Star Wars Last Jedi: Harsh Review

  • Опубликовано: 9 июл 2024
  • Eh, I need more practice lol. But this was fun.
    Grumps Update coming soon.
    Music Credit:
    • Cantina Band - STAR WA...
    • Paul Emanuel - Digitalism
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Комментарии • 58

  • @JamsandTea
    @JamsandTea 6 лет назад +16

    Uhhhh in A New Hope Luke did a hell of a lot of whining and complaining. That’s not just me here, it’s sort of a well-known and recognized thing that Luke is often fussy and childish. Luke ascended to badass status by the opening of RotJ, but between the end of that film and the start of the Last Jedi, he is a broken man. He fucks up everything because he’s conflicted. His status as a legend bothers him because he failed everyone by not being able to properly handle Kylo. He’s disillusioned and grumpy and is done with the bullshit because he doesn’t want to be depended on again. His arc in the film is about realizing he needs to stop being obsessed with his failures because he can still do good with the power he has. By facing down the First Order supposedly by himself, he accepts that both his mistakes and his status as a legend define him, and that he can inspire and protect others still by learning from his mistakes.
    Also, i mean, sure this is subjective, but I thought Luke was a total badass in the film. The climax was him going full on Jedi master, basically pulling off this amazing red herring by tricking the enemy WITHOUT BEING THERE. That’s awesome! He does more than any single Jedi can accomplish just by appearing somewhere.
    I’m aware this is all up to the individual and it’s all subjective. I loved the movie, but if a bunch of people don’t, that’s fine too. When something takes risks, that’s the gambit you run...
    Go back to a time when only New Hope existed. Take yourself back and imagine you see Empire for the first time. Luke moves a lightsaber with the force, something we HAVE NEVER ESTABLISHED AS BEING POSSIBLE. The force in the previous movie was more of an ideology and a spiritual thing. Now all of a sudden it can affect physical objects? As far as we know, Luke doesn’t even know that will work. He just does it out of desperation and it works. Wouldn’t that be weird? Wouldn’t you think that was odd? But we don’t. We don’t because Star Wars is so ingrained into the pop culture psyche, we just accept it. Want more? Don’t you think it’s weird that half of the movie is just a chase scene where the Falcon is trying to lose the Empire? And they take a detour in that worm asteroid thing just because Han and Leia need more time to develop a romance that only exists in this film and not the previous one? Then they escape and it has NO bearing on the plot at all. Why are we okay with it? Because it’s Star Wars and we accept it. How about Luke staying on Dagobah, where half of that is this new character who wastes Luke’s time by being a grumpy old guy. And then he doesn’t even finish his training! He leaves knowing that he isn’t prepared and it’s probably a trap? Isn’t that stupid and kinda brash? But no. Never questioned. Biggest of all, we see the Emperor, in ONE scene, never mentioned before and he’s just there as a hologram, and we later get the ‘I am Your Father’ twist, which, let’s be totally honest, we only think is good because it surprised us. This wasn’t built up in a New Hope at ALL. Vader is even around Leia and doesn’t realize she’s his. He just fights Luke and says he’s their dad. And in the NEXT movie, we find out Leia is his sister??? The only clue for that we have is yoda saying ‘there is another’ but come on, that’s an asspull of the highest order. Return of the Jedi has huge plot detours and set pieces that lay waste to the movie’s pacing.
    Why do we accept it? Cause it’s Star Wars. It is a movie about space wizards and an evil empire and rebellions and the force. Our disbelief HAS to be suspended. But we ignore it all because we see the positives outweigh the negatives.
    Does The Last Jedi not do ALL of that? I know it has actual issues. Canto Byte lasts too long and the pacing is way too breakneck, but maybe, JUST MAYBE, if you think about all these things, maybe you can see that this is what Star Wars has ALWAYS been. Good movies with a lot of bad and weird things, that have good qualities so good we forget the bad. We see Leia use the force to not die, weird right? Yeah it is , but you know what’s nice? Seeing a character we know is force sensitive actually do something new. We get to see Carrie Fisher do something incredible in her last movie. We see the force used in totally new and creative ways, JUST LIKE EMPIRE. This movie challenges you. You don’t have to like it because of that, but maybe just take a step back and look at the bigger picture. If ya still hate it, fine, more power to you. But this is ALWAYS what this franchise has been, all the prequels did was make us forget that. We view it all with rose tinted glasses. The collective hate mobs are getting old. I’m not saying you are a part of that, but I feel like all this negativity is fueling the fire of angry Star Wars fanboys. We don’t need that. I’ve seen too many ‘this franchise is dead’ and ‘if you liked this movie you should die, you have bad taste, and disney/Rian Johnson ruined star wars’
    Let’s all just... fucking stop with all this. Context is everything. This is why I hate this fucking fandom. They are NEVER SATISFIED and take everything to extremes without considering that maybe this movie was made by someone with vision and love and he poured his heart into every frame. Not even 10 years ago Rian Johnson was making indie films with his friends in his garage and now he gets to helm a Star Wars movie where he gets to do new and exciting things with it. It’s not disney doing all this shit. As long as it makes money they don’t care. Hate it all you want, but don’t bitch about it being a corporate tire fire disaster. This was made by a fan and one of the many messages of the film is about how these stories inspire not only the heroics in movies, but the inspiration in real life. Don’t pretend this is just some piece of shit film that was slapped together by corporate and a bunch of idiots. Even if you dislike it, or think it’s the wrong direction, fucking take a second to examine why you think the way you do, and stop stoking the fire of incessant internet hate.
    Rant over... Christ... this fan base is disgusting.

