Final Fantasy 7 - World Map Theme (Extended)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 128

  • @retepoteil
    @retepoteil Год назад +94

    When u first leave Midgar and this plays. Wow

    • @sktng62
      @sktng62 5 месяцев назад +2

      The thrill of the adventure of leaving home!

    • @ericthegeneric1611
      @ericthegeneric1611 5 месяцев назад +1

      The only reason I stood still on the world map smoking my joint. And battling and getting experience points

    • @XugiLee
      @XugiLee 4 месяца назад +1

      Really a big woww ❤

    • @skylark9896
      @skylark9896 2 месяца назад +1

      This world map theme might be one of the most poignant that Uematsu composed.

  • @DBakathaiLList
    @DBakathaiLList 2 года назад +55

    Nobuo Uematsu is a master at composition. This piece takes you through a whole emotional journey if you can really feel it.

  • @Ramslamtheman
    @Ramslamtheman 2 года назад +91

    The part that really hits is when the beats slows down and there's the "bum bum bum bum" that rises and falls in octave, the whole piece until it loops to the enchanced, more dramatic version of the beginning. So good

    • @GraemeGunn
      @GraemeGunn 2 года назад +1

      "when the beat slows down"
      "rises and falls in octave" doesn't mean anything
      You also don't know what "loop" means in this context - if the song is looping, it means it goes from the end to the beginning, seamlessly. You said it "loops" when in fact the song is simply progressing.

    • @Ramslamtheman
      @Ramslamtheman 2 года назад +1

      @@GraemeGunn go be a loser somewhere else, idc about what you are saying. I said what i said and anyone who reads what i said will know what part I'm talking about. Go on somewhere.

    • @doopliss6052
      @doopliss6052 2 года назад +5

      @@GraemeGunn 🤓

    • @zzz0704
      @zzz0704 2 года назад +4

      @@GraemeGunn Nerd

    • @brianbaratheon
      @brianbaratheon 2 года назад +8

      Ahh, the timpani. That's my favorite part. The PC version was my first version, and I remember exploring the discs and finding treasures and opening them up in programs outside of the game. I found this song, and that's how I learned that part was played by a timpani. Was obsessed with timpanis for months after.
      @Graeme Gunn Who hurt you? 🤓

  • @razzgrizz3
    @razzgrizz3 Год назад +52

    The way it just goes from grim to hopeful to desperate to hope again is just magical.

  • @corax6218
    @corax6218 9 месяцев назад +6

    14:53 1997 I remember this dialogue from when Aerith was killed. Brings the tears right back man. At least they recovered the morphine though. Doing their job.

  • @jontythewlis86
    @jontythewlis86 2 года назад +55

    @14:53 "187 at 58 10 Marauder Avenue, Homicide wants you over there. The Coroner thinks the broad was WHACKED using Morphine, DONT SAY ANYTHING ROY, just get over there" EPIC!!!🤣

    • @SkeletonsYouControlHaveHaste
      @SkeletonsYouControlHaveHaste 2 года назад +16

      I was sleeping listening to this and that part woke me up lmao

    • @jessicest
      @jessicest Год назад +10

      i never knew the lyrics to this song growing up. thanks for adding them!

    • @heyitsjustjacob5308
      @heyitsjustjacob5308 Год назад

      what is that from?

    • @theeternalgus9119
      @theeternalgus9119 Год назад +2

      @@heyitsjustjacob5308 LA Noire apparently

    • @ChrisFear9
      @ChrisFear9 Год назад +7

      Thank you for mentioning this, I thought I was experiencing actual schizophrenia

  • @paladinoflight5413
    @paladinoflight5413 Год назад +17

    Hearing this again in rebirth brought a tear to my eye.

    • @supervegito2277
      @supervegito2277 10 месяцев назад +2

      Im still a relative newcomer (only played the original twice, never 100% it, first time was on vita when i got sick in i think January 2015) but i did have a similar feeling.
      Its such a calming theme, very much the kind of theme to hit nostalgia very easily.

