Finally they brought up that XIV never charged for early access. It's bugged me how long they left that hanging in the air. Not just since last time but since Dawntrail's launch.
I understand wanting to stagger the launch to reduce issues. But I don’t understand charging 40 bucks (extra) for early access. If you got early access for preordering before a certain date that would have been alright.
I bought it! Going into it i knew i was going to play the entire expansion even if it was super bad. Simply because my friends and i really love M+ regardless of the gamestate. Getting a few days to try out the story before "actual" release feels like something i want, and i had the money. Dont fuck me though.
@@toffur the 22nd is the actual release. Your just paying extra to play the game on release date. quit trying to justify your inability to control yourself.
Its not early access for people who pay, its late access for people who don`t. Really is that simple, its a scummy move from Blizzard and they know it. I`ve bought standard edition, not goign to support this ever.
I think it’s fine. Pay a little more you get in earlier. I don’t think it’s coming at all. They sell epic edition versions of the game or whatever you wanna call it and you get a couple little toys or something whatever. at least this year it was some thing. In addition that got you into the game a little earlier +1000 tenders.
It changes LITERALLY nothing. youre not behind on anything. You dont gain gear any faster. Its just a few days early to level. Being mad about it WEIRD.
@@Quix32 i can most certainly afford $30, but i respect myself more than that. i dont preorder games anymore, and if games have "early access" periods i boycott them until a 50% off sale (or more). does that change much in the grand scheme of things? no. but it doesnt matter because i do not stray from certain principles. i've been gaming for more than 25 years, and it's absolutely ridiculous to see what "gamers" will put up with these days.. it's sad how impulsive gamers as a demographic are.. such an easy group to manipulate and milk for more $$$ it's called having principles. if you bend your principles, then theyre a façade and not worth having
This entire comment section is acting like the entire reason everyone bought the epic edition is because of the early access. Lets get it straight. YES yeah i think it's scummy behavior, but NO it's not the only thing driving the purchase of the epic edition. You are not paying implied $40 for just early access. Base TWW nets you the 70 boost ($60, but standard expac feature recently) and 500 tendies, Heroic nets you the base + 250 more tendies (750), the expac mount ($25) and the mog ($15-20). Epic nets you the all the previous + mentioned early access, beta access (crucial to content creators), 250 more tendies (1000), 30 days of gametime ($13-15), the expac battle pet ($10), and the hearthstone ($5). That being said, Dragonflight launch costs were the same price with the same type of bonuses and shadowlands was 10 bucks cheaper per tier. Prior to this we only had the heroic and collectors. Yes they are squeezing out each little thing, which sucks too. I feel that the only thing that changed for people was this "early access". Collectors are gonna buy it because they always do.
Professions exist, you get access to professions early which is a massive advantage. It also means you're a lot more likely to be maxed for the first set of resets
I would have purchased this if it was a few expansions ago. At the age of 34, I have a job that requires a lot of mental demand and a 2 year old son. If I do purchase this expansion it will not be the epic edition.
I haven't even bought TWW yet. I will do that sometime next week. I have a good excuse to stay strong. I moved away from home a couple years ago for love and my dad is coming to visit this weekend! Bit of family time :D
Anyone jumping into the frontlines first in anything are the people wanting to be the Pawns, the first to test if tools/weapons are faulty in real life, or in this case to run into bugs.
I'm not happy that Michael and Matt are taking such a neutral milktoast stance on this. I would've expected them to at least be more critical as they have been in the past when it was necessary. Contrary to Mounts, Pets and other 'perks' of paying extra, this isn't good for anyone but the people stacking cash at the top of Blizzard's leadership. It only serve to split guilds/communities/friend groups and create a shitty have/have not situation. It's a scummy, dogshit practice and it doesn't belong in smth as rare and unique as a WoW Expansion launch.
Why don't you just say it? Early access is for bots to start farming materials early so that when profs are available to sell mats at rediculus price and not bottleneck proffessions from materials
As far as im concerned, those getting early access we'll see bitching online about feeling like beta testers for the global launch. I'm readying my popcorn
First time I want to take advantage of it. Myself and friends have life things going on during week of regular release and wouldn’t be able to play until the following Thursday, minimum. So getting the weekend before to jam out is HUGE for my friend group! Actually worth for me
Hi Bellular in the past I would get the collectors edition but since they introduced late access, now I only get the base edition. Hopefully the early access practice is made illegal someday or renamed to late access. Enough is enough already. What's next? Earlier access?
