*love that Joe telling others that he can talk to plants and they want water (the stuff they use in toilets and completely devoid of electrolytes) is simply excepted and actually starts improving things*
The best BBC documentary. I love watching videos about BBC. BBC is the best thing ever conceived. Sometimes, I wish I could see BBC in person with my own eyes.
Wild how that guys name was frito pandejo. Upgrayed came from the present already named like that. After he died they probably erected a statue of him like george floyd
The more the population the more the people who are dumb and the more the ppl who are dumb then more attention they get which intern leads to the stupid humans thing which is actually false, as a whole species we are not stupid at all
"the show entirely consists of a guy getting hit in the nuts. This is honestly more intelligent than keeping with the Kardashians." he's spittin facts, he needs to be protected
This movie is actually an utopia, not a dystopia. An utopia, because in the end, they understand humility, accept that they're dumb, and listen to the smartest people on the planet. Meanwhile, in real life...
Its just wild how the movie starts in the present day and the prostitutes pimp is already named upgrayed and you believe its definetly a factual detail thats certainly possible
Go into most 6th grade classrooms these days...At the school where I work they are still cutting and pasting. We never cut and pasted after second or 3rd grade. In second grade we walked home for lunch, cooked it on the stove and, walked back to school. In 5th grade we had wood shop, small engines, and home economics. We had 2 to 3 hours of homework a night. These kids don't do any homework because the teachers won't give it to them because the parents complain about their kids having homework. I find the room walls mislabeled with cardinal directions by the college educated individuals. Yep, cream of the crop... every single time I think of this movie. The neighbor busted his taillight to change a bulb. He wasn't even smart enough to look up a how to video and of course, you guessed it, college educated. The best ever was when I had a call to report to a classroom to assist with the TV cart. They needed to start the video asap to finish before dismissal. I stopped what I was doing and went to the room where 3 teachers were standing around the cart and 1 was attempting to force open the DVD player. I noticed that there was no power to the DVD player as I walked through the door. I noticed that the cart wasn't plugged in within 2 to 3 steps of walking into the room. The teachers were frantic and told me to hurry. I shook my head and told them that the TV and DVD player required electricity to work and they should try plugging in the cart. I was asked not to say anything. The other one that made me realize that Idiocracy is slowly becoming reality is when I recieved an urgent call to report to a small group teachers meeting. I did and found a Teacher with a Doctorates plus, two masters plus, and a bachelors plus sitting at a table with paper scattered all over the table with math problems on them. Can you explain how between 4 Female teachers none of them knew how to do percentages and decided to call a male custodian for help. They each thought that they were right and I was called by them to settle the dispute. So I gave them a simple problem and none of them were correct. So, I taught them how to do percentages. I have literally hundreds of stories from over 17 years of working in the schools. I'm just glad I didn't have any kids.
@@michaelh13 look at videos of major inner cities in 1964. No skid rows. And those of now, only 60 years later. Look how far we've regressed in those 60 years. Now imagine 440!more? years! if this. Drugs aren't going away, nor is our appetite for them. Futuristic A.I. videos portray everything lush green cool blue and bright white, & technology a silver bullet, butt the reality could EASiLY be dark brown polluted skies void of birds, waters edges all irradiated & 7 different colors. People regressed to lethargic couch potatoes.
The corrupt justice system thats trying to railroad him comstantly since the beggining of the movie. They take him to an automated tattoo place on a rod with a neck loop on the end
Here's a fun fact: while filming for the movie, a theater was rented and extras were paid to watch a buttocks on the screen, which garnered genuine laughter--making Mike Judge, the director, consider his own film a waste of time
We re already laughing at an amalgamation of peter Griffin, sans, monkey, and all that stuffs combined. It was pretty realistic that people would somehow laugh at a bare ass in the future lmao
The president in this film is unironically more intelligent than most people who cite it. Recognises someone is smarter than him and delegates to them, a concept the average twitter user is incapable of
@@jamesduffy7549 He overcame his own genetically and societally predisposed mental limitations and that's something that seems physically impossible, let alone asking people of today to do the bare minimum.
I like how five hundred years into the future and the guy still gets to be president despite the fact that the girl seems to be able to outwit the ignorant masses and he cannot.
The way he narrates it, it doesn't feel like he's telling a story but instead saying how the future of mankind will actually look like Edit: The fact that this comment has 4300 likes just proves my point Thnx btw
It's interesting how this movie shows that it isn't really intelligence that saves the world, but wisdom. For example the "it has electrolytes" scene. If you went up to random people on the street right now they would most likely not know what electrolytes do or even are. But everybody in Idiocracy thinks it's good because someone once said it was and nobody questioned it after that. That also shows that the president is also "smarter" than most people Joe meets on the street, because he actually considers his help instead of just arrogantly thinking he's right all the time.
At least Comacho knows when someone is smarter than himself, and promotes Joe to solve the problems instead of losing more time. Considering this, the society in the movie got way better cards than our reality, where negative selection also controls political careers, not just the decay of the mainstream.
@@jerryblue017 Oh come on ... current/recent reality prooves, all you need to get into politics, is big money and a big mouth, low moral and not a clue of anything.
@@jerryblue017 This will apply to bigger lies and schemes, but a 3 year old is able to lie and school children can do simple conspirations. The success of a lie depends on the credibility in the context, and nowadays many lies are that big, that people can't imagine they are deceived at a certain scale und durance.
I love how Joe's wanted sign just says "wanted: -For being a dick -For excaping from jail (they even purposely added a typo lmao) -For fucking up lots of shit"
We can see it happening with how they put in joe biden in out of sheer blind hatred for the best president of our times donald trump. Easily a top 10 if you count jfk for taking one for the team. There was a great collapse after jfk a lot of people made china rich so now a communist mega regime is over there. They shot jfk but mancy wss walking around there same time they never shot her man her muscles rotted off her bones alive shes a goul from fallout man shes been in there fuckin this country up for longer than most of us have been alive
The thing about this movie, is that there are clear indications that there's still some smart people around. Mechanics, Engineers, Broadcasters, Stock market, someone's making all that work. You could say they're just Wizard of Oz'ing it and staying out of the light to exploit the populations stupidity, but thats giving smart people are their ability to subdue their ego quite a bit of credit. I love this movie though, beginning to end its a great time
There's a part in the film where the AI auto lay's off the workers when brawndo stocks tank after they use water instead of 'Brawndo - it's got what plant's crave'. So it seems the computer is controlling most things.
