What is Philosophy for?

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024

Комментарии • 603

  • @TheThinkerBodyMindSpirit
    @TheThinkerBodyMindSpirit 7 лет назад +372

    Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems , concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, logic and language. It is the rational investigation of the truths and principles.
    There are two main reasons people study philosophy. The first is simple curiosity, and the love of wisdom.
    Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight. Meaning , Philosophy comes from our consciousness , When the people started become curious about everything in this world . We started to questioning, like What, Who , and How. That is why religion , science , and beliefs exist because of our thoughts , or consciousness. If you think deeply , everything in this world like, innovation ,technology , and inventions starts with a questions , questions that originated from our thoughts , questions that may answer a problem . Without our consciousness no one will exist ,our society will not gonna move and grow .
    Philosophy addresses problems and questions , that arise in all areas of human thought and experience , and in all disciplines. What does it mean? Meaning if someone invent and create, or initiate something, a new questions will arise , This is why I love Philosophy, because it is the balance of everything, and no one wins . I think, therefore something exist :)

    • @urween246
      @urween246 6 лет назад +6

      Well said

    • @kenwen7791
      @kenwen7791 6 лет назад +2

      Isn't the very first I searched from Wikipedia

    • @SnakeEngine
      @SnakeEngine 6 лет назад +2

      The problem with philosophy is, truth is actually irrational.

    • @abdulwahabnour1587
      @abdulwahabnour1587 6 лет назад +13

      you missed the second reason of the people who choose philosophy.

    • @SagaaBankingGuide
      @SagaaBankingGuide 6 лет назад +1

      @@abdulwahabnour1587 hahaha... Right...

  • @josephgranillo6102
    @josephgranillo6102 9 лет назад +53

    Philosophy is best used when not spoken about directly. Philosophy is the stuff of endless brilliant conversations, and quiet peaceful contemplations. Philosophy is the gift of what freedom is. The freedom to love wisdom,and to know your self inside and out...

  • @SeanTheDon17
    @SeanTheDon17 8 лет назад +296

    "The World Will Not be Right until Kings become Philosophers, or Philosophers become Kings. ~Plato

    • @adlidoeslifting4563
      @adlidoeslifting4563 3 года назад +3

      The world will not be right until people stop hating black~Stonk Plays Souls

    • @cothinker680
      @cothinker680 3 года назад

      @@adlidoeslifting4563 bruh

    • @metodichka438
      @metodichka438 3 года назад

      That saying is over 2000 years old.

    • @rukeyburg1084
      @rukeyburg1084 2 года назад +2

      The problem is mostly that philosophers aren't really acting dedicated or action-packed. Most 'kings' (better said Presidents) know what to do. Trump was that one person that couldn't see other perspectives or Putin, both have a type of agression and jurisdiction that is *not* thought through. The sad thing is that we, as people mostly choose them through likeliness. Not that friendliness isn't important, but sharp leaders are also important. I think people like Obama are perfect 'stereotypes' because someone like Obama think while they speak. Trump an Putin just say things out loud and/or are shallow minded.
      If we want philosophers be presidents, we need to appreciate and learn from the best. Obama is one of them, we need to choose wisely. Sharp thinking is much underappreciated, and sometimes democracy is overrated as hell. We need to realize that Presidents have so much power, so we need to be a society that knows what to choose and what to want. I think Obama was also a great philosopher, did you know he is a (ENFJ) protagonist?

    • @OllieTurner-h6x
      @OllieTurner-h6x Месяц назад

      Ah yes, Plato's republic. A meritocratic oligarchy of educated individuals. It's like a version of 2 party first-past-the-post politics (yes electoral collage systems count) but we are using our brains.

  • @petergrimstad6519
    @petergrimstad6519 9 лет назад +244

    I'm a philosopher. My mother thought I was insane until she heard a philosopher on the radio on the way home from work. Now she admires me.

    • @KnuckleHeadMusicUK
      @KnuckleHeadMusicUK 8 лет назад +4

      +Peter Grimstad Just curious - what do philophers do for a career? And what country are you in because in England it seems (I could be wrong) that there are people who teach philosophy, but no philosophers. Personally I think they are vital but they have been replaced by politicians and people with power, rather than respectful ideas.

    • @petergrimstad6519
      @petergrimstad6519 8 лет назад +25

      Danny MusicFreak Everybody thinks in a philosophical manner at times. It is just that I'm ... stuck. Stuck on ideas.
      I keep getting new ideas every day.
      You can't work as a philosopher. Trying to figure out life doesn't give you any profit. The only way thinking can get you money, is by figuring out popular ways that the society should be changed and making you responsible for it. Even then thinking isn't enough.

    • @insanezenmistress
      @insanezenmistress 8 лет назад +4

      +Danny MusicFreak What to Philosophers do for a living? Wash dishes, carry water.

    • @wbiro
      @wbiro 8 лет назад +16

      Well, you didn't really say anything, and you did not provide any profound answers, so yes, you could very well be a philosopher...

    • @starrix4712
      @starrix4712 4 года назад +1

      Mr. Numi Who Philosophy developed laws and religions

  • @ZaidKalantar
    @ZaidKalantar 7 лет назад +619

    Unfortunately we live in a very very modern society where questioning something is considered as weird, dumb etc.

    • @GrahamMilkdrop
      @GrahamMilkdrop 7 лет назад +25

      Considered dumb, by who? Not by me. :)

    • @kalevivaahteramaki851
      @kalevivaahteramaki851 6 лет назад +4

      That is what you might conclude when you have no holistic knowledge from things when it comes to social sciences.

    • @obviouslytwo4u
      @obviouslytwo4u 5 лет назад +5

      its all about keeping us divided so we don't build together and over take the government , i know the earth is flat do you ?? i asked and i got the answer with flying colours as i don't care what anyone thinks about me , plus its fun to act dumb you feel undercover on covert mission

    • @theserendipitousdayjavo8097
      @theserendipitousdayjavo8097 5 лет назад +5

      @@obviouslytwo4u The Earth isn't flat though, it is oblate like a football.

    • @alih6968
      @alih6968 5 лет назад

      Yeah absolutely - I was called in for a disciplinary for a job I used to do because of time off sick but one of the things I'll never forget is that they said I also asked too many questions... as if it's a bad thing. And I just don't understand that as I've always been highly curious and inquisitive and just like to understand things and life as much as I can. The modern world is a mess.

  • @saylo8796
    @saylo8796 5 лет назад +58

    One thing I've learn from philosophy is always question yourself. Even when you think you have all the answers.

    • @OllieTurner-h6x
      @OllieTurner-h6x Месяц назад +1

      Lol. We call that the Dunning-Kruger effect.