Every opening day has at least minor issues, day two is maintenance day so will be down at least half the day. I always dive in day three and never have an issue. I get the point though if you are in progression guilds
I got the epic because I never Friday-Monday off, and my full laptop access at work on Thursday also. So Thursday - Monday light/ off work to play instead of having to fight against a full work schedule for launch? Of course
I mean, it's a great idea. You can't do anything special before September 11 so the head start in leveling really just gives better servers for the real launch. Also my friends and I really love the launch experience. Every launch we come together to finish the leveling in one sit down which is a tradition now, it has a real charm to it with all the people around you so if we can experience the same with less lag because some people payed an extra? Go for it :D
I’ve always bought every single xpack. But this fomo early access stuff made me pass it up. I’m not going to pay full price for a disadvantage. If anything it just gives me a few days to read the reviews before I purchase. Big mistake on their end because I usually only play each xpack for a few days anyways
For me. It'll be Cap Alice out. Unlock Earthen. Cap Herma. Then it'll just deoend on whose Hero Talents I wanna mess with for who I level next. In-between the RPing, Earthen leveling, and gearing Alice and Herma
No. I also have not bought the expansion standard edition yet. I am going to pull a wait and see. The whole expansion has felt rushed with incomplete class talents on pre-patch. I want to wait for something stable before I throw money at it.
Blizzard intentionally left out leveling scaling so world first raiders could level all their alts during early access because of the 8 week patches every 2 months they clearly left it out for them. You would think if they forgot to add leveling scaling it would have been in with in 2 hours after launch but NO 7 days later.
I wish they’d just released the early access on Tuesday and then the official release for everyone else on Friday ... the only pull for me is that it releases on a Friday instead of a Monday ... I’d love to see the stats on % of purchases of each edition.
I actually bought the epic edition shortly after Blizzcon because I was so hyped for these next 3 expansions and I wanted all the goodies that came with it but early access and beta access was just a bonus.
I have purchased the expansion but will not pay extra to play a few days early. Diablo 4 was the only game that I have done that for and that was a mistake. Do not need to make the same one twice.
All I hear is- Let me pay extra money to get to the endgame faster so i can complain about lack of content faster . Isn't that the cycle for most wow fans?
all they needed to do is the jedi mind trick like they did with rested xp (instead of penalizing play sell it as rewarding not playing) - instead of selling early access at a markup, call the early access the launch for normal price and sell a discounted delayed entry 'patient access' , done
I usually pre-order all of the expansions just so I know I have it when its out and I don't need to worry about buying it later. But I am waiting for TWW because I had the thought that I want to be a part of the big wave instead of the small wave. Feels like more of an MMO expansion launch. In the past I was so sure most people bought the pre-order and would play early but I'm always surprised when it feels sort of dead during EA and then you see the proper burst of population on real launch day. I still pre-order FFXIV because I want to play with my friends there, but I no longer know anyone in WoW.
I never buy the highest tier of expansion available so I was never going to get it. Getting a bunch of early access people out of the way might make true launch a little smoother, but that being said I'm not the biggest fan of "pay more to play early" in an MMO.
I was away from WOW for two years (Shadowlands drove me away) and recently returned to try out Dragonflight and bought War Within as well, but not epic.
I bought the epic edition but I'll never do that again! I am looking at the current state of classes and this expac is no way ready for release! And I'm not even going to use my early access, I'm just so disappointed with the current state of classes!
It's sad because i wasnt going to get early access because I was so close to 3k io and wanted to achieve that before the xpack but everyone doing those higher keys is gone. No one wants to do hard content this late :(( I think I'm gonna have to buy it
I got it. I don’t like that it exists, but not buying it isn’t going to change that. There is enough people that will buy it that it’ll be profitable, and will most likely be the status quo going forward with every expac. Figured I buy the ultimate editions anyways.
Bought epic edition, bought for beta access. Won’t likely be playing early, but only because I’m out of town this weekend. Still hate the early access.