There are no smart people. There are machines/algorithms, and people who are trained to make complex machines work. However, that is not intelligence. You can know how to operate something with zero idea of how it's built: case and point, you are using something like that just now. In a way, those people are working like algorithm: they know how to perform the task, but absolutely zero idea of doing anything different than a set of repeated commands: in a way, they work like "human algorithms". This is the difference between _technician_ and _expert_ . I'm sure the Idiocracy world, just as ours, is full of technicians, but without experts.
I swear Idiocracy is one of the most underrated movies out there! People probably dismiss it as garbage because of how it looks, but the story & moral are scarily deep and such a dire warning for humanity's direction!
One of the most underrated movies of all times. It should have been impossible to create such an intelligent movie by solely relying on the lowest of stupid jokes. This is a friking miracle right there. The cinematographic equivalent of turning plumb into solid gold.
Tbf to the president, recognising someone is much smarter than you and putting them in charge of solving problems is something many people today wouldnt have the sense to do
@@Elias-eh4gk another social media app will just replace tiktok, it'll be just like the war on drugs, killing the supply will do nothing as the demand is high enough to keep the supply going no matter what.
@@robbieaulia6462 welp that sucks.I meant even if we ban tik tok obviously there would be riots world wide.Welp i suggest coming to mars to be safe up there.
Dude, what’s with the deep hatred on tik tok? I don’t even use it but the blind hate towards it from comments like these are probably more embarrassing than the peoplw on the app itself
Have you seen HG well Time machine movie or Read the book, this movie here Is kind of base on HG well Story time machine, A guy went into The future by a time machine From like 1930era I think to 22 century Era Human kind of return to Cave men type, no One know how to fix anything. And how to watch out for mutation Humans
Just america. You guys worship people Elon musk and random singers and athletes. Your universities are more sports oriented instead of academically which is why more people are choosing China, Russia and Europe over American universities.
@@CraftAero "very scary".. It's even frightening knowing majority of people outside the U.S worship the American life based on tv shows as a mirror in real life america..
I'm sure eugenics societies, if they still exist, note and chart this effect. They're the only people who were ever concerned about this eventual outcome.
The funny thing is, actual evidence suggests that average IQ has in fact gone up by 3 points per decade ever since 1950. Not only are average IQs not going down, they have gone up by 2 standard deviations over the last 70 years.
Then the globalist elites would never had allowed it. I mean sure... you still could show it to hands full of people in some small cabin in the woods. But aside from that?
Just thinking: this movie has also a message about true intelligence and wisdow. The future world depicted in the movie is not necessarily full os dumb people, but in fact is full of people that think they know everything, and don't accept someone who thinks differently. The main character, in the other hand, is a person who thinks by himself and questions the reality. And curiously his future name is "not sure", representing that true intelligence is shown when someone is "not sure" about anything. I think the arrogance of people in thinking they are always right about their ideas and not respecting other people's opinions is a greater risk to society than the level of formal knowledge. If we want to stay as an intelligent society, we must protect the freedom of speech and the divergence of ideas, at any cost.
I think you're looking too simply at it. I don't think "Not Sure" represents intelligence. He's a dullard. It's hard to believe he's supposed to be "average". Meanwhile, look at the virtues of the people in the future. The big one being that they are wise enough to consistently put the one they identify as the smartest person on Earth in charge as their leader. WE don't do that.
The worst thing about my intelligence is, that i am mostly right, but at the same time i wish and hope , that it will eventually turn out, i was wrong. Which doesn´t happen that often and it makes me even sadder. Intelligence is both gift and a curse. Gift, so you can better understand the world and at the same time a curse, because... you can better understand the world.
I don't think it would be funny but to be fair I completely forgot about that scene in the movie. the way this youtuber delivered it had me weezing for a minute 🤣
Yeep, they have 3 children, but the stupids have much more, in the next generation the IQ advantage will vanish, in long term nothing changes.This part missing from this shortened version.
I like how people can't solve basic problems like putting the right shape in the right hole and even watering their crops with the right liquid yet they can drive cars, power the city with electricity, find a fugitive with no leads and create things that seems stupid yet would actually make them feel comfortable, but since this movie is a comedy, I'd let it slide.
I have always thought this movie needs a sequel where the brawndo company owners and other bigwigs are revealed to be the illuminati /shadow like figures who have somehow managed to keep the world functioning and continue to breed idiocy among people.
@@MM-pv5tp Yeah, they even had special programs to Automate jobs and find the fugitive they were looking for the police didn't really do anything execpt shoot the car until it exploded lol
It’s actually pretty flawed. Most humans are of average intelligence and reproduce at the same rate, given that humans are already the most intelligent creatures this would mean we would continue to develop that trait as we reproduce more. Also, the type of “intelligence” they showed at the beginning of the movie for the explanation of devolution was mostly education-based intelligence, not evolutionary/biological, like an IQ.
@@weeelums5963 you missed the part where they were unable to identify basic shapes and were using an energy drink instead of water, tying building with ropes and considering basic addition to be a very difficult problem that is enough to make him the person with the highest IQ.
When I originally saw this movie years ago, I thought of it as a comedy like most people. These days I see it as a cautionary tale of what we might end up like if we continue on our current path as a civilization.
@@Bgh583 What are you 80? Phones, the internet, has a lot of information, ppl aren't just born with the knowledge of how to cook. Would u prefer they buy a book bcs googling a recipe is way faster than going to rent a cooking book in the library.
@@Octavia-nd3br I would prefer that the current generation actually used this phenomenal invention called a smartphone, to actually get smarter. But no surprise to anyone that's not what been happening. The current generation struggles with math, writing, and in general are alot more ignorant than a peasant from the 11th century.
@@vfar1460 We are not dumber than the People from 19th Century and that's what the Movie says. Humanity isn't as smart as you would like it to be but that's something entirely different. How about you snap back to reality?