  • @PlatinumPoint
    @PlatinumPoint 9 лет назад +77

    Philosophy is the subject that sobers one, and allows one to cultivate a sense of critical thinking.

    • @harryspence5481
      @harryspence5481 4 года назад +2

      And you use an anime avatar to say this

    • @PlatinumPoint
      @PlatinumPoint 4 года назад +8

      @@harryspence5481 you obviously don't realize that philosophy talks about all subjects. What is wrong with Anime.

    • @waffles9771
      @waffles9771 3 года назад +2

      @@PlatinumPoint based

  • @TheCoffeeNut711
    @TheCoffeeNut711 8 лет назад +25

    Know yourself. I found myself liking people who I thought I should loathe and despise people I thought I should love. I realized it was their ideas that determined whether or not I found the person appealing.

  • @bolivar1789
    @bolivar1789 10 лет назад +20

    2-Long term thinking
    3-Strenght of mind
    This really is a great insight one should write down on a paper and stick on his mirror (which I'm gonna do:-). Thank you!
    May we all become long term thinkers one day. Or better to say " day by day" !

    • @कार्तिकेय-ढ8म
      @कार्तिकेय-ढ8म 2 года назад +2

      Hey! Who are you?
      You've been commenting on his videos since time immemorial I guess..
      Well that's good but just felt like asking

    • @bolivar1789
      @bolivar1789 2 года назад +1

      @@कार्तिकेय-ढ8म Hello there! Thank you so much for asking. I am fine, thank God. I hope all is going well with you too! I love writing under these videos, but for some reason youtube has been deleting my comments. I don't know why. But I will try again. Best wishes and many greetings!

  • @brownie9620
    @brownie9620 3 года назад +113

    If anyone wants a CHRONOLOGICAL ROADMAP into philosophy, Eastern and Western combined, here's my compilation. -
    Ancient Indian philosophy -
    1. Vedic philosophy (2000 BCE)
    2. Samkhya sutras of Kapila (~1500 BCE) atheistic school of dualism.
    3. The Principal Upanishads (bw 1000 to 600 BCE)
    4. Charvaka philosophy of Brihaspati (pre-1000BCE) - world's oldest atheistic and materialistic philosphy. The original Brihaspati Sutras didn't survive.
    5. The Nyaya Sutras of Aksapada Goutama (7th century BCE - World's oldest complete book on logic and epistemology)
    6. Bhagvad Gita (~500 BCE)
    7. Mimansa Philosophy - the principal text woukd be Mimamsa sutra of Jamini (4th-century BCE)
    8. Vaisheshika sutra of Kanada ( 7th century BCE - among others these sutras hypothesised the breakdown of matter into atoms and subatoms - Anu and Paramanu)
    9. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (bw 500BCE - 400 CE)
    10. Samkhyakarika of Ishvar Krishna (~350 CE)
    11. Jain philosophy - outlined in the Tattvārthasūtra of Umaswati (possibly between 2nd-century and 5th-century CE)
    12. Buddhist philosophy - important texts include those of the Mahayana sect - Mahaprajnaparamita sutra, Maha Ratnakuta sutra, Sandhinimochana sutra, Amitabha sutra, Vimalakriti sutra, Lankavatara Sutra, Shurngama Sutra, Avatamsaka Sutra, Mahaparinirvana sutra, and Saddharma pundarika sutra.
    13. Sociopolitical philosophy - Arthashastra of Chanakya (4th century BCE)
    14. Ajivika philosophy - the original scriptures are lost.
    Hellinistic -
    1. Thales of Miletus (624/623-548/545 BCE) - the father of ancient Greek philosophy.
    2. Pythagoras (570 BCE)
    3. On Nature by Parmenides (560 BCE - 510 BCE )
    4. Anaxagoras (500 BC-428 BCE) - the first to establish a philosophy in its entirety in Athens.
    5. Zeno (490 BC-430 BC)
    6. Empedocles (490 BC-430 BC)
    7. Socrates (470 - 399 BCE - all of him. This man's THE man )
    8. Democritus (460 - 370 BCE - famous for his atomifc theory among others)
    9. Plato, (born 428/427 - 348/347 BCE)
    10. Aristotle (384-322 BCE )
    Classical Chinese philosophy -
    1. Daodejing of Lao Tzu (5th century)
    2. Analects of Confucius (475-220 BCE)
    3. Zhuangzi (476-221 BCE)
    4. Mencius (3rd century BCE)
    5. Xun Kuang (314-235 BCE)
    Classical Roman philosophy -
    1. Lucretius (88- 55 BCE)
    2. Cicero (106 - 43 BCE)
    3. Seneca the Younger (BCE 4- 65 AD)
    4. Pliny The Elder (23-79)
    5. The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (121-180)
    6. Porphyry of Tyre ( 233- 305)
    7. Augustine (354-430)
    8. Hypatia (370-415)
    9. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (470/75-524)
    Islamic philosophy -
    1. Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī (854 CE - 925 CE) Famed doctor, chemist, and philosopher. First person to describe smallpox and measles as separate diseases and author of the first book on pediatrics.
    2. ArA ahl al-madīna al-fāḍila (The Views of the People of The Virtuous City) by Al-Farabi (872-951 AD)
    3. Saadia Gaon (882 CE - 942 CE)
    4. Yahya ibn Adi (893 CE - 974 CE) Logic theorist and doctor
    5. Avicenna (980 CE - 1037 CE) Persian Polymath that is often regarded as the single greatest thinker of the Islamic Golden age.
    6. Ihya Ulum al-Din - The Revival of Religious Sciences by Al-Ghazzali (1058-1111 AD)
    7. Ibn Rushd (1126-1198 AD) - aka Averroes.
    8. Sohrevardi (1154 CE - 1191 CE) Founder of the Islamic school of Illuminationism.
    9. Tafsir Al-Kabeer of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (1149 CE - 1209 CE)
    10. Ibn Arabi (1165-1240 AD) the first Islamic postmodern and feminist thinker.
    Medieval European and Renaissance era philosophy -
    1. Augustine (354-430)
    2. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (470/75-524)
    3. Saint Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109) - the originator of the ontological argument for the existence of God
    4. Scholasticism - 13th and 14th century - Some of the main figures of scholasticism include Anselm of Canterbury (“the father of scholasticism"), Peter Abelard, Alexander of Hales, Albertus Magnus, Duns Scotus, William of Ockham, Bonaventure, and Thomas Aquinas. Aquinas's masterwork Summa Theologica (1265-1274) is considered to be the pinnacle of scholastic, medieval, and Christian philosophy;
    5. Humanism - important works include those by Coluccio Salutati (16 February 1331 - 4 May 1406), Petrarch (1304 - 1374), Michael de Montaigne (1533 - 1592), Lorenzo Valla (1406-1457), Rudolph Agricola (1443-1485), Mario Nizolio (1488-1567), Juan Luis Vives (1493-1540), and Petrus Ramus (1515-1572).
    6. Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) - the most important Renaissance Platonist.
    Modern Philosophy -
    1. Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
    2. Rationalists - Rene Descartes (1596-1650), Baruch Spinoza (1632-77), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)
    3. Empiricist - George Berkley (1685-1753), John Locke (1732-1704), David Hume (1711-1776)
    4. Political philosophy - Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), Jean Rousseau (1712-1778), Voltaire(1694-1778), Giambattista Vico (1668 - 1744), Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794), Giuseppe Mazzini (22 June 1805 - 10 March 1872), Karl Marx (1818-1883), Fredrich Engels (1820-1895).
    5. Adam Smith (1723-90).
    6. The German idealists - Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814), G W F Hegel (1770-1831), F W J Schelling (1775-1854),
    7. Existential philosophers - Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), Simone de Beauvoir, Karl Jaspers, Gabriel Marcel, Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), Albert Camus (1913-60)
    8. Analytic philosophers - Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970), Gottlob Frege (1848-1925), George Edward Moore, Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), Moritz Schlick, Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
    9. Neoconfucianism - Xiong Shili
    10. Neo-Vedanta - Vivekananda, Aurobindo and Radhakrishnan
    11. Kyoto school of thought - founded by Kitaro Nishida
    Contemporary philosophy
    1. Martha Nussbaum (b. 1947)
    2. Cornel West (b. 1952) - pioneered the school of “neopragmatism”
    3. Slavoj Žižek (b. 1949)
    4. Gayatri Spivak (b. 1942)
    5. Gu Su (b. 1955)
    6. Postmodernist philosophers - Jean Baudrillard, Jean-François Lyotard, and Jacques Derrida
    7. Structuralism/Poststeucturalism - Michel Foucault, Jaques Derrida
    I may have missed many but this is all too much to finish anyway. 😂 Good luck everyone! 🙂