    • @naggy4568
      @naggy4568 6 лет назад +3


    • @JamsandTea
      @JamsandTea 6 лет назад +2

      Also nothing on earth can convince me Luke’s ‘See you around kid’ line and final battle was nothing short of badass. I mean come on. I’m aware it’s subjective but like... come on

    • @morganphillips57
      @morganphillips57 6 лет назад

      Simple Cinema Productions prefect my sentiments exactly

    • @StickBreightley
      @StickBreightley 6 лет назад +2

      Simple Cinema Productions oh thank god someone understands

  • @Titanxzero1
    @Titanxzero1 6 лет назад +13

    I still enjoyed the movie. I didn't think it was the best film but I didn't think it was terrible. But that's just me.

    • @AnakinSkywakka
      @AnakinSkywakka 6 лет назад

      Tyler Love I agree. It's not the greatest star wars film on earth, as everyone is acting like it is, but it's not awful. There are some good parts and there some bad parts.

  • @MrSandman9151
    @MrSandman9151 6 лет назад +1

    I... AGREE. Keep up the updates. It's cool to see you producing new content; your compilations are godly, but variety is the spice of life. People will get used to them.

  • @beemthesailor
    @beemthesailor 6 лет назад +30

    Most of those dislikes aren’t from your opinion on the new Star Wars, they’re from the Harambe sticker

  • @panix6
    @panix6 6 лет назад +2

    The Force Awakens was for a new generation of audience. The Last Jedi was the continuation but shouldn't have ever had the intention of bringing a new audience into it. Its faults don't have any right to claim that as an excuse. A vast majority of the movie was a chase scene... in space... with no obstacles or interesting scenery and no fast movement... super interesting chase

  • @ThatGuyKh1
    @ThatGuyKh1 5 лет назад +2

    I recommend starting a new channel for reviewing movies since most people here are only here for grump comps

  • @halfdemented
    @halfdemented 6 лет назад +1

    I love the visuals and world building, but the movies fall flat for me personally. I watched the first six but none of the new ones. Great movies as a kid, not really a cult classic to me. I assume it was just the effects that made it a cult classic for people growing up during the first trilogy that came out.