It's a fact that we don't have to wait 500 years to see this happen. We got people who thinks they are an animal, grown adults thinking they're kids, people who get offended for being offended. It's madness
@@benjaminmartinez8181 fact ! Hate it honestly people are at work “ on tik tok doing absolutely nothing all day “ I’m an artist making music imagine me bringing my studio “phone “ to work my actual job each day smh
no way are we even halfway towards the insanity in this movie. it's a movie, but like every generation, you guys here sigh and say "ppl were smart wen i was a kid, now everything sux"
"The show consists entirely of a guy getting kicked in the nuts. This is honestly more inteligent than keeping up with the Kardashians" Loved that Edit: I'd watch the show too. Not the Kardashians, of course, but "Ow my balls"
It's disturbing that while it's meant to be a comedy, how some parts of the world look now, it's entirely possible. Saddest of all is that smart people tend not to have as many kids as dim people. Unfortunately it potentially means that for every smart person on the planet, there are at least two idiots
@@MC-ns8gb Dim people do tend to pass on dim ideology. Part of the problem lies in the fact that intelligent people will encourage their kids to ask questions, explore and push themselves to do better. Dim people are too often comfortable with mediocrity in all its forms. While it doesn't mean that all children of dim people will grow up to be dim, it does mean they're more likely to be, unless something dramatically changes
@@kato_dsrdr I imagine they'll try to improve education also, they're already reading to their own kids, so books do exist and can be used still with the education to use them
@@catto6985 you’ll see that happen at any time, even before social media. before any technology. It’s just natural to have something be repeated by different people. I don’t know bout your experiences but personally tiktok has basically lead me to explore new stuff and it’s the reason I even started making music. It also supplies quite a bit of quick inspiration for art, music, etc
I think if it ever got that bad, some people will take control and quarantine them. Don’t have to commit atrocities, just instead keep the smart people separate and they will stay smart
@@solfegia1 yeah I agree, seeing people constantly start comments with "the fact that" or "I love how" shows that people have started doing what others do automatically without thinking first
It may not seem like it, but humans are actually getting smarter. That's why iq tests are getting harder and if you try an old iq test it may seem easy.
@@flori5296 also birth rates have been going down for a long time. even before this movie. and not just because for some reason sperm count has been going down for decades. it's. a normal part of society to stop producing so many babies after they become developed countries
If there is something we learn from such a film as Idiocracy, it is that "no matter how intelligent humans are, not all humans are perfect, physically or mentally."
If this film taught a single person what you described, then perhaps we are doomed. Equally, if anyone reads your comment closely and think perhaps there is room for perfection “physically or mentally,” I would suggest picking up a book and turning off movie. 😁
It's more a lack of common sense. I know some "clever" people that are very good at their work, but when it comes to common sense, they are truly lacking.
It actually makes sense though. The people who build all that stuff now don’t have to be intelligent to do it. They are just given basic instructions and repeat the process for years. It’s like training a monkey.
“The smartest scientists are wasting time on stupid experiments such as preventing hair loss and prolonging erection. Meaning they are doing Gods work”! This line gets me everytime
We are already seeing the downfall of intelligence today.
*love that Joe telling others that he can talk to plants and they want water (the stuff they use in toilets and completely devoid of electrolytes) is simply excepted and actually starts improving things*
whos joe
excepted...this movie is based on a true story😅
@@tylerdurden3722 Two-shay lol
@@vajoynus 🤣🤣
What kills me about this video is how "Idiocracy" is presented as a serious science-fiction film as opposed to a slapstick comedy lmao
For real lol. He even makes it seem kind of scary
It's kind of both though lol
@@rpblackout743 I love the pants there wearing 🤗💕
That’s cause it is
@@rpblackout743 A future where the human race becomes below average Intelligence is scary.
2505 was too generous. Thanks to social media and AI this could be real in the next 50 years
It's aleady real and for some time already. Of course movie is overblown, but the concept of global population dumbing down drastically is real.
If we are stupid enough to give too much power to AI we humans may not exist at all in less than 50 years.
Well, if humanity is smart enough to develop A.I, I don’t think their knowledge will decrease by much
@@Sci-TechD-TMRcount how many AI developers then compare it to total of population. we are surrounded by idiots.
@@Sci-TechD-TMR Out of nearly 8 billion. That's 0.0375 ‰. That is not a reason for optimism.
" this is honestly more intelligent than keeping up with kardashians" 🤣🤣 the best thing I’ve ever heard
On god
@@ApexAscendancy .
Also the most truest statement I've heard in a very long time.
I have to agree that was just hilarious
"The problem in this world is that intelligence people are full of doubts while stupid ones are full of confidence"
No wonder they name him Not,Sure
Intelligence people
Intelligent* ^^
@Overlord Velvet They know
I am perfectly balanced because I’m stupid and unsure
@@JohnDoe-sw1rs believe me mate, any person who uses the phrase 'unsure' for himself is already above average!
I can't stop laughing on the fact that they wanted so desperately to get to that time machine just for it to be a children's ride..
Wow just wow...
we do a little trolling
@@SobaYatai We do a minority amount of small trolling to mildly infuriate the civilians.
LMFAO I was laughing so hard xD
It just got spoiled haha
With charlie chaplans hitler and dinosaurs fighting
This is my favorite BBC Documentary of all time.
Ok we know BBC is the best broadcast in the world
The best BBC documentary. I love watching videos about BBC. BBC is the best thing ever conceived. Sometimes, I wish I could see BBC in person with my own eyes.
Wild how that guys name was frito pandejo. Upgrayed came from the present already named like that. After he died they probably erected a statue of him like george floyd
@@theparrishshow9803ew what the heck
The most unrealistic thing about the future predictions is that it's not going to take anywhere near 500 years
Thank you for not using gendered language. I dont have to burn down a coffee shop now.
@@jeremywoods770 What?!
The more the population the more the people who are dumb and the more the ppl who are dumb then more attention they get which intern leads to the stupid humans thing which is actually false, as a whole species we are not stupid at all
@@jeremywoods770 wdym
@@titaniumfalcon8670 erm.... No...?