  • @JerryReyes
    @JerryReyes 10 лет назад +64

    I always get strange looks when I tell people that I am majoring in philosophy. If only people could understand what this video preaches.

    • @anubisosiris871
      @anubisosiris871 9 лет назад +24

      That's because most people abhor education. The status quo is mindless hedonism and consumerism. My cousin looked at me, like I murdered someone, simply because I was studying another language! That's how most people are these days. But don't let it get to you. They are the ones, who are strange --- wasting their time with petty BS, when they could be knowing themselves!

    • @JerryReyes
      @JerryReyes 9 лет назад +1

      Anubis Osiris Thanks! completely agree with you

    • @JerryReyes
      @JerryReyes 9 лет назад +9

      ***** the most useless degree? what makes it useless other than it not being that marketable? Either way a philosophy degree can help you get into law school and can get you a better job than most people realize.

    • @JerryReyes
      @JerryReyes 9 лет назад

      ***** thats a very difficult thing to do considering that a lot of the stuff that you can learn in philosophy can be very difficult. This is particularly a problem when the large population doesn't have the resources(educational ones) to read some of the complicated material found in philosophy. There is a reason why philosophers have usually been wealthy and highly educated. for the most part, philosophy seems to be a university discipline. That is not to say that i wouldn't want basic philosophy taught in practical education.

    • @zenmastakilla
      @zenmastakilla 9 лет назад +9

      ***** Actually the most useless degree is gender studies.

  • @mionysus5374
    @mionysus5374 9 лет назад +49

    Philosophy isn't a career or label or something you wear above a name tag, it's an obsession....and if you are infected by this obsession to know and question and fight to understand the truth, the order of things, the great mystery that will never be completely solved, well, you may very well be a philosopher in every way except being called one. Humans seek meaning above all else; philosophers are the champions and victims of our need and curse for meaning. This is also why in our modern age the term "philosopher" has been besmirched; we are largely an age with no real meaning in our lives/world besides money, war, consumption, and trivial entertainment.
    (notice how the people who are champions of money, war, entertainment are the most praised today?)

    • @agapee77
      @agapee77 5 лет назад +1

      I do not think you become a philosopher, I think philosophe find you...

    • @mahrukhwaheed8260
      @mahrukhwaheed8260 3 года назад +4

      I completely agree. I have philosophy as my minor. And i am obsessed with this subject. It's an obsession. And yes since philosophy questioned everything, our era is scared of philosophers.

    • @nathandelarosa-wood7259
      @nathandelarosa-wood7259 2 года назад

      To measure the top of the economic pyramid is to measure the bottom.

  • @MisterAwestasia
    @MisterAwestasia 7 лет назад +152

    In an anxiety driven world, philosophy becomes our deepest love.

    • @ray3435
      @ray3435 Год назад

      Andrew Tate loves you

    • @Chase_baker_1996
      @Chase_baker_1996 Год назад

      Wherever you go, go with all your heart.

    • @Drken712
      @Drken712 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@Chase_baker_1996he was too a eastern philosopher like dao,buddha, Mahavira, Krishna

  • @ceejaeare8904
    @ceejaeare8904 9 лет назад +14

    philosophy to me is about the clarification and separation of thought between the abstract and what's real. what's truth and what's a lie .our place in this ever changing yet never altering slice of the universe.reason, logic, and self control are all for me gained from philosophy

  • @michaelharrisvideo
    @michaelharrisvideo 10 лет назад +32

    I love this. I'm a philosophy major with teaching aspirations, and this is such an accessible and practical approach. I've honestly never heard the "point" of philosophy so simply explained in a way I can share with my friends/family. They're all wondering what on earth I'm going to do with my degree. I can now show them this and say, "only the most fundamental of things, you know, like learning how to live," in the least pretentious way possible... so thank-you! Haha.
    Question about implementation: How can we be more intentional about creating the kind of world the end of this video advocates? Unfortunately, institutions like The School of Life are pretty rare, in my experience. Plus, I live in the U.S. and I know of nothing comparable anywhere near me. When I was studying to be a pastor, the shared (cloned, really) values of our belief system made the whole process so simple. How can secularists do this with so little institutional support? (I read RFA, and it was eye-opening, but I'm having trouble getting others on board in a communal way.) Any practical tips for those of us who aren't near a SOL?

    • @pendejo6466
      @pendejo6466 9 лет назад

      Alain de Botton Whoa, Alain actually responds to a RUclips comment! You're normally so inaccessible, even in person (I hear).