This will be the 2nd expac i sat out. 6 years time played over 11 years..... yeah... had enough. Life has never been better. Vidya games are poison, at least for people like me who like to get really into things.
So I bought early access and honestly I kinda regret it. I've heard some chatter about this not only in game but online as well and it really does dampen the release day hype by dividing the community. People talk about what's going on in the zones that they're in while they're playing early access and everybody that doesn't have early access can hear all the talk and they're hearing all the spoilers. I know what people are going to say well don't Look at trade chat or general chat or anything like that but you know people are playing the game doing what they always do and honestly I think early access needs to be removed from here on out I don't think it's Fair to everyone. I remember when wrath launch day happened that was the biggest hype I've ever experienced in any video game and it was awesome it's not like that anymore same with Wod, the hype was real at first so much so it crashed the servers
I agree it is scummy but for me (and possibly many others) you guys aren't looking at it from a certain point of view. I only wanted to get the 2nd edition cause I love to collect WoW mounts. But I only play WoW for maybe few months into expansions now so I dont do subs (otherwise I'd forget) so I already needed to fork over $20 for game time. So Its only $20 extra for me not $40 and that $20 extra I was going to pay already. Not too mention, its coming from my gaming fund I have set aside, which is disposable earnings not meant for bills or other luxuries. Can't fault others for what they spend their money on cause it doesn't align with what you're capable of or wanting to spend your money on.
Bought the epic version today. Can justify it all I want, I get that. THOUGH, 40 euro. 15 which is same as a sub, 25 left which is basically 2 beers downtown. Forecast is rain and stormy this weekend. soeeeeeh.... ye.... *copium*
I bought the epic edition because i won’t be as available when the tww launches, so I don’t mind paying the extra few dollars. I haven’t bought any buy wow tokens, so it doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.
I've bought the EA because with the 30days gametime it's just 20€ and I want to play this W-E... But I'm disappointed because I'll be done with leveling and then I'll just be stuck for 2 weeks, I don't like playing alts at all
No, you should not support it, but plenty will because its a massive advantage particularly economically to do so. You make so much money early on when it comes the game economy getting items and crafting, and with how the crafting system in wow works now its made even MORE valuable to get in sooner rather then later getting all the materials you need for it without an insane cost. If you don't think it matters, beyond ignoring the existance of the wow token, just look at the world race and how much money gets pumped into that and how pivital it is towards that.
I can level in peace without milion others hunting same 10 boars. 100% worth it just for that. I returned to wow mid dragonflight and leveling was super chill and fun 60-70 when only occasional person was doin same quest not 5k ppl. Basicly im ok paying to board plane early even tho i know we will leave the ground at the same.
Why do people complain about this. As if it was some insane life investment. If it is, should you really be playing? I mean its also a monthly sub sooooooo.
If other items in epic were SOMEWHAT decent I would buy it, but only for 40 only for early access fuck no. Only people who should buy early are content creators.
I mean the only positive for me is i would be able to play over the weekend instead of leveling after work next week. But yea, decided against it because i personally dont like the concept. I totally understand the appeal tho
I couldn't care less if EA is a thing in WoW. People losing their minds over it is such a non-issue because in itself, it really isn't scummy behaviour. The logic they used of shedding server load and getting them stable with basically 2 major release dates sorta made sense. What was really scummy is the fact that they turned off Rated queues for PvP. I'm still a paid subscriber, why am I locked out of my preferred game mode for a whole week now with no other "important" content for me to play? I get that there are no Rated queues at launch, usually, but then ur main focus is usually leveling up ur characters, but this time around, they were shut down pre-emptively for the EA release and the ones who don't want EA just have to deal with being level 70 normies with nothing to do. Just enable Rated queues for people to at least get their money's worth if they choose to until the game comes out for everyone.
American exceptionalism, capitalism and good ol’ impulsive consumerism. Enjoy the 1 month paid in advance subscription, the lackluster grab’ems and the privacy of empty buggy servers. I look forward to hearing about the clusterf*ck come Monday.
Wait, so, I just don't get to start gearing early? I can just level, and gear my main next week while everyone that has their main, and alts gearing. Good stuff ;)
I still have not bought the expansion yet, I just can't fathom the greed on the early access that games companies are doing these days. It is a joke from Blizzard to even do this as no other expansions early access it is just pure greed. I am actually hoping the launch doesn't go smooth for them because of this greed.
