester seems defective. Before you even close a circuit the values jump all over the place?
possible, I don't know what to say, I do my job with him
some digital multimeters do that. This is why electricians still use dial multi-meters
Welldone....i have a very similar charger but the fuse got blown but couldnt determine its rating. Could you please state what the rating of the fuse is? Thanks
But it should be written on it, you can't see anything written on it?
@@AutoMotohowto46 nothing is written on it.
@@AhmedAdepoju-v9h in this case, install a 2A one if it burns out and go up to a maximum of 5A, I think 8A is already too much .
@@AutoMotohowto46 thank you
@@AhmedAdepoju-v9h welcome
How do you select repair mode although there’s no mode on the device?
I don't remember exactly, but an icon appears on the screen when you are in pulse mode
So is it a good charger or not?
550 Schoen Walk
Looks like the tester is on a very low budget, that's the problem
Problem ?