"The show is about a guy getting smacked in the nuts by different things, this is honestly way more intelligent than keeping up with the Kardashians"
Thanks you daddy
Best line😂😂😂
@@innocentngwenya4503 thanks you daddy
A true philosopher of our time.
he’s not just explaining movies, he’s becoming Netflix
Without taxes
XD true af
@@V_Danny_GenZ17 🤟
This gonna blow up
@@crAzytitAn4741 ok
It’s crazy how it only took 10 years in real life instead of 500
skibidi gyatt rizzler
@gg_plays7647 that's proof
@@ItsTheNatShack yup
ure so skibidi ohio fanum tax
@@gg_plays7647Wait what
"the show entirely consists of a guy getting hit in the nuts. This is honestly more intelligent than keeping with the Kardashians." he's spittin facts, he needs to be protected
Lmao. I laugh so bad at night. Pin this comment. He won for spitting the fact
@@emilf3753 ikr
Loved that comment
anything is better than watching the Kardashians..they are a freakin' idiotic family that needs to stop breeding..
He's our only hope
i love the optimism calling this sci-fi comedy instead of documentary.
when the scifi comedy becomes documentary
This movie is actually an utopia, not a dystopia. An utopia, because in the end, they understand humility, accept that they're dumb, and listen to the smartest people on the planet. Meanwhile, in real life...
Seeing the waves of "I am smart" comments
This movie should be called:what's going on in today's education system
"People can't solve basic human problems like garbage disposal."
Yeah, glad that is only fiction.
Just go to any downtown street in America and I’ll bet you will find trash bags next to street lamps
@@CreatorPolar exactly, why they put the street lamps there...?
@@antares8767 well we do have bacteria that eats through plastic etc, I imagine it can all be dealt with over time
@@pentiumvsamd bad city planning, no trash bins near by
@@artemkortsev8279 read me again but slowly.
Never seen this movie before but the name Frito Pendejo is absolutely hilarious given the circumstances😂😂
Most people in the movie are named after coporate brands or insults.
It was on RUclips movies for free for a while
"Dr lexus" 🚗
Its just wild how the movie starts in the present day and the prostitutes pimp is already named upgrayed and you believe its definetly a factual detail thats certainly possible
@@TheAnnoyingBoss you mean Upgrayedd. It has two Ds that stands for double dose
This is honestly one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. It's supposed to be funny, but it's just depressingly accurate.
Where did u watch it
@@diccforu6382 netflix
It is a comedy film from 2006. But with such unsettling and creepy music in the background, that truly made me creeped out.
@lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll you are right
This was the best documentary I've seen in a while.
Wait, wha-
That's deep
Wasn't this a report about the inner cities of america?
@@manoman0 nah the people are too smart in the movie
@@manoman0 specifically the younger generations of america.
The world's first science-fiction movie that is slowly becoming a documentary
What an original comment
Lemme guess...twitter?
@@maximumforce8275 Society in general.
@@maximumforce8275 Tiktok, Twitter and most social medias are a good place to start though, yes.
Go into most 6th grade classrooms these days...At the school where I work they are still cutting and pasting. We never cut and pasted after second or 3rd grade. In second grade we walked home for lunch, cooked it on the stove and, walked back to school. In 5th grade we had wood shop, small engines, and home economics. We had 2 to 3 hours of homework a night. These kids don't do any homework because the teachers won't give it to them because the parents complain about their kids having homework. I find the room walls mislabeled with cardinal directions by the college educated individuals. Yep, cream of the crop... every single time I think of this movie. The neighbor busted his taillight to change a bulb. He wasn't even smart enough to look up a how to video and of course, you guessed it, college educated.
The best ever was when I had a call to report to a classroom to assist with the TV cart. They needed to start the video asap to finish before dismissal. I stopped what I was doing and went to the room where 3 teachers were standing around the cart and 1 was attempting to force open the DVD player. I noticed that there was no power to the DVD player as I walked through the door. I noticed that the cart wasn't plugged in within 2 to 3 steps of walking into the room. The teachers were frantic and told me to hurry. I shook my head and told them that the TV and DVD player required electricity to work and they should try plugging in the cart. I was asked not to say anything.
The other one that made me realize that Idiocracy is slowly becoming reality is when I recieved an urgent call to report to a small group teachers meeting. I did and found a Teacher with a Doctorates plus, two masters plus, and a bachelors plus sitting at a table with paper scattered all over the table with math problems on them. Can you explain how between 4 Female teachers none of them knew how to do percentages and decided to call a male custodian for help. They each thought that they were right and I was called by them to settle the dispute. So I gave them a simple problem and none of them were correct. So, I taught them how to do percentages. I have literally hundreds of stories from over 17 years of working in the schools. I'm just glad I didn't have any kids.
This movie is a exact truthful illustration of what we're dealing with today's reality
You were on the slow bus in school, weren't you?
@@michaelh13 look at videos of major inner cities in 1964. No skid rows. And those of now, only 60 years later. Look how far we've regressed in those 60 years. Now imagine 440!more? years! if this. Drugs aren't going away, nor is our appetite for them. Futuristic A.I. videos portray everything lush green cool blue and bright white, & technology a silver bullet, butt the reality could EASiLY be dark brown polluted skies void of birds, waters edges all irradiated & 7 different colors. People regressed to lethargic couch potatoes.
The corrupt justice system thats trying to railroad him comstantly since the beggining of the movie. They take him to an automated tattoo place on a rod with a neck loop on the end
It's unfortunate how true this movie continues to be.
like the stupidity of country leaders?
🤣🤣🤣 thats funny
yeah it even depicted you too!
@@doseofodd Not the same level of stupidity but some countries leaders are close. (Would not mention a name because I live in that country)
People think earth is only 2021 years old
And dinosaurs were a lie..
Here's a fun fact: while filming for the movie, a theater was rented and extras were paid to watch a buttocks on the screen, which garnered genuine laughter--making Mike Judge, the director, consider his own film a waste of time
He must have though, " oh no, it's already happening"
@@tvchilltime the future is here
21st century humour isnt far off really
If you put 50 people in a darkroom and played a reverbed fart sound, expect laughter.
We re already laughing at an amalgamation of peter Griffin, sans, monkey, and all that stuffs combined. It was pretty realistic that people would somehow laugh at a bare ass in the future lmao
The most believable thing in this movie is how humans evolve, BACKWARDS
But only in the brain
If lgbtq+ community taking over the world be like
Daddy chill why so serious?
"It's evolving, just backwards"-Pewdiepie
I was about to say that 😔
It amazes me how everyone who references this movie thinks they can't possibly be one of the dumb ones, only those they disagree with
I'm smart enough to know how much I don't know.
Meanwhile people on Twitter will block you for questioning them or disagreeing.