  • @codyflores
    @codyflores 8 лет назад +6

    Firstly, i learned that like a philosopher, I must not fear to ask big questions. Though I will attain uncertain answers, this will challenge what I know to be true, however it may give me a sense of enlightenment for opening myself up to what I don’t know, and being humble enough to accept this. Next, in relation to challenging “what I know to be true”, I recognized my tendency to be shackled by what is “common sense” or accepted truths that one usually does not dare to question, making it a habitual judgement. I learned that philosophy aims to bring out my ability to think critically. Thirdly, I learned that it is essential to take time in contemplating my own thoughts, and thought process; what it’s influenced by, how and why it is influenced. Philosophy teaches us that perhaps, knowing myself is enough. Furthermore, the way that the video shines light on materialistic and falsely perceived happiness reminds me to never underestimate the happiness brought about by what was not constructed for me. Lastly, with what is recorded on texts and history about philosophers, we must make do of, meanwhile, looking forward to a world where we rid of the prejudices, and the stigma towards philosophers; a world where we pay attention to the questions instead of giving such value to the answers we perceived to be obvious. I do believe that like philosophers, we must also be on the pursuit for wisdom, yearning to live well and to die well.

  • @TruthSausage
    @TruthSausage 7 лет назад +14

    Philosophy, put simply, is the love of wisdom.

  • @sylvester01ful
    @sylvester01ful 8 лет назад +41

    Philosophy is for the examination of life, for knowing whether mankind is heading for self-destruction or greater happiness. The latter is not automatically guaranteed since man is responsible for his choices. His choices determine his fate. The philosopher is like the adult in the room.

    • @hichamoujamaa591
      @hichamoujamaa591 8 лет назад +4

      +sylvester01ful philosophy is a supervisor of life

    • @wbiro
      @wbiro 8 лет назад +1

      The problem is he has failed us thus far.

    • @felixs9722
      @felixs9722 8 лет назад

      +Numi Who or have we failed him?

  • @johnnybooth3873
    @johnnybooth3873 9 лет назад +4

    Thank you for putting Philosophy's intention in a nutshell! It really helps the wider masses understand it 🙏🏻

  • @LownarYouKnowMe
    @LownarYouKnowMe 10 лет назад +4

    Thank you for this video! i now have something to show everyone when they are interested in philosophy yet dont take it very seriously. this video was very validating to the subject and very easy to follow. tysm!

  • @karianahurtado8644
    @karianahurtado8644 9 лет назад +35

    Also I do consider my self to be philosophical but the thing is, I'm not that smart when it comes to reading or intelligence with school work. I've never been a strait A student and it confuses me because I would love to do good at school and I find the things that my school teaches me interesting but I can never actually do good. I wish I could forget about everything and focus on the things I'm good at rather than being told I'm stupid because I'm not smart in the way society wants me to be.

    • @SonarFates
      @SonarFates 9 лет назад +17

      Hey, I wouldn't solely rely on school to teach you, find your interests and self-study. Take responsibility for your own journey :)

    • @K0ragg
      @K0ragg 9 лет назад

      ***** Why do they tend to be male?

    • @Niom_Music
      @Niom_Music 7 лет назад +2


    • @JoseTorres-tr6od
      @JoseTorres-tr6od 6 лет назад

      What does it mean to be "philosophical"?

    • @claukarmatica
      @claukarmatica 4 года назад +1

      I hope ur wisdom is far from where it was at the time you wrote this.

  • @MegaTMBN
    @MegaTMBN 9 лет назад +294

    i want to be a philosopher and psychologist

    • @MrNicksKicks
      @MrNicksKicks 9 лет назад +5


    • @rachelmaley1426
      @rachelmaley1426 9 лет назад +5

      Me to or a scientist :)

    • @Abraxis86
      @Abraxis86 9 лет назад +3

      +marie nabua Go with Philosophy ;) Psychology, though interesting, is about as close to witchcraft as a "science" can get. Hopefully it will soon be antiquated by neuroscience.

    • @rachelmaley1426
      @rachelmaley1426 8 лет назад +7

      Abraxis86 there to different things psychology you deal with talking about peoples issues like mental illness neuroscience is more medical.pssychologist have helped me alot whilst neuroscientist have not directly

    • @scienceandcivilization
      @scienceandcivilization 8 лет назад

      +marie nabua omg me too!!! i'm applying this year to both majors

  • @shnig2333
    @shnig2333 5 лет назад +14

    sadly we live in a world where if something doesn't pay the taxes it's considered to be useless and something of extra and not a necessity
    in the other hand tho, we get to keep Art atleast

  • @scottg4520
    @scottg4520 10 лет назад +47

    I love philosophy (And Psychology).

    • @sahanahegde6416
      @sahanahegde6416 4 года назад +3

      Same but I don't know what to do... I want to have a career in these fields but I am unsure of the salary....

    • @interstellarhyperdrive7931
      @interstellarhyperdrive7931 4 года назад +14

      Sahana Hegde A question Alan Watts would ask to his students when they were unsure what they wanted to do was: “What would you do if money weren’t an object? How would you really enjoy spending you’re life?” We are crazed with money, and at the end it does help and we are easily tempted by it. But money never equals ensured happiness. The rich, the middle class, the poor all live their good lives how they think is enough for them. Sure money can take you to travel, get you an expensive dinner on the weekend and get you a nice car, but when you become a follower of money completely, you loose sight in what does and what will matter to you in the long run. The money will always be there. No matter how small or large the sum. You’ll be able to get that coffee with a friend every now and then and you’ll be able to see the world with time. My advice just plainly even though I don’t know anything about you except that you are on RUclips; philosophy can guide you to a better life for you and the people you love. We are all in our own right, natural philosophers, we think one thing is right and another is bad. But to deeply try and understand the mind and life even if you know one might not ever be perfect, is true courage and strength. To not be tempted by the highest paying job. We all want to be as happy as possible and perhaps we forget about the main and most important things in our lives to often; our selves. Stay calm, the money will come, just don’t let it control you.

    • @sahanahegde6416
      @sahanahegde6416 4 года назад +1

      @@interstellarhyperdrive7931 thank you so much for the advice!

    • @mrshepherd6365
      @mrshepherd6365 4 года назад +2

      @@interstellarhyperdrive7931 help me cope with my feeling of emptiness plsss :)

    • @ARRIANH
      @ARRIANH 4 года назад

      Sameee. I also like science too ^^

    @ARRIANH 4 года назад +5

    At first, I thought philosophy was something I won't mind studying nor give a damn. It turns out, that it's one of my thing. I'm a deep thinker eversince. I have a lot of questions in life, society, religion, etc. . I do enjoy studying it tbh. I began to feel more and more curious around me and life and willing to find an answer or remain it as a mystery.