  • @musicman500100
    @musicman500100 6 лет назад +1

    Love the video Tal, keep up the good content!

  • @bethan2639
    @bethan2639 6 лет назад +1

    Dude I feel that the prequels were in every way more superior than the originals. I watched the original trilogy first as a child and loved them. When I watched the prequels I saw that the story was more in-depth, the fight scenes were interesting, well choreographed. That’s my opinion, I expect people to disagree.
    I feel that Luke’s views/going into hiding shows his guilt, just as yoda and obi-wan.
    Also... dude there is no chemistry between fin and Rey.. chemistry between Fin and Poe.. yeah!
    The scene when they went to the casino, it wasn’t a sjw scene.. it perfectly showed what the rest of the galaxy is like. The total monopoly/ or empire. Such a divide between the rich and the poor. Jaku vs corisant.
    Snokes death is fair enough dude. I think there is a bigger plan with Snoke, but his death is such a waste of a villain. Kylo’s new views is interesting. He wants to destroy what is left of the sith and Jedi, rebels and the first order. He isn’t a little bitch, he is a child torn between the light and dark side.
    Overall.. good film. To anyone who sees this, watch the film prior to making a judgment.

  • @KanesTheName
    @KanesTheName 6 лет назад +11

    Seems a bit unfair that this is getting dislikes because it's not a GameGrumps compilation. Are you guys really gonna respond THAT negatively to him uploading something of his own? Jesus christ

    • @RaccoonFoot
      @RaccoonFoot 6 лет назад +3

      YES. This isn't what we followed him for and he hasn't uploaded a new compilation in over half a year.

    • @KanesTheName
      @KanesTheName 6 лет назад +5

      It's his channel. Maybe he wants to be known for more than riding the coat-tails of another channel. He shouldn't be afraid to upload a video like this in fear of what his audience might say. GameGrumps Compilations aren't even specific to him, ANYONE can make one.

  • @browserjunior4707
    @browserjunior4707 6 лет назад

    Honestly the last thirty minutes of the minute could be avoided if the Admiral just told the characters the main plan, cause that little sub plot was aggravating to sit though.
    Since almost all the movies were rehashes of some sort with very minor introductions in each one, the ending is going to be very predictable. I wouldn’t be surprised if at the final scene Ghost Luke appears.

  • @cameronprice4922
    @cameronprice4922 6 лет назад

    Are you returning to game grumps compilations?

  • @depressedlizard4252
    @depressedlizard4252 6 лет назад +11

    Movie was fine. Had it's problems, but in all honesty, the OG trilogy is not that great. They're all fine at best, questionable at worst. Prequels are all meh. I honestly don't think they are horrible, but they drag A LOT. This new trilogy is just...fine. Force Awakens was fine. Last Jedi is fine. Visual, I stand by the fact that this movie was the most impressive. JUST VISUALLY PEOPLE.
    I had a lot of problem with your review style. Obviously it's the first one so I imagine a lot of tweaking will be done so it can get better. If I were to give you a few things as a viewer to improve on, these would be them:
    1) Talk slower. You're moving at a break neck speed. Take a breather and talk to us like we're having a conversation. If you talk fast normally, start training yourself to just speak slower. I recommend watching Chris Stuckmann or Jeremy Jahns. Jahns has a moderate speed, while Stuckmann is slow and paced.
    2) Yelling does not get your point across. I get that this movie is a very big deal for you, but just yelling about how much you hate it without giving me what feels like explored and justifiable reasons makes it hard for me to take this review seriously. I recommend taking a day to really figure out your arguments, cause they're are plenty of holes in these one. Make them feel rock solid. These points just make you sound childish.
    And 3) Raise the Camera. Make it eye level. It's uncomfortable for me to be staring at your chest and it's uncomfortable for you to look down at the camera. By raising it, you make this feel more personable and makes me want to listen to you more. This way you aren't hunched down and having to be a contortionist.
    I don't really agree with any of your points, but I hope you figure this out, man. You're obviously very passionate about film in general, so I hope it goes well. I meant all this as constructice criticism, and I hope I haven't attacked you in anyway. Maybe take my points with a grain of salt, considering I've only worked on a handful of videos myself. Good luck, my dude!

