Elizabeth is so pretty. And I have yet to see an interview with Chris Pratt where he doesn't want to be there, and clearly dislikes his costars he's with. He seems to love everything he does/ who he's with, he just so much fun :)
In the movie, well... On RUclips there is this dude that imitated Morgan Freeman while playing this shoot em up game or something and was all like "I'm creeping around the corner" and stuff...AND MORGAN FREEMAN SAID THAT STUFF IN THE MOVIE. I DIED
Booshowthezombies It wasn’t that bad. Still 100 times better than Batman Forever. He did the voice himself without mechanical assistance and he’s British.
Question number 1 my personal awnser would be a Minecraft movie.It would be about these kids who get sucked into the world of minecraft,and bad things start to happen from Herinrione
Nah, mostly Germans. And they'll probably throw sauerkraut and raw meat sausages (mett-wurst) at you if you happen to be a DJ and try a mashup of "Holiday/Celebrations/Like a Virgin".
I keep mistaking Elizabeth Banks with Rachel McAdams. It's weird because I hate Elizabeth Banks and like Rachel McAdams. The one in mean girls and true detectives 2 is Rachel McAdams. THe one with seth rogen in that one piece of shit movie is Elizabeth Banks
I've said this and ill say it again: Will Arnett is such and underrated actor. He is hilarious!!!
This is fantastic , 3 naturally funny people actually went really unscripted
When you put together three comedians who do improv this is what you get.
Chris Pratt's answer to the Andy question was so matter of fact I couldn't stop laughing.
Rads ical omg ikr😂😂😭
They work off each other SO well!
Ugh,Chris is perfect. His perfectness is stressing me out, omg!
That "Hardy" bit was hysterical! I could've listened to another 20 minutes worth of that! lol :D
JustNess78 That was hilarious. I wish Elizabeth woulda shut up though. She didn't contribute.
You KNOW the movie's going to be fun to watch if the actor have this much fun making it.
Chris Pratt IS Mr. Moviefone! Great video :)
Elizabeth & Will's reaction was priceless.
Will's Bane voice is really good.
will is so damn funny. COME ON!!!
Chris is Andy and Andy is Chris. He is so hilarious and such a genuine guy!!
Omg, Will Arnetts voice!
Will Arnett has the best Batman voice because his voice makes it funny
wills face was me and everyone's reaction to the eating lego part
Elizabeth is so funny :) I love her :)
I lovec the singing part it was so funny and chris pratt has a nice vocie when he sing
Love how Chris Pratt implies that Andy is going to eat WyldStyle with bringing in her hair streak colors xD
my favorite unscripted(s) is when Chris Pratt is in it.
Anybody else notice how the Lego breaks in her hand at 7:10? 😂😂😂😂
I wish Tom Hardy ( and his brother Ed Hardy of the clothing line) were one of the Hardy boys. Those books would become bestsellers!
They need a talk show.
da BEST unscripted hands down =)
These are awesome and fun and all, i just wish they were a bit longer. I need to fake-fill my lonely, friendless void with more!!
When i listen to Will Arnett talk, I imagine him with a horse head :D DAMN BOJACK HORSEMAN!
Legocopter's Pilot
"I've made a huge mistake"
But Will Arnett, there's already a Simon movie. It's called "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"
Batman voices ranked 1: Kevin Conroy 2: Will Arnett 3: Adam West 4: Diedrich Bader 5: Michael Keaton 6: Christian Bale 7: Val Kilmer 8: George Clooney
Spot on list.
Bruce Greenwood, bitch!
Well said. Although I'd swap Adam West with Michael Keaton.
Jeremy Sisto did a great job in New Frontier in my opinion.
Almost perfect but number 2 is Roger Craig Smith
I can't wait for this movie.
Comedy gold all throughout this interview 😂
Nice to see how Elizabeth isn't too enthusiastic about Nolan's Batman.
Love you Chris Pratt 😍 😍😘 😘😘
0:50 has Will never heard of Close Encounters of the Third Kind?!?
Lima - Perú!!!!......love Chris Pratt
Elizabeth is so pretty.
And I have yet to see an interview with Chris Pratt where he doesn't want to be there, and clearly dislikes his costars he's with. He seems to love everything he does/ who he's with, he just so much fun :)
So andy would eat lego? Would that mean he'd be shitting bricks afterwards?