I dont give a damn about early acces , i will spend weekend with my wife and daughter , BUT , after weekend im sending them to her mother and taking 5 days off work haha :D
I have early access, my son and I had fun yesterday when it was available. However, we didn't get the epic edition FOR early access.. important distinction IMO.
It's a good solution. Those who are solely concerned with progressing will not buy. Those who want to see the story and world, like me, will have a better experience.
As someone who's bought the Epic edition of a few Expacs in the past and has always pre-ordered them because I knew I'd be playing them anyway... I'll be skipping this one and wait until the very last second of the [Poor People Launch] before buying the Basic edition. That cash grab's so scummy it's making me give LESS money to Blizzard out of pure spite.
As much as I want TWW to be a great time for everyone, I'm also hoping that technical issues and launch problems will make the """"Early Access"""" an utter disaster not worth repeating. That shit doesn't belong in gaming period, let alone in MMOs. People do whatever they want with their money, I just hope enough of us will vote with our wallets, because fuck this scam.
I bought the Epic edition for the other stuff - 1 month sub (which I would have done anyways), 500 extra tendies, the mount, the transmog, Squally, Sandbox Storm toy, and the hearthstone which is my default hearthstone now. Early access was a bonus. Love how people want to push the narrative that the $40 is ONLY for early access which is a complete lie. I mean it sucks to be poor but lets not flat out lie now.
You guys can pay $40 to rush in to server issues and no content until September 18th. I'll play Monday and end up at the same starting point in S1.
can I have your gold?
Same bro haha
its okay to just admit that you cant afford it lmaoooooooooooooo
@@MDCGaming87 Your denial is showing sweetie
No one is paying for early access to get ahead for S1. If all you care about is S1 then you've missed the boat.
Finally they brought up that XIV never charged for early access. It's bugged me how long they left that hanging in the air. Not just since last time but since Dawntrail's launch.
Oh but they will .
I understand wanting to stagger the launch to reduce issues. But I don’t understand charging 40 bucks (extra) for early access. If you got early access for preordering before a certain date that would have been alright.
40$ extra for a couple days early, f that... and f u if you bought it.
I bought it!
Going into it i knew i was going to play the entire expansion even if it was super bad.
Simply because my friends and i really love M+ regardless of the gamestate. Getting a few days to try out the story before "actual" release feels like something i want, and i had the money.
Dont fuck me though.
@@toffur the 22nd is the actual release. Your just paying extra to play the game on release date. quit trying to justify your inability to control yourself.
Can't wait to have a fun early access weekend!
Why do you care how people send their own money?
Its not early access for people who pay, its late access for people who don`t. Really is that simple, its a scummy move from Blizzard and they know it. I`ve bought standard edition, not goign to support this ever.
Hey, respect the choice. I personally don't care, and wanted the other bonuses that come with the epic edition. Early access was an afterthought.
I think it’s fine. Pay a little more you get in earlier. I don’t think it’s coming at all. They sell epic edition versions of the game or whatever you wanna call it and you get a couple little toys or something whatever. at least this year it was some thing. In addition that got you into the game a little earlier +1000 tenders.
Microsoft thanks you for your money
you still give them money, do you think they will care if you still buy it ? : )
It changes LITERALLY nothing. youre not behind on anything. You dont gain gear any faster. Its just a few days early to level. Being mad about it WEIRD.
its 40$ extra for basically nothing.
"sucker pass" is what i call it.
Gonna be great playing all day on the weekend without the poors clogging up trade chat :)
@@Quix32 How does it feel getting suckered by blizzard again?
@@H41030v3rki110ny0u How does it feel being so broke that $30 is a lot of money 😂😂😂
@@H41030v3rki110ny0u How does it feel being a broke boy and not being able to afford $30 😂😂😂
@@Quix32 i can most certainly afford $30, but i respect myself more than that. i dont preorder games anymore, and if games have "early access" periods i boycott them until a 50% off sale (or more). does that change much in the grand scheme of things? no. but it doesnt matter because i do not stray from certain principles.
i've been gaming for more than 25 years, and it's absolutely ridiculous to see what "gamers" will put up with these days.. it's sad how impulsive gamers as a demographic are.. such an easy group to manipulate and milk for more $$$
it's called having principles. if you bend your principles, then theyre a façade and not worth having
This entire comment section is acting like the entire reason everyone bought the epic edition is because of the early access.