    • @TalRimoni
      @TalRimoni  6 лет назад

      Jack Gilliland thank you for the feedback, I want to make my reviews better every time. What camera do you think would be fitting to use to film with? Nothing too expensive I hope.

    • @depressedlizard4252
      @depressedlizard4252 6 лет назад +1

      Tal Rimoni I would recommend a Canon COOLPIX. It's about $85 on Amazon. If you don't want to invest in a tripod, I've had friends who will stack books in front of where they are sitting to get it to the right level. In all honesty though, I used to lift up my computer with books in like middle school and then used a Canon PowerShot after saving for like 2 years in high school. What I'm trying to say is: make do with what you have for now.

    • @bananabrosgaming4280
      @bananabrosgaming4280 6 лет назад

      fuck you jack i do not accept ur opinion because you are black

    • @depressedlizard4252
      @depressedlizard4252 6 лет назад

      BananaBrosGaming I can't tell if you're kidding or not

    • @bananabrosgaming4280
      @bananabrosgaming4280 6 лет назад

      haha yes

  • @Koops2245
    @Koops2245 6 лет назад

    Get 'em wet, Tal~!!

  • @mekklord
    @mekklord 6 лет назад

    I thought The Last Jedi was mediocre too and I don't think people who liked or disliked the movie should be shat on for their opinions. You go man, sorry your audience isn't as receptive as they should be.

  • @xero9333
    @xero9333 6 лет назад

    Why the hell is this in my reccomended...

  • @trevorrandom
    @trevorrandom 6 лет назад

    Luke milking that thing on that island flying Leia, those mini Jar Jar's...

  • @megabyte318
    @megabyte318 6 лет назад +6

    Keep doing your review dude I’m all for it. But I disagree with a lot of it. I can see why people are upset about Luke but all the other complaints just seem like preference or being picky. Like it’s good to see new characters cause these are the people of their world. Rose was super cute and love triangles suck but it happens.The story isn’t about snoke that’s why he’s dead. Kylo Ren is crazy and that’s part of the fun because he is so extreme with his actions. I think a lot of people are used to how the original trilogy was and all the speculation from these past two years made people have a certain image in their head and that let a lot of people down because of that. This movie was at least a soiled 8/10 for me.

  • @SeanGamez
    @SeanGamez 3 года назад

    This is a very passionate, emotion filled review. I can understand why you feel the way you do, but my god you didn’t convey your points very well. You sound like a whiney fanboy, I know you aren’t one, but it certainly came off that way

  • @mecafrieza4018
    @mecafrieza4018 6 лет назад +2

    I’ve had most of these thoughts but I still enjoyed the movie and I didn’t get so angry about it people should just try to enjoy thing and not be so hyper critical what does it prove to hate something just to hate it.

    • @ChiefXuligan
      @ChiefXuligan 6 лет назад

      Meca frieza Star Wars used to be(some would argue still is) a cultural phenomenon. It changed cinema, storytelling, and paved the way for franchise trilogies that has continued for generations. That is why it gets looked at more critically than your average summer pop-corn movie trash.

  • @97spider1
    @97spider1 6 лет назад

    Great review tal, keep it up

  • @bmbmunoz2
    @bmbmunoz2 6 лет назад

    ive heard a few people say they enjoyed the movie the second time around, i still havent seen it yet, but im not really a starwars fan though

  • @RaccoonFoot
    @RaccoonFoot 6 лет назад +2

    Thanks for at least telling us in the description that more GG stuff is on the way. I was about to unfollow you before I saw that because this shit that you uploaded is NOT what I followed you for.