  • @arnonym823
    @arnonym823 Год назад +20

    The "one" game in your life

  • @zacoryal
    @zacoryal 3 года назад +29

    This... is straight form a capture card. And it's wonderful...!

    • @zacoryal
      @zacoryal 3 года назад +4

      or emulation, but hey, emu is even easier to record!

  • @matth3760
    @matth3760 2 года назад +21

    It’s really weird and yet I still love how this theme kind of goes from this ominous sounding music at first, kind of crescendoing into this sort of epic theme that just makes you.....feel the overall thematics of the game. The whole journey you embark on after leaving Midgar. And goddamnit I love it so much

  • @timvancourt7213
    @timvancourt7213 9 месяцев назад +3

    Play my favorite game every year... its about that time again.

  • @nicholasolsen8198
    @nicholasolsen8198 Год назад +8

    Pretty wild and amazing, seeing comments from as early as 6 months ago. It’s so true though, a story will never be told like this again.

  • @maghrebforever2012
    @maghrebforever2012 7 месяцев назад +3

    Leaving Midgar and facing the giant open world with this playing for the first time was an incredible experience for a 10 year old boy.

  • @A-RonHubbard
    @A-RonHubbard 2 года назад +48

    Never played FF7 when I was a teenager. The game is so good that I'm glad I deferred making those memories until now. I can't wait until I get to the point in the game where the coroner talks about the broad being whacked. Sounds like a riveting storyline!

    • @davidlilley2736
      @davidlilley2736 2 года назад +6

      Oh yeah that is the best bit makes the whole game worth it 😆😆

    • @yogafire646
      @yogafire646 2 года назад +3


    • @tsinestexicthdauwraum9082
      @tsinestexicthdauwraum9082 2 года назад +11

      My favorite part is when Michael Morbius joins the party on disc 4.
      "Its morbin' time" Classic!

    • @webyedo
      @webyedo 2 года назад

      @@davidlilley2736 a

    • @avradio0b
      @avradio0b 2 года назад +3

      Make sure to collect 99 iron bangles early on if you want the late-game celestial steel armor. It's really the best way to optimize aerith's stats for the final boss

  • @derangeddiligence
    @derangeddiligence 9 месяцев назад +4

    Crazy combination of tones and mood-settings.

  • @crashstunts671
    @crashstunts671 Год назад +12

    Timeless piece

  • @Nicomanism
    @Nicomanism Год назад +6

    I still have this game in my PS1 collection, as well as on PC - which is to me the best version to play.

  • @clariotreyes3236
    @clariotreyes3236 4 года назад +20

    I just love that soft tune at 1:59 but it sounds great still all the way to 4:03😊👍

  • @Grizzly4damz
    @Grizzly4damz 10 лет назад +35

    Someone was playing LA Noire. 15:00

    • @NEOpantos
      @NEOpantos  10 лет назад +22

      LMAO that is hilarious! I was playing LA Noire at the time but I have no idea how the audio is on here. Creepy....

    • @Grizzly4damz
      @Grizzly4damz 10 лет назад +7

      The joys of recording software!

    • @Ga-inBot
      @Ga-inBot 8 лет назад +6

      Pretty much late but I noticed another game music too haha !

    • @its_heeho
      @its_heeho 3 года назад +6

      Jesus that's terrifying

    • @bmejia220
      @bmejia220 2 года назад +2

      @@NEOpantos Dang! Thanks for reminding me of LA Noire! Great game!

  • @playeroneentertainment1281
    @playeroneentertainment1281 Год назад +6

    14:53 is the best part, remember it vividly from childhood

  • @pierre-lucmaltais8936
    @pierre-lucmaltais8936 2 года назад +11

    This hits home for me!