Peter Ferrow pfft hahahahaa
"Has this been fun? Has this been really fun you guys?"
I would love to see Andy Dwyer and a lego star lord or emmet.
chris pratt and bojack horseman I love this
they're in Legoland!! 😄
Will is lost save this man
“Three quarters of a B” makes me laugh every freaking time.
Will Arnett’s Batman is my favorite Batman
i want chris to push me against a wall
Legend has it Will Arnett is still waiting to ask that question real quick.
Am I mistaken, or did Elizabeth Banks break her Lego at 7:10 ?? Hhahahah
Will Arnett Looks Like Dracula
Chris is fucking peeerfeect!!!! Oh my God I love him. Especially in Guardians of the Galaxy 😍😍
Galactic Jewels IKR HE IS PERFECTIONESS gotta love a guy like that he is so funny😂❤️
I love Elizabeth Banks
Damn Bert Macklin is just awesome
I literally can never hear Will Arnett's voice ever again without thinking of Bojack Horseman.
This haircut gives Banks quite a Julie Bowen vibe. She should wear it like this while appearing on Modern Family.
I wish I could hang out and have a pint with these guys and girl.
i died a little when she said that his Batman was the best. WHY DOES EVERYONE FORGET KEVIN CONROY?
mario and luigi should have their own movie!
Grew up with sll of them
i want a PAR-AD mash up!!!
chris pratt is just cool guys.....UHHHHHHH!!!!
Old bear... He loves the honey!
LEGO's are delicious!
We tried one after filming this. They're pretty terrible actually.
Moviefone you forgot to dip them in hot wheels!
Should have had Charlie Day in the video also. Charlie only played the role of the most iconic LEGO figure ever in Benny the spaceman.
LOOK! They pretended to like each other for 8 min and 5 secs
In the movie, well... On RUclips there is this dude that imitated Morgan Freeman while playing this shoot em up game or something and was all like "I'm creeping around the corner" and stuff...AND MORGAN FREEMAN SAID THAT STUFF IN THE MOVIE. I DIED
@ 7:11 get the KRAGLE!
Gah she is soooo fine when she laughs.
I will do anything for Will Arnett.
They're all from NBC shows xD or have been
omg chris pratt is so perfect
I srsly thought Emmett was seth rogan
Free phone holding out..
Are they in Legoland in England?
I really want to know what will arnet's question was!
I wanna c will arnett do two face and mr freeze :D
I completely agree with them about Will Arnett's Batman voice. Christian Bale's Batman voice is horrible
Booshowthezombies It wasn’t that bad. Still 100 times better than Batman Forever. He did the voice himself without mechanical assistance and he’s British.
And serious
can will arnett do the joker or scarecrow
Does Elizabeth Banks in this looks like Rachel McAdams?
What about Kevin Conroy??????
No love for Conroy?
7 years later! Smartless!
No one gonna bring up the tiny universe behind them?
Elizabeth Banks is a very gorgeous woman. She sounds like a lot of fun to be with
bring me some milk, lady.
Btw is wills voice natrually that deep or he at that time had a cold which made his voice sound like that
Question number 1 my personal awnser would be a Minecraft movie.It would be about these kids who get sucked into the world of minecraft,and bad things start to happen from Herinrione
Is Will Arnett not wearing any underwear? I can't stop looking. What is happening.
we have chocolate lego now XD
Gretchen ..you went to school..with her..
Have I seen arnett on tv before?
Player2Gaming Arrested Development
Player2Gaming Parks and Recreation on 1 episode
The video is lagging or else its fine :D
Bugs have good protein
My phone will load any video execpt this one!!!!!😡😡😡😡
Jim your dad..
A lot of French people in Ibiza, are there?
Nah, mostly Germans. And they'll probably throw sauerkraut and raw meat sausages (mett-wurst) at you if you happen to be a DJ and try a mashup of "Holiday/Celebrations/Like a Virgin".
Im feeling offended that will arnett doesnt know who tom hardy is
....why, are you Tom Hardy?
I keep mistaking Elizabeth Banks with Rachel McAdams.
It's weird because I hate Elizabeth Banks and like Rachel McAdams.
The one in mean girls and true detectives 2 is Rachel McAdams.
THe one with seth rogen in that one piece of shit movie is Elizabeth Banks