@@Knightphall Only smart people know their limits
The president in this film is unironically more intelligent than most people who cite it. Recognises someone is smarter than him and delegates to them, a concept the average twitter user is incapable of
@@jamesduffy7549 He overcame his own genetically and societally predisposed mental limitations and that's something that seems physically impossible, let alone asking people of today to do the bare minimum.
It's got lectrolytes.
At this point it's no longer a parody; but a real life depiction, of current culture.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard so it must be true.
Stupid people are getting a larger voice.
I think it's happening faster than it did in the movie
The most pessimistic thing I’ve ever heard.
I like how five hundred years into the future and the guy still gets to be president despite the fact that the girl seems to be able to outwit the ignorant masses and he cannot.
The way he narrates it, it doesn't feel like he's telling a story but instead saying how the future of mankind will actually look like
Edit: The fact that this comment has 4300 likes just proves my point
Thnx btw
@@human1836 Gracias
Fr 😭
Dont have kids problem solved
That's the point
It's interesting how this movie shows that it isn't really intelligence that saves the world, but wisdom. For example the "it has electrolytes" scene. If you went up to random people on the street right now they would most likely not know what electrolytes do or even are. But everybody in Idiocracy thinks it's good because someone once said it was and nobody questioned it after that. That also shows that the president is also "smarter" than most people Joe meets on the street, because he actually considers his help instead of just arrogantly thinking he's right all the time.
Who's joe (wrong answers only)
@@NerdyStuff_ Joestar?
@@NerdyStuff_ joe johnson?
Tywin Lannister is that you?
@@NerdyStuff_ Jonathan joestar
Great documentary that explains so much of what's going on in the world today. The damn movie should have won an Oscar.
This movie is aging like fine wine.
Wine that tastes like a sports drink but yep it’s aging great 👌
You're sadly right...
So is this comment
@@animebrat76 cause its full of electrolited
Movie? It's practically a documentary. It just happened 400+ years faster than Mike Judge thought it would.
At least Comacho knows when someone is smarter than himself, and promotes Joe to solve the problems instead of losing more time.
Considering this, the society in the movie got way better cards than our reality, where negative selection also controls political careers, not just the decay of the mainstream.
You can't lie or scheme if you're dumb. So it makes sense for them to be somewhat 'good' on politics.
@@jerryblue017 Oh come on ... current/recent reality prooves, all you need to get into politics, is big money and a big mouth, low moral and not a clue of anything.
@@martinb.770 What I mean is only smart people is capable to lie and scheme.
@@jerryblue017 This will apply to bigger lies and schemes, but a 3 year old is able to lie and school children can do simple conspirations.
The success of a lie depends on the credibility in the context, and nowadays many lies are that big, that people can't imagine they are deceived at a certain scale und durance.
@@martinb.770 I'm pretty sure kids are smarter than the people depicted in this film.
I love how Joe's wanted sign just says "wanted:
-For being a dick
-For excaping from jail (they even purposely added a typo lmao)
-For fucking up lots of shit"
@m I know, that's why I thought it was funny how they even included that little detail purposely lol
It’s really funny.
i thought they unpurposefully added a typo
SMASHED 999 likes
💯 💯
💯 💯 💯
💯 💯 💯 💯
This movie is the best I love the coffee scene when the guys were supposed to film the plants
“In other words, they are doing God’s work” funniest shit I ever heard
And then he turned into a pickle
@@evynex IM PICKLE RICK!
Man I do not like their version of rehabilitation
We can see it happening with how they put in joe biden in out of sheer blind hatred for the best president of our times donald trump. Easily a top 10 if you count jfk for taking one for the team. There was a great collapse after jfk a lot of people made china rich so now a communist mega regime is over there. They shot jfk but mancy wss walking around there same time they never shot her man her muscles rotted off her bones alive shes a goul from fallout man shes been in there fuckin this country up for longer than most of us have been alive
This is the story between a world of Twitter users and 1 man who doesn’t use it.
Hello, based department?
Yes!! Or the Internet
Not twitter but tiktok for sure
@@vinayakgupta6105 ehhh to be fair, twitter users probably uses tiktok too
The thing about this movie, is that there are clear indications that there's still some smart people around. Mechanics, Engineers, Broadcasters, Stock market, someone's making all that work. You could say they're just Wizard of Oz'ing it and staying out of the light to exploit the populations stupidity, but thats giving smart people are their ability to subdue their ego quite a bit of credit.
I love this movie though, beginning to end its a great time
Or it could be that all of those things were automated by engineers a long time ago, and eventually those engineers died of old age.
Or. They use technology from the past.
There's a part in the film where the AI auto lay's off the workers when brawndo stocks tank after they use water instead of 'Brawndo - it's got what plant's crave'. So it seems the computer is controlling most things.
AI/Algorithms put in place to run operations.
There are no smart people. There are machines/algorithms, and people who are trained to make complex machines work. However, that is not intelligence. You can know how to operate something with zero idea of how it's built: case and point, you are using something like that just now. In a way, those people are working like algorithm: they know how to perform the task, but absolutely zero idea of doing anything different than a set of repeated commands: in a way, they work like "human algorithms".
This is the difference between _technician_ and _expert_ . I'm sure the Idiocracy world, just as ours, is full of technicians, but without experts.
This takes "graduating from Walmart" to a whole new level.
This is the most realistic futuristic movie I have ever seen.
Unfortunately, yes.
Can't say
Unless we have sthg to reduce population of the world
Holy crap all of these comments are so pessimistic and unfunny
@@zarrowthehorse the videos are all possibilities
This is no longer a scifi comedy. It's reality...
probably only happen in us, not other country.
@@karuto5849 do you know english
@@reecem.770 yeah but English is not my native language
@@karuto5849 us bad ooga booga
I can tell by your name
I swear Idiocracy is one of the most underrated movies out there! People probably dismiss it as garbage because of how it looks, but the story & moral are scarily deep and such a dire warning for humanity's direction!
"Welcome to Costco, I love you."
People dismiss this because they are in majority stupid.
Omg this movie is becoming a reality
I’m so happy people are finally finding this movie. I’ve been laughing about it for years by myself and no one understood my references
Yeah love this film too! Esp the brawndo drink ads, cos its got electrolytes in it? ....its wots the plants crave!!! Wraps me up everytime!! Hehe!!😂😂
We named our trivia team "not sure". No one got the reference but we were all laughing.