  • @MrRednexus
    @MrRednexus Год назад +4

    Watching the movie "Luca" bring me back to this game and my childhood

  • @housegaming3505
    @housegaming3505 2 месяца назад +1

    Best game of all time ☄️

  • @jhonatansb
    @jhonatansb 6 лет назад +10

    wonderful song

  • @ironbirdshredder77
    @ironbirdshredder77 3 года назад +15


  • @coolguy4875
    @coolguy4875 3 года назад +17

    The coroner thinks the broad was whacked

  • @Arella17
    @Arella17 2 года назад +10

    Yeah I'm gonna get 7 on Steam, I don't think I'll bother playing the rest of the remake I just couldn't vibe with the remastered soundtrack like I could with the original.

    • @nicholasolsen8198
      @nicholasolsen8198 Год назад

      It’s on switch too!

    • @nicholasolsen8198
      @nicholasolsen8198 Год назад

      And the remake sucks, don’t bother lol 😅😅😅😂❤

    • @Arella17
      @Arella17 Год назад

      @@nicholasolsen8198 I specfically want the reunion mod

    • @Ayeato
      @Ayeato Год назад +1

      remake has a great soundtrack personally

  • @1jidion
    @1jidion Год назад +9

    cant wait to hear this in rebirth

    • @xxomnicloudxx
      @xxomnicloudxx 6 месяцев назад


    • @1jidion
      @1jidion 6 месяцев назад

      @@xxomnicloudxxoh but I did, it’s the grasslands theme outside kalm

  • @adamdesanti6713
    @adamdesanti6713 10 месяцев назад +1

    The first time I ever had to just sit and listen for 7 minutes in a video game. I was like, "holy crap, what the hell is this? This is a friggin' masterpiece." I'd imagine the next generation had the same feeling with the Gusty Garden piece from Super Mario Galaxy. You simply have to just stop and listen.

  • @CELINE-00004
    @CELINE-00004 2 года назад +3

    big respect for leaving that in there lol

  • @geezerton1404
    @geezerton1404 Месяц назад

    In my mind this is clouds theme as you travel with your party around this Big world with all its places, Just after getting out of midgard nothing but wonder crosses your mind about what could be out there and as your doing so Cloud is there with you

  • @chriswyer7144
    @chriswyer7144 2 года назад +3

    This song affects me more than it has any right to, just reminds me of the end of my childhood fallen into the SHIT!

  • @SamsarasArt
    @SamsarasArt 3 года назад +11

    What's with the talking in the background?

    • @renegade3169
      @renegade3169 2 года назад +8

      the guy recording was playing LA noire while he was recording the music and it somehow got into the recording

    • @romeants8049
      @romeants8049 2 года назад

      Kinda sus

  • @w1cce
    @w1cce Год назад +4

    I love the little goof at 15:30 where you can hear a movie playing in the background. Was this not a loop but actually a 32 minute recording of someone's screen?

    • @NEOpantos
      @NEOpantos  Год назад +3

      Oh yeah recorded this live back in day and left it alone while I was playing la noire or something like that and sound made it on this. I need to do another one but thank you for being nice about my mistake😎

    • @w1cce
      @w1cce Год назад +1

      I loved it! I had taken a weed gummy and was playing stuff and when I heard it it like teleported me back to my childhood.

  • @TheHarlequinCrest
    @TheHarlequinCrest 2 года назад +8

    Best FF theme overall

  • @FramingTheNarrative
    @FramingTheNarrative 2 года назад +4

    11:49 😁
    Thanks for the loop! Wonderful background track.

  • @AntiGrieferGames
    @AntiGrieferGames Год назад +3

    21:42 what? 2 ff7 music at the same time????

    • @richieskitchen
      @richieskitchen 10 месяцев назад

      The other sounds like Vincent theme

  • @penerusluckyarul23n
    @penerusluckyarul23n Год назад +3

    Ah the world map sound, when we didn't have airship actually

  • @WanderSeth
    @WanderSeth Год назад +2

    11:46 What was that noise?? Happens at 11:50 as well.
    Edit: 14:51 ????

    • @aneboonchuy3033
      @aneboonchuy3033 Год назад

      the poster accidently got audio from la noir in the mix. thats what they said

  • @adampettus2893
    @adampettus2893 11 месяцев назад +1

    Does anyone else hear some weird detective program dialogue in the video? I thought I heard some before but 21:11 is when I realized that it wasn't my imagination.