Lets get it straight. YES yeah i think it's scummy behavior, but NO it's not the only thing driving the purchase of the epic edition. You are not paying implied $40 for just early access.
Base TWW nets you the 70 boost ($60, but standard expac feature recently) and 500 tendies,
Heroic nets you the base + 250 more tendies (750), the expac mount ($25) and the mog ($15-20).
Epic nets you the all the previous + mentioned early access, beta access (crucial to content creators), 250 more tendies (1000), 30 days of gametime ($13-15), the expac battle pet ($10), and the hearthstone ($5).
That being said, Dragonflight launch costs were the same price with the same type of bonuses and shadowlands was 10 bucks cheaper per tier. Prior to this we only had the heroic and collectors.
Yes they are squeezing out each little thing, which sucks too. I feel that the only thing that changed for people was this "early access". Collectors are gonna buy it because they always do.
Professions exist, you get access to professions early which is a massive advantage. It also means you're a lot more likely to be maxed for the first set of resets
I would have purchased this if it was a few expansions ago. At the age of 34, I have a job that requires a lot of mental demand and a 2 year old son. If I do purchase this expansion it will not be the epic edition.
I haven't even bought TWW yet. I will do that sometime next week. I have a good excuse to stay strong. I moved away from home a couple years ago for love and my dad is coming to visit this weekend! Bit of family time :D
Anyone jumping into the frontlines first in anything are the people wanting to be the Pawns, the first to test if tools/weapons are faulty in real life, or in this case to run into bugs.
I'm not happy that Michael and Matt are taking such a neutral milktoast stance on this. I would've expected them to at least be more critical as they have been in the past when it was necessary.
Contrary to Mounts, Pets and other 'perks' of paying extra, this isn't good for anyone but the people stacking cash at the top of Blizzard's leadership.
It only serve to split guilds/communities/friend groups and create a shitty have/have not situation. It's a scummy, dogshit practice and it doesn't belong in smth as rare and unique as a WoW Expansion launch.
Blizzards cultivated one of the dumbest fan bases in modern gaming and now they're cashing in
Idk about dumb, but addicted and without principles perhaps... Ok, yeah, pretty dumb
Why don't you just say it? Early access is for bots to start farming materials early so that when profs are available to sell mats at rediculus price and not bottleneck proffessions from materials
Weekend gamer, levelling and relaxing - not stressing
As far as im concerned, those getting early access we'll see bitching online about feeling like beta testers for the global launch. I'm readying my popcorn
I see early access as paid for beta testing.😂 I expect trouble and technically I should qualify myself. I expect... bugs....
The last launches all went rather smooth. Small delays, but nothing major.
You are NOT lying lol
First time I want to take advantage of it. Myself and friends have life things going on during week of regular release and wouldn’t be able to play until the following Thursday, minimum. So getting the weekend before to jam out is HUGE for my friend group! Actually worth for me
Can't put a price on memories. Glad you're getting some chill gaming time with your friends!
Honestly a dishonest argument from bellular... glad Matt called him out on it and instantly changed subject.
Hi Bellular in the past I would get the collectors edition but since they introduced late access, now I only get the base edition. Hopefully the early access practice is made illegal someday or renamed to late access. Enough is enough already. What's next? Earlier access?
Nowadays pre-ordering anything isn't worth it, it's best to wait and see.
Every opening day has at least minor issues, day two is maintenance day so will be down at least half the day. I always dive in day three and never have an issue. I get the point though if you are in progression guilds
there is absolulety no point even if you're a progression guild, there are too many restrictions, basically you can farm professions early that's all
I got the epic because I never Friday-Monday off, and my full laptop access at work on Thursday also. So Thursday - Monday light/ off work to play instead of having to fight against a full work schedule for launch? Of course
Yup. Simple as that - I want to actually play properly on the weekend without having to deal with work schedule.
I mean, it's a great idea. You can't do anything special before September 11 so the head start in leveling really just gives better servers for the real launch.