@@marthamryglod291 excellent!! I also have to laugh out when in the film they ask " did she put out" ha! Just sooo funny 😂😂😂
This movie scares me because it seems accurate
Yep, the first sign
One of the most underrated movies of all times.
It should have been impossible to create such an intelligent movie by solely relying on the lowest of stupid jokes.
This is a friking miracle right there. The cinematographic equivalent of turning plumb into solid gold.
@Hemant Dhamija it also can mean dumbass too
Wlh 7
It is another meaning for:
"We are evolving, just backwards in terms of intelligence."
Tbf to the president, recognising someone is much smarter than you and putting them in charge of solving problems is something many people today wouldnt have the sense to do
George washington would do that a lot
This brings "over used comments" To a whole new level, where only ONE person doesn't use Joe, Sugondese and other jokes like that.
joe mama
these 3 guys in the replies has proven that the future is getting closer
@@SobaYatai *no*
Meanwhile someone on twitter in the year 2021: Why don't astronauts travel to the sun at night?
😫 we are doomed
Lol. Someone should enlighten them that they actually do..
Sounds like something Trump would say
Old comedy reference from the late great Robin Harris 👍🏾
This movie looks more relatable and probable after seeing people's stupidity in Tik Tok,Reels,etc than any Zombie movies 😆😆
Absolutely right
@@Elias-eh4gk another social media app will just replace tiktok, it'll be just like the war on drugs, killing the supply will do nothing as the demand is high enough to keep the supply going no matter what.
@@robbieaulia6462 welp that sucks.I meant even if we ban tik tok obviously there would be riots world wide.Welp i suggest coming to mars to be safe up there.
Dude, what’s with the deep hatred on tik tok? I don’t even use it but the blind hate towards it from comments like these are probably more embarrassing than the peoplw on the app itself
Indeed. If stupidity could fly Tiktok would be an airport.
Seeing the US election, this movie is most likely to happens now
Its Scary how accurate this movie is
This film predicted the future better than any other films.
Have you seen HG well
Time machine movie or
Read the book, this movie here
Is kind of base on HG well
Story time machine,
A guy went into
The future by a time machine
From like 1930era
I think to 22 century Era
Human kind of return to
Cave men type, no
One know how to fix anything.
And how to watch out for mutation Humans
Bet that it doesn't happen
We wont have to wait 500 years for this, we're nearly there already.
So true
Just america. You guys worship people Elon musk and random singers and athletes. Your universities are more sports oriented instead of academically which is why more people are choosing China, Russia and Europe over American universities.
@@JohnDoe-sw1rs If 2020 taught me anything, it's that the US is a very scary place.
@@CraftAero "very scary".. It's even frightening knowing majority of people outside the U.S worship the American life based on tv shows as a mirror in real life america..
@@JohnDoe-sw1rs Yet most US cities are now more populated by Chinese and Europeans. 🤷♀️
Basically America now, now that we have the orange man in the office 😂
So, who is tracking human intellectual decline over the years and how do we account for their ability to even graph it?
I'm sure eugenics societies, if they still exist, note and chart this effect. They're the only people who were ever concerned about this eventual outcome.
It is a prediction of the trend of intelligence
The funny thing is, actual evidence suggests that average IQ has in fact gone up by 3 points per decade ever since 1950. Not only are average IQs not going down, they have gone up by 2 standard deviations over the last 70 years.
I was thinking that too
Just look at today's liberals. The decline is already here.
This movie should be called:
"industrial society and its future"
Then the globalist elites would never had allowed it.
I mean sure... you still could show it to hands full of people in some small cabin in the woods. But aside from that?
dude this is just depicting gen z
This movie should be called:what's going on in today's education system
@@moonwalkhi OK boomer.
Just thinking: this movie has also a message about true intelligence and wisdow. The future world depicted in the movie is not necessarily full os dumb people, but in fact is full of people that think they know everything, and don't accept someone who thinks differently. The main character, in the other hand, is a person who thinks by himself and questions the reality. And curiously his future name is "not sure", representing that true intelligence is shown when someone is "not sure" about anything. I think the arrogance of people in thinking they are always right about their ideas and not respecting other people's opinions is a greater risk to society than the level of formal knowledge. If we want to stay as an intelligent society, we must protect the freedom of speech and the divergence of ideas, at any cost.
If said “opinions” aren’t already backtracking on current social intelligence norms, than def!!
I think you're looking too simply at it. I don't think "Not Sure" represents intelligence. He's a dullard. It's hard to believe he's supposed to be "average". Meanwhile, look at the virtues of the people in the future. The big one being that they are wise enough to consistently put the one they identify as the smartest person on Earth in charge as their leader. WE don't do that.
The worst thing about my intelligence is, that i am mostly right, but at the same time i wish and hope , that it will eventually turn out, i was wrong. Which doesn´t happen that often and it makes me even sadder.
Intelligence is both gift and a curse. Gift, so you can better understand the world and at the same time a curse, because... you can better understand the world.
This was always my favorite recap channel
Imagine being called the "most average man in the military"
In an ironic way, that makes him unique
@@user-mg7wh8zq6v Most boring person is also the most interesting person
With today’s humor, that “Ass” movie definitely deserves all those awards
I don't think it would be funny but to be fair I completely forgot about that scene in the movie. the way this youtuber delivered it had me weezing for a minute 🤣
I don't think it would be funny but to be fair the I completely forgot about that scene and the movie to the way this youtuber delivered the
I can't stop laughing...... Bro we're DOOMED!!!!
Coming Soon To Screens In A Box The Sequel To Ass Is Called "That Ass"
"In other words they are doing the god's work"
Cracked me up 😂
He's not wrong
One of the most insightful mo vies ever made. Billed as a comedy... but was actually more like history written in advance.
prophecy: history written in advance
They took "it's evolving, but backwards" quite literally
pewdiepie would be proudly disappointed
I just like that humanity has hope thanks to Average "not sure" Joe.
Yeep, they have 3 children, but the stupids have much more, in the next generation the IQ advantage will vanish, in long term nothing changes.This part missing from this shortened version.
