Excellent review and very thorough. Good to see you back safe following the BT 700 and I look forward to seeing the videos. Take care and have a great week. Jay
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry luxrul fake bags.
I am 37, work hard, love fashion but I can't afford luxury. Last year I found out about kislux where I bought a real leather Fendigraphy for about ?50 (more than I usually spend)... I love it so much and it makes me feel good... I don't show off it's fake but anyone who knows me and knows the prices of Fendi knows it's not real... Maybe one day I will own a real Fendigraphy but for me I am happy with my fudge
Nice review Dean, I was very impressed with the quality and ease of use I could see while you and Denis were on the ride. Quite expensive but ultimately you get what you pay for! Cheers Bob...
I can see these bags lasting for years...how many cheap bags would one go through in that time?! Yes definitely worth the money in my opinion. Thanks for watching. Cheers
Mine (authentic) also has a smell inside! I don't know what's going on because none of my other products have the smell of the luxrul bag. Called LV and they said it is normal and I can wipe the inside with a damp cloth. I thought the lining was suede but it's actually microfiber so I'm going to look for ways to remove the microfiber smell because the smell is keeping me from using it often.
Excellent review and very thorough. Good to see you back safe following the BT 700 and I look forward to seeing the videos. Take care and have a great week. Jay
Thanks JP! Have a great week as well. Cheers
Hey Dean, thanks for this review. I think I'll be joining the Rogue Panda FB club! Cheers!
Thanks for watching Reinhart!!
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry luxrul fake bags.
I am 37, work hard, love fashion but I can't afford luxury. Last year I found out about kislux where I bought a real leather Fendigraphy for about ?50 (more than I usually spend)... I love it so much and it makes me feel good... I don't show off it's fake but anyone who knows me and knows the prices of Fendi knows it's not real... Maybe one day I will own a real Fendigraphy but for me I am happy with my fudge
Nice review Dean, I was very impressed with the quality and ease of use I could see while you and Denis were on the ride. Quite expensive but ultimately you get what you pay for!
I can see these bags lasting for years...how many cheap bags would one go through in that time?! Yes definitely worth the money in my opinion. Thanks for watching. Cheers
Always good information here. Thanks for sharing and being so honest and knowledgeable about the products.
Glad to help out where I can. Safe travels guys!!
Mine (authentic) also has a smell inside! I don't know what's going on because none of my other products have the smell of the luxrul bag. Called LV and they said it is normal and I can wipe the inside with a damp cloth. I thought the lining was suede but it's actually microfiber so I'm going to look for ways to remove the microfiber smell because the smell is keeping me from using it often.
Good night ,thanks informations 👍
My pleasure! Cheers