  • @sumeetsinghlehal1907
    @sumeetsinghlehal1907 9 лет назад +2

    I like this channel and I am Philosophy major who is hoping to do a Phd on the subject. I love what I do and it brings me happiness.

  • @funthirstictm3098
    @funthirstictm3098 7 лет назад +103

    Great video.I'm 17 years old and my dream is to become a philosopher.

  • @javorgeorgiev6130
    @javorgeorgiev6130 9 лет назад +50

    I don't like not knowing why I am and why do I commit certain actions.I want reasons.I've no intention of "ascending" in any way.I just want to be as close to the "truth" of things as it's possible.

    • @TheJakecheck
      @TheJakecheck 9 лет назад +5

      Than you are seeking enlightenment which is in a way ascending. Of course not I. The sort of religious sence but you wish to obtain greater knowledge of the natural world and the factors that drive your own self-awareness.

    • @Dr0
      @Dr0 9 лет назад

      ***** You are then a philosopher for you seek the truth, you love wisdom. I would like to consider myself as a philosopher for I also seek to learn more about everything and anything.

    • @johnallencrist.delosreyes9491
      @johnallencrist.delosreyes9491 9 лет назад

      ***** I feel you...

    • @bunglenzippy
      @bunglenzippy 9 лет назад +1

      +Javor Georgiev maybe the Truth of things (for now) is how you live life tomorrow.

    • @salmachi9836
      @salmachi9836 8 лет назад

      I think people when they love something , life became meaningful , everything you do and you choose to do for that purpose and you can build your own reality by giving reason to everything you do .

  • @sebastianballestas778
    @sebastianballestas778 6 лет назад +3

    Hopefully, it can lead me to have a more critical thinking in my life pathway. I'm studying anthropology and philosophy, the latter as a second major, and for sure it will expand my notions that will help me complement the other. I'm glad for choosing these two!

  • @mariofrancoDR
    @mariofrancoDR 9 лет назад +2

    The universe brought me here, now I'm hooked on this channel. I love it!

  • @rebz2k6
    @rebz2k6 10 лет назад +37

    these videos are great! i'm studying philosophy, i think i should tell my teacher about these :D

    • @batistalift
      @batistalift 9 лет назад +1

      Becca m I'm also thinking about studying philosophy. But the real question is, where can you find a fitting work in our modern society after your graduation?

    • @batistalift
      @batistalift 9 лет назад

      ahuraven lol but you gotta do something for a living. And working in retail forever doesnt sound so comfortable

  • @godlovaki
    @godlovaki 4 года назад +2

    Philosophy is the most important subject among all others sciences, because it makes humans real humans and puts us in our original place: "I'm thinking, therefore I exist."

  • @Chase_baker_1996
    @Chase_baker_1996 Год назад +1

    I recently got The Republic and Meditation

  • @JoelWetzel
    @JoelWetzel 9 лет назад +8

    Thank you, even though you made me well up. So beautiful is it, truth.

  • @juni9164
    @juni9164 3 года назад +2

    In the end, you are your best philosopher

  • @warrenbradford2597
    @warrenbradford2597 Год назад +2

    I need philosophies to solve problems I come across in life. I cannot rely on magic to make them disappear, because magic is not real. Philosophies are the only way I can get through in life.

    • @Chase_baker_1996
      @Chase_baker_1996 Год назад +1

      Wherever you go, go with all your heart.

  • @nostalgia63
    @nostalgia63 3 года назад +2

    Good video. Philochrony is the theory that describes the nature of time and demonstrates its existence. Time is magnitive.

  • @RenzHomerCerillo
    @RenzHomerCerillo 10 лет назад +2

    I just found out about this channel and IM LOVING THE VIDEOS!!! concise and creative!!! well done team!!!!

  • @pedestrianme
    @pedestrianme 10 лет назад +2

    I watched this twice. Well done.
    My friends and I have a monthly philosophy club in San Francisco. We rarely stick to the assigned text, but it's very satisfying nonetheless.

    • @pedestrianme
      @pedestrianme 10 лет назад

      Not nearly as fun as when you read at SF's JCC most recently! Thanks for touring.

  • @migodelfin3544
    @migodelfin3544 10 лет назад

    I've always loved Philosophy and would want to contribute to the field before my demise. People over here find it eccentric that one would want to pursue a life of wisdom but hey, this is who I am and thats something someone will never be. So might I might as well do the best I can on being "me".
    I really appreciate this channel, honestly it's my favorite.

  • @Broomful
    @Broomful 2 года назад +2

    I love philosophy!!! Philosopher would be my 3rd or 4th career choice it is pretty underrated right now.

    • @Chase_baker_1996
      @Chase_baker_1996 Год назад +1

      Wherever you go, go with all your heart.

  • @TheJakecheck
    @TheJakecheck 9 лет назад +11

    I am a student of the philosophy of Carl sagan. Praise sagan

    • @messidona2011
      @messidona2011 9 лет назад +8

      Of any person I've ever come across directly or indirectly, Carl Sagan has had the greatest influence in my life. How dearly do I wish he was still alive today.

    • @cosmicplebe310
      @cosmicplebe310 8 лет назад

      +Sebastian Hidalgo Ikr...so sad we didn't even saw him alive
      I want to be a cosmologist as well as philosopher
      And Carl Sagan is my inspiration

  • @TamNguyen-yk9mn
    @TamNguyen-yk9mn 3 года назад

    We hate questions because makes us doubt and face uncertainty. Human dislike uncertainty. They rather be blind than face the harsh reality where the comfort will be threaten and their ideals became weak.

  • @nilishabharadwaj
    @nilishabharadwaj 3 года назад +2

    Conscious humans tend towards philosophy. There's no ultimate answer in philosophy just like there's no god equation in physics (yet). Philosophers are conscious people who gave a lot heed to anything. While most of us spend our lives either worrying about the useless or looking for a deeper meaning or seeking sensual pleasure.

  • @gustavovillatoro7970
    @gustavovillatoro7970 9 лет назад +6

    What if Philosophy is the perspective of human deep thought on how we see to understand things? If so.. Is it safe? What if I compare my philosophy to what's truth? What is truth? God.

  • @joolsner
    @joolsner 7 лет назад +28

    I enjoyed my philosophy degree so much, that I feel like doing it all over. Possibly the best time I had intellectually.

  • @wrkr
    @wrkr 10 лет назад +1

    Brilliant piece. Wonderfully animated.

  • @MrWhite-yg6yk
    @MrWhite-yg6yk 8 месяцев назад

    I sure do hope the future comes soon!

  • @JohnBelchamber
    @JohnBelchamber 10 лет назад +2

    What is Philosophy for?
    Another in a series of great videos by The School of Life.