I like how people can't solve basic problems like putting the right shape in the right hole and even watering their crops with the right liquid yet they can drive cars, power the city with electricity, find a fugitive with no leads and create things that seems stupid yet would actually make them feel comfortable, but since this movie is a comedy, I'd let it slide.
Maybe it’s like a Wall-e thing where robots do everything and humans programmed the robots to be smart before we became dumb.
I have always thought this movie needs a sequel where the brawndo company owners and other bigwigs are revealed to be the illuminati /shadow like figures who have somehow managed to keep the world functioning and continue to breed idiocy among people.
@@MM-pv5tp Yeah, they even had special programs to Automate jobs and find the fugitive they were looking for the police didn't really do anything execpt shoot the car until it exploded lol
Well you also did see how many people just mindlessly drove off clifs so pretty accurate
@@mnikhk same
Director took the "bro graduated from Costco" meme a lil too seriously 💀
Ahead of its time.
The devolution theory is pretty realistic... I think we've all seen instances of it in our life lol.
It’s actually pretty flawed. Most humans are of average intelligence and reproduce at the same rate, given that humans are already the most intelligent creatures this would mean we would continue to develop that trait as we reproduce more. Also, the type of “intelligence” they showed at the beginning of the movie for the explanation of devolution was mostly education-based intelligence, not evolutionary/biological, like an IQ.
@@weeelums5963 you missed the part where they were unable to identify basic shapes and were using an energy drink instead of water, tying building with ropes and considering basic addition to be a very difficult problem that is enough to make him the person with the highest IQ.
@@dibyarupnath What does anything you said have to do with his comment?
Reality would most likely result in more outliers. Some hyper intelligent and hyper stupid people. but most just average.
@@theguileraven7014 everything
"Everyone is at a frat party in the Whitehouse" words I never imagined would be uttered in this reality 😂
The way people vote these days, the world has already become dumber, LOL !!!
When I originally saw this movie years ago, I thought of it as a comedy like most people. These days I see it as a cautionary tale of what we might end up like if we continue on our current path as a civilization.
This has become our reality. Our new generation can't even cook without having a phone telling them how.
@@Bgh583 What are you 80? Phones, the internet, has a lot of information, ppl aren't just born with the knowledge of how to cook. Would u prefer they buy a book bcs googling a recipe is way faster than going to rent a cooking book in the library.
@@Octavia-nd3br I would prefer that the current generation actually used this phenomenal invention called a smartphone, to actually get smarter. But no surprise to anyone that's not what been happening.
The current generation struggles with math, writing, and in general are alot more ignorant than a peasant from the 11th century.
@@Bgh583 yes that is why they are asking the phone how to cook, because they WANT TO KNOW HOW.
I think this is the only future prediction that's right. 😂
The director of Idiocracy said that he wished he never made it as it was supposed to be fiction not a documentary.
If he says it's fiction, then it's fiction
@@ted5577 now it’s a documentary
2005: I think people will be inevitably stupid, but that's unlikely like 500 years
2020: I like to rephrase, we are stupid
Looks like this movie underestimated how fast humanity would get stupid.
2022: This movie may as well be a documentary.
It's scary how these are all recent comments haha.
2023: we are kicking off with a fake girl on a fake beer
this movie literally explains humanity now
If you really think that you are the idiot.
Release your frustration somewhere else
@@eliasvonbrille “Release your frustration somewhere else” The level of hypocrisy.
@@eliasvonbrille snap back to reality
@@vfar1460 We are not dumber than the People from 19th Century and that's what the Movie says.
Humanity isn't as smart as you would like it to be but that's something entirely different.
How about you snap back to reality?
@@eliasvonbrille can you stop living under a rock?
I was laughing until I realised I'm watching a channel that explains movies.
"In a scene that eerily foreshadows the stupidity of the United States" omg this channel is gold
Fucking dope 😂😂
Yeah, like men and women are the same bullsh1ttery
Talking about January 6, I'd say.
@Sgt. Joe Joe that is not a good bait.
@@nevillewran4083 I think the troll comments are proof of that.
Imagine being averige joe one day, then waking up 500 years later and realizing you're the smartest person on earth. I would so abuse that. lol
I can simply imagine how that will be.
@@deltajones3247 I'd say the day it currently is is a new holiday called free day. Pretty sure you can guess what'd happen aftet
you would be tired to hang out around stupid people.
Are you from 2505?
Whoa a Yugioh ARC V icon?? Nice! I didn’t expect to see a Reiji fan here.
DEVO has been singing about this since the 70’s.
hate having to say this, but they actually nailed some aspects of how the future would be.
the meme with the dinosaurs at 12:45 actually exists.
@@Abe00009 dinasaur Nazi supermacy
What's the name of the meme? Hopefully it's not this actual meme, then it's just a meme, not a prediction wkwkk
@@ES-lx6vv gayasaur
@unspeakable Flame 2 no I was calling him that
It's a fact that we don't have to wait 500 years to see this happen. We got people who thinks they are an animal, grown adults thinking they're kids, people who get offended for being offended. It's madness
Tik Tok is the turning point so far
@@benjaminmartinez8181 fact ! Hate it honestly people are at work “ on tik tok doing absolutely nothing all day “ I’m an artist making music imagine me bringing my studio “phone “ to work my actual job each day smh
Humans are animals, but I got your point
And stereotypes... Lots of them :/
"People who get offended for being offended" I mean I would be too if someone offends me, but not to small unimportant matters.
No one took that movie seriously when it got released. And yeah it's a silly comedy, but man this is starting to become so accurate it hurts.
we are already there in about half the scenes...
no way are we even halfway towards the insanity in this movie. it's a movie, but like every generation, you guys here sigh and say "ppl were smart wen i was a kid, now everything sux"
@@troywright359 ikr. I miss the old days when children had to work slave labor and died of cholera before they were 12.
Yeah it bombed at the box office but it was good movie and is worth a watch.
LOL. So much of this movie is prophetic!
"The show consists entirely of a guy getting kicked in the nuts. This is honestly more inteligent than keeping up with the Kardashians"
Loved that
Edit: I'd watch the show too. Not the Kardashians, of course, but "Ow my balls"
The best
@@tyrionstark380 I agree
Terry Crews as "Camacho"....LOL, I GOTTA see this movie now!!
Don't we already have America's Funniest Home Videos for that?