  • @robertgleeson7619
    @robertgleeson7619 6 лет назад +1

    You're awesome Tal

  • @wu-ren
    @wu-ren 6 лет назад

    I agree with all of your points though I enjoyed viewing it, especially the visuals and soundtrak. The whole casino plot should have been scrapped from the get-go. It felt like I was watching a movie set in the 30s or 40s with aliens mixed in, with the "master codebreaker" being a walking trope of a suave moustache-wearing guy. Not only that, the whole "let's rescue all the animals" felt too disney for my taste. Commander Holdo should have been Admiral Ackbar so that we had a proper sendoff. And last but not least, they did no justice to Luke's character in order to highlight Rey and the others. Luke is the guy who saved the galaxy twice and still believed in his father's redemption! And they decided to scrap all that for a shell of his former self who betrays his nephew, Leia and Han.
    If that is Rian Johnson's or Disney's vision of Luke, then I simply disagree with them. I grew up with the prequels, and though I still like them, I absolutely loved the original trilogy. This and Force Awakens feels like a betrayal against the fans...

  • @danerang
    @danerang 6 лет назад

    Yo think about symbolism and greater meaning n shit man
    Luke is a lot older and wiser now, his fear of Kylo imo was totally understandable
    There’s no love triangle???? Rose and Finn, Rey and Poe, those are the love interests. Rey and Finn are good buddies that’s it, I think you’re thinking the kiss in the last movie meant something more.
    Benicio Del Toro isn’t a “random actor” imo, he was in Sicario and Guardians. the only cheesy thing I saw from that was how unexpectedly and accidentally easy it was to find him, but it was funny. Ya see that’s the thing man, go back and watch a New Hope, there are so many jokes in there. I think the humor in this was used a lot more than in other films, but it’s still an element of what makes up Star Wars. Sometimes there’s gonna be a hilarious and completely unlikely situation just for laughs, like when the coder just opens up the cell door and walks out, and ya gotta be okay with that if you like Star Wars.
    Idk man I just think ur wrong, come at this with a different mindset, and see what the movie is trying to say

  • @omahabibblemaddox2181
    @omahabibblemaddox2181 6 лет назад

    To me, this film was a complete let down. It was a shallow and whiny piece of trash

  • @morganphillips57
    @morganphillips57 6 лет назад

    I have removed my comments because it's not worth trying to convince you why your wrong and I know you saw the film so I guess it's not hurting anyone except for people who don't see the movie because people attack it like ravenous animals.

  • @garretthaslam3869
    @garretthaslam3869 6 лет назад +10

    Welp.... i’ll get my GG comps elsewhere. You’re entitled to your opinion, but this is pretentious, entitled, and... did you say he went to fight the republic?..... Way to trip over your own feet in the first few minutes.

    • @mekklord
      @mekklord 6 лет назад +6

      "You’re entitled to your opinion, but this is pretentious, entitled"
      ok dumbass lmao

  • @ChiefXuligan
    @ChiefXuligan 6 лет назад

    Could this be a worse trilogy than the prequels?

    • @4tahlulz4
      @4tahlulz4 6 лет назад +1

      Absolutely. Maybe if you look at it from another perspective the prequels could still be worse, but a lot of my hate of the new ones stems from the complete lack of creativity and basically copy pasting the original star wars with a new coat of paint and 10,000% more one liners that aren't even remotely funny.

  • @redbigun
    @redbigun 6 лет назад +1

    This movie bored me. The Force Awakens was lazy. Rogue One was unnecessary. The Last Jedi was boring. I don't why people are crying about someone being honest.

    • @naggy4568
      @naggy4568 6 лет назад

      Sounds like you're not even a star wars fan

    • @4tahlulz4
      @4tahlulz4 6 лет назад

      +Roman Vandenheuvel Sounds like a no true scottsman fallacy. I'm a fan of the expanded universe but I hate literally every Star Wars movie ever made and the new ones trying to shove the old ones down our throats again makes me hate it even more.