  • @SnakeEngine
    @SnakeEngine 4 года назад +3

    The problem with philosophy is, you will run into never ending meta-chains, contradictions, and disagreements.

  • @softpolecat1289
    @softpolecat1289 3 года назад +4

    Do you think it’s “bad” that I don’t really like philosophy? I love thinking about philosophical concepts and life, but I feel like I could never be comfortable really studying it. It seems like everyone thinks they’re better than me, more right than me, and more “woke” than me. And they are eager to prove it. When people do that, it seems quite anti-philosophical tbh. Yet any comment section on a video like this or ESPECIALLY a real life class is chock full of these know-it-all types who want to debate simply to let me know I’m not as woke as them and that they use longer and fancier words than me. It’s a real turn-off for me, but I love your videos.

    • @OllieTurner-h6x
      @OllieTurner-h6x Месяц назад

      We don't call them philosophers. We call them idiots who speak more than they listen. Unfortunately Philosophy classes don't teach people how to debate. Until they learn to debate honourably they will forever be a student of a school of philosophy and never an eclectic of their own theory. If you ever feel less "woke" realise that most "woke" people are not true egalitarians and that purest philosophy is all you need for your opinion to be valid.

  • @jaquemate4792
    @jaquemate4792 9 месяцев назад

    All these intelligent and wise people try to give an answer to the mystery of life, death, where we come from, what is the universe, who created it all, what is the human being and so many unaswered questions...

  • @BlueSkies.73
    @BlueSkies.73 9 лет назад +2

    Good!! Subtitles for the dull-hearing! Well done!

  • @Spiritoftheeast
    @Spiritoftheeast 9 лет назад +3

    Zeno, upon losing all his posessions, "fortune commands me to be an unencumbered philosopher".
    Warren Buffet, upon losing $360 million few years ago. "we all make mistakes".

  • @andrealizarraga548
    @andrealizarraga548 3 года назад +1

    A good video to start a philosophy course, thank you professor.

  • @Chuschannel
    @Chuschannel 9 лет назад +22

    Yeah, I think we should have philosophers in public squares and other public places, supported by public funds, with the goal to talk to and enlighten people about various important issues and concepts and discussion and spreading philosophy in general into wider society. There are, and certainly has been far worse use of tax payers resources by the government. This would at least be a worthy, noble and educational investment for society.

    • @wbiro
      @wbiro 8 лет назад

      The problem is philosophers are just as clueless as you are - they don't even know what 'philosophy' is any more. Just watch some of the panels on RUclips. So it is up to people who like to think to roll-up their sleeves and develop and overall guiding philosophy for life (and 'philosophers' have lost even this notion). I roll-up my sleeves, and I've figured things out on the broadest of scales. and I'm trying to share it, but it gets lost in the din of philosophical stupidity.

  • @annadevries5785
    @annadevries5785 5 лет назад +3

    aside from this amazing video, his voice is perfect for these kind of videos

  • @nicoleanne9003
    @nicoleanne9003 10 лет назад

    Actually, through your books, The Architecture of Happiness & The Art of Travel, I have developed a deep fond for philosophy...interesting! Philosophy allows me to explore beyond the scope of the generally accepted & rather allows my brain to flourish into curiosity & wonder. Considering minoring in philosophy as I apply to universities & with this video, I learned more in depth about what philosophy is for. Amazing work Alain de Botton!

  • @VincentMarco27
    @VincentMarco27 8 лет назад +3

    Could you make a video about philosophy at university / wether studying philosophy at university could be damaging or beneficial? I'd love to hear your opinion on it. I've just applied to philosophy at university but I just feel like how philosophy is taught isn't really about loving wisdom but rather about fulling your brain with what philosophers once said...

    • @she_wizzdom4410
      @she_wizzdom4410 2 года назад

      Ah I have similar dilemma about studying psychology. We are endlessly reading the theories of other people. But is this the only approach to study the human mind? Surely the entire science cannot be based on statistical assumptions. Sometimes the whole thing seems utterly pointless. If every human being is unique, what could be the possible use of generalized theories? If anything, they limit your perception

  • @WilliamLetzkus
    @WilliamLetzkus 10 лет назад +1

    An excellent collection of philosophy videos, Prof. Letzkus

  • @sunyata4974
    @sunyata4974 Год назад

    The purpose of philosophy is to discover reality. Wisdom is the knowledge of reality. A good life comes from this wisdom.

  • @elodie8294
    @elodie8294 8 лет назад

    Philosophy is the answer to wandering human minds. Study & Keep your mind open-minded will get you stronger.

  • @jackwheeler27
    @jackwheeler27 9 лет назад +4

    Calling all those who love The School of Life! We should share these videos with others more often! I've noticed that the number of views of most S.O.L. videos are actually quite low compared to even moderately successful youtube channels. My guess is that most of us watching these videos are fairly thoughtful and reflective by habit and thus less inclined to forward a link along simply because we like it. But considering how incredibly helpful the content of this channel is, I think we should make a point of spreading the word (via links) as much as possible. If there's one channel that I would like to go viral, it would have to be this one...

  • @naaraayananr
    @naaraayananr 8 лет назад

    There's a timeless principle. The world looks to one as exactly relative to what one positions themselves as. In other words, what one thinks they're defines what they see as other things could be... 'who/what am I?' is the first question, then begins the true quest for timeless wisdom!

  • @neneklampir6664
    @neneklampir6664 9 лет назад +7

    My problem is there are a lot of kind of philosophy, and most of them are difficult to understand. And maybe it will be wasting a lot of my young time and I'm afraid that I will passed a lot of fun thing to do, like have a good romance for example. Do you have any recommendation or trick to study philosophy without wasting a lot of time and easy to understand? Right now I just watch from video like these to shortening my time.

    • @fadi77fadi77
      @fadi77fadi77 9 лет назад +10

      +Gerry Michael There's always time to entertain a book or two in the train or in waiting hours, also it's always good to have some minutes to write your thoughts or feelings before going to bed for example. Believe me, there's nothing more important than getting wiser and understanding everything around you better, even if you are still young. In fact, being able to perceive and judge wisely at early age will protect you from existential or emotional crises that ultimately will appear in your later life.

    • @saiwaqa2573
      @saiwaqa2573 8 лет назад

      +Gerry Michael why do you feel so rushed? does your mind switch off during day to day activities? ultimately we impose time or lack of time on ourselves as it is a man made unit of measure. anything you put your mind to can be achieved with or without time as your measurement. IMHO we miss out on the joys of life attempting to maintain our routines by dividing our time between wok and leisure without realising that we shorten our own lives through our own mental state. research is an excellent source of knowledge however our ideas and thoughts are free born from the depths of our minds revealed through critical thinking. there is always time to think. goodluck.