Also my friends and I really love the launch experience. Every launch we come together to finish the leveling in one sit down which is a tradition now, it has a real charm to it with all the people around you so if we can experience the same with less lag because some people payed an extra? Go for it :D
I’ve always bought every single xpack. But this fomo early access stuff made me pass it up. I’m not going to pay full price for a disadvantage. If anything it just gives me a few days to read the reviews before I purchase. Big mistake on their end because I usually only play each xpack for a few days anyways
Where you draw the line is fascinating.
For me. It'll be Cap Alice out. Unlock Earthen. Cap Herma.
Then it'll just deoend on whose Hero Talents I wanna mess with for who I level next.
In-between the RPing, Earthen leveling, and gearing Alice and Herma
No. I also have not bought the expansion standard edition yet. I am going to pull a wait and see. The whole expansion has felt rushed with incomplete class talents on pre-patch. I want to wait for something stable before I throw money at it.
That is true
Just wanna give a quick thank you to all early access beta testers. Thank you for making my experience a bit less wonky at release.
Blizzard intentionally left out leveling scaling so world first raiders could level all their alts during early access because of the 8 week patches every 2 months they clearly left it out for them.
You would think if they forgot to add leveling scaling it would have been in with in 2 hours after launch but NO 7 days later.
My wife gifted me the epic version. Probably wouldn't have gotten it on my own, but hey, you can believe I'm gonna be there early
I wish they’d just released the early access on Tuesday and then the official release for everyone else on Friday ... the only pull for me is that it releases on a Friday instead of a Monday ...
I’d love to see the stats on % of purchases of each edition.
I actually bought the epic edition shortly after Blizzcon because I was so hyped for these next 3 expansions and I wanted all the goodies that came with it but early access and beta access was just a bonus.
20 mins just to sarcastically dance around saying “let people like nice things!.”
I have the collector’s edition, mainly because I have that edition all the way back to the beginning
Same here. It was for the Box! 🙂
@@rasferrastfarian739 absolutely, the early access this time was just a perk of it
It's The War Within even worth it? Let alone early access.
I have purchased the expansion but will not pay extra to play a few days early. Diablo 4 was the only game that I have done that for and that was a mistake. Do not need to make the same one twice.
Well fact that we are paying a premium to have a few extra days play, this had better be a flawless launch
Don't hold your breath lol
I'm positive since Dragonflight was only slow/laggy but it was playable. Maybe the launch being split up will provide a smoother launch for War Within
All I hear is- Let me pay extra money to get to the endgame faster so i can complain about lack of content faster .
Isn't that the cycle for most wow fans?
all they needed to do is the jedi mind trick like they did with rested xp (instead of penalizing play sell it as rewarding not playing) - instead of selling early access at a markup, call the early access the launch for normal price and sell a discounted delayed entry 'patient access' , done
First exp other than warlords I cba even buying at launch let alone early access, will prob pick up on sale during the holidays.
I just upgraded my Shadowed Essence to Adventurer 5/8 iLVL 584
I usually pre-order all of the expansions just so I know I have it when its out and I don't need to worry about buying it later. But I am waiting for TWW because I had the thought that I want to be a part of the big wave instead of the small wave. Feels like more of an MMO expansion launch. In the past I was so sure most people bought the pre-order and would play early but I'm always surprised when it feels sort of dead during EA and then you see the proper burst of population on real launch day. I still pre-order FFXIV because I want to play with my friends there, but I no longer know anyone in WoW.
I think its worth it. I would like to experience the whole zone but not miss out on gearing. So i appreciate that i have a few more days of questing
The mount u get for epic also is badass
worth it for me, gives me a bit more time to level and be caught up with my limited play time.
Epic edition gamer life. War within is so fun
Bought the epic edition last year, after Chris Metzen’s speech I instantly preordered. They go me 🤣
who says i'm leveling 1 character? i have 5 healers i want to play... and i have 65 level 70s
Worst part is they timed it that if you buy the early acess you get to play dur8ng a weekend...
I never buy the highest tier of expansion available so I was never going to get it. Getting a bunch of early access people out of the way might make true launch a little smoother, but that being said I'm not the biggest fan of "pay more to play early" in an MMO.
I was away from WOW for two years (Shadowlands drove me away) and recently returned to try out Dragonflight and bought War Within as well, but not epic.