    • @NEOpantos
      @NEOpantos  11 месяцев назад

      Yeah i messed up...

    • @richieskitchen
      @richieskitchen 10 месяцев назад

      @@NEOpantosKinda works tho lol

  • @milkbowl5498
    @milkbowl5498 Год назад +2

    Thanks Nobuo

  • @davidlilley2736
    @davidlilley2736 2 года назад +3

    Oh no I've had enough time to think of words to this song bad news is I can't share them on RUclips If I want to keep my account they're not what I would say PG rather crude and dark best way to put it
    No hate to ff7 though I love this game and it's soundtrack over the remake this is the true ff7

  • @ivanp.m.j.8644
    @ivanp.m.j.8644 2 года назад +4


  • @sarsmask
    @sarsmask Год назад +1

    And the reason is YOUUUUUU

  • @MariusBoss11458
    @MariusBoss11458 2 года назад +3

    Can't hear the song because TUN TUN TUN! Aka getting into a fight every 2 seconds.

  • @heyitsjustjacob5308
    @heyitsjustjacob5308 Год назад

    @14:53 what is that dialog from????

  • @AlextheLion1191
    @AlextheLion1191 Год назад

    The movie Luca has a similar melody in the beginning and the end of the movie.

  • @liquidgoose9730
    @liquidgoose9730 2 года назад +3

    FF7 was the only FF game i played and its by far my favorite.

    • @lyastrife
      @lyastrife 2 года назад +3

      If It's the only One you played. . .

    • @Zillennialll
      @Zillennialll Год назад +4

      ​@@lyastrifeHe missed out big time.

    • @richieskitchen
      @richieskitchen 10 месяцев назад

      @@lyastrifeI’m weak

  • @ericthegeneric1611
    @ericthegeneric1611 5 месяцев назад

    It seems like everyone was playing this game hiding lol. I never met a mfer who said they played tjis game.

  • @skylark9896
    @skylark9896 3 месяца назад +2

    Take that soundbite out

    • @NEOpantos
      @NEOpantos  2 месяца назад

      @@skylark9896 I am flawed and so was this. My apologies.

    • @tenku44
      @tenku44 2 месяца назад

      Thought I was tripping when I heard some random noises trying to study to this theme

    • @skylark9896
      @skylark9896 2 месяца назад

      @@NEOpantos I was very high when I commented. I mean, uh... very HYPER! Yeah, like the status effect. Uh-huh. The one that lets you learn limit breaks faster.
      I'm exploring the Junon area in Rebirth, but the music is lackluster. Your video is what I keep listening to. I'm actually getting used to the soundbite, haha. Thank you for posting this music.

  • @derrickpiche1119
    @derrickpiche1119 5 месяцев назад

    What is 187 & 50?

  • @LorenzoRossi-e3k
    @LorenzoRossi-e3k 5 дней назад

    Why in the middle i hear some guy talking? Can you poste it good? Wy its even in RUclips?

  • @zanecharles750
    @zanecharles750 6 лет назад +6

    Sephiroth dislike this

  • @avistryfe4534
    @avistryfe4534 Год назад +1

    voices in background most of it shit the bed btw.

    • @AntiGrieferGames
      @AntiGrieferGames Год назад

      I find it more chilling with the voicing backround (or a extra ff7 music at the same time) than only music.

  • @MaskedGuyCh
    @MaskedGuyCh Год назад +1

    14:53 cut this out

  • @luada
    @luada 9 месяцев назад +1

    Who came here to listen to the OG grasslands theme after playing rebirth : ) ? Give me a like !

  • @smo0they
    @smo0they 9 лет назад +4

    Want to buy a life...

  • @Volcell-85
    @Volcell-85 9 месяцев назад

    Whytf did this one have to be so bleak and depressing l?

  • @GGKafuru
    @GGKafuru 2 года назад +9

    Why does the music get a little scary right her 0:14

  • @salespage12
    @salespage12 Год назад +1