    • @saiwaqa2573
      @saiwaqa2573 8 лет назад

      +Gerry Michael "Work"*

    • @philosophywiththemen5707
      @philosophywiththemen5707 8 лет назад

      +Gerry Michael Yes. Subscribe to this channel and get started down the road to philosophical amazement. ~Saber Skeptic

    • @bertrandlecerf2565
      @bertrandlecerf2565 8 лет назад +3

      That's already a good start (watching videos). And, as Bertrand Russel said, "Time you enjoy wasting time isn't wasted time". You should definitely read books as well. "On Anarchism", by Noam Chomsky, is the book that turned me to philosophy. Finally, Philosophy won't "waste time" or hinder your chances of having romance, if anything, it raises them (I like my lovers curious and always seeking to learn more ;)) Someone into philosophy is someone with actual opinions and thoughts, that can't be boring, I'd say it's actually pretty hot, in a way. If a girl (or man) isn't interested in you because you're interested in learning truth, morales, and how the world works, then I can only ask one thing: why would you be interested in those people in the first place ?
      I fell in love with philosophy, and don't worry, I'm still getting laid :) Now get out there and learn !

  • @MadBunnyRabbit
    @MadBunnyRabbit 8 лет назад +2

    I don't know, in my country, or at least around the people I know; philosophical is more synonyms with convoluted and rambling. I wonder if that's one of the reasons why I don't like philosophy too much. But I really do like the sentiment behind it as presented in the video.

    • @philosophywiththemen5707
      @philosophywiththemen5707 8 лет назад

      +MadBunnyRabbit Check out our country. It will be more than rambling stupidity. ~Saber Skeptic

    • @wbiro
      @wbiro 8 лет назад

      Philosophy has been in the toilet, so your view is justified. One note on philosophy, however, you say you don't like it, but did you know that you already have a philosophy at your core? (everyone does) - it is what you weigh every little life decision against, and the issue is the poor quality of those philosophies (being patchworks of trite platitudes and shallow maxims - which are not philosophy, but only masquerade as philosophy - it is why you can never remember them). This is where professional philosophers failed us - they should have, by now, developed an overall life-guiding philosophy, and they have not. I rolled-up my sleeves and I have, but the problem is getting the word out - I have the 'system' against me (since they do not want to look bad).

    • @MadBunnyRabbit
      @MadBunnyRabbit 8 лет назад

      Numi Who When I said I don't like it I was talking more directly about the subject. Learning about it. Not the idea behind it - or at least as I understand it; pondering about life. Looking for answers, or as you've put it life-guidance. As you said everyone is, whether they know it or not part of philosophy. I'm for example a bit of a pesimist. I'm definetly (for the most part) relativist. I would say that I'm also partialy a hedonist. And sometimes I'm a cold objectivist. I don't agree 100% with any of the movements, and I really just generally know the idea(s) behind them. And as much as sometimes I would like to learn a bit more I just don't like it. I dunno, maybe it's some mental block. I have similar thing with german, and after 7 years of having it on and off I still know only how to introduce myself :D

  • @SandyUppal
    @SandyUppal 15 дней назад

    What is Philosophy? | Indian Philosophy | Lovers of Wisdom | Philosopher | Philosophy Simplified

  • @LoveOlivie
    @LoveOlivie 9 лет назад +2

    Thinking of choosing philosophy as a minor. This video helped me a lot, thanks. :)

  • @lixk843
    @lixk843 10 лет назад +2

    this is awesome keep them coming!

  • @antoniomatheus4886
    @antoniomatheus4886 6 лет назад +2

    The philosophy is very excited.. I like to study about Sartre and Nietzsche, despite being difficult a lot.

  • @saullevene8762
    @saullevene8762 8 лет назад +30

    How does one become a philosopher without starving?

    • @JustCozItsMe
      @JustCozItsMe 8 лет назад +4

      +Saul Levene Kinda like society has been turned against those who want to think.

    • @hichamoujamaa591
      @hichamoujamaa591 8 лет назад +1

      +Saul Levene you have to be anxious and curious, the day you find comfort is the day you stop being a philosopher (y)

    • @wbiro
      @wbiro 8 лет назад +1

      Have a day job.

    • @felixs9722
      @felixs9722 8 лет назад +1

      ^the greatest question ever asked

    • @felixs9722
      @felixs9722 8 лет назад +1

      +JustCosItsMe not society, reality.
      reality is what forces us to continue existing instead of just thinking about it.

  • @UHFStation1
    @UHFStation1 2 года назад

    When I was young my thoughts were far away from the big questions. I didn't understand their appeal, or the appeal of anything that doesn't bring quick joy. Now in middle age the big philosophical questions are all I can think of, and I wish some answers started to come.

  • @victorhunt5788
    @victorhunt5788 8 лет назад

    Some years ago I was informed or accused of being a philosopher & failed politician , I was personally surprised & taken aback by such a suggestion .Today I now realise that what that person said was possible true. He shall remain my secret friend & educator as to my existence within Wales. He has helped me to know myself as to who & what I am. I shall now embark upon my apprenticeship role with some trepidation but much enthusiasm.

    • @wbiro
      @wbiro 8 лет назад

      Sorry, but it sounds idiotic.

    • @terribletallrus6520
      @terribletallrus6520 8 лет назад +1

      +Numi Who My friend, why do you harbour so much resentment towards the subject? What wrong has been committed towards you through it?

  • @hoodoriginmusic4061
    @hoodoriginmusic4061 8 лет назад +2

    Very informative.

  • @marcpadilla1094
    @marcpadilla1094 4 года назад

    Im so happy for it. It actually preserves our truth.Completely organic. From the dirt as they say.

  • @rafaelbests
    @rafaelbests 7 лет назад +2

    Actually what we are dealing with in our every day living is Philosophy.

  • @hichamoujamaa591
    @hichamoujamaa591 8 лет назад

    philosophy is a supervisor of life, it direct our energy in order to put it in a meaningful way to live, philosophy is questioning everything and even questioning the question, philosophy is anxiety that try to lead to answers. "sorry for my bad English, feel free to correct any mistake"

  • @alexpacheco2031
    @alexpacheco2031 6 лет назад

    knowledge is power but wisdom is liberty

  • @chey_mz
    @chey_mz 6 лет назад

    We really need the public space like the markets in ancient greek for philosophy. So has become a part of psychology. But it should be something public, a public daily acivity. To discuss, to think, to reflect ... it would be so healthy and would get the speed down of our lifes.