I bought the epic edition but I'll never do that again! I am looking at the current state of classes and this expac is no way ready for release! And I'm not even going to use my early access, I'm just so disappointed with the current state of classes!
It's sad because i wasnt going to get early access because I was so close to 3k io and wanted to achieve that before the xpack but everyone doing those higher keys is gone. No one wants to do hard content this late :(( I think I'm gonna have to buy it
no i bought the standard one and Thursday is my birthday and i'll wait till Monday to play
Play time is limited, time off work has restrictions due to understaffing and I have the money to eat the cost
Poors mad
Don't fall for their trick. Make a stand against this!
I hope they raise the sub to force all the Appalachian hillbillies odd the game
Short answer no.
Did I buy it, yes.
All you can do right now is level, not missing a single thing.
I got it. I don’t like that it exists, but not buying it isn’t going to change that. There is enough people that will buy it that it’ll be profitable, and will most likely be the status quo going forward with every expac. Figured I buy the ultimate editions anyways.
A game launching at 6 pm is wild to me
Bought epic edition, bought for beta access.
Won’t likely be playing early, but only because I’m out of town this weekend. Still hate the early access.
This will be the 2nd expac i sat out. 6 years time played over 11 years..... yeah... had enough. Life has never been better. Vidya games are poison, at least for people like me who like to get really into things.
I’m going to the cottage on official launch so early access gives me 4 days to level and get quests done before that.
I work extremely hard for my money if I want to have a 3 day weekend headstart before I go back to my shitty soul draining job I’m taking it.
So I bought early access and honestly I kinda regret it.
I've heard some chatter about this not only in game but online as well and it really does dampen the release day hype by dividing the community.
People talk about what's going on in the zones that they're in while they're playing early access and everybody that doesn't have early access can hear all the talk and they're hearing all the spoilers.
I know what people are going to say well don't Look at trade chat or general chat or anything like that but you know people are playing the game doing what they always do and honestly I think early access needs to be removed from here on out I don't think it's Fair to everyone. I remember when wrath launch day happened that was the biggest hype I've ever experienced in any video game and it was awesome it's not like that anymore same with Wod, the hype was real at first so much so it crashed the servers
Professions are the main reason for early access. Get ahead on the auction house.
I agree it is scummy but for me (and possibly many others) you guys aren't looking at it from a certain point of view. I only wanted to get the 2nd edition cause I love to collect WoW mounts. But I only play WoW for maybe few months into expansions now so I dont do subs (otherwise I'd forget) so I already needed to fork over $20 for game time. So Its only $20 extra for me not $40 and that $20 extra I was going to pay already. Not too mention, its coming from my gaming fund I have set aside, which is disposable earnings not meant for bills or other luxuries. Can't fault others for what they spend their money on cause it doesn't align with what you're capable of or wanting to spend your money on.
My boi with the Demondice tshirt, matt continues to be based.
The reason Australia gets it early is because their Internet is such 💩 that they need the extra time to download the patch.
Different editions that aren't physical are a scam..
The 3mil gold for the epic version was easy to get in 2 cent inside..just mention 😊
Bought the epic version today. Can justify it all I want, I get that. THOUGH, 40 euro. 15 which is same as a sub, 25 left which is basically 2 beers downtown. Forecast is rain and stormy this weekend. soeeeeeh.... ye.... *copium*
For me early access is to get as much done to unlock earthen as I want to main one this expansion.
I bought the epic edition because i won’t be as available when the tww launches, so I don’t mind paying the extra few dollars. I haven’t bought any buy wow tokens, so it doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.
I've bought the EA because with the 30days gametime it's just 20€ and I want to play this W-E... But I'm disappointed because I'll be done with leveling and then I'll just be stuck for 2 weeks, I don't like playing alts at all
No, you should not support it, but plenty will because its a massive advantage particularly economically to do so. You make so much money early on when it comes the game economy getting items and crafting, and with how the crafting system in wow works now its made even MORE valuable to get in sooner rather then later getting all the materials you need for it without an insane cost. If you don't think it matters, beyond ignoring the existance of the wow token, just look at the world race and how much money gets pumped into that and how pivital it is towards that.