Except keeping up with Kardashians never said it was a intelligent show rather a entertaining one with a mass audience
It's disturbing that while it's meant to be a comedy, how some parts of the world look now, it's entirely possible. Saddest of all is that smart people tend not to have as many kids as dim people. Unfortunately it potentially means that for every smart person on the planet, there are at least two idiots
That sounds like a very easy problem to fix.
Your intelligence has nothing to do with your parents what the fuck are you people on about? Have you never heard of nature vs nutute in your life?
@@MC-ns8gb Dim people do tend to pass on dim ideology. Part of the problem lies in the fact that intelligent people will encourage their kids to ask questions, explore and push themselves to do better. Dim people are too often comfortable with mediocrity in all its forms. While it doesn't mean that all children of dim people will grow up to be dim, it does mean they're more likely to be, unless something dramatically changes
Intelligence can be pass trough gene and trough surrounding social life
@@NewLightning1 no it cannot💀
Surprisingly a more wholesome ending than I thought.
@Si Dunue Well, guess not then. Then again, this is a dystopian flick, and those rarely end happy *cough cough 1984*.
@Si Dunue They must resort to inbreeding if they want to increase number of smart people.
@@kato_dsrdr I imagine they'll try to improve education also, they're already reading to their own kids, so books do exist and can be used still with the education to use them
3:55 😂 I agree 💯%👍
When this movie was released: “Haha at least it’s just fiction.”
Now that we have TikTok: “These movie directors are the messiahs.”
wow so creativity is bad because tiktok is our only hope at keeping creativity
@@catto6985 you’ll see that happen at any time, even before social media. before any technology. It’s just natural to have something be repeated by different people. I don’t know bout your experiences but personally tiktok has basically lead me to explore new stuff and it’s the reason I even started making music. It also supplies quite a bit of quick inspiration for art, music, etc
@@gammacxy 🤣🤣🤣
@@gammacxy "tiktok is our only hope at keeping creativity" holy shit I haven't laughed so hard in a long time thanks for that 🤣🙈👍
creativity dying off is funny eh? Didn’t know that’s comedy but I learned something new I guess
The fact that humans as a species can actually turn stupid (and that we’re doing stupid stuff already) scares me
I think if it ever got that bad, some people will take control and quarantine them. Don’t have to commit atrocities, just instead keep the smart people separate and they will stay smart
its already this bad , today. You just wont see it cause everyones one of them. Including all of you
@@solfegia1 yeah I agree, seeing people constantly start comments with "the fact that" or "I love how" shows that people have started doing what others do automatically without thinking first
@@xii-nyth4101 YEAH DUDE
It's kinda funny and sad that out of all scifi movies this one will be the most accurate.
it was already accurate at the time... it was absed on current times. you people are not the smartest
@Lachlan Trescott yes... it was an exaggerated version. thats the point of the movie 🤦🏻♂️
Idiocracy and Contact are prophecies.
It may not seem like it, but humans are actually getting smarter. That's why iq tests are getting harder and if you try an old iq test it may seem easy.
@@flori5296 also birth rates have been going down for a long time. even before this movie. and not just because for some reason sperm count has been going down for decades. it's. a normal part of society to stop producing so many babies after they become developed countries
When I see street interviews where people can't name 3 countries, I think this movie might actually be a solid prediction.
If there is something we learn from such a film as Idiocracy, it is that "no matter how intelligent humans are, not all humans are perfect, physically or mentally."
If this film taught a single person what you described, then perhaps we are doomed. Equally, if anyone reads your comment closely and think perhaps there is room for perfection “physically or mentally,” I would suggest picking up a book and turning off movie. 😁
"Evolve into stupid people" That is indeed a pewdiepie moment
"It's evolving, just backwards"
@@Kurama420 more like..devolving lol
@@fernandocarmo1570 r/ whoosh
@@ShayanOmgTv this isn't reddit kid
@@pixel6187 you didnt get the joke idiots
And somehow these people were still able to maintain a fully operational electricity, sewage, security( overwatch) and irrigation system
It's more a lack of common sense. I know some "clever" people that are very good at their work, but when it comes to common sense, they are truly lacking.
*it's because they are using Brawndo because it has electrolytes and puts hair on your breath*
Well, they still had a stock exchange running, so...
It actually makes sense though. The people who build all that stuff now don’t have to be intelligent to do it. They are just given basic instructions and repeat the process for years. It’s like training a monkey.
@@fenrix155 monke see monke do
The US just saw ur 500yrs and said 'hold my Trump-Ice Alcoholic Version' we'll get it done by 2028....
I like how average Joe becomes the smartest human in the planet
It took me up until now to realize the pun.
@@hollyaura2499 Which pun?
@@deepaparakkal4241 Average Joe, joe is the name of the protag, who is the most average person in the military
*Sleepy joe 😴💤
I think theres a pun to that “the average joe*
"Everyone is at a frat party in the white house" is the most accurate description of the current state of politics.
And to make it worse that frat party doesn't seem to be ending any time soon.
It's been that way for a very long time. Accurate of any administration at any time era, really.
There's already a frat boy on the Supreme Court.
Yeah also 10 Downing Street with Boris partying with his buddies during lockdown.
Lmao seriously
Wait so let me get this straight... He fixed their problems by watering crops with the same stuff in the toilet!?
Indeed, so stupid decision idk
Idk he’s the smartest man on earth ask him
@Hemant Dhamija in wish language
@@dripcat7332 What the hell is wish language
@Hemant Dhamija But, it's used by South Americans.
This movie was never meant to be a fiction.
"...so Joe's punishment would be pardoned."
"Rita reaches there on time."
So validating the movie's premise while attempting to describe it.
50 years Later womens would be walking nude topless on streets calling it as a new fashion 🤔 I'm not judging it but Yes it is...! What you guys think
@@raol6807 I mean, they once did it to protest a president they didn't like.. I don't think they really need a reason anymore.
How else would you describe it
“The smartest scientists are wasting time on stupid experiments such as preventing hair loss and prolonging erection. Meaning they are doing Gods work”!
This line gets me everytime
God’s Work 🙏
Money is their God ...
“Doing God's work.” Ha! That got me. The fact that they can build giant killing car trucks, and not water crops…oh, God save us all.
woah no comments first:>>>
I think the president making the smartest guy in the world help the country with him is already much smarter than something presidents today do