  • @Chase_baker_1996
    @Chase_baker_1996 Год назад

    The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.
    Marcus Aurelius

  • @Mark73
    @Mark73 Год назад

    I knew that "common sense" wasn't the same thing as rationality, and I'm an admirer of the Einstein quote about it being the collection of biases acquired by age 18. But this is the first time I've heard it equated to public opinion and I realize that you're absolutely right.

  • @josephgranillo6102
    @josephgranillo6102 7 лет назад

    Philosophy is the ability to question your own thinking, and also expand on the philosophers thoughts that came before you.

  • @oblivionguard2286
    @oblivionguard2286 9 лет назад +2

    Love philosophy, hope this helps peole get into it.

  • @SeanAnthony-j7f
    @SeanAnthony-j7f 4 месяца назад

    Philosophy was literally the highest title you could ever achieved in ancient and medieval period. Where people are still not infested by popular culture and intensive specialization. Philosophy is often the most misunderstood field of inquiry- it is not like science that are always leaving you close-ended answers. But both of them will leave you open minded curiosity. Modern society also don't give credits to philosophy - and they find it very confusing when they found out that philosophers after the scientific revolution are the bearer of truth- they are literally diverse and unique in making use of reasoning and all other human cognitive abilities and the senses. Like the history of science- philosophy also falls in some time throughout history into dogmatism and misunderstanding. And a real philosophers should fight for the love of wisdom not for institution.

  • @MichaelReganMusic
    @MichaelReganMusic 10 лет назад

    I really like these little videos - I'm guessing people would like to hear more about 'the right institutions to promulgate wisdom coherently in the world.'. One would imagine that universities ought to be a provider of this. Though, nowadays, I suppose if one was asked 'Why do you want to go to university?' and responded 'I want to know myself!', then one might not be taken seriously. Well done on The School of Life RUclips videos - always a treat.

  • @benwilkonski8635
    @benwilkonski8635 7 лет назад

    I would love very much to question the world and its workings with people, but no one I try to talk to seems to be interested. They often don't want to leave their man made realm of perceived normality and its perceived certainty. Its frustrating because I only have myself to converse with. I would love to share my ideas and the ideas of others I have learned from, either through reading, observing, or watching videos such as this one, and consider these thoughts, dissect and attempt to create coherent reason with them, only to pick apart the conclusion that we might draw and restart the process to find perfection in exsistence. Consider everything in an attempt to find the path to happiness, and then question why and what is happiness, to perfect the human life and bring true fulfillment to it.

  • @suefowl
    @suefowl 10 лет назад

    My husband and I are always debating the value of Philosophy in this era of science. I like the comment about the value of perspective. Any other "arguments" I can use to support my belief that both are important?

  • @boombang857
    @boombang857 9 лет назад

    I love your work, great presentation.

  • @vilkoos
    @vilkoos 9 лет назад

    Nice video . . . you make an appealing point: in daily life we are lead astray by idols of the marketplace and theater . . . we should reflect deeply . . . bravely looking outward and inward . . . going wherever our ideas take us . . . However there is that pesky little question about method . . . without discipline, rational speculation can lead us everywhere . . . anything goes . . . reality is just a language game . . . invent your own language . . . Philosophy is great for perpetual tourist, always departing, never arriving . . . leading to nowhere except never-never land . . . Conclusion: if it be barren let it be set at naught. . . . so lets stick to science (much more discipline there).

  • @chrismalingshu
    @chrismalingshu 3 года назад

    My college wants us to take a philosophy course in order to grad. Throughout the lectures ¬es, I'm still don't know what's it for? What's stick in my mind is metaphysics, relativism, modernity and tons of bombastic terms. And here I am..

  • @kalevivaahteramaki851
    @kalevivaahteramaki851 6 лет назад

    The most essential or important fields in philosophy is metaphysics, epistemology and the philosophy of religion. Question like: "what is the meaning of life" or "is there objective morality which is known as moral realism) is very much based on all areas, but primarily on the philosophy of religion. Here is the issue: without life being purposely created or caused, there is no such thing as a purpose or meaning in life. No matter what subjective opinions or ways of looking life you have, the problem lies on the idea, of what can be objectivily said to be true or false. What i would recommend for this manner is the opus called: The Blackwell Companion To Natural Theology.

  • @pradeeppatel1328
    @pradeeppatel1328 3 года назад +1

    Everything is part of some Philosophy ! 🤔😊

  • @CodaMission
    @CodaMission 3 года назад

    Mental anguish.
    Solving and inflicting

  • @admortor
    @admortor 4 года назад

    Beautiful video. Great point of view on philosophy

  • @cigs1000
    @cigs1000 7 лет назад

    So if I were to stop thinking would I cease to exist. Why is this question important and what does it prove?

  • @deletedemail165
    @deletedemail165 7 лет назад

    I'm actually considering this career. Trying to learn more about it.

  • @j.ccamarillo8945
    @j.ccamarillo8945 6 лет назад

    We’re currently learning about fallacies in my high school philosophy class.

  • @jasoncherry3404
    @jasoncherry3404 4 года назад

    We live in a dark time for philosophy, society is routinely bombarded with useless information that promotes hate, sexism, prejudice and ignorance. These issues have always existed but the teachings of philosophy have been obscured and labeled as either dogmatic or even in some circles as evil. The freedom to think for ones self and make ones own autonomous decisions is a both a blessing and a curse because most people are un enlightened and poorly educated. This is why it is critical to study, learn and live philosophy. It gives an individual balance and structure. Philosophy should be in taught in public schools to give children balance and perspective. Philosophy is a building block for life, from there you can travel in any direction with the confidence of knowing that you posses the ability to make logical decisions that are tempered with reason. I hope each of you carry the torch of enlightenment that the early philosophers have passed on to us because it more imperative than ever that we carry and spread those ethical doctrines where ever we go. It is more than our ethical duty, it’s a privilege.

  • @mamaurax25
    @mamaurax25 9 лет назад

    I agree. People follow too much common sense and forget to think on their own. Remembering that most common sense Ideas are believed logical at first and in the end wrong, and what is correct depends a little more of effort and interest to understand the logic behind

  • @alwaysgreatusa223
    @alwaysgreatusa223 2 года назад

    THE FIRST THREE LESSONS OF PHILOSOPHY : The first lesson of philosophy is that what ordinarily passes for wisdom in this world is worth little or nothing. The second lesson of philosophy is that attaining wisdom is no more possible for a man than is his attaining perfection. The third lesson of philosophy is that, while both perfection and wisdom are impossible goals, by striving to attain these lofty goals nonetheless, we become better people in the process -- in that we broaden our horizons, come to understand different viewpoints and various ways of thinking about life, existence and the world, and, most importantly, come to know ourselves.