I can level in peace without milion others hunting same 10 boars. 100% worth it just for that. I returned to wow mid dragonflight and leveling was super chill and fun 60-70 when only occasional person was doin same quest not 5k ppl. Basicly im ok paying to board plane early even tho i know we will leave the ground at the same.
Why do people complain about this. As if it was some insane life investment. If it is, should you really be playing? I mean its also a monthly sub sooooooo.
Worth it for me, as I can take less time off from work.
If other items in epic were SOMEWHAT decent I would buy it, but only for 40 only for early access fuck no. Only people who should buy early are content creators.
I hate scummy practices like this, but then I look at my bank account and 80 dollars isn't even a blip so then I tell myself "Eh why not".
goddamned horse the 'base game' is pieced meal to shit even before it is released
the 'war' is within your wallet....
I would have paid for it if I did not have to work on the weekend. its not worth it for just a day and half jump.
I mean the only positive for me is i would be able to play over the weekend instead of leveling after work next week. But yea, decided against it because i personally dont like the concept. I totally understand the appeal tho
I couldn't care less if EA is a thing in WoW. People losing their minds over it is such a non-issue because in itself, it really isn't scummy behaviour. The logic they used of shedding server load and getting them stable with basically 2 major release dates sorta made sense. What was really scummy is the fact that they turned off Rated queues for PvP. I'm still a paid subscriber, why am I locked out of my preferred game mode for a whole week now with no other "important" content for me to play? I get that there are no Rated queues at launch, usually, but then ur main focus is usually leveling up ur characters, but this time around, they were shut down pre-emptively for the EA release and the ones who don't want EA just have to deal with being level 70 normies with nothing to do.
Just enable Rated queues for people to at least get their money's worth if they choose to until the game comes out for everyone.
American exceptionalism, capitalism and good ol’ impulsive consumerism. Enjoy the 1 month paid in advance subscription, the lackluster grab’ems and the privacy of empty buggy servers. I look forward to hearing about the clusterf*ck come Monday.
Wait, so, I just don't get to start gearing early? I can just level, and gear my main next week while everyone that has their main, and alts gearing. Good stuff ;)
I still have not bought the expansion yet, I just can't fathom the greed on the early access that games companies are doing these days. It is a joke from Blizzard to even do this as no other expansions early access it is just pure greed. I am actually hoping the launch doesn't go smooth for them because of this greed.
I dont give a damn about early acces , i will spend weekend with my wife and daughter , BUT , after weekend im sending them to her mother and taking 5 days off work haha :D
I have early access, my son and I had fun yesterday when it was available. However, we didn't get the epic edition FOR early access.. important distinction IMO.
I've not bought the expansion yet and refuse to entertain early access.
not a fan of early access but limiting to pretty much only lvling is the most reasonable greed behavior ive seen.
bought the big boy edition the day it was put on the mrkt
It's a good solution. Those who are solely concerned with progressing will not buy. Those who want to see the story and world, like me, will have a better experience.
As someone who's bought the Epic edition of a few Expacs in the past and has always pre-ordered them because I knew I'd be playing them anyway... I'll be skipping this one and wait until the very last second of the [Poor People Launch] before buying the Basic edition.
That cash grab's so scummy it's making me give LESS money to Blizzard out of pure spite.
This is 2042 premium experience all over again...
How many turds do you have to eat until you decide buy your corn from the store instead?
I've played since vanilla, never had a early access before, certainly not paying for one now! Hell no.
As much as I want TWW to be a great time for everyone, I'm also hoping that technical issues and launch problems will make the """"Early Access"""" an utter disaster not worth repeating. That shit doesn't belong in gaming period, let alone in MMOs.
People do whatever they want with their money, I just hope enough of us will vote with our wallets, because fuck this scam.
I refuse to buy games that have Early Access for an increased price; and I'm not paying full price to play the game days late.
He brings up Yoshi P but if you buy the game before release day EVERYONE gets early access. Comparing apples to Oranges to a much more greedy company
I bought the Epic edition for the other stuff - 1 month sub (which I would have done anyways), 500 extra tendies, the mount, the transmog, Squally, Sandbox Storm toy, and the hearthstone which is my default hearthstone now. Early access was a bonus. Love how people want to push the narrative that the $40 is ONLY for early access which is a complete lie. I mean it sucks to be poor but lets not flat out lie now.