After I stalling pressure sensors do you have to force regen for code to be clear? I have a code reading eec 61 3936spn fail 18, just wondering if I can just put them on an drive? I don't have that force regen tool yet and it don't let me do a regen with truck buttons.
Its good to clean dpf filters too you can take it have the clean professionally or clean them yourself, after you clean them you will need to reset the ash count (ucan use a OTR TOOL)видео.html
Thank you for posting this video, saved me money and headache. I appreciate you taking it time to explain it while fixing
Glad this video helped you out, thanks for watching sir 🙏
I really like your the way you explain tkns I have 2014 freighter cascadia tkns
hi bro I love your video lots! When ever you fix something recorded it and put it on here I will watch it and learn it !
Will do, thanks for watching sir!!
thanks for uploading , great video everything explained well.
Thank you for watching sir
Thanks brotha. Your videos are extremely helpful
Thank you sir, Thanks for watching!!
Look at your professional tools I do need have one set for me !😀
Once i reach 100k subs i will do a give away lol
@@TRUCKINGTIPSDIY wish it coming soon
$200 a piece??? That's insane, damn the def system has caused nothing but headaches. Great Video though
thanks a lot for the video. Helped me a lot to find this one..
Gracias por los videos nos sirven de mucha ayuda.
Thanks for showing us this you are awesome
You are the best
Thank you bro Clare video
Thank you, thanks for watching!
What was the spn code ?
Thxs for the knowledge!
Thanks for watching sir 🙏
Why was it change in the first place. Whats the spn code
What’s the sensor right beside the inlet pressure sensor plugs in right under it?
Hey man, which diagnostic tool do you use ??
thank you for video
After I stalling pressure sensors do you have to force regen for code to be clear? I have a code reading eec 61 3936spn fail 18, just wondering if I can just put them on an drive? I don't have that force regen tool yet and it don't let me do a regen with truck buttons.
You can try driving the truck, if the problem is fixed, it might erase the code by itself
@@TRUCKINGTIPSDIY thanks. God bless
Hey thanks sir,
Am having code eec61,am moving I don't know ahead whats going to happen
I have 2017 frieghtliner cascadia dd13 code spn 4364 fmi 1 come up can you help me.what the problem any pressure sensor or not thanks
Thank you for great video, please can you tell a lil more about software you been using for diagnostic. Thanks again
I dont have the diagnostic laptop, i just have the otr tool, have a link in the description. Thanks for watching sir 🙏
Thsnk you, wish you all the best.
Thank you
What is Cummins isx ….. spn3251 after treatment 1 DPF differential pressure
Good Video 👍 DPF filter should be cleaned too?.
Its good to clean dpf filters too you can take it have the clean professionally or clean them yourself, after you clean them you will need to reset the ash count (ucan use a OTR TOOL)видео.html
What was the problem you were having that make you change it?
I was getting that code on the title
happy new year 2021 no covid
Happy new years !! Hopefully it stops
hôm nào em rảnh thì em xem clip nha anh ơi
Thank you for watching sir!!
Did replacing the sensor work?
What year/types of truck and model do you have in this video?
Freightliner cascadia 2013
Lots hair on your hands and arm bro 😎
Lol , thanks for watching bro!!
Is it easy to use the Diagnostic Link? How do you get help using that program?
I dont have that scanner, but it shouldn't be too complicated to use
Ok, thank you.
What issues were you having
I had those codes on the title
2018 Freightliner Cascadia with MIL light on saying ACM 3609 12 in diagnostic
Any Help would be appreciated.
Excelente 👍👍
Can you list the tool name bro?
I'm sure dealer will charge 2k for the this job and they throw some other bs to charge and keep the truck all week at the there parking lot
Can u send me all your videos